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a guest
Feb 5th, 2018
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  1. sessions:
  2. # Do you want to enable the session feature?
  3. # If enabled, when a player authenticates successfully,
  4. # his IP and his nickname is saved.
  5. # The next time the player joins the server, if his IP
  6. # is the same as last time and the timeout hasn't
  7. # expired, he will not need to authenticate.
  8. enabled: false
  9. # After how many minutes should a session expire?
  10. # A player's session ends after the timeout or if his IP has changed
  11. timeout: 10
  12. # Message language, available languages:
  13. #
  14. messagesLanguage: 'en'
  15. # Forces authme to hook into Vault instead of a specific permission handler system.
  16. forceVaultHook: false
  17. # Log level: INFO, FINE, DEBUG. Use INFO for general messages,
  18. # FINE for some additional detailed ones (like password failed),
  19. # and DEBUG for debugging
  20. logLevel: 'FINE'
  21. # By default we schedule async tasks when talking to the database. If you want
  22. # typical communication with the database to happen synchronously, set this to false
  23. useAsyncTasks: true
  24. # By default we handle the AsyncPlayerPreLoginEvent which makes the plugin faster
  25. # but it is incompatible with any permission plugin not included in our compatibility list.
  26. # If you have issues with permission checks on player join please disable this option.
  27. useAsyncPreLoginEvent: true
  28. restrictions:
  29. # Can not authenticated players chat?
  30. # Keep in mind that this feature also blocks all commands not
  31. # listed in the list below.
  32. allowChat: false
  33. # Hide the chat log from players who are not authenticated?
  34. hideChat: false
  35. # Allowed commands for unauthenticated players
  36. allowCommands:
  37. - '/login'
  38. - '/register'
  39. # Max number of allowed registrations per IP
  40. # The value 0 means an unlimited number of registrations!
  41. maxRegPerIp: 3
  42. # Minimum allowed username length
  43. minNicknameLength: 3
  44. # Maximum allowed username length
  45. maxNicknameLength: 16
  46. # When this setting is enabled, online players can't be kicked out
  47. # due to "Logged in from another Location"
  48. # This setting will prevent potential security exploits.
  49. ForceSingleSession: true
  50. ForceSpawnLocOnJoin:
  51. # If enabled, every player that spawn in one of the world listed in
  52. # "ForceSpawnLocOnJoin.worlds" will be teleported to the spawnpoint after successful
  53. # authentication. The quit location of the player will be overwritten.
  54. # This is different from "teleportUnAuthedToSpawn" that teleport player
  55. # to the spawnpoint on join.
  56. enabled: false
  57. # WorldNames where we need to force the spawn location
  58. # Case-sensitive!
  59. worlds:
  60. - 'world'
  61. - 'world_nether'
  62. - 'world_the_end'
  63. # This option will save the quit location of the players.
  64. SaveQuitLocation: false
  65. # To activate the restricted user feature you need
  66. # to enable this option and configure the AllowedRestrictedUser field.
  67. AllowRestrictedUser: false
  68. # The restricted user feature will kick players listed below
  69. # if they don't match the defined IP address. Names are case-insensitive.
  70. # You can use * as wildcard (127.0.0.*), or regex with a "regex:" prefix regex:127\.0\.0\..*
  71. # Example:
  72. # AllowedRestrictedUser:
  73. # - playername;
  74. # - playername;regex:127\.0\.0\..*
  75. AllowedRestrictedUser: []
  76. # Ban unknown IPs trying to log in with a restricted username?
  77. banUnsafedIP: false
  78. # Should unregistered players be kicked immediately?
  79. kickNonRegistered: false
  80. # Should players be kicked on wrong password?
  81. kickOnWrongPassword: true
  82. # Should not logged in players be teleported to the spawn?
  83. # After the authentication they will be teleported back to
  84. # their normal position.
  85. teleportUnAuthedToSpawn: false
  86. # Can unregistered players walk around?
  87. allowMovement: false
  88. # After how many seconds should players who fail to login or register
  89. # be kicked? Set to 0 to disable.
  90. timeout: 30
  91. # Regex pattern of allowed characters in the player name.
  92. allowedNicknameCharacters: '[a-zA-Z0-9_]*'
  93. # How far can unregistered players walk?
  94. # Set to 0 for unlimited radius
  95. allowedMovementRadius: 100
  96. # Should we protect the player inventory before logging in? Requires ProtocolLib.
  97. ProtectInventoryBeforeLogIn: true
  98. # Should we deny the tabcomplete feature before logging in? Requires ProtocolLib.
  99. DenyTabCompleteBeforeLogin: false
  100. # Should we display all other accounts from a player when he joins?
  101. # permission: /authme.admin.accounts
  102. displayOtherAccounts: true
  103. # Spawn priority; values: authme, essentials, multiverse, default
  104. spawnPriority: 'authme,essentials,multiverse,default'
  105. # Maximum Login authorized by IP
  106. maxLoginPerIp: 0
  107. # Maximum Join authorized by IP
  108. maxJoinPerIp: 0
  109. # AuthMe will NEVER teleport players if set to true!
  110. noTeleport: false
  111. # Regex syntax for allowed chars in passwords. The default [!-~] allows all visible ASCII
  112. # characters, which is what we recommend. See also
  113. # You can test your regex with
  114. allowedPasswordCharacters: '[!-~]*'
  115. # Threshold of the other accounts command, a value less than 2 means disabled.
  116. otherAccountsCmdThreshold: 0
  117. # Command to run when a user has more accounts than the configured threshold.
  118. # Available variables: %playername%, %playerip%
  119. otherAccountsCmd: 'say The player %playername% with ip %playerip% has multiple accounts!'
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