
My Special Somepony (Twilight Sparkle) by Knifey -- ONE SHOT

Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. >>26405217
  2. >"Hey uhh... Anon? Can I ask you a question?"
  3. yea? can you? Are you able to?
  4. >"Ughh. I mean, MAY I ask you a question?"
  5. Sure Twiggles, whats on your mind?
  6. >"Well... I was wondering something... Uhh. I don't know how to ask this... Oh shoot, I don't know how to even start. I mean what if you think I'm a weirdo or something and-"
  7. Twilight, nothing you can say will make me think you're a weirdo.
  8. >"Nothing? Are you so sure Anon?"
  9. Ok. So maybe a few things, but the chances of you saying them are pretty low. So ask away.
  10. >Twilight starts to hesitate again, but takes a deep breath and begins to ask her question.
  11. >"Is there something wrong with me?"
  12. What? What are you talking about?
  13. >"I mean like... How I look?"
  14. No... you seem normal to me. What do you mean?
  15. >"Well... I don't know if you've noticed but... around this time every year, everyone's running around finding dates for Hearts and Hooves day. "
  16. Oh...
  17. >"yea.... well. I...I-I just was kinda wondering... Why nobody ever asks me?"
  18. >Twilight refuses to look at you, her eyes are glued to the floor as she nervously fiddles with her hooves.
  19. >"Am...A-am I. Ugly?"
  20. >You begin to hear her voice falter. Its obvious she's getting more emotional than she anticipated.
  21. No! of course not! There has to be another explanation. Maybe its because you're a princess? Maybe thats intimidating to some people. Hell... I don't know.
  22. >You scratch your head, not knowing what to say to her.
  23. >" you think I'm ugly?"
  24. >You bend down and gently rub her mane. She looks up at you for your answer.
  25. No Twilight. Of course not. I think you're a cute little pony.
  26. >"Cute? m-me?"
  27. Yea. Whoever gets you will be one lucky stallion.
  28. >She tries to hide her blush, but she's doing a terrible job of it.
  29. >"Do you think...umm. Do you think...If nobody asks me...uhh"
  30. >She takes another deep breath, trying to draw in courage.
  31. >"Do-you-kinda-wanna-maybe-go-out-with-me-for-hearts-and-hooves-day-or-something!?"
  33. >>26405217
  34. "Yeah sure thing Twi, just as friends."
  35. >Twilight's initial smile vanishes
  36. >"J-just as friends?"
  37. "Yeah, it'll be fun."
  38. >Her gaze lowers to the floor
  39. >"Y-yeah, g-great fun. It'll be just 'great'."
  40. >You can hear the fear and sarcasm in her voice
  41. >She was taking this way outta hand, er, hoof
  42. "Hey, I think you're overreacting..."
  43. >"S-so you do think that I'm ugly!"
  44. "What? No!"
  45. >"Then I'm not g-good enough for you? Anon? I-is that it?"
  46. "No, look listen."
  47. >You cup both hands around her head and start scratching both ears
  48. >"Hey! Ahhh."
  49. >After a while, she calms down
  50. >You pull her head up towards yours
  51. "Look at me Twi when I say this, I'm trapped here in Equestria. I just need some time to figure out what I want right now and I don't want to start a relationship only to realise that I might lose that one too. Okay?"
  52. >"O-oh okay A-Anon."
  53. "You get me?"
  54. >She nods
  55. >"Y-yeah."
  56. "Aw thanks Twily."
  57. >You pull her into a friendly hug before letting her go
  58. "Hey AJ said she needed my help with something so I gotta get going."
  59. >"Ok."
  60. "Listen, I'll see you on Hearts and Hooves day and we'll sort something out then?"
  61. >You wave at her as you head off
  62. >Twilight looks like she's biting her lip
  63. >"... you just don't find me sexually attractive. Well, I can change that."
  64. >You thought you heard Twily say something, but turning back she was gone
  65. >Must've teleported somewhere
  66. >Strange
  67. >You arrive at Sweet Apple Acres and find a distraught AJ
  68. "Howdy pardner!"
  69. >She makes a scared horse noise before turning around
  70. >"Ah-Ahnon! Yer scared the apples offa me!"
  71. >She's sweating pretty badly
  72. "What's wrong AJ?"
  73. >You try and lean in to scratch her ears but she jumps away from you
  74. >"Ahnon! Y-yer can't just fool around with just any filly. Heh."
  75. "What are you talking about? You always liked my scratches."
  76. >"Wha-what? When did ah say that? Ah swore I told ya ah, hated, em."
  77. >Okay this was strange
  78. "You're acting strange AJ."
  79. >"What? N-no, ah'm fine."
  80. "Hey, AJ, you doing anything for Hearts and Hooves day? I wanna see if we can throw something for Twi-"
  81. >"Y'ahhhh!"
  82. >She jumps and hides inside an empty apple basket
  83. "AJ? You're scaring me."
  84. >Her cowboy hat peeks out of the basket first
  85. >"Ah-ah'm busy that day. Y-yep!"
  86. >You raise an eyebrow at her
  87. "Yes, I know."
  88. >"Y-you do?"
  89. "Yeah, apple farm stuff for the day. The usual. But even then you don't have a special somepony, even I know that, so you should be free later-"
  90. >"Ah do!"
  91. >Whoa, what when did this happen?
  92. >You and AJ were practically buddies ever since you came here, there's no way she'd have kept it from you
  93. "... who then?"
  94. >"It's... it's... it's..."
  95. > She's sweating balls and her eyes are all over the place
  96. "It's...?"
  97. >"Big Mac!"
  98. >Her brother?
  99. "What... you're joking, right?"
  100. >She sinks back down into the basket
  101. >"Nope."
  102. "Wow... AJ... I'm not sure how to respond to that..."
  103. >"It's disgusting isn't it!?"
  104. >A bright flash and Twily appears right next to
  105. "Twily...? What are you dong here?"
  106. >"S-see? Now that our friend Applejack has such, odd sexual preferences, d-don't you find that off putting?"
  107. >She stretches out her wings and puffs out her chest towards you
  108. >"Y-you shouldn't be known with s-such deviants! I-isn't that right, Applejack?"
  109. >"Y-yes yer highness."
  110. >Applejack is sobbing now
  111. >What is going on
  112. >"Sooo, it would seem that our dear friend Applejack is busy right now. Yup, isn't that right Applejack?"
  113. >You turn to see your buddy curled up tighter into the basket
  114. >"... eeyup."
  115. >"She'll probably do doing some stuff like, kissing, with her special somepony brother, right Applejack?"
  116. >Now you can't even see her
  117. "... yup."
  118. >"Soo now you should have the rest of the day off Anon!"
  119. >Twilight curls a wing behind you shoulder
  120. "Wait there's something wrong with AJ."
  121. >"Y-yes Anon that's right! Same sibling offspring have a much higher chance of getting deformities!"
  122. "N-no that's not what I mean! She's not herself."
  123. >AJ's ear twitches out of the basket
  124. >"Wh-what are you talking about Anon? Let's leave now before it becomes contagious."
  125. "Hang on I just want-"
  126. >POOF
  127. "-to ask if she's alright."
  128. "..."
  129. "Where did you teleport us Twilight?"
  130. >"W-why we're outside of Rarity's boutique!"
  131. >This didn't look like the front of the building
  132. >"I-I should hope that we don't stumble onto Rarity doing something, inappropriate."
  133. "Look Twilight. Stop it."
  134. >You cross your arms in front of her
  135. >She was behind AJ's behaviour somehow and for some reason
  136. >You wouldn't let anymore of her and your friends suffer
  137. "Let's go back to the library and talk about it."
  138. >Twilight flinches at your comment and her eyes flip wide open
  139. >"I-I d-don't know what you're talking about A-Anon."
  140. >You sigh and pull her towards you into another hug
  141. "Listen, if you're still worried about Hearts and Hooves day, well you shouldn't be."
  142. >With a free hand you start scratching behind one of her ears
  143. "Trust me Twilight, Twily, okay?"
  144. >Her eyes become half lidded and a half open smile appears
  145. >"Y-yeah..."
  146. "Good. Now let's go back to the libr-"
  147. >Your voice is cut off by a hot, wet sensation in your mouth
  148. >You look down
  149. >Twily has her mouth closed over yours
  150. >Her tongue wrestles with yours as you try and break free
  151. >Sensing your struggle she wraps both wings around your back
  152. >She's grinning
  153. >Damn it this is what Twilight's been worried about!
  154. >You try and force yourself against her wings
  155. >But they're just too strong
  156. >It's no good
  157. >She's out of control and really needs her friends help right now
  158. >You have a risky idea and push your tongue into her mouth
  159. >"Ummphf!?"
  160. >She's startled by your action and loosens her grip on you
  161. >It's enough for you to slip free and fall to the floor
  162. "Rarity! Help!"
  163. >Twilight blinks in confusion as a shocked Rarity pops out of the boutique window
  164. >"Anonymous darling? Twilight darling? Oh Celestia, what is the meaning of all this?"
  165. >After that, l Rarity helped you take Twilight inside the boutique
  166. "And so it would seem like she's, uh, really worried about being alone for Hearts and Hooves day."
  167. >Rarity is sitting on her chair levitating cup of tea
  168. >"Twilight darling, this is very unbecoming of a princess if you don't mind me saying so."
  169. >Twilight is too wrapped up inside her wings to say anything
  170. >But the occasional nod of her horn lets you both know she's listening
  171. >"You've given Anon here a lot of trouble and no doubt to poor Applejack, who's probably in a quite a state right now."
  172. >Another nod
  173. >"But we can't help you if you don't come out of your, ahem, shell and speak to us."
  174. >Rarity smiles
  175. >And it seems to work
  176. >Twilight wings unfolds around her, revealing a solemn face
  177. >"I'm sorry..."
  178. "Hey, it's alright. Listen, I'm willing to bet that AJ will forgive you, and so will I, if you just tell us what's going on."
  179. >"Yes Twilight darling, please, tell us what's caused all this to happen?"
  180. >Her gaze stays stuck on the floor
  181. >"No, nopony asked me out for Hearts and Hooves day, so I asked Anon if there was something wrong with me."
  182. >Rarity nods encouragingly and smiles
  183. >"So, I thought I was too ugly, I mean with these wings and all but then Anon said that I was cute and that he'd go only go out with me as a friend on on Hearts and Hooves day!"
  184. >"Oh, Twilight darling..."
  185. >"Why would Anon tell somepony that they're cute, to then not want to be with them!? That's just wrong!"
  186. >She stomps down her hoof in anger
  187. "Twily, calm down."
  188. >"Yes darling, Anonymous..."
  189. >Rarity cringes
  190. >"... hasn't done anything wrong on his account. He just said he'd ask you out so that you'd feel better. I'm sure he would've wanted to let you down easy-"
  191. >"I won't accept it! I won't allow it!"
  192. >"Twilight darl-"
  193. >"He k-kissed me! L-like how adult ponies do!"
  194. >You and Rarity flush
  195. >"You don't return a-a-a k-kiss l-like that w-with just anypony!"
  196. "You wouldn't let me say anything and you wouldn't let me g-"
  197. >"You. Kissed. Me."
  198. >"Twilight, we all say things and, do things, we sometimes don't mean. Anon didn't mean to, kiss, you like that."
  199. >"His body reacted to it! I felt him-"
  200. >You rush over and cover Twilight's mouth
  201. "Okay so now you get the gist of it. Can't you help Rarity? She's really-"
  202. >Another hot, wet sensation engulfs your palm
  203. >Rarity quickly becomes another shade of red
  204. >You look down in horror at Twilight giving your hand a 'handjob'
  206. >You're now, if it wasn't obvious enough, frozen in horror
  207. >Just earlier on in the day you comforted your favourite bookworm/princess/pony friend over how nopony asked her out for H&H day...
  208. >... to now finding yourself in the headlights of a trainwreck
  209. >You come back to the 'purple alicorn licking all the salt out of your hand' reality
  210. >You snap your hand back and stare at the wet mess
  211. >Your hand is starting to prune up, and, oh Celestia, the smell
  212. >"Tw-Twilight, th-that was a very in-inappropriate thing for you to have done."
  213. >Very understated Rares.
  214. >"I think I understand now."
  215. >You both turn to Twilight licking her lips
  216. >"Anon called me cute and asked me out when I was in need of comfort, and yet, he said that we were friends, contradicting those former words."
  217. >Hey horn begins to glow
  218. >"Wh-what are you getting at? Twilight?"
  219. >You could tell by Rarity's voice that she, too, was getting scared
  220. >"Anon did things before to me, things like, hugging me, scratching my ears, and most recently, kiss, me."
  221. >Her wings stick out and she shudders with that same grin from before
  222. >"Th-this should be enough, to conclude that Anon doesn't understand, no, doesn't realise that he's physically attracted, no! Practically in love with me!"
  223. >Both yours and Rarity's jaw drop in synch
  224. "... what."
  225. >"The purest essence of love comes from within, Cadance told me so, they fuel our words, or, in Anon's case, fuel his actions with love!"
  226. >You only did them because it was nice
  227. >"It all makes sense now! Why nopony else asked me out! It was all because of Anon's affirmative actions that let everypony know he was in love with me! Though I'll need to refine and test my theory, but this. This, is a breakthough!"
  228. >You lean over to Rarity, holding your slimed hand far away from her, and whisper
  229. "You need to run and get help. I'll distract her."
  230. >Rarity turns to look at you
  231. >"B-but what about you?"
  232. "Forget about me, get Spike to and for Cadance, Celestia, anypony!"
  233. >She nods
  234. >Time to play the hero
  235. >... though you really didn't want to
  236. >You just wanted to spend some with everypony, maybe snuggle up with AJ over a nice tasty apple pie
  237. >But no, Twily needed help
  238. "Hey, Twily. You're right."
  239. >The purple craze looks at you, broken from her euphoric state
  240. >"A-Anon?"
  241. >There's a dribble of saliva hanging from her muzzle
  242. "How about we... go somewhere private."
  243. >You motion over to Rarity, who flushes again
  244. >"A-Anon, what are you doing?"
  245. >"Ah, yes, Anon. You're quite right. As much as it makes me feel, reaffirmed, by your public displays of affection towards me, there are other, such things, that shouldn't be on public display."
  246. >She lips her lips
  247. >You look back at your hand again and shudder as to what she thinks is acceptable
  248. >No, focus Anon
  249. "Let's go to the library and-"
  250. >Her wings spasm sporadically, her breathing hitches and some horses noises come out of her
  251. >You look back at Rarity, who looks back at you
  252. >"Y-yes A-Anon. Y-you know me s-so well. T-this is like a dream c-c-come true."
  253. >She's breathing hard
  254. "Y-yeah, and when it's dark, we'll have, books, scattered around us, no, a bed made out of books and-"
  255. >She gasps, then moans
  256. >You shoot a look back at Rarity to get going
  257. "And we'll have candlelights all around the library, though I don't think having open flames-"
  258. >She snaps out of her haze
  259. >"A-Anon, please!"
  260. >Twi has a smug smile
  261. >"All my candles have fire protection spells, they're fall proof too sp they won't even set fire to the books!"
  262. >... she's really thought things through
  263. >"Enough!"
  264. >Twilight disappears amd reappears right next to you in a flash
  265. >A wing envelopes you, too firm for comfort
  266. >"S-shall we go, my p-prince?"
  267. >You do your best to smile and nod
  268. >Really you had no idea if calling for help was better or if you just lost your chance to escape
  269. "You know, if you truly do love me for who I am, you'll know what I'd say."
  270. "N-"
  271. >"'Yes!'"
  272. >With that, you were engulfed with the teleportation spell
  273. >You find yourself writhing in agony, having been dropped from a short distance in the air
  274. >It's dark
  275. >And it smells musky
  276. >You grope around the ground and feel bookspines and hard covers scattered all around you
  277. "Great Anon, just great."
  278. >The idea you had was somewhat romanticized, sharing an intimate moment with a special somepony, reading opened books under candlelight
  279. >But here, it looked like some sort of dungeon
  280. >You hear a 'clop clop' in the distance
  281. >Candles come alive around you, paving a path ahead of you
  282. >At the very end, you see the Princess of Friendship, on top of her book sculpted throne bed
  283. "W-where are we?"
  284. >"Why we're underneath my castle Anon, in my 'private' library."
  285. >She paid special emphasis on making 'private' sound sexy but completely failed to do so
  286. >All it sounds like is her tongue going all over the place
  287. >"And you are its very first guest of honour. N-now, p-please, c-come to me."
  288. >You can only hope that Rarity was getting help
  289. >You take slow strides, taking your time to survey the place
  290. >It really was a giant dungeon full of books
  291. "So, how many books can you fit down here in your private library?"
  292. >"U-unf."
  293. >Did she just moan?
  294. "Uhhh, Twi?"
  295. >"P-please Anon, stop with all this teasing! T-the anticipation is too much!"
  296. >... k
  297. >You eventually reach the top of the stairs, illuminated like you were expecting some great treasure
  298. >Except there's none other than Twilight Sparkle, laying spread eagle on top of a mattress made of books
  299. >It was quite the sight, like an American Beauty, except with everything on show, when you wished there really wasn't
  300. >"T-take me now Anonymous!"
  301. >Her eyes are closed, her limbs are twitching
  302. "Come on Twi, let's stop this."
  303. >"H-huh?"
  304. >Her eyes open
  305. "Like I said, I like you, you're cute, but, we're rushing it a bit, don't you think?"
  306. >Twilight gets up and blushes
  307. >"All the things you've ever done for me, only makes me want you even more. I-I'll give you handjob- I'lle suck on your hand right now!"
  308. >You pull both your hands behind your back
  309. >Twily leans forward with her mouth wide open and tongue sticking out
  310. >"Aaaaah~"
  311. >'Can't you see that my hands are behind my back?'
  312. >You try again
  313. "L-look, this isn't really what you want. And it isn't even Hearts and Hooves day yet."
  314. >She stops to contemplate it
  315. >"Hmm."
  316. "If we do, whatever it is, then won't it feel less special?"
  317. >She might see some sense in this
  318. >You need more time
  319. >"But I love you Anon, and since I am the bearer of the element of magic I could bring the day forward to, say, right now."
  320. >Oh no
  321. >Nothing is impossible for this mare
  322. >"Hang on Anon, I-I won't keep you waiting, just lemme find the book for the day shifting spell..."
  323. >She spins around, purposely giving you the full sight
  324. >Her horn glows as books start flying in towards her from all over the book dungeon
  325. >"Hm, nope, not this one, not even close at all..."
  326. >You take another look around the place
  327. >There wasn't an exit you could see, so escaping was pretty much impossible
  328. >Think Anon, you need to stall for more time, otherwise she was going to end up extracting more than just salt from your hand
  329. >You look back at Twiggly engrossed in her search for the book
  330. >Her cheerful smile and happy voice calling out your name flashes in your mind
  331. "Oh Twilight."
  332. >"Hmm? What was that Anon? I- A-ha! Found it! The Canterlot Book of Forbidden Spells!"
  333. >You creep up over her
  334. >"Hmm interesting, not only will the diffraction in time a-a-aaaah~"
  335. >You fingers have found themselves scratching behind her ears
  336. >A dangerous move
  337. "Twily, forget about the spell, what day it is today has no impact on us being here right now."
  338. >"A-Anon, b-but-"
  339. >She squirms underneath your grasp and manages to grab hold of one of your hands
  340. >And by having your hand she means round two
  341. "H-hey don't move already! Quit licking my hand!"
  342. >You were quickly losing control over her ears, time to grab the next best thing
  343. >"A-Anon pl-pleash let me give y-y a han- Uwhaaa~"
  344. >Future note, do not treat a unicorn's horn like your own fleshy appendage
  345. >Her saliva formed a more thab adequate lube for you to show off your apple polishing skills
  346. >"A-at least let me g-give you a bl-blow-uwah~"
  347. >You really didn't want to correct her on this, or ever in fact
  348. >Seems like your time working for AJ finally paid off
  349. >You gripped and wiped her horn in long, powerful slides
  350. >Her wings and legs spasmed beneath you
  351. >"Ah! A-Anon n-not s-so -rough-unf!"
  352. "Nope sorry Twi, you're not going anywhere."
  353. >"Nooo~"
  354. >She suddenly plants her hooves beneath her and tries to push you off rodeo style
  355. >You decide to turn things up a notch and use personal experience, you grabbed hold of both the tip and the base of her horn
  356. >It was like you activated some cheat code
  357. >There was another great body spasm, nearly enough to throw you off
  358. > Afterwards, it was like all her body strength had suddenly vanished
  359. >Her voice was reduced to some unintelligable horse noises
  360. >"Ah... Ahnon.... Ah..."
  361. >She's quiet now
  362. >You stand up to take witness over the battle arena, and attempt to clap off the pony residue on your hands
  363. >You feel a breeze in the room
  364. >"Oh my dearest student."
  365. >Sweet Celestia
  366. >"What has he done to you?"
  367. >Oh no
  368. >"We see that your student was no match for his prowess!"
  369. >"We believe that he has delivered a fatal blow to her by a popular technique called a 'handjob'."
  370. >"..."
  371. "..."
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