
1-A Royal Meeting

Apr 21st, 2014
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  1. >As you approach Ponyville the sun begins to rise.
  2. >You got here just in time to meet everyone... or should you now say: Everypony?
  3. >As you close to your destination you know where you want to go first. The library.
  4. >You may not like Twilight. BUT she is a princess, and making a good impression will help.
  5. >Clumsily. You make your way into Ponyville's town square... Wait.
  6. "How do I get to Twilight from here?"
  7. >You remember that you don't have a map of the town OR have ever seen anyone go from here to the library...
  8. "*Sigh* Welp. I guess I'll run around blindly."
  9. >You go back and forth looking for either the library or other pones to talk to.
  10. >You trot around Ponyville in a particular way. Almost like someone shot you in the knee-err... gaskin?
  11. >After a while you notice that it is quite. Very.
  12. >Something is wrong.
  13. >Still looking for that damn library. You catch a glimpse of something moving.
  14. >It looked like someone went into a corner.
  15. >Since this is Ponyville, there is no chance that it is some random monster of the week.
  16. "Hello. Is someone there?"
  17. >You said that while endowing a stupid grin on your face. Being in Equestria really got your spirits up.
  18. "I am just some... pony who is new in town. Could you tell me where the library is?"
  19. >You spoke with glee. If other Anons could hear it; they would call you a faggot.
  20. >You approach the place where you saw movement.
  21. "Hello? Anyone there?"
  22. >As you cut the corner you see a truck-load of hay squares.
  23. >Weird. You could have sworn that you saw something.
  24. >You stare into the hay. Then you see it. Movement.
  25. "Is someone hiding in there?" You said mischievously.
  26. >No response.
  27. "Fine. I suppose I was just imag-"
  28. >You tackle the hay. Then you fall. Again. Into your own barrel.
  29. >"I need to get used to this body" Mental note made.
  30. >Then you see them. The flower trio.
  31. >You get yourself on all four.
  32. "Oh hi there. Good to see you. My name is Anon and I am the new... pony in town?"
  33. >As you spoke you realize that the trio is shaking on the ground.
  34. >They look like they saw an Ursa Minor.
  35. >The situation is awkward and you have no spaghetti to deploy.
  36. >So what do now?
  37. "So.. HI?!?"
  38. >The trio screams. One of them says something about eating souls and then run as if they got expelled by a catapult.
  39. "No wait. Come back!!"
  40. >You start the chase. You try to keep a rhythm. Maybe that will help.
  41. >1-2 1-2 1-2.
  42. >This doesn't feel so bad.
  43. >You alter from looking into the ground and tracking Rose, the only mare you could catch up to.
  44. "Hold on! I just wanna know where the library is!!"
  45. >Rose ignores you and steps it up. Now you won't be able to ask her anything.
  46. >You trip for the third time today. Right into the mud.
  47. >You take the mud off your eyes with your hoof.
  48. >You frown as you do so.
  49. "Oh there it is."
  50. >The library is right there. In front of you.
  51. >You feel bitter. Why would ponies will be scared of you?
  52. >Actually... nevermind.
  53. >You have been on /mlp/ and know how ponies would react if they knew you.
  54. >As you approach the library you start a soliloquy.
  55. Screw those three anyway. I didn't came to Equestria to be rejected by the worst pones. In fact I don't care. Fuck them. For all I care they can drop dead.
  56. >The resentment in your mind withers the earth before you.
  57. >You can't see anyone. But the aura of terror around you terrifies all living beings.
  58. >Your eyes shrink. Mimicking the pupils of nocturnal snakes.
  59. >These eyes burn with revenge. Unfortunately you can't notice this.
  60. >You knock the library's door.
  61. >Right now you are in front of Twilight's home.
  62. >*Gulp* Here it goes.
  63. >Patiently you wait.
  64. >No response.
  65. >You don't want to be rude; but you come inside anyway. Pun unintended.
  66. >No one is inside.
  67. "Hello. Twil-I mean Princess Twilight. Are you home?"
  68. >Your question went unanswered.
  69. >This is shaping to be a disappointing day.
  70. >Whatever. At least, you have an idea of how the interior of this tree looks like.
  71. >As you wander into the kitchen you feel the presence of somebody else.
  72. "Spike? Is that you?"
  73. >*Gasp*
  74. >A reaction. It feels good to know that you aren't alone.
  75. "Are you there man? C'mon pal. Speak to me"
  76. >Still nothing.
  77. "If you don't tell me I'll eat your gems!!" You said jokingly.
  78. >To Spike's ears. This heard like a death threat.
  79. >"No-no it's okay. You can eat them. They're yours."
  80. >You heard a nervous laughter.
  81. "Why are you hiding Spike? Are you scared? Where is Twilight?"
  82. >You spoke innocently; but from Spike's perspective; you sound like a taunting murderer. Oh the irony.
  83. >"No. I won't tell you. GO AWAY!!"
  84. >Oh you little.
  85. >You start to approach the cabinet where Spike is hiding.
  86. >You feel offended... but at the same time he's right.
  87. "Okay. I know I barged in without permission. But at least tell me where Twilight is?"
  88. >"Right behind you."
  89. >As you turned to face Twilight a purple beam connected with your chest... or shoulders?
  90. >You got shot back into the library's main room.
  91. >You hit one of the walls and along with you books tumbled down.
  92. "Ow. THAT!!... didn't hurt?"
  93. >Somehow; your new body has proven to be resilient against both kinetic and magical forces.
  94. >"Well-It doesn't matter!" You could see a glimpse of Twilight's shock at your reply.
  95. >"I don't know who you are or how you know our names. But I won't let you hurt my friends."
  96. >You made up your mind. Twilight is worst Alicorn.
  97. "Hurt your friends. What are you talking about?!?"
  98. >A simple question. Heard like a menacing echo booming her into submission.
  99. "You are the crazy one here! Shooting me with your lazors!"
  100. >"Do-don't talk like you don't know! Look at yourself. You just barged in. Menaced Spike and me. And you somehow know our names. And you tell me I am crazy?!?"
  101. >Oh yeah. How do I know them when we haven't "met".
  102. "Actually I know you becaus-"
  103. >Oh wait. I can't just tell them about them being cartoon ponies.
  104. >At least not now.
  105. >"Yes?" Twilight narrowed her eyes as her horn sparkled menacingly.
  106. "Becauuuse you are public figures."
  107. >You smile attempting to warm her up. She saw this as a stalker slash smile.
  108. >"W-w-ell It doesn't matter. Tell me why are you here?" She barked at you.
  109. "Actually..."
  110. >With all the commotions you forgot why you came here.
  111. "Well I wanted to see you-"
  112. >"So you just barged in!"
  113. "N-no no."
  114. >"So Am I lying?"
  115. "Okay listen to me" Your eyes narrowed in a hellish shape.
  116. >Twilight flinches a little. Then she regains her composure.
  117. "I am sorry. But I needed to meet someone. I am new in town and I needed guidance"
  118. >Twilight raises her eyebrow.
  119. >"Someone?"
  120. >Uh shit son. You just slipped.
  121. >"And is this someone a pony?"
  122. "Well yes. As a matter of fact..."
  123. >You spoke nervously. Where is this going?
  124. >Your discomfort hits Twilight. Making her doubt your word.
  125. >"And does this pony has a name?"
  126. >You had enough of this.
  127. "Okay this is going nowhere. All I wanted was to meet you. Since you are a princess I thought that making a good impression would be a good idea."
  128. >Twilight ponders into your words. The glow in her horn disappears.
  129. >"You have a funny definition of making a 'good impression'." She says sardonically.
  130. >You can hear the laugh track on the background.
  131. >She approaches you trying to hide her distress.
  132. >She holds a good distance between you and asks.
  133. >"So what's your name?"
  134. >She looks tense. As if your mere presence pressed her whole body.
  135. "My name is Anonymous. But you can call me Anon."
  136. >"Well Anon. You met me. What now?"
  137. >Good question. You were so overjoyed by being in Equestria that you didn't thought about what to do next.
  138. "Actually... I don't know. Give me a sec."
  139. >Some time passes. Spike slowly gets out of the cabinet and nears Twilight.
  140. >The little dragon grabs her with a strong gripe.
  141. >Spike whispers something at Twilight and she seemed to appease him.
  142. "Kay. What about this?"
  143. >You stand on all four and continue.
  144. >For some reason everything you do looks intimidating to the duo in front of you.
  145. >Twilight is used to confronting beasts but there is something special about you.
  146. >She can't pinpoint what exactly.
  147. "Can I live here?"
  148. >Both of them were shocked.
  149. >"WHAT! Twilight you can't let this pony stay here!"
  150. >Twilight didn't know what to say.
  151. "I'll promise that I won't be any trouble."
  152. >"No. You can't live here" Says the Alicorn.
  153. "And why not?"
  154. >"Because-"
  155. >Actually. Any equine or non-equine can come to Ponyville and make a residence if they want so.
  156. >Twilight was caught off guard. She makes something up.
  157. >"Because you need a paper-transfer from Canterlot."
  158. >"Twilight!"
  159. "That's ridiculous. When Cranky Doodle came to town he didn't have any 'papers' from Canterlot."
  160. >She was, again, pinned. Her face paralyzed in disbelief.
  161. >"Well that's because..."
  162. >Her highness' voice cracked as she spoke. Then her sentence died in a whimper.
  163. >She had to say something. Anything would do.
  164. >"You just can't. Po-Ponyville is uh too populated. If you are accepted the town would collapse."
  165. >She had a small relief. Too bad that you know she is lying.
  166. >That's it. Your anger has built to a critical mass.
  167. >Time to point fing-hooves.
  168. "Okay. So explain this."
  169. >You point your hoof at her with restrained anger:
  170. "You assault me. You lie to me. And to top it all you won't give me a reason?!? What happened to all that hooey of Friendship is Magic!! Are you an hypocrite. ANSWER ME!!"
  171. >You were mad. One could tell by the reddish light emitted from your eyes.
  172. >An unannounced wind blew into the library. All the candles inside the tree turned off.
  173. >These events highlighted your accusations. Adding a dramatic effect.
  174. >Both the baby dragon and the alicorn stepped back.
  175. >She was trapped once again in a corner.
  176. >She tried her hardest to not show weakness. The awe in her face was delicious.
  177. >She opened her mouth. No words came out.
  178. >You were victorious... or so you thought.
  179. >A fragile voice from behind her gave his opinion.
  180. >"W-w-wait... How do you know Cranky Doodle?"
  181. >Ffffffuuuuuuuuuuuu-
  182. >Twilight immediately gained ground.
  183. >"Hey. Spike is right? How do you know?"
  184. >Goddamit Spike.
  185. "Well you see... I..."
  186. >Fuck you Spike. Since when are you a useful character?
  187. >"It sounds to me that you know more than you let out."
  188. >Twilight extended her wings. Her horned flashed in purple aura.
  189. >Spike lets go of Twi and went back to the kitchen. Hue.
  190. >"I don't know who you are. But you know way too much about this town. About us. And you have a disturbingly good control over dark magic."
  191. >Oh fuck.
  192. >"You seem to be reasonable though. I'll give you these options."
  193. >Her hair began to wave uncontrollably. Her eyes turned white.
  194. >"One. You come with me to Canterlot. There the princesses will judge you accordingly... Or two. If you have a problem with it. I'll use the Elements of Harmony to deal with you. Choose wisely..."
  195. "Well..."
  196. >Choice one. No wait.
  197. >You are some random all powerful dark wizard. Who came out of nowhere.
  198. >You know that Celestia and Luna are reasonable... but what if they aren't in this case.
  199. >On the other han-hoof. You ARE an all powerful dark wizard. Maybe you could escape?
  200. >"I am awaiting an answer."
  201. >Gulp
  202. >You review your options quickly.
  203. >One leads you to possibly being screwed. The other GUARANTEES that you are screwed.
  204. >The lavender pony starts to levitate. Ready to strike.
  205. "FINE!!... I choose to be judged."
  206. >"Wise decision..."
  207. >Her majesty gently fell on her four hooves.
  208. >Her magic slowly fading.
  209. >She is now standing before you.
  210. >"Spike. Write a letter to Celestia. Mention that we have a situation. I'll fill the details later."
  211. >The young pupil carefully shows his face. He runs past you into the second floor.
  212. >"Also look for the girls. Tell them we'll meet at AJ's place"
  213. >As you say Twi!"
  214. >Lizard boy was gone now.
  215. >"As for you." She tries her best to sound intimidating.
  216. >"You are coming with me."
  217. >She opens the door leading to the outside, then she points her hoof to guide your movement.
  218. >"Now."
  219. >You comply with her demands.
  220. >As you step outside you see the death pasture that withered on your wake.
  221. >You feel a bit ashamed. The pony behind you processes this image. Then she continues.
  222. >"I am watching you. So don't try anything funny."
  223. >As the both of you trotted into the unknown you notice that there aren't any pones outside...
  224. >At least not in plain sight.
  225. >You can see some minimal gestures: Behind buildings, inside houses, on the edge of your vision.
  226. >Everyone is scared of you. But why?
  227. >After some time. The two of you reach your destination.
  228. "A boutique?"
  229. >Carousel Boutique. You suppose you are here to meet with Rarara but you can't say it out loud.
  230. >Slipping once more won't help. But...
  231. "Why are we here?... I thought we were going to Canterlot?"
  232. >She looks at you and she replies dully.
  233. >"We will. But first we have got some errands to do"
  234. >Must be using the royal we.
  235. >You enter the Boutique. It looks abandoned.
  236. "Rarity? Are you in here?"
  237. >The princess spoke with a worried tone.
  238. >"Twilight is that you, darling?"
  239. >A timid echo came from inside the sewing room.
  240. >"It is okay Sweetie. It's just Twilight?"
  241. >She reassured her little sister whom you DON'T know. Remember to not give extra details.
  242. >You heard steps coming into your direction.
  243. >Sounds like two pones coming this way.
  244. >"Oh Twi what has become of Ponyville?!? I just woke up this morning and suddenly there is this... sense of dread everywhere! It so oppressive, what do you think is the of..."
  245. >The melodramatic pony slowly came to a halt as she noticed you.
  246. >Her face was a mixture of disgust and dismay.
  247. >Behind her, Sweetie was paralyzed in fear. Unable to move.
  248. >The only thing she could do was to tighten her grab on her sister.
  249. >Oh spaghetti. Where are you when you're needed.
  250. >Someone has to break the ice. And looks like Twilight won't.
  251. "Um... Hi there!"
  252. >The marshmallow mare blinked. Then she answered.
  253. >"H-heeelooo..." She forced an awkward smile.
  254. >The kind of smile that screams "Please don't kill me".
  255. >"Ahem." The purple mare behind you cleared her throat.
  256. >"Rarity as you can see I need your help with him."
  257. >"HELP!! You need to purge this bea- I mean gentlecolt. Hehehe..."
  258. >"Rarity." Twilight bobs her head to the side.
  259. >"I need your camera. Where is it?"
  260. >You raise an eyebrow in curiosity.
  261. >"Yeesss. Sure. Sweetie Belle, be a darling and go for the camera?"
  262. >She looked at her filly sister with the same awkward smile.
  263. >She bumped her nose to the filly, signaling her to go.
  264. >The scared little pone left.
  265. >A camera? For what purpose? This day keeps getting more puzzling.
  266. >As you ponder upon this you feel fur in-between your le-yeah legs.
  267. >A purr comes from below you.
  268. "Hey what?"
  269. >You look for the origin of the noise. It was Opal.
  270. >"UGH! Opalescence don't touch this mo-leave this stallion alone!" Rara used her magic to pull her pet away from you as fast as she could.
  271. >Opal did not liked to be forced out of your reach.
  272. >The cat tried to scratch her owner to no avail.
  273. "It looks like your cat likes me."
  274. >"No way!! I am not going to let my Opalescence be ar..ound a ruf-I mean. Wehehehe..."
  275. >What started as an outburst died again in a supplicating smile.
  276. >It was then when you saw it. A mirror.
  277. >The reflection on it was cringe-worthy. Now you understand why everyone fears you.
  278. >Thin black engulfs your body.
  279. >Your eyes are soft red. With reptilian pupils encompassed in a golden crown.
  280. >Your horn is bended in a tasteless angle.
  281. >Your mane looks like your stereotypical edgy teen. At least it isn't a Mohawk.
  282. >And what is this? A Satanic beard? Yep.
  283. >The only way you could be more hardcore is if-
  284. >A Pentagram. As your cutie mark...
  285. >Officially you are the epitome of k00lz.
  286. >You expect the mirror to break from your grotesque body.
  287. >...
  288. >Nothing. Huh.
  289. >Your focus was snapped by the sound of an angry cat expelled from the Boutique.
  290. >"I am sorry but mama can't let you play with strangers." She said tackily.
  291. >She closed the door and left her pet outside.
  292. >Funny how there is a first time for everything.
  293. >The purple alicorn gives you a side-glance.
  294. >She proceeds to talk to her glamorous friend.
  295. >"Rarity, I have something to tell you."
  296. >"Well... *gulp* Just say it Twi." Again with that smile.
  297. >Her highness approaches the fashionista and starts to whisper in her ears.
  298. >You hope that it's just lady talk. You know you don't have such luck.
  299. >They keep going on and on. Never letting you lose from their vision.
  300. >A squeaky voice comes from deep within the shop.
  301. >"Found it!"
  302. >The young pone approaches the main room from the kitchen.
  303. >As she was about to turn the corner, she peaked to see if the evil-looking wizard was out there.
  304. >She realizes that you're still there.
  305. >"H-h-here it is."
  306. >In her fear she decides to use magic to carry the camera and successfully passes it to her sister.
  307. >"Thank you darling!"
  308. >And with that Sweetie went running back to her room... probably.
  309. >Twilight takes the camera.
  310. >"Smile!"
  311. >The flash erupts violently shortly after.
  312. >"So now that is done. Do we SERIOUSLY need to use my fabric on him?" The unicorn speaks a bit outraged.
  313. "Wow wow wow... What are you two talking about?" You ask still dazzled.
  314. >"Well, a distinguished stallion such as yours must not walk around without the proper-uh... clothing! Yes."
  315. >You look disgusting and you know it.
  316. "Okay. What if I told you I won't"
  317. >Twilight extends her wings and a soft glitter surrounds her horn.
  318. "Oh yes. But it better be something classy."
  319. >"Oh don't worry. It will encapsulate your essence."
  320. >Turns out that the "encapsulate" part was literal.
  321. "Wait what are you doing? That's not a suit. That's a blanket!"
  322. >"Well you see-your beauty is so astonishing that YOU need to protect it." You could hear her teeth grinding as she lied.
  323. >You do look THAT fugly.
  324. >The two mares proceed to mummify you with a buttload of blankets.
  325. >As much as you want say that this is your fetish. This is not what you had in mind.
  326. >Then you remember Twilight's words.
  327. >"OR I'll use the Elements of Harmony to deal with you."
  328. >Something about that sentence bothered you.
  329. *Grumble*
  330. >The mirror where you appreciated your image breaks.
  331. >The girls were startled for a bit. Then resumed their work.
  332. >"Okay. I'll take him to the Train Station. Meet me there."
  333. >"Alright Twi."
  334. >"And also..." you heard whispers...
  335. >"...make them look real.. this photo, tell him..."
  336. >No context. No way to know what they are saying.
  337. >"Okay time to go."
  338. >As you leave the Carousel you could've sworn you heard Rarity storm to her room.
  339. >After a small walk.
  340. >You and Purple Smart are now at the train station. Time to go to Canterlot.
  341. >You wish you didn't have to wear the pony equivalent of an all covering Hijab plus Niqab.
  342. >It is for the best. You tell yourself.
  343. >Even when you can barely see.
  344. >An hour passes since you arrived at the terminal. No other living creature is there.
  345. >The attendant just gave the tickets to Twilight and since then he hasn't left his position.
  346. >The azure earth pone stares you. And when you return his stare. He turns his head away from you.
  347. >After some time. The other girls arrived at the station.
  348. >They were sporting their respective elements.
  349. >Twilight wasn't taking any changes.
  350. >"So this is your new friend huh?" Southern tone. Obviously AJ.
  351. >"He doesn't look so scary." Top Cunt, as always the bravest.
  352. >"Is he shy? Why does he wear funny clothes? What's his name?" Ponka seems to be unaffected.
  353. >"..." No Yellowquite? Nah. She just doesn't speak.
  354. >"Very well everypony. We have a special situation here." Her highness began to ramble.
  355. >"As you may be aware of. There is a certain... tension in here."
  356. >Now that you mention it. This doesn't feel like your normal afternoon."
  357. >"This pony here is the source of this... tension. We need to take him to Canterlot for proper examination."
  358. >The first thought that came to mind was soap. Followed by don't drop it.
  359. >"So? Why do you need us here just for him? He isn't cool enough for me to care." You want to punch Krusty Cunt.
  360. >"Because he is a hazardous pony. A living 'anomaly' if one could say so."
  361. >A small silence.
  362. >"Canterlot's making preparations for his visit and we must guarantee that he will be there."
  363. >As she finishes her sentence the train finally arrives.
  364. >"So is everything clear?"
  365. >"YES!!" The other five spoke as one.
  366. >As you, along with the Mane 6 enter the train you hear a strange noise.
  367. >*Smorg*
  368. "What was that?"
  369. >You look for the source of the noise. You see nothing. Must be your imagination.
  370. >*Meow*
  371. >Oh. Obviously it was a cat.
  372. >The train begins its locomotion.
  373. >Headed to Canterlot. You have a date with destiny.
  374. >As the seven of you enter the train you realize that this ride is full.
  375. >There other passengers inside. Looking at you.
  376. >Time seems to go slowly inside the train.
  377. >The mares positioned themselves in a way that covers both windows and exits.
  378. >Rainbow is sitting on the middle-left side, next to Pinkie. In case you decide to defenestrate yourself.
  379. >Applejack is a sitting behind you along with Fluttershy. Probably ready to throw her lasso.
  380. >Rarity is... actually she is minding her own business. She is across Applejack.
  381. >You are on middle-right side. Next to the window.
  382. >Purple Smart is next to you. She is probably analyzing all the ways you can try to escape.
  383. >They're prepared for whatever sinister trick you could throw at them.
  384. >Nothing you can do now. Only wait... Actually.
  385. "Princess Twilight."
  386. >You catch the attention of everyone inside the wagon.
  387. "I was wondering... What exactly is gonna happen on Canterlot?"
  388. >The lavender pony gave you a stoic look.
  389. >"...Background examination."
  390. >That doesn't sound flattering.
  391. "Could you elaborate on that?"
  392. >Silence overtook the wagon. Twilight cleared her throat and continued.
  393. >"Yes. Basically, when an alien comes to Equestria they need to perform a background examination. It is part of the system."
  394. >Sounds reasonable.
  395. >"Examinations are just questions regarding your personal life. Nothing big. Now normally the Sun Court doesn't involve itself with such procedures but... well you have a particular situation."
  396. >She makes a small pause.
  397. >"There are also some charges that need to be prosecuted but that is as far as I can tell you."
  398. >The stress in the room intensifies.
  399. "I see... What a time to be alive."
  400. >You sigh as you turn to look at the window. Without much to do.
  401. >Peace returns slowly to the wagon. The small spark of interest gone.
  402. >In the midst of this calm. You muse upon your incoming trial.
  403. >Background examination...
  404. >You start to ponder what questions could they make you.
  405. >Actually, getting your story straight sounds like a plan.
  406. >You start another soliloquy
  407. Very well. Let's get the obvious out. My name is Anonymous. I am a stallion, unicorn... and that's pretty much it.
  408. Why are you here? Where do you come from? How do you know certain info?
  409. Those are going to be your main issues.
  410. Still...
  411. >You glance at the alicorn next to you. Staring at her crown.
  412. Why does that bothers you so much?
  413. >...
  414. >Then epiphany hits you.
  415. >The Elements are currently at the Sister's Old Castle. And yet; the Elements are here. How?
  416. >"...make them look real..."
  417. >Forgery. Could it be?
  418. >Now that you think about it. Twilight jumped immediately at the Elements at the library...
  419. >Right after you slipped with Cranky Doodle.
  420. >You conspicuously look around.
  421. >If they have nothing to fear. Why are they so strategically placed?
  422. >The more you think about the more it looks like it.
  423. >Your face when you got tricked by Purple Smart.
  424. >So what does this means? You reevaluate your options.
  425. >You just let Twilight scare you shitless and now you must find a way out of this.
  426. >She thinks she has you rused and just in case she made this charade.
  427. >Forcibly getting out is not an option now. She planned for that.
  428. >The best you can do now is try to play your cards to earn the most sympathy you can.
  429. >But first you must convince Twilight... knowing her she probably foresaw that.
  430. >It seems like you are locked in a battle of wits against a very smart pone.
  431. >Hopefully all these years of Internet arguments and flame wars will pay off.
  432. >First. Let's find an opening... this is gonna be hard.
  433. >Okay. Let's start by apologizing.
  434. >Half speaking and half whispering you talk to her.
  435. "Your highness..."
  436. >She peeks at you.
  437. "I am sorry for intruding in your home without permission. I apologize."
  438. >"Apologies accepted."
  439. >Well there goes that option.
  440. >"Anything else that you may want to add?"
  441. >Fuck. 4chan is not a good place to learn how to carry a conversation.
  442. "Actually..."
  443. >Unf. What do?
  444. "... I was thinking about Spike."
  445. >She immediately turn to face you fully.
  446. >"Yes? What about him?" Spooky.
  447. "Don't you think the little fella has too many chores already?"
  448. >Now she'll probably question the source of-
  449. >"On what basis do you make this assumption?"
  450. >Dammit. She's unpredictable.
  451. "Well. As far as I understand it. He is always on your back, on your friends back, doing many of your whims. I just think you need to give him some slack... at least more than what you give him now."
  452. >She gazes upon your words.
  453. >"I see. Well I suppose you could be right?" She rubs her chin as she spoke... Yeah her chin.
  454. >"But my main concern is your anomalous knowledge of me, Spike and for some reason Cranky."
  455. >She just told you her issues with you. Looks like this can be saved.
  456. "I can actually relate to that."
  457. >"You do?"
  458. "Yes. As a matter of fact I know how that feels."
  459. >Her majesty gave you a look confound with interest.
  460. >You wait for a reply but it never came. So you proceed.
  461. >Here is where watching the reaction of the people who got dox'd comes in handy.
  462. "It quite intrusive you know... like if someone who hides in the shadows spied on you. And then when he-or in my case they know about you. About your life and family. What can you do? It makes you feel..."
  463. >You gave a small pause. Adding to the drama.
  464. "Exposed."
  465. >You let the word sink.
  466. >It looks like it may have had an effect on her. She replies.
  467. >"Well. If you know exactly how I feel... then do tell... is what I am doing unfair?"
  468. >She just went for the critical hit. Time to reverse it.
  469. "Well depends... is it unfair to lie? Is deception considered cheating?"
  470. >"What are you talking about?"
  471. "Is a pony who follows orders and rules dangerous? Even when he knows about that forged crown you're wearing?"
  472. >She gets it immediately. That you know about her ruse.
  473. >She bites her lip as she thinks of a comeback.
  474. >"We base ourselves by the rules. Yes... but as a way to protect each other we must follow them. Everypony must. No exceptions."
  475. "I am not arguing with that. I'm attacking your deception. It wasn't necessary and you know it."
  476. >She digests this. And says.
  477. >"Well. At least we agree on something."
  478. >She is evading. Gotta re-rail it.
  479. "Look Twilight... I know that you mean well by protecting your friends... but you too have judged ponies wrongly in the past. Don't let the same embarrassment happen again... Just think about it..."
  480. >You return to look back into your window.
  481. >You can see Twilight's reflection. She's pulling herself back together.
  482. >Thank you 4chan. You learned how to argue because of Anons.
  483. >As you glanced over the window the lavender Alicorn had awe printed in her face.
  484. >She was about to say something when a hoof reached her.
  485. >"Are ya 'kay sugarcube?" AJ look at her worried sick.
  486. >Twilight stared at her a bit. And then responded.
  487. >"Yes. Nothing to worry about."
  488. >"It seemed like ya were fightin' with the new guy."
  489. >She just shakes her head from side to side gesturing a no.
  490. >"I-I'm fine... it's just..."
  491. >She looks at you like she underestimated someone.
  492. >"I had been conferred with a dilemma that needs contemplation."
  493. >"That ya what? In pony please."
  494. >"That I need to figure something out."
  495. >A purple aura glows from below her seat.
  496. >She got a small backpack out. Then opened it.
  497. >She got a book and just started to read it.
  498. >From the window's reflection you try to read the cover; but those symbols are unfamiliar to you.
  499. >As you use the window to observe the environment you notice the worried look in AJ.
  500. >Curiously; when she looks at you she doesn't do it with contempt.
  501. >More like turmoil. That's peculiar.
  502. >She tries to extend her hoof to you. She stops mid-way. Flinches, and forgets about it.
  503. >Flutters can't even dare to throw a glance at you.
  504. >Dash and Plenka are preoccupied making animal balloons. Probably a race to see who makes the most.
  505. >As for Rarity. It looks like she noticed it too late. She continues to read her magazine.
  506. >Everypony else ignored what just happened.
  507. >They already got used to the thin strain you irradiate.
  508. >You rethink your situation once more.
  509. >It's obvious that your best change to escape was when she went full Saiyan to intimidate you.
  510. >It took you too long to realize that the Elements were a lie.
  511. >If you try to escape now you'll only make things worse.
  512. >The six of them will hunt you down. Rather than just one.
  513. >You have nowhere to hide. And the Everfree Forest is far away.
  514. >Hell; they'll just call the Royal Army and be done with it.
  515. >Maybe both Princess will be on your tail. Who knows? Maybe even Discord.
  516. >Thru the window you can see the fierce focus of her highness.
  517. >Hopefully you weren't too harsh on Purple Smart.
  518. >This little conversation may push her into thinking of you less of a monster and more of a pone.
  519. >You hope that behaving will help you with that.
  520. >You inhale deeply. Then exhale slowly.
  521. >Let's say you gain their friendship. Then what?
  522. >Could that help in this "examination"?
  523. >If you could cross fingers you'll do it now.
  524. >As you appreciate the impressions on the glass you start to wonder how would you do it.
  525. >AJ is a bretty chill pony. As long as you don't ruin her apples or menace her relatives.
  526. >Mental note added: NEVER visit ANY Apple family farms. When their crops die you know who they'll blame.
  527. >Rarara. Actually she's an unique trial. She can't handle your image.
  528. >You actually don't blame her. Not after looking at the mirror.
  529. >Yellowquite... Yellowquite. She can't even look in your direction.
  530. >You don't know much about animals; especially animals from Equestria. A lost cause.
  531. >Ponka. Actually Ponka likes to be scared. Maybe if you think your words you can befriend her.
  532. >And finally you saw her. The blue pegasus.
  533. >Top Cunt is gonna be your main challenge. She is like an inverse Twilight.
  534. >While Twilight needed extrapolation to deal with her wall of logic.
  535. >Conch over there is straight with her emotions... too straight. Appeasing her would be the way to go.
  536. >You think your approach. You come up with two.
  537. >A) She seems to respond well to authority. Of the military kind... well that's out the window.
  538. >B) You'll need the backup of the other five to reason with her... that could work.
  539. *Sigh*
  540. >You let out a long; heavy breath.
  541. >You got a couple of hours to make a believable story for the Sun Court.
  542. >Also; to refute whatever evidence they have planted on you.
  543. >Your eyes feel heavy. You are tired.
  544. >You let out a long yawn.
  545. >To others. It heard like a predator was halting its hunt.
  546. >You don't care.
  547. >You close your eyes. The world fades in black.
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