
April Foods Day [FOODPONE]

Apr 16th, 2014
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  1. >you are Anonymous
  2. >and it just so happens to be April First
  3. >you've heard rumours of a group of ponies made of food will be trying to get your goose
  4. >you're ready for anything these Food Ponies can throw at you
  5. >literally, AND metaphorically
  6. >here you sit in your living room, listening to the clock's monotonous ticking
  7. >*Tick* *Tock* *Tick* *Tock*...
  8. >a sudden knock at the door rouses you from your thoughts
  9. >it must be their time to strike
  10. >wanting to get this over with, you stand up and stride to the doorway
  11. >you yank open the door, and...
  12. >...
  13. >...nothing happens
  14. >you step outside to take a look around, trying to find the one that knocked
  15. >"OI, ANONYMOUS!"
  16. >your fears come true, you turn your gaze toward the roof behind you
  17. >on it stands a mare that appears to be comprised entirely of pizza, holding a sizable bucket
  18. >"You might want some shampoo after this!"
  19. >time moves in slow motion as she tips the vessel over, pouring it's contents onto a horrified you
  20. >the only thing you can register is the grease
  21. >it conceals the outside world from you, drowning you in a sea of unhealthy shellac-coated memories of pizza found in an old toilet stall
  22. >the torrential downpour of horror stops, and you race back inside
  23. >the Pizza Pony's mocking laughter follows you, and you slam the door closed, bolting it from the inside
  24. >damn them!
  25. >they got you this time, but you can survive the rest of the day relatively unscathed
  26. >you're sure of it
  27. >...but first, a shower
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