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Skript ss Hazoris

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Nov 19th, 2017
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  1. # Skript Créer Par RAWsoldier
  2. # Interdiction De Le Leak/Reproduire
  3. # Vous Piouvez Modifier Les Message Tout En Bas
  4. #Version: v2.0
  5. # Merci De Votre Comprehension
  6. options:
  7. listOP: "RedRockeeterYTB" or "SkyGX23" or "AirDose" or "Thomas138Gameur" #Mettez votre pseudo et supprimez mon pseudo, Exemple et AntiForceOP
  9. command /ss <player>:
  10. permission: mod.gui
  11. trigger:
  12. wait 3 ticks
  13. open chest with 6 rows named "&4/ss &7%arg 1%" to player
  14. format slot 0 of player with skull of arg 1 named "&b%arg 1%" to be unstealable
  15. format slot 1 of player with paper named "&6Messages" to close then run [make player execute command "/pss_msg %arg 1%"]
  16. format slot 2 of player with iron sword named "&6Gameplay" to close then run [make player execute command "/pss_gmp %arg 1%"]
  17. format slot 3 of player with golden apple named "&6Triche" to close then run [make player execute command "/pss_cheat %arg 1%"]
  19. command /pss_gmp <player>:
  20. permission: mod.gui
  21. trigger:
  22. wait 3 ticks
  23. open chest with 6 rows named "&4/ss &7Gameplay" to player
  24. format slot 0 of player with skull of arg 1 named "&b%arg 1%" to be unstealable
  25. format slot 1 of player with iron sword named "&6Gameplay" to be unstealable
  26. format slot 9 of player with clownfish named "&6Alliances En Solo" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_alliances_solo %arg 1%"]
  27. format slot 10 of player with raw salmon named "&6Alliances En Equipe" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_alliances_equipe %arg 1%"]
  28. format slot 11 of player with dirt named "&6Construction Incorrecte" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_constructions %arg 1%"]
  29. format slot 12 of player with leather tunic named "&6Skin Incorrect" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_skin %arg 1%"]
  30. format slot 13 of player with flint and steel named "&6Anti-Jeux" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_antijeux %arg 1%"]
  32. command /pss_cheat <player>:
  33. permission: mod.gui
  34. trigger:
  35. wait 3 ticks
  36. open chest with 6 rows named "&4/ss &7Triche" to player
  37. format slot 0 of player with skull of arg 1 named "&b%arg 1%" to be unstealable
  38. format slot 1 of player with golden apple named "&6Triche" to be unstealable
  39. format slot 9 of player with cobweb named "&6Triche: Anti-Knockback" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_antikb %arg 1%"]
  40. format slot 10 of player with iron sword named "&6Triche: Forcefield/KillAura" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_forcefield %arg 1%"]
  41. format slot 11 of player with clock named "&6Triche: Timer/FastPlace" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_fastplace %arg 1%"]
  42. format slot 12 of player with bow named "&6Triche: Reach" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_reach %arg 1%"]
  43. format slot 13 of player with stone named "&6Triche: Autres" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_autres %arg 1%"]
  44. format slot 14 of player with iron axe named "&6Triche: Maccro/JitterClick (Temp)" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_maccro %arg 1%"]
  45. format slot 15 of player with diamond axe named "&6Triche: Maccro/JitterClick (Perm)" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_maccro1 %arg 1%"]
  46. format slot 16 of player with feather named "&6Triche: Fly/Glide" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_fly %arg 1%"]
  48. command /pss_msg <player>:
  49. permission: mod.gui
  50. trigger:
  51. wait 3 ticks
  52. open chest with 6 rows named "&4/ss &7Messages" to player
  53. format slot 0 of player with skull of arg 1 named "&b%arg 1%" to be unstealable
  54. format slot 1 of player with paper named "&6Messages" to be unstealable
  55. format slot 9 of player with wooden hoe named "&6Messages Inutile" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_msginutile %arg 1%"]
  56. format slot 10 of player with glass bottle named "&6Fausse Information" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_mytho %arg 1%"]
  57. format slot 11 of player with zombie head named "&6SMS" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_sms %arg 1%"]
  58. format slot 12 of player with pufferfish named "&6Formatage Incorrect" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_format %arg 1%"]
  59. format slot 13 of player with diamond sword named "&6Vantardise" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_vantardise %arg 1%"]
  60. format slot 14 of player with tnt named "&6Flood" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_flood %arg 1%"]
  61. format slot 15 of player with rotten flesh named "&6Mauvais Language" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_language %arg 1%"]
  62. format slot 16 of player with splash potion named "&6Provocation" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_provoc %arg 1%"]
  63. format slot 17 of player with creeper head named "&6Insulte" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_insulte %arg 1%"]
  64. format slot 18 of player with ender pearl named "&6Incitation à l'infraction" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_incitation %arg 1%"]
  65. format slot 19 of player with book named "&6Contournement protection chat" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_contourne %arg 1%"]
  66. format slot 20 of player with glass pane named "&6Lien interdit" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_lien %arg 1%"]
  67. format slot 21 of player with sign named "&6Publicité" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_pub %arg 1%"]
  68. format slot 22 of player with carrot on a stick named "&6DDOS ou Hack/Fake/Phishing" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_ddos %arg 1%"]
  69. format slot 23 of player with name tag named "&6Nom d'utilisateur incorrect" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_pseudo %arg 1%"]
  70. format slot 24 of player with skeleton head named "&6Menaces (IRL)" to close then run [make player execute command "/pban_menaces %arg 1%"]
  72. #sanctions
  74. # Triche
  76. command /pban_antikb <player>:
  77. permission: mod.gui
  78. trigger:
  79. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  80. wait 20 ticks
  81. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  82. wait 10 ticks
  83. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 30 day Triche: AntiKnockback"
  84. strike lightning at the arg 1
  85. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Triche: Anti KnockBack"
  87. command /pban_forcefield <player>:
  88. permission: mod.gui
  89. trigger:
  90. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  91. wait 20 ticks
  92. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  93. wait 10 ticks
  94. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 30 day Triche: Forcefield/KillAura"
  95. strike lightning at the arg 1
  96. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Triche: Forcefield/KillAura"
  98. command /pban_fastplace <player>:
  99. permission: mod.gui
  100. trigger:
  101. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  102. wait 20 ticks
  103. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  104. wait 10 ticks
  105. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 30 day Triche: Timer/FastPlace"
  106. strike lightning at the arg 1
  107. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Triche: Timer/FastPlace"
  109. command /pban_reach <player>:
  110. permission: mod.gui
  111. trigger:
  112. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  113. wait 20 ticks
  114. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  115. wait 10 ticks
  116. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 30 day Triche: Reach"
  117. strike lightning at the arg 1
  118. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Triche: Reach"
  120. command /pban_autres <player>:
  121. permission: mod.gui
  122. trigger:
  123. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  124. wait 20 ticks
  125. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  126. wait 10 ticks
  127. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 30 day Triche: Autres"
  128. strike lightning at the arg 1
  129. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Triche: Autres"
  131. command /pban_maccro <player>:
  132. permission: mod.gui
  133. trigger:
  134. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  135. wait 20 ticks
  136. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  137. wait 10 ticks
  138. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 30 day Triche: Maccro/JitterClick"
  139. strike lightning at the arg 1
  140. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Triche: Maccro/JitterClick"
  142. command /pban_maccro1 <player>:
  143. permission: mod.gui
  144. trigger:
  145. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  146. wait 20 ticks
  147. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  148. wait 10 ticks
  149. make console execute command "/ban %arg 1% Triche: Maccro/JitterClick"
  150. strike lightning at the arg 1
  151. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Triche: Maccro/JitterClick"
  153. command /pban_fly <player>:
  154. permission: mod.gui
  155. trigger:
  156. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  157. wait 20 ticks
  158. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  159. wait 10 ticks
  160. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 30 day Triche: Fly"
  161. strike lightning at the arg 1
  162. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Triche: Fly"
  164. # Messages
  166. command /pban_pban_msginutile <player>:
  167. permission: mod.gui
  168. trigger:
  169. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  170. wait 20 ticks
  171. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  172. wait 10 ticks
  173. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 5 minutes Messages Inutile"
  174. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Messages Inutile"
  176. command /pban_mytho <player>:
  177. permission: mod.gui
  178. trigger:
  179. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  180. wait 20 ticks
  181. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  182. wait 10 ticks
  183. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 50 minutes Fausse Information"
  184. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Triche: Fausse Information"
  186. command /pban_sms <player>:
  187. permission: mod.gui
  188. trigger:
  189. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  190. wait 20 ticks
  191. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  192. wait 10 ticks
  193. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 5 minutes SMS"
  194. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: SMS"
  196. command /pban_format <player>:
  197. permission: mod.gui
  198. trigger:
  199. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  200. wait 20 ticks
  201. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  202. wait 10 ticks
  203. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 2 hours Formatage Incorrect"
  204. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Formatage Incorrect"
  206. command /pban_vantardise <player>:
  207. permission: mod.gui
  208. trigger:
  209. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  210. wait 20 ticks
  211. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  212. wait 10 ticks
  213. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 1 hours Vantardise"
  214. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Vantardise"
  216. command /pban_flood <player>:
  217. permission: mod.gui
  218. trigger:
  219. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  220. wait 20 ticks
  221. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  222. wait 10 ticks
  223. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 25 minutes Flood/Spam"
  224. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Flood/Spam"
  226. command /pban_language <player>:
  227. permission: mod.gui
  228. trigger:
  229. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  230. wait 20 ticks
  231. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  232. wait 10 ticks
  233. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 1 hours Language Incorrect"
  234. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Language Incorrect"
  236. command /pban_provoc <player>:
  237. permission: mod.gui
  238. trigger:
  239. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  240. wait 20 ticks
  241. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  242. wait 10 ticks
  243. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 35 minutes Provocation"
  244. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Provocation"
  246. command /pban_insulte <player>:
  247. permission: mod.gui
  248. trigger:
  249. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  250. wait 20 ticks
  251. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  252. wait 10 ticks
  253. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 1 hours Insulte"
  254. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Insulte"
  256. command /pban_incitation <player>:
  257. permission: mod.gui
  258. trigger:
  259. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  260. wait 20 ticks
  261. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  262. wait 10 ticks
  263. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 2 day Incitation à L'infraction"
  264. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Incitation à L'infraction"
  266. command /pban_contourne <player>:
  267. permission: mod.gui
  268. trigger:
  269. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  270. wait 20 ticks
  271. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  272. wait 10 ticks
  273. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 89 minutes Contournement Protection Chat"
  274. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Contournement Protection Chat"
  276. command /pban_lien <player>:
  277. permission: mod.gui
  278. trigger:
  279. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  280. wait 20 ticks
  281. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  282. wait 10 ticks
  283. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 1 hours Lien Interdit"
  284. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Lien Interdit"
  286. command /pban_pub <player>:
  287. permission: mod.gui
  288. trigger:
  289. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  290. wait 20 ticks
  291. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  292. wait 10 ticks
  293. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 2 hours Pub"
  294. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Pub"
  296. command /pban_ddos <player>:
  297. permission: mod.gui
  298. trigger:
  299. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  300. wait 20 ticks
  301. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  302. wait 10 ticks
  303. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 2 month DDOS ou Hack/Fake/Phishing"
  304. strike lightning at the arg 1
  305. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: DDOS ou Hack/Fake/Phishing"
  307. command /pban_pseudo <player>:
  308. permission: mod.gui
  309. trigger:
  310. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  311. wait 20 ticks
  312. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  313. wait 10 ticks
  314. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 40 years Pseudo"
  315. strike lightning at the arg 1
  316. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Pseudo"
  318. command /pban_menaces <player>:
  319. permission: mod.gui
  320. trigger:
  321. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  322. wait 20 ticks
  323. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  324. wait 10 ticks
  325. make console execute command "/tempmute %arg 1% 2 day Menaces (IRL)"
  326. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été mute &cRaison: Menaces (IRL)"
  328. # Gameplay
  330. command /pban_alliances_equipe <player>:
  331. permission: mod.gui
  332. trigger:
  333. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  334. wait 20 ticks
  335. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  336. wait 10 ticks
  337. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 2 day Alliances Entre Equipes"
  338. strike lightning at the arg 1
  339. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Alliances Entre Equipes"
  341. command /pban_alliances_solo <player>:
  342. permission: mod.gui
  343. trigger:
  344. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  345. wait 20 ticks
  346. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  347. wait 10 ticks
  348. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 2 day Alliances En Solo"
  349. strike lightning at the arg 1
  350. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Alliances En Solo"
  352. command /pban_skin <player>:
  353. permission: mod.gui
  354. trigger:
  355. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  356. wait 20 ticks
  357. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  358. wait 10 ticks
  359. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 1 hour Skin"
  360. strike lightning at the arg 1
  361. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Skin"
  363. command /pban_antijeux <player>:
  364. permission: mod.gui
  365. trigger:
  366. send "&6[Modération] &fApplication De La Sanctions" to player
  367. wait 20 ticks
  368. send "&6[Modération] &fSanctions Appliqué" to player
  369. wait 10 ticks
  370. make console execute command "/tempban %arg 1% 5 day Anti-Jeux"
  371. strike lightning at the arg 1
  372. broadcast "&6[Staff-%player%] &c%arg 1% &7a été banni &cRaison: Anti-Jeux"
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