
Adult Love is Strange

Aug 13th, 2018
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  1. Max and Chloe had come back to each other, and couldn't be happier. Chloe embraced Max’s diaper love with open arms, after Max found her home alone with a pamper they continued to satiate each others desire for diapers. Chloe loved to baby Max, It was more than just keeping Max in a diaper, she wanted to feed, change, dress and pamper the girl she loved. Max heard “You’re so fricken cute.” from Chloe time after time and she quickly established herself as the dominant one in their relationship. They spent almost all their time together, and Chloe made sure that even separated Max was thickly diapered. No more was she allowed to wear the thin pull-ups that she felt could be hidden, Chloe wanted her in thick padded diapers 24/7.
  2. “You can’t even use the bathroom, anymore Max, I want you hella comfortable in your diapers.”
  3. Max nodded meekly at the order while Chloe continued issuing demands.
  4. “As cool as they are, I like, don’t want you using your time powers.” Max interrupted
  5. “Chloe, why?”
  6. “Because Max if you get caught i don’t want you to be able to back out. You’re my diaper girl Max, if you get caught i want everybody to know.”
  7. The rules Chloe set stayed in place and Max tried to adjust to her new schedule. It started with learning that her bathroom was around her waist, instead of down the hall, she’d made it a point to not let herself hold back on her urges to use the bathroom. Peeing had been easy, she’d worked on letting go whenever she felt the need already. It was hard to walk through the halls with a completely waterlogged diaper, trying not to let her waddle or puffy rear be noticed. It was days before she finally ended up messing herself. Chloe had taken to feeding Max and prepping every meal she wasn't there for. It was all oatmeal, formula, and baby food, She wanted Max’s diet to reflect her babyish new life. It was days of semi solid foods before sitting in class feeling like her stomach was a roiling river. The urging pressure came in the middle of her science class. Max had that moment of clenching before she remembered to let go like Chloe had told her to. She slinked down into her chair and tried to be as quiet as possible. Her body denying her that dignity with each grumble her stomach made. Luckily she sat alone at a table in the back and the people around her were absorbed in the class being taught. She released the pressure in her bowels and days of messy goop left max’s body in an intense rush of warmth. Her diaper caught and held the hot mess against her rear as flatulence filled the air. She prayed nobody could see her but the intense feelings of possible humiliation combined with the release of days worth of pressure, she couldn’t focus on anything around her. It was Kate Marsh, who was sitting the closest to Max, that noticed. It was the faint flatulence that caught her attention, she turned back to Max and was greeted by her flushed face. Max squinted and struggled in her seat holding herself away from the chair, enough for the warm mess to balloon her diaper outwards and down, stretching her jeans to the limit. She felt the dirty heat spread around the front of her crotch within it's constraints. After ten straight minutes of filling her diaper Max plopped herself down onto the mess in her pants, exhausted. She was surprised as she felt around the outside of her pants. They stayed clean and her diaper hadn’t leaked from the MASSIVE mess she’d just made. She loved how durable her diaper was, it still hugged every bit of her waist, even filled. In her tired stupor The bell rang and class was dismissed. Her classmates filed out behind Ms. Grant, it being the last class on a Friday, leaving Max and Kate alone in the room. Kate walked towards Max with a concerned look on her face.
  8. “Hey Max, are you okay?”
  9. Max saw her sniff the air and did so herself for the first time.
  10. “Oh my god.” she thought “my diaper smells really intense. I didn’t even think about it.”
  11. Kate stared at Max waiting for her answer. "Oh, um I'm fine Kate thanks.” She eyed Max suspiciously but let it go, walking off.
  12. “Okay Max well text me later.”
  13. Now it was Max alone in the class and she started breathing again. Each one heavy with excitement,
  14. “Oh god I have to text Chloe, this was soooo good I think Kate knows somethings up!”
  15. Max stood to waddle her way out of the class, her diaper was so swollen and full she feared closing her legs would squish the mess from her diaper into her still clean jeans. Her phone chimed with a text from Chloe. “Hurry up Max, I'm sitting outside waiting for your diapered ass.” She made her way to the parking lot, avoiding everyone as much as possible. She was sure the smell of her diaper, combined with her waddle would instantly out her if anybody saw, or smelled her. Max made it to Chloe’s truck without anybody noticing her and got in.
  16. “Hey Ma- Whoa smells like somebody finally pooped herself like the baby she is for me.”
  17. Max blushed at the claim.
  18. “Why do you have to say it like that Chloe?”
  19. The punk smiled wryly “because Max, you’re so ficken cute I just can’t help it. By the way I’ve been thinking…”
  20. Max’s eyes shone with excitement. The last time Chloe had been thinking she’d come up with Max’s rules, what else did Chloe have in store for her diapered girl she wondered?
  21. “Well Mom and Step-douche are gone all weekend so you should come stay with me, plus i don't like this just calling me Chloe crap, I should be Mommy Chloe.”
  22. “Yes Mommy”
  23. Chloe sucked her teeth and whispered.
  24. "So fuckin cute."
  25. She pulled away taking the bumpiest road she could, watching Max bounce and squish in her full diaper every time the old truck jumped and bumped. After they got back Chloe changed max with surprising tender precision. The smell nor the mess bothered her one bit and Max stared into Chloe’s comforting eyes through the entire change. The next three days went on in a bliss, they relaxed and enjoyed themselves. Max stayed diapered the entire time while Chloe fed, changed and cuddled her. On the second day Chloe sat cross legged on her bed, Max in her lap wearing only a diaper and a headband she’d picked to make her lover look cuter. She suckled away at Chloe’s breast, which to her surprise wielded milk.
  26. “I found some pills that make this happen, it feels hella weird when they’re full Max so you better keep drinking.”
  27. Max nodded and some of her drink dribbled from her mouth onto her punk lovers breasts and her own chin. Her diaper yellowed and swelled, Max had peed herself without even noticing it. She smiled her body was losing control, she wasn't sure if her powers helped the affect but she was glad either way. While suckling away the dull pressure in her bowels came again. instead of letting her body tighten, Max relaxed and let the warm poop fill her diaper, grunting as she pushed.
  28. “Aww did my wittle Max make mess for me, oh yes she did.”
  29. ax gave her best bashful look while Chloe teased her. Her hand snaked its way down to Max’s diaper and she pressed the wet padding into her groin. Mess squelched around inside her diaper and warmth spread throughout her body, she moaned against Chloe’s breast.
  30. “That's a good girl Maxy, you finish your lunch and you and Mommy Chloe will have a lot of fun.”
  31. She rubbed Max’s diaper a little harder at the same time, milking the moans from her girlfriend.
  32. “Then we’ll get you changed and decide what to do next.”
  33. Max gave a final “Yes Mommy.” to the plan.
  34. Outside a storm raged, one that ended up only damaging few buildings and blowing over some trees. The town of Arcadia Bay was almost totally undamaged by the bluster and not a single person ended up being hurt. The day after Max and Chloe drove away from the small town, heading towards a new life with each other.
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