Guest User


a guest
Dec 17th, 2014
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  1. //crosshair
  2. bind 1 "weapon 1;cg_muzzleflash 0;cg_crosshairhitstyle 2;cg_drawgun 3"
  3. bind 2 "weapon 2;cg_muzzleflash 0;cg_crosshairhitstyle 0;cg_drawgun 0"
  4. bind 3 "weapon 3;cg_muzzleflash 0;cg_crosshairhitstyle 2;cg_drawgun 0"
  5. bind c "weapon 4;cg_muzzleflash 0;cg_crosshairhitstyle 2;cg_Drawgun 0"
  6. bind e "weapon 5;cg_muzzleflash 0;cg_crosshairhitstyle 0;cg_drawgun 0"
  7. bind v "weapon 6;cg_muzzleflash 0;cg_crosshairhitstyle 0;cg_Drawgun 3"
  8. bind q "weapon 7;cg_muzzleflash 0;cg_crosshairhitstyle 2;cg_drawgun 0"
  9. bind f "weapon 8;cg_muzzleflash 0;cg_crosshairhitstyle 2;cg_drawgun 0"
  11. //binds
  12. unbindall
  13. bind TAB "+scores"
  14. bind ENTER "+button2"
  15. bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
  16. bind SPACE "+moveup"
  17. bind , "vote yes"
  18. bind . "vote no"
  19. bind / "messagemode"
  20. bind 1 "weapon 1"
  21. bind 2 "weapon 2"
  22. bind 3 "weapon 3"
  23. bind 4 "say ^7hf"
  24. bind 5 "say hi"
  25. bind [ "seta _qlrd_announce 0; seta _qlrd_announce 1;"
  26. bind ] "vstr _qlrd_output"
  27. bind ` "toggleconsole"
  28. bind a "+moveleft"
  29. bind b "vstr weapA_norm"
  30. bind c "dropweapon;+button2;wait 5;-button2"
  31. bind d "+moveright"
  32. bind e "weapon 7"
  33. bind f "weapon 4"
  34. bind g "weapon 8"
  35. bind h "+chat"
  36. bind i "readyup"
  37. bind j "+acc"
  38. bind l "messagemode"
  39. bind o "say ^3RAGE RAGE RAGE"
  40. bind p "SAY ^3OEI OEI"
  41. bind q "weapon 6"
  42. bind r "weapon 8"
  43. bind s "+back"
  44. bind t "messagemode"
  45. bind v "+movedown"
  46. bind w "+forward"
  47. bind x "vstr weapC_norm"
  48. bind y "messagemode2"
  49. bind z "+speed"
  50. bind ~ "toggleconsole"
  51. bind CAPSLOCK "+speed"
  52. bind PAUSE "timeout"
  53. bind UPARROW "callvote map bloodrun"
  54. bind DOWNARROW "callvote map lostworld"
  55. bind LEFTARROW "callvote map campgrounds"
  56. bind RIGHTARROW "callvote map furiousheights"
  57. bind ALT "+acc"
  58. bind CTRL "+movedown"
  59. bind SHIFT "+zoom"
  60. bind INS "callvote map silence"
  61. bind DEL "callvote map aerowalk"
  62. bind PGDN "callvote map hektik"
  63. bind PGUP "vstr vup"
  64. bind END "callvote map toxicity"
  65. bind F1 "vote yes"
  66. bind F2 "vote no"
  67. bind F3 "readyup"
  68. bind F5 "vstr n_vol_down"
  69. bind F6 "vstr n_vol_up"
  70. bind F7 "r_gamma 1.0; wait 10; r_gamma 1.8"
  71. bind F8 "toggle r_fastsky"
  72. bind F11 "vid_restart"
  73. bind F12 "screenshotJPEG"
  74. bind KP_UPARROW "say :D"
  75. bind KP_PGUP "say :)"
  76. bind KP_RIGHTARROW "say :/"
  77. bind KP_ENTER "vid_restart"
  78. bind KP_PLUS "vstr mutetoggle"
  79. bind MOUSE1 "+attack"
  80. bind MOUSE3 "weapon 5"
  81. bind MWHEELDOWN "say ^7=)"
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