
fe plot notes WIP

Apr 5th, 2017
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  1. god this feels very fe4/fe5 but
  3. - one corrupt family actually has a suitable vessel for the fire emblem: their eldest son
  4. - he and his younger brother were both good kids, but somewhere along the way the elder brother got a god complex because he was the fire emblem; his family tried to convince him to stay in the line of succession and claim the throne, and he decided to go along with it
  5. - his little brother tries to convince him not to but to no avail
  6. - 4 years between elder brother and younger brother
  7. - when the elder brother is ~19, he LOSES the fire emblem, much to his horror
  8. - his little brother (~15), is now a knight and agrees to go off to find who the new vessel is; the elder brother says that he wants to take the new fire emblem as his vassal, but really he wants to kill them and reclaim his 'birthright'
  9. - turns out the fire emblem's new host is a ~13yo girl, but she doesn't realize it; the fire emblem decided to choose someone new and laid dormant (it was a gradual shift from host to host)
  10. - the elder prince didn't even notice he was losing touch with the fire emblem until it was too late
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