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circumcision - the largest medical fraud in existence

a guest
Aug 8th, 2023
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  1. Circumcision is an outright medical fraud. In fact, the most successful medical fraud in history.
  2. No other medical fraud lead to the destruction of healthy tissue in a sixth of all people.
  3. All proclaimed benefits of circumcision such as "reduced cancer risk" just-so happen to be factors that are unverifiable by the average person. If my intention was to sell a medical scam, proclaiming difficult-to-verify medical benefits is where I would begin. It is a textbook big tobacco marketing tool.
  4. The knowledge server of the world, Wikipedia, sided with the promoters. This will not be forgiven. Wikipedia is not the heroic saint of wisdom it proclaims to be. Its enormous outreach attracted the wrong people and it has become an advertising platform. Wikipedia is not "ad-free". The advertisement is in plain sight.
  5. Any intelligent extraterrestial species would think of h0m0 sapiens sapiens as outright idiotic for allowing the foreskin of its male offsprings to be cut off, and rightfully so.
  6. Circumcision is many things. "Medical" is not one of them.
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