
100pals astats

Oct 18th, 2016
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  1. [1:14 AM] qetc: but here come dat devalue
  2. [1:15 AM] Hikikomori: lol why does footrock get a mention?
  3. [1:15 AM] Aliased: I forgot that hard mode in trails in the sky was an afterthought not in the original game :confused:
  4. [1:15 AM] Aliased: don't play it
  5. [1:16 AM] Aliased: it's miserable.
  6. [1:16 AM] qetc: random 1 hour playtime with 75 achieves i guess
  7. [1:16 AM] Aliased: restarting after 5 hours of actual play time because hard mode is hell
  8. [1:16 AM] qetc: ah nvmthats points
  9. [1:17 AM] qetc: oh wait thats chieves too lmao
  10. [1:17 AM] Hikikomori: from the example he has ai war 100% roughly taking 110 hours and tome 100% taking 900 hours, tome will be worth 11,800 total points at 100%, ai war will be worth 9,220 points at 100%
  11. [1:17 AM] apollo: heres myths post
  13. [1:17 AM] Hikikomori: so 2k~ point difference for 800 hours of work
  14. [1:18 AM] apollo: rip @Xeinok rank
  15. [1:18 AM] Hikikomori: so it makes more sense to 100% ai war and abandon tome instead
  16. [1:18 AM] Hikikomori: which will drive ai war down?
  17. [1:19 AM] qetc: but then you have to play ai war :bbtcat:
  18. [1:20 AM] Hikikomori: fun times
  19. [1:20 AM] MisterXYZ: There's no way to make everyone happy, it really doesn't matter
  20. [1:20 AM] DrPixel: I'd say AI War is more of a high skill game than tome, doesn't seem too unfair to me
  21. [1:20 AM] Aliased: you could just play fun games instead...for fun...
  22. [1:20 AM] Xeinok: l.o.l.
  23. [1:20 AM] Aliased: and have fun?
  24. [1:20 AM] DrPixel: woo fun games!
  25. [1:20 AM] MisterXYZ: @Aliased Agreed
  26. [1:21 AM] Aliased: instead of worrying about your imaginary internet-penis-girth points(edited)
  27. [1:21 AM] Hikikomori: i don't care about points position, i just prefer logical arguements which neither side seems to have
  28. [1:21 AM] MisterXYZ: How about you just invalidate everyone's highest value game, how would people feel about that? :stuck_out_tongue:
  29. [1:21 AM] MisterXYZ: Always necessary to finish a game worth more to have other high games count ^^
  30. [1:21 AM] DrPixel: I need my internet penis girth points!
  31. [1:22 AM] Hikikomori: so we're basically getting a number crunch and just removing a decimal like the Yen did
  32. [1:22 AM] Xeinok: T_T
  33. [1:22 AM] Hikikomori: @Xeinok please tell me in your experience that the Yen crunch was a positive or negative thing for japan?
  34. [1:22 AM] Hikikomori: lol its T_T all the way
  35. [1:22 AM] MisterXYZ: At the end, it'll always come down to whoever has more games and more time to play
  36. [1:23 AM] MisterXYZ: so not really a big deal
  37. [1:23 AM] DrPixel: join the >50 club xeinok :heart:
  38. [1:23 AM] Hikikomori: yeah, i'm only where i am because i was a pc only gamer since diablo 1 days, had valve games before steam, and started 100%'ing when achieves first came out
  39. [1:23 AM] Hikikomori: enough time for the grind, incremental over the years
  40. [1:24 AM] qetc: hes not gonna get devalued that bad
  41. [1:24 AM] DrPixel: I know, it's a joke :S
  42. [1:24 AM] MisterXYZ: I started caring about achievements in 2013, rank~350 atm
  43. [1:24 AM] Aliased: I'm only here because...because...I'm not actually sure why I hang out here come to think of it...
  44. [1:24 AM] MisterXYZ: not bad considering I don't play too many high value games
  45. [1:24 AM] qetc: for memes
  46. [1:24 AM] Aliased: I 100% a game the other day! First one in months, so that's something.
  47. [1:24 AM] MisterXYZ: and I even took most of this year off due to technical issues
  48. [1:25 AM] DrPixel: the same game you've been playing for like a year :weebalert:
  49. [1:25 AM] MisterXYZ: I probably just got to where I am simply because of game count
  50. [1:25 AM] Aliased: true enough
  51. [1:25 AM] Aliased: it took forever
  52. [1:25 AM] Aliased: playing like an hour a day
  53. [1:25 AM] Aliased: 2-3 days a week
  54. [1:26 AM] Aliased: I'm a pro filthy casual :B1:
  55. [1:26 AM] Hikikomori: 61,000 - 11,800 = 49,200 pts lost for tome 100% if we assume no one else is affected at current leaderboard rank ( which theres definitely lots of people with tome in top 100) he'll move from 8th to 26th place @Xeinok T_T
  56. [1:27 AM] Hikikomori: gonna be a fun week when this crunch hits
  57. [1:27 AM] DrPixel: overmind will blast off to the moon
  58. [1:27 AM] Xeinok: I'm one of two people with the ToME hundo lmao.....
  59. [1:27 AM] DrPixel: overmind's the other guy, right?
  60. [1:28 AM] Xeinok: that's 10k gone for nothing
  61. [1:28 AM] Xeinok: and anoither 40k on top mmm
  62. [1:28 AM] Xeinok: great
  63. [1:28 AM] Hikikomori: the only thing that really doesn't add up for me, is the discrepency in time and actual playing of the game. any game over 100 hours to 100% gets its legs swept out
  64. [1:28 AM] Xeinok: and basing anything off of an astats user-voted "time to 100%" is so broken I don't even want to think about it
  65. [1:29 AM] DrPixel: it is a little frightening
  66. [1:29 AM] Xeinok: welcome the the new era of VNs and HOGs
  67. [1:29 AM] DrPixel: I'm sure we're trustworthy, but.....those normies!? :weebalert:
  68. [1:29 AM] qetc: dont worry though xei, stranger will lose a whole 2.8k on fallen earth
  69. [1:29 AM] Hikikomori: @Xeinok I have a full 2 page playlist of hogs
  70. [1:30 AM] Aliased: Clearly this latest astats scandal is outrageous, you should all quit achievement hunting immediately and take up book reading instead
  71. [1:30 AM] DrPixel: book reading, psssh, what a nerd!
  72. [1:30 AM] Aliased: I'm at something like 80 books this year, get on my level newbs
  73. [1:30 AM] Hikikomori: the mistake here is lowering the ceiling while not also lowering the basement. 1 is still the lowest value. so valuations are going to go insane when the "new meta" settles in.
  74. [1:31 AM] MisterXYZ: book achievements :larrygrin:
  75. [1:32 AM] MisterXYZ: I just think the whole time aspect makes no sense
  76. [1:32 AM] MisterXYZ: because there are very few games that have accurate times
  77. [1:32 AM] MisterXYZ: or would even be similar with multiple people
  78. [1:32 AM] DrPixel: I got a TOME-related question oddly enough - is there a Halloween-esque cheevo like the pirate day one? If so, anyone know when that starts approximately?
  79. [1:32 AM] Hikikomori: @MisterXYZ you talkin about " A bonus of 2 points per hour when you have a game 100%, based on the AStats value (shown at games and validated by mods) 'Hours to 100%' instead of a plain 25%. With a maximum of 2500 points." ? i'm having trouble understanding it as well
  80. [1:32 AM] MisterXYZ: for example, what if I somehow managed to finish Devil Daggers in 1 hour?
  81. [1:32 AM] MisterXYZ: Obviously 70 hours wouldn't feel accurate(edited)
  82. [1:33 AM] Hikikomori: @MisterXYZ sounds like you'll have to afk it till you hit the maximum ceiling of 2500 bonus
  83. [1:33 AM] MisterXYZ: it's not based on actual gametime Hik
  84. [1:33 AM] qetc: those chieves can literally start whenever
  85. [1:33 AM] MisterXYZ: it's based on expected 100% time
  86. [1:33 AM] qetc: but id assume given its october its a safe bet to idle now
  87. [1:33 AM] Aliased: Serious contribution: and what about visual novels? Most of those go down in astats as an hour or so to complete, but that's not the time to complete for anyone actually playing the game, just the cheev hunters who don't care and skip the whole thing.
  88. [1:33 AM] Aliased: That doesn't make sense as the basis for those games values.
  89. [1:33 AM] MisterXYZ: so if you take longer to finish a game than others expect, you gain nothing
  90. [1:34 AM] Aliased: anyone actually playing those games probably spends like 4-8 hours in them
  91. [1:34 AM] MisterXYZ: if you finish faster, you technically gain a small boost, but possibly not as much as you'd get for the 25% bonus
  92. [1:34 AM] DrPixel: thanks qetc
  93. [1:34 AM] MisterXYZ: just because you get the game done faster and can move on to something else
  94. [1:34 AM] Hikikomori: so current variable is people who own the game vs play the game vs have specific achievement, and now there is a time variable added?
  95. [1:34 AM] Aliased: I thought what I was reading was that the longer games get bonus points? Not you get bonus points for going under the time?
  96. [1:34 AM] qetc: ah just saw you were just asking if there was a halloween achieve?
  97. [1:35 AM] qetc: yeah theres a pumpkin level
  98. [1:35 AM] MisterXYZ: the time variable is just for the bonus points
  99. [1:35 AM] DrPixel: is that the one called plumpkin or whatever?
  100. [1:35 AM] qetc: yeah
  101. [1:35 AM] MisterXYZ: but considering there are games that I finished in half or less of the expected 100% time and games that took me 2-3x longer, it makes no sense
  102. [1:35 AM] MisterXYZ: it's just arbitrary based on people who actually suggest 100% times
  103. [1:36 AM] Hikikomori: yeah bonus points right now are just 25% of total value @Aliased the idea is to change it to bonus points are assigned as 2 points per hour of what the agreed upon by mods time to 100% variable is.
  104. [1:36 AM] qetc: altho
  105. [1:36 AM] Hikikomori: which ....great a subjective variable.
  106. [1:36 AM] MisterXYZ: Honestly, I don't care much about points
  107. [1:36 AM] qetc: time to idle universe sandbox for that 2.5k bonus :B1:
  108. [1:36 AM] MisterXYZ: But I'd feel better about the way it is atm than that change
  109. [1:36 AM] Hikikomori: basically points just got expontentially more complicated.
  110. [1:37 AM] Aliased: So I do understand it right. A lot of the small visual novels on steam take something like 4-8 hours to complete.
  111. [1:37 AM] MisterXYZ: 100% time is arbitrary, don't give points based on that
  112. [1:37 AM] Aliased: but get valued at 1 or less hours because you can technically hold spacebar and skip the game for the achievements.
  113. [1:37 AM] Aliased: undervaluing those games.
  114. [1:37 AM] qetc: and all the clickers would get some massive points with the hours unless he makes an exception for those
  115. [1:37 AM] Aliased: right that too.
  116. [1:38 AM] MisterXYZ: Those would probably be those 2500 point caps
  117. [1:38 AM] Hikikomori: once you hit the cap, whats the point of completing it?
  118. [1:38 AM] Aliased: that's still a lot of points for a low-effort hundo like adcap
  119. [1:38 AM] MisterXYZ: the time bonus @Hikikomori
  120. [1:39 AM] Hikikomori: ah
  121. [1:39 AM] qetc: agc/achievement count swag
  122. [1:39 AM] MisterXYZ: A clicker may take you 2000 hours to finish but be worth something like 2k points, the bonus would be worth more than the game points
  123. [1:39 AM] MisterXYZ: which I also find incredibly stupid
  124. [1:40 AM] Hikikomori: lol, you know i think that math works out *sigh
  125. [1:40 AM] Hikikomori: i wonder what other games might be worth more on bonus
  126. [1:40 AM] MisterXYZ: Clicker Heroes, worth 1034 points
  127. [1:40 AM] MisterXYZ: 1602 hours for completion, +2500 bonus points
  128. [1:41 AM] MisterXYZ: 1293 vs 3534
  129. [1:41 AM] Hikikomori: 1250 hours to hit the point cap
  130. [1:41 AM] Hikikomori: so tome players 100% won't even hit point cap
  131. [1:41 AM] Hikikomori: i stopped playing adcap after i 100% so i'll need to start idling it just for bonus
  132. [1:42 AM] Aliased: wow
  133. [1:42 AM] Aliased: that's a thing now
  134. [1:42 AM] Hikikomori: i'm at 540.3 hours
  135. [1:42 AM] MisterXYZ: Again, that's not how the points work
  136. [1:42 AM] MisterXYZ: It's the 100% time that's set on astats, not your actual time
  137. [1:42 AM] MisterXYZ: if you took 540 hours but the 100% time on astats is 1000 hours, you get 2000 points
  138. [1:43 AM] MisterXYZ: regardless of how long you actually take
  139. [1:43 AM] MisterXYZ: That's why I don't like it
  140. [1:43 AM] Hikikomori: oh... i guess i didn't think of it like that because that sounds worse than what i thought it was
  141. [1:43 AM] MisterXYZ: arbitrary and subjective values should NEVER be part of an equation
  142. [1:44 AM] Hikikomori: tome takes 900~hours of you need to sit here and play the game, can't really idle unless you hope to be online when a dev triggered event happens.
  143. [1:44 AM] Hikikomori: garrys mod takes a year of playtime
  144. [1:44 AM] Hikikomori: but you can idle that
  145. [1:44 AM] Hikikomori: we know the time to 100% on universe sandbox and garrysmod will be high
  146. [1:45 AM] Hikikomori: but that'll cap at 2500
  147. [1:45 AM] qetc: Nah most of tome time is idling(edited)
  148. [1:45 AM] Hikikomori: does garrys mod and universe jump in point value from that?
  149. [1:46 AM] Hikikomori: uni sand is 150 points, and should have a cap of 2500
  150. [1:46 AM] Hikikomori: for bonus
  151. [1:46 AM] Hikikomori: garry is 532 with 2500 cap bonus
  152. [1:47 AM] BOTZonBot: zaxarone is now playing Mega Man: Mega man 1!!! with ACHIEVEMENTS at
  153. [1:47 AM] Hikikomori: well.. uni jumps to 17.6 repeating times its current value
  154. [1:48 AM] qetc: Well shits not set in stone right
  155. [1:48 AM] qetc: We can just tell him to reduce cap cause idle games
  156. [1:48 AM] Hikikomori: he does want feedback on it
  157. [1:49 AM] qetc: Yeah
  158. [1:49 AM] qetc: @Mytharox
  159. [1:53 AM] Xeinok: writing some thoughts up, I'll post here first
  160. [1:59 AM] Hikikomori: oh forgot aura is playing dynasty warriors, wanted to see how that game was
  161. [2:02 AM] MisterXYZ: Is there someone who actually takes notes on this stuff to pass along?
  162. [2:03 AM] Hikikomori: make a post in the forum thread
  163. [2:03 AM] MisterXYZ: meh, I'd rather just copy/paste everything we've said here and send it to him :stuck_out_tongue:
  164. [2:05 AM] MisterXYZ: The only change I want is for removed 100%'s to count towards the highest 100% leaderboard
  165. [2:06 AM] MisterXYZ: The only time that would be an issue is if someone was actually close to the total # of 100%'s on steam, and considering nobody is even close (maybe 20% at most), it's a bit annoying that people are ranked higher because I happened to play games that aren't available
  166. [2:08 AM] MisterXYZ: I've suggested that a few times already but no change :meatytears: @Mytharox
  167. [2:09 AM] Hikikomori: do you mean steamworks removed or fully removed?
  168. [2:10 AM] MisterXYZ: fully, not sure why a game I put time into should count less than any other when it's a pure total count
  169. [2:10 AM] DrPixel: I agree
  170. [2:10 AM] MisterXYZ: like, you have 6 for example, I have 9, and when I update astats it'll be more
  171. [2:10 AM] DrPixel: that removed 100%s thing is dumb
  172. [2:10 AM] MisterXYZ: well, I like the separate category, I just think they should be totaled together for the leaderboard
  173. [2:11 AM] DrPixel: yeah, points-wise it makes sense
  174. [2:11 AM] Hikikomori: the idea behind the leaderboard is equal opportunity. people have the same achievements available to grind for to run up the leaderboard
  175. [2:11 AM] MisterXYZ: I mean, if broken achievement games count, removed 100%'s is fair(edited)
  176. [2:11 AM] ez4ence: why not 2 leaderboards? for the total 100% and the one that is now
  177. [2:12 AM] MisterXYZ: So, because I have around 12 removed 100%'s and 0 100%'s with broken achievements while other people may have 2 removed and 30 with broken achievements, they should be higher ranked?
  178. [2:12 AM] MisterXYZ: I don't play games with broken achievements so I'm already at a disadvantage for that category
  179. [2:12 AM] MisterXYZ: plus I lost a few 100%'s with only broken achievements
  180. [2:12 AM] MisterXYZ: at least 3-4
  181. [2:12 AM] Hikikomori: I don't fully know the behind the scenes, but that sounds like an entire code rewrite
  182. [2:13 AM] MisterXYZ: 123 Kick It :frowning:
  183. [2:13 AM] Hikikomori: make a suggestion on the forums(edited)
  184. [2:13 AM] MisterXYZ: I spoke to Myth directly, nothing came of it, maybe a forum post would help
  185. [2:14 AM] MisterXYZ: but the issue is that people with little to no removed games would probably just complain, even though owning them gives no real advantage overall
  186. [2:14 AM] Xeinok:
  188. [2:14 AM] Xeinok: lmao hereeeeeeeeeeeeeeee we go boys
  189. [2:14 AM] Xeinok: round 923824823712
  190. [2:14 AM] Xeinok: start
  191. [2:15 AM] MisterXYZ: and also, that steamworks removed list is getting impossible to maintain nowadays
  192. [2:15 AM] MisterXYZ: that's why I took a break from updates
  193. [2:15 AM] Hikikomori: the idling part is incorrect, i had it backwards @Xeinok
  194. [2:16 AM] MisterXYZ: things pop up and disappear on a daily basis, I can't even properly maintain the remgc list
  195. [2:16 AM] Xeinok: aren't they getting rewarded for idle hours though?
  196. [2:16 AM] Xeinok: 2per hour?
  197. [2:16 AM] Hikikomori: basically mods will decide a new "hours to 100% " ratio , 2 points per hour, so if mods vote 100 hours, the bonus after 100% will be 200 pts
  198. [2:16 AM] MisterXYZ: @Xeinok "Again, that's not how the points work
  199. It's the 100% time that's set on astats, not your actual time
  200. if you took 540 hours but the 100% time on astats is 1000 hours, you get 2000 points
  201. regardless of how long you actually take
  202. That's why I don't like it"
  203. [2:16 AM] MisterXYZ: quoted from what I said a little while ago
  204. [2:17 AM] Xeinok: yeah I get it but garry's mod will still take 1year
  205. [2:17 AM] Xeinok: mod-voted
  206. [2:17 AM] MisterXYZ: yep
  207. [2:17 AM] MisterXYZ: but clickers and pretty much every other game becomes random
  208. [2:17 AM] Xeinok: so zaccaria playtime taking tons of skill is now worth the same as... leaving your PC on for garry's mod
  209. [2:18 AM] Hikikomori: I think finding the manpower to accurately set time to 100% is a huge bottleneck
  210. [2:18 AM] Xeinok: massive
  211. [2:18 AM] Xeinok: not mention highly subjective
  212. [2:18 AM] Hikikomori: @Xeinok they both will cap out at 2500 bonus points
  213. [2:18 AM] Xeinok: p2w or not, etc. etc.
  214. [2:18 AM] Hikikomori: anything over 1250 hours in ~playtime~ will cap at 2500(edited)
  215. [2:18 AM] Hikikomori: err, time to 100% vote set by mods, not playtime
  216. [2:19 AM] Xeinok: so how much of a boost are tabletop sim/garry/uni sand getting?
  217. [2:19 AM] Hikikomori: i posted it above
  218. [2:19 AM] Xeinok: thousands?
  219. [2:19 AM] Xeinok: that was correct still?
  220. [2:19 AM] MisterXYZ: @Hikikomori can you link me to the list of removed games on astats? Always have trouble finding it
  221. [2:20 AM] Hikikomori: uni sand is getting x17.6 points from 150 to 2650, barring any changes from people gaining achievements and lowering the value
  222. [2:20 AM] Xeinok: jesus fuck
  223. [2:20 AM] Hikikomori: @MisterXYZ sure can its on the stats page
  224. [2:20 AM] Xeinok: how about garry's and tabletop?
  225. [2:20 AM] Hikikomori: I own legends of pegasus which i hope to make work some day lol, i got that pile from amazon for a buck,
  226. [2:21 AM] Xeinok: near 20x as well?
  227. [2:21 AM] MisterXYZ: Just to put this in perspective btw, when I started remgc there were about 200 games removed between 2009 and January 2014
  228. [2:21 AM] MisterXYZ: now there are around 530 in 2.5 years
  229. [2:21 AM] Hikikomori: garry was 532 and will be 3032 about 5x its value
  230. [2:21 AM] MisterXYZ: by the end of 2017 I'm assuming the number will be close to 800
  231. [2:21 AM] Hikikomori: @MisterXYZ yeah astats only shows 299 removed, but i'm not sure all the incidentals like videos and whatnot and weird dlc stuff
  232. [2:21 AM] MisterXYZ: it's becoming increasingly difficult to mark things as steamworks or tag them as removed when sources dry up
  233. [2:22 AM] MisterXYZ: oh, I'm specifically talking about games
  234. [2:22 AM] Hikikomori: ah, i think the stats page only shows games itself
  235. [2:22 AM] MisterXYZ: I'm supposed to do the removed game updates but I haven't been able to for a while
  236. [2:22 AM] MisterXYZ: figured I'd start
  237. [2:22 AM] MisterXYZ: but I feel like my best option would be marking every removed game as removed
  238. [2:22 AM] MisterXYZ: and changing them to steamworks as I find sources
  239. [2:23 AM] MisterXYZ: most effective way so I can tag them all and then run them down one by one
  240. [2:23 AM] MisterXYZ: excluding games I know of sources offhand of course
  241. [2:23 AM] Hikikomori: @MisterXYZ also past page 1 of that list it won't load removed games it'll default to a list of all games
  242. [2:23 AM] MisterXYZ: ok, so then that list is useless
  243. [2:23 AM] Hikikomori: you'll have to add &Offset=X
  244. [2:23 AM] Hikikomori: to the end of the url
  245. [2:24 AM] MisterXYZ: how many are there per page?
  246. [2:25 AM] Hikikomori: 162, 324, 486, 648 should be your offset variables
  247. [2:25 AM] Hikikomori: for page 2 3 4 5
  248. [2:25 AM] Hikikomori: they may or may not load
  249. [2:25 AM] MisterXYZ: why such a strange value?
  250. [2:25 AM] Hikikomori: 6 x 27
  251. [2:25 AM] Hikikomori: grids
  252. [2:26 AM] MisterXYZ: why not 5x20 or something?
  253. [2:27 AM] MisterXYZ: also, that doesn't seem to work
  254. [2:27 AM] Hikikomori: steamspy or steamdb give you any way to sort removed?
  255. [2:28 AM] Hikikomori: add a # to the end of the url and try again?
  256. [2:28 AM] Hikikomori: i'm not sure if it'll generate for non vip users
  257. [2:28 AM] Hikikomori: i'd just make a post in the development forum
  258. [2:29 AM] Xeinok: should I post my post?
  259. [2:32 AM] Hikikomori: you do whatever you want to do, more feedback is welcome on the forums of any view
  260. [2:32 AM] Xeinok: updated a little
  262. [2:32 AM] Xeinok: anything I'm way off on?
  263. [2:33 AM] DrPixel: I'd say yes, it's a pretty good post - one question though, what do you mean by people who go for quick n' easy hundos will get a massive boost? If anything, I'd say the boost would be minimal
  264. [2:33 AM] Hikikomori: idling is incorrect thats tied to a different vote to 100% thing which i don't even have details about
  265. [2:34 AM] Xeinok: some secret mod-thing?
  266. [2:34 AM] Hikikomori: its not a secret its #2 of mytharox's post
  267. [2:34 AM] AuburnRDM: do you think tying bonus points to hundo time will skew the votes?
  268. [2:34 AM] DrPixel: instead of a 25% boost for completion it'd be 2 points per estimated hour to 100%, which would be like, 2-6 points (for a 1-3 hour game)? instead of 25%, which may be upwards of 10-30 points, etc.
  269. [2:34 AM] Xeinok: yeah he's saying it's based on hundo time
  270. [2:34 AM] Xeinok: which was user-voted and mod validated?
  271. [2:35 AM] Xeinok: didn't know a mod had to "validate" that vote
  272. [2:35 AM] AuburnRDM: ah same
  273. [2:35 AM] Xeinok: and yes this gives huge incentive to everyone to vote games as more hours
  274. [2:35 AM] AuburnRDM: agreed
  275. [2:36 AM] Hikikomori: @AuburnRDM i can't think of an unbiased way to determine time to 100% by votes except for @luchaos method which grabs first achievement and last achievement and extrapolates time vs playtime, but thats suspetible to monkey wrenching as well
  276. [2:37 AM] Jaketwo: 'Yeah that's a hard one to figure out
  277. [2:37 AM] AuburnRDM: idk i'd prefer the current system over the new one
  278. [2:37 AM] AuburnRDM: i like incentivising the hundo
  279. [2:37 AM] DrPixel: I do love luchaos' method, but yeah, it's possibly prone to error
  280. [2:37 AM] Jaketwo: Games like Rocket League and CS:GO could potentially be massively inflated by people playing not for achievements
  281. [2:37 AM] Jaketwo: depending on how it works
  282. [2:37 AM] AuburnRDM: yeah
  283. [2:37 AM] Hikikomori: i'd rather the error be an algorhythm than a human
  284. [2:38 AM] DrPixel: exactly
  285. [2:38 AM] DrPixel: fuck humans, we're all stupid
  286. [2:38 AM] Jaketwo: Like, 150 of my hours in Rocket League were not for achievement hunting, so if it counts the recently added achievements as the end point, it's not really representative
  287. [2:38 AM] Jaketwo: I don't know what a good solution would be though
  288. [2:38 AM] Hikikomori: also dlc gets added, achieves get added theres a new end point
  289. [2:39 AM] Hikikomori: which could be months away from original play
  290. [2:39 AM] AuburnRDM: if anythign change the rule for 1 cheevo games
  291. [2:39 AM] Hikikomori: but, thats something we can transparently see
  292. [2:39 AM] AuburnRDM: and leave the rest as is
  293. [2:39 AM] AuburnRDM: if you 100% tome, you deserve those points
  294. [2:40 AM] AuburnRDM: that's a tall order
  295. [2:40 AM] Xeinok: say exactly that on the forums @AuburnRDM lol
  296. [2:40 AM] bitemeblinky: are they still trying to change things with completion extras?
  297. [2:42 AM] Hikikomori: for me personally, you comeplete any game, you get it all, whethers it top, or everything in the top 10 or the bottom 10, just no one harps about the bottom 10 , i wouldn't even know what games are in the bottom 10
  298. [2:43 AM] Hikikomori: @Xeinok i need a small loan of a million dollars to pay to win piercing blow, it is 19th most valuable achievements
  299. [2:45 AM] DrPixel: fucking piercing blow
  300. [2:45 AM] DrPixel: the grindiest achievements ever
  301. [2:46 AM] Jaketwo: I do understand the compulsion to change the points though, there are certainly things that don't pass the common sense test
  302. [2:46 AM] bitemeblinky: yeah but is there any way to really change things without breaking it even more?
  303. [2:46 AM] Hikikomori: @DrPixel i think the easy hundos getting a boost, is when you compare it to the time it takes to 100% or just do achievements in games like champions online, since it will be capped at 10k, all the achievements in that 22938 pt game will be squeezed, so a 10 minute visual novel with 10 points 10 achievements at 1 pt each, will in comparison be "opportunity cost wise" faster and easier to get than a 30 minute dungeon in champs online that might be worth 10 pts or less
  304. [2:47 AM] DrPixel: hmm, I suppose if you think about it that way
  305. [2:47 AM] bitemeblinky: there will always be informed people who know how to take advantage of whatever system is in place
  306. [2:47 AM] Hikikomori: its not so much the numerical value, but what we tie to that value
  307. [2:48 AM] DrPixel: it demotivates people to hunt for high value games, I can see that
  308. [2:48 AM] MisterXYZ: @Hikikomori Working on updating my group's thread before I move on to astats, I've never seen a game with this many sources,
  309. When the price is right, you will play all night.
  310. [2:48 AM] Hikikomori: so you can say a dollar is worth .7 of a euro , or .9 of a british pound, (making up values not looking at a currency index) but rather what can that currency buy, is it 3 loafs of bread vs 2 loafs
  311. [2:48 AM] MisterXYZ: Not even adding everything manually, adding the itad link and calling it for that crap
  312. [2:49 AM] AuburnRDM: so if tome is worth 10k, are those epic cheevos nerfed hard then?
  313. [2:49 AM] DrPixel: I love me some opportunity cost, took an econ class for the first time last year and I loved it :thumbsup:
  314. [2:49 AM] Skay: @AuburnRDM no, all achievement values stay same it just doesnt go beyond 10k when you reach it
  315. [2:49 AM] AuburnRDM: or are they still worth the same, just overall point capped
  316. [2:49 AM] AuburnRDM: ah
  317. [2:50 AM] DrPixel: not nerfed necessarily - instead, going to the cap as quickly as possible would be the ideal goal if you're just hunting points
  318. [2:50 AM] AuburnRDM: payday 2 nerf!
  319. [2:50 AM] Jaketwo: Yeah, I guess I wouldn't really need to bother with finishing it, coz I'm already over 10k in it
  320. [2:50 AM] DrPixel: woo :smile:
  321. [2:51 AM] AuburnRDM: yeah that'd kinda kill my motivation jake
  322. [2:51 AM] Hikikomori: basically how we value a game by the amount of time it takes to get achievements is going to go lopsided and we're going to have to find a new natural rhythm, we've had X years of going, oh 1 pt achievement thats simple, and 10-20-60-100 etc values tied to, oh that'll probably take X minutes/hours
  323. [2:52 AM] Hikikomori: gonna have to adapt to a new numbering system, don't know if the color pallete for achievements will more accurately or less accurately portray their difficulty/rarity.
  324. [2:53 AM] bitemeblinky: I would assume less accurately because for all high point games people will stop the games way before the hundo
  325. [2:54 AM] AuburnRDM: tabletop sim 325 + 2000 points
  326. [2:54 AM] AuburnRDM: lol
  327. [2:54 AM] Jaketwo: Heyyy
  328. [2:55 AM] Hikikomori: I guess the best way to visualize this is a curve of time vs point value, and the more time you spend on a game the less value you will get out of a game, until you get 100% which is when the bonus is going to rocket you on the graph, so you could half play a lot of games, or fully complete a few games and reach the same number, although bonuses right now seem to be way more valuable than just half playing games.
  329. [2:55 AM] Jaketwo: that's pretty good
  330. [2:55 AM] Jaketwo: Since I've done tabletop sim lol
  331. [2:55 AM] bitemeblinky: I like the bonuses though because I actually feel motivated to finish games
  332. [2:55 AM] AuburnRDM: agreed
  333. [2:55 AM] AuburnRDM: 25% extra feels nice
  334. [2:56 AM] BOTZonBot: thiscatisalandmine is now playing Starbound: Space Explorers! Co-op with | NommyNomm !multi at
  335. [2:57 AM] Jaketwo: I imagine the Dark Souls games would probably get a boost in value, which is an example of where the time to hundo thing that was mentioned makes sense
  336. [2:58 AM] Jaketwo: In an ideal world, Dark Souls 2 SOTFS would be worth more than 162
  337. [2:58 AM] Hikikomori: basically all of the middle games are going to explode in value from bonus, all of the small games will be more valuable when you think about them in terms of opportunity cost/time spent. and all of the high up games that take 500-1000 hours and skill and planning (trying to get an actual guns of icarus farm happening) will be crunched to be smaller.
  338. [2:59 AM] Hikikomori: you will definitely be more inclined to 100% middle-ish games @bitemeblinky but stuff like fallen earth, gotham city imposters, won't be worth starting.
  339. [3:00 AM] Hikikomori: i wish there were some models for a percentage based decrease across the board for reference thats gotta have an entirely different outcome than a pure number cap.
  340. [3:00 AM] AuburnRDM: what about games with no 100% estimate lol
  341. [3:00 AM] AuburnRDM: for some reason, hyper light has none
  342. [3:01 AM] AuburnRDM: gonna lose points on jotun :frowning: and that's one of my hardest hundos
  343. [3:01 AM] Hikikomori: we're all losing points is basically whats going to happen
  344. [3:01 AM] Hikikomori: just some will lose more than others
  345. [3:01 AM] bitemeblinky: is this actually happening now??
  346. [3:02 AM] Hikikomori: no, its still a thread topic for discussion @bitemeblinky
  347. [3:02 AM] bitemeblinky: it has been up for discussion for so long it really seems like it is long past the time to change things to me
  348. [3:02 AM] Hikikomori:
  349. [3:03 AM] Hikikomori: we're just more active talking about it because myth posted today
  350. [3:04 AM] Jaketwo: Time to 100% can be created from 1 vote, right?
  351. [3:05 AM] Hikikomori: I don't know, but i'd assume so
  352. [3:05 AM] AuburnRDM: yes
  353. [3:05 AM] AuburnRDM: 99% sure
  354. [3:05 AM] Jaketwo: Ok, I wouldn't want to miss out on my sweet bonus points for grinding STARWHAL
  355. [3:05 AM] Jaketwo: as the only person on Astats who has done it
  356. [3:05 AM] Xeinok: honestly, if you guys feel like it should NOT change please also post that on the forum thread
  357. [3:06 AM] AuburnRDM: xeinok, you should knock this game out if you have it
  358. [3:06 AM] Xeinok: your choice doesn't have to be option a b or c - it can also be " D. don't change it yo"
  359. [3:07 AM] Xeinok: wishlisted
  360. [3:07 AM] AuburnRDM: it was pretty fun
  361. [3:08 AM] Hikikomori: oooo i own that game, thanks @AuburnRDM
  362. [3:08 AM] AuburnRDM: yeah, check it out! i saw the hundo list was pretty short
  363. [3:08 AM] Hikikomori: i wanna buy this bundle just for the pet games lol
  364. The Indie Gala - Set your price. Donate. Play!
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  366. [3:08 AM] AuburnRDM: i love that they're in the spooky game bundle(edited)
  367. [3:09 AM] Hikikomori: @AuburnRDM the lady in pet school definitely looks like she's got murder eyes
  368. [3:09 AM] AuburnRDM: haha
  369. [3:09 AM] AuburnRDM: i'll grab it on happy hour for sure
  370. [3:10 AM] Jaketwo: Yeah I bought that bundle lol
  371. [3:10 AM] Jaketwo: I felt compelled to do it, because those pet games aren't on the Steam store in Australia
  372. [3:10 AM] AuburnRDM: yeah, that's worth it
  373. [3:10 AM] Jaketwo: that probably doesn't make any logical sense, but it did at the time
  374. [3:11 AM] bitemeblinky: I just wish more of those shovelware games had cheevos
  375. [3:13 AM] Jaketwo: That Thumper game that came out recently looks pretty dope. Rhythm games always have assholish achievements though lol
  376. [3:13 AM] Hikikomori: @bitemeblinky i literally email that russian company weekly to add achievements to their shovelware and they have started to do it
  377. [3:14 AM] bitemeblinky: lol perfect
  378. [3:14 AM] Jaketwo: I don't know how possible getting an S rank on every level is
  379. [3:14 AM] Hikikomori: @bitemeblinky
  380. [3:16 AM] DrFestus: Omg @Hikikomori looking at that and I have to get
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  385. [3:16 AM] MisterXYZ: @Hikikomori Quick question, is a game still marked as removed steamworks if the only legitimate available source is region locked to certain areas?(edited)
  386. [3:16 AM] MisterXYZ: Or at that point would it be considered just removed
  387. [3:17 AM] Hikikomori: i believe so since we don't suggest VPN and gifts are no longer tradable through regions
  388. [3:17 AM] Rhy: I just wish 100%ing removed games counted towards your 100% count
  389. [3:17 AM] Hikikomori: steamworks is used to mark if the game is available as a physical key either through digital stores are a physical product
  390. [3:17 AM] Rhy: same with 100%ing games that have all their achievements marked broken
  391. [3:17 AM] MisterXYZ: We had that conversation already Rhy :stuck_out_tongue:
  392. [3:17 AM] Hikikomori: having it marked steamworks means that it will still count for points
  393. [3:18 AM] Hikikomori: removed means that it won't count at all
  394. [3:18 AM] Hikikomori: on the main leaderboard
  395. [3:18 AM] MisterXYZ: I was asking because a few games I'm looking at have one source
  396. [3:18 AM] MisterXYZ: and they're locked to NA
  397. [3:18 AM] Rhy: but I don't get why they don't count
  398. [3:18 AM] Rhy: I still earned those achievements
  399. [3:18 AM] Hikikomori: thats not the point
  400. [3:18 AM] Hikikomori: but i'll give you a different way to look at it from
  401. [3:19 AM] MisterXYZ: "meh, I'd rather just copy/paste everything we've said here and send it to him :stuck_out_tongue:
  402. The only change I want is for removed 100%'s to count towards the highest 100% leaderboard
  403. The only time that would be an issue is if someone was actually close to the total # of 100%'s on steam, and considering nobody is even close (maybe 20% at most), it's a bit annoying that people are ranked higher because I happened to play games that aren't available
  404. I've suggested that a few times already but no change"
  406. "So, because I have around 12 removed 100%'s and 0 100%'s with broken achievements while other people may have 2 removed and 30 with broken achievements, they should be higher ranked?
  407. I don't play games with broken achievements so I'm already at a disadvantage for that category
  408. plus I lost a few 100%'s with only broken achievements
  409. at least 3-4"
  410. [3:19 AM] MisterXYZ: That's what I wrote earlier @Rhy
  411. [3:19 AM] Skay: removed games wont count
  412. [3:20 AM] MisterXYZ: @Skay I didn't say for points (though I would like that as well). I was just talking about the leaderboard for 100% total
  413. [3:21 AM] Hikikomori: someone completely new to achievements, has just as much opporunity to rise the leaderboards as someone who's been here for years, so its an equal playing field, yes, they have to spend time and money to farm but its still possible for them to make significant work. if removed games count, then that new player is immediately locked out it is a literal impossibility for them to gain over players with removeds.
  415. now i can see the point for instead, having a seperate leaderboard that only counts removed's as a fun seperate metric, making that a reality from what I understand would take a lot of work but its worth making a thread on the forums if you're interested in making one.
  416. [3:22 AM] Rhy: if there were only 50 achievement games, then that's a valid point
  417. [3:22 AM] Rhy: but there's what, over 2k achievement games?
  418. [3:22 AM] Rhy: not counting ~15 of them is insignificant
  419. [3:23 AM] Skay: exactly
  420. [3:23 AM] MisterXYZ: There are around 5k achievement games atm
  421. [3:23 AM] Hikikomori: as @Skay said in brief, i'll expand upon it, having removeds count might be impossible with current coding, but fundimentally goes against the nature of why the leaderboard was created in the first place, there is a lot of work put into curating what gets removed/broken/fixed/reinstated to the store
  422. [3:23 AM] MisterXYZ: maybe 4k would be a better estimate, actually
  423. [3:24 AM] Hikikomori: yes but lets say a new account buys and plays every game you own to an exact duplicate, they will not be able to get those removeds, so its about the total specific unique achievements available.
  424. [3:24 AM] Rhy: that's such a rediculous hypothetical
  425. [3:24 AM] MisterXYZ: I said the same thing, Rhy
  426. [3:25 AM] MisterXYZ: The closest anyone on steam has come to the total achievement game total is maybe 20% at best
  427. [3:25 AM] Hikikomori: If you played in a football league and in the football league one division was allowed to play an extra half and earn more stats per player, that would inflate all the players compared to the other teams in the division that played only 2 halfs.(edited)
  428. [3:25 AM] Rhy: not relevant
  429. [3:25 AM] Hikikomori: very relevant i'm just trying to use real world examples instead of the mathmatical terms for it.
  430. [3:26 AM] Hikikomori: please be respectful
  431. [3:26 AM] MisterXYZ: Honestly, I'd say that analogy is a bit off
  432. [3:27 AM] AuburnRDM: wait are the ToM 4 achievements new?
  433. [3:27 AM] Hikikomori: no they've been around since 2012?
  434. [3:27 AM] Hikikomori: or am i thinking of 2014
  435. [3:27 AM] AuburnRDM: oh ok
  436. [3:27 AM] Rhy: the scale is different. this is like 20-30 games out of ~4k
  437. [3:27 AM] AuburnRDM: ah ToM5 doesn't yet
  438. [3:28 AM] MisterXYZ: well, I'd say more like 100/4k
  439. [3:28 AM] Rhy: that's 0.025% of achievement games
  440. [3:29 AM] MisterXYZ: but still, if no new games with achievements were released from this point on, and with the current rate of removal, it'd still take maybe 10-20 years before it becomes relevant
  441. [3:29 AM] Hikikomori: yes but its not about whether a game is worth a lot of points or not, its about the entire pool, player x is playing with a total pool of lets say 100,000 achievements available to him. he can earn all those achievements given enough time and skill
  443. now player y has 100,001 achievements because he has a removed game with 1 achievement. same opportunity to gain the achievements.
  445. who has the advantage when all things are equal?
  446. [3:30 AM] AuburnRDM: player y can buy the game on SG for 100 tf2 keys :kappa~1:
  447. [3:30 AM] Rhy: again that's a rediculous hypothetical given the scale
  448. [3:30 AM] MisterXYZ: There are too many variables to make it that black and white
  449. [3:30 AM] Skay: i have a proposal
  450. [3:30 AM] Hikikomori: its the foundation of the kfactor in elo rating, but ok i just can't sway you.
  451. [3:30 AM] MisterXYZ: First of all, no two people will have the same exact games
  452. [3:30 AM] MisterXYZ: and it goes both ways, the new person can also end up with removed games that the veteran doesn't own
  453. [3:31 AM] Hikikomori: its not about the amount of games xyz, again, this is about total pool of available unique achievements
  454. [3:31 AM] MisterXYZ: plus broken achievements and such
  455. [3:31 AM] Skay: broken achievements also dont count
  456. [3:31 AM] Skay: speaking of that
  457. [3:31 AM] MisterXYZ: I know they don't
  458. [3:31 AM] Skay: what if you have "+<number>" next to your total 100%s like with broken achievments
  459. [3:32 AM] Hikikomori: the whole reason we mark brokens even if they were working previously is because of the fundimentals of a fair and level playing field.
  460. [3:32 AM] MisterXYZ: My earlier point from a few hours ago is that someone who doesn't play games with broken achievements, like myself, is at a disadvantage for a different reason
  461. [3:32 AM] MisterXYZ: someone may play a game that takes 1 hour with 15/20 broken achievements
  462. [3:32 AM] MisterXYZ: and get a +1 100%
  463. [3:32 AM] MisterXYZ: but for equal or more work on a removed game, I wouldn't get credit
  464. [3:33 AM] MisterXYZ: even though the game that person played wouldn't be available to me
  465. [3:33 AM] Skay: you are at the same available achievement pool again
  466. [3:33 AM] Hikikomori: you've made a concious decision not to play a game, you weren't physically (or i gets temporally since this kind of is time travel) unable to own the game.(edited)
  467. [3:33 AM] Skay: like hiki said many times
  468. [3:33 AM] MisterXYZ: Ok, I have a gift of Rhythm Zone, a new player could buy that from me and 100% it
  469. [3:33 AM] MisterXYZ: it's an option that he has
  470. [3:33 AM] Xeinok: astats forum
  472. [3:34 AM] Hikikomori: down for me as well
  473. [3:34 AM] MisterXYZ: there are always available choices and there are so many variables involved that the counter aruments won't be valid for decades
  474. [3:34 AM] Skay: Myth said he will do some work today so maybe he is doing something now
  475. [3:34 AM] Rhy: Hiki, I get what you're trying to say, but we'll disagree on the size of the pool. Not counting perfects is disengenuous to those who've done them
  476. [3:34 AM] Skay: its equal for everyone
  477. [3:35 AM] MisterXYZ: Not when you consider time input
  478. [3:35 AM] MisterXYZ: What about a game with 100 achievements, takes 300 hours to finish, you get the 100%
  479. [3:35 AM] MisterXYZ: then, 99 achievements break, 1 achievement left, takes 3 minutes
  480. [3:35 AM] Hikikomori: I think you have a way better position in creating a secondary leaderboard to count 100% including removeds
  481. [3:35 AM] Hikikomori: even though both options require an enourmous amount of work
  482. [3:35 AM] MisterXYZ: why should both people get the 100% +1 for something like that when the time and effort aren't even close for the same game
  483. [3:36 AM] Skay: in this situation both people get +1
  484. [3:36 AM] Hikikomori: time input and point value is not what I was talking about, again the available pool of unique achievements
  485. [3:36 AM] Hikikomori: we'll all judged equally by the same games and achievements
  486. [3:36 AM] Skay: ^
  487. [3:37 AM] Rhy: I'm also talking about games that have all achievements marked broken. For example, the mod Dystopia took me a few hours to do, I wrote a detailed guide for it...then it got broken, so now my achievement means nothing
  488. [3:37 AM] Hikikomori: same reason why as point values increase and decrease on the leaderboard for specific games/achievements, they change equally across all players
  489. [3:38 AM] MisterXYZ: The hit taken is always worse for existing players than new players though
  490. [3:38 AM] Rhy: not even counted as a removed 100%
  491. [3:38 AM] Hikikomori: yeah i loved dystopia i farmed it to 100% too, and now its broken and doesn't count on the main leaderboard, but for me, i just chalk it up to eh, can't have everything be perfect and I play another game.
  492. [3:39 AM] Hikikomori: thats more just clarity, it isn't a removed game, its a broken game
  493. [3:39 AM] Hikikomori: no reason to change a game with an incorrect modifier because of bias
  494. [3:39 AM] Rhy: so the time and effort a player puts in means nothing?
  495. [3:39 AM] Rhy: just because it's "out of the pool"?
  496. [3:40 AM] Hikikomori: I did just note all the time and effort i put in the game
  497. [3:40 AM] Skay: it means whatever it means to you
  498. [3:40 AM] Hikikomori: ^
  499. [3:40 AM] Skay: but it wont count on the leaderboard
  500. [3:40 AM] MisterXYZ: I just think that so much time is going into reconsidering the point system to accommodate games with a lot of achievements and high point values when there's another valid branch that's being ignored
  501. [3:40 AM] Hikikomori: games will come and go, the leaderboard will change, what will not change is that every player is treated fairly and equally when being compared to each other numerically
  502. [3:40 AM] MisterXYZ: There are maybe 10 games that the point argument is really over
  503. [3:41 AM] MisterXYZ: yet there are maybe 100 or so removed achievement games that are just ignored for the sake of fairness
  504. [3:42 AM] Hikikomori: I think you have a way better position in creating a secondary leaderboard to count 100% including removeds
  505. even though both options require an enourmous amount of work
  506. [3:42 AM] Peter Lustig: are you seriously arguing over virtual points? okay, guess thats what i woke up to
  507. [3:42 AM] Skay: yes because its competetive
  508. [3:42 AM] Hikikomori: hey @Peter Lustig no arguements from me here, just playing some terrible anime games
  509. [3:43 AM] Peter Lustig: good on you @Hikikomori , keep it up :smile:
  510. [3:43 AM] Hikikomori: i'm pretty sure this star game is about me being a pimp and i also play as a prostitute
  511. [3:43 AM] Skay: removed games are clearly displayed on your profile when you 100% them, leaderboard is there to have same exact number of games and achievements available to every single person participating
  512. [3:43 AM] Skay: i really have hard time finding reason to change it
  513. [3:44 AM] Skay: im really trying
  514. [3:44 AM] Jaketwo: To be fair, cheevo chat would have to be one of the most appropriate places to argue about virtual points, if one were to do so
  515. [3:44 AM] Peter Lustig: true
  516. [3:44 AM] Peter Lustig: :wink:
  517. [3:44 AM] Hikikomori: this is now @Weebs chat, only post waifus
  518. [3:44 AM] Skay: :weebalert:
  519. [3:45 AM] Peter Lustig: tbh, if you really want to get the points, you only have 2 viable options to game the system anyway
  520. [3:45 AM] Hikikomori: cheating, or playing ?
  521. [3:45 AM] MisterXYZ: @Skay I'm just looking at the opposite of Hik's argument, honestly
  522. [3:46 AM] MisterXYZ: if two people 100% the same 50 games and one has 10 additional removed 100%'s, why are they the same rank, that's all :stuck_out_tongue:(edited)
  523. [3:46 AM] Peter Lustig: going for a lot of easy games to get as many 100% bonuses as you can, or completing games with over proportionally many cheevos to get big completion bonuses
  524. [3:46 AM] Rhy: we're not talking about big point games
  525. [3:47 AM] Peter Lustig: are those removed games such a big deal, tho?
  526. [3:47 AM] Rhy: not in the grand scheme
  527. [3:47 AM] bitemeblinky: looks like we may have a few more removed games soon
  528. Game Informer
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  532. [3:47 AM] Peter Lustig: there aren't that many anyway, aren't there?
  533. [3:48 AM] Rhy: maybe 100, out of maybe 4k achievement games
  534. [3:48 AM] Skay: dang now i want smash and grab key
  535. [3:49 AM] bitemeblinky: I just wanted a sleeping dogs sequel
  536. [3:49 AM] Rhy: Hiki's argument is to keep the pool the same for everyone, so removed games shouldn't count on the board. My and xyz's argument is that the pool is so big that allowing them to count isn't impactful
  537. [3:49 AM] MisterXYZ: If you count removed+disabled @Peter Lustig there are about 550 removed games, maybe 100 with achievements, give or take
  538. [3:50 AM] MisterXYZ:
  539. [3:51 AM] Hikikomori: more so its not about whether its impactful, its that if you told a new player, theres 100 games that you not be able to get and that will put you at a disadvantage not only when you start but also years down the road, thats not a very inspiring speech.
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