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Feb 23rd, 2016
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  1. The first time it happens is unexpected, even for Kyle. He isn’t clear on the details of why he’s on Oa (He explained, something about Ungara and another civil conflict, but it was during the evening rush and Kyle had to make sure Sodam Yat didn’t turn some garden fresh recruit into a greasy stain for inadvertently insulting Arisia.) but the mood between the two of them is amicable for once. Kyle isn’t sure if it’s the liquor Hal’s been imbibing or the fact that this is the first time they’ve spoken outside of a mission but the conversation isn’t forced for once. This isn’t the Hal that was crazy for correcting his mistakes, or the tortured observer Kyle knew in the Spectre. This Hal seems carefree, open with his words and thoughts and for once he sees the man that inspired such loyalty in people like Kal-El and Oliver Queen.
  3. They talk for hours, Hal imbibing at a slow pace while the crowd at Warriors ebbs and flows, going on until Guy gives notice for last call, joining in briefly for the conversation while the others stumble out back into the more restrictive parts of Oa. Kyle listens as Guy and Hal reminisce about old missions and even older arguments that had come and gone, slipping easily through things at a rate that impresses Kyle. Eventually even Guy leaves when things steer back into waters Kyle’s more familiar with, having him promise Kyle will clean up before he leaves and locks up behind himself.
  5. The two lapse into comfortable silence as the stillness of night falls over even Oa, a place that seems to never really be asleep. Kyle feels warm though he hasn’t had a sip of alcohol. He watches his companion as he looks out the window, taking in the faint green glow most every building on this planet has with a bit of a wistful air about him. “You know, the last time I was here before the Corps came back was the time I blew it up.”
  7. “I think we can both take credit for that one,” Kyle replies lazily, trying not to let the concern edge into his voice. “You weren’t yourself,” he tells Hal as he tries to speak again, his voice insistent. “Even if Parallax had really just been yourself, Hal? Your whole world had just been turned upside down. I know we started out enemies but it’s not like I couldn’t see your side of things, too. But Coast City’s back. Oa’s back. That cyborg Superman? You were the one that put him on the Source Wall. All the Green Lanterns that died are alive again. Don’t keep trying to live in that guilt. Trust me,” Hal’s face changes as Kyle’s voice begins to soften. “It’s no way to live.”
  9. Hal says nothing for a few moments before that wistful look returns again. Just for a second before it morphs into a smirk. “So you’re more than just a pretty face,” he says and Kyle sticks his tongue out at him.
  11. “I’d hope so,” Kyle shoots back. “Otherwise I’d be mad at this whole Torchbearer thing.”
  13. “You wanna get out of here?” Hal asks. Kyle looks at the mess of bottles, glasses, and dirty plates practically everywhere before giving Hal an incredulous look. "Rayner,” he intones meaningfully and Kyle looks at him more closely.
  15. His knees practically buckle.
  17. Kyle’s heard of Hal’s reputation. There’s no way anyone can avoid it with how long he’s been on the justice league. Kyle’s never really doubted it. The man’s always been handsome but he’s never really seen the man in action. The thought that Kyle would be under that gaze never crossed his mind. He’s aware that Hal’s drunk. This could all be a mistake, but Kyle’s never been one to think with the head on his shoulders in situations like this and the heat returns for entirely different reasons. “…Hal.”
  19. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
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