
10 Lesta Nediam LNC2016-02-08 1745 +Julian Danzer (HAL9001)

Feb 8th, 2016
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2016-02-08 1745 +Julian Danzer (HAL9001)
  4. __
  7. +Julian Danzer (HAL9001) __ Stop writing lies. *I am not twisting anything.* STOP misrepresenting the situation or you will be banned. I have asked you TWO yes or no questions:
  9. 1) Do you acknowledge there are FAKE "ISS from Earth showing details" footage which also claim to be real? (You replied "yes but 99.9% of it is real")
  11. 2) Have you ever watched footage of the "ISS from Earth showing details" that claims to be real but which you later found out was fake? You have now answered that question and your answer is "you haven't".
  13. __
  15. I am not "twisting" anything into "absolutes". Pay attention: *If there is no real and manned "ISS" then ALL FOOTAGE OF IT MUST NECESSARILY BE FAKE.* That isn't "twisting it into absolutes" - *IT IS THE WAY IT IS.*
  17. You should be asking HOW it can be someone would think that in the first place. It's not that hard once you LET GO of the belief it MUST be real. Because you are continually ASSUMING THE CONCLUSION you are looking at this from a completely biased perspective. If you believe something is real then you are either not going to notice or will simply overlook all the cues and clues that it IS fake.
  19. __
  21. You have now asked me to provide you with evidence of the "ISS" being fake. I'd love to! *What SPECIFICALLY will you accept?* If you cannot tell me what you will accept then how can I give it to you? If you ask for something IMPOSSIBLE then how can you expect to be shown it? If you ask for something possible AND I give it to you - will you REALLY accept it? Or will you dismiss it and ask for something else? (I.e., shift the goal posts.)
  23. Do you need to see an "ISS" movie studio? _Uh huh - and how likely do you think that is?_
  25. Do you need to hear from a whistle-blower? Uh huh - and who exactly is in a position to blow the whistle? *Certainly ANY of the alleged "astronauts" on screen MUST KNOW whether they are faking it or not but there is NO REASON to think ANYONE ELSE - out of the tens, thousands, hundreds of thousands or MILLIONS of other people involved in the so-called "space industry" NEEDS to know.*
  27. ONLY the "astronaut" and those responsible for "editing the footage" would NEED to know. *The true number of "potential whistleblowers" might be VERY FEW.* The reason they are not talking likely goes to the CORE of the REASON it is being faked in the first place (hence no one who is in a position to know will ever talk).
  29. Remember: everyone believes they live in a world that has a real and manned space station. If you want to know what "benefit" there is to "lying about it" then your answer will be found in examining THAT and examining WHO the "astronauts" talk to and WHAT it is they talk about. (While there is more to it than that - _since we are born into a lie system_ - it is a good starting point.)
  31. I have in many videos and posts pointed out what "sufficient proof" is required ("sufficient proof" is that which necessarily proves a claim MUST be true) for a real and manned "ISS": *Sustained duration genuine micro/zero gravity footage that UPON SCRUTINY remains FREE from glaring glitches, clever cuts, sneaky edits and misdirecting pans.*
  33. For example: a five minute gymnastics routine where "astronauts" are doing as many somersaults in a row as possible. Or five minutes of spinning in the air on the spot - all from a single fixed camera. That would be acceptable. *Do you really think children would be so bored as to lose complete interest in seeing an inspiring "astronaut" do many somersaults in a row while his buddy is playing "water ping pong" with a third "astronaut"?!*
  35. In a decade and a half these things have NEVER been filmed. *Not even by accident.* And that is what makes it suspicious. What we would EXPECT BY NOW TO HAVE SEEN is absent. *Yet we have hundreds of examples of "water bubbles" and "single to triple somersaults" and other CLEVER MAGIC TRICKS.*
  37. The reason what we are shown APPEAR convincing to YOU is because you BELIEVE IT IS REAL! You don't have the eyes to scrutinise it. When "normal people" go to a magic show they are dazzled and amazed. But when other magicians go to a magic show do you really think they are awed? Or do they instead find they notice all of the things that give the trick away and ruin the "magic"?
  39. I have pointed out what I call "masking glitches". People have INCORRECTLY and variously tried to tell me they are caused by "broadcasting problems", "dropped frames" or "radiation" or "frame rate issues" *and so on and so forth.* But no one - NOT ONE PERSON - *can show a replica of the issue happening during genuine KNOWN GOOD FOOTAGE yet the issue is present in the same way in just about ALL of the alleged "ISS" interviews!*
  41. Simply go and watch the recent "ISS" footage with "George Bush" . From about 5 to 6 minutes on the "masking glitches" are present throughout.
  43. *Video Title:* ISS Crew Discusses Life in Space with Former President Bush
  45. *Video Link:* watch?v=ww3ueFwqnWs
  47. Watch at least from 5m40s of that video (though of course watch the entire clip) - the "masking glitches" are prolific in that clip. If you think it is "dropped frames" or some other BS like that then *FIND THE SAME THING HAPPENING IN KNOWN GOOD FOOTAGE.* That means the SAME THING. Not "near enough" but the SAME. *Because in practically EVERY "ISS" interview we see the SAME glitches and so if it has a "natural" explanation then we should expect to also see it in known good footage as well.*
  49. __
  51. Everyone who claims to have taken footage of the alleged "ISS" from Earth showing discernible details has *TURNED OUT TO BE A LIAR.* I have posted about one liar to my channel already. I have not had time to get to others but I plan on it. *That is why "Reds Rhetoric" refuses to personally vouch for any existing footage. HE KNOWS THIS.*
  53. I am busy. I can do only SO MUCH for you. But what YOU need to do is SUSPEND BELIEF as you examine this issue.
  55. Maybe some more of your answers can be found in my next video which will be posted (hopefully) by tonight. _(edited for typos)_
  59. __________________________________________
  60. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's posts, comments, videos and discussions:
  63. Here is Lesta Nediam's Google Plus posts (i.e., blog) - this is where Lesta is most active:
  66. Here is an annotated text file with links to all of Lesta Nediam's video uploads:
  69. Here is Lesta Nediam's YouTube channel - for videos about the lie system:
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