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Feb 14th, 2017
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  1. >Bounce Lounge is back in business.
  2. >One of the customers is Hekapoo. She was a VIP for the grand re-forming.
  3. >Surprising himself, Marco wants to say hi to her.
  4. >Star is confused as to why he would ever want to see Hpoo ever again.
  5. >She is dancing, surrounded by other dudes who probably want to take her back to their place.
  6. >Marco pushes His way through the crowd of dudes.
  7. >"Nice moves Hpoo. Least ya know, for a white girl"
  8. >Heka stops mid booty shake. Only one person has ever called her that.
  9. >"H-Hey fleshwad. Didn't recognize your midget form" She was clearly happy to see him.
  10. >Marco smiled as he expected that. They exchanged pleasantries for a bit.
  11. >"I didn't know your boy was so buddy-buddy with Hekapoo" Ponyhead told Star as they watched them chat. Star just rolled her eyes.
  12. >"So yeah Nacho's is doing great, I'm sure she's anxious to see you again though. Life gets kinda dull without you around...her life I mean."
  13. >"I will see her again, I can't wait to ride through the triken flats again, with the wind in my felt...felt like..."
  14. >"Freedom?" Hpoo interjected.
  15. >"Yeah, freedom. And the thrill of the chase, there was really no feeling like what you two gave me" Marco told her.
  16. >"Likewise, flesh-err Marco" Hpoo said smiling.
  17. >She playfully slapped His head. "Just in case you lie and ditch us"
  18. >Marco grinned. "Take care hek-"
  19. >"Hey honey, maybe once your done babysitting the kid, I can show you some real dance moves" Some obviously drunk guy said as he did some pelvic thrusts.
  20. >Heky rolled her eyes. This is why she doesn't get out much. Guess she'll have to kick some more ass.
  21. >"Hey man, not cool. Apologize to the lady" Marco shouted.
  22. >"It's cool Marco, you aren't some white knight that has to defend my honor. Least not in this world...let's just...let's dance"
  23. >Marco was wound up for a fight. Being around heky is bringing out all sorts of feelings of deja vu. He even reached for where his katana would have been.
  24. >In another lifetime this "kid" would have sliced this guy into a thousand pieces before he even hit the ground.
  25. >Heky takes him by the wrist to the dance floor. Normally she would feel weird dancing with a kid, least unironically. However she still saw Marco as that young man that actually bested her. A feat no one has accomplished.
  26. >The drunk and some of his friends laughed, thinking this was some sort of joke.
  27. >"And here's a song I illegally downloaded on Earth, along with the soundtrack to My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I was very high, and seemed like a good idea at the time." The D.J announced from his booth.
  28. >This song begins to play: [Embed]
  29. > Almost on instinct, Marco twirls Hpoo towards him. She stops an inch from his face.
  30. >"Remember that night at the citadel on Orin 4, we both decided to try a little hand to hand? Let's do that but without the bloodshed"
  31. >Heky grinned as she knew this was going to be fun.
  32. >Marco let go of her, and they proceeded to do what resembled ballroom dancing if it involved kicks and swords. A crowd started to form to see them dance. Even the drunk and his buddies we're in shock, Marco even get them a smug look or two...making the king douche mad.
  33. >"Wonder what's going on over there?" Ponyhead said trying to look over the crowd.
  34. >At what point Marco grabbed Hpoo and dipped her down real low, and held the pose for a few seconds.
  35. >They were both kinda sweaty from the bright lights. Marco stood her up, a bit too quickly causing her chest to smush against his for a sec.
  36. >"Heh, sorry" Marco whispered.
  37. >"It's ok" Hpoo whispered into his ear. "Dip me again"
  38. >Before Marco could do anything the drunk guy punched the side of his head.
  39. >"I saw that look in your face kid, NO ONE mocks me!"
  40. >Marco! Heky shouted.
  41. >She whipped out her scissors, ready to cut a motherfucker.
  42. >Marco just held onto her hand.
  43. >"Remember that one time at Aurora falls?" Marco asked her.
  44. >"...oh...yes I do" she replied.
  45. >She and Marco did did a sweeping low kick, knocking that dude to the ground.
  46. >Marco grabbed hekapoos waist. He spun her around in a full circle so she could kick all the dudes friends who tried to surround them.
  47. >"Wow, even without the abs you are pretty strong" Hpoo whispered as she placed her hands against Marco's chest.
  48. >The crowd began to step back as the drunk guys began to stand up.
  49. >"Thanks, and seeing how these guys are gonna have your boot imprinted on their chests for a while I can tell you were going easy on me back in the day." Marco replied.
  50. >He dipped her down again. As he did they both punched one of the drunks in the dick, he went down hard.
  51. >"DON'T...go easy on me." Marco said with a devilish smile.
  52. >Hpoo pushed his head down towards her neck. Marco was so close to her he could practically lick neck. As she did so, alpha douche swung a broken glass bottle at Marco's head but missed.
  53. >"Request noted." Hpoo whispered into his ear. "Now...let's finish this"
  54. >Feel the same kept playing in the background as Marco and her separated like ninjas. Within a few seconds an all out brawl had erupted.
  55. >"FIGHT, FIGHT,FIGHT" The club patrons shouted.
  56. >Hpoo used her magic to keep attackers of her, even security who tried to intervene got blasted.
  57. >Alpha douche tried to attack Marco, but he was fast. Much faster then before and blocked all his attacks.
  58. >"Should have just apologized man" Marco taunted as he brought him to the ground with a solid right hook.
  59. >He fell to his knee's. Seemingly out for the count, Marco turned his attention to hpoo. He didn't see the alpha douche get back up and pull a knife out his pocket.
  60. >He swung at Marco from behind, but heky saw it coming.
  61. >She hopped over Marco and dropped kick him right over the railing.
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