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Mar 10th, 2014
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  1. (30025) GOOGLE
  4. MODEL=GT-I9505
  5. MANUFACTURER=samsung
  6. DEVICE=jfltexx
  7. PRODUCT=jfltexx
  8. CPU_ABI=armeabi-v7a
  9. SETTINGS_DUMP={boingo_hotspot_auto_connect_enabled=false, default_stream_engine=0, startup_resume_enabled=true}
  10. --------- beginning of /dev/log/main
  11. 03-10 16:30:58.328 V/BluetoothReceiver(10711): CONNECTED TO DEVICE: 30:39:26:FD:2A:79
  12. 03-10 16:30:58.338 V/BluetoothReceiver(10711): DEVICE IS NOT PART OF AUTO PLAY ENABLED DEVICES!
  13. 03-10 16:30:59.039 I/Adreno-EGL(10711): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:320>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: (CL3776187)
  14. 03-10 16:30:59.039 I/Adreno-EGL(10711): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
  15. 03-10 16:30:59.039 I/Adreno-EGL(10711): Build Date: 10/15/13 Tue
  16. 03-10 16:30:59.039 I/Adreno-EGL(10711): Local Branch:
  17. 03-10 16:30:59.039 I/Adreno-EGL(10711): Remote Branch: partner/upstream
  18. 03-10 16:30:59.039 I/Adreno-EGL(10711): Local Patches:
  19. 03-10 16:30:59.039 I/Adreno-EGL(10711): Reconstruct Branch:
  20. 03-10 16:30:59.079 D/OpenGLRenderer(10711): Enabling debug mode 0
  21. 03-10 16:30:59.169 I/ActivityManager(10711): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@42010920 time:2981912
  22. 03-10 16:31:00.040 I/ActivityManager(10711): Timeline: Activity_launch_request time:2982787
  23. 03-10 16:31:00.340 V/ActivityMain(10711): doBindService() -> caller: com.vblast.xiialive.intent.action.PLAYBACK_RESUME
  24. 03-10 16:31:00.350 V/ActivityMain(10711): showPage() -> page: 6, extras: Bundle[{}], fromTouch: false activePage=-1
  25. 03-10 16:31:00.360 V/WebViewChromium(10711): Binding Chromium to the background looper Looper (main, tid 1) {41fd5320}
  26. 03-10 16:31:00.360 I/chromium(10711): [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  27. 03-10 16:31:00.360 I/BrowserProcessMain(10711): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
  28. 03-10 16:31:00.370 W/chromium(10711): [] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
  29. 03-10 16:31:00.420 V/XiiaLive(11131): VersionName: 30025_GOOGLE
  30. --------- beginning of /dev/log/system
  31. 03-10 16:31:00.420 E/ActivityThread(10711): Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
  32. 03-10 16:31:00.460 W/FlurryAgent(11131): Start session
  33. 03-10 16:31:00.460 V/SOMA_HTTP_Connector(10711): request URL:
  34. 03-10 16:31:00.460 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Start session
  35. 03-10 16:31:00.490 V/MediaService(11131): onScreenOn()
  36. 03-10 16:31:00.500 V/ActivityMain(10711): onShowPage() -> page: 6
  37. 03-10 16:31:00.520 V/StreamEngine(11131): initAudioFx() -> audioSessionId: 7
  38. 03-10 16:31:00.550 V/StreamEngine(11131): getAudioFxInfo()
  39. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/MediaService(11131): CALL_STATE_IDLE
  40. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 10 mPlayerState: 0
  41. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> MSG_PHONE_STATE: mbPhoneCallActive: false
  42. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/MediaService(11131): NETWORK :: failover=false noconn=false reason=dataAttached
  43. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/MediaService(11131): NETWORK :: type=0 typeName=mobile state=CONNECTED stateName=CONNECTED
  44. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/MediaService(11131): NETWORK :: netType=mobile
  45. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 19 mPlayerState: 0
  46. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 4 mPlayerState: 0
  47. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 0 mPlayerState: 0
  48. 03-10 16:31:00.580 V/MediaService(11131): setAudioEventMute() -> caller=AudioFocus mute=false fade=true
  49. 03-10 16:31:00.590 W/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): STREAM SESSION START
  50. 03-10 16:31:00.600 W/DB (11131): MyApp.getSQLiteDatabase() -> opened!
  51. 03-10 16:31:00.610 V/PlaylistManager(11131): load() -> Playlist already cached!
  52. 03-10 16:31:00.610 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 18 mPlayerState: 2
  53. 03-10 16:31:00.620 W/FlurryAgent(11131): Event count started: media_session
  54. 03-10 16:31:00.620 W/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): STREAM START
  55. 03-10 16:31:00.620 W/MediaService(11131): updateMediaInfo() -> Updating play count!
  56. 03-10 16:31:00.620 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  57. 03-10 16:31:00.620 W/SoundPool(11131): sample 1 not READY
  58. 03-10 16:31:00.700 W/DB (10711): MyApp.getSQLiteDatabase() -> opened!
  59. 03-10 16:31:00.990 W/FlurryAgent(11131): FlurryDataSender: report c33c72e7-f833-4ce0-97be-5a7ef73e44d2 sent. HTTP response: 200 : OK
  60. 03-10 16:31:01.000 V/ConnectHelper(11131): HTTP Response Code: 200
  61. 03-10 16:31:01.000 W/CharsetDetector(11131): No matches using defaultCharset
  62. 03-10 16:31:01.000 V/ConnectHelper(11131): icyNotice2: null
  63. 03-10 16:31:01.000 W/Streamer(11131): initMediaPlayer()
  64. 03-10 16:31:01.010 W/DownloadHandler(11131): setNetworkAccessValid() -> valid: true
  65. 03-10 16:31:01.010 V/DownloadHandler(11131): startDownload()
  66. 03-10 16:31:01.010 W/DownloadHandler(11131): startDownload() -> STATE_CONNECTING!
  67. 03-10 16:31:01.010 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 20 mPlayerState: 3
  68. 03-10 16:31:01.010 V/DownloadHandler(11131): Downloader.stop() -> STOPPING!
  69. 03-10 16:31:01.010 V/DownloadHandler(11131): Downloader.stop() -> STOPPED!
  70. 03-10 16:31:01.010 V/SERVER (11131): SERVER: STARTED
  71. 03-10 16:31:01.010 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  72. 03-10 16:31:01.010 V/DownloadHandler(11131): -> STARTED
  73. 03-10 16:31:01.051 V/Streamer(11131): OnDownloadListener.onContextUpdated()
  74. 03-10 16:31:01.051 W/Cache (11131): init() -> Using using accurate cache initialization.
  75. 03-10 16:31:01.061 D/dalvikvm(11131): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158
  76. 03-10 16:31:01.061 D/dalvikvm(11131): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158
  77. 03-10 16:31:01.061 D/dalvikvm(11131): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158, skipping init
  78. 03-10 16:31:01.061 I/PacketQueue(11131): init() -> size:5280176, path:'(null)'
  79. 03-10 16:31:01.061 V/Cache (11131): init() -> reqCacheLength: 300(sec), allocCacheLength: 330(sec), allocReqSize: 5.035568(MB), allocSize: 5.035568(MB), cacheType: 2
  80. 03-10 16:31:01.061 V/Streamer(11131): OnDownloadListener.onDownloadStarted() -> firstTime: true
  81. 03-10 16:31:01.081 V/ActivityMain(10711): onServiceConnected()
  82. 03-10 16:31:01.141 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 17 mPlayerState: 3
  83. 03-10 16:31:01.151 W/MediaService(11131): updateMediaInfo() -> Updating last played!
  84. 03-10 16:31:01.161 V/HttpSession(11131): SESSION 10000: STARTED
  85. 03-10 16:31:01.191 W/FlurryAgent(11131): Event count started: media_played
  86. 03-10 16:31:01.241 W/FlurryAgent(10711): FlurryDataSender: report d3605779-7bbe-414e-adb5-b9b258800cfd sent. HTTP response: 200 : OK
  87. 03-10 16:31:01.261 V/ConfigDownloadHandler(10711): HTTP Response Code: 200
  88. 03-10 16:31:01.431 I/ActivityManager(10711): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@42102b68 time:2984179
  89. 03-10 16:31:01.701 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  90. 03-10 16:31:01.961 W/RemoteControlReceiver(11131): onKeyCode() -> keyCode: 126, longPress: false
  91. 03-10 16:31:01.971 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 4 mPlayerState: 3
  92. 03-10 16:31:02.222 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  93. 03-10 16:31:02.732 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  94. 03-10 16:31:03.283 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  95. 03-10 16:31:03.793 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  96. 03-10 16:31:04.304 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  97. 03-10 16:31:04.854 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  98. 03-10 16:31:05.395 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  99. 03-10 16:31:05.905 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  100. 03-10 16:31:06.446 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  101. 03-10 16:31:06.496 E/MediaPlayer(11131): Should have subtitle controller already set
  102. 03-10 16:31:06.496 V/Streamer(11131): MP.onPrepared()
  103. 03-10 16:31:06.496 W/Streamer(11131): isTimeChanged() -> mMp.isPlaying() FALSE!
  104. 03-10 16:31:06.966 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  105. 03-10 16:31:07.337 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Event count started: menu_bar_action_101
  106. 03-10 16:31:07.337 V/ActivityMain(10711): showPage() -> page: 5, extras: Bundle[{subpage=-1}], fromTouch: true activePage=6
  107. 03-10 16:31:07.457 V/ActivityMain(10711): onShowPage() -> page: 5
  108. 03-10 16:31:07.477 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  109. 03-10 16:31:07.497 W/Streamer(11131): isTimeChanged() -> mMp.isPlaying() FALSE!
  110. 03-10 16:31:07.987 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  111. 03-10 16:31:08.498 W/Streamer(11131): isTimeChanged() -> mMp.isPlaying() FALSE!
  112. 03-10 16:31:08.538 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  113. 03-10 16:31:08.638 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Event count started: ad_load
  114. 03-10 16:31:09.038 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  115. 03-10 16:31:09.399 V/Streamer(11131): OnDownloadListener.onPrebufferComplete()
  116. 03-10 16:31:09.399 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  117. 03-10 16:31:09.489 W/Streamer(11131): isTimeChanged() -> mMp.isPlaying() FALSE!
  118. 03-10 16:31:10.290 I/chromium(10711): [] Async pixel transfers not supported
  119. 03-10 16:31:10.350 I/chromium(10711): [] Async pixel transfers not supported
  120. 03-10 16:31:10.380 I/chromium(10711): [INFO:CONSOLE(13)] "Signal ready", source: (13)
  121. 03-10 16:31:10.810 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  122. 03-10 16:31:11.220 V/ActivityMain(10711): showPage() -> page: 6, extras: null, fromTouch: false activePage=5
  123. 03-10 16:31:11.341 V/ActivityMain(10711): onShowPage() -> page: 6
  124. 03-10 16:31:11.341 V/ActivityMain(10711): startPlayback() - data: 2 mime: application/db-fav
  125. 03-10 16:31:11.341 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 0 mPlayerState: 3
  126. 03-10 16:31:11.341 W/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): STREAM END
  127. 03-10 16:31:11.341 V/MediaService(11131): setAudioEventMute() -> caller=AudioFocus mute=false fade=true
  128. 03-10 16:31:11.341 W/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): STREAM SESSION END
  129. 03-10 16:31:11.341 V/MediaService(11131): setAudioEventMute() -> caller=AudioFocus mute=false fade=true
  130. 03-10 16:31:11.351 W/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): STREAM SESSION START
  131. 03-10 16:31:11.351 V/PlaylistManager(11131): load() -> Fetch playlist! url='' mime='video/x-ms-asf'
  132. 03-10 16:31:11.531 V/PlaylistFetcher(11131): responce code: 200
  133. 03-10 16:31:11.531 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 18 mPlayerState: 2
  134. 03-10 16:31:11.531 V/Streamer(11131): stop() -> START
  135. 03-10 16:31:11.531 W/Streamer(11131): stopPlayback() -> caller: MSG_PLAYBACK_STOP
  136. 03-10 16:31:11.531 V/Streamer(11131): stopPlayback() -> DOWNLOAD MNGR: STOPPING
  137. 03-10 16:31:11.531 V/DownloadHandler(11131): stopDownload()
  138. 03-10 16:31:11.531 W/DownloadHandler(11131): stopDownload() -> START
  139. 03-10 16:31:11.531 V/DownloadHandler(11131): Downloader.stop() -> STOPPING!
  140. 03-10 16:31:11.561 V/DownloadHandler(11131): -> STOPPED
  141. 03-10 16:31:11.561 W/DownloadHandler(11131): downloadEnded() -> state: 3, error: 0
  142. 03-10 16:31:11.561 V/DownloadHandler(11131): Downloader.stop() -> STOPPED!
  143. 03-10 16:31:11.561 V/DownloadHandler(11131): stopDownload() -> END
  144. 03-10 16:31:11.561 V/Streamer(11131): stopPlayback() -> DOWNLOAD MNGR: STOPPED
  145. 03-10 16:31:11.561 V/Streamer(11131): stopPlayback() -> CACHE RESET: START
  146. 03-10 16:31:11.561 I/PacketQueue(11131): release()
  147. 03-10 16:31:11.561 V/Streamer(11131): sstopPlayback() -> CACHE RESET: DONE
  148. 03-10 16:31:11.561 V/Streamer(11131): stopPlayback() -> MEDIAPLAYER: STOPPING
  149. 03-10 16:31:11.571 V/Streamer(11131): stopPlayback() -> MEDIAPLAYER: STOPPED
  150. 03-10 16:31:11.571 V/Streamer(11131): stop() -> END2
  151. 03-10 16:31:11.581 W/MediaService(11131): updateMediaInfo() -> Updating play count!
  152. 03-10 16:31:11.581 W/FlurryAgent(11131): Event count incremented: media_session
  153. 03-10 16:31:11.581 W/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): STREAM START
  154. 03-10 16:31:11.581 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  155. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/ConnectHelper(11131): HTTP Response Code: 200
  156. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/ConnectHelper(11131): icyNotice2: null
  157. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/Streamer(11131): release: SERVER: START
  158. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/Streamer(11131): release: SERVER: DONE
  159. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/Streamer(11131): release: MP: START
  160. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/SERVER (11131): SERVER: ENDED
  161. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/Streamer(11131): release: MP: DONE
  162. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/Streamer(11131): release: CACHE: START
  163. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/Streamer(11131): release: CACHE: DONE
  164. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/Streamer(11131): release: DWNL: START
  165. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/DownloadHandler(11131): stopDownload()
  166. 03-10 16:31:11.701 W/DownloadHandler(11131): stopDownload() -> Idle nothing to stop!
  167. 03-10 16:31:11.701 V/Streamer(11131): release: DWNL: DONE
  168. 03-10 16:31:11.701 D/dalvikvm(11131): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158
  169. 03-10 16:31:11.711 D/dalvikvm(11131): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158
  170. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/SDL::JNI_OnLoad(11131): SDL: vm = 0x41d1df78
  171. 03-10 16:31:11.711 D/dalvikvm(11131): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158
  172. 03-10 16:31:11.711 D/dalvikvm(11131): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158
  173. 03-10 16:31:11.711 D/dalvikvm(11131): No JNI_OnLoad found in /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158, skipping init
  174. 03-10 16:31:11.711 D/dalvikvm(11131): Trying to load lib /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158
  175. 03-10 16:31:11.711 D/dalvikvm(11131): Added shared lib /data/app-lib/ 0x41fd7158
  176. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): ffmpeg:JNI_OnLoad
  177. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): initialize() -> start
  178. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): do_initialize() -> about to init SDL audio & timer
  179. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/SDL (11131): SDL_AudioInit - enter
  180. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/SDL (11131): SDL_AudioInit - About to bootstrap!
  181. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/SDL (11131): SDL_AudioInit - attempting to init android!
  182. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/SDL (11131): SDL_AudioInit - DEVICE MATCHES; INITing android !
  183. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/ANDROIDAUD_CreateDevice(11131): About to create audio device by setting ptrs
  184. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/SDL (11131): SDL_AudioInit - exit
  185. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): initialize() -> end
  186. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> compressed pre_buffer_size_in_ms = 12000
  187. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> compressed play_RE-buffer_ms = 10000
  188. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> compressed max_buffer_size_in_ms = 2097152
  189. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> compressed min_playing_buffer_size_in_ms = 1000
  190. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> uncompressed_cpubuffer_ms = 1000
  191. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> connect_timeout_ms = 20000
  192. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> tcp_recv_timeout_ms = 15000
  193. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> gbNoShoutcastStreamSupport = 0
  194. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): nativeMetadataInitJavaCallbacks() -> JavaMetadataThread 0x1d30047e JavaUpdateMetadata 0x6db6efb0 JavaUpdateMetadataRaw 0x6db6efe8
  195. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): nativeNotificationsInitJavaCallbacks() -> JavaNotificationsThread 0x1d30047a JavaUpdateIntNotifications 0x6db6f3e8
  196. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 1.000000, now is 0.523465, fDesiredVolumeRight was 1.000000, now is 0.523465
  197. 03-10 16:31:11.711 W/Streamer(11131): setNetworkAccessValid() -> NOT SUPPORTED
  198. 03-10 16:31:11.711 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  199. 03-10 16:31:11.711 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 20 mPlayerState: 3
  200. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> compressed audio_session_id = 7
  201. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> gbNoShoutcastStreamSupport = 0
  202. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> connect_timeout_ms = 20000
  203. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> tcp_recv_timeout_ms = 15000
  204. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> compressed pre_buffer_size_in_ms = 12000
  205. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/JniPlayer(11131): JniConfigure_Set() -> compressed play_RE-buffer_ms = 10000
  206. 03-10 16:31:11.711 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.523465, now is 0.523465, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.523465, now is 0.523465
  207. 03-10 16:31:11.711 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  208. 03-10 16:31:11.721 I/JniPlayer(11131): start() -> argc[0] = ffmpeg
  209. 03-10 16:31:11.721 I/JniPlayer(11131): start() -> argc[1] = mmsh://
  210. 03-10 16:31:11.721 I/player_main(11131): In player_main
  211. 03-10 16:31:11.721 I/JniPlayer(11131): setup_notification_thread - About to attach to jvm: 0x41d1df78
  212. 03-10 16:31:11.721 I/JniPlayer(11131): new jniEnvNotify: 0x76538670
  213. 03-10 16:31:11.721 I/JniPlayer(11131): setup_metadata_thread - About to attach to jvm: 0x41d1df78
  214. 03-10 16:31:11.721 I/JniPlayer(11131): start() -> DONE!!
  215. 03-10 16:31:11.731 I/JniPlayer(11131): setup_metadata_thread new jniEnvMeta: 0x76507070
  216. 03-10 16:31:11.741 I/JniPlayer(11131): receive_thread() -> avformat_open_input()
  217. 03-10 16:31:11.741 I/JniPlayer(11131): tcp->tcp_open() -> Timeout=200, URI='tcp://'
  218. 03-10 16:31:11.891 I/JniPlayer(11131): tcp->tcp_open() -> Timeout=200, URI='tcp://'
  219. 03-10 16:31:11.901 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Trying to end session
  220. 03-10 16:31:12.061 W/HttpSession(11131): serveData() -> error:read=-1
  221. 03-10 16:31:12.061 V/HttpSession(11131): SESSION 10000: ENDED
  222. 03-10 16:31:12.101 V/ActivityMain(10711): showPage() -> page: 6, extras: Bundle[{}], fromTouch: false activePage=-1
  223. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/JniPlayer(11131): metadata->ff_metadata_conv() 2 -> key title, val=Yle Puhe
  224. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:title Value: Yle Puhe
  225. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/JniPlayer(11131): metadata->ff_metadata_conv() 2 -> key copyright, val=Yleisradio Oy
  226. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:copyright Value: Yleisradio Oy
  227. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/JniPlayer(11131): metadata->ff_metadata_conv() 2 -> key WMFSDKVersion, val=
  228. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:WMFSDKVersion Value:
  229. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/JniPlayer(11131): metadata->ff_metadata_conv() 2 -> key WMFSDKNeeded, val=
  230. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:WMFSDKNeeded Value:
  231. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/JniPlayer(11131): metadata->ff_metadata_conv() 2 -> key IsVBR, val=0
  232. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:IsVBR Value: 0
  233. 03-10 16:31:12.111 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  234. 03-10 16:31:12.121 I/JniPlayer(11131): receive_thread() -> avformat_find_stream_info()
  235. 03-10 16:31:12.131 V/ffmpeg_log(11131): parser not found for codec wmav2, packets or times may be invalid.
  236. 03-10 16:31:12.131 W/ffmpeg_log(11131): Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be inaccurate
  237. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/JniPlayer(11131): receive_thread() -> preparing for stream_component_open()
  238. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): Input #0, asf, from 'mmsh://':
  239. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): Metadata:
  240. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): title :
  241. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): Yle Puhe
  242. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  243. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): copyright :
  244. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): Yleisradio Oy
  245. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  246. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): WMFSDKVersion :
  247. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  248. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  249. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): WMFSDKNeeded :
  250. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  251. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  252. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): IsVBR :
  253. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): 0
  254. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  255. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): Duration:
  256. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): N/A
  257. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): , start:
  258. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): 2060869.480000
  259. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): , bitrate:
  260. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): 128 kb/s
  261. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  262. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): Stream #0:0
  263. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): (eng)
  264. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131): : Audio: wmav2 (a[1][0][0] / 0x0161), 48000 Hz, 2 channels, s16, 128 kb/s
  265. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/ffmpeg_log(11131):
  266. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/JniPlayer(11131): stream_component_open()
  267. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/SDL_OpenAudio(11131): SDL_OpenAudio(...) enter
  268. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/SDL_OpenAudio(11131): obtained!=NULL; open_audio_device
  269. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/SDL (11131): open_audio_device - enter
  270. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio
  271. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio(): app requested audio bytespersample 2 freq 48000 channels 2 samples 1024
  272. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): SDL_CalculateAudioSpec
  273. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio(): app opened audio bytespersample 2 freq 48000 channels 2 bufsize 24000
  274. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_OpenAudio()
  275. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 1
  276. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 2
  277. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 3
  278. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 4
  279. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 5
  280. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 6
  281. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 7
  282. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): audioFormat->msec_buff=1000, cpu_uncompressed_buffer_size=192000
  283. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 8a
  284. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 8b
  285. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 9
  286. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 10
  287. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/libSDL (11131): oa 11
  288. 03-10 16:31:12.131 I/SDL_OpenAudio(11131): About to SDL_CreateThread(SDL_RunAudio...)
  289. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/SDL_RunAudio(11131): SDL_RunAudio
  290. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/SDL (11131): open_audio_device - exit
  291. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/SDL_RunAudio(11131): about to threadinit!
  292. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/SDL_OpenAudio(11131): SDL_OpenAudio(...) exit
  293. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_ThreadInit(this)
  294. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/SDL_PauseAudio(11131): request_pause_on=0
  295. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/JniPlayer(11131): receive_thread() -> Using metadata 2
  296. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/JniPlayer(11131): receive_thread() -> Metadata bitrate: KEY NOT FOUND! :(
  297. 03-10 16:31:12.141 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:media_bitrate Value: 128
  298. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/JniPlayer(11131): receive_thread() -> STREAM_INFO: media bitrate:128016
  299. 03-10 16:31:12.141 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:media_channels Value: 2
  300. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/libSDL (11131): SDL_RunAudio: Set Initial VolumeL=0.523465, VolumeR=0.523465
  301. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.523465, 0.523465
  302. 03-10 16:31:12.141 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:media_samplerate Value: 48000
  303. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/libSDL (11131): SDL_RunAudio: audioFormat->msec_buff=1000, cpu_uncompressed_buffer_size=192000
  304. 03-10 16:31:12.141 V/Metadata(11131): Update() -> [STRING] Key:endofmediadetails Value:
  305. 03-10 16:31:12.141 I/JniPlayer(11131): receive_thread() -> STREAM_INFO: iBytesPerMsec=16, pre_buffer_size_in_bytes=192000, play_rebuffer_size_in_bytes=160000
  306. 03-10 16:31:12.141 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 17 mPlayerState: 3
  307. 03-10 16:31:12.141 W/MediaService(11131): updateMediaInfo() -> Updating last played!
  308. 03-10 16:31:12.161 W/FlurryAgent(11131): Event count incremented: media_played
  309. 03-10 16:31:12.422 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Continuing previous session
  310. 03-10 16:31:12.422 V/ActivityMain(10711): doBindService() -> caller: onStart()
  311. 03-10 16:31:12.442 I/Choreographer(10711): Skipped 31 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
  312. 03-10 16:31:12.682 V/ActivityMain(10711): onShowPage() -> page: 6
  313. 03-10 16:31:12.682 V/ActivityMain(10711): onServiceConnected()
  314. 03-10 16:31:13.052 I/ActivityManager(10711): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@42102b68 time:2995794
  315. 03-10 16:31:13.062 I/SDL_RunAudio(11131): Done Buffering RAW, Now buffering Compressed
  316. 03-10 16:31:13.142 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Trying to end session
  317. 03-10 16:31:13.142 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10711): getExtractedText on inactive InputConnection
  318. 03-10 16:31:13.152 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10711): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
  319. 03-10 16:31:13.152 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10711): getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
  320. 03-10 16:31:13.152 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10711): getTextAfterCursor on inactive InputConnection
  321. 03-10 16:31:13.923 V/ActivityMain(10711): showPage() -> page: 6, extras: Bundle[{}], fromTouch: false activePage=-1
  322. 03-10 16:31:13.953 V/SOMA_HTTP_Connector(10711): request URL:
  323. 03-10 16:31:14.073 V/MediaService(11131): onScreenOff()
  324. 03-10 16:31:14.093 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Continuing previous session
  325. 03-10 16:31:14.093 V/ActivityMain(10711): doBindService() -> caller: onStart()
  326. 03-10 16:31:14.093 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  327. 03-10 16:31:14.113 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  328. 03-10 16:31:14.113 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  329. 03-10 16:31:14.213 V/ActivityMain(10711): onShowPage() -> page: 6
  330. 03-10 16:31:14.213 V/ActivityMain(10711): onServiceConnected()
  331. 03-10 16:31:14.233 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10711): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection
  332. 03-10 16:31:14.434 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10711): getSelectedText on inactive InputConnection
  333. 03-10 16:31:14.504 W/IInputConnectionWrapper(10711): getTextAfterCursor on inactive InputConnection
  334. 03-10 16:31:14.504 I/ActivityManager(10711): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@42102b68 time:2997246
  335. 03-10 16:31:15.044 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Event count incremented: ad_load
  336. 03-10 16:31:15.094 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  337. 03-10 16:31:15.094 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  338. 03-10 16:31:15.094 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  339. 03-10 16:31:16.015 I/chromium(10711): [INFO:CONSOLE(13)] "Signal ready", source: (13)
  340. 03-10 16:31:16.115 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  341. 03-10 16:31:16.125 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  342. 03-10 16:31:16.135 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  343. 03-10 16:31:17.136 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  344. 03-10 16:31:17.146 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  345. 03-10 16:31:17.146 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  346. 03-10 16:31:18.187 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  347. 03-10 16:31:18.187 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  348. 03-10 16:31:18.187 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  349. 03-10 16:31:18.267 I/chromium(10711): [INFO:CONSOLE(9)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: init is not defined", source: (9)
  350. 03-10 16:31:18.848 I/chromium(10711): [INFO:CONSOLE(9)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: init is not defined", source: (9)
  351. 03-10 16:31:19.198 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  352. 03-10 16:31:19.208 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  353. 03-10 16:31:19.218 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  354. 03-10 16:31:20.219 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  355. 03-10 16:31:20.229 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  356. 03-10 16:31:20.229 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  357. 03-10 16:31:20.229 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  358. 03-10 16:31:20.259 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  359. 03-10 16:31:20.259 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  360. 03-10 16:31:21.220 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  361. 03-10 16:31:21.220 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  362. 03-10 16:31:21.230 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  363. 03-10 16:31:22.251 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  364. 03-10 16:31:22.271 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  365. 03-10 16:31:22.271 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  366. 03-10 16:31:23.252 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  367. 03-10 16:31:23.262 I/JniPlayer(11131): receive_thread() -> PREBUFFER COMPLETE - UNPAUSING SDL
  368. 03-10 16:31:23.262 I/SDL_ControlAudioBuffering(11131): cbsStatus=2
  369. 03-10 16:31:23.262 I/SDL_ControlAudioBuffering(11131): CMP_BUFFER_STATUS_HIGH_WATER_MARK_TRIGGER device->PreBufferState=1
  370. 03-10 16:31:23.262 I/SDL_ControlAudioBuffering(11131): STARTING AUDIO!!
  371. 03-10 16:31:23.262 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_StartAudio() - Start Playing!
  372. 03-10 16:31:23.262 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  373. 03-10 16:31:23.262 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  374. 03-10 16:31:23.262 V/StreamMediaPlayer(11131): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 12 mPlayerState: 3
  375. 03-10 16:31:56.344 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  376. 03-10 16:32:12.120 I/chromium(10711): [] Async pixel transfers not supported
  377. 03-10 16:32:12.160 I/chromium(10711): [] Async pixel transfers not supported
  378. 03-10 16:32:12.220 V/MediaService(11131): onScreenOn()
  379. 03-10 16:32:13.511 I/ActivityManager(10711): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@42102b68 time:3056258
  380. 03-10 16:32:15.743 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Trying to end session
  381. 03-10 16:32:25.743 W/FlurryAgent(10711): Ending session
  382. 03-10 16:32:28.906 V/MediaService(11131): onScreenOff()
  383. 03-10 16:32:41.338 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  384. 03-10 16:33:26.352 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  385. 03-10 16:34:11.356 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  386. 03-10 16:34:56.350 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  387. 03-10 16:35:41.364 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  388. 03-10 16:36:26.368 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  389. 03-10 16:37:11.362 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  390. 03-10 16:37:56.366 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  391. 03-10 16:38:41.370 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  392. 03-10 16:39:26.374 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  393. 03-10 16:40:11.387 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  394. 03-10 16:40:56.381 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  395. 03-10 16:41:41.385 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  396. 03-10 16:42:26.379 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  397. 03-10 16:42:47.019 W/AudioTrack(11131): releaseBuffer() track 0x76545110 name=s:330;n:2;f:-1 disabled due to previous underrun, restarting
  398. 03-10 16:43:11.393 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  399. 03-10 16:43:56.397 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  400. 03-10 16:44:41.391 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  401. 03-10 16:45:26.405 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  402. 03-10 16:46:11.399 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  403. 03-10 16:46:56.403 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  404. 03-10 16:47:41.417 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  405. 03-10 16:48:26.410 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  406. 03-10 16:49:11.414 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  407. 03-10 16:49:56.408 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  408. 03-10 16:50:41.412 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  409. 03-10 16:51:26.416 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  410. 03-10 16:52:11.420 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  411. 03-10 16:52:56.424 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  412. 03-10 16:53:20.868 V/AlarmService(10711): onHandleIntent() -> req=2
  413. 03-10 16:53:20.998 V/AlarmService(10711): onHandleIntent() -> req=2
  414. 03-10 16:53:25.652 V/AlarmService(10711): onHandleIntent() -> req=2
  415. 03-10 16:53:29.326 V/AlarmService(10711): onHandleIntent() -> req=2
  416. 03-10 16:53:41.408 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  417. 03-10 16:53:53.159 V/AlarmService(10711): onHandleIntent() -> req=2
  418. 03-10 16:53:55.410 V/AlarmService(10711): onHandleIntent() -> req=2
  419. 03-10 16:54:25.780 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  420. 03-10 16:55:10.784 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  421. 03-10 16:55:55.788 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  422. 03-10 16:56:40.782 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  423. 03-10 16:57:25.795 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  424. 03-10 16:58:10.799 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  425. 03-10 16:58:32.260 V/MediaService(11131): onScreenOn()
  426. 03-10 16:58:35.684 V/MediaService(11131): onScreenOff()
  427. 03-10 16:58:55.793 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  428. 03-10 16:59:40.797 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  429. 03-10 17:00:25.791 V/MediaService(11131): WATCHDOG :: Shhhh!
  430. 03-10 17:00:48.563 V/MediaService(11131): setAudioEventMute() -> caller=NoisyAudio mute=true fade=false
  431. 03-10 17:00:48.563 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.523465, now is 0.000000, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.523465, now is 0.000000
  432. 03-10 17:00:48.563 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.000000, 0.000000
  433. 03-10 17:00:48.563 V/MediaService(11131): onAudioBecomingNoicy() -> recover relaxed... others will do it
  434. 03-10 17:00:50.005 V/MediaService(11131): BLUE: Action: android.bluetooth.device.action.ACL_DISCONNECTED
  435. 03-10 17:00:50.015 V/MediaService(11131): Bluetooth device: 30:39:26:FD:2A:79 disconnected...
  436. 03-10 17:00:50.015 V/MediaService(11131): Disconnected device is not part of BtAutoStopEnabledDevices!
  437. 03-10 17:00:50.025 V/MediaService(11131): setAudioEventMute() -> caller=NoisyAudio mute=false fade=true
  438. 03-10 17:00:50.035 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.000000, now is 0.000619, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.000000, now is 0.000619
  439. 03-10 17:00:50.035 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.000619, 0.000619
  440. 03-10 17:00:50.085 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.000619, now is 0.002944, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.000619, now is 0.002944
  441. 03-10 17:00:50.085 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.002944, 0.002944
  442. 03-10 17:00:50.135 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.002944, now is 0.007330, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.002944, now is 0.007330
  443. 03-10 17:00:50.135 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.007330, 0.007330
  444. 03-10 17:00:50.185 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.007330, now is 0.014002, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.007330, now is 0.014002
  445. 03-10 17:00:50.185 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.014002, 0.014002
  446. 03-10 17:00:50.235 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.014002, now is 0.023134, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.014002, now is 0.023134
  447. 03-10 17:00:50.235 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.023134, 0.023134
  448. 03-10 17:00:50.285 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.023134, now is 0.034867, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.023134, now is 0.034867
  449. 03-10 17:00:50.285 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.034867, 0.034867
  450. 03-10 17:00:50.295 V/MediaService(11131): BLUE: Action: android.bluetooth.adapter.action.STATE_CHANGED
  451. 03-10 17:00:50.295 V/MediaService(11131): BLUE: state: 13
  452. 03-10 17:00:50.315 V/MediaService(11131): setAudioEventMute() -> caller=NoisyAudio mute=false fade=true
  453. 03-10 17:00:50.345 I/ffmpeg (11131): setVolume() -> fDesiredVolumeLeft was 0.034867, now is 0.044693, fDesiredVolumeRight was 0.034867, now is 0.044693
  454. 03-10 17:00:50.345 I/libSDL (11131): ANDROIDAUD_SetVolume() - Set Volume 0.044693, 0.044693
  455. 03-10 17:00:50.345 W/RemoteControlReceiver(11131): onKeyCode() -> keyCode: 127, longPress: false
  456. 03-10 17:00:50.345 W/Streamer(11131): pause() -> Currently not supported!
  457. 03-10 17:00:51.756 V/XiiaLive(12965): VersionName: 30025_GOOGLE
  458. 03-10 17:00:51.766 V/RemoteControlReceiver(12965): Request doesn't belong to us...
  459. 03-10 17:00:51.776 V/RemoteControlReceiver(12965): Request doesn't belong to us...
  460. 03-10 17:01:00.655 V/XiiaLive(13248): VersionName: 30025_GOOGLE
  461. 03-10 17:01:00.845 V/ActivityMain(13248): showPage() -> page: 6, extras: Bundle[{}], fromTouch: false activePage=-1
  462. 03-10 17:01:00.855 V/WebViewChromium(13248): Binding Chromium to the background looper Looper (main, tid 1) {41fd3830}
  463. 03-10 17:01:00.855 I/chromium(13248): [] Chromium logging enabled: level = 0, default verbosity = 0
  464. 03-10 17:01:00.855 I/BrowserProcessMain(13248): Initializing chromium process, renderers=0
  465. 03-10 17:01:00.905 W/chromium(13248): [] PAC support disabled because there is no system implementation
  466. 03-10 17:01:00.915 I/Adreno-EGL(13248): <qeglDrvAPI_eglInitialize:320>: EGL 1.4 QUALCOMM build: (CL3776187)
  467. 03-10 17:01:00.915 I/Adreno-EGL(13248): OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
  468. 03-10 17:01:00.915 I/Adreno-EGL(13248): Build Date: 10/15/13 Tue
  469. 03-10 17:01:00.915 I/Adreno-EGL(13248): Local Branch:
  470. 03-10 17:01:00.915 I/Adreno-EGL(13248): Remote Branch: partner/upstream
  471. 03-10 17:01:00.915 I/Adreno-EGL(13248): Local Patches:
  472. 03-10 17:01:00.915 I/Adreno-EGL(13248): Reconstruct Branch:
  473. 03-10 17:01:00.985 E/ActivityThread(13248): Failed to find provider info for com.facebook.katana.provider.AttributionIdProvider
  474. 03-10 17:01:01.015 V/SOMA_HTTP_Connector(13248): request URL:
  475. 03-10 17:01:01.116 W/DB (13248): MyApp.getSQLiteDatabase() -> opened!
  476. 03-10 17:01:01.356 W/FlurryAgent(13248): Start session
  477. 03-10 17:01:01.356 V/ActivityMain(13248): doBindService() -> caller: onStart()
  478. 03-10 17:01:01.376 V/ActivityMain(13248): onNewIntent()
  479. 03-10 17:01:01.376 V/ActivityMain(13248): showPage() -> page: 6, extras: Bundle[{}], fromTouch: false activePage=-1
  480. 03-10 17:01:01.386 V/ActivityMain(13248): onShowPage() -> page: 6
  481. 03-10 17:01:01.406 W/FlurryAgent(12965): Start session
  482. 03-10 17:01:01.486 D/OpenGLRenderer(13248): Enabling debug mode 0
  483. 03-10 17:01:01.486 V/MediaService(12965): onScreenOn()
  484. 03-10 17:01:01.496 V/StreamEngine(12965): initAudioFx() -> audioSessionId: 16
  485. 03-10 17:01:01.536 V/StreamEngine(12965): getAudioFxInfo()
  486. 03-10 17:01:01.556 V/MediaService(12965): CALL_STATE_IDLE
  487. 03-10 17:01:01.556 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: failover=false noconn=false reason=null
  488. 03-10 17:01:01.556 V/StreamMediaPlayer(12965): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 10 mPlayerState: 0
  489. 03-10 17:01:01.556 V/StreamMediaPlayer(12965): handleMessage() -> MSG_PHONE_STATE: mbPhoneCallActive: false
  490. 03-10 17:01:01.556 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: type=1 typeName=WIFI state=CONNECTED stateName=CONNECTED
  491. 03-10 17:01:01.556 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: netType=unlimited
  492. 03-10 17:01:01.556 V/StreamMediaPlayer(12965): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 19 mPlayerState: 0
  493. 03-10 17:01:01.686 V/ActivityMain(13248): onServiceConnected()
  494. 03-10 17:01:01.816 W/FlurryAgent(13248): FlurryDataSender: report 322f0b26-e2f4-4dba-9325-608878358656 sent. HTTP response: 200 : OK
  495. 03-10 17:01:01.856 W/FlurryAgent(12965): FlurryDataSender: report 322f0b26-e2f4-4dba-9325-608878358656 sent. HTTP response: 200 : OK
  496. 03-10 17:01:01.876 W/FlurryAgent(12965): FlurryDataSender: report bb435c0c-a16e-4f46-8806-e0952d774b64 sent. HTTP response: 200 : OK
  497. 03-10 17:01:02.387 I/ActivityManager(13248): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@41fd70f0 time:4785776
  498. 03-10 17:01:02.487 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: failover=false noconn=false reason=dataDisabled
  499. 03-10 17:01:02.487 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: type=1 typeName=WIFI state=CONNECTED stateName=CONNECTED
  500. 03-10 17:01:02.487 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: netType=unlimited
  501. 03-10 17:01:02.487 V/StreamMediaPlayer(12965): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 19 mPlayerState: 0
  502. 03-10 17:01:02.487 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: failover=false noconn=false reason=null
  503. 03-10 17:01:02.487 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: type=1 typeName=WIFI state=CONNECTED stateName=CONNECTED
  504. 03-10 17:01:02.487 V/MediaService(12965): NETWORK :: netType=unlimited
  505. 03-10 17:01:02.487 V/StreamMediaPlayer(12965): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 19 mPlayerState: 0
  506. 03-10 17:01:05.280 W/FlurryAgent(13248): Trying to end session
  507. 03-10 17:01:05.610 W/FlurryAgent(13248): Event count started: ad_load
  508. 03-10 17:01:06.361 V/StreamMediaPlayer(12965): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 3 mPlayerState: 0
  509. 03-10 17:01:07.071 I/chromium(13248): [INFO:CONSOLE(13)] "Signal ready", source: (13)
  510. 03-10 17:01:13.538 I/chromium(13248): [INFO:CONSOLE(9)] "Uncaught ReferenceError: init is not defined", source: (9)
  511. 03-10 17:01:15.279 W/FlurryAgent(13248): Ending session
  512. 03-10 17:01:42.876 V/MediaService(12965): onScreenOff()
  513. 03-10 17:01:51.355 W/MediaService(12965): WATCHDOG :: Kill!
  514. 03-10 17:01:51.375 V/MediaService(12965): setAudioEventMute() -> caller=AudioFocus mute=false fade=true
  515. 03-10 17:01:51.395 V/StreamEngine(12965): getAudioFxInfo()
  516. 03-10 17:01:51.405 W/StreamEngine(12965): releaseAudioFx()
  517. 03-10 17:01:51.425 W/FlurryAgent(12965): Trying to end session
  518. 03-10 17:02:05.101 W/FlurryAgent(12965): Ending session
  519. 03-10 19:01:59.600 V/AlarmService(13248): onHandleIntent() -> req=2
  520. 03-10 19:13:09.163 W/FlurryAgent(13248): Start session
  521. 03-10 19:13:09.163 V/ActivityMain(13248): doBindService() -> caller: onStart()
  522. 03-10 19:13:09.293 V/XiiaLive(15510): VersionName: 30025_GOOGLE
  523. 03-10 19:13:09.313 I/chromium(13248): [] Async pixel transfers not supported
  524. 03-10 19:13:09.333 W/FlurryAgent(15510): Start session
  525. 03-10 19:13:09.373 I/chromium(13248): [] Async pixel transfers not supported
  526. 03-10 19:13:09.373 V/MediaService(15510): onScreenOn()
  527. 03-10 19:13:09.393 V/StreamEngine(15510): initAudioFx() -> audioSessionId: 29
  528. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): getVolume()
  529. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): android.os.DeadObjectException
  530. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(Native Method)
  531. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at com.vblast.xiialive.service.c.h(SourceFile:691)
  532. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at com.vblast.xiialive.ActivityMain.z(SourceFile:1911)
  533. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at
  534. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
  535. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
  536. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at android.os.Looper.loop(
  537. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at
  538. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
  539. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
  540. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at$
  541. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at
  542. 03-10 19:13:09.433 E/ActivityMain(13248): at dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
  543. 03-10 19:13:09.443 I/ActivityManager(13248): Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@41fd70f0 time:5599268
  544. 03-10 19:13:09.453 V/StreamEngine(15510): getAudioFxInfo()
  545. 03-10 19:13:09.473 V/ActivityMain(13248): onServiceConnected()
  546. 03-10 19:13:09.473 V/MediaService(15510): CALL_STATE_IDLE
  547. 03-10 19:13:09.473 V/MediaService(15510): NETWORK :: failover=false noconn=false reason=null
  548. 03-10 19:13:09.473 V/StreamMediaPlayer(15510): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 10 mPlayerState: 0
  549. 03-10 19:13:09.473 V/StreamMediaPlayer(15510): handleMessage() -> MSG_PHONE_STATE: mbPhoneCallActive: false
  550. 03-10 19:13:09.473 V/MediaService(15510): NETWORK :: type=1 typeName=WIFI state=CONNECTED stateName=CONNECTED
  551. 03-10 19:13:09.473 V/MediaService(15510): NETWORK :: netType=unlimited
  552. 03-10 19:13:09.473 V/StreamMediaPlayer(15510): handleMessage() -> msg.what: 19 mPlayerState: 0
  553. 03-10 19:13:09.663 W/FlurryAgent(15510): FlurryDataSender: report dde5da6b-a6d8-43ed-a0e5-8c9e0da270f2 sent. HTTP response: 200 : OK
  554. 03-10 19:13:09.683 W/FlurryAgent(13248): FlurryDataSender: report dde5da6b-a6d8-43ed-a0e5-8c9e0da270f2 sent. HTTP response: 200 : OK
  555. 03-10 19:13:09.903 W/FlurryAgent(15510): FlurryDataSender: report 83da7605-1b80-4710-bd4a-626058ca785f sent. HTTP response: 200 : OK
  556. 03-10 19:13:16.250 W/UnimplementedWebViewApi(13248): Unimplemented WebView method onKeyDown called from: android.webkit.WebView.onKeyDown(
  557. 03-10 19:13:19.413 W/FlurryAgent(13248): Event count started: menu_bar_action_101
  558. 03-10 19:13:19.413 V/ActivityMain(13248): showPage() -> page: 8, extras: Bundle[{subpage=-1}], fromTouch: true activePage=6
  559. 03-10 19:13:19.613 V/ActivityMain(13248): onShowPage() -> page: 8
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