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Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. -- ComputerCraft oil refinery controller
  2. -- Alternates between two banks of combustion engines so the engines don't overheat and explode
  4. function enableWire(color) -- Turn on a colored wire in the bundle without affecting the other colors
  5. local currentSet = rs.getBundledOutput("back")
  6. if not colors.test(currentSet, color) then
  7. currentSet = colors.combine(currentSet, color)
  8. rs.setBundledOutput("back", currentSet)
  9. end
  10. end
  12. function disableWire(color) -- Turn off a colored wire in the bundle without affecting the other colors
  13. local currentSet = rs.getBundledOutput("back")
  14. if colors.test(currentSet, color) then
  15. currentSet = colors.subtract(currentSet, color)
  16. rs.setBundledOutput("back", currentSet)
  17. end
  18. end
  20. function toggleWire(color) -- Toggle a colored wire in the bundle without affecting the other colors
  21. local currentSet = rs.getBundledOutput("back")
  22. if colors.test(currentSet, color) then
  23. disableWire(color)
  24. else
  25. enableWire(color)
  26. end
  27. end
  29. function outputOnOff(color) -- write "ON " or "OFF" depending on the state of a wire in the bundle
  30. local currentSet = rs.getBundledOutput("back")
  31. if colors.test(currentSet, color) then
  32. write("ON \n")
  33. else
  34. write("OFF\n")
  35. end
  36. end
  38. local onDuration = 240 -- Keep the engines on for 4 minutes
  39. local offDuration = 180 -- Turn the engines off for 3 minutes to cool down
  40. local bank1_start = os.startTimer(5) -- Start the first bank of engines after 5 seconds to allow the water and fuel to start circulating
  41. local bank1_stop
  42. local bank2_start = os.startTimer(195) -- Start the 2nd bank of engines after around 3 minutes so they will overlap for a minute
  43. local bank2_stop
  44. local update_display = os.startTimer(1) -- Draw the status display
  46. enableWire( -- Turn on the fuel pump
  48. while true do
  49. local evt, arg = os.pullEvent()
  50. if evt == "key" then
  51. if arg == 45 then -- X key is pressed
  52. write("Shutting down!\n")
  53. rs.setBundledOutput("back", 0) -- Turn everything off
  54. break
  55. elseif arg == 17 then -- W key is pressed, toggle the water pump
  56. toggleWire(
  57. elseif arg == 24 then -- O key is pressed, toggle the oil pump
  58. toggleWire(
  59. end
  60. elseif evt == "timer" then -- Timers to start and top the engine banks
  61. if arg == bank1_start then
  62. enableWire(
  63. bank1_stop = os.startTimer(onDuration)
  64. elseif arg == bank1_stop then
  65. disableWire(
  66. bank1_start = os.startTimer(offDuration)
  67. elseif arg == bank2_start then
  68. enableWire(colors.yellow)
  69. bank2_stop = os.startTimer(onDuration)
  70. elseif arg == bank2_stop then
  71. disableWire(colors.yellow)
  72. bank2_start = os.startTimer(offDuration)
  73. elseif arg == update_display then -- Draw the status display
  74. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  75. write("=== OIL REFINERY STATUS ===\n")
  76. local currentSet = rs.getBundledOutput("back")
  77. write("Engine bank 1: ")
  78. outputOnOff(
  79. write("Engine bank 2: ")
  80. outputOnOff(colors.yellow)
  81. write("Fuel pump: ")
  82. outputOnOff(
  83. write("Water tank pump: ")
  84. outputOnOff(
  85. write("Oil tank pump: ")
  86. outputOnOff(
  87. write("===========================\n")
  88. write("X: Shutdown\n")
  89. write("W: Toggle water tank pump\n")
  90. write("O: Toggle oil tank pump\n")
  91. update_display = os.startTimer(1)
  92. end
  93. end
  94. end
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