
Minecraft Startup Times

Jan 7th, 2016
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  1. ╒═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╕
  2. │ Minecraft Startup Times │
  3. ╞════════════════════════════════════════════════╤══════════╡
  4. │ Loading │ 8.614 │
  5. │ Loading Resources │ 1.214 │
  6. │ Reloading listeners │ 1.191 │
  7. │ Reloading │ 1.169 │
  8. │ SoundHandler │ 0.790 │
  9. │ Reloading Texture Manager │ 0.621 │
  10. │ Construction │ 0.278 │
  11. │ Rendering Setup │ 0.266 │
  12. │ Forge Mod Loader │ 0.257 │
  13. │ Loading Render Manager │ 0.176 │
  14. │ Texture Loading │ 0.144 │
  15. │ Mipmap generation │ 0.127 │
  16. │ Minecraft Forge │ 0.113 │
  17. │ PostInitialization │ 0.074 │
  18. │ LanguageManager │ 0.043 │
  19. │ Render Global instance │ 0.041 │
  20. │ Texture creation │ 0.036 │
  21. │ PreInitialization │ 0.027 │
  22. │ Loading Entity Renderer │ 0.020 │
  23. │ Texture stitching │ 0.019 │
  24. │ Example Mod │ 0.013 │
  25. │ FMLFileResourcePack:Forge Mod Loader │ 0.011 │
  26. │ Building Blocks Texture │ 0.011 │
  27. │ Loading Blocks Texture │ 0.008 │
  28. │ FoliageColorReloadListener │ 0.008 │
  29. │ FMLFileResourcePack:Minecraft Forge │ 0.008 │
  30. │ LoadComplete │ 0.008 │
  31. │ GrassColorReloadListener │ 0.007 │
  32. │ FontRenderer │ 0.006 │
  33. │ Loading Items Texture │ 0.005 │
  34. │ Total* │ 15.325 │
  35. └────────────────────────────────────────────────┴──────────┘
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