

Nov 5th, 2017
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  1. Covet: Eli was sitting at the computer working on the flyer's for this month's SGA events, though his eyes were slowly slipping closed as he stared at the computer screen. His head bobbed forward and he jerked back up blinking his eyes a few times and shook his head. He looked at the clock and gave raised an eyebrow because it really wasn't that late.
  2. Covet: [Jesus Bliss XD]
  3. Tsaaq: ((;D))
  4. Tsaaq: She adjusted her wig and went to walk out of the bedroom. She switched her hips as she walked toward Eli and moved behind him and turned him around in his chair to face her. "Are you ready for your dance Mr. Cohen?" She asked in a sultry tone.
  5. Covet: Eli felt his chair turning around then jumped a little before he realized who it was, "Bli-...Uh.. Ch-Cherry... I... Mr. Cohen is my father. Y-yes, you look... absolutely ravashing." He said looking her over as he reached his hands out to graze over her hip, while there was a stiring in his loins.
  6. Tsaaq: ((BWAHAHAH.))
  7. Covet: [Bro is awake now... XD]
  8. Tsaaq: Bliss began to grin and stood up straight. She dragged his chair away from the computer. Her hands went to her hips. "Why thank you..." She trailed off, smacking his hand away. She waved her index finger at him teasingly. "No touching the girls, unless we give permission."
  9. Covet: Eli continued to look at her, taking in every inch of lace, of which there wasn't many. He swallowed hard, then pulled his hand back, putting both of them up in the air, "I'm so sorry, Cherry. I will do my best to keep my hands to myself." He said with more of a grin as he rested his hands back down on the armrests of the chair.
  10. Tsaaq: She began to roll her hips as she danced to no FUCKING MUSIC. She turned in a circle so he could see all the intricacies of her lace outfit. "Do you want me to move to your lap?"
  11. Covet: "I...yi yi.. I would ask if you wanted some music to dance to, but that would take away time from what we're doing here..." He asked her as he swallowed again, thankful he had on pj bottoms at the moment, then nodded his head rather quickly at her when she asked him if he wanted her in his lap. "Yes, please."
  12. Tsaaq: ((NASTY ASS ELI))
  13. Covet: [CAN YOU REALLY BLAME HIM RIGHT NOW! XD It was one thing to fantasize about it.. but it's happening.. he's just like.. omg boner.]
  14. Tsaaq: "I can get some music for us." She said as she went to grab her phone and put on some sexy music. She went to walk over to Eli and went to face him as she straddled his lap, grinding her lower body against him as she rubbed her hands over her titties. She attempted to lift her leg over her head as she turned and pressed her BOOTY into his crotch.
  15. Covet: "That's perfect." He said once the music was playing. His breath hitched in his throat as she straddled his lap and started to grind against him. He shifted a little in his seat, as he watched her hands. It was hard for him to focus on keeping his hands to himself, letting them slowly move to her hips again as she turned and pressed that BUTT right into his totally tented lap. He tipped his head back and gave a gasp, grinning. "Cherry... you're... just.. wow..."
  16. Tsaaq: She went to stand and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him closer. "What can I do for you to get a better tip?" She asked with a raise of her eyebrows.
  17. Covet: Eli looked at her, leaning forward as she pulled him closer to her, "I... can think of a few things... but ..uh...what are you allowed to do?" He asked her swallowing again, slowly raising an eyebrow as he smirked. His erection was out of control at this point as she got all forceful and demanding.
  18. Tsaaq: ((Nasty asss.))
  19. Tsaaq: "I can take you into the champagne room." She waved her hand in the direction of the fucking bedroom. "That'll be an extra hundred, plus your tips." Bliss said, obviously she'd researched being a fucking stripper.
  20. Covet: "I think I have that on me..." He said as she beckoned him towards the bedroom, "If not, I... I can definitely get that." Eli said, his DICK leading the way ahead of him as he followed her. "W-what all does a hundred entail exactly?" He asked he got into the bedroom.
  21. Tsaaq: Bliss went to walk towards the bedroom and looked around before she swayed her hips and went to lay on her side on the bed, in a very sexy pose. "I can give you oral. And you can put it anywhere afterwards. And I will get completely naked."
  22. Covet: Eli stood there watching her hips sway, then looked at her face, familiar as his fiance even with her brown wig, which made him feel so much better about all of this, because if she was a real stripper his ass would be sooooo dead right now. "I think that would get you a tip and then some, Miss Cherry." He told her as he rested his hands on his hips and walked to the edge of the bed where she was laying.
  23. Tsaaq: She went to crawl to the edge of the bed and went to bring her fingers to the waistband of his pajama bottoms. She smirked as she went to pull out his member and slowly stroked that DICK as she stared up at him.
  24. Covet: He looked down at her looking at her red lips and sweet face as she started getting her stroke on. He brought one of his hands up and let it brush through the wig as he watched her. That PEEN throbbing in her hand, in anticipation.
  25. Tsaaq: Once she saw he was nice and ready she went to put his member in his mouth and began to suck him off, which was pretty hot for Bliss since usually she was very shy about SUCKING DICK.
  26. Covet: Eli watched her, the red lipstick totally doing it for him, given her stripper nickname and all, he was totally going to play this up now on his end and let his head lean back again, his hand still caressing her head as he spoke breathily, "Holy moses Cherry, There's definitely a reason you get paid to do this...."
  27. Tsaaq: She pulled her mouth from his member and went back to stroking it. "What do you want me to do now?" Bliss asked, trying to act like she was all bitchy and annoyed, which she assumed was doing it for Eli. She began to tug off her lace bra then took off her boots.
  28. Covet: "I think... I want you... on all fours, kneeling on the edge of the bed..." He told her watching her take her bra off and start to take her boots off, "Leave those on...please...Miss Cherry..." He said his eyes darting to hers, right before he pulled his shirt off, and slid his pj pants off and stepped out of them.
  29. Tsaaq: She paused and pursed her lips as she went to slide the boots back on and zipped them up with each leg up in the air. She then lowered her legs and slowly turned to get on her hands and knees and stuck her ass out for Eli. "Like this?" She asked as she looked over at him from over her shoulder. Bliss was really fucking into his bro. Eli was being hawt.
  30. Covet: Eli stepped back and just admired the veiw for a second, because damn dat ass bro. Then he walked up to her, "Yes, just like that..." He told her not touching her just yet, then he leaned over and laced his hand through her hair again and pulled her up for just a moment to give her a rough kiss, while his hand held onto her hip tightly. He let his hips push forward just to keep teasing her before he let her go and gave her a gentle nudge forward so she could rest on her hands again.
  31. Tsaaq: ((Oh shit Eli ;o ))
  32. Covet: [He's not done yet ;D]
  33. Tsaaq: ((OH GOD.))
  34. Covet: [She got him all riled up... she only has herself to blame XD Don't worry, He'll tip her nicely :P]
  35. Tsaaq: Bliss squeake a little out of character, moving her head so she could return Eli's kisses. She went to go down on all fours once more and looked back at him again and bit her bottom lip, staring at his NEKKID BODY.
  36. Covet: He looked back at her and let his finger tips trace down her back , pausing to snap the garter straps that ran across her ass. Looking away for a moment, he hooked his fingers into the thin straps of her thong and leaned over to bite the top of one of left ass cheek while he slid her panties down around her thighs, leaving the garters in place. His eyes made contact with hers again as he smirked, "Very juicy..." He told her with a smirk as he leaned back up and pushed his hips forward to tease her with his DICK, skin to skin.
  37. Tsaaq: She gasped and held her mouth open as her thighs trembled as he pulled off her thong and bit her. She gave him a slow nod in agreement and went to push up against the head of his member. "I aim to please." She said with a smirk.
  38. Covet: "And you do a fanatastic job at it." He told her as his hands grabbed onto her hips and he gave her a solid, firm, but not super rough thrust, giving it all to her, before just holding her there enjoying being balls deep, "Let's see if I can return the favor shall we?" He asked her before he started thrusting slowly
  39. Tsaaq: Bliss let out a moan and she shivered once more from his touch. She turned her head again and looked him in the face as he boned her from behind which normally doggy style would be off the table but this was kind of sexy bro. Her moans steadily getting louder.
  40. Covet: Eli enjoyed the sound of her moan and kept eye contact with her, as he held onto her hips firmly. After a few more slow thrusts, he let go with one hand and again pulled her up towards him again, by her hair, then let go of her hip with his other hands to wrap it around her torso and up between her breasts to graze her neck breifly, then went back down to her breast to grope the titties appreciatively, while he kept thrusting slowly, holding her close to himself.
  41. Covet: *his other hand
  42. Covet: [He doesn't have more than 2... my bad XD]
  43. Tsaaq: She started to pant as she went to put her hand on Eli's wrist and her cheeks flushed red. "Oh, damn it." She whimpered with pleasure, having trouble staying in character with this GOOD DICK. "Harder." Bliss told him.
  44. Covet: He gave a soft chuckle, getting to hear her give a little swear. When he heard her say harder, he let go of her and slowly pushed her back over, not letting her stop on her hands this time, until she had her face resting on the bed. One hand moving back to her hip the other resting at the back of her neck while his thrusting got harder, "As you wish, Miss Cherry..." He panted out as his pace and force continued to increase.
  45. Tsaaq: Bliss mouth hung open as she gasped. "Oh god." She moaned as she squirmed under him. Her wig was a mess while her body rocked back and forth, pushing into Eli's peen as he boned her. "Oh god!" She repeated.
  46. Covet: With all the squirming and moaning and the praise to god that Bliss was doing, he could feel himself getting closer. He closed his eyes tightly trying to hold off for as long as he could, while he continued to give her hard thrust after hard thrust. His hand at her hip holding tighter and he could feel his back stinging from the scratches left over from last night as sweat started to glisten across his body.
  47. Tsaaq: "I'm..." She began to stutter. "I'm going to-" Bliss whined as she screamed into the covers of their bed before her body began to ripple into a climax. She attempted lift her head a bit as she looked back at Eli. "Don't stop!"
  48. Covet: "I won't, Bliss.. I won't.." He told her cause his eyes were closed and he was too far gone to stay in character at this point. He felt her trembling and shaking as she started to climax and he did is best to pull through, as he groaned out loudly with her giving her solid hard thrusts, his own legs starting to shake as he felt himself right on the edge.
  49. Tsaaq: Once she started to climax she let her body go limp as she legs kicked through her orgasm. Bliss' fingers gripped her blankets as she began to moan softly. "Is there anything else you want me to do?" She asked him between her residual panting.
  50. Covet: Eli felt himself release as his hands moved to her hips, his thrusts stopping with the occasional twitch as he finished, and leaned over her, and wrapped his arms around her tightly and he rolled to the side, and pulled her close, breathing hard as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder, speaking between pants, "nuh uh... That... was... holy moses..." He said against her skin as he laid there.
  51. Tsaaq: Bliss went to pull off her wig and stared over at him. "You were so..." She whispered, bashfully chewing her fingers. "The way you grabbed me and pulled me into you" Her eyes didn't leave Eli's face.
  52. Covet: Eli opened his eyes and looked at her with a sex dazed gaze, watching her motions, "Me? You... everything you did tonight... I just... I couldn't help myself, I hope I wasn't too rough..." He said looking a little concerned for a moment.
  53. Tsaaq: "I was just getting into character. I didn't think you'd man handle me so much." Bliss began to flush pink. "No... I liked it. I suppose it's because I know you'd never try to hurt me. So when you're rough I just become... Aroused."
  54. Covet: "Never, I love you." He said in regards to hurting her, "Tonight was just full of surpirses, You surprised me, I surprised you, and myself." He said with a chuckle running a hand through her blonde hair, kissing her shoulder again as he kept himself wrapped around her.
  55. Tsaaq: Bliss began to smirk at him. "I love you too." She said softly and went to rub noses with him before watching him kiss her shoulder. "I know... It was exciting and fun. And felt good." Bliss said. "But now I'm tired. You wore me out." She pouted.
  56. Covet: "I'm right there with you, My Love. We've still got to get cleaned up before we can go to sleep just yet, I'll help you take your boots off." He told her as he slowly sat up, groaning because every muscle was a bit sore.
  57. Tsaaq: "Of course." She sat up and groaned a bit, pulling off her boots with his help. "I need to shower." She picked up her wig and took it with her as she limped her way to the bathroom.
  58. Covet: He followed along behind her, and walked over to the shower to get it warmed up for them, then grabbed a couple of towels to set on the counter before stepping into the hot stream of water, leaving the door open for Bliss.
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