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What is eARth?

a guest
Nov 13th, 2018
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  1. There might be a little confusion about what constitutes the Earth when stepping into this world. There's a lot of interesting accounts, but here's one that most scholars and tinfoil hat conspiracyv theorists can collectively nod their heads at.
  3. First off, let's be frank. "Planet" doesn't really begin to describe this thing - at least, not all of it. No, see, what this World (yes with a capital W) is would be a layered reality ultimately displaced from the mechanics of a primarily causal universe, moving to the beat of its own drum in a space that seems to revolve around [i]it[/i] rather than the other way around. Whatever you see on this World could be conceived as being in a bubble at the center of reality, with endless energies twisting and turning around its exterior, entering and exiting at speeds we can't fathom tip introduce evercharging concepts from separate realities to this one. It is the multiverse, and the multiverse is it; activity may not always start or end here, but it most certainly evolves here.
  5. And yet, even still, it somehow manages to stay within at least minimally tenable laws, with maximally tenable remembrance of foundation complementary with constant fluxes in the states quo. These fundamental rules of nature can be bent and shifted, coaxed to follow some other version of that law temporarily - a lot of wackos and perfectly respectable individuals who we should definitely not fear call this ability to harness or bend laws of reality "magic".
  7. Where this came from, well, now we're diving into more contentious territory. Of course, reaching deep into the Akashic Records (once again, you people have some strange names) unveils a murky, oozing beginning that, for the sake of mortal safety, can be summarized as such...
  9. Back in the day, something old and outside of all reality came upon a blackness, and decided to carve a niche. From its mind grew something disconnected from the laws of other domains, yet beholden to fundamental laws we could not hope to fathom in a million lifetimes. The meaning of the formation of this new "something" is contested, but many later accounts with the Old And Transcendent revealed that boredom and dissatisfaction with previous domains may have been the case. That frightening thought alone, this thing was given shape and color, and thus became the canvas of the world. Little things began to dot it's surface, coming to be lesser life. You know, us.
  11. The OAT, yes get your laughs out now, seemed discontent with simply living in a place of stagnation, and thus it sent out what could only be described in simplest terms as a beacon. [i]Things[/i], old, transcendent, and equally as dissatisfied with their previous domains flocked to the creation of the OAT, and began to shape the events in Creation to their liking. Sometimes, define portions were too much to their liking, and they favored certain lessers over others. A hideous thought.
  13. We don't hear about them, ever, and if the stories here are true, they exist above us, watching our every move and guiding us down a path crafted by them within the bounds of some inscrutable game crafted by the OAT, hitting notes to a collaborative song no one can hear to an audience no one can see.
  15. Well, largely. We do have one quote from them, transcribed down the ages and the cause of madness since life's inception.
  17. "This is Jupiter-sized."
  19. Truly eldritch, indeed.
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