
RadLab Application Totally Rad Full

Aug 23rd, 2012
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  2. RadLab Application Totally Rad
  7. Download RadLab Application Totally Rad
  12. One of my biggest discoveries in my photographic journey was Photoshop Actions, specifically the Totally Rad action sets, which are widely popular among portrait photographers worldwide (to learn more about actions you can check it this awesome video from the Totally Rad guys). After I´ve downloaded their free, demo actions I quickly developed a hunger to have everything they ever made and of course I needed to be the first ones to have Rad Lab, their spankin new tool when it came out a few weeks ago. I used to experiment a LOT with their color changing actions and I was using a lot of their modern and vintage color actions like Lux, Pool Party or Brooklyn (awesome B&W), but lately I´m trying to develop a more natural style and started to rely more on their enhancemenment and sharpening tools such as Oh Snap! , Clarify or Slice like a Ninja. Since Rad Lab came into my word though, it became my primary post processing tool and after some basic Lightroom adjustments and slight Pro Retouch skin softening I exclusively use Rad Lab and here is why:
  16.  RadLab Application Totally Rad Download
  26. 1. What is RadLab?
  28. RadLab is a filter based panel which is supereasy and intuitive to install within a few minutes and shows up in Photoshop as a separate panel. Once you open your photos with the tool, you get into a very cool interface where you can see live what the different effects called stylets do to your pictures and you can apply the ones which best fit your picture and your vision for the outcome. You can combine as many stylets as you want and you can change the strength of each one separately. Once you have the recipe that you love, it´s supereasy to save it and apply it for any further pictures, but even if you forget to do so, the system remembers the last recipes used, which makes reapplying quick and painless. My favorite part is by far the possibility to see the effects on the pictures before you actually apply them. It saves a LOT of time and removes the guessing from your workflow, whether any given actions would fit your picture or notto be completely honest, RadLab has helped me discover some of the actions I already owned but never used before (e.g Lights On).
  30. 2. Cool Features
  32. The best part of Radlab is its ease of use. You definitely don´t have to be a post processing pro or a Photoshop guru to use it. In fact I´m pretty sure that someone who has never worked with Photoshop would find Radlab awesome and could achieve effects and improvements that would otherwise take a long time to master in PS. Some cool little features that help our workflow is the histogram, my personal favorite the search bar, the basic adjustment panel (brightness, contrast, warmth), before and after views and the already mentioned saved recipes. You can also choose how you want the Radlab results delivered, my preference is on a separate layer which then I can further fade out if I want.
  36.  RadLab Application Totally Rad Download
  40. 3. 78 Stylets
  42. RadLab includes 78 stylets among which 50 are old favorites from TRA1 and TRA2 and 28 of them are brand new. I wanted to take a moment to show you some of my favorite, new styles which are not included in the old action sets.
  44. To get started I choose an unedited straight out of the camera image to best show what exactly the effects do and tweeked the strength here and there a litte bit:
  48. 4. Recipes
  50. and to finish things off here are a few of my recipes from RadLab:
  60. The Verdict: Love Love Love it! If you were thinking about investing in action sets, forget it and go for Radlab! It will save you a lot of time and effort and it will make your images look awesome. It´s very reasonably priced at $149 and if nothing else just the time I save by using RadLab vs my action sets is remarkable and worth every dollar! I´m curious to see what the guys will come up with for version two… I´m hoping for more stylets, sharpening tools and the implementation of localized enhacements (like Pro Retouch). It´s a very exciting piece of software and has totally changed my workflow and the way I edit my pictures.
  61. Perhaps you’ve used Totally Rads actions in the past and love them. Actions are pretty awesome and it’s hard to really get away from them entirely, but might not know how the action will effect your image until you run the action. Continually running actions over your images can be annoyingly time consuming unless you’ve got time to play.  With the RadLab, we get to see all of the outstanding ways we can creatively enhance our photography right in front of us.  At the time, this was even ahead of onOne Software‘s product called PhotoTools 2.6 in the sense that you still had to apply effects before you knew what they may do.  You might not think it’s a big deal to see multiple versions of your image at the same time but anyone that uses RadLab will tell you otherwise.
  63. TotallyRad RadLab screenshot from iPhone
  67.  RadLab Application Totally Rad Download
  71. The ability to see multiple versions of your image, taps into your creative vision.  In my experience, it’s helped me to quickly get on the direction I wanted for the final production image.  Once applying one of the effects, I’m then given the ability to modify different aspects of how the effect was created – much like you might find with changing up layer opacity in Photoshop.   After applying an effect, all of the other optional effects adjust because you can then add more effects to your image.  You really have to explore the software to catch on but it’s game changing to regular image processing.  This process may even remind you of certain apps for the iPhone if you’re into iPhone Photography.
  72. A really cool benefit to RadLab is that as you use it, you can create recipes! These recipes are unique combinations of effects and actions so that you can use them in the future.  You just have to remember to save the recipe and give it a uniquely rad name.  We at Nuwomb have planned and are working on some recipes for you to download! Remember to subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of that!
  75. Overall, I’d never want to give up the access I have to using RadLab now. It’s a key purchase within my photography career and a sweet boost to my creativity.  I just don’t want to make it seem all rainbows and sunshine because there are some things that still need some addressing.   The first thing that sucks is that it’s not a stand alone product yet.  You have to run RadLab with Photoshop Elements or Photoshop. If you don’t already have 1 or the other, you’ll need to include this in your costs – Photoshop elements is clearly the cheaper choice at $79.99 in the Mac App Store and probably the same cost for Windows.  With RadLab costing $149, the total could be $229 with Photoshop Elements.
  77. Update*** As of Yesterday ( Dec 20th ) RadLab does support 16-bit files now! I knew it was coming and had started writing this a while back.  Awesome news as I know many photographers are fanatical about the higher bit rate.
  79. The last downside to the RadLab is that you don’t have a masking tool within the Lab.  I have no way to paint in or out the effect and must apply.  This is why it’s required that the program still works on top of Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Photoshop. Once you’ve applied the changes, you can then use the masking tool on the new layer.  It’s not a huge issue overall, but it would be nice to have this included within as I don’t always want to apply everything globally.
  80. Like I said, there are not too many downsides here but I couldn’t leave them out.  The biggest downside is that the software requires you to use another piece of software and brings up the total cost associated. The creative output will be worth it though
  83.  RadLab Application Totally Rad Download
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