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Jan 21st, 2019
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  1. //Andrew Lohr
  2. //Assignment 1
  3. //Sept 20
  6. #include <iostream>
  7. #include <cmath>
  9. using namespace std;
  11. int main()
  12. {
  13. const double PI = 3.141592;
  14. double a = 10.3, b = 20.5, radians = (PI/180);
  15. int c = 4, d = 30, e = 45, f = 60;
  18. cout<<"The ceil of 10.3 is: " << ceil(a) // Rounds the number up
  19. <<"\nThe floor of 10.3 is: "<< floor(a) // Rounds the number down
  20. <<"\ne raised to 4 is: "<< exp(c) // raises e^ x
  21. <<"\nThe log of 4 is: "<< log(4) // Finds the log of a number
  22. <<"\nThe log base 10 of 20.5 is: "<< log10(b) // Finds the log base10 of a number
  23. <<"\n10.3 raised to the power 5 is: "<< pow(a , 5.0) // Gives the answer of a number raised to the power of another number
  24. <<"\nThe square root of 20.5 is: " << sqrt(b) // Gives the aquare root of a number
  25. <<"\n\nThe sin of 30 is " <<sin((d*(radians))) <<", sin of 45 is: "<<sin((e*(radians)))<<", sin of 60 is: "<<sin((f*(radians)))
  26. <<"\nThe cos of 30 is " <<cos((d*(radians))) <<", cos of 45 is: "<<cos((e*(radians)))<<", cos of 60 is: "<<cos((f*(radians)))
  27. <<"\nThe tan of 30 is " <<tan((d*(radians))) <<", tan of 45 is: "<<tan((e*(radians)))<<", tan of 60 is: "<<tan((f*(radians)));
  29. system("pause>nul");
  30. return 0;
  31. }
  33. The ceil of 10.3 is: 11
  34. The floor of 10.3 is: 10
  35. e raised to 4 is: 54.5982
  36. The log of 4 is: 1.38629
  37. The log base 10 of 20.5 is: 1.31175
  38. 10.3 raised to the power 5 is: 115927
  39. The square root of 20.5 is: 4.52769
  41. The sin of 30 is 0.5, sin of 45 is: 0.707107, sin of 60 is: 0.866025
  42. The cos of 30 is 0.866025, cos of 45 is: 0.707107, cos of 60 is: 0.5
  43. The tan of 30 is 0.57735, tan of 45 is: 1, tan of 60 is: 1.73205
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