

Oct 20th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. //Legal's CSS CFG
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  300. r_threaded_client_shadow_manager "1"
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  302. r_threaded_renderables "1"
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  309. room_type "0"
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  322. scene_flush
  323. setinfo zb_wantautocashcalling "1"
  324. showhitlocation "1"
  325. snd_async_flush
  326. snd_async_fullyasync "0"
  327. snd_duckerattacktime "0.5"
  328. snd_duckerreleasetime "2.5"
  329. snd_duckerthreshold "0.15"
  330. snd_ducktovolume "0.55"
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  333. snd_musicvolume "0.04"
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  339. soundscape_flush
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  350. sv_minrate "100000"
  351. sv_minupdaterate "100"
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  353. sv_voiceenable "0"
  354. texture_budget_background_alpha "9999999"
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  356. texture_budget_panel_width "0"
  357. threadpool_affinity "1"
  358. tracer_extra "0"
  359. vehicle_flushscript
  360. violence_ablood "1"
  361. violence_agibs "1"
  362. violence_hblood "1"
  363. violence_hgibs "1"
  364. voice_enable "1"
  365. voice_forcemicrecord "1"
  366. voice_modenable "1"
  367. vprof_off
  368. vprof_verbose "0"
  369. weapon_showproficiency "1"
  370. windows_speaker_config "1"
  371. xbox_autothrottle "0"
  372. xbox_throttlebias "0"
  373. xbox_throttlespoof "0"
  374. zoom_sensitivity_ratio "1"
  375. //Teclado
  376. bind "f" "impulse 100; r_cleardecals"
  377. bind "mwheeldown" "+jump"
  378. bind "mwheelup" "+jump"
  379. bind "n" "toggleconsole"
  380. bind "v" "+voicerecord"
  381. //CrouchJump
  382. alias "+djump" "+jump;+duck"
  383. alias "-djump" "-jump;-duck"
  384. bind "space" "+djump"
  385. // Jump Throw (For Smokes)
  386. alias "+jumpthrow" "+jump;-attack"
  387. alias "-jumpthrow" "-jump"
  388. bind "mouse5" "+jumpthrow"
  389. //Para defusear y plantar C4
  390. alias +spin "+use;m_yaw 0.99"
  391. alias -spin "-use;m_yaw 0.022"
  392. bind "h" "+spin"
  393. clear
  394. echo CFG Cargada!
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