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Mar 28th, 2017
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  1. # _ _ ____ _ _____ _
  2. # /\ | | (_) _ \ | | | __ \ | |
  3. # / \ _ __ | |_ _| |_) | ___ | |_| | | | ___| |_ ___ _____
  4. # / /\ \ | '_ \| __| | _ < / _ \| __| | | |/ _ \ | | | \ \/ / _ \
  5. # / ____ \| | | | |_| | |_) | (_) | |_| |__| | __/ | |_| |> < __/
  6. # /_/ \_\_| |_|\__|_|____/ \___/ \__|_____/ \___|_|\__,_/_/\_\___|
  8. ### AntiBotDeluxeEX Config
  9. #
  10. # NOTE: Most of these configurations here have been tried and tested to work.
  11. # It is not recommended that you change them unless you are
  12. # getting bots joining your server.
  13. #
  16. # Kickmessages are the messages if a player / bot get kicked.
  17. KickMessages:
  18. # The message if the Plugin detects parallels with the ip address and the database
  19. BlackListed:
  20. - "&7[&7AntiBot&b&lDeluxe&7]&7\xbb &cSpojeni se serverem bylo preruseno!"
  21. - ""
  22. - "&6Duvod: &cJsi na BlackListu serveru. (Pravdepodobne proxy)"
  24. # The message if the Plugin detects a Proxy/ VPN.
  25. Proxy:
  26. - "&7[&7AntiBot&b&lDeluxe&7]&7\xbb &cSpojeni se serverem bylo preruseno!"
  27. - ""
  28. - "&6Duvod: &cByla detekovana proxy!"
  30. # The message if the Server is not containing in the Serverlist of your server in his Minecraft Serverlist.
  31. NotPinged:
  32. - "&7[&7AntiBot&b&lDeluxe&7]&7\xbb &cSpojeni se serverem bylo preruseno!"
  33. - ""
  34. - "&6Duvod: &cZ bezpecnostnich duvodu musis mit nas server pridany do seznamu serveru!"
  35. - "&c "
  36. - "&cUjisti se, ze vidis MOTD serveru pred tim nez se na nej pripojis."
  38. # The message if currently to many players joining at the exact same time.
  39. TooMuchPlayers:
  40. - "&7[&7AntiBot&b&lDeluxe&7]&7\xbb &cSpojeni se serverem bylo preruseno!"
  41. - ""
  42. - "&6Duvod: &cNajednou se na server pripojilo prilis mnoho hracu!"
  44. # The message if the a Player with the exact same name is already online.
  45. AlreadyOnline:
  46. - "&7[&7AntiBot&b&lDeluxe&7]&7\xbb &cSpojeni se serverem bylo preruseno!"
  47. - ""
  48. - "&6Duvod: &cUzivatel s tvym jmenem uz na serveru je!"
  50. # The message if a player with a specific country is not allowed to play on your server.
  51. CountryBlocked:
  52. - "&7[&7AntiBot&b&lDeluxe&7]&7\xbb &cSpojeni se serverem bylo preruseno!"
  53. - ""
  54. - "&6Duvod: &cTvoje zeme je na tomto serveru zablokovana!"
  55. - "&ePokud si myslis ze je neco spatne, kontaktuj majitele (Skype: tavria41)"
  57. # The message if already too much players with the same ip are connected.
  58. TooMuchIPs:
  59. - "&7[&7AntiBot&b&lDeluxe&7]&7\xbb &cSpojeni se serverem bylo preruseno!"
  60. - ""
  61. - "&6Duvod: &cZ tvoji IP adresy uz je na serveru prilis hracu!"
  63. # The message if the server is running slow
  64. TPSOverload:
  65. - "&7[&7AntiBot&b&lDeluxe&7]&7\xbb &cSpojeni se serverem bylo preruseno!"
  66. - ""
  67. - "&6Duvod: &cServer je prilis zatizen, zkus to prosim pozdeji!"
  70. # The Messages that will be shown in the ActionBar when the Server is getting botted!
  71. AdminAlert:
  72. Blacklisted: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &cse pokusil pripojit. &e(Je na Blacklistu)"
  73. NotPinged: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &cse pokusil pripojit. &e(Nema server v seznamu)"
  74. Proxy: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &cse pokusil pripojit. &e(Proxy)"
  75. MaxIPs: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &cuz se na server pripojil %value%x se stejnou IP. &e(Multi-IP)"
  76. TooMuchPlayers: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &cse pokusil pripojit. &e(%value%/pps)"
  77. DoubleAccount: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &cconntected with a second account &6%other% &7[%otherip%]. &e(Multi-IP)"
  78. Whitelisted: "&6Hrac %player% byl automaticky pridan na WhiteList!"
  79. AlreadyOnline: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &cse pokusil pripojit, nick uz ale na serveru hraje"
  80. TPSOverload: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &ctried to connect but server tps is too overloaded! &7(TPS: &9%tps%&7)"
  81. CountryBlocked: "&6%player% &7[%ip%] &cse pokusil pripojit. &e(Zeme: %country%)"
  82. ServerIsUnderAttack1: "&4!!! SERVER JE POD UTOKEM &4!!!"
  83. ServerIsUnderAttack2: "&4!!! &c%blocked%/%time%s zablokovanych pripojeni &4!!!"
  84. ServerAttackIsOver1: "&a!!! UTOK NA SERVER SKONCIL &a!!!"
  85. ServerAttackIsOver2: "&a!!! &e%blocked% &azablokovanych pripojeni &a!!!"
  88. # This Setting is about Proxy prevention
  89. ProxySettings:
  91. # Should i check for proxies?
  92. ProxyCheck: true
  94. # Should i check for countries?
  95. CountryCheck: true
  97. # Should i allow or dissallow the countries?
  98. # Whitelist: Allow just the configurated Countries
  99. # Blacklist: Allow any country except the one indicated below
  100. CountryMethod: Blacklist
  102. #Put here your own proxy services in the following syntax:
  104. ProxySites:
  105. - "<appears>yes</appears>"
  106. - ""
  108. # Server has to be pinged (added to the serverlist)
  109. PingSettings:
  111. # Should i check for it?
  112. PingCheck: false
  114. # MultiIP Blocking
  115. MaxIPSettings:
  116. # Should i check for it?
  117. MaxIPCheck: false
  119. #How much players with exact the same ip should be allowed to play?
  120. MaxIPs: 4
  122. # How much players per second able to join
  123. MaxPlayerSettings:
  125. # Should i check for it?
  126. MaxPlayerCheck: true
  128. #How much Players per second should be allowed?
  129. PlayersPerSec: 5
  131. # Connect to IPBlacklist to detect Proxys
  132. BlackListSettings:
  133. BlacklistDownload: true
  134. BlackListCheck: true
  135. Blacklist1: true
  136. Blacklist2: true
  137. Blacklist3: true
  138. AdditionalBlacklists:
  139. # - ""
  141. # Check if a player with the same name is already online
  142. AlreadyOnlineSettings:
  144. # Should i check for it?
  145. AlreadyOnlineCheck: false
  147. # Settings if a Player connect with a second account.
  148. DoubleAccountSettings:
  150. # Should i check for it?
  151. DoubleAccountChecking: false
  153. # Blocking Players if the server is overloaded
  154. TPSSettings:
  156. # Should i check for it?
  157. TPSChecking: false
  159. # What should be the minimum of tps
  160. MinTPS: 17.0
  162. # The Messages that will be shown in the Chat!
  163. NoPermission: "&cNa toto nemas povoleni"
  164. WhitelistAdded: "&cHrac %player% pridan do WhiteListu!"
  165. WhitelistRemoved: "&cHrac %player% odebran z WhiteListu!"
  166. BlacklistAdded: "&cIP hrace %player% pridana do BlackList!"
  167. BlacklistRemoved: "&cIP hrace %player% odebrana z BlackList!"
  168. AlreadyOnWhitelist: "&cHrac %player% uz na WhiteListu je!"
  169. NotOnWhitelist: "&cHrac %player% neni na WhiteListu!"
  170. AlreadyOnBlacklist: "&cHrac %player% uz na BlackListu je!"
  171. NotOnBlacklist: "&cHrac %player% neni na BlackListu!"
  172. ForPlayersOnly: "&cTento prikaz nejde spustit z konzole!"
  173. ToggleBotMessageOn: "&cPovolil sis zasilani Bot-Messages!"
  174. ToggleBotMessageOff: "&cZakazal sis zasilani Bot-Messages!"
  175. PluginReloaded: "&cPlugin byl reloadnut!"
  176. PlayerNotOnline: "&cHrac neni online!"
  177. PlayerNotFound: "&cHrac nebyl nalezen!"
  178. StringIsNotAnIP: "&cThe IP you entered is not an real IP, if there is an Player with this ip he is now the victim."
  179. FoundPlayers: "&aBylo nalezeno &e%amount% &ahracu, ted si je projdu!"
  180. SearchHeader: "&c&oJmeno &8| &e&oAdresa &8| &7&oZeme"
  181. SearchOutput: "&c&o%Name% &8| &e&o%address% &8| &7&o%country%"
  182. FilesDeleted: "&cVsech &e%amount% &czaznamu o hracich bylo smazano!"
  184. # Which countries should be allowed to play on your server? // pokud je nastaven blacklist tak je to seznam zakazanejch zemi
  185. Countries:
  186. - Germany
  187. - Austria
  188. - Russia
  189. - Spain
  190. - Bulgaria
  191. - Norway
  192. - Sweden
  193. - France
  194. - Poland
  195. - Iceland
  196. - Netherlands
  197. - United States
  198. - Brazil
  199. - Canada
  200. - Finland
  201. - China
  202. - India
  203. - Peru
  204. - Republic of Korea
  205. - Greece
  206. - Thailand
  207. - Persia
  208. - Yemen
  209. - Azerbaijan
  210. - Palestina
  211. - United Kingdom
  212. # - Czech Republic
  213. # - Czechia
  214. # - Slovak Republic
  215. # - Slovakia
  219. General:
  220. Prefix: "&7AntiBot&bDeluxe &8\xbb &a"
  221. Log: true
  222. IsUnderAttackUpdateTime: 30
  223. IsUnderAttackAmount: 45
  224. Warmup:
  225. Warmup: true
  226. WarmupTime: 20
  227. Debug: false
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