
Puffle Launch (Android) LocalizedText_en

Apr 19th, 2017
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  1. TXT_PauseMenu MENU
  2. TXT_PauseMenu2 MUTE
  3. TXT_PauseMenu4 RESTART
  4. TXT_Loggedinas Logged in as
  5. TXT_Transfer Transfer
  6. TXT_Coins Coins
  7. TXT_LogOut Logout
  8. TXT_MainMenu Main Menu
  9. TXT_CoinsTransferred Coins Transferred
  10. TXT_Error Error - Coins did not transfer.
  11. TXT_TransferYourCoins Transfer coins to
  12. TXT_EndGameScreen Menu
  13. TXT_Instructions TAP TO LAUNCH
  14. TXT_Instructions4 DRAG CANNON\nTO AIM
  15. TXT_Instructions5 CHECKPOINT!
  18. TXT_Area1 BLUE SKY
  20. TXT_New NEW
  21. TXT_TimeTrial TIME TRIAL!
  22. TXT_BestTime Best time:
  23. TXT_Good1 GOOD!
  24. TXT_Good2 COOL!
  25. TXT_Good3 GREAT!
  26. TXT_Good4 AWESOME!
  27. TXT_NewRecord NEW\nBEST!
  28. TXT_Total TOTAL
  29. TXT_Play PLAY
  30. TXT_Unmute UNMUTE
  31. TXT_Resume PLAY
  32. TXT_Password Enter Password
  33. TXT_Waiting Waiting
  34. TXT_On On
  35. TXT_Off Off
  36. TXT_Of of
  37. TXT_Instructions2a TAP TO GO LEFT
  38. TXT_Instructions2b TAP TO GO RIGHT
  39. TXT_Turbo Turbo
  40. TXT_TimeTrialLocked Unlock Time Trial Mode by collecting all the Puffle O's.
  41. TXT_TimeTrialUnlocked You've unlocked Time Trial Mode!
  42. TXT_TimeTrialSilver You've achieved Silver in Time Trial Mode!
  43. TXT_TimeTrialGold You've achieved Gold in Time Trial Mode!
  44. TXT_TurboModeLocked Unlock Turbo Mode by beating all levels in a combined time of less than {0}.
  45. TXT_TurboModeUnlocked You've unlocked Turbo Mode!
  46. TXT_SlowMotionLocked Unlock Slo-Mo by completing all levels in Turbo Mode.
  47. TXT_SlowMotionUnlocked You've unlocked Slo-Mo!
  48. TXT_SlowMotionInstructions When you see this, tap it to turn Slo-Mo on or off.
  49. TXT_Ok Ok
  50. TXT_BeatTheClock Can you beat the clock?
  51. TXT_NewGoal Goal:
  52. TXT_Login Login
  53. TXT_SlowMo Slo-Mo
  54. TXT_SlowMoAllCaps SLO-MO
  55. TXT_CreateAccount Create a Penguin!
  57. TXT_TapToTransfer Tap to transfer
  58. TXT_Level Level {0}
  59. TXT_BlueSkyNoCaps Blue Sky
  60. TXT_SodaSunsetNoCaps Soda Sunset
  61. TXT_AboutCP Play
  62. TXT_Credits Credits
  63. TXT_AboutCP_pg1 Be part of the adventure!
  64. TXT_AboutCP_pg2 Adopt a pet puffle and join the action!
  65. TXT_AboutCP_pg3 Battle ninjas at Card-Jitsu.
  66. TXT_AboutCP_pg4 Protect the island as a secret agent.
  67. TXT_AboutCP_pg5 Party with your friends!
  68. TXT_AboutCP_pg5b Some features require \n a paid membership.
  69. TXT_Credits_1 Created and Produced by
  70. TXT_Credits_2 Developed by
  71. TXT_Credits_3 Published by
  72. TXT_Credits_4 Visit us at:
  73. TXT_Credits_5
  74. TXT_Credits_6
  75. TXT_Credits_7 Version {0}
  76. TXT_Credits_8 For customer support, visit:
  77. TXT_Credits_9
  78. TXT_Copyright © 2011 Disney
  79. TXT_OKAllCaps OK
  80. TXT_TOU Terms of Use
  81. TXT_Transferring You are transferring coins to {0}.
  82. TXT_ClubPenguin Club Penguin
  83. TXT_TurboAllCaps TURBO
  84. TXT_ErrorTitle Error!
  85. TXT_ChooseColor Choose Your Color
  86. TXT_CPAccount Club Penguin Account
  87. TXT_TOU_Link By continuing, you agree to the\nTERMS and PRIVACY agreements.
  88. TXT_ReTypePassword Re-type Password
  89. TXT_PenguinName Penguin Name
  90. TXT_Email Parent's Email
  91. TXT_FailToConnect You are not connected to the internet. Please check your settings and try again.
  92. TXT_ServerError There was a problem connecting to Club Penguin. Please log out of your account, log back in, and try again.
  93. TXT_MissingResultKey Missing required result key
  94. TXT_PasswordEmptyConfirm Oops - You must type your password twice for confirmation.
  95. TXT_PasswordMismatch Oops - The passwords you entered do not match. Please try again.
  96. TXT_PlayNotFound Cannot find the player in the authToken
  98. TXT_PlayerBanned This account is not accessible. Please try again later.
  99. TXT_PlayerBannedForever This account has been banned forever. Please contact Club Penguin Community Support for further assistance.
  100. TXT_InvalidToken Invalid authToken
  101. TXT_UnauthorizedAccess Failed to validate authToken
  102. TXT_AccountNotFound Oops - Penguin not found.
  103. TXT_UserNameTaken Oops - This penguin name is already taken. Please try {0}.
  104. TXT_UserNameEmpty Oops - Please name your penguin.
  105. TXT_UserNameTooShort Oops - Your penguin name has to be at least 4 letters or numbers long. Please try again. 
  106. TXT_UserNameTooLong Oops - Your penguin name has to be shorter than 12 letters or numbers. Please try again.
  107. TXT_UserNameTooManyNumbers Oops - Penguin names can only have up to 5 numbers. Please try again. 
  108. TXT_UserNameTooManySpaces Oops - Penguin names can’t have 2 spaces together. Please try again. 
  109. TXT_UserNameTooFewChars Oops - Penguin names need at least 1 letter. Please try again. 
  110. TXT_UserNameWrongFormat Oops - Penguin names can only have letters, numbers and spaces. Please try again. 
  111. TXT_UserNameBannedWord Oops - This penguin name isn’t allowed. Please try again. 
  112. TXT_UserNameNotAllowed Oops - This penguin name isn’t allowed. Please try again. 
  113. TXT_PasswordEmpty Oops - You must type your password twice for confirmation.
  114. TXT_PasswordTooShort Oops - Your password needs 6 or more letters or numbers. Please try again. 
  115. TXT_PasswordTooLong Oops - Your password needs to be between 6 and 32 letters or numbers. Please try again. 
  116. TXT_PasswordMatchesUserName Oops - Your password can’t be the same as your penguin name. Please try again.
  117. TXT_PasswordEasyToGuess Oops - Your password is too easy to guess. Please try adding numbers and symbols.
  118. TXT_EmailEmpty Oops - Please enter your parent's email address.
  119. TXT_EmailWrongFormat Oops - This email address isn’t correct. Please try again. 
  120. TXT_EmailWrongBannedDomain This domain name can’t be used right now. For more info, please contact us at 
  121. TXT_EmailTooManyAccounts Oops - There are already too many penguin accounts linked to this email. Please contact us at
  122. TXT_WrongPlayerColor There was a problem creating your penguin. Please try again.
  123. TXT_InvalidMissingParam Missing required parameter or failed to parse and validate parameter
  124. TXT_PasswordlsAfirstName Oops - Your password can’t be a first name. Please try again.
  125. TXT_ReachedDailyLimit Oops - The daily coin transfer limit is 4500.
  126. TXT_TurboModeAllCaps TURBO MODE
  127. TXT_HaveYouUnlocked Hey Daredevil. Have you unlocked all the game modes yet?
  128. TXT_EmailBadISP {0} isn’t a valid email provider. Please check the spelling and try again.
  129. TXT_LogoutConfirmation Are you sure you want to logout?
  130. TXT_Yes Yes
  131. TXT_No No
  132. TXT_CreateYourPenguin Create your Penguin!
  133. TXT_NetworkError Error - Club Penguin is currently unavailable. Please try logging in later. 
  134. TXT_UserNameTaken1 Oops - This penguin name is already taken. Try using a different name.
  135. TXT_AuthorizationFailed Oops - Penguin name or password is incorrect. Please try again.
  136. TXT_PlayerActive Oops - This penguin is already logged in somewhere else.
  137. TXT_PrivacyPolicy Privacy Policy
  138. TXT_TermsAndPrivacyTap Tap to see the TERMS and PRIVACY agreements.
  139. TXT_TermsAndPrivacyTap2lines Tap to see the\nTERMS and PRIVACY agreements.
  140. TXT_AndroidExit Are you sure you want to exit the game?
  141. TXT_AboutCP_Video PLAY VIDEO
  142. TXT_RateMyAppTitle Rate Puffle Launch
  143. TXT_RateMyAppMsg If you enjoy playing Puffle Launch, please rate it in the App store. Thanks for your support!
  144. TXT_RateMyAppRateButton Rate Puffle Launch
  145. TXT_RateMyAppNoButton No, thanks
  146. TXT_RateMyAppRemindButton Remind me later
  147. TXT_Bonus BONUS
  148. TXT_RateMyAppMsgAndroid If you enjoy playing Puffle Launch, please rate it in the Android Market. Thanks for your support!
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