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a guest
Feb 4th, 2013
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  1. >>>>> 1. checkout master
  2. >>>>> patandre@USRYMRPATANDRE ~/workspace/openmrs-module-patientsummary
  3. >>>>> (PS-3)
  4. >>>>> $ git checkout master
  5. >>>>> Switched to branch 'master'
  6. >>>>>
  7. >>>>> patandre@USRYMRPATANDRE ~/workspace/openmrs-module-patientsummary
  8. >>>>> (master)
  9. >>>>> $ git clean -df
  10. >>>>>
  11. >>>>> patandre@USRYMRPATANDRE ~/workspace/openmrs-module-patientsummary
  12. >>>>> (master)
  13. >>>>> $ git pull --rebase upstream master
  14. >>>>> From
  15. >>>>> * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD
  16. >>>>> First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
  17. >>>>> Fast-forwarded master to 59e602477eb12d8e1cb680e5412c32125c83178e.
  18. >>>>>
  19. >>>>> patandre@USRYMRPATANDRE ~/workspace/openmrs-module-patientsummary
  20. >>>>> (master)
  21. >>>>> $ git branch
  22. >>>>> PS-3
  23. >>>>> * master
  24. >>>>>
  25. >>>>> patandre@USRYMRPATANDRE ~/workspace/openmrs-module-patientsummary
  26. >>>>> (master)
  27. >>>>> $ git push origin PS-3
  28. >>>>> Username for '':
  29. >>>>> Password for '':
  30. >>>>> Counting objects: 114, done.
  31. >>>>> Delta compression using up to 4 threads.
  32. >>>>> Compressing objects: 100% (62/62), done.
  33. >>>>> Writing objects: 100% (93/93), 13.41 KiB, done.
  34. >>>>> Total 93 (delta 29), reused 0 (delta 0)
  35. >>>>> To
  36. >>>>> 95f35e2..59e6024 PS-3 -> PS-3
  37. >>>>>
  38. >>>>> patandre@USRYMRPATANDRE ~/workspace/openmrs-module-patientsummary
  39. >>>>> (master)
  40. >>>>> $ git checkout PS-3
  41. >>>>> Switched to branch 'PS-3'
  42. >>>>>
  43. >>>>> patandre@USRYMRPATANDRE ~/workspace/openmrs-module-patientsummary
  44. >>>>> (PS-3)
  45. >>>>> $ git status
  46. >>>>> # On branch PS-3
  47. >>>>> nothing to commit (working directory clean)
  48. >>>>>
  49. >>>>> patandre@USRYMRPATANDRE ~/workspace/openmrs-module-patientsummary
  50. >>>>> (PS-3)
  51. >>>>> $ git branch -a
  52. >>>>> * PS-3
  53. >>>>> master
  54. >>>>> remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master
  55. >>>>> remotes/origin/PS-3
  56. >>>>> remotes/origin/master
  57. >>>>> remotes/upstream/master
  58. >>>>>
  59. >>>>> 2. build the module
  60. >>>>> mvn clean install
  61. >>>>> Build Success
  62. >>>>>
  63. >>>>> 3. Deploy your omod using the manage modules page
  64. >>>>> Says uploaded and started
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