
RiE Chapter 7 Departure

Nov 7th, 2012
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  1. Celestia PoV
  2. >This cannot continue
  3. >Every time he sees you feel the power drain from you slightly.
  4. >When he spends time around Luna it flees from your grasp.
  5. >The power is much greater than when he first arrived but every minute spec lost makes you cringe
  6. >Somehow you had to find out hot to get it back.
  7. >That is why you have been researching Star Swirl the Bearded's work.
  8. >When the librarian told you that Star Swirl mentioned humans in one of his works you were intrigued,
  9. >It seems Stars Swirl wrote a book called Creatures of the Cosmos. He would scry to different realities and look for works of great magic done by them and see if he could replicate them.
  10. >The entry under Humans was succinct
  11. "Humans are industrious highly intelligent race monkey-like organisms who, while lacking direct control of magic, seem to have some sort of power regarding a belief system. My observations show that large numbers of humans believing in the same thing can warp the laws of reality in much the same way magic does. Further study on this is unlikely. While they are intelligent they are also seem to be quite warlike at times."
  12. >Perhaps if you can find the exact cosmological location of Earth then perhaps you can acquire more humans to supplement Anonymous's contributions
  13. >Until then however you must distance yourself and Luna from him lest you loose all that you have gained
  14. >Sending him with Twilight ensures his safety while also giving you a way to manipulate him remotely
  15. >A few hints to Twilight about teaching him the history of the princesses and perhaps the power will return
  16. >For a moment you feel a passing guilt about manipulating Anonymous.
  17. >You placate this by telling yourself its for the good of your kingdom and your ponies.
  18. >You are thinking of his well being.
  19. >And besides who are you hurting by sending him to a place where he will make friends and get used to his new home
  20. >A quiet voice in your head whispers to you "Luna. You are hurting Luna."
  21. >That was a hard conversation you had with her. She was angry. You could feel it wafting off her as she seethed at you
  22. "He is our only friend in Canterlot and you are sending him away. We have not enjoyed ourselves with another mortal since Nightmare Night with Twilight Sparkle. Yet you send him away without even bothering to tell me?"
  23. >It took hours to calm her. You tried to make her understand it is the best thing for him.
  24. >You achieved that feat by convincing here that with the situation arriving with the griffons it would be better if he was not around for a while.
  25. >Finally she calmed down and apologized for her outburst. However the ominous words before she left did upset and frighten you.
  26. "Should we find that you do something else like this without consulting us there will be more than words said Sister dearest."
  27. >The voice was not in Luna's voice. That was the voice of Nightmare Moon.
  29. Three Days Later Anon's PoV
  30. >The next three days had passed much like the previous one
  31. >Work on your painting in the morning
  32. >Hang out with Star most of the day
  33. >Read in the afternoon until Luna arrives
  34. >Spend time with Luna while you paint and she raises the moon
  35. >However the day has arrived for Twilight and her friends to show up and there are some changes
  36. >This morning you are meeting Star here early to go try on your armor and choose a weapon. After that you have to go return your book. Then you are free to do what you wish until called. When Twilight arrives you will don your armor and stand beside Shining Armor to greet them
  37. >After that? You just hope you can sit with Luna again. One more night and your painting will be finished.
  38. >As you are pulling on your new clothes, a grey t-shirt and tan cargo pants, Star shows up ready to take you to get your armor fitted
  39. >He leads you back to the military wing that you visited the other day however you turn off to a flight of steps that feels like it goes on forever
  40. >Fucking steps when will you end?
  41. >You start hearing the sound of a thousand out of tune bells going off at random intervals along with loud thundering thumps, and yells you cannot make out
  42. >Suddenly the stairs end in an open area milling about with ponies of varying earthen tones
  43. >in front of you is a long line of small work areas each set around its own forge
  44. >You are not sure how many work areas there are due to the amount of work being done and that the wall at the other end of the room could hide more on the other side
  45. >You estimate about 30 areas and all are in heavy use
  46. >A large dark brown brown pony sees you standing there and yells at you
  47. >As you are heading over you realize how big he is. He is the biggest pony you have ever seen other than Celestia and Luna
  48. >He easily shoulders a heavy looking wooden chest onto a small cart and yells over the noise for you to follow him
  49. >You see his cutie mark is a hammer and what looks like a pair of tongs crossed
  50. >Following him you go through a door set in the far wall
  51. >On the other side is a strange sight
  52. >Stacks and stacks of processed leather hides sitting to one side of the room while on the other side are about twenty work benches with sewing machines set in them
  53. >The buzz of sewing machines in use gets replaces the loud smithy
  54. >It is quite easy to hear the small chatter that is going on between the ponies at the tables
  55. >A thought occurs to you
  56. >Wait if they don't eat meat and most animals are intelligent like your book says then where do they get these hides from?
  57. >Seeing the look on your face Star says
  58. "For most things we make do with cloth but we need leather when it comes to many things. For that we trade with the minotaurs or the Griffon Kingdom. They mostly hunt the creatures that are not of pony intelligence. However neither nation has enough of a need for leather to use all they can produce. So we buy it from them and put it to good use."
  59. >Makes more sense than it does not.
  60. >Finally the pony in front of you leads you to a table near the back
  61. >He nods at the green unicorn behind the table with a cutie mark that looks like an ice pick and turns to you
  62. "You Anonymous I take it?"
  63. >You nod to him and say "I am sir"
  64. Grunting at you he says "I am Bossing Hammer the Smith-master. This is my wife Awl the head of the leather workers."
  65. >You nod at Awl and she smiles at you
  66. "The princesses asked something of us that had a even a humble man like me about to laugh in their face. They sent me your measurements and told me to make Knight grade armor for you in less than a week. I put all my smiths on it immediately and even called in some favors that were owed me. And this is the finished result."
  67. >He opens the the chest and you see Awl float out your armor. It is mostly silver but it has gold suns and white moons in bands around it. The chest plate has a simplified image of Celestia and Luna rearing up their respective celestial body behind their head.
  68. >The armor was something you would expect out of a fairy tale.
  69. >Fuck you are in a land of magical talking ponies serving two goddesses. YOU ARE IN A FAIRY TALE.
  70. "It is made of a mithril steel allow to provide maximum strength and reducing the weight. We based the design off of minotaur armor however we made a few changes to better fit your...form. It is done except for the leather fittings. Which is why Awl is here"
  71. >She smiles at that and says in a quite heavy accent
  72. "Thank yeh now iffn yed help meh I'll get this all done in a jiffay"
  73. >The next hour involved all of you working together to find the perfect strap length and placement for your new armor.
  74. >Finally it was done and you were standing in a suit of armor that fit you like a glove.
  75. >It has no helm but if they based it off of minotaur armor that makes sense
  76. >You could feel each individual plate shift as you did allowing you to move without being hampered to much
  77. >compared to what you usually carry it was quite heavy however you are
  78. >These ponies know what they are doing when it comes to armor
  79. "Yeh look like yeh arr ready ta conquer Minos! Just one muur ting and den we gonn have yeh readay."
  80. >She levitates a sword out of the box and lays it on the table
  81. >She then proceeds to measure out and cut a leather belt and fit it around your armor with the sword hung from it
  82. "Now yeh be ready for war!"
  83. >She says with a grin.
  84. "Does that case go with the armor? Star asks Bossing
  85. >He nods so Star lifts it with his magic
  86. >"Uhh Star? Don't I need to take this off and put it back in there?"
  87. "You know how the princesses charged me with training you?"
  88. >Oh crap you don't like where this is going "Yeah?"
  89. "Your first training exorcise will be to go back up those stairs with that armor on. You have to get used to its weight and wearing it is the only way."
  90. >Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. You hate your friend right now
  91. >One long exhausting walk up a never ending flight of stairs over and you are on your way to the library
  92. >By the time you reach it you are huffing and puffing again "Star. I hate you."
  93. "Good. You are supposed to hate your training instructor. It makes each order that much more painful." he says with a grin
  94. >You go to open the door to the library and you stop
  95. >"I forgot my book. Shit" you start to walk to your room
  96. "Stop. C-can you tell me exactly where it is in your room?" Star asks hesitantly
  97. >"Yeah its on the table beside the bed."
  98. "I want to see if I can teleport it here."
  99. >He lowers his head points his horn in the direction of your room.
  100. >He closes his eyes and begins breathing rhythmically
  101. >About thirty seconds later you go to say something when with a flash that almost blinds you and a loud thud your book falls to the ground
  102. >Star falls right along with it
  103. >"Whoa! Star you OK? What was that about?" you say as you reach over and pull him up carefully
  104. "Teleportation *huff* is hard *puff*"
  105. >"Why the hell did you do it? We could have walked back. There was no need to work yourself that hard just for a book!"
  106. >He manages to get his breathing under control
  107. "I want to get better at it. Ponies may be relying on my teleportation one day. I want to be better when that day comes. Besides I felt bad with you being exhausted and me being perfectly fine. Now we are on even footing"
  108. >"Dude that is retarded." you hold out your fist and he hoof bumps you.
  109. >It may be retarded but it was still bro level thinking behind it
  110. >You grab your book and head into the library
  111. >Star leads you back to the history wing.
  112. >Once entering you see that same old pony from before
  113. >"Sir I am here to return my book." you say holding your book out to him
  114. >The pony blinks a few times and then grabs the book with his magic and sends it off to be re-shelved
  115. "Ahh the human returns. I wish you had stayed before I would have read to you all that Star Swirl the Bearded wrote on your people."
  116. >You stand there for a moment stunned "Star Swirl the Bearded wrote on my people? How? What did he say?"
  117. "Well he scryed your world and wrote about what he observed. As for what he wrote. Well I cant seem to remember. I would read it to you again but somep0ny checked out "Creatures of the Cosmos"."
  118. >That awesome old wizard you read about knew of you home?
  119. >"Can you at least tell me who checked it out?"
  120. "Sorry sonny no can do." at your dejected look he says "It is library policy. It has been this way since the Princesses founded this place. We would not want somep0ny getting hounded or embarrassed over what book they checked out."
  121. >Well fuck. "Well fuck."
  122. >Dejected by that turn of events you start to walk away
  123. "Thanks for your help."
  124. >You hear Star say before he turns and trots up to you
  125. >You stroll through the halls at your own pace
  126. >Star Swirl the bearded knew of your world. Does that mean you could get back?
  127. >"Hey Star. What does "scryed" mean?"
  128. "Scrying is the act of observing or searching for something using magic." he said quickly sensing your mood
  129. >"So you don't need to actually go somewhere to scry it?"
  130. "Well it makes it easier, but no you don't need to have been there. The more time you spend in an area the easier it is to scry."
  131. >"So wait do people actually spy on others with this shit?"
  132. "Not many. Scrying is extremely hard to do. It is about the same level as teleportation but you have to hold focus while trying to observe. Also it is insanely easy to block scrying with magic. The entire palace is warded against it."
  133. >"Huh. I think I need to read up on magic when I get a chance."
  134. "Well Twilight would be the one to teach you about it. She is so talented that Princess Celestia privately tutored her for years. Her special talent IS magic. Shining Armor says she also lives in the Ponyville Library so that should help as well."
  135. >Maybe this wont be as bad as you thought
  136. >If she is as smart as he says then she might be able to help you
  137. >You can at least see if she can scry your world
  138. >The Ponyville library may even contain a copy of that "Creatures of the Cosmos" book
  139. >Feeling much better about today and your future in general you and Star head to your rooms
  140. >Star drops you off and heads off to the train station to greet Twilight and her friends when they arrive
  141. >You take the opportunity to strip down and shower
  142. >Getting out of the shower you see your sword sitting with your armor
  143. >A brilliant idea pops into your head
  144. >You unsheathe the two and a half feet of brightly polished metal
  145. >Setting it on the counter you lather up your face with the soap
  146. >You had asked Star about a razor to shave but from what he says that does not happen with ponies
  147. >He got you some scissors but that only let you trim it down. You were dieing for a full shave.
  148. >Using your sword you manage to slowly and carefully shave your face
  149. >Whoever sharpened your sword knew what they were doing
  150. >You managed to cut down to a decent looking oval goatee. Mostly you left it because it would have been a pain to cut
  151. >You managed to only knick yourself a couple of times amazingly.
  152. >Rinsing your face and sword you take a good look in the mirror
  153. >You have lost a lot of body fat and gained quite a bit of muscle over time you have been here.
  154. >Well you ate lean and fairly healthy while working quite a bit to survive so it makes sense
  155. >Done admiring yourself you dry your sword and face
  156. >One set of clothes complete with a new pair of boxers, god you missed those, and you were ready for your first attempt to assemble your armor.
  157. >One frustrating hour later and you were ready to give up.
  158. >Who the fuck puts a strap just above your ass?
  159. >Seriously who the fuck could eve-
  160. *Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
  161. >Who could that be?
  162. >walking uncomfortably over to the door you open it to reveal Shining Armor standing there
  163. "Hello Anonymous I wanted to go over some things be- why do you have your waist armor on backwards?"
  164. >You explain and within five minutes he has your armor on snugly
  165. >"Thanks. I am not used to wearing this stuff" you say with a stupid grin
  166. "I understand. I can imagine how much of a pain putting that on would be without magic. Anyways I came to take you to the throne room. There are some things we need to go over before my sister gets here."
  167. >Strapping your sword to your waist you and Shining start making your way to the throne room
  168. >"What kind of things?"
  169. "Well there are a few things you need to do. First of all you will be representing Luna today as I represent Celestia. You will stand by her and if anything is to be handed to her except by Celestia then it has to go through you first."
  170. >Seemed simple enough to you, but oh how you were wrong
  171. >An hour and a half of training later and you were wishing you had a notepad
  172. >Rule after rule about everything
  173. >"Should someone approach the princess unrequested you must first step in between them and the princess and wait for the princess to give them permission to approach."
  174. >On and on it went. You did learn one interesting thing. Should anyone use magic while addressing the princess without asking for permission you are to strike them on the horn sharply. This will not only hurt quite a bit but it also stops them from casting.
  175. >However Twilight and her friends are immune to this command as they have direct permission to use magic in front of their highness's at any time
  176. >Finally when you were about to go crazy a guard came in and said that Twilight had arrived and the princesses were on the way
  177. >You take your place at the bottom of the dais just to the left of where Princess Luna will be sitting.
  178. >As you watch guards march in and take their places a few noble ponies star to arrive.
  179. >You can feel their eyes on you as the quiet din of their whispers flows through the room
  180. >Suddenly a pink Alicorn walks into the hall and gives you a strange look. She then looks over at Shining Armor and smiles.
  181. >She walks to the side and takes her place. You motion to Shining Armor who walks over to you
  182. "Yeah?"
  183. >"Who was that alicorn" you ask slightly nervous
  184. "Oh that was Cadence, I mean, that is Princess Mi Amora Cadenza" he says with pride" then a blush comes over his face "She is my wife"
  185. >Oh lord another goddess. This one is married to the head of the Royal Guard.
  186. >"So...umm whats her special talent?" you ask eyes on her
  187. "She has...well power over love would be the best way to put it."
  188. >Holy fuck she is this worlds Aphrodite
  189. >"Thanks I was just curious."
  190. >She is one of if not the most beautiful pony you have seen in your time here
  191. >As you stare at her she seems to get nervous and make her way up near the dais
  192. >However just as she finally gets his attention one of the guards loudly announces the entry of the Princesses
  193. >Following your instructions you turn to your right and kneel as the princesses enter the room
  194. >They slowly make their way to the dais and lay down on the cushions there.
  195. >When they are seated Celestia announces for everyone to rise
  196. >As you rise you notice Luna looking at you with a strange expression.
  197. >You smile at her and wink and smiles back at you
  198. >After that smile you realize that Celestia is talking
  199. "-f you may be surprised at the creature standing before us. This is Anonymous. Equestria's newest knight. We ask that you greet him with open hooves"
  200. >You turn to the crowd and bow
  201. >Celestia smiles at you and continues "Soon our honored guests will arrive. However until then is there anything that needs addressed?"
  202. >At this Cadence approaches the dais on Celestia's side. Shining Armor steps in front of her
  203. "You may approach Princess Cadence"
  204. >Shining Armor steps to the side. A worried look on his face
  205. >Cadence walks right up to Celestia and whispers something in her ear
  206. >Celestia immediately locks eyes with you and then turns and whispers something back
  207. >Cadence whips her head around and stares at you
  208. >You see a look of pain spasm across her face and sparks shoot out of her horn
  209. >Celestia whispers something to her again and Cadence walks off the Dais and out of the room
  210. >Turning to Luna Celestia whispers something to Luna who then looks at you with open interest on her face
  211. >OK so you unintentionally did something that ran Cadence out of the room? Crap you were trying to make a good impression
  212. >In your head you say a quick prayer to Celestia and Luna "I am sorry if I offended Princess Mi Amora Cadenza. I ask for your forgiveness for driving her off"
  213. >After you say your prayer you immediately realize it is the first one you have said since you were knighted. You really have to change that.
  214. >They look at each other and then look at you
  215. "Anon. Approach us."
  216. >You walk up the steps dais and kneel in front of them
  217. >Quietly Celestia leans over to you
  218. "You did not offend her. Actually she was in pain. I assume you view her like you view us?"
  219. >"In a way yes. I see her similarly to the lesser goddess Aphrodite from my world. She was the goddess of love and beauty."
  220. "I see. Well she left because she is suffering something called magical backup. It causes pain but can quickly be taken care of. I have sent her to my quarters to use her powers until the pain goes away." Celestia says calmly
  221. "It is not thine fault Anon. She will be fine" Luna says to comfort you.
  222. >You nod and resume your position by the steps
  223. >Shining Armor looks at you expectantly
  224. >You mouth "Magical Backup" to him
  225. >He nods and looks a little less worried
  226. >More people approach the dais after this
  227. >10 or so minutes later Cadence comes back in and takes her place near Shining Armor and gives him a smile
  228. >She then starts staring at you occasionally
  229. >Finally after about five minutes of it you pray to her "I am sorry you were hurting. I hope you feel better now"
  230. >Her eyes go wide and she nods at you
  231. >What feels like an hour later a guard steps forward as six multicolored ponies and a lizard thing walk into the room
  232. "Now announcing the arrival of the Elements of Harmony. Twilight Sparkle Element of Magic, Rainbow Dash Element of Loyalty, Applejack Element of Honesty, Rarity Element of Generosity, Pinkie Pie Element of Laughter, Fluttershy the Element of Friendship, and Spike the Dragon."
  233. >Wow so these are the ponies bound to the elements, and little guy is a dragon?
  234. >You glance over at Shining Armor who nods at you
  235. >Walking forward you both take your places between the arrivals and the princesses
  236. >Twilight and her friends alternate between eying you and smiling at Shining Armor
  237. >When they get right up on you they all kneel
  238. >You in turn following the instructions of Shining Armor bow before them
  239. "Elements of Harmony you may rise" seeing that spike was still kneeling Celestia laughs and says "You may rise as well Spike"
  240. >You go to step back but Shining Armor shakes his head
  241. "It is a pleasure to see you all once again.
  242. "I want you all to meet Equestria's newest knight, Anonymous."
  243. >You bow before them and say "Nice to meet you all"
  244. >Standing straight you can see various emotions on their faces
  245. >Twilight Sparkle who you recognize from Shining Armors description is smiling at you
  246. >The rest are too busy looking you over to show much emotion
  247. "Now I believe there is important business to be discussed. I am afraid the court will have to end early today."
  248. >Once again you are escorted to the same meeting room from before
  249. >Everyone takes a seat with you and shining armor sitting on either side of the princesses
  250. >They all seem to look at you expectantly "Hi. My name is Anonymous but you can call me Anon"
  251. "Hi Anon! Its nice to meet you!"
  252. >Twilight says happily she proceeds to introduce each of her friends in turn.
  253. >Each of them responding except for spike who just yawns
  254. "Sorry about Spike. He is still a baby dragon and he didn't get much sleep on the train." Twilight apologizes
  255. >"Its fine. So do any of you have any questions for me?" you say after failing to think of anything better
  256. >Twilight throws her hoof in the air with an
  257. "I do!"
  258. >She looks a little embarrassed so you give her an encouraging smile and say "Fire away"
  259. "Umm what?" she asks confused
  260. >"Oh, it means go ahead."
  261. "Right. Anyways Princess Celestia has written that your are a "Human" and a few other things. I was wondering are you an average representation of your species or if you are ab-"
  262. "Now Twilight" Celestia chides "Things like that can wait until he arrives in Ponyville. I think he was just trying to break the tension"
  264. "Pinkie Pie the party can wait until we get to Ponyville." Applejack says in a southern drawl
  265. "AWWWW!"
  266. >Her hair seems to deflate for a moment then go fluffy again
  267. >You chuckle but that brings up the the leaving "So when are we leaving?" you say worried
  268. "Well we were going to leave that up to the princesses" Twilight says
  269. >"Can it wait until tomorrow at least? I am working on a painting that I would like to finish before I go" you smile at Luna
  270. "Anon you paint?" Asks Rarity who finally seems interested "Why that is such a REFINED profession. Are you any good at it"
  271. >You could almost feel the smug drip off the word refined
  272. "Anon's paintings are very good. I have seen him at work." Luna says in what you would almost call a defensive tone
  273. >"Thanks Luna, I am glad you think so." you say a little flustered. You could never handle a compliment about your painting
  274. >Rarity just looks taken aback by Luna's outburst
  275. >Twilight just looks between you and Luna with a surprised look on her face
  276. >"Me and Luna have become friends since I arrived." you shrug. Not very easy with this armor on
  277. "So Anon what do you do for fun other than paint?" Rainbow Dash asks
  278. >"Well I enjoy reading, sketching, and I have spent quite a bit of time here hanging out with Star Sword. I would have loved to explore Canterlot but Princess Celestia decided that might cause some problems. I also hang out with Luna and watch her raise the moon"
  279. >More looks between you and Luna
  280. "What types of books do you read Anon?" Twilight ask a little excited
  281. >"Well I have only read a history book since I arrived here but I like pretty much anything but textbooks. Oh wait that reminds me. Can you teach me about magic Twilight?"
  282. >This time a shocked expression by Celestia
  283. "Sure Anon I would love to but why do you want to learn about magic?"
  284. >"I am pretty sure magic does not exist on my world. At least if it does it is so rare that most people think its fake. I am really curious about it."
  285. >When you said that there was a gasp from Twilight while the rest of them just looked at you strange
  286. "But if there is no magic how does the sun and moo-" twilight begins to ask
  287. "Well again this is a conversation for later" Celestia says "For now lets talk plans. Twilight did you deliver my letter to Mayor Mare before you left?"
  288. "I did princess. She read it and assured me she understood. She will be holding a town meeting today to war-tell the town that Anon is coming and inform everyp0ny that he is nice and friendly"
  289. >Well at least you don't"F have to worry about everyone freaking out on you
  290. "Fluttershy did you show the guards a good place to build the fort?"
  291. >A "meep" from the quite yellow pegasus damn she must be really shy
  292. "I-I did your highness. They already star-started building it." she stutters out
  293. >that is a level of cuteness you did not expect to see today
  294. "Good I think I will send you back to Ponyville tomorrow afternoon. I will have an Airship take you back. I don't want all the unsuspecting ponies on the train terrified" Celestia says with a smile
  295. "An airship? I have always wanted to fly in an airship!" Rarity states absolutely ecstatic
  296. >"So where am I going to live when we get there?" truly curious of your fate
  297. "We are renting a few houses on the outskirts of Ponyville for you and the ponies coming with you. It wont be ideal as everything will be too small for you but we are working on getting a house built for you." Celestia says.
  298. >"Works for me. Another thing I was wondering. What am I supposed to do about money?"
  299. "I will provide you with a stipend of bits for a few months so you can get settled. I expect you to get a job of some form to support yourself. Should you be unable to do so we shall go from there. However if your painting skill is as good as my sister says you should be more than capable of supporting yourself."
  300. >At least you are not expected to get a job immediately. Actually this would give you time to paint and sell some paintings and save up money
  301. "Does anyone have any more questions?"
  302. >A round of heads being shaken
  303. "Well then everyone feel free to spend the afternoon how you wish. I have some important business to take care of. Anon I trust you can find your way back to your room without an escort?"
  304. >You nod and start walking to your room
  305. >The other ponies watch you walk off without a word
  306. >When you get in your room you take off your armor and sit on the edge of your bed
  307. >You spend the rest of the afternoon just sitting on the bed thinking about what the future holds for you
  308. >Your stomach alerts you to the fact that it is dinner time
  309. >Standing you make your way to the door
  310. >Opening it reveals Twilight standing in front of it with a plate of food and a hoof in the air
  311. "Oh. Hi Anonymous I heard that you had not been down to eat so I wanted to bring you some food"
  312. >"Umm, thanks Twilight. I was just on my way out to get some" you say taking the tray from her magical grip
  313. >She stared at you with a smile on her face. Finally you sigh and ask if she would like to come in
  314. "Sure! Anonymous when I asked for your food I noticed that it included meat. So humans are omnivores? Where do they get their meat from? Can humans survive on a meat free diet? Do humans diets differ in other ways from pony diets? What all have you eaten since you arrived here?"
  315. >You eat while answering her barrage of diet related questions
  316. >When you mentioned your survival in the griffon lands she had to quiz you about them
  317. >She seemed disturbed when you talked about hunting but when you told her you killed a lion
  319. >"They tried but Luna saved me. Princess Celestia said one of the reason she is sending me away is that a gryphon envoy will arrive next week."
  320. >After that Twilight seemed to calm down and look around. That is when she saw your painting of Luna
  321. "That...that is beautiful. I cannot believe Princess Luna is letting you paint this."
  322. >"Why? She said the only reason she has not shown others is that they are afraid to ask her."
  323. "Celestia says that Luna refused to raise the moon in front of a crowd. She said that moonrise was her favorite time of every day and would not want anyone to spoil it for her."
  324. >Your prayers must have really touched Luna if it's so personal and she is sharing it with you.
  325. >Glancing at the door to the balcony you see that it is getting late
  326. >"Luna should be here any time now to get me so I can finish the painting."
  327. "C-can I go with you? I would love to see it for myself"
  328. >You really do not want her to. You enjoyed your conversations with Luna.
  329. >But Luna said Twilight was her friend as well
  330. >"It is not up to me. Luna is the one you would need to ask"
  331. "That makes sense. I would have asked to see her do it before had I known she would let people see."
  332. >Conversation turns back to your painting for a few minutes when you hear a knock on the door
  333. >Opening it you find Luna standing there with a smile on her face
  334. >"Hey Luna one second let me grab my stuff. Also Twilight here has a question she wants to ask you."
  335. >Grabbing your gear you hear Twilight ask
  336. "Princess Luna if it's no trouble can I join you an Anonymous tonight. I would love to see you raise the moon."
  337. >Turning back you see Luna look from her to you with her reservations apparent before saying
  338. "That would be fine Twilight. I did not know you were interested in how we-I raise the moon."
  339. >Crap. Well Twilight didnt seem that bad.
  340. >Instead of walking down the hall Luna comes into your room and picks you both up with magic.
  341. >She levitates you out to the balcony and takes off with you and Twilight floating behind her.
  342. >After a short dizzying flight you are set down on top of the Tower of the Moon
  343. >You begin setting up while Twilight and Luna speak about various things
  344. >Twilight seems eager to talk but Luna seems a little nervous about it
  345. >When your easel is set up in the same location as before and you are out and ready you declare
  346. >"Twilight over here if you please." You motion Twilight to your left side "Give me a warning when you are ready Luna"
  347. "It will only be a few minutes Anon."
  348. >"I am ready when you are"
  349. >Once again you get to see the beauty of that moment. You immediately begin painting. Never letting that image fade
  350. >The gasp beside you tells you that Twilight is appreciating the event
  351. >Your eyes focused on the canvas you loose track of time as your brush seems to work on its own
  352. >Finally as the light begins to fade completely you dub it finished
  353. >Grabbing another brush you sign your work then immediately fall back to stare at the sky
  354. >Hearing no conversation you look to your left and see Luna staring at the painting
  355. >A look to your right reveals the same about Twilight
  356. >"Did I mess something up?" you ask worried
  357. "I-its perfect Anonymous! Its like you took a picture of it."
  358. "We did not expect it to be this good. What are you going to do with this Anon?"
  359. >Luna sounded hesitant at the last
  360. >"I am not going to do anything with it. I painted it for you."
  361. "We-I don't. I want you to keep it Anon. I want you to have it so you do not forget me while in Ponyville."
  362. >You throw your arm around her and hug her. It felt right
  363. >"Thank you Luna. I will treasure it"
  364. >Silence follows this and you look back upon your painting
  365. >"Do you have the northern lights here?"
  366. "The what?" they both chorus
  367. >For the next few hours you sat and talked with Twilight and Luna about the night and Equestria
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