
4chan University - Chapter 2

Apr 3rd, 2016
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  1. >Be Seamus
  2. >you've been lounging most of the day organizing and listening to records
  3. >It's 8pm, an hour before Lance heads to the party
  4. >You get up and leave your room
  5. >You wonder if Conrad is still going
  6. >maybe you can talk him into explaining Speed Force to you
  7. >Your other next door neighbor's door is cracked open
  8. >/mlp/
  9. >you knock, being polite is the least you can do
  10. >"come iiiiiiinnnnnn"
  11. >It's a female voice, but at least this one is your age
  12. >You step in, and are instantly overwhelmed in a flood of pastel colors
  13. >Ponies. The room is wall to wall with small colorful equines.
  14. >The girl sitting on the floor is wearing a fedora, scarf, white shirt, and blue jeans
  15. >she's playing with several figurines
  16. >You spend several moments taking in the room
  17. >"So are you my next door neighbor? The one playing the sad music?"
  18. "That would be me, Seamus."
  19. >"I'm Emily."
  20. >She gets up and enthusiastically shakes your hand
  21. >"Oh it's wonderful to make friends. Here, have a pony."
  22. >She hands you a grey figure holding a cello.
  23. >"That's Octavia. She's a house musician for Princess Celestia."
  24. "She plays the cello with magic?"
  25. >"No silly *giggle*, just with her hooves. She's an earth pony. They can't use magic."
  26. >Fascinating
  27. >You inspect the pony for a few moments and put it in your pocket.
  28. "So you collect My Little Pony merch?"
  29. >"Yeah, when I'm not watching the show, writing fics, arguing about the show online, or drawing pony art."
  30. "You really like ponies, don't you?"
  31. >"It's the only thing I've ever been good at."
  32. >The awkwardness is heavy and permeating
  33. >She sees you're nervous and adds
  34. >"Are you going to the party tonight?"
  35. "Is that the only thing to do tonight? You're the fourth person to ask me."
  36. >"I guess so. This is college after all. I'm going over with my brother Conrad."
  37. "Conrad is your brother? I met him earlier."
  38. >"Yeah but you wouldn't know it. Dude has no respect for my craft."
  39. >Man doesn't like My Little Pony. Film at 11.
  40. "As much as I enjoy hating everything that regular people like, I guess I'll go."
  41. >"Sweet! We'll come get you when we go."
  42. "Cool, I'm gonna go wander for a bit."
  43. >As you leave her room, you see a girl carrying a milk crate full of books
  44. >As she opens the door, one falls off the top of the stack
  45. >you rush to grab it for her as she closes the door
  46. >House of Leaves
  47. >you knock on the door
  48. "Hey, you dropped your book."
  49. >she opens it
  50. >the ghost of David Foster Wallace appears
  51. >You hand her the book
  52. >she scowls at you
  53. >"Have you ever read it?"
  54. "House of Leaves? NO, but I have the companion album by Poe. I'm Seamus by the way."
  55. >"Read it. Come back to me when you're done."
  56. "Uh okay. Unrelated question, when do you go on?"
  57. >she stares
  58. "I mean the band, when do you go on? You're with the E Street Band right?"
  59. >more staring
  61. >nothing
  62. "Okay, cool, well I'm gonna go read this. Your name was?"
  63. >door slams
  64. "Yeah, I am smooth as fuck."
  65. >walk back to your room
  66. >start reading House of Leaves
  67. >you hear Conrad next door
  68. >You get up and examine yourself in the mirror
  69. >plaid shirt, corduroy pants
  70. >could be worse
  71. >walk out and run into Conrad along with a few other people you haven't met
  72. >"You coming to the par-tay bro."
  73. "Provided you don't do that again, sure."
  74. >"Right."
  75. "So are we ready to head over?"
  76. >"Got one more guy coming"
  77. >Suddenly, voice appears behind you
  78. >"Dr. Conrad, I'm CIA"
  79. >oh good lord
  80. Emily chimes in
  81. >"He wasn't alone."
  82. >Not you too
  83. >a flood of spaghetti rushes past you as they complete the scene
  84. >"Lotta loyalty for a hired gun."
  85. >new guy points a finger gun at you
  86. "Or perhaps he's wonder why you would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane."
  87. >you put zero effort into the line
  88. >"Okay, he's cool. I'm Trevor."
  89. "Seamus."
  90. >you shake hands as the group moves towards the stairs.
  91. >you get outside and start walking towards Red Dorm
  92. >When you get close, you see two figures standing on the doorsteps
  93. >you remember the girl telling you about a password, but you cant remember what it is
  94. >walking up, one of the figures wearing a wrinkles black suit stops the group
  95. >"Answer, and the party is yours to attend."
  96. >what was that password?
  97. >you look the man over and see something red on his arm
  98. >a red arm band
  99. >"How many lives were lost in the Holocaust."
  100. >the group freezes
  101. >god fucking dammit
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