

Jan 13th, 2014
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  1. [17:34] * High_Tide jerks awake, clutching at his chest and blankets feebly with his hooves.
  2. [17:35] * Liven has left a few pills at Tide's side for later, as well as more tea leaves to help him relax and heal.
  3. [17:35] * CaptGreenHoof sits in a chair across the room, having dozed off.
  4. [17:37] * CaptGreenHoof has his hat drooping over his eyes and has drool dripping out of his mouth as he snores quietly.
  5. [17:38] * Liven also left a note at Tide's side, saying "My home is at c-8. Drop by if you ever want to talk."
  6. [17:38] <Phoenix_Down> [yea "talk"]
  7. [17:39] * High_Tide struggles to sit upright, cringing as he feels the pills from earlier have worn off. Looking at the table with the pills, leaves and note, he glances over at Hoof, feeling a smile tug at his face. "...Green Hoof?" Tide calls softly, feeling the roughness in his own throat with a wince.
  8. [17:42] * CaptGreenHoof stirs and wakes at his name being called, glancing around the room. "Huh-wha?"
  9. [17:45] * High_Tide manages to sit upright, blankets drooping to cover his lowerbody and leave his battered chest exposed. "...Where you watching me sleep?" Tide asks curiously. He doesn't seem to be shivering anymore.
  10. [17:46] * Liven was~
  11. [17:46] * CaptGreenHoof rubs his eyes, yawning. "Ugh... I feel like shit." He looks at Tide and chuckles. "Yeah. As fun as watching paint dry, heh. How're you feeling?"
  12. [17:50] * High_Tide looks down at himself, then over to the table. "...Less cold, I think." He kicks his legs under the blankets softly, blinking. "Though I don't know if I can stand, yet." He looks up at Hoof, smiling. "So, what's on the schedule today? More sitting around the house?"
  13. [17:51] <CaptGreenHoof> "Heh... I don't really know. I can try to help you stand up if you want. Maybe we can get you out and about before too long."
  14. [17:54] == Starfire has changed nick to Starfire_Asleep
  15. [17:54] * High_Tide glances down at his self and cringes a little. "I... don't think I'll be able to handle that just yet." He says, ears flattening. "But don't worry, I'll be out of your mane soon enough!"
  16. [17:56] <CaptGreenHoof> "Wh-what? No no, that's not what I meant! You can stay here as long as you want! Shit, I don't even think your house is equipped with heating. Hell, I like havin' you here!"
  17. [17:58] * High_Tide rubs the back of his head. "Jeeze... I haven't been to my place in so long. I almost forgot about it." He lowers his hoof, offering an apologetic smile. "Thanks, Gr- uh, Hoof. I just don'
  18. [17:58] * High_Tide coughs. "S'cuse me. I don't want to overstay my welcome." He says, eyes falling back at the table.
  19. [17:59] * CaptGreenHoof tilts his head, looking at High Tide concerned. "Are you okay? What happened to you? Sometimes your speech gets slurred."
  20. [18:03] * High_Tide blinks. "Right, sorry, I guess it was just the pills." His horn lights up and floats two of the tablets off and towards himself, taking them. "They help with the pain, though." He says after swallowing, itching at his neck under the collar.
  21. [18:03] <CaptGreenHoof> "I'm just kinda worried about you. Like... what's with the collar?"
  22. [18:04] * CaptGreenHoof resists making a comment about High Tide being into BDSM
  23. [18:07] * High_Tide shrugs. "It wasn't made to be taken off so there's no key. I'll get it off once I see a mirror, though."
  24. [18:08] * CaptGreenHoof stands up, taking a few steps closer to the couch. "Well like... how'd it get there?"
  25. [18:11] == Strong_Metal [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  26. [18:13] * High_Tide shifts where he sits, cracking his back casually. "The collar? It was supposed to be loose enough that I could breathe, but not enough so I could slip it off. Guess I got lucky with how strong it was..."
  27. [18:15] <CaptGreenHoof> "Yeah, but how did it get there? Why're you weain' it?"
  28. [18:16] * High_Tide shrugs. "Pissed off the wrong people?"
  29. [18:17] * CaptGreenHoof sighs and shakes his head. "One of these days you'll have to tell me what all happened. But I ain't gonna push."
  30. [18:21] == Liven [] has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
  31. [18:21] * High_Tide falls silent, staring at the floor idly and prodding the couch.
  32. [18:21] == Liven [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  33. [18:22] * CaptGreenHoof goes into the kitchen and comes back out with a mug of tea, walking up to the couch and offering it to High Tide. "Want some of Liven's tea?"
  34. [18:23] * High_Tide looks up, nose twitching. "Yeah... thanks. The stuff really helps." He sips it while glancing around. "Say... this place is pretty big compared to what I've seen of the colony. Is Feldspar living here?"
  35. [18:27] * CaptGreenHoof sits on his haunches next to the couch. "Nah, she just comes over sometimes. Hesitating Heart lives here, though. I tried to build this place with a little room to spare, but I pretty much keep stuff I don't want people to see in a chest by my bed, so I guess it was kinda pointless."
  36. [18:31] * High_Tide raises a brow. "Chest, hmm? Hesitating Heart? That sounds to me like you have a special somepony!"
  37. [18:33] * CaptGreenHoof blushes and looks away, smiling. "H-heh... Yeah..."
  38. [18:35] * High_Tide grins, leaning forward. "Is she here? She's a real cutie, I bet."
  39. [18:38] * CaptGreenHoof chuckles. "Heh, nah, she's at the coal refinery. She's the boss over there." [and also not on right now, hue]
  40. [18:38] <CaptGreenHoof> "And yeah... she *is* a real cutie..."
  41. [18:42] * High_Tide nudges Hoof. "Hey, good for you!" Tide sits upright to sip at the tea, sighing in relief as the pills start to kick in. "At least something good happened while I was away.."
  42. [18:44] * CaptGreenHoof smiles. "Thanks. Yeah, it hasn't been all bad. A lot of hardships too, though..." Green Hoof trails off.
  43. [18:48] * High_Tide leans back in the couch, sighing. "I bet. Sorry I couldn't swipe an airship to bring, but as you can see things took a turn for the worse for me, later on." He groans, rubbing the side of his face, feeling it's starting to grow numb. "So are you planning on sitting around all day on account of me?"
  44. [18:50] <CaptGreenHoof> "Heh, it's alright. Too cold to fly anyway. And sorta, but I'd be here anyway. It's Sunday and I still kinda have a hang over from last night..."
  45. [18:52] <High_Tide> "Everyone's pretty much shut-in then, are they?"
  46. [18:53] * CaptGreenHoof shrugs. "More or less. I'm sure there's some people at the Inn, but it's not like it was when you left. Cold's taking it's toll. And I kinda quit going to the Inn much anyway."
  47. [18:54] <CaptGreenHoof> "Only place I go besides work anymore is to the woods once a week to visit... uh..." Green Hoof stops himself, not sure if he wants to go on.
  48. [18:56] * High_Tide quirks a brow, tilting his head. "Visit?"
  49. [18:56] * CaptGreenHoof sighs and looks down, speaking quietly. "...Bob's grave..."
  50. [18:59] * High_Tide blinks, dumbstruck. The empty much slides from his hoof and falls onto the couch between his lap as he sits in silence.
  51. [19:00] * CaptGreenHoof just stares at the floor, ears folded back, not sure what to say.
  52. [19:03] * High_Tide eventually speaks up. "I'm sorry I left, Hoof. I really am."
  53. [19:05] * CaptGreenHoof holds his eyes shut tight, as if fighting back tears. "I-it's ok-kay..." he chokes out.
  54. [19:07] * High_Tide pulls himself along the ouch to get closer to Hoof before reaching out with his forelegs and pulling him into a hug. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." He says quietly, feeling himself tear up, too."
  55. [19:11] * CaptGreenHoof lets Tide pull him into a hug, weakly wrapping his own hooves around Tide, feeling tears fall from his face. He cries softly, burying his face in High Tide's mane.
  56. [19:14] * High_Tide holds Hoof close, resting his tired chin on the green stallion's shoulder while he rubs his back, doing his best to comfort Hoof. The blue stallion draws in a shuddering breath as he feels himself crying too, staring off at nothing with one watering eye.
  57. [19:15] <High_Tide> [I need to shower, I'
  58. [19:15] <High_Tide> ['ll be right back]
  59. [19:15] <CaptGreenHoof> "I h-hate this... Th-things aren't fun anymore, T-Tide... I-I killed people, and stole stuff, and m-most of my f-friends here d-died or ran off..."
  60. [19:15] <CaptGreenHoof> [kkk]
  61. [19:29] <CaptGreenHoof> [Just ping me when you get back]
  62. [19:31] * High_Tide sniffs, wiping his eye. "Y-yeah... life is hard. But things will get better, Hoof. You have to have faith."
  63. [19:32] * CaptGreenHoof lets go of High Tide, wiping tears from his face and sniffling. "Y-yeah... I know..."
  64. [19:35] * High_Tide nudges Hoof, forcing a smile as he looks at him with his bloodshot eye. "I saw airships with my own eye. You'll get your own one day, for sure." he rubs at his eye again, giving a wet, pathetic laugh. "A-and hey, that's just flying. The rest of life will come to, you'll see." He leans back into the couch, covering his face with a hoof, muttering. "...You'll see."
  65. [19:37] * CaptGreenHoof smiles weakly, nodding and nudging Tide back. "Y-yeah... I can't wait to be a pilot again..."
  66. [19:38] * High_Tide takes in a long, shuddering breath before smiling, moving his hoof away from his face. "That's the spirit."
  67. [19:39] * CaptGreenHoof looks up at Tide, blinking. "Wh-what about you?"
  68. [19:40] * High_Tide wipes at his eye, feigning surprice. "What about me?"
  69. [19:41] <CaptGreenHoof> "What are you gonna do now? G-get make into Maritime?"
  70. [19:43] * High_Tide lowers his head, staring at his hind legs. "I don't know... I guess I was always fated to be in th- on the water..." He mumbles, before looking up. "I guess that's something I need to think about."
  71. [19:43] <High_Tide> [and now I have to go]
  72. [19:43] <High_Tide> [be back in an hour or so]
  73. [19:43] <CaptGreenHoof> [ok]
  74. [19:43] == High_Tide [] has quit []
  75. [19:44] == Alerderna [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  76. [20:45] == Alerderna has changed nick to Aler|ShootingMechs
  77. [20:55] == Mellow [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  78. [20:55] == Liven [] has quit [Ping timeout: 190 seconds]
  79. [20:57] == Mellow has changed nick to Liven
  80. [20:58] == High_Tide [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  81. [21:04] <High_Tide> [nnneh]
  82. [21:04] <CaptGreenHoof> [penisssss]
  83. [21:06] <GreenSleeves> [What's going on in this thread?~]
  84. [21:07] <High_Tide> [should we pick up where we left?]
  85. [21:07] <CaptGreenHoof> [sure, if you want]
  86. [21:11] * CaptGreenHoof snaps back out of NPC.
  87. [21:11] * High_Tide groans, shifting where he sits on the couch. "Christ, I feel like an old workhorse."
  88. [21:17] <CaptGreenHoof> "Yeah, you look like you've been through some stuff out there."
  89. [21:21] * High_Tide nods. "Yeah, well, that's the life of a s- eh, pirate." He tries stretching, letting out a small groan. "..Ugh, a few more days of this and I'm going to get antsy..."
  90. [21:24] <CaptGreenHoof> "Heh, take your time, 'Pirate King'. Your body needs rest. I can try to make it less boring for you here, though. Anything you wanna do or see? I can bring someone over if you want."
  91. [21:27] * High_Tide pauses, looking down. "I... don't know where to start, really. Catching up on half a year is intimidating, y'know? I guess there's not much to do about being bored, but if you want to bring someone go for it." He frowns, rubbing the side of his head. "The... uh.. the doctors seem to like me." He frowns, shooting a glance at the table. "Eh.. anyways, talking to somepony
  92. [21:27] * High_Tide sounds good."
  93. [21:28] <CaptGreenHoof> "Uh... yeah. Liven seemed to *really* like you.... But yeah, anyone in particular you want to see?"
  94. [21:29] <CaptGreenHoof> ["It can be anyone you want! As long as they're online"]
  95. [21:29] <CaptGreenHoof> [hue]
  96. [21:30] * High_Tide sighs. "I can think of a few..." He shakes his head. "I'll... guess I'll wait until word gets out to see who comes to see me, but I honestly can't think of anypony I want to see first. Maybe somepony about getting a trim, or a friend of yours?"
  97. [21:31] <CaptGreenHoof> "Uhm... hm... well... GreenSleeves would be pretty happy to see you..."
  98. [21:33] <CaptGreenHoof> [A-and maybe you two can be friends again OOC...? ;~;]
  99. [21:34] <CaptGreenHoof> [/me pushes High Tide and GreenSleeves together and makes them kissu kissu]
  100. [21:38] <Liven> [T~T Tide-sama doesn't want to see me...]
  101. [21:38] * High_Tide rubs the back of his head, nodding slowly. "Oh, right..." He smiles. "Yeah, that'll be nice.
  102. [21:39] <GreenSleeves> [/me just wants Tide to be happy.~]
  103. [21:40] * CaptGreenHoof tilts his head. "What? Something wrong?"
  104. [21:41] * High_Tide shrugs. "Well, no, I just don't know what to say to him, or anyone really."
  105. [21:42] <High_Tide> "I mean, think about it, if I wasn't on death's door when you found me, what would I have said?"
  106. [21:43] * CaptGreenHoof thinks for a moment, then smirks at Tide. "I'm a huge faggot please rape my face?"
  107. [21:46] * High_Tide leans back in the couch. "Don't threaten me with a good time."
  108. [21:47] <Liven> [/me just wants to feel Tide's strong embrace...]
  109. [21:49] * CaptGreenHoof laughs. "Alright, well I mean, I don't want to go get anyone if it'll make you uncomfortable. But let me know, alright?"
  110. [21:49] == GoldenTouch [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  111. [21:50] <GoldenTouch> [:3]
  112. [21:50] <CaptGreenHoof> [;3]
  113. [21:50] * High_Tide shakes his head. "Sleeves is fine, but please, no more rectal thermometers unless I'm literally burning."
  114. [21:50] * High_Tide looks at his scruffy legs. "...I gotta get that trim, too. Huh."
  115. [21:51] <CaptGreenHoof> "Heh, it's a deal. I'll be right back. Want me to get Liven too? He can trim he said."
  116. [21:53] * High_Tide raises his hooves. "The trim can wait."
  117. [21:54] * CaptGreenHoof nudges Tide. "I'm sure Liven'll be looking forward to it, heh."
  118. [21:56] * High_Tide covers Hoof's face with a hoof, pushing him away slowly. "Yeah, do all the other doctors make eyes like that too?"
  119. [21:57] == Al_Dente has changed nick to emerges
  120. [21:57] == emerges has changed nick to Al_Dente
  121. [21:58] * CaptGreenHoof stands up and pulls out a jar of pruno, taking a few gulps. "Nah. Looks like he has the hots for you maybe, Cap'n."
  122. [22:00] <High_Tide> "Gee, y'think?"
  123. [22:02] * CaptGreenHoof shrugs and laughs. "You always did manage to make all the mares crazy for you. I guess a couple of stallions too."
  124. [22:04] * High_Tide stares blankly for a second. "...Huh."
  125. [22:04] <CaptGreenHoof> "...Huh?"
  126. [22:06] == Feldspar [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  127. [22:06] <High_Tide> "I guess I didn't ever think of it like that." He shakes his head
  128. [22:07] <High_Tide> "D-anyways, yeah. Seeing people. Much good. Very social. Yes."
  129. [22:07] * Feldspar knocks politely, waiting
  130. [22:09] <CaptGreenHoof> "Welp, looks like I don't have to go fetch someone, heh." Green Hoof walks to the door and opens it. "Oh, hey Feldspar."
  131. [22:09] * Feldspar giggles, hopping in "Heya! Hi Tide!"
  132. [22:10] * GoldenTouch walks up with feld
  133. [22:10] * GoldenTouch forgot :3
  134. [22:10] * CaptGreenHoof moves out the way to let them in. "O-oh, and Golden too."
  135. [22:11] * High_Tide sits upright slowly, grunting. "Hey there Feldspar!" He says with a tired smile, before looking at Golden.
  136. [22:11] * Feldspar sits down by the fire, smiling "How're you feeling?"
  137. [22:11] * GoldenTouch looks at tide, not sure how to react, a little miffed about all the work they left him, but glad he's okay, he walks inside
  138. [22:12] <High_Tide> [/me recaps for every new pony to see him that he's scruffier with longer hair and tail. Bruises under parts of matted fur. claw scars where his qt mark should be, missing his eyepatch and under the fur in his neck is an iron collar.]
  139. [22:12] <High_Tide> [*wheeze*]
  140. [22:13] == Aler|ShootingMechs has changed nick to Alerderna
  141. [22:15] * High_Tide tugs at one of the blankets on the couch closer. "Well... better!" He glances at Golden and scooches over to the edge of the couch to make room, hiding a wince.
  142. [22:16] <Liven> [/me thinks the rugged High Tide is mondo sexy, btw~
  143. [22:17] * GoldenTouch sees this tide and wonders what the fuck he went through, he sits down on the couch Jesus, what happened to you?
  144. [22:17] <CaptGreenHoof> ""
  145. [22:17] <GoldenTouch> "Jesus, what happened to you"
  146. [22:17] <Feldspar> "That's good to hear."
  147. [22:18] * High_Tide shifts where he sits. "Well... I fell in the river."
  148. [22:23] == GoldenTouch_ [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  149. [22:23] <GoldenTouch_> [i Literall Missed Everything After What I Said
  150. [22:24] * High_Tide shifts where he sits. "Well... I fell in the river."
  151. [22:26] == GoldenTouch_ [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
  152. [22:27] <High_Tide> [fuckufuckufucku]
  153. [22:27] <CaptGreenHoof> [Golden PM'd me saying he had to go to bed]
  154. [22:27] == GoldenTouch [] has quit [Ping timeout: 380 seconds]
  155. [22:30] <CaptGreenHoof> [So I guess retcon him.]
  156. [22:30] <CaptGreenHoof> "Huh. I thought Golden was here.... Let me go get GreenSleeves ."
  157. [22:30] <CaptGreenHoof> "Be right back." Green Hoof leaves.
  158. [22:31] * Feldspar sits down, shaking her head a bit "Hey, Tide! I got a mane cut!"
  159. [22:32] * High_Tide leans forward, admiring the look. "Hey, that's looking great! Who did it?"
  160. [22:33] <Feldspar> "Liven~!"
  161. [22:36] * High_Tide hums to himself, impressed. "Nice. I've been meaning to get cut too, all around really." He frowns, looking over his scruffy exterior.
  162. [22:36] <High_Tide> "I don't even know how this thing happens. Do ponies normally need to get trimmed?" He shifts to let his tail free, flicking the air.
  163. [22:37] * Feldspar giggles "Aww, but you kinda look cool all ragged."
  164. [22:37] <Feldspar> "Yeah, I think they do."
  165. [22:42] * CaptGreenHoof and Sleeves run up to the door. Hoof opens it and lets the anxious Sleevies in first.
  166. [22:42] * GreenSleeves bursts in through the door, "Rejoice, my flock, your Lord, Prophet, and Saviour is here!"
  167. [22:42] * High_Tide smirks. "Oh, the ragged look works, huh?"
  168. [22:43] * High_Tide 's ears flick and he perks up, looking over at the door, new look yadda yadda
  169. [22:43] <GreenSleeves> [/me read it, no worries]
  170. [22:43] * CaptGreenHoof smiles as he trots back and sits on his haunches next to the couch.
  171. [22:43] <Feldspar> "Sleeves!"
  172. [22:44] * GreenSleeves quickly canters over to Tide, amazed at what he's seeing. He turns his wide eyes to Hoof, "Are we sure this one isn't a changling?"
  173. [22:44] <Feldspar> "We're sure."
  174. [22:45] <CaptGreenHoof> "Eh... pretty sure, I guess."
  175. [22:45] <GreenSleeves> "Did you give it 'the test'?"
  176. [22:45] <Feldspar> "Test?"
  177. [22:45] <CaptGreenHoof> "His magic is the right color, if that means anything."
  178. [22:45] == GoldenTouch [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  179. [22:46] * GreenSleeves turns his attention back toward High Tide, looking the stallion right in the eye, "So, Luke, who's your father?"
  180. [22:47] * Feldspar snrks, slapping the floor
  181. [22:47] * High_Tide blinks, tilting his head to the side. "Anaki- I mean Alan. You're a faggot."
  182. [22:47] * High_Tide 's smirk slowly returns.
  183. [22:48] == GoldenTouch [] has left #FourCannon-GreenFarm []
  184. [22:49] * GreenSleeves ' eyes go even wider, as he moves foreward and gives the stallion a great big hug. "Holy shit, I though you were dead!"
  185. [22:49] * Feldspar smiles as she watches the pair "By the way Tide, yes. You look pretty good rugged."
  186. [22:50] * High_Tide returns the hug, mussing Sleeve's mane and chuckling. "I thought I was too, bud."
  187. [22:51] <CaptGreenHoof> "You did?"
  188. [22:52] <High_Tide> "In a manner of speaking, I guess. I didn't think I was coming back. Or anywhere really, when I was in the river."
  189. [22:52] * GreenSleeves steps back, looking at Tide with an almost admiring eye, dispite the ragged apearence of the stallion.
  190. [22:54] <CaptGreenHoof> "Oh. I thought you meant before that."
  191. [22:54] <GreenSleeves> "W-what were you doing?" Sleeves slowly smirks and turns to Hoof, "Fuckin' bitches, I bet he was!"
  192. [22:55] * CaptGreenHoof chuckles
  193. [22:57] * High_Tide shrugs. "Well, Hoof says you got my message, so, getting into trouble mostly!"
  194. [22:59] * CaptGreenHoof looks to Sleeves. "Yeah. Apparently he had that poster sent here as a message."
  195. [23:00] <Feldspar> "I never saw the poster."
  196. [23:00] <GreenSleeves> "Ah, wanted one.... pffft, Pirate King."
  197. [23:02] <Feldspar> "Well, you got busy while you were gone."
  198. [23:02] == Alerderna [] has quit []
  199. [23:02] * High_Tide raises his hoof. "The title was more a joke that got out of hand." HE coughs awkwardly. "The, uh, the charges maybenotsomuchajoke."
  200. [23:02] * High_Tide coughs.
  201. [23:03] <Feldspar> "What were the charges?"
  202. [23:04] * High_Tide pauses, rubbing at his chin as if trying to recall. "Err, well Feld..." He pauses, glancing at Sleeves and Hoof for help.
  203. [23:04] * GreenSleeves can't help but continue grinning, "Are you a wanted criminal, Tide? Have we got a Billy the Kid or something on our hands?"
  204. [23:05] <Feldspar> "You do't remember?"
  205. [23:06] <High_Tide> "Well, for one thing, Equestria doesn't take kindly to uneducated unicorns."
  206. [23:06] <Feldspar> "Huh?"
  207. [23:06] == Able_Tome has changed nick to Able_Ded
  208. [23:07] <CaptGreenHoof> "I'm guessing the charges haven't been dropped..."
  209. [23:08] <High_Tide> "Eehhh... Yes and no. I mostly blame it on a long-time rivalry with somepony..."
  210. [23:09] <GreenSleeves> "Bein' awfully vauge here, 420Tide."
  211. [23:09] <Feldspar> "What happened?"
  212. [23:10] * GreenSleeves is also totally internally serging out over Tide being here.
  213. [23:13] * High_Tide coughs, rubbing at his neck and collar. "Well- It's a long story, and it's about me and one pony from the navy." HE tries to sit upright, grunting. "The Equestrian Navy doesn't get a lot of action, so..."
  214. [23:14] * High_Tide shrugs. "I guess it was like we were encouraging each others' fantasies. Romantic adventure, and such, guess it got really, really out of hoof."
  215. [23:14] * GreenSleeves sits down on his haunches, looking up at Tide like it's storytime or something.
  216. [23:15] * Feldspar sits, listening intently
  217. [23:18] * High_Tide blinks, looking at the others in surprise, as if startled by something. He shakes his head before continuing, a smile starting to creep at his lips. "Well, one pony was a little quick to jump to conclusions seeing my kind of magic, and I guess they have a name for ponies like me."
  218. [23:21] <Feldspar> "Whar's that?"
  219. [23:21] <CaptGreenHoof> "What?"
  220. [23:22] * High_Tide glances at Feld. "A wild mage. OF course, it didn't help that I fell into the wrong crowd. At least, wrong in the sense that Equestria doesn't like pirates."
  221. [23:26] * GreenSleeves remembers stealing software.
  222. [23:27] <Feldspar> "Oh. What happened next?"
  223. [23:28] <High_Tide> "Well, it's silly, really. He got a little zealous, I guess."
  224. [23:29] * High_Tide sighs, leaning back in the couch. "I guess I did too." He sits there in silence for a moment, getting the mile-wide stare.
  225. [23:29] <Feldspar> "Who did. the navy guy?"
  226. [23:29] <Feldspar> *?
  227. [23:30] <CaptGreenHoof> "Sounds like fun."
  228. [23:32] * High_Tide nods. "He ended up going way out of line, according to the government."
  229. [23:33] <Feldspar> "Really?"
  230. [23:35] * High_Tide nods again. "Dishonourable discharge. Not that I was a saint."
  231. [23:36] <Feldspar> "Welp. Did you get in any trouble?"
  232. [23:36] * GreenSleeves smiles, "Didja give him a proper hard time?"
  233. [23:39] <High_Tide> "Plenty of trouble."
  234. [23:40] * Feldspar giggles "Nice."
  235. [23:40] * High_Tide blinks, and he smiles, returning to reality. "Yeah, we fought. I won, I think."
  236. [23:40] <CaptGreenHoof> "You... think."
  237. [23:40] <GreenSleeves> "I hope."
  238. [23:41] <Feldspar> "I'd hope!"
  239. [23:42] <CaptGreenHoof> "Is he alive?"
  240. [23:43] * High_Tide nods slowly. "He's alive, and in prison."
  241. [23:43] <Feldspar> "Wow."
  242. [23:44] <CaptGreenHoof> "Well that's good, at least."
  243. [23:45] <GreenSleeves> "How'd you end up back here?"
  244. [23:46] * Feldspar yawns, leaning on the couch
  245. [23:47] <High_Tide> "I fell in the river."
  246. [23:47] * High_Tide rubs his chin. "Just like how it all started."
  247. [23:47] <CaptGreenHoof> "It couldn't have been too far. You would've been an ice cube if you weren't real close when you fell in."
  248. [23:48] <GreenSleeves> "Yeah, but, 'fell in the river' doesn't expain much. I mean, I've fallen in the river before..."
  249. [23:49] * High_Tide shakes his head slowly. "Actually, I swam for quire a while... The spell lasted for awhile..."
  250. [23:49] <Feldspar> "A protection spell? Wow, that's pretty cool Tide."
  251. [23:52] <High_Tide> "I was just makin' heat, is all. To protect me from the cold."
  252. [23:52] * Feldspar yawns again "I gotta get going..."
  253. [23:52] <CaptGreenHoof> "Alright, Feld. Stay warm, y'hear?"
  254. [23:52] <GreenSleeves> "S-still, swimming? All this way?"
  255. [23:53] * GreenSleeves also nods to Feld.
  256. [23:54] * High_Tide nods. "Alright. You gonna be okay, Feld?" He smiles, glancing at Sleeves. "Yeah, I'm a good swimmer."
  257. [23:55] <Feldspar> "Huh? Yeah, I'll be fine. I live just up the river. I'll see y'all tomorrow, 'kay?"
  258. [23:56] * Feldspar opens the door, absconding~!
  259. [23:56] <High_Tide> "Alright, g'bye!"
  260. [23:57] <CaptGreenHoof> "Goodnight, Feldie."
  261. [23:57] * CaptGreenHoof turns back to Tide, sitting on his haunches with wide eyes, wanting to hear more.
  262. [23:58] == Feldspar [] has quit []
  263. [00:00] * High_Tide leans back on the couch, pulling his hind legs up with a cringe, before smiling. "So- I did find lots of friends along the way. Ponies that stuck with me through thick and thin. I was really lucky."
  264. [00:01] * High_Tide rubs his chin, grinning. "And not just ponies..."
  265. [00:01] <CaptGreenHoof> "Not just ponies?"
  266. [00:02] <CaptGreenHoof> "What - or who - else?"
  267. [00:02] <GreenSleeves> "Like, gryphons?"
  268. [00:03] * High_Tide nods. "And dogs. And monsters. And half-bears, half-owls that apparently belong to some wizards up the coast.
  269. [00:04] * CaptGreenHoof frowns and looks down, remembering the last Gryphon he met. He soon looks up to Tide again with a raised eyebrow. "You know, normally I'd call bullshit, but considering all the shit that happens in this world I'm not too surprised."
  270. [00:05] <GreenSleeves> "Shit, we're practically tripping over mosters and shit every time we step into the woods."
  271. [00:05] * CaptGreenHoof scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah..."
  272. [00:07] * High_Tide nods. "Yeah, I'll bet." He pauses, rubbing at his side. "Word travels pretty fast in Equestria. I wonder if you've met anypony... or anything that's heard of me."
  273. [00:07] <CaptGreenHoof> [gah I feel like a pretentious fuck with "Capt" in front of my name all the time. But I don't know how to change the registration...]
  274. [00:08] <CaptGreenHoof> "Yeah, actually... Not too long ago you came back. Or rather, a changeling that looked like you. I never got the full story, but it had something to do with a circus and stuff..."
  275. [00:08] <GreenSleeves> [I'll help you with it tomorrow]
  276. [00:08] <CaptGreenHoof> [kkk]
  277. [00:08] <GreenSleeves> "Yep, hence 'the test'."
  278. [00:09] <CaptGreenHoof> "Honestly, when I first saw you two nights ago I thought you were either a changeling or I finally lost my mind. Guess it's really you, though."
  279. [00:09] == CaptGreenHoof has changed nick to GreenHoof
  280. [00:09] <GreenHoof> [guess that'll do for now]
  281. [00:09] * High_Tide blinks. "A changeling? Huh... I've never seen one myself, but I guess that's the point?"
  282. [00:10] <GreenHoof> "Heh, yeah. Seemed alright to me. Was scared shitless of us, though. I think he found what he was looking for, though..."
  283. [00:10] <GreenSleeves> "Wait, two nights ago?"
  284. [00:10] * GreenSleeves punches Hoof on the shoulder lightly.
  285. [00:11] <GreenHoof> "S-sorry, Sleeves. I didn't even leave the house yesterday, too worried of what might happen to this big blue faggot over here." Green Hoof nudges Tide.
  286. [00:12] * High_Tide nudges back. "Hey, I've been worse, I know how to take care of myself."
  287. [00:14] <GreenHoof> "Heh, I know. Just wanted to make sure your condition was stable..... Plus it was cold as balls outside."
  288. [00:16] <GreenSleeves> "Heh, that. You're looking a little blue from the cold."
  289. [00:16] * GreenSleeves grins.
  290. [00:17] <High_Tide> "It was an adventure. Don't be green with envy."
  291. [00:17] <GreenHoof> [......................]
  292. [00:17] <GreenHoof> [you're green wif it]
  293. [00:17] * GreenHoof looks at Sleeves. "You're green with it!"
  294. [00:18] * High_Tide snrkk's.
  295. [00:18] <GreenSleeves> "/You're/ green with it!"
  296. [00:18] <Boris[Ronin]> [IF I WERE A RICH MAN]
  297. [00:20] * GreenHoof laughs
  298. [00:21] * High_Tide barks a laugh and curls up on one end of the couch, pulling up a blanket. "Well, speaking of adventure, I'm surprised nopony goes this far up the river with a boat. You think the town will get merchants when spring comes?"
  299. [00:22] <GreenHoof> "I'm hell bent on having some sort of maritime-based trade established once the river is usable."
  300. [00:22] <GreenSleeves> "Well, yout tell us, hotshot? They heard about us out there?"
  301. [00:23] * GreenHoof looks to Tide for the answer.
  302. [00:24] * High_Tide rubs the side of his head. "Not... really? I mean, you go far enough down the river and you'll find towns that know the train tracks go further up. Ponies know there's a TOWN up here, but that's about it."
  303. [00:25] * GreenHoof scratches his chin. "Huh... We'll have to change that..."
  304. [00:27] * GreenSleeves chuckes, "We could put a couple dozen messages in bottles and throw them in the river."
  305. [00:27] <GreenSleeves> "Then they'd find out for sure."
  306. [00:27] * High_Tide shrugs. "I suppose. I tried to keep my point of origin on the down-low. Trouble with navy and yeah."
  307. [00:28] <GreenHoof> "I bet it's nice out there in the real Equestria. Not like this shithole..."
  308. [00:28] == GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  309. [00:30] * High_Tide coughs, unsure of how to answer that. "Well... Hey, I guess that just means this place needs work!"
  310. [00:30] == GreenLight [] has left #FourCannon-GreenFarm []
  311. [00:30] == Liven [] has quit []
  312. [00:30] == GreenLight [] has joined #FourCannon-GreenFarm
  313. [00:31] * GreenSleeves rolls his eyes, "Work, pffft, we've been trying."
  314. [00:31] <GreenHoof> "Yeah... a lot. Doesn't help that almost every square inch of the surrounding area is lethal."
  315. [00:31] == Starfire_Asleep has changed nick to Starfire_Away
  316. [00:32] <GreenSleeves> "Not to mention the people here aren't the most... sane? Reasonable?"
  317. [00:33] <GreenHoof> "Eh, that's one thing I will say for this place, the people here are a lot more cooperative with each other than you'd think, to be fair."
  318. [00:35] * High_Tide shrugs. "Well, blame winter."
  319. [00:35] <High_Tide> "Thing'sll get better once the river thaws, and everypony can get outside more often."
  320. [00:35] <GreenHoof> "Things'll come together in the spring, hopefully."
  321. [00:35] <GreenHoof> [>dat hivemind]
  322. [00:35] <High_Tide> "Hey, how about electricity? I thought I saw a water wheel.."
  323. [00:36] <GreenSleeves> "Mechanical power, really. We've got nothing magnetic to make electricity with."
  324. [00:37] * High_Tide hums to himself, tapping his chin.
  325. [00:37] <GreenSleeves> "i've always wondered if theres a way to do it with magic, honestly."
  326. [00:37] * GreenLight trots through the cold, cold weather to check up on his good friend and that big and slightly whiney stallion that he penetrated anally. He knocks on the door, in a totally manly singsong voice "Lewd!~"
  327. [00:38] <High_Tide> "Actually, I'm glad you asked S-" He cuts short, ears flattening as he stares at the door, dumbstruck.
  328. [00:38] * GreenHoof gets up and goes to the door opening it. "Oh hello, rectal-doctor. Here for another exam?"
  329. [00:38] <GreenSleeves> [>big and slightly whiney stallion that he penetrated anally]
  330. [00:39] <GreenSleeves> [Wat?]
  331. [00:39] <GreenSleeves> [Wait nvm]
  332. [00:39] <High_Tide> [I didn't whine..."
  333. [00:39] <GreenSleeves> [/me hues externally when he remembered what happened]
  334. [00:39] <GreenLight> [No, you were a trooper when it came to your pooper!]
  335. [00:40] <High_Tide> [I'm gonna kill Light]
  336. [00:40] <GreenLight> [But I don't have any more green puns...]
  337. [00:40] * High_Tide slowly tugs the blanket tighter, staying curled up on the couch.
  338. [00:41] * GreenHoof chortles to himself as he lets Light in and closes the door behind him.
  339. [00:41] <GreenLight> "Hey! Sorry if I'm interruptin', just wanted to say hi to Hoof and check up on Tide! And Sleeves! Hi Sleeves!"
  340. [00:42] <GreenSleeves> "Light! You've met Tide already?!"
  341. [00:42] <GreenHoof> "Naw, you're not interupting."
  342. [00:42] * GreenSleeves punches Hoof's shoulder again.
  343. [00:43] <GreenLight> "Yeap! How're you feelin', Tide?"
  344. [00:43] <GreenHoof> "Sleeeeeves, shit. I'm sorry. When I found him at the river I had to get some medical attention, pronto."
  345. [00:44] * GreenSleeves hues externally.
  346. [00:45] <GreenLight> "Hmmm? What's so funny?" He scrunches his nose "I can give medical attention, ya know!"
  347. [00:46] == Boris[Ronin] has changed nick to Boris[Dead]
  348. [00:47] * High_Tide coughs, rubbing at his chest as he comes out of a blank stare. "Well- better, actually. I'm not shivering, and Liven gave me something for the pain..." he points a hoof to some pills and mint leaves by the table. Staring at the greens awkwardly, he grins and lights up his horn, not noticing the violent crackle of light from it as he floats a pill back towards himself and
  349. [00:47] * High_Tide popping it in his mouth."
  350. [00:47] <High_Tide> [back sorry]
  351. [00:47] <GreenSleeves> "Liven, huh?"
  352. [00:47] * GreenSleeves punches Hoof's shoulder once more.
  353. [00:48] <GreenHoof> "Shiiiiiiiiit."
  354. [00:48] <GreenLight> "Oh, cool!" He scratches his mane, sighing "I didn't think hypothermia called for pain meds, or was it for somethin' else?"
  355. [00:49] * GreenHoof twitches a little at the crackle from Tide's horn. "Shit... does your horn still do that magi-splosion thing?"
  356. [00:49] <GreenLight> "T-that wasn't on purpose?"
  357. [00:50] * High_Tide lets the blanket fall a little to reveal the several bruises under matted parts of his fur. "Actually, they were for these..." He frowns, looking up at the three staring stallions. "...Was what on purpose?"
  358. [00:52] <GreenHoof> "The magic outbursts. You know, like the one that deleted the docks the night you left."
  359. [00:52] <GreenSleeves> "Or that night in the inn."
  360. [00:52] <GreenLight> "...Oh man, do you remember how ya got them?? Speakin' of, I'd like ta hear your story, Ti-" He blinks before yawning, stretching his neck "Iiiide, tomorrow when I'm not sleepy. Erm... You're horn, it kinda... went all crackle."
  361. [00:53] <GreenLight> "I-I just thought it was like a flair for the dramatic."
  362. [00:53] * GreenSleeves leaves out the part where he smacked Tide's horn.~
  363. [00:55] * High_Tide frowns, rubbing his cheek. he stares at light for a second, before looking up at his head slowly. "Uh..."
  364. [00:58] <GreenLight> "erm... N-never mind! I'm prolly just overthinking things." Lights gives a warm smile "Glad ta see you not super cold and shivering!~ And good seeing two of my best friends, too! Take care guys!"
  365. [00:58] * High_Tide slowly looks down at the three. "..What are you talking ab-... Well, alright..."
  366. [00:59] * GreenHoof lays down on the floor, curling up and yawning as he closes his eyes. "I'm just gonna lay down and listen, I'll still be......" Green Hoof trails off, the sound of light snoring coming from the earf pone after a few seconds.
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