
Ask Layout 1 by 5urprise

Dec 22nd, 2013
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  322. <title>Talk to Me</title>
  323. <div id="blogtitle">Talk to Me</div>
  324. <div id="border"></div>
  325. <!--
  326. Put your About Me here!
  327. -->
  328. <div id="about"><br>
  329. <center><p><div style="font-family: stars; color:#FF0000;
  330. text-shadow:2px 3px 2px #00FF00;"><font size="6">About Me:</font></div><p></center>
  331. Put your about me here! If you write too much than a scrollbar will obviously come to save the day, I love this Christmas-themed ask layout, it's so cute lol. Okay okay okay so I am trying to write a lot to show you an amazing example of the scrollbar, which is so cute omg!!!
  332. </div>
  333. <!--
  334. Put your I Will's here!
  335. -->
  336. <div id="will"><br>
  337. <center><p><div style="font-family: stars; color:#FF0000;
  338. text-shadow:2px 3px 2px #00FF00;"><font size="6">I will:</font></div><p></center>
  339. Put your I Will's here! If you write too much than a scrollbar will obviously come to save the day, I love this Christmas-themed ask layout, it's so cute lol. Okay okay okay so I am trying to write a lot to show you an amazing example of the scrollbar, which is so cute omg!!!
  340. </div>
  341. <!--
  342. Put your I Wont's here!
  343. -->
  344. <div id="wont"><br>
  345. <center><p><div style="font-family: stars; color:#FF0000;
  346. text-shadow:2px 3px 2px #00FF00;"><font size="6">I won't:</font></div><p></center>
  347. Put your I Wont's here! If you write too much than a scrollbar will obviously come to save the day, I love this Christmas-themed ask layout, it's so cute lol. Okay okay okay so I am trying to write a lot to show you an amazing example of the scrollbar, which is so cute omg!!!
  348. </div>
  349. <!--
  350. Place your links here.
  351. Replace "Link 1", etc. with the link title. Replace the / with the link. *remember to begin the link with http://
  352. -->
  353. <div id="link1">
  354. <a href="/">Link 1</a>
  355. </div>
  356. <div id="link2">
  357. <a href="/">Link 2</a>
  358. </div>
  359. <div id="link3">
  360. <a href="/">Link 3</a>
  361. </div>
  362. <div id="link4">
  363. <a href="/">Link 4</a>
  364. </div>
  366. <div id="tree"></div>
  368. <div id="askbox">
  369. <a href="#?w=420"rel="03" class="poplight">Askbox</a>
  370. </div>
  371. <body onkeydown="return false">
  372. </body>
  373. <div style="position:fixed; z-index:9999999999999;bottom:5px; right:5px; background:white; border: 1px solid #cdcdcd; padding: 3px; padding-top: 0px; font-size: 15px; line-height: 20px;"><a href=""title="Layout by 5urprise!!!">✿</a></div>
  374. <div id="03" class="popup_block">
  375. <div style="
  376. width:auto;height:auto;padding:20px;font-family:caviardreams;font-size:32px;margin-top:-8px;line-height:12px;color:#FF0000;
  377. text-shadow:2px 3px 2px #00FF00; text-align:center;" >
  378. Did you read the FAQ?
  379. </div>
  383. <div style="padding:10px;margin-top:-45px;margin-left:-10px"><br><br><p></font><iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="430" height="190" src="{name}" style="background-color:transparent; overflow:hidden;" id="ask_form">
  384. </center></div></iframe></div>
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