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a guest
Oct 16th, 2019
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  1. rodniatranslation["en"].event_halloween_2019 = {}
  2. rodniatranslation["en"].event_halloween_2019.send_letter01 = "Halloween Event 2k19"
  3. rodniatranslation["en"].event_halloween_2019.say_title01 = "Horrors of Halloween 2k19:"
  4. rodniatranslation["en"].event_halloween_2019.say01 = "- Event Duration: |cff00BFFF17.10.2019|r - |cff00BFFF12.11.2018|r[ENTER]
  5. - Metins stones have a spooky appearance ![ENTER]
  6. - In the main maps near Uriel, the NPC |cff00BFFFJack`O Pumpkin|r[ENTER] will teleport you to the |cff00BFFFNovice's Dark Lands|r - level [ENTER]|cffFA807265-95|r and |cff00BFFFAdventurer's Dark Lands|r - level |cffFA807295-120|r.[ENTER]- You will also be able to enter the |cff00BFFFHaunted Sanctuary|r to[ENTER]challenge |cff00BFFFGrave Priest|r using an entry permit called[ENTER]|cff00BFFFHaunted Sanctuary Permit|r that can be crafted at |cff00BFFFJack`O Pumpkin|r.[ENTER]
  7. - NPC |cff00BFFFJack`O Pumpkin|r will help you craft items using the|cff00BFFFGhost Forge|r[ENTER]
  8. - The |cff00BFFFHalloween Adventurer's Pass|r, will contain many |cffFA80725|r missions which[ENTER]will bring you great rewards when completed ![ENTER]
  9. - Find the |cff00BFFFHalloween Chest|r and loot the treasure ! There will be |cffFA80723|r chests[ENTER]every |cffFA807230 minutes|r at these locations: |cff00BFFFMap1/Map2, Desert, Sohan Mountain|r[ENTER]|cff00BFFFOrc Valley, Fire Lands, Rodnia Valley and Dark Lands.|r"
  10. rodniatranslation["en"].event_halloween_2019.say02 = "Spend this Halloween with us ! Gather your friends[ENTER]and join the spooky adventure !"
  11. rodniatranslation["en"].event_halloween_2019.notice01 = "|cFFFFFA07-> The Halloween Event is active, more details on the forum !|r"
  12. rodniatranslation["en"].event_halloween_2019.syschat01 = "You opened a Halloween Chest ! You got a reward !"
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