
[WIP] Like Boys with Toys (R63 OCs) (Amber/Maple Thread)

Sep 24th, 2014
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  1. "Hey, buddy boy... You still with me?"
  2. >The pale blue hoof of your brother waves in front of you from the other side of the table, snapping you out of your depressed daze.
  3. >You snap back to reality, facing Amber who looks to you with concern.
  4. >"O-oh, uhm... Yeah, I'm good..."
  5. >Amber doesn't look too convinced as he cocks his head and raising an eyebrow.
  6. "Are you sure? You've barely touched your Banana Kaboom."
  7. >He, of course, is referring to gigantic bowl of three kinds of ice-cream, topped with two whole bananas, chocolate syrup, whipped cream, a cherry on top, and stuck with a pair of flaming sparklers and miniature Equestrian flags that sits before your sad looking form.
  8. >It was enough to make anyone's teeth hurt by just looking at it.
  9. >Around the both you, the ice cream parlour is alive and bustling with the chatter of happy ponies.
  10. >Except for you.
  11. >Even with this sugary bounty in front of you, you can't so much as crack a smile.
  12. >It's been a whole day now, but you still hurt like it all just happened 20 minutes ago.
  13. >Amber reaches across the table to give your shoulder a rub in consolation.
  14. "C'mon, I know you really loved that dog, but the vet even said that keeping her alive would just prolong her suffering. You made the right call."
  15. >You can only give a sad sigh.
  16. >He was right, though.
  17. >Jackie was such a nice dog, and you loved her dearly.
  18. >But then she became so sick, and you didn't know how or why.
  19. >You thought a trip to the vet would make it all better, but it only made it worse.
  20. >There was nothing that could be done, the vet had told you, there was no known way to treat her painful disease.
  21. >Utterly heartbroken, you had told your brother when she was scheduled to be put down. He insisted on coming with you for support.
  22. >You were so thankful that he did. You almost broke down right then and there when your sweet, loving dog took its last breaths in front of you.
  23. >Amber, stoic as ever in the face of grief, hugged you tight.
  24. >He probably felt sad for you, but he would never show weakness in front of you. He was like an emotional brick wall like that.
  25. >Always cool. Always confident. Always in control of himself.
  26. >He was really a self-made stallion.
  27. >When you two were just colts, the other boys at school used to pick on Amber for 'having a girl's name'.
  28. >Then one day he got sick of it, and gave them a beating that more than clarified how masculine he really was.
  29. >No one ever picked on him again after that.
  30. >There were times when you wish you could be as strong as him.
  32. "There was nothing you could have done, no treatment you could have bought. Jackie was just... unlucky, that's all. It's nobody's fault."
  33. >You nod weakly, the futility of the whole situation ripped a brand new hole in your heart.
  34. >"Yeah. I know... It still hurts, though..."
  35. >Amber knew you were still feeling miserable, so spending time with you today was going to be his way of cheering you up.
  36. >He was such a great brother that way.
  37. "Of course it does, but you can't keep dwelling on it, Maple. Otherwise, you're just gonna keep feeling like shit. Today we're just gonna... forget about it all, alright?"
  38. >You give him another little half-hearted nod.
  39. >Putting every ounce of strength you could into the fight against your miserable emotions, you give him the best... 'attempt' at a smile as you possibly could.
  40. "Ahh, *there's* what I'm lookin' for. We're gonna have some fun today, just you and me, you'll see. Now have some frozen sugar, already! Sugar makes ponies happy!"
  41. >Looking again at the ridiculous portion of ice cream, you realize there's no way in hell you're finishing all of this.
  42. >"Take the other side, Amber. I'm going to need your help. My appetite's just... completely shot right now."
  43. >He gives you another reassuring pat on the shoulder before grabbing the spoon on his side and digging in.
  44. "THAT, I can certainly help you with, bro."
  45. >Your smile becomes just a little bit more genuine at the sight of him gorging himself on the mountainous treat with little regard for what ends up on his face.
  46. >Maybe some quality time with your brother is just what you need to forget your troubles after all.
  47. >"Thanks. I wouldn't want to see all of this go to waste, and... Well... I know you've always been the big eater between the two of us."
  48. >Amber suddenly looks up, his spoon half-way to shovelling more ice cream down his maw.
  49. "MMmph?"
  50. >He wears whipped cream and chocolate syrup like camouflage paint.
  51. >After a hard swallow of the large volume of foodstuffs in his mouth, he sets the spoon down while giving you a look of apprehension.
  52. "Wait a sec, are you calling me fat? Because I'm NOT..."
  53. >He pauses in reflection.
  54. "...Anymore..."
  55. >You manage a small chortle and roll your eyes before nursing your dessert once more.
  57. >The two of you still made jabs at each other, but it was always in good fun.
  58. >Of course, you and Amber didn't always get along.
  59. >As children, the two of you fought often, sometimes getting rough.
  60. >But getting older, the fighting and name-calling stopped as you both... Well, grew up.
  61. >The childish tendencies that you and your brother exhibited to each other were now nothing but a thing of the past.
  62. >...Almost all of them.
  63. >The tiniest of smirks forms on your lips as you think about *that* one...
  64. >Amber's secret shame
  65. >The one neither of you dare tell anyone about.
  66. >A thousand thoughts and implications whipped through your head whenever you thought about it, but deep down, it never really affected you like it did Amber.
  68. >Now wasn't the time to think such things, though.
  69. >Today, your brother was going share his massive collection of highly dangerous and extremely lethal (and quite possibly illegal) weapons with you in a fantastic hunt.
  70. >The target? Enjoyment, for the hell of it.
  71. >And also, paper circles, balloons, and zombie pony-shaped mannequins.
  72. >As crazy as he made his collection sound, you genuinely want to give it a shot.
  73. >Truly, you're lucky to have such a loving, caring brother in your life.
  74. >For now, you simply stare wistfully at him as he continues to obliviously devour the ice cream.
  76. >When the ice cream had all been eaten and Amber had gotten a much-needed face cleaning, the both of you set out for his home just a bit outside of town.
  77. >Amber's place was nice. He certainly liked his living spaces extravagant.
  78. >Perhaps it was a little too big, though, considering he's the sole occupant.
  79. >Last time you pointed this out to him, he simply justified it as "bigger is ALWAYS better."
  80. >You accepted that with a shrug. You were perfectly comfortable with your cozier-sized home.
  81. >It was Amber's backyard that truly shined, however.
  82. >The expansive field stretched on for more than a few acres.
  83. >It was like he had his own private football field for a backyard that he could do what he wanted in.
  84. >...And it was pretty clear that's exactly what he did in his spare time.
  85. >Scattered across the backyard at various ranges was a variety of different targets.
  86. >Some of them were paper, some of them were inflatable, some of them looked... disturbingly realistic to the pony and griffin form.
  87. >Not far from you are two tables set up on the grass, right next to what looked like a barrel-high wall of sandbags.
  88. >Dozens upon dozens of extremely dangerous weapons lay neatly across them.
  89. >Your brother gives you a small nudge, a greatly enthusiastic grin plastered on his face.
  90. "Enh?! What'dya think?! Isn't it awesome?!"
  91. >You couldn't disagree. It really is quite the collection of killing devices.
  92. "Welcome to Amber's Armoury!"
  94. >A little bit dumbfounded, you approach the tables to get a closer look.
  95. >Before you is a vast assortment of crossbows, longbows, throwing knives, throwing axes, pikes, swords, armour-piercing arrows, and...
  96. >"Uhh... I recognize most of this stuff, but what the hell is *this*?"
  97. >You reach over and pick up a weird cylindrical object with some kind of string sticking out of it.
  98. >Amber's grin widens
  99. "Oh! Man! Good choice, dude!"
  100. >Faster than you could react, Amber snatches the mysterious tube from your hoof.
  101. >Pulling a lighter from seemingly out of nowhere, he sets the loose end of the tube's string into the flame, causing it to suddenly start spewing flaming ember sparks.
  102. >Taking an aggressive stance, Amber suddenly points at one of the zombie pony mannequins.
  104. >With all the strength he can muster, he whips the tube in the direction of the oversized doll before tackling you to the ground behind the sandbags.
  105. >Before you can say "WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK?!" the earth suddenly shakes beneath you, and a terrible explosion rattles your eardrums, threatening to rupture them.
  106. >After a moment of silence, Amber pulls you back up.
  107. "Heehee HAA!! THAT is called shock and awe, MOTHERFUCKER! General Amber to command: enemy has been liberated the living SHIT out of!"
  108. >Your jaw hangs agape as you stare blankly at a large smouldering crater where the mannequin just was.
  109. >Your mind struggles to process the destructive power you just witnessed, tripping over itself trying to find the words to express your bewilderment at how just one pony can harness such deadly power.
  111. >In that moment, you really come to appreciate the eye and ear protection you're wearing.
  113. >He takes a second to brush some stray dirt out of his blonde mane before answering.
  114. "*That* is what is called a 'pipe-bomb' or a 'makeshift grenade'. They're kinda tricky to make, but I got a couple pre-made ones left. Wanna try?"
  115. >You do a mental double-take as his message reaches you, but it's taking some effort to actually process it.
  116. >TRY a homemade, highly volatile BOMB?!
  117. >Your eyes glance once again to the large collection of weapons when it really starts to hit you what kind of weapon-nut you actually have for a brother.
  118. >"..."
  119. >"...Yeah, actually, I think I will!"
  120. >You snatch another grenade from the table, and ignite the fuse with a spark from your horn.
  122. >You channel as much energy as you can into a magical toss, throwing the high-explosive towards the unlucky griffin mannequin.
  123. >The two of you promptly hit the dirt, giggling like mad-mares.
  124. >Another explosion rocks the immediate area, causing you and Amber to erupt into uproarious laughter.
  125. >Popping up from behind the cover, a visual assessment confirms a good effect on target.
  126. >...If there WAS a target, anymore.
  127. >Finally, you both start to come down from your laughing fit.
  128. >A moment of silence passes before Amber turns to you.
  129. "Wait, what?"
  130. >"I heard it in a movie."
  131. "Oh."
  133. >Blood pumps through your veins like it never has before
  134. >The amount of power you could harness in your hooves...
  135. >It was intoxicating, and you wanted more.
  136. >No wonder Amber loved this stuff so much.
  137. >Giddily, you bound over to the table of arms.
  138. >Like a boy in a toy store, everything you saw looked so spectacular.
  139. >You just wanted ALL of them to play with.
  140. >After a quick consideration, one thing in particular catches your eye.
  141. >You spin around to face Amber, cradling a full-sized crossbow in your magical aura.
  142. >"Oh, no way! Aren't these are supposed to be military standard-issue?!"
  143. >Amber chuckles and looks a little proud of himself.
  144. "Heheh, yeah, had to call in a couple favours to smuggle THAT baby out of Canterlot. Oh, uhh.... Officially, I do NOT own that. I'm... holding onto it for a friend."
  145. >Running an appreciative hoof along its slick frame, you practice looking down the weapon's magically-powered red dot sight, the glowing red lines lovingly manipulated to be in the shape of a pony skull.
  146. >"Uh huh, sure. Oh! Amber! We can totally act out that scene from Black Hawk Down!"
  147. >Amber joins you by your side with a crossbow of his own, and a small quiver strapped to his thigh full of crossbow bolts.
  148. "Which one?"
  149. >You smile wickedly, grabbing your own pouch of ammo.
  150. >"ALL of them!"
  151. >A chorus of laughter from you and your brother fills the air as you both run to the middle of the range, at the center of all the targets.
  152. >You pop the first bolt into the crossbow before arming it, ready to rock.
  153. "Maple! Let's do that scene where those two griffin snipers take out all those zebras!"
  154. >With an evil laugh, you slap your hoof to his.
  155. >"Haha! 'Till the final breath!"
  156. >With that, you and your wounded brother open fire, making your final stand against the insurmountable mob of angry, murderous zebras.
  158. >Bolts were shot and knives were thrown, as the endless waves of zebras kept rampaging after you, hungry for your blood.
  159. >Relentlessly, you shoot down savage after savage.
  160. >BASTARDS! Don't they realize you're trying to LIBERATE them?!
  161. "Where in the HELL is that Cannonballoon support?! This is bullshit!"
  162. >"WHAT?!"
  164. >Occasionally, you and Amber would run back to the table to throw another pipe-bomb.
  165. >You could never get tired of those ones.
  166. >After the dust settles after the explosion, it's back into the heat of combat for you.
  167. >Though, you've somewhat deviated from the film you were acting out by the sheer fact that neither of you died, it didn't really matter much.
  168. >Several hours pass as you and your brother merrily slaughter target after target.
  170. >All around you were fallen mannequins, torn paper targets, and popped balloons.
  171. >Everything around you now fit the gruesome resemblance of a pin-cushion, stuck with as many bolts, throwing knives and darts as room would allow.
  172. >After such lengths of high-energy faux-combat, you were collapsed on the grass, breathing heavily.
  173. >Fatigue racked your entire form... but one enemy still remained.
  174. >You couldn't let him win. Not after all you've been through.
  175. >A shaky hoof moves over to your thigh where your final remaining weapon, a sharp combat knife, was strapped within its sheath.
  176. >Unbuckling the fastener holding it in place, you attempt a firm grip on the polymer handle with what little magic stamina is left.
  177. >The knife feels as though it weighs a hundred pounds as you try to yank it out with what little energy you have.
  178. >"Rrrrr... rghgh...."
  179. >You don't give up, though.
  180. >Your magical grip is firm.
  181. >Desperately, you try to summon more strength.
  182. >"RRGHGH!! Arghh!"
  183. >A shout escapes you as the blade comes free.
  184. >Your head turns to your enemy as you ready your final strike.
  185. >With a swift whip of your magic, the knife flies and cartwheels through the air...
  186. >...before landing in the pony mannequin's left eye socket, falling over from the sheer force.
  187. >For a moment, you don't know how to feel as you realize it's all over.
  188. >The mission is complete.
  189. >Your body goes limp in the grass.
  191. "You look pretty beat, man. All done?"
  192. >Amber's voice sounds from behind, his shadow visible in front of you.
  193. >"Unngh... Yeah, I think I'm lying on a dart. OW."
  194. >Amber walks around, and helps you to your hooves.
  195. >By the look of him, he's pretty exhausted, too.
  196. >Both of you look around and assess the damage done to the battlefield.
  197. >Spent ammo, downed targets, and smouldering craters have made a mess of Amber's back yard.
  198. >Amber takes a look at himself, noticing the dirt and grass stains covering him.
  199. "Enh... I'll clean this place up, later... After a shower, anyway."
  201. >You trudge on over to the weapons table, tossing the gear you're wearing onto it.
  202. >"If you want, I can get started clearing all of this while you go wash up..."
  203. >He shakes his head, putting a hoof around you as he walks you back towards the house
  204. "No no, don't worry about it, Maple. I told you, I'll take care of it later. You just head on home, and I'll be there soon, alright? I'll bring the movie."
  205. >You accept this, sheepishly, as you readjust your toque after he gives it a playful ruffle.
  206. >"Well... Alright, if you insist. Hey, thanks a lot for letting me play with your toys. I had a lot of fun."
  207. "Ahh, I'm always happy to share my arms collection, especially with family. It's important for you to know how to handle yourself. You know, for when the REDs invade..."
  208. >"The... reds?"
  209. >He gives a quick glance around, as if someone was watching.
  210. >Amber then leans in, whispering harshly.
  211. "The Reanimated Equine Dead. You gotta be ready for when shit hits the fan, Maple. Gods above forbid, if something were to happen to me..."
  212. >He pauses for a moment, giving a nervous swallow.
  213. >Holy shit, he's serious about this.
  214. "...What I'm saying is, you need to know how to protect yourself. It's a dangerous world out there, full of terror."
  215. >You roll your eyes before jokingly shoving him away.
  216. >"Oh for gods' sake, I KNOW how to protect myself, Amber. I'm not as helpless as you think I am, you know."
  217. >He gives a raspberry and a dismissing hoof wave
  218. "Oh yeah, who was the last guy you beat up?"
  219. >You shake your head at his absurd inquiry.
  220. >"Well, I dunno...? There was this guy at the beach that was being an asshole to this other guy, so I stepped in... But I wasn't really trying to PROVE anything. See, I don't go out looking for trouble like you do."
  221. >Amber scoffs.
  222. "I don't let shitheads walk all over me. Every one of those guys had it comin' to them for screwing with me one way or another. I'm a stallion of CONVICTIONS, you hear me?! CONVICTIONS."
  223. >Your only response is to raise an eyebrow as he gives a hard stare off into the distance, a hoof over his heart.
  224. >"Yeah, a conviction is EXACTLY what you're gonna get if keep being such a hot-head. See you soon, Amber."
  225. >Waving goodbye, you depart your brother's estate to head back home.
  227. >You had to admit, it was pretty awesome having a brother who let you play around with his cool stuff.
  228. >Not that YOU didn't have some cool toys, too... They were just... a little older, that's all.
  229. >It's not like they saw heavy usage, so you never really thought of buying more as a priority.
  230. >Still, even with what little, older toys you had, you were real good where it counted, and could give Amber a pretty tough challenge when it came to the firing range.
  231. >That was something to be a bit proud of.
  232. >"Pfft, Amber's just letting too much blood flow from his brain to his dick again. I'm just as good as he is..."
  233. >...when you *want* to be...
  234. >Suddenly, the unpleasant scent of sweat reaches your nose.
  235. >It takes you a second to realize that it's coming from YOU.
  236. >You desperately needed a shower, your coat was just as dirty and grass-stained as Amber's was.
  237. >...And it looks like one of those bastard zebras shot a new hole in your toque...
  238. >You would have vowed to make them pay, but after some consideration, you decided you never wanted to step foot in their hell-hole for a LOOONG time...
  240. >One hot shower later, finish drying off, and feel much more refreshed.
  241. >You opt to toss the towel over there, because this is YOUR home, and you'll be damned if any mare is going to tell you where you can and cannot put your towels.
  242. >Your trademark toque had been tossed into the laundry hamper prior to your shower.
  243. >Opening up your closet, you pull out a fresh one out of the pile of 78 identical hats.
  244. >With the soft wool nestled on your head, you feel whole again.
  245. >On cue, you hear a knock at the door
  246. >You scamper over to let your expected guest in.
  247. >Amber trots inside, smiling widely as he carries two bags on either of his wings.
  248. >As you both make your way into your living room, he sets the bags down, revealing their contents
  249. "I made a couple stops before I came here. I picked up the movie, and I also bought a metric FUCKTON of candy and chips and Cheezies and shit!"
  250. >Happily, you dig through the bags and start making a mental inventory
  251. >"Oh boy! I always wanted a medically alarming disproportion of my blood sugar levels and sodium intake! Let's see... Mmm, chocolate and peanut butter, nice... Good, some NORMAL flavours of chips, none of those freak flavours... and..."
  252. >A red and yellow package grabs your attention.
  253. >"Hardlick's Beef Jer- EUGHHH! Oh God, That's fucking nasty, Amber!"
  254. >Amber gives you a hard glare to reprimand you for your shitty opinion
  255. "Hey! That stuff is the BOMB, man! Don't knock it 'till you try it! ...But don't try it, because I don't wanna share any."
  256. >You shake your head, wondering how any pony could actually buy this kind of stuff
  257. >"The equine digestive system isn't even meant to be able to process meat! I don't know how you can eat this shit and not get violently ill..."
  258. >Amber gives a hard scoff before waving you off.
  259. "Whatever, cocklord, go have your hundredth cup of coffee for the day, you fucking caffeine junkie."
  260. >"I *WILL*!"
  261. >You huff as you take a few steps over to your well-used coffee-maker, which has just finished brewing a fresh pot.
  262. >All for yourself, of course.
  263. >Leaning on your countertop, you watch as the sweet, sweet ambrosia makes its final drop into the pot.
  264. >Well... it wasn't very sweet. It's pretty bitter, actually.
  265. >But you'll fix that.
  267. >You hear Amber creep up from behind while you're busy making adjustments to the beverage in your mug.
  268. >Stepping into eye-sight, you can see Amber has a look of disgust on his face.
  269. "YOU wanna get on MY case about putting unnatural shit in MY body? God damn, Maple, enjoy your cup of diabetes."
  270. >"It is NOT a cup of diabetes! It's called a double-double!"
  271. >Amber's eyes widen like you just kicked him in the balls
  272. "DOU- This?! THIS?!! In what fucked up world do you come from where *THIS* is two parts cream, two parts sugar?! This is more like, two CUPS of cream and two CUPS of sugar!"
  273. >Taking your mug with you, you head back to the couch
  274. >"Well at least when order *my* coffee, I can just say 'coffee' and not 'venti jackafucka extra-creamy crappuccino blended with mint' or whatever the hell you order..."
  275. "It's called *class*, you lowly fucking SERF. I suggest you get some."
  276. >Flopping down on the couch, you grab one of the massive sacks of junk food and pull it close.
  277. >You weren't hungry for ice cream earlier, but after today, you could eat a human.
  278. >...But since you don't have the cash to cover the massive import fees, chips, candy and chocolate will have to do.
  279. >Amber finishes setting up the movie before joining you on the couch, bag of unholy abominations in tow.
  280. >"I forgot to ask, what movie did you grab?"
  281. >Amber smiles wide.
  282. "Your favourite Con Mane movie, of course!"
  283. >A surge of giddiness courses through you.
  284. >You watched it a million times when you were a colt
  285. >But it's been FOREVER since you've seen this one!
  286. >"Oh, hell yes!"
  287. >Cramming an unholy mixture of potato chips and chocolate into your mouth, you sit back and watch in glee as the traditional intro to every Con Mane movie begins.
  289. >At approximately 2 hours and 2 minutes later, you watch your favourite part of the whole movie.
  290. >It's the scene in which Con Mane fights his former friend and bad guy, Alec Trampoline high above the massive GoldenPie satellite dish.
  291. >On a tiny platform barely large enough, the two stallions struggled and traded punches, both looking terribly bloodied and beaten.
  292. >After a few more blows, Con found himself in a bad spot as Trampoline pinned him down in a choke-hold.
  293. >Con grimaced as he tried to recover, but Trampoline had a firm grasp.
  294. >In a split second of fortune, however, Trampoline became distracted after he gave a momentary glance at the gyro-copter he had ordered to come and assist him.
  295. >With a swift headbutt, Con broke out of his old friend's grasp, and delivered a firm kick to his ribs.
  296. >Trampoline gave a wretched grunt of agony as he flew back, barreling off the sky-high platform.
  297. >A small shred of instinct caused Con to quickly spring up, and grab his former friend's leg before he fell to his death.
  298. >For a moment, both stallions simply panted heavily as the situation finally sunk in for both of them.
  299. >Trampoline looked up, his life literally in the hooves of the dear friend he betrayed, just to settle a 50 year old score with Celestia.
  300. >He didn't regret it, though. He had come so close...
  301. >And he knew Con very well. He was a dead pony.
  302. "...For Equestria, Mane?"
  303. >He quipped to Con's cold, emotionless face, calling back to their earlier missions together.
  304. >You lean forward, anticipating that stinger you've been waiting the whole movie for.
  305. "No... For me."
  306. >"No... For me."
  307. >The next thing you heard is Trampoline's scream as Con let go of his leg, sending him plummeting to his death.
  308. >It'd had been years and years and years since you last watched this scene...
  309. >It was so great to see it again.
  310. >Especially with your brother, who gave his best Boris Grishoofko impression.
  311. >Speaking of which...
  312. >Following the scene immediately afterwards, Amber jumped up from the couch, balancing on his hind legs while flexing the muscles in his front ones.
  313. "Yesss! I AM INVINCIBLE!"
  315. >As the movie comes to a finish, you find that at some point, you had begun leaning on Amber.
  316. >His warm body and soft feathers felt nice.
  317. >So nice... You could just fall asleep tucked in with him...
  318. >Such a pleasant feeling that thought sent tingling through you...
  319. >"Hey Amber?"
  320. >He stirred a bit beneath you, turning his head to meet yours.
  321. "Hmm?"
  322. >You outstretched your hooves to wrap around him and bring into a hug.
  323. >"Thanks for spending the day with me and cheering me up. You're such a great brother, and you do so much for me. I'm really lucky to have you. I just wanna make sure you know that."
  324. >You feel his wings and hooves wrap around you, reciprocating the embrace.
  325. "Don't mention it, Maple. You're my brother, and I love you. I'd give you the world if I could..."
  326. >Sighing, you nuzzle into his chest.
  327. >He'd never admit it, but he loves it when you do that.
  328. >"I love you, too, Amber. So, so much..."
  329. >You're content to simply lie there for a bit while Amber's hoof slowly and gently strokes you.
  330. >The crook of his neck is so nice, it just makes you want to...
  331. "EEP..."
  332. >That was always the sound Amber makes when your tongue first makes contact with his neck.
  333. >His body seems to freeze up at the contact, but you know that's just the jitters he always gets...
  334. >Plus, the warm, hardness you feel pressed up against your thigh tells a different tale.
  335. >Using your hoof, you tilt his head downwards to yours.
  336. >Then, as though it were as plain as a hoofshake, you press your lips to his, and kiss Amber deeply.
  338. >A surprised "MMmf..." fills your mouth, but apart from that, Amber doesn't seem to object.
  339. >Wrapping your hooves behind his neck, you probe your tongue around his mouth
  340. >For a few moments, he plays along with your game, but after a couple failed attempts to break away, his lips separate from yours
  341. >You sigh and roll your eyes.
  342. >He does this nearly every time.
  343. "M-Maple... I-I... I dunno..."
  344. >If only he could see how the two of you look right now to someone standing just in front of you
  345. >Your body is pressed close against his, and his hooves have seemed to have found their way to your waist and have not left.
  346. >"Yes, Amber, you DO know. Every time you think you don't know, you actually do."
  347. >He avoids looking you in the eye
  348. >You know he wants it
  349. >But he always has trouble crossing that little barrier of self-disgust.
  350. "I... I-I don't know if I can keep doing this, Maple... It's just... I feels so... so SICK and wrong! I-I'm not into stallions!"
  351. >You try hard to suppress a groan
  352. >Even after a lifetime of sexual activity with his brother, he still gets hung up on this.
  354. "I can do without the attitude, Maple! Maybe YOU like stallions because you haven't had a girlfriend in forever, *I* don't! I'm NOT a homo!"
  355. >Absent-mindedly, you massage your temple with your left hoof...
  356. >...The other hoof still wrapped around your brother.
  357. >"You know, my first boyfriend came *before* my first girlfriend..."
  358. "Whatever!"
  359. >Deep down, you felt pretty bad for Amber.
  360. >Every time the two of you had sex... you could only imagine the self-loathing he must feel afterwards.
  361. >He's not exactly the "classic" definition of a homophobe. He would never actually practice any kind of hatred towards gays, but he is definitely adamant when it comes to his heterosexual orientation.
  362. >But it's never actually stopped him all those times when he gave into his temptations with you.
  363. >"Amber... I'm no expert when it comes to the pony mind, and I won't claim to know what goes on in your head... but I think it's something to be said whenever we do... 'this'"
  364. >He still refuses to meet your eyes, clearly angry.
  365. >At you or himself, you're not entirely sure.
  366. >"But you always go through with it, Amber. It kind of begs the question if you just really, REALLY want that orgasm, or maybe..."
  367. >He turns his head and glares at you, already catching on to what you're about to imply.
  368. >"...Maybe you're not as straight as you think. I'm a stallion, and we've done this dance enough times for me to know that you really enjoy it."
  369. "I am NOT gay, Maple!"
  370. >He practically barks at you, his eyes are angry
  371. >"I'm not saying you are, it's just... maybe you need to come to terms with yourself, and, I dunno... Accept that maybe you actually like what you previously thought you didn't like...?"
  372. >He looks like he's about to yell again, but he stops himself momentarily.
  373. "I *don't* find stallions attr-"
  374. >"But you find ME attractive!"
  375. "Th-This is different!"
  376. >You can see the panic in his eyes
  377. >Clearly he's frightened at the prospect of reasoning bringing to light what he's spent his entire life trying to deny.
  378. >It's not like you take any pleasure at watching him squirm like this, you just want him to be honest with himself.
  379. >Every single time the two of you have physically expressed your love for each other, Amber would let himself be consumed with regret and self-disgust.
  380. >Not only was this hell on him, but it's pretty painful for you to watch, as well.
  381. >You just want to see be able to be okay with himself.
  382. >"How is this different, Amber? I'm a stallion, you find me attractive, and we have sex! This isn't the first time, either! We've been doing this for YEARS!"
  383. >He takes a moment to formulate a response, looking for the right words that will get him out of the situation you've put him in.
  384. "It's different b-because... Look, I d-don't- It's not a PHYSICAL attraction, alright?! I-I love you because you're my brother!"
  385. >You shake your head, unconvinced.
  386. >"So it's not the physical attraction that spurns you to have sex with me? You have some kind of emotional attraction to me, another stallion?"
  387. "NO! It's only with you because- because... Y-you're..."
  388. >You can feel his heart rate skyrocketing through his chest.
  390. >You sigh again, this time out of dejection.
  391. >Going through with this didn't feel right
  392. >At first it felt like you were doing it for his own good, but now...
  393. >You feel bad now.
  394. >Clearly this wasn't doing any good for him at all, putting him through the emotional third-degree.
  395. >Whether it was the truth or not, you certainly wouldn't enjoy being argued that you were actually something that you vehemently denied being.
  396. >Your face softens from its accusatory glare. He's had enough.
  397. >"Amber... Look, I'm... sorry. I'm sorry, alright? I just wanted to help you, I guess... I just want you to realize that it's okay. There's nothing to be ashamed about..."
  398. >His head turns to the side as he remains silent.
  399. >He looks as though he's contemplating, but you're not entirely sure if he's actually pissed at you or not.
  400. >Well... he probably would have thrown you off of him by now if that was the case, but still...
  401. >The worry in you rises as makes the motions with his body that he wants to get up.
  402. >Given the words that have just been exchanged, he's probably in a volatile state now. It would be wise to oblige him.
  403. >Carefully, you dismount your brother, sitting back on the other side of the couch.
  404. >Deciding not to say anything, you simply watch as he gets up from the couch.
  405. >You've probably said enough tonight, anyway...
  406. >He talks low, not even turning to face you.
  407. "It's getting late. We should get some sleep."
  408. >His monotone voice gives you no indication of how he's feeling as he silently trudges towards your bedroom.
  409. >The quietness of the place tortures you as you turn off the television and the lights.
  410. >Deciding you'll clean up the mess of snack wrappers in the morning, you pause for a moment.
  411. >Rubbing your eyes, you curse yourself for your fucking idiocy.
  412. >Maybe... just maybe a good night's sleep would make things better.
  413. >With a heavy heart, you lumber your way to the bed you would share, deeply concerned and uncertain of your relationship with Amber.
  415. >As you walk into your bedroom, you see that Amber has already taken his place under the covers.
  416. >Amber doesn't lift his head or make any kind of movement or sound at your entrance.
  417. >Great. You've really fucked this up nicely.
  418. >Fighting the tingle of nervousness in your chest, you climb into bed next to Amber.
  419. >He's on his side, facing you, but his eyes are closed.
  420. >Putting your half of the blanket over you, you dare shuffling ever-so-slightly closer to your brother.
  421. >He doesn't react in any way, but he's obviously not asleep.
  422. >Suddenly, Amber lifts a hoof and gently places it on your waist.
  423. >The small gesture makes a world of difference to you as you shuffle closer, as press your body to his.
  424. >You can feel Amber's arm wrap around you more as you bury your muzzle into his soft chest.
  425. >Unable to stop yourself, you inhale deeply and enjoy his unique scent.
  426. >There are really no words to place it, exactly. It's just... Amber.
  427. >His hoof softly strokes your back in circles while you continue to nuzzle his chest.
  428. >He's just so... intoxicating when you're this intimate.
  429. >You place a kiss on his chest. And then another.
  430. >Feeling the slightest vibration in his chest, you hear him let out a soft moan.
  431. >He's so adorable when he does that.
  432. >You place another kiss on his barrel, this time a bit lower.
  433. >And lower.
  434. >With each kiss you inch closer to your obvious target
  435. "M-M... Ma-"
  436. >"Sshhh..."
  437. >You try to ease his indecisive mind before it becomes a problem.
  438. >This will be good for him. He needs the release.
  439. >Continuing further down his body leads you deeper under the covers...
  441. >Amber's legs shuffle nervously as your kisses meet his crotch
  442. >The darkness made it near impossible to see, but you've been up close and personal with Amber's privates to know what they look like.
  443. >An examining hoof confirms that his cock is still in his sheath.
  444. >That's no problem to you, though.
  445. >You know a million and one ways to turn him on and bring it out of hiding.
  446. >Turning your attention to his balls, you gently cup them in your hoof.
  447. >A small, surprised "oh...!" from up above puts a smirk on your face.
  448. >You rolled the delicate, fleshy orbs around a little bit, being as gentle as possible.
  449. >Amber has such a nice balls, but then again, you can't exactly recall any stallion you know who doesn't.
  450. >They're still great, though.
  451. >Leaning forward, you carefully put your lips to his flesh and place a kiss on his sack.
  452. "U-unh...!"
  453. >THAT definitely got his attention.
  454. >Keeping a hoof around his sheath to gauge how hard he's getting, you maintain your oral ministrations on his testes.
  455. >That musky scent of pure male is just divine.
  456. >Amber is a perfect specimen of masculinity, neither androgynous nor hyper-masculine.
  457. >He's just right.
  458. >Though there's certainly no need to tell HIM that.
  460. >Feeling a little frisky at ground zero, you run your tongue along his sack.
  461. >You feel them hike just a little in excitement.
  462. >Judging by the heavy panting and barely suppressed grunts coming from Amber, it's safe to say that you're doing a pretty good job.
  463. >And sure enough, you feel his hot, hard member start to emerge.
  464. >It's slow, at first, but a few light, teasing strokes along his length make it stand on end in no time.
  465. >Slowly, you remove your lips from his plump orbs and bring your mouth closer to his shaft.
  466. >Your hoofs delicately feel all over the rock hard spire of flesh, gently squeezing and caressing.
  467. "U-UNG, OhgodMaple... U-unh..."
  468. >It's still too dark to see, so you can only make out the outline, but you know Amber's charcoal-coloured cock as if it were your own.
  469. >In fact, with all the times you've handled his... You could say you know it BETTER than your own...
  470. >You place your hooves near the middle of his length
  471. >After a firm rub, you give him a little squeeze
  472. >Amber can't even try to contain himself as he gives a loud whinny in ecstasy.
  473. >You smile again. He loves it when his medial ring get a nice squeeze.
  474. >Deciding that tonight won't be a night for teasing, you move your mouth closer to the tip of his massive erection.
  475. >Your mouth opens wide...
  476. >But then you pause.
  477. >Sticking out your tongue, you drag from the base all the way to his flare.
  478. >The twitching of his legs and his obvious resistance to keep himself from kicking gave you all the satisfaction you were looking for.
  480. >By the time your muzzle made contact with his tip, precum had already been leaking from him.
  481. >After making a circular lick of his cockhead with your tongue, you finally open wide, stuffing Amber's meaty cock into your maw.
  482. "GNNnNNhH...!"
  483. >You imagine your warm, wet mouth feels so good for Amber.
  484. >He's so excited, between your hooves wrapped around the bottom of his shaft, and your mouth taking the top, you can feel his heartbeat pulse through his hardness.
  485. >Wasting no more time, you figure it's time to start working your oral magic.
  486. >Try as you might, about a third of his dick is all you can fit in your mouth, if you're lucky. Especially with that flare.
  487. >Any more than that is a ridiculous porn fantasy.
  488. >With one hoof, you work on stroking and squeezing the rest of his cock.
  489. >Your other hoof delicately cradles his balls.
  490. >Bobbing your head up and down, you get to enjoy the unique taste of Amber.
  491. >His moaning, panting, and occasional thrashing had faded as background distractions as you focussed on your task of literally sucking the life out of your brother.
  492. >Each time your head rises, you slather your tongue across the flared tip...
  493. >And when you went down, you use it to massage the underside of his shaft, feeling it pulse in appreciation for the stimulation.
  494. >You tasted a hint of saltiness as more and more precum fills your mouth.
  495. >For a moment, you need to pause to swallow the mixture of you and your brother's fluids
  496. >But then you get right back to the sloppy blowjob.
  497. >Your one hoof continues fondling his balls, while the other keeps up the pressure with its rubbing.
  499. >You almost didn't notice as you are so focussed on Amber's cock, but you could feel his hooves on the back of your head.
  500. >They don't force you down harder, though.
  501. >He runs them through your mane, affectionately stroking you.
  502. >In all honesty, it kind of makes you feel like a pet, or something...
  503. >...and he's rewarding you for being good...
  504. >...Well maybe that doesn't feel too bad right now.
  505. "Oohhh, MAPLE! FU-huhuhhck..."
  506. >Bringing your head up once again, you hold it there.
  507. >You give the flare all of your attention; sucking it, swirling it with your tongue
  508. >That proves to be Amber's killing blow.
  509. >...Or *yours* to be more accurate.
  510. >You feel his sack lift up and his shaft pulse and throb in your hoof and mouth.
  511. >Spurt after spurt of his hot, creamy seed sprays into your mouth.
  512. >You take as much as your mouth can hold while your hoof continues stroking him, milking his cock for all it has.
  513. >A quick spurt gets on your closed lips when you have to take a second to swallow
  514. >But your tongue snatches it up and you open up once again to take what's left.
  515. >Finally, after one final contraction, Amber's cock gives one more spurt of cum.
  516. >Once more, you swallow his massive load, and get to work licking his tip for anything late-arriving.
  517. >You're pretty surprised at the sheer volume of how much he came.
  518. >When was the last time he blew his load.
  519. >Not that it was really much of a chore swallowing all of it...
  520. >Mares' complaints are just silly. Swallowing it doesn't taste nearly as bad as they make it sound.
  521. >Sure, it doesn't taste GOOD, but it doesn't exactly taste disgusting, either.
  522. >But yeah, maybe a bit salty... or bitter...
  524. >After spending just a little more time with your brother's dick, it goes soft once again, and returns to its home.
  525. >Worming your way back to the surface, you find yourself in Amber's warm embrace again.
  526. >It felt so good.
  527. >It was almost good enough that you could ignore your own hot, raging hard-on pressed against his stomach.
  528. >That didn't really bother you, though.
  529. >Tonight was about *him*. You could have yours another time.
  530. "Maple..."
  531. >"Sshh shh..."
  532. >Tilting your head in the tight space you have, you place a tender kiss on Amber's cheek.
  533. >"No questions, no 'returning the favour', just... I love you, Amber. Don't worry about it, don't worry about the implications or what you think this 'makes' you... Just think about how good it made you feel..."
  534. >Whatever he was about to say is dropped, as indicated by the long breath he lets out.
  535. >Instead, he stays silent, and holds you tight.
  536. >Just the way you like it.
  537. >Inside, you feel a little better.
  538. >You like to think that maybe you made up for earlier...
  539. >Whatever, it doesn't matter at this point.
  540. >Everything will be better in the morning.
  541. >Amber's scent once again fills your nostrils as you close your eyes and wait for sleep to take you.
  542. >The passage of time becomes unclear as you start to drift off...
  544. >Suddenly, your awareness shoots back to you.
  545. >You remain still, but now very much awake.
  546. >The softness and warmth you clung to is now noticeably absent.
  547. >Opening your eyes, you sit up in bed, your foggy mind trying to make sense of the current situation.
  548. >Your eyes aren't adjusted to the darkness, but the moonlight shining through the window illuminates the only thing you need to see.
  549. >"Amber?"
  550. >He pauses just he is about to step through the door. He doesn't say anything at first, but he hangs his head.
  551. "Maple, I... I'm just heading back home. I just remembered, there's... something I'm doing tomorrow..."
  552. >No...
  553. >Even with your mind half-asleep, you don't believe that lie for a second.
  554. >You know exactly why he's leaving.
  555. >But after what you said earlier, a small part of you deep down doesn't blame him...
  556. >You know that nothing you say right now will change his mind.
  557. >You sigh.
  558. >"Having feelings for another stallion isn't anything to be ashamed of. You shouldn't dwell on that, Amber. Otherwise you're just going to keep feeling like shit."
  559. >He raises his head at this, but then stays completely still.
  560. >For a second, you're hopeful that maybe you've managed to swing him around the disgusting mire of self-loathing.
  561. >But it wouldn't be so.
  562. >His head lowers again, before giving a small sigh.
  563. "I'll see you later, Maple..."
  564. >Before you can say anything else, not that there was any more to say, he continues on his path out the door.
  565. >You wanted to get up, try to convince him to stay.
  566. >Convince him that he's wrong in the way he thinks, and that there's nothing wrong with him.
  567. >But you know deep down that it would just be a wasted effort.
  569. >The last thing you hear is your front door opening, then closing.
  570. >And then... nothing.
  571. >You swallow, there's a terrible feeling in your chest.
  572. >Regret? Guilt? Frustration?
  573. >You can't tell.
  574. >And now... you can't bring yourself to care, either.
  576. >The silence and darkness is your only company for the rest of the night.
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