
WarpDrive Drone

Mar 20th, 2018
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  1. local core = {}
  2. local component = require("component")
  3. local controller = component.warpdriveShipController
  4. local TG = require("Telegram")
  5. local SD = require("SaveData")
  6. core.movement = {0,0,0}
  7. core.rotation = 0
  9. function core.setToken(token)
  10. if core.token then return end
  11. core.token = token
  12. while not core.chatID do
  13. os.sleep(0.01)
  14. local messages = TG.receiveMessages(core.token)
  15. for i = 1, #messages do
  16. local message = messages[i]
  17. local text = message.text
  18. local chatID = message.chat_id
  19. if text == "/start" then
  20. core.chatID = chatID
  21. core.saveData()
  22. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Калибровка завершена. Идентификатор чата сохранен.")
  23. end
  24. end
  25. end
  26. end
  28. function core.log(msg)
  29. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,msg)
  30. end
  32. function core.setDimension(front,back,right,left,up,down)
  33. controller.dim_positive(front,right,up)
  34. controller.dim_negative(back,left,down)
  35. end
  37. function core.shipMovToWorld(mx,my,mz)
  38. local wx,wy,wz
  39. local oX,_,oZ = controller.getOrientation()
  40. if oX == 1 then
  41. wx,wy,wz = mx,my,mz
  42. elseif oX == -1 then
  43. wx,wy,wz = -mx,my,mz
  44. elseif oZ == 1 then
  45. wx,wy,wz = mz,my,-mx
  46. elseif oZ == -1 then
  47. wx,wy,wz = -mz,my,mx
  48. end
  49. return wx,wy,wz
  50. end
  52. function core.setMovement(front,up,right)
  53. controller.movement(front,up,right)
  54. local wx,wy,wz = core.shipMovToWorld(front,up,right)
  55. core.movement = {wx,wy,wz}
  56. end
  58. function core.setRotation(inDegs)
  59. local steps = math.floor(inDegs/90)
  60. if steps < 0 or steps > 3 then steps = 0 end
  61. controller.rotationSteps(steps)
  62. core.rotation = steps
  63. end
  65. function core.getPosition()
  66. local pos = {}
  67. pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], planet = controller.position()
  68. if controller.isInSpace() then pos[4] = "Space" elseif controller.isInHyperspace() then pos[4] = "Hyperspace" else pos[4] = planet end
  69. return pos
  70. end
  72. function core.warp()
  73. local pos = core.getPosition()
  74. local mov = core.movement
  75. mov = {core.shipMovToWorld(mov[1],mov[2],mov[3])}
  76. local newPos = {pos[1]+mov[1],pos[2]+mov[2],pos[3]+mov[3]}
  77. core.log("Совершаю прыжок из " .. tostring(pos[1]) .. " " .. tostring(pos[2]) .. " " .. tostring(pos[3]) .. " в " .. tostring(newPos[1]) .. " " .. tostring(newPos[2]) .. " " .. tostring(newPos[3]))
  78. controller.command("MANUAL")
  79. controller.enable(true)
  80. end
  82. function core.switchHyper()
  83. controller.command("HYPERDRIVE")
  84. controller.enable(true)
  85. end
  87. function core.saveData()
  88. local data = {token=core.token,chatID = core.chatID,movement=core.movement}
  89. SD.saveData("ShipData",data)
  90. end
  92. local data = SD.readData("ShipData")
  93. if data then
  94. core.token = data.token
  95. core.chatID = data.chatID
  96. core.movement = data.movement
  97. end
  99. local function sendMsgFrag(token,chatID,msg)
  100. local str = msg
  101. if str:len() < 4096 then
  102. TG.sendMessage(token,chatID,str)
  103. else
  104. for i = 1, math.ceil(#str/4096) do
  105. TG.sendMessage(token,chatID,str:sub(((i-1)*4096)+1,i*4096))
  106. end
  107. end
  108. end
  110. local function split(source, delimiters)
  111. local elements = {}
  112. local pattern = '([^'..delimiters..']+)'
  113. string.gsub(source, pattern, function(value) elements[#elements + 1] = value; end);
  114. return elements
  115. end
  117. function core.getJumpDistance()
  118. controller.command("MANUAL")
  119. local _,max = controller.getMaxJumpDistance()
  120. local front, right, up = controller.dim_positive()
  121. local back, left, down = controller.dim_negative()
  122. local frontL = front+back+1
  123. local rightL = right+left+1
  124. local upL = up+down+1
  125. local dist = {
  126. max = {max+frontL,max+rightL,upL+max},
  127. min = {frontL+1,rightL+1,upL+1}
  128. }
  129. return dist
  130. end
  132. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  134. local event = require("event")
  135. event.listen("shipCoreCooldownDone",function()
  136. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Ядро готово к прыжку.")
  137. end)
  139. core.setToken("") --сюда токен от botFather в Telegram
  141. while true do
  142. os.sleep(0.01)
  143. local msgs = TG.receiveMessages(core.token)
  144. for i = 1, #msgs do
  145. local msg = msgs[i]
  146. local text = msg.text
  147. local cmd = split(text," ")
  148. local chatID = msg.chat_id
  149. if core.chatID == chatID then
  151. if text:find("setMovement") then
  152. core.setMovement(tonumber(cmd[2]) or 0,tonumber(cmd[3]) or 0,tonumber(cmd[4]) or 0)
  153. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Команда принята")
  154. elseif text:find("ping") then
  155. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Понг!")
  156. elseif text:find("jump") then
  157. core.warp()
  158. elseif text:find("radarScan") then
  159. local radius = tonumber(cmd[2]) or 1000
  160. if component.isAvailable("warpdriveRadar") then
  161. radar = component.warpdriveRadar
  162. local energy, energyMax =
  163. local energyRequired = radar.getEnergyRequired(radius)
  164. local scanDuration = radar.getScanDuration(radius)
  165. if energy < energyRequired then
  166. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Низкий уровень энергии... (" .. energy .. "/" .. energyRequired .. ")")
  167. else
  168. radar.radius(radius)
  169. radar.start()
  170. os.sleep(0.5)
  172. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Сканирование в процессе... (" .. scanDuration .. " s)")
  173. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Вы можете посылать команды")
  174. event.timer(scanDuration,function()
  175. local delay = 0
  176. local count
  177. repeat
  178. count = radar.getResultsCount()
  179. os.sleep(0.1)
  180. delay = delay + 1
  181. until (count ~= nil and count ~= -1) or delay > 10
  183. if count ~= nil and count > 0 then
  184. for i=0, count-1 do
  185. success, type, name, x, y, z = radar.getResult(i)
  186. if success then
  187. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,type .. " " .. name .. " @ (" .. x .. " " .. y .. " " .. z .. ")")
  188. else
  189. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Error " .. type)
  190. end
  191. end
  192. else
  193. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Ничего не обнаружено(")
  194. end
  195. end,1)
  196. end
  197. else
  198. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Нет радара!")
  199. end
  200. elseif text:find("hyperspace") then
  201. core.switchHyper()
  202. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,"Команда принята")
  203. elseif text:find("getJumpDistance") then
  204. local dist = core.getJumpDistance()
  205. local str = "Forward movement:" .. tostring(dist.max[1]) .. "-" .. tostring(dist.min[1]) .. "\n"
  206. str = str .. "Vertical movement:" .. tostring(dist.max[2]) .. "-" .. tostring(dist.min[2]) .. "\n"
  207. str = str .. "Lateral movement:" .. tostring(dist.max[3]) .. "-" .. tostring(dist.min[3]) .. "\n"
  208. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,str)
  209. elseif text:find("getPosition") then
  210. local x,y,z,space = table.unpack(core.getPosition())
  211. TG.sendMessage(core.token,core.chatID,tostring(x) .. " " .. tostring(y) .. " " .. tostring(z) .. " Пространство: " .. tostring(space))
  212. end
  213. end
  214. end
  215. end
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