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a guest
Dec 17th, 2017
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  1. == MCP 9.18 (data: 9.18, client: 1.8.8, server: 1.8.8) ==
  2. "scalac" is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
  3. # found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, rg, ss
  4. Looking in C:\Users\gamin\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions for mc installs... OK
  5. Copying assets... OK
  6. Parsing JSON file... OK
  7. Looking for minecraft main jar... Not found
  8. Copying minecraft main jar... OK
  9. > Checking libraries...
  10. Copying library jinput... OK
  11. Copying library lwjgl-platform... OK
  12. Copying library icu4j-core-mojang... OK
  13. Copying library twitch-external-platform... OK
  14. Copying library httpcore... OK
  15. Copying library log4j-api... OK
  16. Copying library commons-lang3... OK
  17. Copying library jna... OK
  18. Copying library libraryjavasound... OK
  19. Copying library jopt-simple... OK
  20. Copying library guava... OK
  21. Copying library oshi-core... OK
  22. Copying library httpclient... OK
  23. Copying library commons-compress... OK
  24. Copying library platform... OK
  25. Copying library codecjorbis... OK
  26. Copying library soundsystem... OK
  27. Copying library librarylwjglopenal... OK
  28. Copying library lwjgl_util... OK
  29. Copying library commons-codec... OK
  30. Copying library jutils... OK
  31. Copying library commons-logging... OK
  32. Copying library lwjgl... OK
  33. Copying library commons-io... OK
  34. Copying library realms... OK
  35. Copying library authlib... OK
  36. Copying library gson... OK
  37. Copying library netty... OK
  38. Copying library twitch... OK
  39. Copying library codecwav... OK
  40. Copying library twitch-platform... Error copying library tv.twitch:twitch-platform:6.5
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