
Anonpencil Writes with a Fever: Hot Under the Covers

Mar 18th, 2013
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  1. >You lie in bed on your back, blankets heaped over you up to your chin. Your forehad feels like it’s on fire, and your fingertips are stingingly numb. The blankets, several layers thick, weigh down on your chest making each breath labored and painful.
  2. >You feel like you’re frying under there, but Zecora had said it was the best way to break the fever. She’s never been wrong before, and the hospital doesn’t exactly know how to cure human illnesses, so this is your best shot.
  3. >You wonder how high your temperature is. Zecora had said that it was 102 an hour ago, and you feel hotter now. You suspect that’s a bad sign, but you’re having trouble worrying about it. Or concentrating. Or seeing straight. Or doing anything, really.
  4. >The room is swirling around you, colors moving faster than the lines meant to contain them. Smells sound like music. Shapes taste sour and old.
  5. >You swallow and you find that there’s no moisture in your mouth to gulp down. You swallow again anyway just for good measure.
  6. >The strange mass of black at the foot of your bed is beginning to get to you now though. You’ve seen it trembling and swaying there for a while now, and decided last time you thought about it that if it was evil you couldn’t do anything about it anyway. But it’s been there, just existing for so long now you can’t keep your eyes off of it. >It’s glittering now too, damn it all.
  7. >It’s watching you isn’t it? Bastard black sparkly cloud thing. How dare it have the nerve to sparkle and stare at you so intently with it’s lack of eyes, face, and actual form?
  8. >The furniture begins to hold solid shape again for a moment. You feel clarity take you, just briefly.
  9. >You take that moment to realize that the shape isn’t going away. It’s not just a black spot on your eyes from the fever. What the fuck is that?
  10. >You slip below the fever’s surface again and the world spins and fades around you like a kaleidoscope.
  11. >The black glistening cloud moves towards you, coming around the side of the bed towards your blanket-swaddled face.
  12. “Hello Anon,” a soft female voice croons.
  13. “Hello,” you say back out of reflex.
  14. >Then your mind catches up.
  15. >Female voice? Coming from the weird black sparkle-puff? What the fuck is that all about?
  16. >The dark shape ripples like water beside your head, and you can taste in the air that she’s laughing. A gentle, rolling laugh. Almost familiar.
  17. “Always so polite,” the poofy glitter shape says. “You don’t even know who I am, do you?”
  18. >You shake your head, and the room keeps going back and forth, back and forth, long after your head stops.
  19. “Well,” the shape says, leaning over you. You can feel a cool breeze emanating from the form, like an evening wind. “I’ll give you a hint. This isn’t quite a dream, but it’s enough like one that I can be here with you.”
  20. >Dreams? Dreams. Is this a dream? Nonono, this is real. Well, sort of real. This is heavy blankets and sweat and dry cracked lips. But it’s also colors and smells and tastes so this is…
  21. >Wait, wait. This shape comes in dreams.
  22. >This shape is Luna?
  23. “Luna?” you call out.
  24. >The shape ripple-laughs again.
  25. “That’s right Anon.”
  26. >You can see her now, emerging. The glitter becomes a semblance of stars dotting her mane. A shine of light becomes her crown, her laughter-filled eyes. Her long muzzle, her thin navy blue horn. She looks down at you from your bedside, and you stare back up in wonder at how clear she is while the rest of the room is fuzzy.
  27. “What are you d-“
  28. “Doing here?” she finishes your sentence. “Well, I can exist in other’s dreams, but when they hallucinate, I get one better. Because hallucinations are dreams mixed with reality, I can actually manifest myself physically to some degree. At least for you.”
  29. “For me?”
  30. “Of course Anon,” she says sweetly.
  31. >She leans her head down close to you, and you can feel her breath on your face. It smells sweet and cold, like Night Lilies.
  32. “I’ve been to many ponies like this before. To ease their fevers. But never with someone like you before.”
  33. >What is she saying? She’s going to ease your fever? Well, she is a unicorn, she does have magic.
  34. “Ok,” you mumble.
  35. “I promise I’ll be gentle,” she says, pressing a delicate kiss to your forehead.
  36. >Gentle? Oh, that sounds so nice. You smile childishly as her lips leave your skin.
  37. >You just got kissed by a princess, heehee. You feel special now.
  38. >Princess Luna delicately grips the blankets in her teeth and drags them down away from your body. The unfiltered air of the room hits your skin with shocking chill, and you shiver. What’s she doing anyway?
  39. >You look down and see her lowering her head towards your dick. She smiles up at you.
  40. “I promise I’ll be as gentle as possible,” she says again.
  41. >The puzzle pieces find their way through the haze of your fever and connect. You suddenly understand.
  42. >Wait a second. The princess is going to give you a blow job? Fuck yeah, this is the best fever ever.
  43. >You nod your consent to her and she continues to lower her head.
  44. >What will this be like? Will her lips be warm? Cold? Can she deep throat, is she talented with her tongue? Will she be offended if you cum in her mouth? On her face?
  45. >It’s too much for your fevered mind to think about. Best to just put your head back, take a deep breath and let it happen.
  46. >You shut your eyes and let out a low sigh.
  47. “Ready?” you hear her say.
  48. >You nod.
  49. “Ok, here we go.”
  50. >You brace yourself for the moisture, the suction, the licking…
  51. >Without warning pain erupts through your body. Your eyes shoot open and your mouth emits a kind of wailing, gurgling scream, like a cat dipped in melted butter. Your brain rushes to catch up to your senses and decypher what it is you’re actually feeling.
  52. >It’s your ass! Something is being shoved up your ass!
  53. >Still howling, you glance down to see the top of Lunas ears sticking up above your crotch. Oh fuck, she’s stuck her horn up inside you? You start to thrash, trying to get that sharp, now vibrating thing out of you.
  54. “Hold still,” Luna says gently. You feel pressure against your legs where her hooves are firmly holding you down.
  55. “WHY?!” You manage to shriek as the warmth and vibration from her horn intensifies.
  56. “It’s the only way,” she says.
  57. “But-“
  58. “Exactly, now hold still.”
  59. >Your body is trembling as her horn stabbed even deeper into your gut. You flail your arms wildly as tears stream down your face from the excruciating pain of it all.
  60. >You look down, and through the fever and tears you see a line of blue light glowing from your stomach. It worms its way up in a swirling loop-the-loop patern, crossing itself and continuing on and on. Fuck, your intestines! She’s filling your intestines with her sparkly princess magic!
  61. >Crying, you try to beg her to stop, but no words come out.
  62. >She grunts and forces her horn even further inside you. You can feel her main tickling your taint as she twists her trembling horn within you. Your insides feel hot and uncomfortable, like someone is pouring warm water into them.
  63. >All at once, you become aware of a swelling down by Luna’s head. You glance down to see…
  64. >Oh hell no.
  65. >You’re getting an erection? From Luna ass-stabbing you with her horn? What the fuck is wrong with you?!
  66. >You sob as the erection continues to grow. The pain in your ass and the growing pleasure in your dick are overwhelming, and you feel your hips bucking uncontrollably as Luna continues to probe you.
  67. >You feel warmth spreading into your belly now and further up. You also feel that familiar ache in your member of getting closer to orgasm.
  68. >No, no not this? Why this?
  69. >How did it even come to this?
  70. “It’s ok,” you hear Luna whisper, and you feel her words reverberate through her horn and your anal walls. “You can cum. I won’t mind.”
  71. >You don’t want to, but this is happening.
  72. >You choke on your sobs as the light floods up your stomach and esophagus. You can almost taste that lily fragrance in your mouth now. It’s like you’re trying to vomit perfume.
  73. >It hurts! It burns! She’s ass fucking you with her horn and you’re about to throw up princess magic!
  74. >You feel your dick reach the point of no return, and your body arches sharply. You shut your eyes tightly.
  75. >You can’t help it, you’re going to…
  76. >Cum sprays out of your dick, more than usual, all over your stomach, chest and legs. Blue-white light bursts from your nostrils, mouth, and ears. You scream out in pleasure and searing pain as you cum and vomit magic in the same instant.
  77. >It feels like it goes on forever.
  78. >All at once your body collapses back onto you covers, shaking hard. Your breaths tremble, and your body is sticky with your own fluids. You open your eyes, to find that the room no longer spins. You don’t feel hot anymore either. In fact, you feel better than usual. You sit up slowly, feeling no trace of the fever from before. Luna is gone, and all seems right with the world. Besides that stabbing pain in your ass, you’re cured!
  79. >The door creaks open and Zecora walks in, carrying a basket of dried leaves.
  80. “Anon, with these leaves a tea I’ll brew.
  81. It will surely be a help to y-"
  82. >She stops mid word as she spots you.
  83. >You look down at your sweaty, cum stained body, completely naked before her. You look up at her, blushing furiously, unsure what to even say or do. Your mouth works, but no words come out.
  84. >Before you can respond, Zecora smiles knowingly.
  85. “So I see that Luna has been here, Anon
  86. >Might I guess your fever is now all gone?”
  87. >You blink at her, dazed.
  88. “How did you-?”
  89. >Her smile only increases. A devilish looks gleams in her eyes and she turns away from you to unpack her basket. A light blush shows cherry pink through her striped coat.
  90. “If you press me, your questions I’ll ignore,"
  91. >She stops and you see a dreamy, far away look on her face.
  92. "Let’s just say I’ve had many fevers before.”
  95. -End-
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