
[Paradise] - Lethal Combat

Jan 23rd, 2019
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  3. !!!Lethal Combat does not follow the Default Combat System that the rest of the server does. Please be aware of the Rolling Rules for Lethal Combat!!!
  5. Lethal Combat covers all kinds of potentially life-ending forms of Battle: Cullings, Murders, Throne Challenges, Highblood Rages, Turf Wars, Events, etc. While Lethal Combat CAN be ended without either party dying, it is a Risk that must be taken into consideration if you are going to include your character into a Lethal Battle.
  7. Lethal Combat is typically ‘Multi-Round Combat: Turn Based’ ending in either a Surrender or a Death. While this can be changed from battle to battle on Moderator Discretion, assume all forms of Lethal Combat to be carried out in ‘Multi-Round Combat: Turn Based’. Each Turn has the potential to end in Severe Injury or Death, as well as cumulative injuries from continuing rounds of Combat.
  8. This can get graphic. Please be aware of the risk being taken.
  10. NOTE: If you are going to enter Lethal Combat, please tag @Moderation to come oversee the battle to ensure that rules are being properly adhered to.
  13. >[Multi-Round Combat: Turn Based]
  14. The first step for Lethal Combat is deciding how many Rounds to fight for, or if you are just going to fight until Submission or Death. Be aware that the number of rounds you fight for increases chance of Severe Injury or Death.
  16. At the start of each ‘Turn’ Players will roll for the outcome of the ‘turn’ of posts (one post per person) and roll again for the next ‘turn’ until they’ve completed all Rounds of Combat, either through Fleeing, Surrender, or Death.
  18. Like all Combat, Successful Attacks are decided by the Higher Roll using relevant Modifiers. Both Combatants will make a 1d20 Roll, plus relevant Modifiers, and depending on the Outcome of the Roll, one or both Players will Hit or Miss.
  20. Both Players Roll 1d20 + Mods
  21. -If the Player of Players roll a Nat 1, that Character messes up and becomes Vulnerable. Add +1 to the Opponent's Outcome for the Turn
  22. -If the Player or Players roll 2-10, the attack leaves no severe wound but hits (1d12 from Chaotic Casual Table, see below)
  23. -If the Player or Players roll 11-22 (excluding Nat 20), roll the Relevant 1dX for the Harmful Injury Table (see below)
  24. -If the Player or Players roll a Nat 20, they can choose to KILL or SPARE the opponent
  25. -If the Player or Players roll above a 23 due to Modifiers, any number above 23 gives the Player the option to KILL or SPARE the opponent
  28. >[Legalities of Lethal Combat]
  29. While senseless Murder is considered HIGHLY Illegal there are certain Legal Avenues one can avoid incarceration or criminal culling with.
  31. ‘Legal’ reasons behind the Death of another Troll caused by combat are: Self Defense, Defense of Loved Ones or Relatives, Protection of Property, or Plausible Cause (being tormented by someone relentlessly without it going over the line of 'Illegal' activities, Intentionally Inciting Highblood Rage, etc).
  33. If a Character kills another Character through Lethal Combat without meeting any of those Criteria, the Murderer will then become a Wanted Criminal and lose ‘Consent to Kill’. The Moderation Team reserves the right to allow Drones to target the Murderer in Public Spaces (in which case the Player will be informed of this decision).
  36. >[Fleeing from Battle]
  37. Fleeing or Retreating from a Lethal Combat Situation counts as your Full Turn. You forfeit your ability to Roll against your Opponent for this round of Combat. !!!WARNING: Fleeing from Battle may still result in Death!!!
  39. During this Round, the Opponent may roll 1d20 plus Relevant Modifiers if they choose to make an 'Opportunity Attack' instead of allowing the combatant to Retreat. If the combatant is allowed to Flee without an Opportunity Attack, the combat ends.
  41. The Attacking Player must roll for their Opportunity Attack.
  42. - Roll a 1-10, Opponent Retreats without Injury
  43. - Roll 11-22 (Nat 20 excluded) and roll an Injury for the Opponent from the Common Injury Table.
  44. - Nat 20 and any rolls above 23 are Death for the Opponent caused by the Opportunity Attack.
  46. >[Harmful Injuries]
  47. Some Characters have larger Injury Tables than others due to Genetic Permutations. Please roll for the Relevant Injury Modifier for your Character. Negative Roll Modifiers to the current fight can stack with each other (Blindness in one eye + stab wound = -2 for current fight) but cannot stack together with injuries of the same type unless otherwise stated (stab wound + stab wound does NOT = -2). If one person rolls the same outcome twice, they do not receive an additional Negative Modifier but will take visible damage.
  49. ALL of these injuries MUST be documented in profiles under 'Additional' following the Fight.
  51. (General: 1d10)
  52. 1: You receive deep scratches; one of them scars (scarring beneath neck level) and you are required to take medication.
  53. 2. You receive a scratch on the face which leaves a scar and are required to take medication for your other injuries.
  54. 3. One of your horns is broken in two. (If both horns are previously broken or opponent is Human, Reroll).
  55. 4. You sustain an eye injury which forces you to wear glasses for the rest of your life.
  56. 5. Your hair is ripped out, forcing you to crop it short. If you do not have long hair or are bald, your scalp is clawed with sharp, troll talons, leaving residual scarring and causing one streak to grow back as albinistic due to follicle death/stress.
  57. 6. A swiping attack means that you go blind in one eye--it is visibly injured. (Results in a -1 for the rest of the fight.)
  58. 6a) If you receive this wound twice, you will go blind and it will result in an additional -2.)
  59. 7. A stab wound that pierces through your shoulder. Leaves scarring. (Results in a -1 for the rest of the fight.)
  60. 8. A stab wound which pierces your chest (non-lethal). Leaves scarring. (Results in a -1 for the rest of the fight.)
  61. 9. Broken jaw. You must remain in the hospital, ICly, for three IRL days. (Result in a -1 for the rest of the fight.)
  62. 10. You lose a limb. Though it may be replaced later by a metallic limb which has sensation and works roughly as well as your old limb, you've lost a part of your body that you can never get back. (Results in a -1 for the rest of the fight.)
  64. (Humans: 1d11)
  65. 11. Sustaining an injury to your head has left you with the ability to hear the whisperings of Horrific Things just beyond the Veil. You gain the ability to commune with Horrorterrors.
  67. (Rustbloods: 1d11)
  68. 11. Due to your near-death experience and your life flashing before your eyes, you gain the ability to commune with spirits.
  70. (Bronzebloods: 1d11)
  71. 11. The bronzeblood gains the ability to commune with animals.
  73. (Goldbloods: 1d11)
  74. 11. In an attempt to protect itself, your thinkpan has started working overtime. You the ability to lift objects of up to thirty pounds' weight psionically.
  76. (Jadebloods: 1d11)
  77. 11. On the verge of death, your body surges to protect itself. If you are not a rainbowdrinker, you transform into one. (Reroll if Character is already a Rainbowdrinker).
  79. (Ceruleans: 1d11)
  80. 11. A strong blow to the head has knocked your thinkpan hard enough to unlock a Psionic Ability. (Discuss with the Moderators.)
  82. (Seadwellers: 1d14)
  83. 11. Your fins are shredded and are aesthetically mangled.
  84. 12. Your fins are torn from your face leaving heavy scarring and you must take medication for your wound.
  85. 13. One set of your gills (either on the neck or the ribs) has been damaged and no longer functions, leaving heavy scarring.
  86. 14. Due to the stress your body is under, dormant Bioluminescence has been activated. Parts of your flesh now glow your Blood Color.
  88. >>[Chaotic Casual Injuries]
  89. For rolls that don't cause Harmful injury, defer to this 1d12 table for injuries sustained:
  91. 1: You receive a punch to the face while leaves you with a black eye for 2 IRL Days.
  92. 2. You stumble and scrape your knee while fighting.
  93. 3. Deflecting a hit, you pull the muscles in your shoulder from the force of the blow. It will take 2 IRL days to heal.
  94. 4. You manage to hurt your own hand while fighting somehow. Your hand will be stiff for a while
  95. 5. You take a hit somewhere on your body and it leaves a nasty bruise for 2 IRL days.
  96. 6. You take a hit to your mouth, knocking out one of your teeth. (Note which Tooth)
  97. 7. You misstep while fighting and get struck in the ribs. One of your ribs Cracks and will take 5 IRL days to stop hurting.
  98. 8. Something catches you while fighting and leaves a deep cut on your arm. You may need stitches. (Will leave a Scar)
  99. 9. Something catches you while fighting and leaves a deep cut on your face. You may need stitches. (Will leave a Scar)
  100. 10. The next strike you take is in just such a place as to snap the bone in your arm completely. You will be in a cast for 10 IRL days.
  101. 11. You take a strike to your ankle and roll it. You are unable to walk on that leg for the next 5 IRL days.
  102. 12. During combat your leg gets injured. The smaller of the bones in your calf snaps (fibula) and you will need a cast for 10 IRL days.
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