
Mods versus the Jessica bots!

Aug 12th, 2013
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  1. SomeThomas smashed another Jessica Bot's head in with his ban hammer and felt satisfied upon hearing the crack of the robots head and said aloud for all to hear "FEEL THE WRATH OF THE BAN HAMMER!". And as this happened Slothborn began to spin in a circle with his ban hammer taking down at least a dozen Jessica bots.
  2. As Somethomas heard these words he turned to face sloth with a Are you serious look? but it was already too late, he had him pinned to the ground. He was about to convert thomas into a jessica bot but then suddenly, Smooth Joined in the action and smashed jessica sloth with a quick swing of his ban hammer, knocking it into a group of approaching Jessica bots and causing them to explode.
  3. Upon seeing the explosion of the sloth bot, the Jessica bots retreated, or at least that's what Smooth and Thomas thought. The next day they received word that the Jessicas had a secret weapon, and fearing that the secret weapon might be too much for the two of them, they called in backup in the form of vargles.
  4. Vargles, Thomas, and Smooth began lookout, waiting for the Jessica bots to make a move. Soon they saw them on the horizon with a giant machine with a bubble attached to it. As the Jessica bots marched forward, the mods stood in awe at what this contraption might be. Soon the Jessicas parted to make way for the device as the mods readied their ban hammers. And suddenly, a large cloud of gas came out of the machine! AS soon as the gas dispersed the jessica bots resumed formation and started marching again. Vargles attempted to say "What has this gas done if just intimidate us?" As he said this his voice came out very slowly and he stopped mid way through the sentence. They realized it was slow motion gas!
  5. The mods struggled to stop the Jessica bots who walked by them with ease towards the wall of the castle; there they began to use the spam-a-tron 2000 to remove this wall. As Smooth and Vargles tried to fight the jessica bots who just shrugged off the blows Somethomas set to thinking at how he could counter this slow motion. He realized that if he could just get a bit of the spare adrenaline he kept in his pocket to the machine he could reverse the effects! as he ran towards the unguarded machine the jessica bots had almost made it through the wall, somethomas reached the machine right before the wall began to fall thomas injected the adrenaline into the bubble and launched the gas speeding up the actions of smooth, vargles, and himself at least 5 times their normal speed! Of course it didn't affect the Jessicas because they were bots and don't breathe. Soon all the Jessica bots were dealt with and the mods collapsed to the ground all exhausted and back to normal.
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