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Fallout Monstergirls

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May 4th, 2014
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  1. Lakelurk, Nightstalkers, Nightkin, Brahmin Girls:
  4. ===Deathclaw Girls===
  5. The Deathclaws are one of the most feared Monster Girls in the Wastes. Standing from 8 to 10 feet tall at full growth, they are bipedal, digigrade-legged engines of death and rape. Their hard hides on the sections of their body that aren't used for intimacy are nearly bulletproof, and can take a blast from an anti-tank gun and still keep moving. Genetically engineered from Jackson Chameleon Girls before the Great War, they were created to replace soldiers in close-combat search-and-destroy missions. They remain Monsters and while they have lost their ability to change color through mutation, they have gained many more abilities.
  7. Tall, lithe, and voluptuous, Deathclaws exist in a rigid pack structure with the Matrons and Queens at the top, and the young below. They hunt in packs, leaping atop travelers and raking them with their claws capable of shredding steel. When they see a human male they fancy, they bowl him over and bending low, lick his face with their long, sticky tongue to mark him with her scent.
  9. They then proceed to either carry the man off, or shred their clothing then and their and begin raping them. Their insides are tight and gripping, and their strong arms with large clawed hands pin their lover down as they mercilessly ride them. Full breasts crushed to their chests, they grin with their savage, rending teeth right in their faces as their swept forward horns prevent their mate from turning their head to either direction, keeping them face to face.
  11. It is said they take no greater pleasure then seeing the faces of their mates contort as their top quality insides mold and stroke and bounce up and down his cock.
  13. They then take their mate back to their nest, keeping them as husbands and demanding sex and affection from them. Their rigid social structure means that only the highest ranking Deathclaws can have children and lay eggs, but the lover of such a Deathclaw is treated to a level of sex so intense that everything before pales in comparison.
  15. Some Deathclaws who have no hope of rising up the ranks can be convinced by their mates to go out and either found their own colony, or accompany their mate in his own adventures.
  17. Deathclaw personalities range far and wide, but they are keenly intelligent and able to strategize and coordinate attacks. They will never share a mate, and they will warn off other Deathclaws who try to poach. Once mated with a Deathclaw, it is until death do you part. Which, in the wastes, can be an unfortunately short time.
  19. Widowed Deathclaws can be exceedingly dangerous, though approached the right way they can be found ready for love again. Assuming any man is foolish enough to approach them in the first place.
  21. Enclave Deathclaws:
  22. The Enclave has made use of mind-control harnesses for the Deathclaws for a number of hears. This allows trained Enclave Soldiers to command and control individual or multiple Deathclaws.
  24. Because of their danger, they are kept in reinforced titanium cages when not in use. The Enclave has specific rules and regulation for the managing and training of Deathclaws, but allow the occasional orgy to occur to keep their Deathclaw's mating instincts from becoming strong enough to override the mind control.
  26. If an Enclave Deathclaw's harness is damaged and they had taken a liking to their handler, they will abscond with that Soldier and furiously mate with him.
  28. Deathclaw Handlers are a breed apart in the Enclave Hierarchy, with many developing fond feelings for their charges. Some even release a Deathclaw they have fallen in love with, which if the love is not reciprocated, can lead to tragic results.
  30. The Deathclaws freed from Enclave control have expressed distaste with the whole program, and while they enjoy the fighting and carnage the Enclave sends them into, not being allowed to maintain their own social structures has made them sullen and needy.
  32. Enclave Deathclaws are exceedingly dangerous opponents, and attempts to damage their harness from a distance and let one run amok amongst their former comrades is suggested in the Wasteland Survival Guide.
  34. ===Gecko Girls===
  35. Gecko Girl:
  36. Gecko Girls are some of the most common monstergirls in the entire Mojave wasteland. They are generally quite short, standing at 4' 2" on average, though deviations from this average can occur. They travel in roving packs searching for men who catch their attention. Due to their naturally excitable behavior, once they find such a man they will all gleefully charge him and tackle him to the ground. The geckos will then nuzzle the man vigorously to mark him with as much of their pack's scent as possible before carrying him away to wherever they have set up their village. Despite their short stature, they are actually quite strong and are capable of lifting things that are many times their weight when working together. Once they have taken the man back to their village they will take turns mating with him until either he passes out or they are all pregnant. A man captured by a gecko village will find himself with a harem of loyal, loving, and energetic wives. Geckos mate for life, and feel a deep sisterly connection with their clanmates. This is due to the fact that every Gecko clan is actually comprised of the spawn of a previous clan, and once they come of age a Gecko clan's daughters form their own clan and set off in search of a husband. Also although their chests are often rather proportionate to their short size, at least one member of the clan will have a disproportionately large chest, these Geckos act as the clan Wet Nurses, providing breast milk to feed the many, many children of the clan.
  38. Golden Gecko Girl:
  39. Variants of the Gecko girl exist, such as the Golden gecko girl. This variant exists in highly irradiated areas, and is named for it's golden scales. They are visually and socially the same as regular Gecko girls, but that is where the similarities end. The natural demonic energy within their bodies has twisted and corrupted the radiation coursing through them into a potent poison that can be injected via their fangs. This poison is a potent aphrodisiac that once injected into a man's bloodstream reduces his refractory period by a significant amount and kicks his semen production into overdrive. Even compared to the other variants of their species the Golden gecko girls are extremely sexually aggressive. Much like the basic Gecko girls, once they see a man who catches their attention, they will tackle him to the ground and drag him to their village. Once there, the Golden geckos will take turns biting him until each girl has injected him with their poison. They will then take turns ravaging him until each one is pregnant. Unlike their basic counterparts, they will not stop to let the man recover, simply injecting him with more poison. Any man who is captured by a Golden gecko tribe will soon become acclimated to their poison, and may even develop a fetish for being bitten. It's not unusual for any man captured by Golden geckos to spend the rest of his days having impregnating them over and over again.
  41. Fire Gecko Girl:
  42. Another variant of the Gecko girl is the Fire Gecko girl. Unlike the other breeds of Gecko girl, Fire Gecko girls are solitary creatures, preferring to live alone in caves and other such enclosed structures. They will violently repel invaders to their homes and even have the ability to breath fire. Also unlike their sister breeds, Fire Gecko girls stand closer to the average human height. However, should a man catch their attention, usually through defeating them in battle or politely leaving their territory when told, they will begin to warm to them. A man who wishes to win the affections of a Fire Gecko girl must be patient and careful, as they are very emotional. One might even call Fire gecko girls slightly tsundere. When a Fire gecko girl knows she has fallen in love, she will wait until night, then follow the scent of their beloved and stealthily capture him to bring him back to her home. Although they have fiery tempers, they are actually quite meek when it comes to sex. This is due to the many sharp spines unique to the Fire gecko making her nervous about harming the man she fell for, though over time she may gain more confidence in such matters.
  43. A man who finds himself married to a Fire gecko girl will live a peaceful life in isolation with her, often siring at least one daughter.
  44. Additionally, though Fire gecko girls are loners by nature, if twins are born they will stay together no matter what, sharing everything up to and including a husband.
  46. Green Gecko Girl:
  47. The last known variant of the Gecko family is the Green gecko girl. This variant is unique to the Zion Canyon region, and are masterful climbers. Ambush predators by nature, a clan of Green geckos will always attempt to attack from higher ground. When they set their sights on a man, they will relentlessly pursue him until they catch him, utilizing lassos, traps, and their own spit, which acts as a potent aphrodisiac. Once the man has been captured, they will stuff him into a sack and then carry him off to their village. Much like the other variants, this will lead to a session of vigorous sex with the clan. Unlike other gecko breeds, Green geckos will only continue the session until every girl has been brought to orgasm at least once. Though they do desire children, they understand that Zion canyon is to dangerous for an overabundance of them, and will wait until their tribe grows stronger. Another thing that sets them apart from other breeds is their willingness to adopt stray Geckos of all breeds, and even other types of monstergirl altogether, into their tribe. This is possibly due to their "We're all in this together" mentality brought on by the dangerous conditions of Zion canyon. A man captured by a tribe of Green gecko girls will find himself treated like a priceless treasure due to the scarcity of men in Zion canyon, and provided nothing bad happens to him, will live a long healthy life with a loving harem.
  49. ===Cazador Girls===
  52. Of all the monsters that roam the wastes, the Cazadors are by far one of the most dreaded. The result of a splicing experiment carried out at the Big Mountain R&D Center accidentally let loose, they are one of the deadliest and most aggressive of all the wasteland beasts. A fully-grown Cazador tops at 5 feet in height, but their small size and slender figure belies the strength of their chitinous frames. Their stone-like exoskeleton can shrug off most small arms fire, and their arms can hold a vice-like grip on their prey, to the point where metal would bend before they would let go. The stingers mounted on their back drip with an extremely potent paralyzing venom, their spike so sharp that it could pierce through a layer of steel. Their wings, ragged yet of a stark beauty, flap incessantly as they give them the celerity needed to freely ride the winds.
  54. Cazadors are highly territorial, hostile creatures. They hunt in groups, patrolling the perimeter of their nesting areas and diving onto any intruders or possible meals, pumping their poisons into them before they tear apart their innards and consume them with glee. This berserk nature of hunting does not change when they encounter a possible mate. They will joyfully pin him down and prick his skin with their poisoned sting as their fangs dig on their mate's neck, scarring his skin with their special salival mix.
  56. They will then drag him off to their nest, where they will spend a long honeymoon together. Parting their chitinous protection for him, they'll accept his hard member (A side product of their scarring solution) into their folds, guiding his hands up their petite bodies to the small, sensitive 'spikes' that rest on the back of their neck, often hidden by their rich black hair that frames their wild yet beautiful faces. Just the mere brushing of a man's fingers on those small protuberances will throw the Cazador's mind into disorder, driving them mad with lust. The special pheromones released then by the Cazador will attract their fellow sisters to the mating act, where they will celebrate their sister's acquisition and help her ease into her new mate with their prodding hands.
  58. For those who are captured by a Cazador, not many options are left to them but to remain by their side. Their fraternal nature means that escaping from a Cazador's nest involves fooling the senses of highly specialized creatures that have memorized the layout of their lair, and the consequences of their escape would be frightful to know, considering the Cazadors violent and possessive nature. Outside help is unlikely, as Cazadors are one of the deadliest monsters known and the core of their nests are populated by dozens of the creatures.
  60. Despite their abrasive instincts, however, Cazadors are passionate and devoted lovers. They will always provide food for their mate in time, offer their bodies even outside of their fertile phases, and cater to as many of his needs as they can provide as long as it is within their intellect. Despite their lack of genius on issues outside of combat or base instincts, Cazadors are fierce when they must defend what is theirs, and ironically the life as the mate of one of these ferocious creatures tends to be longer than the average wastelander's, as most predators are terrified to even stumble across a Cazador nest.
  62. Furthermore, Cazador daughters are highly affectionate to their father, and during their youth their nature is mellowed out due to the lack of development in their hormonal glands. The task of raising dozens of killing machines might seem daunting at first, but when staring at their round, sparkling red eyes, even the strongest man's heart will soften.
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  70. It's all a lie, when they grow up they will be RAPE MACHINES, they will hunt down your distant relatives and crush their pelvises without abandon. None can escape the Cazadors. None can reject the Cazadors. THEY. WILL. FUCK. YOU. UP.
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