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Apr 26th, 2018
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  1. -- nightmarePariah [NP] began pestering naughtyPandora [NP] at 01:31 --
  2. NP1: SⓍ, yⓍu must be this Kate I've heard sⓍ much abⓍut
  3. NP2: And that would make you Kris, my darling?
  4. NP1: Eyup
  5. NP1: AlsⓍ, "my darling"?
  6. NP1: Really?
  7. NP2: What's wrong with that, dear?
  8. NP1: Hehe, yⓍu sⓍund like an Ⓧld lady, Gran Gran
  9. NP1: Rather than the pervy Ⓧld lady turned teenager I was expecting
  10. NP2: Well I never!
  11. NP2: You sound less like the horror show that MY Gran Gran was, and more like a silly little girl that likes to pretend she is!
  12. NP1: YⓍu want tⓍ start sⓍmething, bitch?
  13. NP2: What a mouth you have!
  14. NP1: All the better tⓍ say "bite me" with, yⓍu cunt!
  15. NP2: Say that to my face and I'll find something to put in that dirty mouth of yours!
  16. NP1: GⓍ suck cⓍcks in hell
  17. NP2: Only if you join me, my dear
  18. NP2: >;3
  19. NP1: ...
  20. NP2: ...
  21. NP1: YⓍu're my kind Ⓧf lady, Kate
  22. NP1: Hehehehehe
  23. NP2: Oh I'm so glad you think so, darling!
  24. NP2: You're not that bad yourself, if you catch my drift~
  25. NP1: Ⓧh great, casual incest
  26. NP1: GⓍⓍd dirty Ⓧld lady
  27. NP1: Best Gran Gran
  28. NP2: Ohohohohoho!
  29. NP1: SⓍ, hⓍw are things with yⓍu and yⓍurs?
  30. NP2: Could be better: my Grandpa's dead, and everyone else's Guardian is too.
  31. NP1: I knⓍw that feel, brⓍsis
  32. NP2: And speaking of the others, I believe that your best friend Dani is gearing up to talk to my best friend Drew.
  33. NP1: Yeah, I talked tⓍ Drew earlier tⓍⓍ
  34. NP1: Was even all geared up tⓍ hate the bitch fⓍr hⓍw neglectful she was with Dani in my versiⓍn Ⓧf the universe
  35. NP1: But
  36. NP1: I just cⓍuldn't hate her
  37. NP2: The poor dear HAS been through a lot.
  38. NP2: Honestly, if you were too cruel with her, we may have to have words, my darling.
  39. NP1: I was kind Ⓧf hard Ⓧn her at first
  40. NP1: But that stⓍpped pretty quick
  41. NP1: Much as I wanted tⓍ vent Ⓧn her fⓍr wⓍrrying abⓍut Dani eating dⓍg fⓍⓍd and being left alⓍne fⓍr days at a time
  42. NP2: Oh my
  43. NP1: Dani's sis always seemed neglectful tⓍ me
  44. NP1: But I guess if she's like Drew, she just has a hard time expressing emⓍtiⓍns
  45. NP1: AlsⓍ I dⓍn't think they were very well Ⓧff, financially
  46. NP2: That's quite the contrast from Drew and her Mom
  47. NP1: SⓍ yⓍu're saying Dani was successful in yⓍur 'verse?
  48. NP2: Yes, I am!
  49. NP1: Heh, I knew that derpy little puppy has a lⓍt Ⓧf pⓍtential
  50. NP2: She IS rather aderpable, isn't she?
  51. NP2: I worry about Drew sometimes too
  52. NP2: But I could tell from what she told me that her Mom cared a great deal for her
  53. NP1: Yeah, she tⓍld me that she wⓍrried abⓍut her MⓍm nⓍt knⓍwing hⓍw much she cared abⓍut her back
  54. NP2: This is something of a sad topic, let's change it, shall we?
  55. NP1: Can dⓍ
  56. NP1: SⓍ, what's yⓍur title and shit?
  57. NP2: You mean in SBURB?
  58. NP2: Well, I'm the Witch of Heart!
  59. NP2: Which I hope means that I'm simply ~enchanting~
  60. NP2: Ohohohoho!
  61. NP1: Haha, nice
  62. NP1: And that seems pretty fitting
  63. NP1: Mine is... I'd say Ⓧnly half as fitting
  64. NP1: Hunter Ⓧf Time
  65. NP2: The Hunter part was not a surprise, my dear.
  66. NP1: Yeah, but yⓍu'd think I'd get sⓍmething like "Hunter Ⓧf DⓍⓍm" Ⓧr "Grimdark" Ⓧr "Help help these tentacles are mⓍlesting me!"
  67. NP1: >:3
  68. NP2: Ohohoho!
  69. NP2: True!
  70. NP1: But nⓍpe, instead I'm the Pimp Ⓧf Time
  71. NP1: Time is my bitch and it Ⓧwes me mⓍney
  72. NP2: Might I make service of this time?
  73. NP2: As long as it's being prostituted like this and all.
  74. NP2: >;3
  75. NP1: Hehehehe, sure but it'll cⓍst yⓍu fifty bucks an hⓍur
  76. NP1: Which, cⓍnsidering it's Time yⓍu're fucking, cⓍuld be anywhere frⓍm a minute tⓍ five mⓍnths
  77. NP1: >:3
  78. NP2: It shall be money well spent, I'm certain~
  79. NP1: Ⓧh yeah, befⓍre I fⓍrget
  80. NP1: YⓍu dⓍn't have a fucking bastard Ⓧf a cat that rapes everything that will hⓍld still lⓍng enⓍugh, dⓍ yⓍu?
  81. NP1: Big Ⓧld mangy thing with an ear missing frⓍm trying tⓍ sex up Ⓧn an alligatⓍr and shit?
  82. NP2: Surely you don't mean Streaky?
  83. NP1: I knⓍw the cat's gⓍddamn name I just want tⓍ make sure it dⓍesn't act like the terrⓍr that's currently mⓍunted Ⓧn the first flⓍⓍr Ⓧf my fucking hⓍuse
  84. NP2: Well, my Streaky is just a precious little thing that likes to get his exercise!
  85. NP2: I'm certain your Gran Gran's cat wasn't nearly as bad as you're making him out to be.
  86. NP1: Hrm.
  87. NP1: I'll have tⓍ get a secⓍnd ⓍpiniⓍn Ⓧn this then
  88. NP1: Ah well
  89. NP1: It ain't impⓍrtant
  90. NP1: Talk tⓍ ya later, Kate
  91. NP1: May yⓍu sⓍmeday be swimming in cⓍcks and pussies
  92. NP2: Many roosters and kittens to you too, Kris~
  93. NP2: And also demons to do unspeakable things to them all
  94. NP2: >;3
  95. NP1: >:3
  96. NP1: Hehehehehehehehe, yⓍu knⓍw me sⓍ well~
  97. -- nightmarePariah [NP] ceased pestering naughtyPandora [NP] at 02:08 --
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