
Lincoln helps Leni "Keep things open"

Aug 23rd, 2016
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  1. >Lincoln was sitting on the couch watching a horror movie when he heard someone walking down the stairs
  2. >He turned around to see that it was Leni, who was looking a little unhappy
  3. >"Hey Leni" said Lincoln "Why the long face?"
  4. >"Wha?" Leni replied looking confused "My face grew?"
  5. >"Never mind" Said Lincoln "you look unhappy, What's wrong?"
  6. >"Oh, that" said Leni, remembering why he was unhappy "I have to go get my ear pierced again, I left the earring out too long and the hole closed up"
  7. >"Oh, I see" Said Lincoln "I'll see you later then"
  8. >"Yeah....see ya later Linc"
  9. >After Leni left, Lincoln sat there watching TV again, thinking about what Leni said
  10. >"Hole closed up......That gives me an idea!" exclaimed Lincoln as he ran up to his room
  11. >Fast forward a few hours
  12. >Lincoln heard the front door open
  13. >Leni was home, His ear was pierced again, and he had some shopping bags full of clothes with him
  14. >"Say Leni" started Lincoln "I was thinking about what you said earlier, about the hole closing up if the earring isn't kept in it"
  15. >"Yeah, What about it?" asked Leni
  16. >"Well, I was wondering.... do you keep something in the other hole to keep it from closing?" replied Lincoln
  17. >"Other hole?" Said Leni "What other hole?"
  18. >"You know, The Other Hole" replied Lincoln as he pointed down towards his pants.
  19. >"Wait!" exclaimed Leni "THAT HOLE CAN CLOSE TOO?"
  20. >"It might" Replied Lincoln
  21. >"LINCOLN!" shouted Leni as he grabbed Lincoln "YOU'VE GOTTA HELP ME! I DON'T WANT THAT HOLE TO CLOSE!! HOW WILL I PEE!?!"
  22. >Lincoln gave Leni a hug
  23. >"Don't Worry" said Lincoln "Your little brother will take care of everything
  25. >"Go to your room and take off your pants" said Lincoln "I'll be there in a minute"
  26. >Worried about what might happen if they didn't fix this soon, Leni ran to his room
  27. >About 3 minutes later Lincoln showed up with a red box
  28. >"What's in the box Lincoln?" asked Leni
  29. >"It's something to stop you from....'closing up'" replied Lincoln as he set the box down on the bed
  30. >Lincoln opened the box to reveal a set of hollow tubes with rings on them
  31. >at the end of each tube along with the ring was a "Gem" which was nothing more than colored glass
  32. >The gem was attached to a plug which went into the tube
  33. >"Uh Linc" started Leni "Why are there so many of them?"
  34. >"To go along with your outfits" Replied Lincoln
  35. >"OOH!" exclaimed Leni "I love to accessorize!"
  36. >"Choose which ever one you want" instructed Lincoln "You can always change later"
  38. >Lincoln looked through the box for a moment before Pulling out the bright green one
  39. >"How about this one?" asked Lincoln
  40. >"Omigod!" exclaimed Leni "That's like, The perfect one"
  41. >"Great!" said Lincoln as he lubed the hollow tube up "Now just hold still while I put it in"
  42. >"Wait? WHAT?!" shouted Leni "Put it in? What do you mean put it in?"
  43. >"Well, you know how you have to keep the earring in to keep the hole from closing up?" asked Lincoln
  44. >"Yeah..." replied Leni nervously
  45. >"Well, we need to put this in That hole to keep IT from closing up." Lincoln explained
  46. >"You don't want to get THAT one re-pierced, Do you?"
  47. >The thought of it made Leni shudder
  48. >"Do it Lincoln" Said Leni "Do it so I don't have to get it *Gulp* Re-Pierced"
  49. >"Alright" replied Lincoln "Get Ready."
  50. >Leni took a deep breath as Lincoln began to insert the tube
  52. >"Mnnn" moaned Leni as the tube went into his dick
  53. >"Like the way that feel Leni?" asked Lincoln
  54. >"MMNNnnnff, feels so good Linc" replied Leni, His face going red, his arms shaking
  55. >"Almost there" Replied Lincoln "Just another 3 inches"
  56. >With the tube all the way in, Lincoln put Leni's testicles through the ring and locked it in place
  57. >"Mnnnngh" moaned Leni "The ring's cold"
  58. >"Oh" Said Lincoln, bringing his face closer to Leni's crotch "Let me warm you up then"
  59. >As Lincoln began to Lick Leni's shaft and balls He started to moan
  60. >"OOoooooh Lincy, That's so good..."
  61. >after a while, Lincoln noticed Leni's breathing start to pick up
  62. >Lincoln stopped licking
  63. >"mmnnn-huh?" started Leni "Why'd you stop?"
  64. >"If I kept going, The tube would have gotten messy, and you wouldn't be able to wear it till it was cleaned" replied Lincoln
  65. >"O-Oh, I see" Said Leni, wanting to cum
  66. >Lincoln put the key to the ring back inside the box, and shut it tight
  67. >"I'll Keep the key, so it doesn't get lost" Said Lincoln "We wouldn't want you to be stuck in that thing forever, would we?"
  68. >"N-No, I guess not" Replied Leni, wanting to cum soooo badly "Thanks for your help Lincoln"
  69. >"No problem Leni, I'm always happy to help" said Lincoln with a kind smile on his face as he got up and went to his room
  70. >Lincoln reached under his pillow and pulled out a remote covered in buttons of different colors
  71. >"Hmm let's see, blue, purple, A-HA! Light green" said Lincoln as he pushed the Light green button
  72. >Meanwhile Leni was downstairs getting something to drink, when he felt something vibrating in his crotch
  73. >"guh, wh-what is this?" Said Leni under his breath "Feels so...mmmmnnnnnn, aaaaaah."
  74. >Just then, Liam entered the room
  76. >"Hey Leni!" shouted Liam "What'cha doin?"
  77. >"he-Hey Liam, I'm just getting a soda" Said Leni, trying to keep his composure "W..want one?"
  78. >"No thanks, Just gotta get some milk and Strawberry syrup" replied Liam
  79. >"What for?" asked Leni
  80. >"Oh uh...nothing, just thirsty" Liam nervously replied as he took the milk and strawberry syrup and ran upstairs
  81. >With Liam gone, Leni fell to his knees
  82. >"oh god....mnnn, need to cum" Leni whimpered
  83. >Leni reached into his pants to masturbate, but the device was blocking him
  84. >"Geeze" Said Leni "Gotta....gotta get this thing off"
  85. >The device was locked in place
  86. >"Ngghh, right, Lincoln has the key" said Leni
  87. >As Leni ran upstairs he came across Lisa
  88. >"Greeting Leni" Started Lisa "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"
  89. >"Gotta find Lincoln!" Yelped Leni "I need him something."
  90. >"Oh, well you just missed him" said Lisa "I think he said something about a slumber party at Clyde's house
  91. >Leni Realized that He was stuck in this thing all night
  92. >"Is something wrong Leni?" asked Lisa
  93. >"N-nnNo, everything's fine" replied Leni
  94. >"Alright then" replied Lisa "Whoa gotta go use the bathroom"
  95. >Lisa quickly ran off to the bathroom
  96. >"Huh, Lisa's stomach looks a lot bigger than usual" observed Leni "and he's using the bathroom a lot more than usual.... I wonder if he's been eating too much..."
  97. >Leni went to bed, but had a hard time falling asleep
  98. >"Ugh..Mmmnnn" Moaned Leni "Can't sleep, gotta masturbate"
  99. >Leni reached down again, and once again was blocked by the device
  100. >it was going to be a long night
  102. >Leni tossed and turned all night, Wanting to masturbate, but he couldn't
  103. >The device kept vibrating, keeping him hard and horny without any hope of release
  104. >Leni heard the front door open
  105. >"I'm home!" shouted Lincoln
  106. >Leni jumped out of bed and ran downstairs
  107. >"Lincoln!" Shouted Leni "I need you to take this thing out! I NEED TO CUM, NOW!"
  108. >"alright, alright, take it easy" said Lincoln, trying to calm Leni down "Let's go upstairs"
  109. >Leni ran up to his room, dragging Lincoln behind him and took off his pants
  110. >Leni was rock hard, and dripping an insane amount of pre-cum
  111. >"Jeeze, You've been kinda backed up, Haven't you?" said Lincoln
  112. >Lincoln unlocked the ring, and took the tube out from Leni's drooling urethra
  113. >"Alright, there you go" said Lincoln "Just let me know when you're done so we can put it back in"
  114. >Lincoln Left Leni alone and went to clean the device
  115. >Leni began to masturbate Furiously, not even bothering to close the door
  116. >"AAAAH, AAAAAAAAAAAH OH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Screamed Leni as he came all over the floor
  117. >"Huh, guess he's done" said Lincoln "I'll give him a few minutes before I put it back in"
  118. >Later that night Lincoln put the device back in and went to bed
  119. >Before going to sleep he listened to the sweet sounds of his work
  120. >Leni moaning
  121. >Lisa going to the bathroom again
  122. >The twins using the machine, Gasping and shouting as they came
  123. >Lynn screaming "WHAT THE FUCK DUDE? IS THAT FUCKING STRAWBERRY!" as Liam laughed
  124. >Lincoln fell asleep Wondering what he would do tomorrow
  126. END
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