
akary says things

Jul 5th, 2013
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  1. [1:33:11 PM] Matt: high voltage is good, but I think moi's is still my favorite
  2. [1:33:12 PM] Matt: XD
  3. [1:33:57 PM] Matt: you know, it's interesting the variety of characters the aetolian lore/world allows for
  4. [1:34:28 PM] Masterwork: what makes you say that?
  5. [1:34:49 PM] Matt: just the pinups
  6. [1:35:41 PM] Matt: like, if you consider wow, for example, I guess there's a good variety of races and lots of lore and stuff, so you could, if you were the actual RP sort of wow player, create a pretty intricate character
  7. [1:36:11 PM] Matt: but looking at the current pinups, and considering some of what we know about each of these characters, with such a small sample there is a lot of variety in them
  8. [1:36:35 PM] Matt: phen looks kinda like a maori spinoff
  9. [1:36:44 PM] Masterwork: considering he's covered in moko
  10. [1:36:46 PM] Masterwork: and posed for a haka
  11. [1:36:47 PM] Masterwork: yes
  12. [1:37:29 PM] Matt: and then there's yusri, ex-xoran idreth comprised of...nanoparticles or something when she hasn't reformed herself, and current guildmaster
  13. [1:37:45 PM] Masterwork: Ex-xoran idreth
  14. [1:37:48 PM] Masterwork: I love that as a term
  15. [1:38:14 PM] Matt: kiyo, who spent a stint of time as a woman, who is kind of viewed as a bit of a player
  16. [1:39:16 PM] Matt: moirean, who has been just about everything under the sun that Aet has to offer and is full of quirks, and probably the iconic representation of an imp in aetolia, and currently struggling to prevent herself from being replaced by her shadow
  17. [1:40:47 PM] Matt: the boys, split personality, also ex-xoran, able to interpret dna on a kind of subconscious level, who also happen to be experts in their own field (that is equivalent to programming that runs cabalists).
  18. [1:41:20 PM] Matt: (or I guess programming that brains can run, or something)
  19. [1:43:10 PM] Matt: eleanor "self-proclaimed-shadowbroker-who-looks-like-a-black-hole-and-frequently-explodes-herself-apart-and-puts-it-back-together" Junakutz-Lionheart
  20. [1:43:35 PM] Matt: ex-human idreth with a penchant for science at all costs
  21. [1:44:04 PM] Matt: i mean, that's a tiny, tiny fragment of aetolia, and already we have more character going on than most blockbuster movies.
  22. [1:44:29 PM] Masterwork: you're right about that
  23. [1:44:33 PM] Masterwork: also, some of the things you say
  24. [1:44:38 PM] Masterwork: you're excellent, you know that
  25. [1:44:42 PM] Matt: ^_^
  26. [1:44:44 PM] Matt: <3
  27. [1:44:46 PM] Matt: I try sometimes
  28. [1:44:50 PM] Matt: I'm glad you like it
  29. [1:44:54 PM] Matt: -kiss-
  30. [1:45:16 PM] Matt: she needs that as her nickname
  31. [1:45:19 PM] Matt: Matt sagenods
  32. [1:45:38 PM] Masterwork: don't think it'd fit in her title
  33. [1:47:20 PM] Matt: and shit, fini, the once vampire mad doctor (mild narcisscist) who kidnapped people for the sake of experimentation, who has since turned cabalist scientist and happens to be hellbent on making himself into something new for the sheer excitement of ending up a scientific oddity akin to our three aforementioned cabalists. And this is all just the tip of the tip of the iceberg
  34. [1:47:30 PM] Matt: 1% of what makes up anfini, if that
  35. [1:47:40 PM] Masterwork: Seriously
  36. [1:47:53 PM] Masterwork: the dynamic between him and Elea is really intriguing, I tell you what
  37. [1:48:22 PM] Matt: I miss out on a lot of the dynamic between them
  38. [1:48:23 PM] Matt: :c
  40. [1:49:28 PM] Matt: i mean, that's not saying a whol lot when they were directed with a guy whom I've been told wants to live in a world ruled by sentient explosions, but you get the point
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