
Momo2345's Pastebin

1,703 19,284 0 4 years ago
Name / Title Added Expires Hits Comments Syntax  
Find the town judge May 26th, 2023 Never 513 0 C++ -
Graph Connectivity May 26th, 2023 Never 492 0 C++ -
Search in BST May 25th, 2023 Never 597 0 C++ -
Omkar and Tree May 25th, 2023 Never 550 0 C++ -
BST May 23rd, 2023 Never 858 0 C++ -
Untitled May 23rd, 2023 Never 46 0 C++ -
Untitled May 23rd, 2023 Never 752 0 C++ -
Untitled Jul 4th, 2022 Never 1,419 0 C++ -
Weighted directed undirected Jan 8th, 2022 Never 810 0 C++ -
directed undirected graph Jan 6th, 2022 Never 1,156 0 C++ -
SKMP Jun 18th, 2021 Never 169 0 C++ -
SOD Jun 1st, 2021 Never 181 0 C++ -
Untitled Jun 1st, 2021 Never 131 0 None -
perfectSquare May 6th, 2021 Never 158 0 C++ -
Number of divisors May 5th, 2021 Never 148 0 C++ -
FalseOrdering May 5th, 2021 Never 134 0 None -
NumberOfDivisors May 4th, 2021 Never 132 0 None -
almost prime Nov 17th, 2020 Never 198 0 None -
largest prime Nov 17th, 2020 Never 128 0 None -
prime factors Nov 17th, 2020 Never 160 0 C++ -
sherlock Nov 4th, 2020 Never 164 0 C++ -
prime printing Nov 3rd, 2020 Never 155 0 C++ -
gold batch's problem Nov 3rd, 2020 Never 154 0 C++ -
sum of divisors Nov 2nd, 2020 Never 84 0 C++ -
sum of divisors Oct 9th, 2020 Never 174 0 C++ - Oct 3rd, 2020 Never 93 0 C++ -
3 no. Oct 3rd, 2020 Never 83 0 C++ -
1 no. Oct 3rd, 2020 Never 92 0 C++ -
three numbers Oct 2nd, 2020 Never 99 0 C++ -
war Sep 27th, 2020 Never 161 0 C++ -
petya and array Sep 25th, 2020 Never 176 0 C++ -
maintain the ratio Sep 24th, 2020 Never 165 0 C++ -
crossed ledder Sep 16th, 2020 Never 174 0 C++ -
expanding rods Sep 16th, 2020 Never 154 0 C++ -
triangle Sep 12th, 2020 Never 180 0 C++ -
square root Sep 12th, 2020 Never 172 0 C++ -
worm_2 Sep 7th, 2020 Never 90 0 C++ -
worm_map Sep 5th, 2020 Never 100 0 C++ -
two sum Aug 31st, 2020 Never 212 0 C++ -
search insert position Aug 31st, 2020 Never 160 0 C++ -
negative number Aug 31st, 2020 Never 160 0 C++ -
first and last Aug 31st, 2020 Never 171 0 C++ -
find the frequency Aug 30th, 2020 Never 104 0 C++ -
binary search 2 Aug 29th, 2020 Never 171 0 C++ -
dequeue imple Aug 28th, 2020 Never 196 0 C++ -
queue reversal Aug 28th, 2020 Never 177 0 C++ -
reverse queue Aug 28th, 2020 Never 164 0 C++ -
queue push and pop Aug 28th, 2020 Never 181 0 C++ -
reduce the array Aug 28th, 2020 Never 93 0 C++ -
monk and chanpions league Aug 28th, 2020 Never 162 0 C++ -
monk and multiplication Aug 28th, 2020 Never 170 0 C++ -
intersection of 2 arrays Aug 27th, 2020 Never 163 0 C++ -
binary search Aug 27th, 2020 Never 168 0 C++ -
reduce the array Aug 25th, 2020 Never 152 0 None -
constructing the array Aug 24th, 2020 Never 140 0 None -
remove ..... Aug 21st, 2020 Never 111 0 C++ -
special task Aug 14th, 2020 Never 131 0 C++ -
multiset Aug 13th, 2020 Never 175 0 C++ -
sets stl Aug 13th, 2020 Never 141 0 None -
STL Aug 13th, 2020 Never 180 0 C++ -
set operators Aug 13th, 2020 Never 166 0 C++ -
second order statistics Aug 11th, 2020 Never 168 0 None -
I wanna be the guy Aug 11th, 2020 Never 149 0 None -
Tom Riddle's Diary Aug 11th, 2020 Never 54 0 None -
RPDL Aug 6th, 2020 Never 149 0 C++ -
RDL Aug 6th, 2020 Never 63 0 C++ -
radio station Aug 6th, 2020 Never 158 0 C++ -
boxes packing Aug 6th, 2020 Never 175 0 C++ -
Registration system Aug 6th, 2020 Never 168 0 C++ -
Tom tim Aug 6th, 2020 Never 169 0 C++ -
good sequence Jul 30th, 2020 Never 207 0 C++ -
word with maximum Jul 29th, 2020 Never 164 0 C++ -
twice counter Jul 29th, 2020 Never 168 0 C++ -
find frequency Jul 29th, 2020 Never 152 0 C++ -
Untitled Jul 26th, 2020 Never 188 0 C++ -
distinct pairs Jul 26th, 2020 Never 90 0 C++ -
Rank list Jul 26th, 2020 Never 179 0 C++ -
Indian summer Jul 26th, 2020 Never 193 0 C++ -
string permutation 2 Jul 24th, 2020 Never 178 0 C++ -
Permutation Jul 23rd, 2020 Never 179 0 C++ -
Haiku Jul 23rd, 2020 Never 172 0 C++ -
Petya and String Jul 23rd, 2020 Never 170 0 C++ -
Digit palindrome Jul 22nd, 2020 Never 184 0 C++ -
palindrome Jul 22nd, 2020 Never 161 0 C++ -
string 1 Jul 22nd, 2020 Never 172 0 C++ -
magical indices Jul 22nd, 2020 Never 86 0 C++ -
board moves Jul 19th, 2020 Never 80 0 C++ -
two sum Jul 12th, 2020 Never 66 0 C++ -
arithmatic Jul 11th, 2020 Never 171 0 C++ -
peak index in a mountain array Jul 11th, 2020 Never 72 0 C++ -
distinct count Jul 11th, 2020 Never 71 0 C++ -
sereja and dima Jul 11th, 2020 Never 81 0 C++ -