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- /*
- Lars Rönnbäck
- 2015-09-16 Created the script.
- 2015-09-20 Added uni- and bi-temporally independent
- and dependent joins.
- 2015-10-02 Updated to show positive assertions.
- Added section on indecisiveness.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Create two different positors that may differ
- in opinions about icebergs.
- Note that a 'default' positor has already
- been created with identity 0.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into _Positor
- values (1);
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Populate the knot values.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into ATT_Attachment (
- ATT_ID, ATT_Attachment
- ) values
- (0, 'Not attached'),
- (1, 'Attached');
- insert into FRZ_Frozen (
- FRZ_ID, FRZ_Frozen
- ) values
- (0, 'Not frozen'),
- (1, 'Frozen');
- insert into MIA_MissingInAction (
- MIA_ID, MIA_MissingInAction
- ) values
- (0, 'Missing in action'),
- (1, 'Known whereabouts');
- insert into SOM_SplitOrMerge (
- SOM_ID, SOM_SplitOrMerge
- ) values
- (1, 'Split'),
- (2, 'Merge');
- insert into SUB_Submerged (
- SUB_ID, SUB_Submerged
- ) values
- (0, 'Not submerged'),
- (1, 'Submerged');
- insert into EOE_EnteredOrExited (
- EOE_ID, EOE_EnteredOrExited
- ) values
- (0, 'Exited'),
- (1, 'Entered');
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Insert a signal from one of the transmitters.
- Resulting in a TR_ID = 1 being created.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into lTR_Transmitter (
- Positor,
- TR_LOC_ChangedAt, TR_LOC_PositedAt, TR_LOC_Reliability, TR_LOC_Transmitter_Location,
- TR_MIA_ChangedAt, TR_MIA_PositedAt, TR_MIA_Reliability, TR_MIA_MIA_MissingInAction,
- TR_FSG_PositedAt, TR_FSG_Reliability, TR_FSG_Transmitter_FirstSignal,
- TR_LSG_ChangedAt, TR_LSG_PositedAt, TR_LSG_Reliability, TR_LSG_Transmitter_LastSignal
- )
- values (
- 0,
- '1912-04-15', '2015-01-01', 50, geography::STPointFromText('POINT(41.7325 49.9469)', 4326),
- '1912-04-15', '2015-01-01', 100, 'Known whereabouts',
- '2015-01-01', 100, '1912-04-01',
- '1912-04-15', '2015-01-01', 100, '1912-04-15 23:40'
- );
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Update, since we got another signal, but the
- location remained the same.
- Only historized attributes can be updated.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- update lTR_Transmitter
- set
- TR_LSG_ChangedAt = '1912-04-16',
- TR_LSG_PositedAt = '2015-01-01',
- TR_LSG_Reliability = 80,
- TR_LSG_Transmitter_LastSignal = '1912-04-16 01:01'
- where
- TR_ID = 1
- and
- Positor = 0;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- The last signal should be different between the
- two days.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select TR_LSG_Transmitter_LastSignal from pTR_Transmitter('1912-04-15') where Positor = 0 and TR_ID = 1;
- select TR_LSG_Transmitter_LastSignal from pTR_Transmitter('1912-04-16') where Positor = 0 and TR_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Correct, that the first signal was in fact
- received a day later.
- All attributes can be corrected.
- In order to retract an assertion a new assertion
- is made on the same posit but with zero
- reliability.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into lTR_Transmitter (
- Positor, TR_ID,
- TR_FSG_PositedAt, TR_FSG_Reliability, TR_FSG_Transmitter_FirstSignal
- )
- values (
- 0, 1,
- '2015-01-02', 0, '1912-04-01' -- set reliability to zero
- ), (
- 0, 1,
- '2015-01-02', 80, '1912-04-02' -- assert another posit
- );
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- The default positor should have made no assertion
- about the first signal before 2015, and was 100%
- sure about the signal on the first, but retracted
- that and is 80% sure of another posit on the
- second of February, 2015.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select TR_FSG_Transmitter_FirstSignal from tTR_Transmitter(0, DEFAULT, '2014-12-31', '+') where TR_ID = 1;
- select TR_FSG_Transmitter_FirstSignal from tTR_Transmitter(0, DEFAULT, '2015-01-01', '+') where TR_ID = 1;
- select TR_FSG_Transmitter_FirstSignal from tTR_Transmitter(0, DEFAULT, '2015-01-02', '+') where TR_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Insert an iceberg adrift.
- Resulting in a IB_ID = 1 being created.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into lIB_Iceberg (
- Positor,
- IB_FDA_PositedAt, IB_FDA_Reliability, IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate,
- IB_FRZ_ChangedAt, IB_FRZ_PositedAt, IB_FRZ_Reliability, IB_FRZ_FRZ_Frozen,
- IB_LOC_ChangedAt, IB_LOC_PositedAt, IB_LOC_Reliability, IB_LOC_Iceberg_Location,
- IB_SUB_ChangedAt, IB_SUB_PositedAt, IB_SUB_Reliability, IB_SUB_SUB_Submerged,
- IB_SIZ_ChangedAt, IB_SIZ_PositedAt, IB_SIZ_Reliability, IB_SIZ_Iceberg_Size,
- IB_DDA_PositedAt, IB_DDA_Reliability, IB_DDA_Iceberg_DisintegrationDate
- )
- values (
- 0,
- '2015-01-01', 100, '1912-02-13',
- '1912-02-13', '2015-01-01', 100, 'Not frozen',
- '1912-04-15', '2015-01-01', 50, geography::STPointFromText('POINT(42.7325 49.9469)', 4326),
- '1912-02-13', '2015-01-01', 100, 'Not submerged',
- '1912-02-13', '2015-01-01', 50, 555,
- '2015-01-01', 100, null -- not yet disintegrated
- );
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Let another positor (1, a boat) have a different
- opinion about the whereabouts of the iceberg.
- Note that this must use IB_ID = 1 to refer to
- the same iceberg.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into lIB_Iceberg (
- Positor, IB_ID,
- IB_FDA_PositedAt, IB_FDA_Reliability, IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate,
- IB_FRZ_ChangedAt, IB_FRZ_PositedAt, IB_FRZ_Reliability, IB_FRZ_FRZ_Frozen,
- IB_LOC_ChangedAt, IB_LOC_PositedAt, IB_LOC_Reliability, IB_LOC_Iceberg_Location,
- IB_SUB_ChangedAt, IB_SUB_PositedAt, IB_SUB_Reliability, IB_SUB_SUB_Submerged,
- IB_SIZ_ChangedAt, IB_SIZ_PositedAt, IB_SIZ_Reliability, IB_SIZ_Iceberg_Size,
- IB_DDA_PositedAt, IB_DDA_Reliability, IB_DDA_Iceberg_DisintegrationDate
- )
- values (
- 1, 1,
- '2015-01-01', 100, '1912-02-13',
- '1912-02-13', '2015-01-01', 100, 'Frozen', -- the boat claims the iceberg is stuck at another location
- '1912-04-15', '2015-01-01', 50, geography::STPointFromText('POINT(41.7325 49.9469)', 4326),
- '1912-02-13', '2015-01-01', 100, 'Not submerged',
- '1912-02-13', '2015-01-01', 50, 911, -- and quite much larger
- '2015-01-01', 100, null -- not yet disintegrated
- );
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- The positors differ in their opinion about the
- size of the iceberg, whether it is frozen or not,
- and its location.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select
- Positor,
- IB_SIZ_Iceberg_Size,
- IB_FRZ_FRZ_Frozen,
- IB_LOC_Iceberg_Location.STBuffer(IB_SIZ_Iceberg_Size)
- from
- lIB_Iceberg where IB_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Connect the transmitter to the iceberg.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into lIB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently (
- Positor,
- IB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently_ChangedAt,
- IB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently_PositedAt,
- IB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently_Reliability,
- IB_ID_to,
- TR_ID_attached,
- currently_ATT_Attachment
- ) values (
- 0,
- '1912-02-13',
- '2015-01-01',
- 100,
- 1, -- IB_ID = 1 (our only iceberg)
- 1, -- TR_ID = 1 (our only transmitter)
- 'Attached'
- );
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- Perform a join over the latest available data in
- the two iceberg and transmitter anchors adjoined
- by the tie modeling the attachment relationship.
- Note that the boat (positor 1) has no concept
- of attached transmitters.
- Temporally this corresponds to a join in a
- regular non-temporal database, which can only
- ever hold the latest available information.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select
- *
- from
- lIB_Iceberg ib
- left join
- lIB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently ibtr
- on
- ibtr.IB_ID_to = ib.IB_ID
- and
- ibtr.Positor = ib.Positor
- left join
- lTR_Transmitter tr
- on
- tr.TR_ID = ibtr.TR_ID_attached
- and
- tr.Positor = ibtr.Positor
- where
- ib.IB_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- Change to a temporally _independent_ join, a join
- in which a temporal "snapshot" of each
- participating _table_ can be eastablished _before_
- joining the rows.
- The query below answers:
- Where were the iceberg and attached transmitter on
- the 13th of February 1912?
- Most use-cases of temporal data are covered by
- this type of join.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select
- *
- from
- pIB_Iceberg('1912-02-13') ib
- left join
- pIB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently('1912-02-13') ibtr
- on
- ibtr.IB_ID_to = ib.IB_ID
- and
- ibtr.Positor = ib.Positor
- left join
- pTR_Transmitter('1912-02-13') tr
- on
- tr.TR_ID = ibtr.TR_ID_attached
- and
- tr.Positor = ibtr.Positor
- where
- ib.IB_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- Change to a temporally _dependent_ join, a join
- in which a temporal "snapshot" of each
- participating _instance_ must be eastablished
- _during _ the join.
- The query below answers:
- Where were the iceberg and attached transmitter at
- the time of formation?
- All use-cases of joins can be expressed through
- temporally independent or dependent joins.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select
- *
- from
- IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate fda
- cross apply (
- select
- *
- from
- pIB_Iceberg(fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate) ib
- where
- ib.IB_ID = fda.IB_FDA_IB_ID
- and
- ib.Positor = fda.IB_FDA_Positor
- ) ib
- outer apply (
- select
- *
- from
- pIB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently(fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate) ibtr
- where
- ibtr.IB_ID_to = ib.IB_ID
- and
- ibtr.Positor = ib.Positor
- ) ibtr
- outer apply (
- select
- *
- from
- pTR_Transmitter(fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate) tr
- where
- tr.TR_ID = ibtr.TR_ID_attached
- and
- tr.Positor = ibtr.Positor
- ) tr
- where
- ib.IB_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- A bi-temporally dependent/independent join, with
- the same conditions as in the join above.
- Note that changing time has a temporally dependent
- join and that positing time is independent. Since
- positing time is independent it is possible to
- create a variable that holds the positing time
- we are interested int.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- declare @positingTimepoint date = '2015-01-01';
- select
- *
- from
- IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate fda
- cross apply (
- select
- *
- from
- tIB_Iceberg(fda.IB_FDA_Positor, fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate, @positingTimepoint, '+') ib
- where
- ib.IB_ID = fda.IB_FDA_IB_ID
- ) ib
- outer apply (
- select
- *
- from
- tIB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently(ib.IB_FDA_Positor, fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate, @positingTimepoint, '+') ibtr
- where
- ibtr.IB_ID_to = ib.IB_ID
- ) ibtr
- outer apply (
- select
- *
- from
- tTR_Transmitter(ib.IB_FDA_Positor, fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate, @positingTimepoint, '+') tr
- where
- tr.TR_ID = ibtr.TR_ID_attached
- ) tr
- where
- ib.IB_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- A bi-temporally dependent/dependent join.
- The added condition is that we want to see the
- information as we knew it at time of when we
- knew the formation date, for each instance.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select
- *
- from
- IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate fda
- cross apply (
- select
- *
- from
- tIB_Iceberg(fda.IB_FDA_Positor, fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate, fda.IB_FDA_PositedAt, '+') ib
- where
- ib.IB_ID = fda.IB_FDA_IB_ID
- ) ib
- outer apply (
- select
- *
- from
- tIB_to_TR_attached_ATT_currently(ib.IB_FDA_Positor, fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate, fda.IB_FDA_PositedAt, '+') ibtr
- where
- ibtr.IB_ID_to = ib.IB_ID
- ) ibtr
- outer apply (
- select
- *
- from
- tTR_Transmitter(ib.IB_FDA_Positor, fda.IB_FDA_Iceberg_FormationDate, fda.IB_FDA_PositedAt, '+') tr
- where
- tr.TR_ID = ibtr.TR_ID_attached
- ) tr
- where
- ib.IB_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Update of a static attribute is not done
- using an update-statement, since being a
- correction it involves both a retraction and
- a new assertion.
- Note the resulting warning message.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- update lTR_Transmitter
- set
- TR_FSG_Transmitter_FirstSignal = '1912-01-31'
- where
- TR_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Change the reliability of an existing posit.
- Sometimes the degree of belief in a posit will
- change over time. In this case the belief is
- lowered from 80 (previous value) to 10.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into lTR_Transmitter (
- Positor, TR_ID,
- TR_FSG_PositedAt, TR_FSG_Reliability, TR_FSG_Transmitter_FirstSignal
- )
- values (
- 0, 1,
- '2015-01-03', 10, '1912-04-02' -- set reliability 10
- );
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- We now see the updated reliability, since this
- is the latest available with respect to the
- positing time.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select TR_FSG_Reliability from lTR_Transmitter where Positor = 0 and TR_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Add a second belief with the same positing time.
- This can only be done if indecisiveness is allowed
- in the implementation.
- Along with the fact that we believe with 10%
- certainty that the first signal was received
- on the 2nd of April, we at the same positing
- time believe that it was receive on the 1st
- of April with 90% certainty.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- insert into lTR_Transmitter (
- Positor, TR_ID,
- TR_FSG_PositedAt, TR_FSG_Reliability, TR_FSG_Transmitter_FirstSignal
- )
- values (
- 0, 1,
- '2015-01-03', 90, '1912-04-01' -- set reliability 90
- );
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- Note that in order to always retrieve a single
- row per attribute, the views select the one
- with the highest reliability.
- Our best guess for the first signal is
- on April 1st, with 90% certainty. Note that
- the database still keeps a record of the
- fact that another posit exists at the same
- time, but with only 10% certainty.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select TR_FSG_Reliability from lTR_Transmitter where Positor = 0 and TR_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Kill the transmitter.
- This uses the overall Reliability column
- to clear out the reliability of the columns
- in the view.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- update lTR_Transmitter
- set
- Reliability = 0
- where
- TR_ID = 1
- and
- Positor = 0;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- Note that due to historization the previous
- value in effect now became visible for the
- last received signal.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select * from lTR_Transmitter where Positor = 0;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Kill the transmitter (again).
- This instead uses a delete on the view.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- delete lTR_Transmitter
- where
- TR_ID = 1;
- /*
- -------------------------------------------------------
- Check the data.
- This removed the last version we had for the
- last received signal. However, had there been
- more versions we would have had to run more
- deletes to get rid of them.
- The identity will, however, still live in the
- database, since we are keeping its memory.
- Therefore we usually have WHERE conditions in
- CRT that checks for non-null values of the
- particular columns we are interested in.
- -------------------------------------------------------
- */
- select * from lTR_Transmitter where Positor = 0;
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