
Who is Jeeves? (You twats!)

May 14th, 2014
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  1. Hankolijo suddenly found himself standing atop of a floating rock. The sky had turned into a colored blurr, more floating rocks surrounding the one he stood upon. Hank had to take a second look to notice Jeeves standing there, too. Hank walked to the side of the rock and extended his hand when Jeeves began to speak. Hank felt a heavy resistance. He was absolutely correct for once. "Now, Mr. Lijon, I hope you see the power in my hands, and..." "Hold your breath, Jeeves, I know exactly what's going on here." The man smirked. "Then I suppose you know that my name is not Jeeves?" " i do, actually." "Say it, then." Hank took a step back from the edge and turned to the man in the blue suit. "It's actually funny. Did you give a hint to your real name in the one you took upon entering Earth?" "I don't know, Mr. Lijon, did I?" "I think you did... G-Man." G-Man straightened his tie. "Very well, Mr. Lijon, you know how to connect the dots. Now... I have a..." "Proposition? Job offer? I actually forgot what was it you said at the end of the first Half-Life..." "Well, I don't suppose I have to explain what happens to you if you decline my offer, then." A green, glowing portal opened beside them. Hank smiled. "You don't. Will I end up sleeping through God-knows-how-long like Gordon?" Hank asked. G-Man gave another quick smirk. "You may, and then again- you may not. But the alternative is... not appealing, is it?" Hank smiled and shook his head. "Fuck it. I'm joining your damn... company, I guess." He then stepped into the portal, everything fading to green, then black. Hank returned to the strange lucid-dream mode, having complete control over nothing.
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