

Oct 16th, 2018
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  1. Let's make a game!
  2. name:Universe Eater
  3. by:Dunnknow
  4. desc:Collect all of the money through more and more ridiculous means.
  5. created:19/5/2019
  6. updated:19/5/2019
  7. version:1
  9. Settings
  10. tiling background:
  11. building cost increase:100%
  12. building cost refund:0%
  13. spritesheet:icons, 48 by 48,
  15. Resources
  16. *dollar
  17. name:Dollar|Dollars
  18. desc:This is a dollar. You'll be working with these a lot.</><b>Total Dollars:</b> [dollar:earned]
  19. icon:icons[0,0]
  21. Buttons
  22. *makeDollar
  23. name:Make Money
  24. desc:Click this to make some money.
  25. icon:
  26. on click:yield 1 dollar
  27. on click:anim icon wobble
  28. show clicks
  29. no text
  30. class:bigButton hasFlares
  31. tooltip origin:bottom
  33. Buildings
  35. on click:anim glow
  37. *worker
  38. name:Worker|Workers
  39. desc:A nice worker to make some money.<//><b>Effects:</b></><.>+0.5 Dollars/sec
  40. on tick:yield 0.5 dollar
  41. on tick:increase cost of worker by 5
  42. on tick:if (factory*4 >= 20+(worker*5)) multiply cost of worker by 0
  43. cost:20 dollar
  44. icon:icons[1,0]
  45. *factory
  46. name:Factory|Factories
  47. desc:A factory to get more workers on board.<//><b>Effects:</b></><.>+7 Dollars/sec</><.>+1 Workers/20 Factories rarely</><.>Workers cost 4 dollars less per factory
  48. on tick:yield 7 dollar
  49. on tick:increase cost of factory by 500
  50. on tick:if (mine*700 >= 1000+(factory*500)) multiply cost of factory by 0
  51. on tick:
  52. if (chance((factory/50)%))
  53. yield 0.05 worker
  54. end
  55. lower cost of worker by 4
  56. end
  57. cost:1000 dollar
  58. icon:icons[1,1]
  59. *mine
  60. name:Mine|Mines
  61. desc:A mine to get metals for factories and to sell beautiful rare gemstones.<//><b>Effects:</b></><.>+500 Dollars/sec</><.>+1 Factories/20 Mines rarely</><.>Factories cost 700 dollars less per mine
  62. on tick:yield 500 dollar
  63. on tick:increase cost of mine by 250000
  64. on tick:if (bomb*200000 >= 550000+(mine*250000)) multiply cost of mine by 0
  65. on tick:
  66. if (chance((mine/50)%))
  67. yield 0.05 factory
  68. end
  69. lower cost of factory by 700
  70. end
  71. cost:550000 dollar
  72. icon:icons[1,2]
  73. *bomb
  74. name:Bomb|Bombs
  75. desc:Bombs sell for a lot apparently. Use em' to blow up the Earth and make new mines.<//><b>Effects:</b></><.>+15000 Dollars/sec</><.>+1 Mines/20 Bombs rarely</><.>Mines cost 200 thousand dollars less per bomb
  76. on tick:yield 15000 dollar
  77. on tick:increase cost of bomb by 75000000
  78. on tick:
  79. if (chance((bomb/50)%))
  80. yield 0.05 mine
  81. end
  82. lower cost of mine by 200000
  83. end
  84. cost:100000000 dollar
  85. icon:icons[1,3]
  87. Upgrades
  88. //[include upgradeall %name="Quick Money (cheat)" %price="1" %req="0" %id="cheat1" %multiplier="100" %iconX="0" %iconY="0"]
  89. //[include upgradeall %name="Super Quick Money (cheat)" %price="1" %req="0" %id="cheat2" %multiplier="1000000" %iconX="0" %iconY="0"]
  91. [include upgradebutton %name="Double Click" %price="40" %req="20" %reqThing="dollar" %id="1" %multiplier="2" %desc="Automatically clicks twice!" %iconX="0" %iconY="0"]
  92. [include upgradebutton %name="Industrial Mouse" %price="1200" %req="500" %reqThing="dollar" %id="2" %multiplier="3" %desc="Harnesses the power of manual labor itself to click even more!" %iconX="0" %iconY="0"]
  93. [include upgradebutton %name="High-end Gaming Mouse" %price="50000" %req="30000" %reqThing="dollar" %id="3" %multiplier="4" %desc="Now comes with a built-in keyboard and soda dispenser!" %iconX="0" %iconY="0"]
  95. [include upgrade %name="Better Helmets" %price="100" %req="10" %id="worker1" %multiplier="2" %desc="Some helmets to better protect your workers." %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Workers" %invID="worker"]
  96. [include upgrade %name="More Complex Tools" %price="20000" %req="50" %id="worker2" %multiplier="2" %desc="Makes for easier, uh... whatever these workers do." %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Workers" %invID="worker"]
  97. [include upgrade %name="Bubble Wrap" %price="4000000" %req="100" %id="worker3" %multiplier="2" %desc="For deploying in the case of an accident." %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Workers" %invID="worker"]
  99. [include upgrade %name="More Advertising" %price="200000" %req="10" %id="factory1" %multiplier="2" %desc="It's the life blood of capitalism." %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factories" %invID="factory"]
  100. [include upgrade %name="Conveyor-belts of Steel" %price="40000000" %req="50" %id="factory2" %multiplier="2" %desc="Ah yes, Comrade! Wonderful idea!" %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factories" %invID="factory"]
  101. [include upgrade %name="Promote Everyone" %price="9000000000" %req="100" %id="factory3" %multiplier="2" %desc="How do you even get money out of this." %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factories" %invID="factory"]
  103. [include upgrade %name="Dynamite Mining" %price="50000000" %req="10" %id="mine1" %multiplier="2" %desc="KABOOM!" %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mines" %invID="mine"]
  104. [include upgrade %name="Gold Detectors" %price="120000000" %req="50" %id="mine2" %multiplier="2" %desc="These probably aren't really possible to make." %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mines" %invID="mine"]
  105. [include upgrade %name="Giant Drill Thing" %price="30000000000" %req="100" %id="mine3" %multiplier="2" %desc="An absolute waste of money and time just to get to the center of the Earth." %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mines" %invID="mine"]
  107. [include upgrade %name="Hydrogen Upgrade" %price="2000000000" %req="10" %id="bomb1" %multiplier="2" %desc="A little nuclear fusion for that extra kick." %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bombs" %invID="bomb"]
  108. [include upgrade %name="Kerbal-tested Rockets" %price="50000000000" %req="50" %id="bomb2" %multiplier="2" %desc="Space Kraken powered!" %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bombs" %invID="bomb"]
  109. [include upgrade %name="Bomb guns" %price="8200000000000" %req="100" %id="bomb3" %multiplier="2" %desc="Just in case someone tries to shoot the bomb it can shoot them first." %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bombs" %invID="bomb"]
  111. Achievements
  112. [include achiev %name="For Hire" %req="1" %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Worker" %invID="worker" %id="worker0"]
  113. [include achiev %name="You're the Boss" %req="10" %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Workers" %invID="worker" %id="worker1"]
  114. [include achiev %name="Workforce" %req="50" %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Workers" %invID="worker" %id="worker2"]
  115. [include achiev %name="Hired!" %req="100" %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Workers" %invID="worker" %id="worker3"]
  116. [include achiev %name="Town of Working" %req="500" %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Workers" %invID="worker" %id="worker4"]
  117. [include achiev %name="City of Labor" %req="10000" %iconX="1" %iconY="0" %invName="Workers" %invID="worker" %id="worker5"]
  119. [include achiev %name="Put the workers to use" %req="1" %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factory" %invID="factory" %id="factory0"]
  120. [include achiev %name="Industrial Revolution" %req="10" %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factories" %invID="factory" %id="factory1"]
  121. [include achiev %name="Perfecting Automation" %req="50" %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factories" %invID="factory" %id="factory2"]
  122. [include achiev %name="Global Warming" %req="100" %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factories" %invID="factory" %id="factory3"]
  123. [include achiev %name="What's Climate Change?" %req="500" %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factories" %invID="factory" %id="factory4"]
  124. [include achiev %name="Production Chain" %req="10000" %iconX="1" %iconY="1" %invName="Factories" %invID="factory" %id="factory5"]
  126. [include achiev %name="Grab your Helmets" %req="1" %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mine" %invID="mine" %id="mine0"]
  127. [include achiev %name="Mineshaft Network" %req="10" %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mines" %invID="mine" %id="mine1"]
  128. [include achiev %name="Boaring Work" %req="50" %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mines" %invID="mine" %id="mine2"]
  129. [include achiev %name="We've struck gold!" %req="100" %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mines" %invID="mine" %id="mine3"]
  130. [include achiev %name="Notch would be proud" %req="500" %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mines" %invID="mine" %id="mine4"]
  131. [include achiev %name="Hollowing Earth" %req="10000" %iconX="1" %iconY="2" %invName="Mines" %invID="mine" %id="mine5"]
  133. [include achiev %name="Kaplooie" %req="1" %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bomb" %invID="bomb" %id="bomb0"]
  134. [include achiev %name="Weapons Dealer" %req="10" %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bombs" %invID="bomb" %id="bomb1"]
  135. [include achiev %name="Nuclear Stronghold" %req="50" %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bombs" %invID="bomb" %id="bomb2"]
  136. [include achiev %name="E=mc^2" %req="100" %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bombs" %invID="bomb" %id="bomb3"]
  137. [include achiev %name="What's that beeping noise?" %req="500" %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bombs" %invID="bomb" %id="bomb4"]
  138. [include achiev %name="ALL THE BOMBS!" %req="10000" %iconX="1" %iconY="3" %invName="Bombs" %invID="bomb" %id="bomb5"]
  140. Includes
  141. *include upgrade %name %price %req %id %multiplier %desc %iconX %iconY %invName %invID
  142. *up[%id]
  143. name:[%name]
  144. cost:[%price] dollar
  145. req:[%req] [%invID]
  146. icon:icons[[%iconX],[%iconY]]
  147. passive:multiply yield of [%invID] by [%multiplier]
  148. desc:[%desc]<//><b>Effects:</b></><.>[%invName] profit x[%multiplier]</><.>[%invName] get auto-created x[%multiplier] more efficiently
  149. *include upgradebutton %name %price %req %reqThing %id %multiplier %desc %iconX %iconY
  150. *upbutton[%id]
  151. name:[%name]
  152. cost:[%price] dollar
  153. req:[%req] [%reqThing]:earned
  154. icon:icons[[%iconX],[%iconY]]
  155. passive:multiply yield of makeDollar by [%multiplier]
  156. desc:[%desc]<//><b>Effects:</b></><.>Mouse profit x[%multiplier]
  157. *include upgradeall %name %price %req %id %multiplier %iconX %iconY
  158. *up[%id]
  159. name:[%name]
  160. cost:[%price] dollar
  161. req:[%req] dollar
  162. icon:icons[[%iconX],[%iconY]]
  163. passive:multiply yield of dollar by [%multiplier]
  164. desc:<//><b>Effects:</b></><.>Everything profit x[%multiplier]
  165. *include achiev %name %req %iconX %iconY %invName %invID %id
  166. *achvm[%id]
  167. name:[%name]
  168. req:[%req] [%invID]
  169. icon:icons[[%iconX],[%iconY]]
  170. desc:Get [%req] [%invName]
  172. CSS
  173. #box-res2.fullWidth
  174. {
  175. width:50%;
  176. top:85%;
  177. height:5%;
  178. min-height:32px;
  179. z-index:100;
  180. position:absolute;
  181. }
  182. #box-buildings
  183. {
  184. top:0px;
  185. bottom:0px;
  186. width:50%;
  187. height:80%;
  188. right:50%;
  189. overflow-x:hidden;
  190. overflow-y:scroll;
  191. padding-bottom:48px;/* this is to accommodate the info and settings buttons */
  192. position:absolute;
  193. }
  194. #box-items
  195. {
  196. top:80%;
  197. bottom:0px;
  198. width:50%;
  199. height:20%;
  200. right:50%;
  201. overflow-x:hidden;
  202. overflow-y:scroll;
  203. padding-bottom:48px;/* this is to accommodate the info and settings buttons */
  204. position:absolute;
  205. }
  206. #box-upgrades
  207. {
  208. top:0px;
  209. bottom:0px;
  210. width:50%;
  211. height:50%;
  212. right:0%;
  213. overflow-x:hidden;
  214. overflow-y:scroll;
  215. padding-bottom:48px;/* this is to accommodate the info and settings buttons */
  216. position:absolute;
  217. }
  218. #box-upgrades2
  219. {
  220. top:50%;
  221. bottom:0px;
  222. width:50%;
  223. height:50%;
  224. right:0%;
  225. overflow-x:hidden;
  226. overflow-y:scroll;
  227. padding-bottom:48px;/* this is to accommodate the info and settings buttons */
  228. position:absolute;
  229. }
  230. .upgrade.cantAfford
  231. {
  232. border:none;
  233. background:rgba(200,50,50,1);
  234. }
  235. .upgrade.owned
  236. {
  237. background:rgba(50,220,50,1);
  238. box-shadow:0px 0px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.5) inset;
  239. }
  241. Layout
  242. *main
  243. contains:res, res2, buttons
  244. *res
  245. contains:Resources
  246. class:fullWidth
  247. *res2
  248. contains:tag:special
  249. class:fullWidth
  250. *buttons
  251. contains:Buttons
  252. *store
  253. contains:buildings, items, upgrades, upgrades2
  254. *buildings
  255. contains:Buildings
  256. header:<b>Buildings</b>
  257. tooltip origin:left
  258. *items
  259. contains:Items
  260. header:<b>Items</b>
  261. tooltip origin:left
  262. names:hide
  263. *upgrades
  264. contains:Upgrades
  265. header:<b>Upgrades</b>
  266. costs:hide
  267. names:hide
  268. *upgrades2
  269. contains:tag:specialUp
  270. header:<b>Special Upgrades</b>
  271. costs:hide
  272. names:hide
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