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Feb 10th, 2016
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  1. Metalbaswee: Hey. I tried to contact you on Discord last night, but i'm guessing you didn't check it, and i've been trying to contact Tam this morning, because i'd like a little clarification as to why i've been banned from the server?
  2. Comrade Beric is now Online.
  3. Comrade Beric: You're right, I didn't check it. I don't look at discord without a specific reason.
  4. Comrade Beric: Were you banned from Discord, the stream chat, or the sub server?
  5. Metalbaswee: Sub server. My other channels work fine.
  6. Comrade Beric: Sub server as in the sub games or sub server as in discord? Because I don't see you on discord
  7. Metalbaswee: discord
  8. Metalbaswee: There was an argument, i left the server for a bit, i tried to join up at bahroo's and saw i couldn't join back up at tam's
  9. Comrade Beric: Found it
  10. Comrade Beric: Right, so you've been banned by Tam himself.
  11. Comrade Beric: I think.
  12. Comrade Beric: It's a little unclear.
  13. Metalbaswee: I was under the impression it was Luci.
  14. Comrade Beric: From what I can understand, Luci banned you but it didn't work for some reason. She explained the situation to Tam and he banned you.
  15. Metalbaswee: And i don't get a chance to defend myself in all this?
  16. Comrade Beric: No, not particularly. Understand, Azvaloid was driven off for being excessively clingy and shit towards Lucia. I personally witnessed a lot of his absurd behavior and he was absolutely not wanted around here anymore. From what I understand, Lucia said you and Buz have an alt-twitter account used to like stuff that Azvaloid says.
  17. Metalbaswee: Wait. Is that the reason i got banned?
  18. Comrade Beric: That's what I can find in the mod chat. It looks like most of the conversation must have happened in private messaging.
  19. Metalbaswee: Aight. Thanks/
  20. Comrade Beric: Not going to explain any of this to me, I guess?
  21. Metalbaswee: I mean, i'll explain it to you if you want
  22. Metalbaswee: But i don't think minds will be changed over this :D
  23. Comrade Beric: She said a bunch of stuff but all of it sounds like she's talking about Azvaloid, not you. The problem is that she is playing the pronoun game. She says "he" a lot after she mentioned banning you, and that you and Buz were doing stuff on twitter to/against/with/whatever Azvaloid. Then nothing but "he" so who is "he?" You? Azvaloid? Fuck if I know. That's why I'm going to talk to her about it now. I'm not overturning her ban, though. Best I can do is sort it out and maybe convince her to change her mind, but I'm not overriding her. Alright?
  24. Metalbaswee: Oh yeah absolutely. I'd just like for a chance to make my point, that's all.
  25. Comrade Beric: Don't come at it with that attitude. Coming in ready for an argument to defend yourself isn't going to help anything. If you think it's a mistake, that's fine. If you think you're "right" it's best not to bother.
  26. Metalbaswee: Just wanna have both sides of the story told.
  27. Comrade Beric: Again, that's argument talk.
  28. Metalbaswee: I just wanna have it clear for what exact reason i was banned. Was it because of an argument i had in the server, or something personal between me and luci? If Tam wants to uphold the ban, i'm okay with that, because that's ultimately his choice, i'd just like a little clarification.
  29. Comrade Beric: If it was something personal between her and you, I imagine the ban would have happened a long time ago. It's obvious that the argument was a catalyst. How? No idea. I wasn't there for the argument, so I'll have to find out. Suffice it to say, even if it ends up being somehow personal, it almost certainly isn't *entirely* personal.
  30. Metalbaswee: Yeah, because what she brought up she's known about for quite some time now. She was mad about it and we didn't talk for quite a while.
  31. Metalbaswee: Thanks for the effort Beric. I appreciate it.
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