
In which Jonah kisses Ezra

Sep 10th, 2016
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  1. <yzabtech[DM]> ==START==
  2. <Jonah_Grey> I arrive at the meteor
  3. <Jonah_Grey> I see Ezra made it out.
  4. <Jonah_Grey> Seeing as I nearly destroyed the universe, I don't make an attempt at conversation.
  5. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>h, hey J<>nah!" I shout, waving at him and approaching.
  6. <Jonah_Grey> Shit "Err... hey Ezra"
  7. <Jonah_Grey> "So... how are you?"
  8. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Y<>u'll never bel1eve what happened wh1le 1 was 1n there!"
  9. <Jonah_Grey> "What happened?"
  10. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 talked t<> G<>d!"
  11. <Jonah_Grey> "Huh"
  12. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>r, well, maybe a g<>d?! 1t wasn't really clear!"
  13. <Jonah_Grey> "I punched my shadow in the dick, but I didn't see any gods or anything."
  14. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1t was really we1rd, and we spent a wh1le talk1ng ab<>ut my mem<>r1es and he was really vague and unhelpful and then there was an<>ther pers<>n l1ke h1m wh<> t<><>k me t<> Central Park and a Bar!"
  15. <Jonah_Grey> "Huh."
  16. <Ezra_Rabbit> "They pr<>m1sed 1 c<>uld v1s1t after we w<>n!"
  17. <Jonah_Grey> "That seems very weird..."
  18. <Jonah_Grey> "But okay."
  19. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>h, but th1s 1sn't what 1 wanted t<> talk t<> y<>u ab<>ut, s<>rry!"
  20. <Jonah_Grey> "Okay, so what did you want to talk about?" I ask, actually dreading the answer.
  21. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Let's g<> <>uts1de, 1 want t<> fly aga1n, and 1t's k1nd <>f pr1vate!"
  22. <Jonah_Grey> "Okay, fine."
  23. <Jonah_Grey> I follow Ezra outside.
  24. <Ezra_Rabbit> I float around the outside of the meteor, doing a couple loop-de-loops to stretch before turning back to Jonah.
  25. <Ezra_Rabbit> I take a deep breath.
  26. <Ezra_Rabbit> "J<>nah, 1'm s<>rry 1 never real1zed y<>u l1ked me!"
  27. <Jonah_Grey> "Oh."
  28. <Jonah_Grey> I blush so hard my face looks like an indigo grape
  29. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 d1dn't mean t<> make y<>u upset by dat1ng Zach when y<>u l1ked me! And 1 really feel awful ab<>ut 1t!"
  30. <Jonah_Grey> "No, no, no it's fine. You date whoever you want. I'm not really in a place to stop you."
  31. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 mean, <>f c<>urse that's true s1lly! But 1 d1dn't want t<> make y<>u sad!"
  32. <Jonah_Grey> I mumble "I can just be angry at everything else instead"
  33. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, Ezra, sometimes in life people can be sad, and that's okay."
  34. <Jonah_Grey> "I'm sure I'll move on given some time."
  35. <Jonah_Grey> My heart aches like a motherfucker, and my head gets all groggy why am I upside down.
  36. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 h<>pe s<>, and 1'm sure that y<>u'll f1nd s<>me great g1rl! 1t m1ght even be me! Wh<> kn<>ws?!"
  37. <Jonah_Grey> Body pls
  38. <Jonah_Grey> I perk up slightly hearing those words.
  39. <Jonah_Grey> "Yeah, you're right."
  40. <Ezra_Rabbit> "There we g<>!" I smile at seeing his spirits lift.
  41. <Jonah_Grey> "But what about Zach, then?"
  42. <Jonah_Grey> "Or are we gonna go for a weird troll harem deal?"
  43. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Well we'd pr<>bably have br<>ken up <>r s<>meth1ng!"
  44. <Jonah_Grey> "I don't really know how it works, even though I'm a troll, but apparently the harem thing is a very troll thing to do."
  45. <Ezra_Rabbit> "They're called quadrants! 1 th1nk 1 remember them a b1t better n<>w!"
  46. <Jonah_Grey> "Yeah, that thing"
  47. <Ezra_Rabbit> "They d<>n't w<>rk that way!"
  48. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, my romance skills are obviously sub-zero, so I can presume you wouldn't really notice me."
  49. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 sa1d 1 was s<>rry!"
  50. <Jonah_Grey> "Plus I didn't really give a lot of concrete signals, and I just didn't think you'd be for me and stuff."
  51. <Ezra_Rabbit> "We <>nly had l1ke tw<> <>r three c<>nversat1<>ns!"
  52. <Jonah_Grey> "True"
  53. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 d1dn't real1ze pe<>ple c<>uld fall 1n l<>ve that fast!"
  54. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, you know, maybe hormones have something to do with it."
  55. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 d<>n't really kn<>w what th<>se are, but sure!"
  56. <Jonah_Grey> "But yeah, people don't usually fall in love at first sight."
  57. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>h, d1d y<>u d<> that f<>r me?!"
  58. <Ezra_Rabbit> "J<>nah, that's s<><><><> sweet!"
  59. <Jonah_Grey> "You know it were like three conversations, but..."
  60. <Jonah_Grey> "Maybe?"
  61. <Jonah_Grey> "I dunno"
  62. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Y<>u sh<>uld've sa1d s<>meth1ng!"
  63. <Jonah_Grey> "Every time I saw you I just got really poetic and stuff"
  64. <Ezra_Rabbit> "That w<>uld have been super r<>mant1c!"
  65. <Jonah_Grey> "And my mind was like in 5 billion places at the same time."
  66. <Jonah_Grey> "But talking wasn't one of those."
  67. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Well then, y<>u need s<>me pract1ce!"
  68. <Jonah_Grey> "Err..."
  69. <Jonah_Grey> "Sorry?"
  70. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Y<>u're really sweet, but y<>u need t<> sh<>w that t<> pe<>ple, and tell them y<>u l1ke them, s<> they d<>n't g<> <>ff and date <>ther pe<>ple!"
  71. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, err..."
  72. <Jonah_Grey> Help me.
  73. <Ezra_Rabbit> "S<> y<>u need pract1ce tell1ng pe<>ple y<>u l1ke them! And be1ng all p<>et1c at them!"
  74. <Jonah_Grey> "I err..."
  75. <Jonah_Grey> "Well..."
  76. <Jonah_Grey> "You see..."
  77. <Jonah_Grey> "I kinda..."
  78. <Ezra_Rabbit> "We need t<> get y<>u s<>me pract1ce dates!"
  79. <Jonah_Grey> "I l-l-l... I like you"
  80. <Jonah_Grey> "Wait what?"
  81. <Ezra_Rabbit> "What?!"
  82. <Jonah_Grey> "What?"
  83. <Jonah_Grey> "What's wrong?"
  84. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 d<>n't kn<>w, 1 d1dn't expect y<>u t<> start pract1c1ng wh1le 1 was th1nk1ng!"
  85. <Ezra_Rabbit> "G<><>d j<>b th<>ugh!"
  86. <Jonah_Grey> "T... Thanks? I guess?"
  87. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Hm, s<> 1s there any<>ne else y<>u l1ke?!"
  88. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Wh<>'s n<>t 1n a relat1<>nsh1p r1ght n<>w?!"
  89. <Jonah_Grey> "Well... not really..."
  90. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Alr1ght, 1'll need t<> ask them 1f they're alr1ght g<>1ng <>n pract1ce dates w1th y<>u then!"
  91. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1t'll be a l1ttle we1rd, s1nce y<>u w<>n't l1ke them that way, but 1t'll be helpful exper1ence!"
  92. <Jonah_Grey> "Wait what?"
  93. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Pract1ce dates!"
  94. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Dates t<> pract1ce dat1ng!"
  95. <Jonah_Grey> "You can't just..."
  96. <Jonah_Grey> "You can't just ask a person if they want to go on a date with you."
  97. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Sure y<>u can!"
  98. <yzabtech[DM]> ((i was expecting something really heartwarming/heartbreaking but this is just kinda awkward and i love it))
  99. <Ezra_Rabbit> "That's what Zach d1d! <>r maybe that's what 1 d1d! 1 d<>n't remember!"
  100. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Anyways, that's n<>t what we're d<>1ng! 1'll be sett1ng the wh<>le th1ng up! Y<>u just need t<> d<> the talk1ng!"
  101. <Jonah_Grey> "Ezra, I..."
  102. <Ezra_Rabbit> "And then <>nce y<>u've pract1ced en<>ugh, we can m<>ve <>nt<> the real th1ng 1n the new un1verse!"
  103. <Jonah_Grey> "Can't we delay this until after we're done making universes?"
  104. <Jonah_Grey> "I'm really not feeling it now."
  105. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Awww, 1 guess we can!"
  106. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 supp<>se th1ngs are pretty busy r1ght n<>w! And that w1ll g1ve me t1me t<> f1gure 1t <>ut!"
  107. <Jonah_Grey> "Y... Yeah."
  108. <Jonah_Grey> "Cool."
  109. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Y<>u need t<> let me kn<>w 1f there's any<>ne y<>u l1ke th<>ugh!"
  110. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1'll be the best w1ngw<>man!"
  111. <Jonah_Grey> "Y... yo... Yeah."
  112. <Jonah_Grey> <Inner thoughts> Dammit Jonah, you're fucking this shit up.
  113. <Jonah_Grey> <IT> Again.
  114. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Alr1ght, then 1t's settled! Glad we talked ab<>ut th1s J<>nah! 1 feel a l<>t better!"
  115. <Jonah_Grey> "Okay, sure. No problem."
  116. <Jonah_Grey> <IT> Oh Ezra, how I love you.
  117. <Ezra_Rabbit> "C<>me <>n, let's g<> back 1n t<> see the <>thers! 1 d1dn't get a chance t<> f1n1sh greet1ng them!"
  118. <Jonah_Grey> <IT>Your raven-black locks swirl through the air like leaves in the wind,
  119. <Jonah_Grey> <IT>and you mesmerize me with your round, indigo eyes.
  120. <Ezra_Rabbit> ((violet*))
  121. <Jonah_Grey> <IT>Your smile shines brighter than Skaia and Prospit combined,
  122. * You are now known as Showstoppers
  123. <Jonah_Grey> ((violet))
  124. <Jonah_Grey> "Sorry, what?"
  125. <Jonah_Grey> <IT>and your voice soothes my deepest wounds.
  126. <Jonah_Grey> <IT>Ezra, you're the most precious thing in this universe and the next.
  127. <Ezra_Rabbit> "C'm<>n s1lly, d<>n't space <>ut!" I grab his wrist and fly back into the meteor.
  128. <Jonah_Grey> "Ah..."
  129. <Jonah_Grey> <IT>
  130. <Showstoppers> "Say it, Jonah," a voice whispers in Jonah's ear.
  131. <Jonah_Grey> "Ezra, I..."
  132. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Hm?! S<>meth1ng else J<>nah?!"
  133. <Jonah_Grey> ((What do I roll))
  134. <Showstoppers> ((roll charisma))
  135. <Jonah_Grey> !roll 1d20+1
  136. <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=7 ] | {8}
  137. <Jonah_Grey> "I err..."
  138. <Jonah_Grey> "Nothing."
  139. <Showstoppers> "no no no nO NO NO"
  140. <Jonah_Grey> "Nevermind"
  141. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Aw, y<>u can tell me!"
  142. <Showstoppers> "Fuck the numbers, you're gonna say it!"
  143. <Ezra_Rabbit> "We just went <>ver th1s, y<>u need t<> talk t<> pe<>ple!"
  144. <Jonah_Grey> Oh, no not the static.
  145. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>h, 1've g<>t an 1dea!"
  146. <Showstoppers> "Try again."
  147. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Here, why d<>n't y<>u start by tell1ng me s<>meth1ng s1mple?!"
  148. <Jonah_Grey> "O... Okay..."
  149. <Ezra_Rabbit> "We'll w<>rk <>ur way up!"
  150. <Showstoppers> The brief burst of static stops.
  151. <Showstoppers> There is no longer a static at all. Your head is completely clear.
  152. <Jonah_Grey> "Okay, shoot."
  153. <Jonah_Grey> "N.. not literally, just..."
  154. <Jonah_Grey> "What do I need to tell you?"
  155. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Let's start <>ff w1th... What c<>l<>r are y<>ur s<>cks?!"
  156. <Showstoppers> "Tell her what you think."
  157. <Jonah_Grey> "Err..."
  158. <Jonah_Grey> "They should be white, although last time I checked..."
  159. <Jonah_Grey> "Let's keep them at grey for now."
  160. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>k, what's y<>ure fav<>r1te c<>l<>r?!"
  161. <Jonah_Grey> Ummm...
  162. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1s 1t grey, l1ke y<>ur s<>cks?!"
  163. <Jonah_Grey> "I like tyrian purple and all things around, but I like a bit of green every once in a while just to switch it up a bit.
  164. <Jonah_Grey> "Grey is just a bit too dull for me."
  165. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>h, 1've never heard <>f that c<>l<>r! Tyr1an purple s<>unds c<><>l!"
  166. <Jonah_Grey> "If I had to pick a neutral color it would be black"
  167. <Jonah_Grey> It's basically considered a royal color
  168. <Ezra_Rabbit> "W<>w, that's a really 1n depth answer! M<>st pe<>ple just say <>ne!"
  169. <Jonah_Grey> "Tyrian purple that is"
  170. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, you know."
  171. <Jonah_Grey> "Preference is a spectrum."
  172. <Jonah_Grey> "Like colours."
  173. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1've never heard that bef<>re! What d<> y<>u mean?!"
  174. <Jonah_Grey> "I mean lot of people like different things in different amounts"
  175. <Jonah_Grey> "I basically made up that metaphor up on the fly, I just felt it was appropriate."
  176. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Really?! W<>w, 1t s<>unded l1ke s<>me <>ld pr<>verb <>r s<>meth1ng!"
  177. <Ezra_Rabbit> "D<> y<>u c<>me up w1th stuff l1ke that a l<>t?!"
  178. <Jonah_Grey> "It might be for all I know."
  179. <Jonah_Grey> "Sometimes. When I feel like it."
  180. <Jonah_Grey> "I'm a programmer by training so generally out of the box thinking is mandatory."
  181. <Jonah_Grey> "And then stupid metaphors like that happen"
  182. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>h, y<>u're a pr<>grammer?! What 1s that?!"
  183. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, you know about the computer doodads we got, right?"
  184. <Ezra_Rabbit> "S<>rt <>f, yeah! They're we1rd!"
  185. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, the things that actually make the computer more useful is a program"
  186. <Jonah_Grey> "are programs"
  187. <Ezra_Rabbit> "<>h, that's really c<><>l! S<> y<>u must be really smart then!"
  188. <Jonah_Grey> "And a programmer basically regurgitates code from other people to make something that makes the computer do what you want it to do."
  189. <Jonah_Grey> "Also they write TODO everywhere for some reason."
  190. <Ezra_Rabbit> "T<>D<>?!"
  191. <Jonah_Grey> "Yeah, it's supposed to be a reminder that certain parts have to be extended or remade, but I've found shopping lists and assassination targets in some of them, sooo..."
  192. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Huh, that's pretty crazy!"
  193. <Ezra_Rabbit> "S<>, what was that th1ng y<>u wanted t<> tell me?!"
  194. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, err..."
  195. <Jonah_Grey> "Ummm..."
  196. <Ezra_Rabbit> "C'm<>n, y<>u just t<>ld me all s<>rts <>f stuff! And that wasn't hard at all, r1ght?!"
  197. <Jonah_Grey> "Well, this bit is sort of..."
  198. <Jonah_Grey> "Hmmm..."
  199. <Jonah_Grey> "It's not that important anyway..."
  200. <Jonah_Grey> "I just..."
  201. <Jonah_Grey> !roll 1d20+1
  202. <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=2 ] | {3}
  203. <Jonah_Grey> "...You know..."
  204. <Jonah_Grey> "Thinged the thing?"
  205. <Ezra_Rabbit> "N<>pe, s<>rry!"
  206. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 d<>n't kn<>w what that means!"
  207. <Jonah_Grey> "Well..."
  208. <Jonah_Grey> "That's okay..."
  209. <Jonah_Grey> "Let's just..."
  210. <Ezra_Rabbit> "J<>nah, tell me! Please! 1'm really gett1ng cur1<>us here!"
  211. <Jonah_Grey> "Err..."
  212. <Jonah_Grey> "Well..."
  213. <Jonah_Grey> !roll 1d20+1
  214. <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=14 ] | {15}
  215. <Jonah_Grey> "I..."
  216. <Jonah_Grey> "I like you..."
  217. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Yeah?! And?!" I say expectantly.
  218. <Jonah_Grey> "No I don't mean just like you."
  219. <Jonah_Grey> "But like, LIKE like you..."
  220. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 kn<>w!"
  221. <Jonah_Grey> "You do?"
  222. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Well sure, s1lly! 1 ap<>l<>g1zed t<> y<>u earl1er f<>r n<>t real1z1ng 1t s<><>ner!"
  223. <Jonah_Grey> "Y... Yeah, that's true."
  224. <Jonah_Grey> "But, you know..."
  225. <Jonah_Grey> "Just throwing it out there..."
  226. <Jonah_Grey> "Like I was supposed to?"
  227. <Jonah_Grey> !roll 1d20+1
  228. <NOTTyche[Dice]> rolled 1d20+1 --> [ 1d20=15 ] | {16}
  229. <Jonah_Grey> "Oh fuck this."
  230. <Jonah_Grey> I grab Ezra and smooch her as hard as I can, but gently.
  231. <Ezra_Rabbit> My eyes widen and I quickly push Jonah back.
  232. <Jonah_Grey> "SORRY"
  233. <Jonah_Grey> "I just..."
  234. <Jonah_Grey> "Fuck"
  235. <Jonah_Grey> "Well..."
  236. <Ezra_Rabbit> "J<>nah, what the heck?! 1'm dat1ng Zach!"
  237. <Jonah_Grey> "I just thought, you should know what I really felt."
  238. <Jonah_Grey> "That's what all this was sort of about?"
  239. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 d<> th<>ugh!"
  240. <Jonah_Grey> "But I just crossed a line."
  241. <Jonah_Grey> "I'm sorry."
  242. <Jonah_Grey> "I just didn't think you'd understand"
  243. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1t's alr1ght! L1sten, we can st1ll be fr1ends! And maybe s<>meday, 1f th1ngs d<>n't w<>rk <>ut we can be m<>re than that!"
  244. <Jonah_Grey> "I..."
  245. <Jonah_Grey> "Okay..."
  246. <Jonah_Grey> "I'll be off then..."
  247. <Ezra_Rabbit> "N<>pe!"
  248. <Jonah_Grey> "So..."
  249. <Jonah_Grey> "What?"
  250. <Jonah_Grey> "Oh right."
  251. <Jonah_Grey> "Boss"
  252. <Ezra_Rabbit> "Yeah!"
  253. <Ezra_Rabbit> "And after that 1'm g<>1ng t<> help y<>u f1nd s<>me<>ne else!"
  254. <Jonah_Grey> "I'll try to not get in your way."
  255. <Jonah_Grey> <IT> Good luck with that, my sunshine.
  256. <Ezra_Rabbit> "1 d<>n't really kn<>w h<>w t<> f1ght anyways, s<> d<>n't w<>rry!"
  257. <Jonah_Grey> <IT> Wow, that was rude.
  258. <Ezra_Rabbit> "C<>me <>n, 1 really want t<> get back t<> every<>ne!"
  259. <Jonah_Grey> "Okay"
  260. <Jonah_Grey> "Let's go."
  261. <Ezra_Rabbit> I fly back into the meteor with Jonah.
  262. <Jonah_Grey> I return to the meteor with Ezra.
  263. <Ezra_Rabbit> ((END?))
  264. <Jonah_Grey> ((I guess?))
  265. <Ezra_Rabbit> (( Showstoppers ))
  266. <Showstoppers> Just then you hear a cackle in the distance....
  267. <Showstoppers> ==TO BE CONTINUED IN ENDGAME (Part 2.5)==
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