
latest.log for Vanilla Parts crash

Jan 15th, 2021
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  1. [15:10:03] [main/INFO]: Loading for game Minecraft 1.16.4
  2. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-10/WARN]: The mod "controlling" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  3. - Unsupported root entry "side" at line 6 column 9
  4. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-8/WARN]: The mod "autoconfig1u" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  5. - Unsupported root entry "$schema" at line 2 column 14
  6. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-12/WARN]: The mod "autoconfig1u" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  7. - Unsupported root entry "$schema" at line 2 column 14
  8. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9/WARN]: The mod "smooth-chunks" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  9. - Unsupported root entry "modmenu:clientsideOnly" at line 18 column 27
  10. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5/WARN]: The mod "autoconfig1u" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  11. - Unsupported root entry "$schema" at line 2 column 14
  12. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5/WARN]: The mod "cotton" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  13. - Unsupported root entry "licence" at line 11 column 12
  14. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-14/WARN]: The mod "autoconfig1u" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  15. - Unsupported root entry "$schema" at line 2 column 14
  16. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5/WARN]: The mod "cotton-player-events" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  17. - Unsupported root entry "licence" at line 7 column 12
  18. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-9/WARN]: The mod "cotton-datapack" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  19. - Unsupported root entry "licence" at line 7 column 12
  20. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-6/WARN]: The mod "cotton-config" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  21. - Unsupported root entry "licence" at line 7 column 12
  22. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-14/WARN]: The mod "cotton-cauldron" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  23. - Unsupported root entry "licence" at line 7 column 12
  24. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-2/WARN]: The mod "cotton-commons" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  25. - Unsupported root entry "licence" at line 7 column 12
  26. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-5/WARN]: The mod "cotton-logging" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  27. - Unsupported root entry "licence" at line 7 column 12
  28. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-4/WARN]: The mod "autoconfig1u" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  29. - Unsupported root entry "$schema" at line 2 column 14
  30. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-14/WARN]: The mod "autoconfig1u" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  31. - Unsupported root entry "$schema" at line 2 column 14
  32. [15:10:04] [ForkJoinPool-1-worker-11/WARN]: The mod "autoconfig1u" contains invalid entries in its mod json:
  33. - Unsupported root entry "$schema" at line 2 column 14
  34. [15:10:05] [main/WARN]: Warnings were found!
  35. - Mod 'Beenfo' (beenfo) recommends version 1.1.7 or later of mod modupdater, which is missing!
  36. - You must install version 1.1.7 or later of modupdater.
  37. - Mod 'Crafting Pad' (craftingpad) recommends version 1.1.7 or later of mod modupdater, which is missing!
  38. - You must install version 1.1.7 or later of modupdater.
  39. - Mod 'ClickThrough' (clickthrough) recommends version 1.1.7 or later of mod modupdater, which is missing!
  40. - You must install version 1.1.7 or later of modupdater.
  41. - Mod 'EasierVillagerTrading' (easiervillagertrading) recommends version 1.1.7 or later of mod modupdater, which is missing!
  42. - You must install version 1.1.7 or later of modupdater.
  43. - Conflicting versions found for fabric-events-interaction-v0: used 0.4.1+6a2618f53a, also found 0.4.1+f8ac1db295
  44. - Conflicting versions found for fabric-key-binding-api-v1: used 1.0.1+730711c63a, also found 1.0.1+f404f3be02
  45. - Mod 'Block Meter' (blockmeter) recommends version 1.1.7 or later of mod modupdater, which is missing!
  46. - You must install version 1.1.7 or later of modupdater.
  47. - Mod 'Inventory Control Tweaks' (inventory_control_tweaks) recommends version 1.14.10+build.15 or later of mod 'Mod Menu' (modmenu), but a non-matching version is present: 1.14.9+build.13!
  48. - You must install version 1.14.10+build.15 or later of 'Mod Menu' (modmenu).
  49. - Mod 'Mod Menu' (modmenu) v1.14.9+build.13 is being loaded from the user's mod directory.
  50. - Mod 'Netherite Horse Armor' (netheritehorsearmor) recommends version 1.0.0 or later of mod enderitemod, which is missing!
  51. - You must install version 1.0.0 or later of enderitemod.
  52. [15:10:05] [main/WARN]: Mod `{}` ({}) uses 'requires' key in fabric.mod.json, which is not supported - use 'depends'
  53. [15:10:05] [main/INFO]: [FabricLoader] Loading 169 mods: fermion@2.9.218, fabric-keybindings-v0@0.2.0+6a2618f53a, notenoughcrashes@2.1.4+1.16.1, fishonaleash@1.16.3-1.0.0, stackablepotions@1.0.0, fermion-orientation@1.2.218, fabricloader@0.10.8, quickcraft@1.2.4, enchantment_lore@1.0-PRERELEASE+MC1.16.4, crowdin-translate@1.2, enchantablehorsearmor@1.0a, beenfo@1.16.4-fabric0.25.1-1.2, missingbits@v1.16.3 Fabric b1, colorunchained@1.1.1-1.16.4, fabric-dimensions-v1@2.0.1+9a6c75813a, cotton-client-commands@0.4.2+1.14.3-SNAPSHOT, fabric-game-rule-api-v1@1.0.5+cbe9176f3a, craftingpad@1.16.4-fabric0.25.1-1.0.5, fabric-api-base@0.2.0+ab87788d3a, clickthrough@1.16.4-fabric0.25.1-0.3, special-circumstances@1.8.218, controlling@1.1.2, reauth@3.9.3, cotton-cauldron@1.1.0, namepain@1.3.1, canvas@1.0.1267, fiber@0.23.0-2, tweakeroo@0.10.0-dev.20201110.132827, fabrication@1.2.11, right-click-clear@2.0.2, randompatches@2.1.8-fabric, minitweaks@1.0.9, litematica@0.0.0-dev.20201103.184101, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib@1.4.0, iamverysmart@2.1.0+mc1.16.1, easiervillagertrading@1.16.4-fabric0.25.1-1.5.3, json-model-extensions@1.19.172, fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1@1.1.4+6a2618f53a, morebookshelves@0.0.1, plated@2.0.1, villagerhats@fabric-1.16.4-1.0.1, mo_glass@1.5-MC1.16.4, minihud@0.19.0-dev.20201103.184029, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk7@1.4.0, carpet-extra@1.4.16, fabric@0.29.1+1.16, morecraftingtables@0.1.3-1.16.3, auto_third_person@1.0.0, fabric-networking-v0@0.3.1+2a4333d33a, cotton-config@1.0.0-rc.7, libmultipart@0.4.3, cleancut@mc1.16-2.1-fabric, fabric-screen-handler-api-v1@1.1.0+6a2618f53a, modmenu@1.14.9+build.13, eggtab@1.3.2+1.16-fabric, ice_boat_nerf@1.0.3+MC1.16.2-1.16.4, editsign@2.2.0, fabric-tool-attribute-api-v1@1.2.5+6a2618f53a, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-stdlib-jdk8@1.4.0, frex@4.5.201, bebooks@1.1.4, fabric-events-interaction-v0@0.4.1+6a2618f53a, fabric-crash-report-info-v1@0.1.2+b7f9825d3a, loadcatcher@2.0.0, fabric-language-kotlin@1.4.0+build.1, nbtcrafting@2.0.3+mc1.16.4, cakechomps@1.2.0-1.16.3, fabric-key-binding-api-v1@1.0.1+730711c63a, cloth-config2@4.8.3, advancednbttooltip@1.3.0+build.1-1.16.4, org_jetbrains_kotlinx_kotlinx-coroutines-jdk8@1.3.9, fabric-resource-loader-v0@0.4.0+552549d53a, seamless_loading_screen@1.1.0, malilib@0.10.0-dev.21+arne.1, org_jetbrains_kotlin_kotlin-reflect@1.4.0, clear-skies@1.5.48, cardinal-components-entity@2.7.5, afktape@1.1.1, fabric-commands-v0@0.2.1+cbe9176f3a, fabric-registry-sync-v0@0.7.3+be155ae23a, cardinal-components-base@2.7.5, tillitbreaks@0.1, blockmeter@1.16.3-fabric0.20.2-1.5.3, fabric-mining-levels-v0@0.1.2+6a2618f53a, fabric-networking-api-v1@1.0.0+4358fbc63a, minimalmenu@1.16.4-0.0.5, cotton-player-events@1.0.2, sheepconsistency@1.0.2, libmultipart_deps_container@0.4.3, fabric-models-v0@0.2.0+cbe9176f3a, fabric-item-groups-v0@0.2.2+cbe9176f3a, org_jetbrains_annotations@20.0.0, fabric-renderer-api-v1@0.4.0+cbe9176f3a, gbfabrictools@1.3.1+1.16.4, carvedmelons@1.2.2, pistorder@1.1.0, cotton@1.1.0, automated_crafting@1.3.18+MC1.16.2-1.16.4, fabric-structure-api-v1@1.1.3+cbe9176f3a, mcg@1.2.1, fabric-containers-v0@0.1.9+a03e98793a, fabric-object-builder-api-v1@1.9.2+6a2618f53a, inventory_control_tweaks@1.2.3+MC1.16.2-1.16.4, dzwdz-quickswap@0.1.6+1.16.3, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1@0.1.4+6a2618f53a, netheritehorsearmor@0.4.3-1.16.3, fabric-textures-v0@1.0.5+6a2618f53a, com_electronwill_night-config_core@3.6.3, discontinuous_beacon_beams@1.0.1+MC1.16.2-1.16.4, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1@0.1.12+6a2618f53a, hotbarswitcher@1.0.4, allstackable@1.3.0, cotton-logging@1.0.0-rc.4, fabric-lifecycle-events-v1@1.2.0+ffb68a873a, fabric-renderer-registries-v1@2.2.0+6a2618f53a, bettereating@0.2.0, quickshulker@1.1.10-1.16, fabric-loot-tables-v1@1.0.1+6a2618f53a, dynamicfps@1.2.1, carpet@1.4.17, fabric-particles-v1@0.2.3+cbe9176f3a, recipeconditions@0.4.0, autoconfigtoml@1.0.0-fabric, libblockattributes_core@0.8.4, vanilla_parts@1.1.4+1.16.3, libnetworkstack@0.4.3, minecraft@1.16.4, okzoomer@4.0.1+1.16.2, fabric-networking-blockentity-v0@0.2.7+a03e98793a, boringbackgrounds@3.0.2+1.16.3, jankson@3.0.1+j1.2.0, cloth-basic-math@0.5.1, bag_of_feathers@1.0.0, fabric-command-api-v1@1.0.9+6a2618f53a, frex-events@1.3.13, cotton-commons@1.0.4, fabric-renderer-indigo@0.4.3+6a2618f53a, ding@1.0.1, com_electronwill_night-config_toml@3.6.3, dark-loading-screen@1.6.0, cotton-datapack@1.0.7, fabric-item-api-v1@1.2.0+6a2618f53a, numericping@1.0.2-fabric1.16.3, kyrptconfig@1.1.4-1.16, libgui@3.2.1+1.16.3, notenoughanimations@1.0.3, fabric-entity-events-v1@1.0.1+36111fa03a, fabric-rendering-v0@1.1.1+6a2618f53a, fabric-rendering-v1@1.5.0+c26373133a, carpet-addons@1.0.4, autoconfig1u@3.3.1, carpet-tis-addition@1.7.0, fabric-content-registries-v0@0.2.0+e77439c73a, fabric-tag-extensions-v0@1.1.0+e77439c73a, blue_endless_jankson@1.2.0, fabric-biome-api-v1@3.1.0+2e23b97c3a, fastfurnace@2.3, appleskin@1.0.11, telepistons@1.0.1, zoob@2.5.0, carrier@1.6.1, smooth-chunks@1.0.0, visualoverhaul@1.0.0, fabric-events-lifecycle-v0@0.2.0+6a2618f53a, libstructure@1.3, fabric-object-builders-v0@0.7.1+6a2618f53a, mixintrace@1.0.0, camp_fires_cook_mobs@1.1.5+MC1.16.2-1.16.4, fermion-varia@2.6.218
  54. [15:10:05] [main/WARN]: Mod `enchantablehorsearmor` (1.0a) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  55. [15:10:05] [main/WARN]: Mod `missingbits` (v1.16.3 Fabric b1) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  56. [15:10:05] [main/WARN]: Mod `villagerhats` (fabric-1.16.4-1.0.1) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  57. [15:10:05] [main/WARN]: Mod `cleancut` (mc1.16-2.1-fabric) does not respect SemVer - comparison support is limited.
  58. [15:10:06] [main/INFO]: SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.2 Source=file:/C:/Users/super/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/libraries/net/fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.8.2+build.24/sponge-mixin-0.8.2+build.24.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT
  59. [15:10:06] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Reloading configs...
  60. [15:10:06] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of features.ini done in 15.10 ms with 0 warnings
  61. [15:10:07] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net/minecraft/class_1708$class_1711 is public in nbtcrafting.mixins.json:brewing.MixinBrewingSlotPotion and should be specified in value
  62. [15:10:07] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net/minecraft/class_846$class_851$class_4578 is public in mixins.canvas.client.json:MixinChunkRebuildTask and should be specified in value
  63. [15:10:07] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/darktree/redbits/blocks/ComplexPressurePlateBlock (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/darktree/redbits/blocks/ComplexPressurePlateBlock)
  64. [15:10:07] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.darktree.redbits.blocks.ComplexPressurePlateBlock was not found mixins/plated/mixins.server.json:redbits.ComplexPressurePlateBlockMixin
  65. [15:10:08] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net/minecraft/class_846$class_851$class_4578 is public in frex.client.json:MixinChunkBuilder and should be specified in value
  66. [15:10:08] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: me/shedaniel/rei/server/RecipeFinder (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: me/shedaniel/rei/server/RecipeFinder)
  67. [15:10:08] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target me/shedaniel/rei/server/RecipeFinder was not found nbtcrafting.compat.mixins.json:MixinREIRecipeFinder
  68. [15:10:08] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net/minecraft/class_3898$class_3208 is public in fabric-networking-api-v1.mixins.json:accessor.EntityTrackerAccessor and should be specified in value
  69. [15:10:08] [main/WARN]: Error loading class: net/minecraft/class_5284$class_5307 (java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: net/minecraft/class_5284$class_5307)
  70. [15:10:08] [main/WARN]: @Mixin target net.minecraft.class_5284$class_5307 was not found libstructure.mixins.json:ChunkGeneratorTypePresetMixin
  71. [15:10:25] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  72. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: Setting user: sssubtlety
  73. [15:10:27] [main/WARN]: Method overwrite conflict for getBoundKey in afktape.mixins.json:KeyBindingAccessor, previously written by com.therandomlabs.randompatches.mixin.client.keybindings.KeyBindingMixin. Skipping method.
  74. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: [Entrypoint Catcher] Running Mod Entrypoints Normally
  75. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: [Entrypoint Catcher] Found 54 common entrypoints and 57 client entrypoints
  76. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: [Entrypoint Catcher] Running Entrypoints
  77. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  78. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: Environment: PROD
  79. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  80. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: Environment: PROD
  81. [15:10:27] [main/WARN]: Cryptography is restricted in this Java installation
  82. [15:10:27] [main/WARN]: Please complain to Mojang for shipping a 5 year old Java version
  83. [15:10:27] [main/INFO]: Cryptography restriction removed successfully
  84. [15:10:29] [main/INFO]: Initializing StacktraceDeobfuscator
  85. [15:10:29] [main/INFO]: Done initializing StacktraceDeobfuscator
  86. [15:10:30] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Fish on a Leash! has been successfully initialized.
  87. [15:10:30] [ReAuth Version Check/INFO]: Starting version check
  88. [15:10:30] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of block_logo.png done in 172.5 ms with 0 warnings
  89. [15:10:30] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of block_logo.ini done in 205.9 ms with 0 warnings
  90. [15:10:31] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of dimensional_tools.ini done in 26.14 ms with 0 warnings
  91. [15:10:31] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of gear_components.ini done in 55.79 ms with 0 warnings
  92. [15:10:31] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of classic_block_drops.ini done in 9.711 ms with 0 warnings
  93. [15:10:31] [main/INFO]: [Fabrication] Loading of item_despawn.ini done in 7.140 ms with 0 warnings
  94. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: Exception when downloading translations
  95. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  96. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  97. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  98. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  99. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  100. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  101. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  102. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  103. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  104. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  105. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  106. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  107. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  108. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  109. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  110. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  111. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  112. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  113. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  114. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  115. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  116. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at de.guntram.mcmod.crowdintranslate.CrowdinTranslate.getCrowdinTranslations(
  117. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  118. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  119. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  120. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  121. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  122. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  123. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  124. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  125. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  126. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 17 more
  127. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  128. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  129. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  130. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  131. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  132. [15:10:31] [Thread-172/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 23 more
  133. [15:10:31] [ReAuth Version Check/INFO]: Version check complete
  134. [15:10:32] [main/INFO]: Beginning initialization...
  135. [15:10:32] [main/WARN]: 'Enderite Mod' not installed. Ignore following errors relating to 'Enderite Mod'
  136. [15:10:32] [main/INFO]: Finished initialization!
  137. [15:10:32] [main/INFO]: [All Stackable] Start loading!
  138. [15:10:32] [main/INFO]: [All Stackable] Command registered.
  139. [15:10:32] [main/INFO]: Registered built-in conditions.
  140. [15:10:33] [main/INFO]: [Cotton Datapack]: Loaded config.
  141. [15:10:33] [main/INFO]: Narrator library for x64 successfully loaded
  142. [15:10:34] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Quickcraft loaded!
  143. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: Exception when downloading translations
  144. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: Exception when downloading translations
  145. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  146. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  147. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  148. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  149. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  150. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  151. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  152. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  153. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  154. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  155. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  156. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  157. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  158. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  159. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  160. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  161. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  162. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  163. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  164. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  165. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  166. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at de.guntram.mcmod.crowdintranslate.CrowdinTranslate.getCrowdinTranslations(
  167. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  168. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  169. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  170. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  171. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  172. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  173. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  174. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  175. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  176. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 17 more
  177. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  178. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  179. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  180. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  181. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  182. [15:10:35] [Thread-176/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 23 more
  183. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  184. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  185. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  186. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  187. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  188. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  189. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  190. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  191. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  192. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  193. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  194. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  195. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  196. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  197. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  198. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  199. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  200. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  201. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  202. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  203. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  204. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at de.guntram.mcmod.crowdintranslate.CrowdinTranslate.getCrowdinTranslations(
  205. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  206. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  207. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  208. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  209. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  210. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  211. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  212. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  213. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  214. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 17 more
  215. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  216. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  217. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  218. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  219. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  220. [15:10:35] [Thread-175/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 23 more
  221. [15:10:35] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Starting Mo Glass...
  222. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: Mod 'cotton-client-commands' uses the modmenu:clientsideOnly custom value unnecessarily, as it can be inferred from the mod's declared environment.
  223. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: Mod 'reauth' uses the modmenu:clientsideOnly custom value unnecessarily, as it can be inferred from the mod's declared environment.
  224. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: Mod 'namepain' uses the modmenu:clientsideOnly custom value unnecessarily, as it can be inferred from the mod's declared environment.
  225. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: Mod 'right-click-clear' uses the modmenu:clientsideOnly custom value unnecessarily, as it can be inferred from the mod's declared environment.
  226. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: Mod 'loadcatcher' uses the modmenu:clientsideOnly custom value unnecessarily, as it can be inferred from the mod's declared environment.
  227. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: Mod 'afktape' uses the modmenu:clientsideOnly custom value unnecessarily, as it can be inferred from the mod's declared environment.
  228. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Moving spawn eggs
  229. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:zombie_spawn_egg
  230. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:cod_spawn_egg
  231. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:endermite_spawn_egg
  232. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:wolf_spawn_egg
  233. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:shulker_spawn_egg
  234. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:blaze_spawn_egg
  235. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:pig_spawn_egg
  236. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:vex_spawn_egg
  237. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:husk_spawn_egg
  238. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:parrot_spawn_egg
  239. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:phantom_spawn_egg
  240. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:trader_llama_spawn_egg
  241. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:zombified_piglin_spawn_egg
  242. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:horse_spawn_egg
  243. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: zoob:spawn_monster_of_the_ocean_depths
  244. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:piglin_spawn_egg
  245. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:skeleton_spawn_egg
  246. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:donkey_spawn_egg
  247. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:bee_spawn_egg
  248. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:mooshroom_spawn_egg
  249. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:piglin_brute_spawn_egg
  250. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:ocelot_spawn_egg
  251. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:slime_spawn_egg
  252. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:squid_spawn_egg
  253. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:dolphin_spawn_egg
  254. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:turtle_spawn_egg
  255. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:panda_spawn_egg
  256. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:wither_skeleton_spawn_egg
  257. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:salmon_spawn_egg
  258. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:tropical_fish_spawn_egg
  259. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:rabbit_spawn_egg
  260. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:wandering_trader_spawn_egg
  261. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:sheep_spawn_egg
  262. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:spider_spawn_egg
  263. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:polar_bear_spawn_egg
  264. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:pillager_spawn_egg
  265. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:guardian_spawn_egg
  266. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:skeleton_horse_spawn_egg
  267. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:zoglin_spawn_egg
  268. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:ghast_spawn_egg
  269. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:cave_spider_spawn_egg
  270. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:cow_spawn_egg
  271. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:mule_spawn_egg
  272. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:enderman_spawn_egg
  273. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:ravager_spawn_egg
  274. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:silverfish_spawn_egg
  275. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:elder_guardian_spawn_egg
  276. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:creeper_spawn_egg
  277. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:evoker_spawn_egg
  278. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:pufferfish_spawn_egg
  279. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:strider_spawn_egg
  280. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:vindicator_spawn_egg
  281. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:drowned_spawn_egg
  282. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:llama_spawn_egg
  283. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:zombie_horse_spawn_egg
  284. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:hoglin_spawn_egg
  285. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:magma_cube_spawn_egg
  286. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:cat_spawn_egg
  287. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:villager_spawn_egg
  288. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:zombie_villager_spawn_egg
  289. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:stray_spawn_egg
  290. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:witch_spawn_egg
  291. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:fox_spawn_egg
  292. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:chicken_spawn_egg
  293. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Egged: minecraft:bat_spawn_egg
  294. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Now listening for new eggs
  295. [15:10:36] [main/INFO]: [Egg Tab] Moving enchanted books
  296. [15:10:37] [main/INFO]: Gathering your coordinates...
  297. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: Exception when downloading translations
  298. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  299. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  300. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  301. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  302. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  303. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  304. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  305. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  306. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  307. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  308. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  309. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  310. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  311. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  312. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  313. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  314. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  315. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  316. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  317. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  318. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  319. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at de.guntram.mcmod.crowdintranslate.CrowdinTranslate.getCrowdinTranslations(
  320. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  321. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  322. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: Exception when downloading translations
  323. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  324. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  325. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  326. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  327. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  328. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  329. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  330. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 17 more
  331. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  332. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  333. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  334. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  335. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  336. [15:10:38] [Thread-177/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 23 more
  337. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  338. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  339. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  340. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  341. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  342. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  343. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  344. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  345. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  346. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  347. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  348. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  349. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  350. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  351. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  352. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  353. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  354. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  355. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  356. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  357. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  358. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at de.guntram.mcmod.crowdintranslate.CrowdinTranslate.getCrowdinTranslations(
  359. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  360. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  361. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  362. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  363. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  364. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  365. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  366. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  367. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  368. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 17 more
  369. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  370. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  371. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  372. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  373. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  374. [15:10:38] [Thread-178/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 23 more
  375. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: Exception when downloading translations
  376. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  377. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  378. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  379. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  380. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  381. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  382. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  383. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  384. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  385. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  386. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  387. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  388. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  389. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  390. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  391. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  392. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  393. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  394. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  395. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  396. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  397. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at de.guntram.mcmod.crowdintranslate.CrowdinTranslate.getCrowdinTranslations(
  398. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  399. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  400. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  401. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  402. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  403. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  404. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  405. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  406. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  407. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 17 more
  408. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: Caused by: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
  409. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  410. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  411. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  412. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: at
  413. [15:10:38] [Thread-179/INFO]: [STDERR]: ... 23 more
  414. [15:10:38] [main/INFO]: [Indigo] Different rendering plugin detected; not applying Indigo.
  415. [15:10:38] [main/INFO]: [Entrypoint Catcher] Mod Initialization complete
  416. [15:10:38] [main/INFO]: [Entrypoint Catcher] Mod Initialization complete
  417. [15:10:39] [main/INFO]: Backend library: LWJGL version 3.2.2 build 10
  418. [15:10:49] [main/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (Fermion, Fabric Key Bindings (v0), Not Enough Crashes, Fish on a Leash!, Stackable Potions, Fermion Orientation, Fabric Loader, Quickcraft, EnchantmentLore, Beenfo, Missing Bits, Color Unchained, Fabric Game Rule API (v1), Crafting Pad, Fabric API Base, ClickThrough, Special Circumstances, Controlling For Fabric, ReAuth, Name Pain, Canvas Renderer, Tweakeroo, Fabrication, Right Click Clear, RandomPatches, Mini Tweaks, Litematica, I Am Very Smart, EasierVillagerTrading, JSON Model Extensions, Fabric BlockRenderLayer Registration (v1), Bookshelving, Villager Hats, Mo Glass, MiniHUD, Carpet Extra, Fabric API, Oh, How the Crafting Has Tabled!, Auto Third Person, Fabric Networking (v0), LibMultiPart, CleanCut, Fabric Screen Handler API (v1), Mod Menu, Egg Tab, Ice Boat Nerf, Edit Sign, Fabric Tool Attribute API (v1), FREX, Better Enchanted Books, Fabric Events Interaction (v0), Fabric Crash Report Info (v1), Fabric Language Kotlin, NBT Crafting, Cake Chomps, Fabric Key Binding API (v1), Cloth Config v4, Advanced NBT Tooltips, Fabric Resource Loader (v0), Seamless Loading Screen, MaLiLib, Clear Skies, AFKTape, Fabric Commands (v0), Fabric Registry Sync (v0), Till it Breaks, Block Meter, Fabric Mining Levels (v0), Fabric Networking API (v1), MinimalMenu, Sheep Consistency, LibMultiPart (Dependency Container), Fabric Models (v0), Fabric Item Groups (v0), Fabric Renderer API (v1), GBfabrictools, Carved Melons, Pistorder, Automated Crafting, Fabric Structure API (v1), MCG, Fabric Containers (v0), Fabric Object Builder API (v1), Inventory Control Tweaks, QuickSwap, Fabric Rendering Data Attachment (v1), Netherite Horse Armor, Fabric Textures (v0), Discontinuous Beacon Beams, Fabric Rendering Fluids (v1), Hotbar Switcher, All Stackable, Fabric Lifecycle Events (v1), Fabric Renderer Registries (v1), Better Eating, Quick Shulker, Fabric Loot Tables (v1), Dynamic FPS, Carpet Mod in Fabric, Fabric Particles (v1), Fabric Recipe Conditions, AutoConfig-TOML, LibBlockAttributes (Core), Vanilla Parts, Lib Network Stack, Ok Zoomer, Fabric Networking Block Entity (v0), Boring Backgrounds, Jankson, Bag of Feathers, Fabric Command API (v1), FREX Events, Cotton Commons, Fabric Renderer - Indigo, Ding (Fabric), Dark Loading Screen, Cotton Datapack, Fabric Item API (v1), NumericPing, LibGui, NotEnoughAnimations, Fabric Entity Events (v1), Fabric Rendering (v0), Fabric Rendering (v1), Carpet Addons, Auto Config v1 Updated, Carpet TIS Addition, Fabric Content Registries (v0), Fabric Tag Extensions (v0), Fabric Biome API (v1), FastFurnace, AppleSkin, Telepistons, Monster Of The Ocean Depths, Carrier, Smooth Chunks, VisualOverhaul, Fabric Events Lifecycle (v0), Fabric Object Builders (v0), Camp Fires Cook Mobs, Fermion Varia), canvas/default, canvas/extras,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, visualoverhaul/nobottles, 3D -, Alternate Block Destruction -, Alternate Enchant Glint -, Ashless Campfires -, Astounded, Bedrock Boom -, Beeralis -, Better Rain from Better Vanilla, Better Shulker, Better Stripped, Circular Sun and Mood -, Clean, Clear Banner Patterns -, Colorful Enchanting Particles -, Colorful Enchanting Table Particles -, Dark UI -, Darker Dark Oak Leaves -, Directional Hoppers -, Don't Eat the Bowl! -, Dot Crosshair -, Fixes -, Golden Crown -, Lakeside Sunset Menu Panorama -,, Nose-less Villagers +, Nose-less, Red Poppie Iron, Pixel Consistency -, Plain leather Armor -, Quieter Minecarts -, Quieter Villagers -, Random Variation -, Red Wither Hearts -, Redstone Power Levels -, Sensible Terracotta, Softer Wool -, Solidified,, Telepistons Sticky, Themed, Unique Dyes -, Unobtrusive Particles -, Variated Dirt - (old), Visibly Unstable Scaffolding - vanilla-improvements, ilmango Golden Apples -
  419. [15:10:49] [main/INFO]: [STDOUT]: Inject generated resource packs.
  420. [15:10:51] [main/WARN]: Unable to read property: east with value: false for blockstate: {Properties:{east:"false",south:"false",north:"false",west:"false",up:"false"},Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall"}
  421. [15:10:51] [main/WARN]: Unable to read property: south with value: false for blockstate: {Properties:{east:"false",south:"false",north:"false",west:"false",up:"false"},Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall"}
  422. [15:10:51] [main/WARN]: Unable to read property: north with value: false for blockstate: {Properties:{east:"false",south:"false",north:"false",west:"false",up:"false"},Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall"}
  423. [15:10:51] [main/WARN]: Unable to read property: west with value: false for blockstate: {Properties:{east:"false",south:"false",north:"false",west:"false",up:"false"},Name:"minecraft:cobblestone_wall"}
  424. [15:10:51] [main/WARN]: Unable to read property: east with value: false for blockstate: {Properties:{east:"false",south:"false",north:"false",west:"false",up:"false"},Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall"}
  425. [15:10:51] [main/WARN]: Unable to read property: south with value: false for blockstate: {Properties:{east:"false",south:"false",north:"false",west:"false",up:"false"},Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall"}
  426. [15:10:51] [main/WARN]: Unable to read property: north with value: false for blockstate: {Properties:{east:"false",south:"false",north:"false",west:"false",up:"false"},Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall"}
  427. [15:10:51] [main/WARN]: Unable to read property: west with value: false for blockstate: {Properties:{east:"false",south:"false",north:"false",west:"false",up:"false"},Name:"minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall"}
  428. [15:10:51] [main/INFO]: ================== CANVAS RENDERER DEBUG INFORMATION ==================
  429. [15:10:51] [main/INFO]: Java: 1.8.0_51 64bit
  430. [15:10:51] [main/INFO]: CPU: 16x AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor
  431. [15:10:51] [main/INFO]: GPU: Using framebuffer using OpenGL 3.0 3.2.2 build 10
  432. [15:10:51] [main/INFO]: OpenGL: GeForce GTX 1080/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.6.0 NVIDIA 456.71, NVIDIA Corporation
  433. [15:10:51] [main/INFO]: VboArb: N VaoEnabled: Y VaoArb: N
  434. [15:10:51] [main/INFO]: (This message can be disabled by configuring logMachineInfo = false.)
  435. [15:10:51] [main/INFO]: ========================================================================
  436. [15:10:54] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'minecraft:blockstates/cactus.json' in resourcepack: '' for variant: 'age=0-14': Unknown value: '0-14' for blockstate property: 'age' [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
  437. [15:10:58] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'minecraft:blockstates/scaffolding.json' in resourcepack: 'Visibly Unstable Scaffolding - vanilla-improvements' for variant: 'bottom=true': Overlapping definition with: bottom=true,distance=6
  438. [15:10:58] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'minecraft:blockstates/weeping_vines.json' in resourcepack: '' for variant: 'age=0-24': Unknown value: '0-24' for blockstate property: 'age' [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]
  439. [15:10:58] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Exception loading blockstate definition: 'minecraft:blockstates/twisting_vines.json' in resourcepack: '' for variant: 'age=0-24': Unknown value: '0-24' for blockstate property: 'age' [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25]
  440. [15:11:02] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #missing in minecraft:item/soul_lantern
  441. [15:11:02] [Worker-Main-13/WARN]: Unable to resolve texture reference: #missing in minecraft:item/lantern
  442. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: OpenAL initialized.
  443. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: Sound engine started
  444. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: Created: 2048x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
  445. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x128x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
  446. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
  447. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
  448. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
  449. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
  450. [15:11:04] [main/INFO]: Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
  451. [15:11:06] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
  452. [15:11:06] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
  453. [15:11:06] [main/INFO]: Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
  454. [15:11:06] [main/INFO]: Loading settings...
  455. [15:11:06] [main/INFO]: File exists, reading...
  456. [15:11:10] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load custom tooltips from C:\Users\super\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\tooltips
  457. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinCloneCommand->@ModifyConstant::getBlockCountLimit(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by carpet.mixins.json:CloneCommandMixin->@ModifyConstant::fillLimit(I)I with priority 1000
  458. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinCloneCommand->@ModifyConstant::getBlockCountLimit(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by carpet.mixins.json:CloneCommandMixin->@ModifyConstant::fillLimit(I)I with priority 1000
  459. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinFillCommand->@ModifyConstant::getBlockCountLimit(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by carpet.mixins.json:FillCommandMixin->@ModifyConstant::fillLimit(I)I with priority 1000
  460. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: @ModifyConstant conflict. Skipping mixins.tweakeroo.json:MixinFillCommand->@ModifyConstant::getBlockCountLimit(I)I with priority 999, already redirected by carpet.mixins.json:FillCommandMixin->@ModifyConstant::fillLimit(I)I with priority 1000
  461. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  462. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  463. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  464. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  465. [15:11:25] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  466. [15:11:26] [main/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (Crafting Pad, I Am Very Smart, Bookshelving, Villager Hats, Mo Glass, Oh, How the Crafting Has Tabled!, Fabric Tool Attribute API (v1), Carved Melons, Automated Crafting, Netherite Horse Armor, Bag of Feathers, Cotton Commons, Monster Of The Ocean Depths, Carrier), cotton_generated
  467. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_dye_from_dandelion
  468. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:charcoal
  469. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_button
  470. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_wall_from_diorite_stonecutting
  471. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab
  472. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_ingot
  473. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:rabbit_stew_from_brown_mushroom
  474. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_wool
  475. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:magenta_stained_glass_stairs
  476. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_dark_oak_wood
  477. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stonecutter
  478. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:soul_torch
  479. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bone_block
  480. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coal_from_blasting
  481. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_nugget
  482. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:melon
  483. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_fence
  484. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab
  485. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_rabbit
  486. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_nugget_from_blasting
  487. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_fence_gate
  488. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_campfire_cooking
  489. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:purple_stained_glass_slab
  490. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:purple_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  491. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_wart_block
  492. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:white_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  493. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  494. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_banner
  495. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  496. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_bed_from_white_bed
  497. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_wall
  498. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:gray_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  499. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_dye
  500. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane
  501. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_wool
  502. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_pressure_plate
  503. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab_from_cut_sandstone_stonecutting
  504. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coal_block
  505. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sugar_from_honey_bottle
  506. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_bed_from_white_bed
  507. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_wool
  508. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:slime_ball
  509. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_fence_gate
  510. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_chestplate
  511. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_bed
  512. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:green_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  513. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_block
  514. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:beehive
  515. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:map_extending
  516. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_slab_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  517. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_sign
  518. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  519. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_door
  520. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_porkchop
  521. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_smoking
  522. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:lime_stained_glass_slab
  523. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:writable_book
  524. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_wood
  525. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:blue_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  526. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_helmet
  527. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_bed
  528. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_wood
  529. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:scaffolding
  530. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:emerald_block
  531. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_apple
  532. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_nether_bricks
  533. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_pickaxe
  534. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:flower_pot
  535. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_button
  536. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_oxeye_daisy
  537. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_from_granite_stonecutting
  538. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane
  539. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_stairs
  540. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_wool
  541. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting
  542. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_bricks_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  543. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_bed
  544. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting
  545. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_sword
  546. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_wood
  547. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_stained_glass
  548. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_blue_red_white_dye
  549. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_fence
  550. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab
  551. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_slab
  552. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab
  553. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_wall_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  554. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_slab_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  555. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:glass_stairs
  556. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:honey_block
  557. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_dye
  558. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_glazed_terracotta
  559. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_terracotta
  560. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe bag_of_feathers:bag_of_feathers
  561. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:black_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  562. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp_from_smoking
  563. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_sandstone_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  564. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_stained_glass
  565. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_wall
  566. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:purple_stained_glass_stairs
  567. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_stairs
  568. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab
  569. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab
  570. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_stairs_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting
  571. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:suspicious_stew
  572. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_trapdoor
  573. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  574. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_from_blasting
  575. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_bed_from_white_bed
  576. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_boots
  577. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_dye_from_red_white_dye
  578. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_shovel_smithing
  579. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_wall_from_andesite_stonecutting
  580. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_door
  581. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_basalt
  582. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_stairs
  583. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_concrete_powder
  584. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:conduit
  585. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mojang_banner_pattern
  586. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_slab
  587. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_blue_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  588. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:fire_charge
  589. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_hoe
  590. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sticky_piston
  591. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_gray_stained_glass_slab
  592. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_dye
  593. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone
  594. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_glazed_terracotta
  595. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:emerald
  596. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_slab
  597. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_pickaxe
  598. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:powered_rail
  599. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:firework_star
  600. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_concrete_powder
  601. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_wall_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  602. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_stairs
  603. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab_from_smooth_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  604. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:crimson_bookshelf
  605. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_button
  606. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs
  607. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_stained_glass
  608. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe netheritehorsearmor:enderite_horse_armor_from_smithing
  609. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lapis_from_blasting
  610. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stick_from_bamboo_item
  611. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_terracotta
  612. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_oak_wood
  613. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone
  614. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_concrete_powder
  615. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_terracotta
  616. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_fence_gate
  617. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:comparator
  618. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lodestone
  619. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:repeater
  620. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_concrete_powder
  621. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_boots_smithing
  622. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_block
  623. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glass
  624. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_slab
  625. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_stairs
  626. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:weaponsmith_eyepatch
  627. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:fishing_rod
  628. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_beef_from_smoking
  629. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp_block
  630. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs
  631. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_leggings
  632. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:terracotta
  633. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_crimson_hyphae
  634. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz
  635. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_carpet
  636. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_carpet_from_white_carpet
  637. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_wall
  638. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:book_cloning
  639. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_basalt_from_basalt_stonecutting
  640. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:black_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  641. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:cyan_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  642. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_concrete_powder
  643. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_concrete_powder
  644. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:magenta_stained_glass_slab
  645. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs_from_smooth_sandstone_stonecutting
  646. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_wall_from_granite_stonecutting
  647. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_bed_from_white_bed
  648. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_stairs
  649. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_terracotta
  650. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_slab_from_polished_granite_stonecutting
  651. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone
  652. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mushroom_stew
  653. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_dye_from_tulip
  654. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_planks
  655. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_wall_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  656. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_dye_from_beetroot
  657. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:beacon
  658. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:tnt
  659. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting
  660. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_bed
  661. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:flint_and_steel
  662. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_dye_from_orange_tulip
  663. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_bed_from_white_bed
  664. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_ingot
  665. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_carpet
  666. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:spruce_crafting_table
  667. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_door
  668. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_dye
  669. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:green_stained_glass_stairs
  670. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane
  671. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab
  672. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_bricks
  673. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_bricks
  674. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_carpet
  675. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_chestplate
  676. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_fence
  677. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_bricks
  678. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:lime_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  679. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_stairs
  680. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass
  681. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_wool_from_string
  682. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_wall_from_cobblestone_stonecutting
  683. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_from_andesite_stonecutting
  684. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane
  685. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_axe
  686. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:fletcher_hat
  687. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_stairs
  688. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane
  689. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_concrete_powder
  690. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_smoking
  691. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_glazed_terracotta
  692. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_stained_glass
  693. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:cartographer_hat
  694. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_pressure_plate
  695. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_stairs
  696. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_sword
  697. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_dye_from_sunflower
  698. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  699. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite
  700. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_fence
  701. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_hyphae
  702. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:warped_bookshelf
  703. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_slab
  704. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:fisherman_hat
  705. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_bed_from_white_bed
  706. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_banner
  707. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_wall_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  708. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glistering_melon_slice
  709. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:orange_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  710. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_stone_slab_from_smooth_stone_stonecutting
  711. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_button
  712. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_door
  713. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_hoe
  714. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_ingot_from_iron_block
  715. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_planks
  716. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_axe_smithing
  717. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:snow
  718. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_fence_gate
  719. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:clock
  720. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_carpet
  721. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  722. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_wool
  723. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_wall_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  724. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_trapdoor
  725. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:pink_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  726. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:acacia_crafting_table
  727. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:grindstone
  728. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_ice
  729. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_bricks
  730. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:banner_duplicate
  731. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_slab_from_granite_stonecutting
  732. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glass_pane
  733. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_leggings
  734. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_stairs_from_granite_stonecutting
  735. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_slab
  736. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lectern
  737. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine
  738. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_sword
  739. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_stained_glass
  740. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_ingot_from_nuggets
  741. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_sandstone
  742. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:clay
  743. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_pickaxe
  744. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_allium
  745. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_stone_slab
  746. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:purple_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  747. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:ladder
  748. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_slab_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  749. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_torch
  750. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab
  751. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting
  752. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:furnace_minecart
  753. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:target
  754. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_slab_from_diorite_stonecutting
  755. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_wool
  756. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_concrete_powder
  757. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_terracotta
  758. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_carpet
  759. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cake
  760. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_bed
  761. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_banner
  762. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_sign
  763. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_slab
  764. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_nether_bricks_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  765. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_terracotta
  766. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_boots
  767. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_carpet_from_white_carpet
  768. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_blue_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  769. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_ingot_from_netherite_block
  770. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:armor_stand
  771. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane
  772. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_concrete_powder
  773. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_leggings
  774. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_wall_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  775. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:acacia_bookshelf
  776. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_dye_from_cornflower
  777. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_slab_from_bricks_stonecutting
  778. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_bricks_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  779. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_slab_from_stonecutting
  780. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_banner
  781. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:barrel
  782. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:emerald_from_smelting
  783. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_button
  784. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_slab_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  785. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_hyphae
  786. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:gray_stained_glass_stairs
  787. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_scrap_from_blasting
  788. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:pink_stained_glass_stairs
  789. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  790. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab_from_dark_prismarine_stonecutting
  791. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  792. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:baked_potato_from_smoking
  793. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta
  794. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe carvedmelons:craft_melon_o_lantern
  795. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_carpet_from_white_carpet
  796. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_blue_stained_glass_slab
  797. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks_stone_from_stonecutting
  798. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:book
  799. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks
  800. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_sword_smithing
  801. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  802. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_shovel
  803. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab
  804. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smithing_table
  805. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_bed
  806. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magma_block
  807. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_stairs_from_granite_stonecutting
  808. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_slab_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  809. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_pressure_plate
  810. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  811. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_terracotta
  812. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:white_stained_glass_slab
  813. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cauldron
  814. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_concrete_powder
  815. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  816. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_concrete_powder
  817. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_dye_from_poppy
  818. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_shovel
  819. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_fungus_on_a_stick
  820. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  821. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_wall
  822. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_slab
  823. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:hay_block
  824. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:warped_crafting_table
  825. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_slab
  826. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_banner
  827. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_stairs
  828. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks
  829. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_bricks_from_end_stone_stonecutting
  830. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting
  831. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:popped_chorus_fruit
  832. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe automated_crafting:auto_crafter
  833. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_cod_from_smoking
  834. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:orange_stained_glass_slab
  835. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:minecart
  836. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_bricks_from_stone_stonecutting
  837. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab
  838. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab_from_smooth_quartz_stonecutting
  839. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chest
  840. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_stained_glass
  841. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:rail
  842. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_sword
  843. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_terracotta
  844. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:gray_stained_glass_slab
  845. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_banner
  846. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:creeper_banner_pattern
  847. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe craftingpad:craftingpad
  848. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_bed
  849. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_fence
  850. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:birch_bookshelf
  851. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_shovel
  852. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_stairs_from_purpur_block_stonecutting
  853. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:soul_lantern
  854. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_dye_from_lily_of_the_valley
  855. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_trapdoor
  856. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_wall_from_bricks_stonecutting
  857. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall
  858. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:firework_star_fade
  859. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:black_stained_glass_slab
  860. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_slab
  861. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_glazed_terracotta
  862. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs
  863. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blaze_powder
  864. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab_from_end_stone_stonecutting
  865. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chain
  866. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_carpet_from_white_carpet
  867. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  868. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_concrete_powder
  869. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_stained_glass
  870. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_fence
  871. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_trapdoor
  872. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:rabbit_stew_from_red_mushroom
  873. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_boots
  874. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_hoe_smithing
  875. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs_from_polished_blackstone_bricks_stonecutting
  876. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs
  877. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_chestplate
  878. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_chestplate
  879. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_chestplate_smithing
  880. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:spruce_bookshelf
  881. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_stairs_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  882. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_planks
  883. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_sign
  884. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone
  885. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_stairs_from_quartz_block_stonecutting
  886. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_ingot
  887. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:orange_stained_glass_stairs
  888. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:cyan_stained_glass_slab
  889. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_sign
  890. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_bed_from_white_bed
  891. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_pressure_plate
  892. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coal_from_smelting
  893. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:flower_banner_pattern
  894. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_block
  895. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_carpet_from_white_carpet
  896. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_terracotta
  897. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_dye_from_red_yellow
  898. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  899. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_carpet_from_white_carpet
  900. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_stairs
  901. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab_from_polished_blackstone_bricks_stonecutting
  902. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab_from_smooth_sandstone_stonecutting
  903. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_bed
  904. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_sign
  905. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_nugget_from_blasting
  906. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:butcher_headband
  907. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:lime_stained_glass_stairs
  908. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe carrier:shaped/glove
  909. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:birch_crafting_table
  910. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  911. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:blue_stained_glass_stairs
  912. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crossbow
  913. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_azure_bluet
  914. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  915. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_white_tulip
  916. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shield_decoration
  917. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bowl
  918. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond
  919. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane
  920. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_slab
  921. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_bed_from_white_bed
  922. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_blue_red_pink
  923. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_concrete_powder
  924. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_slab_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  925. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_carpet
  926. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_banner
  927. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_concrete_powder
  928. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sugar_from_sugar_cane
  929. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe netheritehorsearmor:netherite_horse_armor_from_smithing
  930. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_planks
  931. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_black_white_dye
  932. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane
  933. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spectral_arrow
  934. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_terracotta
  935. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:tnt_minecart
  936. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:cyan_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  937. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_carpet
  938. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_stained_glass
  939. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_planks
  940. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:slime_block
  941. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_beef_from_campfire_cooking
  942. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_hoe
  943. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_pillar
  944. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_campfire_cooking
  945. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:dark_oak_crafting_table
  946. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_bed_from_white_bed
  947. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:lime_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  948. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_stairs
  949. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_terracotta
  950. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_wool
  951. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs
  952. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:note_block
  953. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_dye
  954. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_slab_from_polished_diorite_stonecutting
  955. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:brown_stained_glass_slab
  956. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_stairs_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  957. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:piston
  958. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_bed
  959. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_bed
  960. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:red_stained_glass_slab
  961. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_carpet
  962. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_banner
  963. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz
  964. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_crystal
  965. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:jungle_crafting_table
  966. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  967. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs
  968. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone
  969. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_banner
  970. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_pickaxe
  971. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_glazed_terracotta
  972. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shulker_box
  973. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab_from_cut_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  974. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dispenser
  975. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_axe
  976. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane
  977. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:daylight_detector
  978. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sponge
  979. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_stairs
  980. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_wall
  981. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_from_blasting
  982. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_glazed_terracotta
  983. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_carpet
  984. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_planks
  985. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting
  986. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_stained_glass
  987. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_bricks
  988. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  989. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_carpet
  990. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_bricks
  991. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_slab
  992. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cracked_stone_bricks
  993. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:blue_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  994. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jack_o_lantern
  995. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:tripwire_hook
  996. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_polished_blackstone_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  997. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_stairs_from_diorite_stonecutting
  998. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:trapped_chest
  999. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:hopper
  1000. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  1001. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_stairs_from_stone_stonecutting
  1002. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lantern
  1003. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_banner
  1004. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp
  1005. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lapis_from_smelting
  1006. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:ender_chest
  1007. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_stained_glass
  1008. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_nugget
  1009. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs_from_andesite_stonecutting
  1010. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_bars
  1011. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:beetroot_soup
  1012. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_trapdoor
  1013. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_glazed_terracotta
  1014. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_terracotta
  1015. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_cod
  1016. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_axe
  1017. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_helmet
  1018. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:orange_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1019. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_slab_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  1020. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_wood
  1021. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_bed_from_white_bed
  1022. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cartography_table
  1023. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1024. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite
  1025. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_slab
  1026. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_pressure_plate
  1027. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_bed
  1028. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_pressure_plate
  1029. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_slab
  1030. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_stairs_from_bricks_stonecutting
  1031. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_stairs
  1032. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_smoking
  1033. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blast_furnace
  1034. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs
  1035. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1036. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_lilac
  1037. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:blue_stained_glass_slab
  1038. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1039. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_wool
  1040. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_bed_from_white_bed
  1041. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_wool
  1042. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:brown_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1043. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:tipped_arrow
  1044. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1045. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_carpet
  1046. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_polished_blackstone
  1047. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:firework_rocket
  1048. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:turtle_helmet
  1049. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_slab_from_polished_andesite_stonecutting
  1050. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_wall_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  1051. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:red_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  1052. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:baked_potato
  1053. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:fletching_table
  1054. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_banner
  1055. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_salmon
  1056. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_gray_white_dye
  1057. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall
  1058. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:yellow_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1059. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_purple_and_pink
  1060. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_banner
  1061. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_pillar
  1062. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate
  1063. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_stained_glass
  1064. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_shovel
  1065. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_leggings
  1066. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_birch_wood
  1067. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting
  1068. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_stairs
  1069. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_banner
  1070. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_pickaxe_smithing
  1071. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_pressure_plate
  1072. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:gray_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  1073. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dropper
  1074. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_lamp
  1075. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane
  1076. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_carpet
  1077. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_rod
  1078. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_slab_from_diorite_stonecutting
  1079. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_dye_from_smelting
  1080. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs_from_polished_andesite_stonecutting
  1081. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone
  1082. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_helmet
  1083. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_dye_from_blue_orchid
  1084. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting
  1085. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_button
  1086. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:yellow_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  1087. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bone_meal_from_bone_block
  1088. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bread
  1089. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe zoob:abyss_enchantment_book
  1090. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:green_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1091. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:yellow_stained_glass_slab
  1092. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:torch
  1093. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_stairs
  1094. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_boat
  1095. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:armor_dye
  1096. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lever
  1097. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall_from_end_stone_stonecutting
  1098. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:white_stained_glass_stairs
  1099. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:map
  1100. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:detector_rail
  1101. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_bed
  1102. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shield
  1103. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_slab
  1104. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_campfire_cooking
  1105. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_sign
  1106. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1107. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor
  1108. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_banner
  1109. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1110. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:painting
  1111. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_shovel
  1112. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_slab
  1113. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_smoking
  1114. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_pressure_plate
  1115. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_bricks
  1116. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crafting_table
  1117. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:map_cloning
  1118. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_wall
  1119. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1120. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_wall
  1121. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_wood
  1122. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_slab_from_stone_stonecutting
  1123. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_wool
  1124. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_wool
  1125. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_bed_from_white_bed
  1126. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_from_smelting
  1127. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_glazed_terracotta
  1128. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_carpet
  1129. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_glazed_terracotta
  1130. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_stairs
  1131. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_slab_from_stone_stonecutting
  1132. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_nugget_from_smelting
  1133. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_door
  1134. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_ingot_from_blasting
  1135. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:anvil
  1136. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_acacia_wood
  1137. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_ingot_from_nuggets
  1138. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs
  1139. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_chicken
  1140. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs_from_smooth_quartz_stonecutting
  1141. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_trapdoor
  1142. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1143. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_polished_blackstone_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  1144. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_door
  1145. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_leggings_smithing
  1146. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_bed
  1147. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_button
  1148. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick
  1149. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_sword
  1150. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_fence_gate
  1151. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bone_meal
  1152. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_stairs_from_stone_stonecutting
  1153. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta
  1154. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs_from_diorite_stonecutting
  1155. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:honey_bottle
  1156. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_bed
  1157. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab
  1158. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_door
  1159. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick
  1160. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane
  1161. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_wool
  1162. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_wall
  1163. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_from_diorite_stonecutting
  1164. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_bed
  1165. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1166. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine
  1167. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_wall_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  1168. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:emerald_from_blasting
  1169. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1170. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_horse_armor
  1171. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cookie
  1172. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_planks
  1173. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lapis_lazuli
  1174. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1175. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_button
  1176. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_wall
  1177. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_concrete_powder
  1178. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  1179. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_block
  1180. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shears
  1181. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wheat
  1182. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_ingot_from_blasting
  1183. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:honeycomb_block
  1184. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane
  1185. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_block
  1186. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick
  1187. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1188. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting
  1189. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_helmet
  1190. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_fence
  1191. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_bed_from_white_bed
  1192. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bow
  1193. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_stairs_from_andesite_stonecutting
  1194. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_slab_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting
  1195. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate
  1196. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coal
  1197. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe zoob:bait
  1198. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:compass
  1199. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_stairs
  1200. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:item_frame
  1201. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe zoob:fish_trap
  1202. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1203. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_slab
  1204. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:loom
  1205. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1206. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_stairs_from_polished_granite_stonecutting
  1207. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smoker
  1208. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:green_stained_glass_slab
  1209. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:skull_banner_pattern
  1210. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_boat
  1211. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_dye_from_pink_tulip
  1212. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:arrow
  1213. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_fence_gate
  1214. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall
  1215. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_dye
  1216. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite
  1217. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:melon_seeds
  1218. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_stairs_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  1219. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_slab
  1220. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_dye_from_wither_rose
  1221. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs
  1222. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_stairs_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  1223. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bricks
  1224. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_slab
  1225. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane
  1226. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_carpet
  1227. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_wool
  1228. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_glazed_terracotta
  1229. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite
  1230. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_boots
  1231. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone
  1232. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stick
  1233. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs
  1234. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_stairs
  1235. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_pressure_plate
  1236. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brewing_stand
  1237. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:red_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1238. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_from_smelting
  1239. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall_from_polished_blackstone_bricks_stonecutting
  1240. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:white_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  1241. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs_from_smooth_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  1242. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:pink_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1243. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall
  1244. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:librarian_hat
  1245. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_axe
  1246. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_button
  1247. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:packed_ice
  1248. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_carrot
  1249. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone
  1250. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_stairs
  1251. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp_from_campfire_cooking
  1252. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_banner
  1253. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_wall
  1254. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_block
  1255. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_slab
  1256. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_trapdoor
  1257. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_stained_glass
  1258. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass
  1259. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glowstone
  1260. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:respawn_anchor
  1261. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pumpkin_seeds
  1262. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_slab_from_purpur_block_stonecutting
  1263. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_wall
  1264. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone
  1265. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:glass_slab
  1266. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_fence
  1267. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:armorer_hat
  1268. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  1269. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magma_cream
  1270. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_wall
  1271. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_stone
  1272. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_mutton
  1273. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bookshelf
  1274. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs
  1275. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lapis_block
  1276. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_carpet
  1277. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:farmer_hat
  1278. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_bed_from_white_bed
  1279. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane
  1280. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp_from_smelting
  1281. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_terracotta
  1282. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_slab_from_granite_stonecutting
  1283. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:snow_block
  1284. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_axe
  1285. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_wool
  1286. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:composter
  1287. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:ender_eye
  1288. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_stairs
  1289. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jukebox
  1290. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_terracotta
  1291. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_gray_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  1292. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_bed
  1293. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_slab
  1294. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_slab
  1295. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_sign
  1296. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coarse_dirt
  1297. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1298. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chest_minecart
  1299. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:magenta_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  1300. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_slab_from_cobblestone_stonecutting
  1301. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_boat
  1302. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting
  1303. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_bricks_from_quartz_block_stonecutting
  1304. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sea_lantern
  1305. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_carpet
  1306. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1307. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_slab
  1308. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_dye_from_rose_bush
  1309. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:fermented_spider_eye
  1310. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_glazed_terracotta
  1311. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_terracotta
  1312. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:baked_potato_from_campfire_cooking
  1313. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_hoe
  1314. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_hoe
  1315. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_boat
  1316. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pumpkin_pie
  1317. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:magenta_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1318. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_gray_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  1319. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_ingot_from_gold_block
  1320. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_fence
  1321. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate
  1322. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_campfire_cooking
  1323. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glass_bottle
  1324. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_door
  1325. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane
  1326. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite
  1327. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_beef
  1328. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_smoking
  1329. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:hopper_minecart
  1330. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane
  1331. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1332. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_banner
  1333. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_bed_from_white_bed
  1334. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block
  1335. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:soul_campfire
  1336. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_stairs_from_cobblestone_stonecutting
  1337. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_warped_hyphae
  1338. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_door
  1339. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting
  1340. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_wool
  1341. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather
  1342. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_nugget_from_smelting
  1343. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block_from_quartz_block_stonecutting
  1344. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_bricks
  1345. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:jungle_bookshelf
  1346. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  1347. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_trapdoor
  1348. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:pink_stained_glass_slab
  1349. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_wall_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting
  1350. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_concrete_powder
  1351. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs
  1352. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:furnace
  1353. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_gray_stained_glass_stairs
  1354. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_blue_stained_glass_stairs
  1355. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_stairs
  1356. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cracked_nether_bricks
  1357. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs_from_dark_prismarine_stonecutting
  1358. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_fence_gate
  1359. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_pillar_from_purpur_block_stonecutting
  1360. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:activator_rail
  1361. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_dye
  1362. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs_from_polished_diorite_stonecutting
  1363. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:brown_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  1364. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_pressure_plate
  1365. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_from_blasting
  1366. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_planks
  1367. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:crimson_crafting_table
  1368. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs_from_end_stone_stonecutting
  1369. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_sign
  1370. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_campfire_cooking
  1371. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_dye
  1372. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone
  1373. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_scrap
  1374. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_wall
  1375. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_pickaxe
  1376. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_slab
  1377. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone
  1378. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_button
  1379. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:repair_item
  1380. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:yellow_stained_glass_stairs
  1381. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_dye_from_blue_white_dye
  1382. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shulker_box_coloring
  1383. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_slab
  1384. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_dye
  1385. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_pillar_from_quartz_block_stonecutting
  1386. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_terracotta
  1387. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:cyan_stained_glass_stairs
  1388. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:enchanting_table
  1389. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_glazed_terracotta
  1390. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_glazed_terracotta
  1391. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1392. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lead
  1393. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_boat
  1394. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_block
  1395. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_boat
  1396. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs
  1397. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting
  1398. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_stairs_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  1399. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:observer
  1400. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:brown_stained_glass_stairs
  1401. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:campfire
  1402. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:paper
  1403. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:dark_oak_bookshelf
  1404. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_slab
  1405. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_glazed_terracotta
  1406. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_cod_from_campfire_cooking
  1407. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1408. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_stairs
  1409. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_carpet_from_white_carpet
  1410. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_stained_glass
  1411. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:shepherd_hat
  1412. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  1413. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_spruce_wood
  1414. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_wood
  1415. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_helmet_smithing
  1416. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_stairs_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  1417. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_jungle_wood
  1418. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_dye_from_peony
  1419. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_walls_from_stone_stonecutting
  1420. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bucket
  1421. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:red_stained_glass_stairs
  1422. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:black_stained_glass_stairs
  1423. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab
  1424. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_stained_glass
  1425. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  1426. [15:11:27] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite
  1427. [15:11:27] [main/ERROR]: Parsing error loading recipe netheritehorsearmor:enderite_horse_armor_from_smithing
  1428. Unknown item 'enderitemod:enderite_ingot'
  1429. at Not Enough Crashes deobfuscated stack trace.(1.15.2+build.14) ~[?:?]
  1430. at net.minecraft.recipe.Ingredient.method_17873(Ingredient:165) ~[?:?]
  1431. at net.minecraft.class_1856$$Lambda$5837/627012132.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  1432. at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  1433. at net.minecraft.recipe.Ingredient.entryFromJson(Ingredient:165) ~[?:?]
  1434. at net.minecraft.recipe.Ingredient.fromJson(Ingredient:147) ~[?:?]
  1435. at net.minecraft.class_5357$class_5358.method_29544( ~[intermediary-fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.4.jar:?]
  1436. at net.minecraft.class_5357$ ~[intermediary-fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.4.jar:?]
  1437. at net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeManager.deserialize(RecipeManager:123) ~[?:?]
  1438. at net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeManager.apply(RecipeManager:54) ~[?:?]
  1439. at net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeManager.apply(RecipeManager:35) ~[?:?]
  1440. at net.minecraft.resource.SinglePreparationResourceReloadListener.method_18790(SinglePreparationResourceReloadListener:13) ~[?:?]
  1441. at net.minecraft.class_4080$$Lambda$3911/1439439342.accept(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  1442. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniAccept( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  1443. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  1444. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  1445. at net.minecraft.resource.ResourceReloader.method_18365(ResourceReloader:71) ~[?:?]
  1446. at net.minecraft.class_4014$$Lambda$4167/ Source) ~[?:?]
  1447. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.executeTask(ThreadExecutor:144) ~[?:?]
  1448. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantThreadExecutor.executeTask(ReentrantThreadExecutor:23) ~[?:?]
  1449. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTask(ThreadExecutor:118) ~[?:?]
  1450. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTasks(ThreadExecutor:127) ~[?:?]
  1451. at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_29604(MinecraftClient:1958) ~[?:?]
  1452. at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_29610(MinecraftClient:1808) ~[?:?]
  1453. at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_29606(MinecraftClient:1748) ~[?:?]
  1454. at$Entry.start(WorldListWidget:407) ~[?:?]
  1455. at$ ~[?:?]
  1456. at$Entry.method_25402(WorldListWidget:259) ~[?:?]
  1457. at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EntryListWidget.method_25402(EntryListWidget:345) ~[?:?]
  1458. at net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement.method_25402(ParentElement:27) ~[?:?]
  1459. at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_1611(Mouse:92) ~[?:?]
  1460. at net.minecraft.class_312$$Lambda$4354/ Source) ~[?:?]
  1461. at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen.method_25412(Screen:435) ~[?:?]
  1462. at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.onMouseButton(Mouse:92) ~[?:?]
  1463. at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22686(Mouse:162) ~[?:?]
  1464. at net.minecraft.class_312$$Lambda$4353/ Source) ~[?:?]
  1465. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute(ThreadExecutor:94) ~[?:?]
  1466. at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22684(Mouse:162) ~[?:?]
  1467. at net.minecraft.class_312$$Lambda$3460/464886357.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  1468. at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.2.2.jar:build 10]
  1469. at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[lwjgl-3.2.2.jar:build 10]
  1470. at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwWaitEventsTimeout( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.2.2.jar:build 10]
  1471. at ~[intermediary-fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.4.jar:?]
  1472. at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render(MinecraftClient:1071) ~[?:?]
  1473. at ~[?:?]
  1474. at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main:215) [intermediary-fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.4.jar:?]
  1475. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  1476. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  1477. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  1478. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  1479. at [fabric-loader-0.10.8.jar:?]
  1480. at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.Knot.init( [fabric-loader-0.10.8.jar:?]
  1481. at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( [fabric-loader-0.10.8.jar:?]
  1482. [15:11:28] [main/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
  1483. [15:11:28] [main/INFO]: Loaded 931 advancements
  1484. [15:11:28] [main/INFO]: Loaded ComposedMatcher{includes=SingleMatcher{strings=[], patterns=[.+]}, excludes=SingleMatcher{strings=[], patterns=[]}}
  1485. [15:11:28] [main/INFO]: Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 79 new biomes in 2.963 ms
  1486. [15:11:30] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  1487. [15:11:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.16.4
  1488. [15:11:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  1489. [15:11:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
  1490. [15:11:31] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  1491. [15:11:31] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  1492. [15:11:31] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  1493. [15:11:32] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  1494. [15:11:33] [main/INFO]: Time elapsed: 2496 ms
  1495. [15:11:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [All Stackable] Reset all items
  1496. [15:11:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [All Stackable] Config Loaded
  1497. [15:11:33] [Server thread/INFO]: [All Stackable] Loaded!
  1498. [15:11:33] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 15, from 10
  1499. [15:11:35] [Server thread/INFO]: sssubtlety[local:E:2b40c8bf] logged in with entity id 107 at (-264.8118365683973, 72.0, 225.26154818322166)
  1500. [15:11:36] [Server thread/INFO]: sssubtlety joined the game
  1501. [15:11:36] [main/INFO]: Canvas Renderer is initializing.
  1502. [15:11:36] [main/INFO]: Found Litematica - compatibility hook enabled
  1503. [15:11:36] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: [All Stackable] [Client] Sync config from server side!
  1504. [15:11:36] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: [All Stackable] [Client] Sync rules (Default = false) :
  1505. [15:11:36] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: [stackEmptyShulkerBoxOnly] = false
  1506. [15:11:36] [Netty Local Client IO #0/INFO]: [All Stackable] [Client] Sync finished.
  1507. [15:11:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
  1508. [15:11:36] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:overworld
  1509. [15:11:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:the_nether
  1510. [15:11:37] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:the_end
  1511. [15:11:38] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at GameRenderer Setup - 70,118,200ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1512. [15:11:38] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-LightUpdates - 429,019,100ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1513. [15:11:39] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainSetup - 625,603,200ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1514. [15:11:40] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-BloomSetup - 825,122,600ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1515. [15:11:40] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-EntityRender - 53,642,100ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1516. [15:11:40] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-OutlineAndDebug - 37,530,200ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1517. [15:11:40] [main/INFO]: Found MaliLib - compatibility hook enabled
  1518. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1519. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1520. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1521. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1522. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1523. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1524. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1525. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1526. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1527. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1528. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1529. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1530. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1531. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1532. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1533. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1534. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1535. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1536. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1537. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1538. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1539. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1540. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1541. [15:11:40] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1542. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1543. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1544. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1545. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1546. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1547. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1548. [15:11:41] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-LightUpdates - 88,945,600ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1549. [15:11:41] [main/INFO]: Loaded 900 advancements
  1550. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1551. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1552. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1553. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1554. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1555. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1556. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1557. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1558. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1559. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1560. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1561. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1562. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1563. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1564. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1565. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1566. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1567. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1568. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1569. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1570. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1571. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1572. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1573. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1574. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1575. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1576. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1577. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1578. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1579. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1580. [15:11:41] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainSetup - 191,288,300ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1581. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1582. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1583. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1584. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1585. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1586. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1587. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1588. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1589. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1590. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1591. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1592. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1593. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1594. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1595. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1596. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1597. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1598. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1599. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1600. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1601. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1602. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1603. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1604. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1605. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1606. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1607. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1608. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1609. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1610. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1611. [15:11:41] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-EntityRender - 40,365,700ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1612. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1613. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1614. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1615. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1616. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1617. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1618. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1619. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1620. [15:11:41] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1621. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1622. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1623. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1624. [15:11:42] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainSetup - 56,928,500ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1625. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1626. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1627. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1628. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1629. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1630. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1631. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1632. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1633. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1634. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1635. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1636. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1637. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1638. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1639. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1640. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1641. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1642. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1643. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1644. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1645. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1646. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1647. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1648. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1649. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1650. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1651. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1652. [15:11:42] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-Transluent - 51,052,200ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1653. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1654. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1655. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1656. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1657. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1658. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1659. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1660. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1661. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1662. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1663. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1664. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1665. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1666. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1667. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1668. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1669. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1670. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1671. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1672. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1673. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1674. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1675. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1676. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1677. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1678. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1679. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1680. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1681. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1682. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1683. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1684. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1685. [15:11:42] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1686. [15:11:43] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainUpdate - 43,687,600ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1687. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1688. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1689. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1690. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1691. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1692. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1693. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1694. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1695. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1696. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1697. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1698. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1699. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1700. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1701. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1702. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1703. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1704. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1705. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1706. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1707. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1708. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1709. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1710. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1711. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1712. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1713. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1714. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1715. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1716. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1717. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1718. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1719. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1720. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1721. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1722. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1723. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1724. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1725. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1726. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1727. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1728. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1729. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1730. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1731. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1732. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1733. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1734. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1735. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1736. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1737. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1738. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1739. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1740. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1741. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1742. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1743. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1744. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1745. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1746. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1747. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1748. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1749. [15:11:43] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1750. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1751. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1752. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1753. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1754. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1755. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1756. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1757. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1758. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1759. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1760. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1761. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1762. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1763. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1764. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1765. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1766. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1767. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1768. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1769. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1770. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1771. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1772. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1773. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1774. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1775. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1776. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1777. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1778. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1779. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1780. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1781. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1782. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1783. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1784. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1785. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1786. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1787. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1788. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1789. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1790. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1791. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1792. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1793. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1794. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1795. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1796. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1797. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1798. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1799. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1800. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1801. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1802. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1803. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1804. [15:11:44] [Server thread/WARN]: Can't keep up! Is the server overloaded? Running 2080ms or 41 ticks behind
  1805. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1806. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1807. [15:11:44] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1808. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1809. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1810. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1811. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1812. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1813. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1814. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1815. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1816. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1817. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1818. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1819. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1820. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1821. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1822. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1823. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1824. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1825. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1826. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1827. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1828. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1829. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1830. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1831. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1832. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1833. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1834. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1835. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1836. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1837. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1838. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1839. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1840. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1841. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1842. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1843. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1844. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1845. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1846. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1847. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1848. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1849. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1850. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1851. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1852. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1853. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1854. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1855. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1856. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1857. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1858. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1859. [15:11:45] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainRenderSolid - 59,688,399ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  1860. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1861. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1862. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1863. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1864. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1865. [15:11:45] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1866. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1867. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1868. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1869. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1870. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1871. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1872. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1873. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1874. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1875. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1876. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1877. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1878. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1879. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1880. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1881. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1882. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1883. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1884. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1885. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1886. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1887. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1888. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1889. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1890. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1891. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1892. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1893. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1894. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1895. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1896. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1897. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1898. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1899. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1900. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1901. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1902. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1903. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1904. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1905. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1906. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1907. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1908. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1909. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1910. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1911. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1912. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1913. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1914. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1915. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1916. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1917. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1918. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1919. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1920. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1921. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1922. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1923. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1924. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1925. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1926. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1927. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1928. [15:11:46] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1929. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1930. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1931. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1932. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1933. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1934. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1935. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1936. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1937. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1938. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1939. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1940. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1941. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1942. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1943. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1944. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1945. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1946. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1947. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1948. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1949. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1950. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1951. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1952. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1953. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1954. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1955. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1956. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1957. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1958. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1959. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1960. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1961. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1962. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1963. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1964. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1965. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1966. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1967. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1968. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1969. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1970. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1971. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1972. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1973. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1974. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1975. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1976. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1977. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1978. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1979. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1980. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1981. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1982. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1983. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1984. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1985. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1986. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1987. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1988. [15:11:47] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1989. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1990. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1991. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1992. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1993. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1994. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1995. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1996. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  1997. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  1998. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  1999. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2000. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2001. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2002. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2003. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2004. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2005. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2006. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2007. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2008. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2009. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2010. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2011. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2012. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2013. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2014. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2015. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2016. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2017. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2018. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2019. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2020. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2021. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2022. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2023. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2024. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2025. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2026. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2027. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2028. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2029. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2030. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2031. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2032. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2033. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2034. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2035. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2036. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2037. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2038. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2039. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2040. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2041. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2042. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2043. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2044. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2045. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2046. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2047. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2048. [15:11:48] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2049. [15:11:49] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-LightUpdates - 85,601,600ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  2050. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2051. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2052. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2053. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2054. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2055. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2056. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2057. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2058. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2059. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2060. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2061. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2062. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2063. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2064. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2065. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2066. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2067. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2068. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2069. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2070. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2071. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2072. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2073. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2074. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2075. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2076. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2077. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2078. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2079. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2080. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2081. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2082. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2083. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2084. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2085. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2086. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2087. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2088. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2089. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2090. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2091. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2092. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2093. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2094. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2095. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2096. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2097. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2098. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2099. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2100. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2101. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2102. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2103. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2104. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2105. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2106. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2107. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2108. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2109. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2110. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2111. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2112. [15:11:49] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2113. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2114. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2115. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2116. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2117. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2118. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2119. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2120. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2121. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2122. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2123. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2124. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2125. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2126. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2127. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2128. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2129. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2130. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2131. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2132. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2133. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2134. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2135. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2136. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2137. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2138. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2139. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2140. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2141. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2142. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2143. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2144. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2145. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2146. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2147. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2148. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2149. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2150. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2151. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2152. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2153. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2154. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2155. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2156. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2157. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2158. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2159. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2160. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2161. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2162. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2163. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2164. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2165. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2166. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2167. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2168. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2169. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2170. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2171. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2172. [15:11:50] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2173. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2174. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2175. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2176. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2177. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2178. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2179. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2180. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2181. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2182. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2183. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2184. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2185. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2186. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2187. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2188. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2189. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2190. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2191. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2192. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2193. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2194. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2195. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2196. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2197. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2198. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2199. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2200. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2201. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2202. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2203. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2204. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2205. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2206. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2207. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2208. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2209. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2210. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2211. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2212. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2213. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2214. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2215. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2216. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2217. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2218. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2219. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2220. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2221. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2222. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2223. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2224. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2225. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2226. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2227. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2228. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2229. [15:11:51] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2230. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2231. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2232. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2233. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2234. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2235. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2236. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2237. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2238. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2239. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2240. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2241. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2242. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2243. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2244. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2245. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2246. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2247. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2248. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2249. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2250. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2251. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2252. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2253. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2254. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2255. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2256. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2257. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2258. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2259. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2260. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2261. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2262. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2263. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2264. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2265. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2266. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2267. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2268. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2269. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2270. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2271. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2272. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2273. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2274. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2275. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2276. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2277. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2278. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2279. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2280. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2281. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2282. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2283. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2284. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2285. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2286. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2287. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2288. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2289. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2290. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2291. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2292. [15:11:52] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2293. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2294. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2295. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2296. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2297. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2298. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2299. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2300. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2301. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2302. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2303. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2304. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2305. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2306. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2307. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2308. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2309. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2310. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2311. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2312. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2313. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2314. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2315. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2316. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2317. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2318. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2319. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2320. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2321. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2322. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2323. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2324. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2325. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2326. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2327. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2328. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2329. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2330. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2331. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2332. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2333. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2334. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2335. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2336. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2337. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2338. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2339. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2340. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2341. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2342. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2343. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2344. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2345. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2346. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2347. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2348. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2349. [15:11:53] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2350. [15:11:59] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainRenderSolid - 55,111,800ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  2351. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2352. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2353. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2354. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2355. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2356. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2357. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2358. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2359. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2360. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2361. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2362. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2363. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2364. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2365. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2366. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2367. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2368. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2369. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2370. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2371. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2372. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2373. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2374. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2375. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2376. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2377. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2378. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2379. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2380. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2381. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2382. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2383. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2384. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2385. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2386. [15:12:03] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2387. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2388. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2389. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2390. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2391. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2392. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2393. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2394. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2395. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2396. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2397. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2398. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2399. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2400. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2401. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2402. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2403. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2404. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2405. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2406. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2407. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2408. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2409. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2410. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2411. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2412. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2413. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2414. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2415. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2416. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2417. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2418. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2419. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2420. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2421. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2422. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2423. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2424. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2425. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2426. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2427. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2428. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2429. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2430. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2431. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2432. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2433. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2434. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2435. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2436. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2437. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2438. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2439. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2440. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2441. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2442. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2443. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2444. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2445. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2446. [15:12:04] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2447. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2448. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2449. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2450. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2451. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2452. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2453. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2454. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2455. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2456. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2457. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2458. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2459. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2460. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2461. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2462. [15:12:05] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-EntityRender - 40,648,300ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  2463. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2464. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2465. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2466. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2467. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2468. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2469. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2470. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2471. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2472. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2473. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2474. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2475. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2476. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2477. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2478. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2479. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2480. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2481. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2482. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2483. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2484. [15:12:05] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-LightUpdates - 35,336,200ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  2485. [15:12:05] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainSetup - 47,135,800ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  2486. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2487. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2488. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2489. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2490. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2491. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2492. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2493. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2494. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2495. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2496. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2497. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2498. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2499. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2500. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2501. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2502. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2503. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2504. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2505. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2506. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2507. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2508. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2509. [15:12:05] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2510. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2511. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2512. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2513. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2514. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2515. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2516. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2517. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2518. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2519. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2520. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2521. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2522. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2523. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2524. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2525. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2526. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2527. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2528. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2529. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2530. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2531. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2532. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2533. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2534. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2535. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2536. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2537. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2538. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2539. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2540. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2541. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2542. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2543. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2544. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2545. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2546. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2547. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2548. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2549. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2550. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2551. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2552. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2553. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2554. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2555. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2556. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2557. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2558. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2559. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2560. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2561. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2562. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2563. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2564. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2565. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2566. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2567. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2568. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2569. [15:12:06] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2570. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2571. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2572. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2573. [15:12:07] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-LightUpdates - 50,406,500ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  2574. [15:12:07] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainSetup - 33,394,800ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  2575. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2576. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2577. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2578. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2579. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2580. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2581. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2582. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2583. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2584. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2585. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2586. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2587. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2588. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2589. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2590. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2591. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2592. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2593. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2594. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2595. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2596. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2597. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2598. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2599. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2600. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2601. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2602. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2603. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2604. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2605. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2606. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2607. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2608. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2609. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2610. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2611. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2612. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2613. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2614. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2615. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2616. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2617. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2618. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2619. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2620. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2621. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2622. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2623. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2624. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2625. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2626. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2627. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2628. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2629. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2630. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2631. [15:12:07] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2632. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2633. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2634. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2635. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2636. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2637. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2638. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2639. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2640. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2641. [15:12:08] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainSetup - 97,939,400ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  2642. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2643. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2644. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2645. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2646. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2647. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2648. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  2649. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  2650. [15:12:08] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  2651. [15:12:08] [Server thread/INFO]: sssubtlety lost connection: Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.class_3244 cannot be cast to
  2652. [15:12:08] [Server thread/INFO]: sssubtlety left the game
  2653. [15:12:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
  2654. [15:12:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
  2655. [15:12:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
  2656. [15:12:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
  2657. [15:12:08] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:overworld
  2658. [15:12:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (lith+pho+ac_test): All chunks are saved
  2659. [15:12:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:the_nether
  2660. [15:12:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM-1): All chunks are saved
  2661. [15:12:10] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:the_end
  2662. [15:12:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM1): All chunks are saved
  2663. [15:12:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (lith+pho+ac_test): All chunks are saved
  2664. [15:12:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM-1): All chunks are saved
  2665. [15:12:10] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM1): All chunks are saved
  2666. [15:12:21] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, destination] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [Player, 0123, @e, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  2667. [15:12:21] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  2668. [15:12:21] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, location] and [teleport, targets] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  2669. [15:12:21] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets] and [teleport, destination] with inputs: [Player, 0123, dd12be42-52a9-4a91-a8a1-11c01849e498]
  2670. [15:12:21] [main/WARN]: Ambiguity between arguments [teleport, targets, location] and [teleport, targets, destination] with inputs: [0.1 -0.5 .9, 0 0 0]
  2671. [15:12:21] [main/INFO]: Reloading ResourceManager: Default, Fabric Mods (Crafting Pad, I Am Very Smart, Bookshelving, Villager Hats, Mo Glass, Oh, How the Crafting Has Tabled!, Fabric Tool Attribute API (v1), Carved Melons, Automated Crafting, Netherite Horse Armor, Bag of Feathers, Cotton Commons, Monster Of The Ocean Depths, Carrier), cotton_generated
  2672. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_dye_from_dandelion
  2673. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:charcoal
  2674. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_button
  2675. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_wall_from_diorite_stonecutting
  2676. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab
  2677. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_ingot
  2678. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:rabbit_stew_from_brown_mushroom
  2679. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_wool
  2680. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:magenta_stained_glass_stairs
  2681. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_dark_oak_wood
  2682. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stonecutter
  2683. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:soul_torch
  2684. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bone_block
  2685. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coal_from_blasting
  2686. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_nugget
  2687. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:melon
  2688. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_fence
  2689. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab
  2690. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_rabbit
  2691. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_nugget_from_blasting
  2692. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_fence_gate
  2693. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_campfire_cooking
  2694. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:purple_stained_glass_slab
  2695. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:purple_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  2696. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_wart_block
  2697. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:white_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  2698. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  2699. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_banner
  2700. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  2701. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_bed_from_white_bed
  2702. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_wall
  2703. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:gray_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  2704. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_dye
  2705. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane
  2706. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_wool
  2707. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_pressure_plate
  2708. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab_from_cut_sandstone_stonecutting
  2709. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coal_block
  2710. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sugar_from_honey_bottle
  2711. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_bed_from_white_bed
  2712. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_wool
  2713. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:slime_ball
  2714. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_fence_gate
  2715. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_chestplate
  2716. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_bed
  2717. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:green_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  2718. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_block
  2719. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:beehive
  2720. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:map_extending
  2721. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_slab_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  2722. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_sign
  2723. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  2724. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_door
  2725. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_porkchop
  2726. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_salmon_from_smoking
  2727. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:lime_stained_glass_slab
  2728. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:writable_book
  2729. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_wood
  2730. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:blue_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  2731. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_helmet
  2732. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_bed
  2733. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_wood
  2734. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:scaffolding
  2735. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:emerald_block
  2736. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_apple
  2737. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_nether_bricks
  2738. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_pickaxe
  2739. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:flower_pot
  2740. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_button
  2741. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_oxeye_daisy
  2742. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_from_granite_stonecutting
  2743. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane
  2744. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_stairs
  2745. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_wool
  2746. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting
  2747. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_bricks_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  2748. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_bed
  2749. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting
  2750. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_sword
  2751. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_wood
  2752. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_stained_glass
  2753. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_blue_red_white_dye
  2754. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_fence
  2755. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab
  2756. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_slab
  2757. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab
  2758. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_wall_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  2759. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_slab_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  2760. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:glass_stairs
  2761. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:honey_block
  2762. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_dye
  2763. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_glazed_terracotta
  2764. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_terracotta
  2765. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe bag_of_feathers:bag_of_feathers
  2766. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:black_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  2767. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp_from_smoking
  2768. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_sandstone_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  2769. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_stained_glass
  2770. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_wall
  2771. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:purple_stained_glass_stairs
  2772. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_stairs
  2773. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab
  2774. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab
  2775. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_stairs_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting
  2776. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:suspicious_stew
  2777. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_trapdoor
  2778. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  2779. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_from_blasting
  2780. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_bed_from_white_bed
  2781. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_boots
  2782. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_dye_from_red_white_dye
  2783. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_shovel_smithing
  2784. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_wall_from_andesite_stonecutting
  2785. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_door
  2786. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_basalt
  2787. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_stairs
  2788. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_concrete_powder
  2789. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:conduit
  2790. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mojang_banner_pattern
  2791. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_slab
  2792. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_blue_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  2793. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:fire_charge
  2794. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_hoe
  2795. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sticky_piston
  2796. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_gray_stained_glass_slab
  2797. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_dye
  2798. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone
  2799. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_glazed_terracotta
  2800. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:emerald
  2801. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_slab
  2802. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_pickaxe
  2803. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:powered_rail
  2804. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:firework_star
  2805. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_concrete_powder
  2806. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_wall_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  2807. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_stairs
  2808. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_slab_from_smooth_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  2809. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:crimson_bookshelf
  2810. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_button
  2811. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs
  2812. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_stained_glass
  2813. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe netheritehorsearmor:enderite_horse_armor_from_smithing
  2814. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lapis_from_blasting
  2815. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stick_from_bamboo_item
  2816. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_terracotta
  2817. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_oak_wood
  2818. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone
  2819. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_concrete_powder
  2820. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_terracotta
  2821. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_fence_gate
  2822. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:comparator
  2823. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lodestone
  2824. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:repeater
  2825. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_concrete_powder
  2826. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_boots_smithing
  2827. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_block
  2828. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glass
  2829. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_slab
  2830. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_stairs
  2831. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:weaponsmith_eyepatch
  2832. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:fishing_rod
  2833. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_beef_from_smoking
  2834. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp_block
  2835. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs
  2836. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_leggings
  2837. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:terracotta
  2838. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_crimson_hyphae
  2839. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz
  2840. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_carpet
  2841. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_carpet_from_white_carpet
  2842. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_wall
  2843. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:book_cloning
  2844. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_basalt_from_basalt_stonecutting
  2845. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:black_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  2846. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:cyan_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  2847. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_concrete_powder
  2848. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_concrete_powder
  2849. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:magenta_stained_glass_slab
  2850. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs_from_smooth_sandstone_stonecutting
  2851. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_wall_from_granite_stonecutting
  2852. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_bed_from_white_bed
  2853. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_stairs
  2854. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_terracotta
  2855. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_slab_from_polished_granite_stonecutting
  2856. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone
  2857. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mushroom_stew
  2858. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_dye_from_tulip
  2859. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_planks
  2860. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_wall_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  2861. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_dye_from_beetroot
  2862. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:beacon
  2863. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:tnt
  2864. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting
  2865. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_bed
  2866. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:flint_and_steel
  2867. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_dye_from_orange_tulip
  2868. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_bed_from_white_bed
  2869. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_ingot
  2870. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_carpet
  2871. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:spruce_crafting_table
  2872. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_door
  2873. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_dye
  2874. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:green_stained_glass_stairs
  2875. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane
  2876. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab
  2877. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_bricks
  2878. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_bricks
  2879. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_carpet
  2880. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_chestplate
  2881. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_fence
  2882. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_bricks
  2883. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:lime_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  2884. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_stairs
  2885. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass
  2886. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_wool_from_string
  2887. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_wall_from_cobblestone_stonecutting
  2888. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_from_andesite_stonecutting
  2889. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_stained_glass_pane
  2890. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_axe
  2891. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:fletcher_hat
  2892. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_stairs
  2893. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane
  2894. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_concrete_powder
  2895. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_smoking
  2896. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_glazed_terracotta
  2897. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_stained_glass
  2898. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:cartographer_hat
  2899. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_pressure_plate
  2900. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_stairs
  2901. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_sword
  2902. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_dye_from_sunflower
  2903. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  2904. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite
  2905. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_fence
  2906. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_hyphae
  2907. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:warped_bookshelf
  2908. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_slab
  2909. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:fisherman_hat
  2910. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_bed_from_white_bed
  2911. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_banner
  2912. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_wall_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  2913. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glistering_melon_slice
  2914. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:orange_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  2915. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_stone_slab_from_smooth_stone_stonecutting
  2916. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_button
  2917. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_door
  2918. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_hoe
  2919. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_ingot_from_iron_block
  2920. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_planks
  2921. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_axe_smithing
  2922. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:snow
  2923. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_fence_gate
  2924. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:clock
  2925. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_carpet
  2926. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  2927. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_wool
  2928. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_wall_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  2929. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_trapdoor
  2930. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:pink_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  2931. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:acacia_crafting_table
  2932. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:grindstone
  2933. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_ice
  2934. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_bricks
  2935. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:banner_duplicate
  2936. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_slab_from_granite_stonecutting
  2937. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glass_pane
  2938. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_leggings
  2939. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_stairs_from_granite_stonecutting
  2940. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_slab
  2941. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lectern
  2942. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine
  2943. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_sword
  2944. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_stained_glass
  2945. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_ingot_from_nuggets
  2946. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_sandstone
  2947. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:clay
  2948. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_pickaxe
  2949. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_allium
  2950. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_stone_slab
  2951. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:purple_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  2952. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:ladder
  2953. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_slab_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  2954. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_torch
  2955. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab
  2956. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_slab_from_andesite_stonecutting
  2957. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:furnace_minecart
  2958. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:target
  2959. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_slab_from_diorite_stonecutting
  2960. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_wool
  2961. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_concrete_powder
  2962. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_terracotta
  2963. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_carpet
  2964. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cake
  2965. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_bed
  2966. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_banner
  2967. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_sign
  2968. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_slab
  2969. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_nether_bricks_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  2970. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_terracotta
  2971. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_boots
  2972. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_carpet_from_white_carpet
  2973. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_blue_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  2974. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_ingot_from_netherite_block
  2975. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:armor_stand
  2976. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane
  2977. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_concrete_powder
  2978. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_leggings
  2979. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_wall_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  2980. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:acacia_bookshelf
  2981. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_dye_from_cornflower
  2982. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_slab_from_bricks_stonecutting
  2983. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_bricks_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  2984. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_slab_from_stonecutting
  2985. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_banner
  2986. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:barrel
  2987. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:emerald_from_smelting
  2988. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_button
  2989. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_slab_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  2990. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_hyphae
  2991. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:gray_stained_glass_stairs
  2992. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_scrap_from_blasting
  2993. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:pink_stained_glass_stairs
  2994. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_slab_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  2995. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine_slab_from_dark_prismarine_stonecutting
  2996. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  2997. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:baked_potato_from_smoking
  2998. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_glazed_terracotta
  2999. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe carvedmelons:craft_melon_o_lantern
  3000. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3001. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_blue_stained_glass_slab
  3002. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks_stone_from_stonecutting
  3003. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:book
  3004. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_stone_bricks
  3005. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_sword_smithing
  3006. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  3007. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_shovel
  3008. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab
  3009. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smithing_table
  3010. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_bed
  3011. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magma_block
  3012. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_stairs_from_granite_stonecutting
  3013. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_slab_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  3014. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_pressure_plate
  3015. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  3016. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_terracotta
  3017. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:white_stained_glass_slab
  3018. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cauldron
  3019. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_concrete_powder
  3020. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs_from_red_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  3021. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_concrete_powder
  3022. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_dye_from_poppy
  3023. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_shovel
  3024. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_fungus_on_a_stick
  3025. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_brick_slab_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  3026. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_wall
  3027. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_slab
  3028. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:hay_block
  3029. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:warped_crafting_table
  3030. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_slab
  3031. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_banner
  3032. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_stairs
  3033. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cracked_polished_blackstone_bricks
  3034. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_bricks_from_end_stone_stonecutting
  3035. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_slab_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting
  3036. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:popped_chorus_fruit
  3037. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe automated_crafting:auto_crafter
  3038. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_cod_from_smoking
  3039. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:orange_stained_glass_slab
  3040. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:minecart
  3041. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_bricks_from_stone_stonecutting
  3042. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab
  3043. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab_from_smooth_quartz_stonecutting
  3044. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chest
  3045. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_stained_glass
  3046. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:rail
  3047. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_sword
  3048. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_terracotta
  3049. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:gray_stained_glass_slab
  3050. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_banner
  3051. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:creeper_banner_pattern
  3052. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe craftingpad:craftingpad
  3053. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_bed
  3054. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_fence
  3055. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:birch_bookshelf
  3056. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_shovel
  3057. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_stairs_from_purpur_block_stonecutting
  3058. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:soul_lantern
  3059. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_dye_from_lily_of_the_valley
  3060. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_trapdoor
  3061. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_wall_from_bricks_stonecutting
  3062. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall
  3063. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:firework_star_fade
  3064. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:black_stained_glass_slab
  3065. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_slab
  3066. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_glazed_terracotta
  3067. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone_stairs
  3068. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blaze_powder
  3069. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_slab_from_end_stone_stonecutting
  3070. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chain
  3071. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3072. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  3073. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_concrete_powder
  3074. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_stained_glass
  3075. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_fence
  3076. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_trapdoor
  3077. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:rabbit_stew_from_red_mushroom
  3078. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_boots
  3079. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_hoe_smithing
  3080. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs_from_polished_blackstone_bricks_stonecutting
  3081. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_brick_stairs
  3082. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_chestplate
  3083. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_chestplate
  3084. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_chestplate_smithing
  3085. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:spruce_bookshelf
  3086. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_stairs_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  3087. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_planks
  3088. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_sign
  3089. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone
  3090. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_stairs_from_quartz_block_stonecutting
  3091. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_ingot
  3092. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:orange_stained_glass_stairs
  3093. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:cyan_stained_glass_slab
  3094. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_sign
  3095. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_bed_from_white_bed
  3096. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_pressure_plate
  3097. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coal_from_smelting
  3098. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:flower_banner_pattern
  3099. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_block
  3100. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3101. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_terracotta
  3102. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_dye_from_red_yellow
  3103. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  3104. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3105. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_stairs
  3106. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab_from_polished_blackstone_bricks_stonecutting
  3107. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone_slab_from_smooth_sandstone_stonecutting
  3108. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_bed
  3109. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_sign
  3110. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_nugget_from_blasting
  3111. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:butcher_headband
  3112. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:lime_stained_glass_stairs
  3113. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe carrier:shaped/glove
  3114. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:birch_crafting_table
  3115. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  3116. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:blue_stained_glass_stairs
  3117. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crossbow
  3118. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_azure_bluet
  3119. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3120. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_white_tulip
  3121. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shield_decoration
  3122. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bowl
  3123. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond
  3124. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane
  3125. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_slab
  3126. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_bed_from_white_bed
  3127. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_blue_red_pink
  3128. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_concrete_powder
  3129. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_slab_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  3130. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_carpet
  3131. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_banner
  3132. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_concrete_powder
  3133. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sugar_from_sugar_cane
  3134. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe netheritehorsearmor:netherite_horse_armor_from_smithing
  3135. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_planks
  3136. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_black_white_dye
  3137. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane
  3138. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spectral_arrow
  3139. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_terracotta
  3140. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:tnt_minecart
  3141. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:cyan_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3142. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_carpet
  3143. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_stained_glass
  3144. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_planks
  3145. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:slime_block
  3146. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_beef_from_campfire_cooking
  3147. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_hoe
  3148. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_pillar
  3149. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_campfire_cooking
  3150. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:dark_oak_crafting_table
  3151. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_bed_from_white_bed
  3152. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:lime_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3153. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_stairs
  3154. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_terracotta
  3155. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_wool
  3156. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs
  3157. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:note_block
  3158. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_dye
  3159. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_slab_from_polished_diorite_stonecutting
  3160. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:brown_stained_glass_slab
  3161. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_stairs_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  3162. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:piston
  3163. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_bed
  3164. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_bed
  3165. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:red_stained_glass_slab
  3166. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_carpet
  3167. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_banner
  3168. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz
  3169. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_crystal
  3170. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:jungle_crafting_table
  3171. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3172. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs
  3173. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_sandstone
  3174. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_banner
  3175. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_pickaxe
  3176. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_glazed_terracotta
  3177. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shulker_box
  3178. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab_from_cut_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  3179. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dispenser
  3180. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_axe
  3181. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane
  3182. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:daylight_detector
  3183. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sponge
  3184. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_stairs
  3185. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_wall
  3186. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_from_blasting
  3187. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_glazed_terracotta
  3188. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_carpet
  3189. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_planks
  3190. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_stairs_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting
  3191. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_stained_glass
  3192. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_bricks
  3193. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3194. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_carpet
  3195. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_bricks
  3196. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_slab
  3197. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cracked_stone_bricks
  3198. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:blue_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3199. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jack_o_lantern
  3200. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:tripwire_hook
  3201. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_polished_blackstone_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  3202. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_stairs_from_diorite_stonecutting
  3203. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:trapped_chest
  3204. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:hopper
  3205. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  3206. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_stairs_from_stone_stonecutting
  3207. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lantern
  3208. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_banner
  3209. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp
  3210. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lapis_from_smelting
  3211. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:ender_chest
  3212. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_stained_glass
  3213. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_nugget
  3214. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs_from_andesite_stonecutting
  3215. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_bars
  3216. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:beetroot_soup
  3217. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_trapdoor
  3218. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_glazed_terracotta
  3219. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_terracotta
  3220. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_cod
  3221. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_axe
  3222. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_helmet
  3223. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:orange_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3224. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_slab_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  3225. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_wood
  3226. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_bed_from_white_bed
  3227. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cartography_table
  3228. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3229. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite
  3230. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_slab
  3231. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_pressure_plate
  3232. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_bed
  3233. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_pressure_plate
  3234. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_slab
  3235. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_stairs_from_bricks_stonecutting
  3236. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_stairs
  3237. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_smoking
  3238. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blast_furnace
  3239. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs
  3240. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3241. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_lilac
  3242. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:blue_stained_glass_slab
  3243. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3244. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_wool
  3245. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_bed_from_white_bed
  3246. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_wool
  3247. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:brown_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3248. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:tipped_arrow
  3249. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3250. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_carpet
  3251. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_polished_blackstone
  3252. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:firework_rocket
  3253. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:turtle_helmet
  3254. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_slab_from_polished_andesite_stonecutting
  3255. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_wall_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  3256. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:red_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3257. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:baked_potato
  3258. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:fletching_table
  3259. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_banner
  3260. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_salmon
  3261. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_dye_from_gray_white_dye
  3262. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall
  3263. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:yellow_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3264. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_dye_from_purple_and_pink
  3265. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_banner
  3266. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_pillar
  3267. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:heavy_weighted_pressure_plate
  3268. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_stained_glass
  3269. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_shovel
  3270. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_leggings
  3271. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_birch_wood
  3272. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting
  3273. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_stairs
  3274. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_banner
  3275. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_pickaxe_smithing
  3276. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_pressure_plate
  3277. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:gray_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3278. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dropper
  3279. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_lamp
  3280. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane
  3281. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_carpet
  3282. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_rod
  3283. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_slab_from_diorite_stonecutting
  3284. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_dye_from_smelting
  3285. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite_stairs_from_polished_andesite_stonecutting
  3286. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone
  3287. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_helmet
  3288. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_dye_from_blue_orchid
  3289. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting
  3290. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_button
  3291. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:yellow_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3292. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bone_meal_from_bone_block
  3293. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bread
  3294. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe zoob:abyss_enchantment_book
  3295. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:green_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3296. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:yellow_stained_glass_slab
  3297. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:torch
  3298. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_stairs
  3299. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_boat
  3300. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:armor_dye
  3301. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lever
  3302. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_wall_from_end_stone_stonecutting
  3303. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:white_stained_glass_stairs
  3304. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:map
  3305. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:detector_rail
  3306. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_bed
  3307. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shield
  3308. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_slab
  3309. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_porkchop_from_campfire_cooking
  3310. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_sign
  3311. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3312. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_trapdoor
  3313. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_banner
  3314. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3315. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:painting
  3316. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_shovel
  3317. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_slab
  3318. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_rabbit_from_smoking
  3319. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_pressure_plate
  3320. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_bricks
  3321. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crafting_table
  3322. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:map_cloning
  3323. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_wall
  3324. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3325. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_wall
  3326. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_wood
  3327. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_slab_from_stone_stonecutting
  3328. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_wool
  3329. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_wool
  3330. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_bed_from_white_bed
  3331. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_from_smelting
  3332. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_glazed_terracotta
  3333. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_carpet
  3334. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_glazed_terracotta
  3335. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_stairs
  3336. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_slab_from_stone_stonecutting
  3337. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_nugget_from_smelting
  3338. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_door
  3339. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_ingot_from_blasting
  3340. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:anvil
  3341. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_acacia_wood
  3342. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_ingot_from_nuggets
  3343. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs
  3344. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_chicken
  3345. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs_from_smooth_quartz_stonecutting
  3346. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_trapdoor
  3347. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3348. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_polished_blackstone_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  3349. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_door
  3350. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_leggings_smithing
  3351. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_bed
  3352. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_button
  3353. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick
  3354. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wooden_sword
  3355. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_fence_gate
  3356. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bone_meal
  3357. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_stairs_from_stone_stonecutting
  3358. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_glazed_terracotta
  3359. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs_from_diorite_stonecutting
  3360. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:honey_bottle
  3361. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_bed
  3362. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz_slab
  3363. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_door
  3364. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:carrot_on_a_stick
  3365. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane
  3366. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_wool
  3367. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_wall
  3368. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_from_diorite_stonecutting
  3369. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_bed
  3370. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3371. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine
  3372. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_wall_from_prismarine_stonecutting
  3373. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:emerald_from_blasting
  3374. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3375. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather_horse_armor
  3376. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cookie
  3377. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_planks
  3378. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lapis_lazuli
  3379. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3380. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_button
  3381. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite_wall
  3382. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_concrete_powder
  3383. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_slab_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  3384. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_block
  3385. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shears
  3386. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:wheat
  3387. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_ingot_from_blasting
  3388. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:honeycomb_block
  3389. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_stained_glass_pane
  3390. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_block
  3391. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick
  3392. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3393. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_slab_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting
  3394. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_helmet
  3395. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_fence
  3396. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_bed_from_white_bed
  3397. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bow
  3398. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_stairs_from_andesite_stonecutting
  3399. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_slab_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting
  3400. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_fence_gate
  3401. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coal
  3402. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe zoob:bait
  3403. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:compass
  3404. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite_stairs
  3405. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:item_frame
  3406. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe zoob:fish_trap
  3407. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3408. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_slab
  3409. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:loom
  3410. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3411. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_stairs_from_polished_granite_stonecutting
  3412. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smoker
  3413. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:green_stained_glass_slab
  3414. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:skull_banner_pattern
  3415. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_boat
  3416. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_dye_from_pink_tulip
  3417. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:arrow
  3418. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_fence_gate
  3419. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_wall
  3420. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_dye
  3421. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:granite
  3422. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:melon_seeds
  3423. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_stairs_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  3424. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_slab
  3425. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_dye_from_wither_rose
  3426. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_stairs
  3427. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_stairs_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  3428. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bricks
  3429. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone_slab
  3430. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_stained_glass_pane
  3431. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_carpet
  3432. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:green_wool
  3433. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_glazed_terracotta
  3434. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:andesite
  3435. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_boots
  3436. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone
  3437. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stick
  3438. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_stairs
  3439. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_stairs
  3440. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_pressure_plate
  3441. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brewing_stand
  3442. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:red_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3443. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_from_smelting
  3444. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall_from_polished_blackstone_bricks_stonecutting
  3445. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:white_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3446. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_red_sandstone_stairs_from_smooth_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  3447. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:pink_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3448. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_wall
  3449. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:librarian_hat
  3450. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_axe
  3451. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_button
  3452. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:packed_ice
  3453. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:golden_carrot
  3454. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone
  3455. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_stairs
  3456. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp_from_campfire_cooking
  3457. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_banner
  3458. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_wall
  3459. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_block
  3460. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_slab
  3461. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_trapdoor
  3462. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_stained_glass
  3463. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_stained_glass
  3464. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glowstone
  3465. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:respawn_anchor
  3466. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pumpkin_seeds
  3467. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_slab_from_purpur_block_stonecutting
  3468. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_nether_brick_wall
  3469. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone
  3470. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:glass_slab
  3471. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_fence
  3472. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:armorer_hat
  3473. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_brick_stairs_from_blackstone_stonecutting
  3474. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magma_cream
  3475. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blackstone_wall
  3476. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_stone
  3477. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_mutton
  3478. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bookshelf
  3479. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs
  3480. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lapis_block
  3481. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_carpet
  3482. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:farmer_hat
  3483. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_bed_from_white_bed
  3484. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brown_stained_glass_pane
  3485. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dried_kelp_from_smelting
  3486. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_terracotta
  3487. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite_slab_from_granite_stonecutting
  3488. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:snow_block
  3489. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_axe
  3490. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_wool
  3491. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:composter
  3492. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:ender_eye
  3493. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sandstone_stairs
  3494. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jukebox
  3495. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_terracotta
  3496. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_gray_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3497. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_bed
  3498. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_slab
  3499. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_slab
  3500. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_sign
  3501. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:coarse_dirt
  3502. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3503. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chest_minecart
  3504. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:magenta_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3505. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_slab_from_cobblestone_stonecutting
  3506. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_boat
  3507. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_stone_brick_stairs_from_mossy_stone_brick_stonecutting
  3508. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_bricks_from_quartz_block_stonecutting
  3509. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:sea_lantern
  3510. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:yellow_carpet
  3511. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3512. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:prismarine_slab
  3513. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_dye_from_rose_bush
  3514. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:fermented_spider_eye
  3515. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_glazed_terracotta
  3516. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:magenta_terracotta
  3517. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:baked_potato_from_campfire_cooking
  3518. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_hoe
  3519. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diamond_hoe
  3520. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_boat
  3521. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pumpkin_pie
  3522. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:magenta_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3523. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_gray_stained_glass_stairs_from_glass_stonecutting
  3524. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_ingot_from_gold_block
  3525. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:jungle_fence
  3526. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_weighted_pressure_plate
  3527. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_campfire_cooking
  3528. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:glass_bottle
  3529. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_door
  3530. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_stained_glass_pane
  3531. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_granite
  3532. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_beef
  3533. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_mutton_from_smoking
  3534. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:hopper_minecart
  3535. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_stained_glass_pane
  3536. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3537. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_banner
  3538. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_bed_from_white_bed
  3539. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block
  3540. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:soul_campfire
  3541. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cobblestone_stairs_from_cobblestone_stonecutting
  3542. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_warped_hyphae
  3543. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_door
  3544. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs_from_end_stone_brick_stonecutting
  3545. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_wool
  3546. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:leather
  3547. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_nugget_from_smelting
  3548. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_quartz_block_from_quartz_block_stonecutting
  3549. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_bricks
  3550. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:jungle_bookshelf
  3551. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_stained_glass_pane_from_glass_pane
  3552. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_trapdoor
  3553. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:pink_stained_glass_slab
  3554. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_wall_from_stone_bricks_stonecutting
  3555. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_gray_concrete_powder
  3556. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:smooth_quartz_stairs
  3557. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:furnace
  3558. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_gray_stained_glass_stairs
  3559. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:light_blue_stained_glass_stairs
  3560. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:diorite_stairs
  3561. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cracked_nether_bricks
  3562. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_prismarine_stairs_from_dark_prismarine_stonecutting
  3563. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_fence_gate
  3564. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purpur_pillar_from_purpur_block_stonecutting
  3565. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:activator_rail
  3566. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_dye
  3567. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs_from_polished_diorite_stonecutting
  3568. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:brown_stained_glass_slab_from_glass_stonecutting
  3569. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:crimson_pressure_plate
  3570. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:redstone_from_blasting
  3571. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:oak_planks
  3572. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morecraftingtables:crimson_crafting_table
  3573. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:end_stone_brick_stairs_from_end_stone_stonecutting
  3574. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:warped_sign
  3575. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_chicken_from_campfire_cooking
  3576. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:purple_dye
  3577. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_sandstone
  3578. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_scrap
  3579. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_wall
  3580. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:iron_pickaxe
  3581. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_slab
  3582. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone
  3583. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_button
  3584. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:repair_item
  3585. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:yellow_stained_glass_stairs
  3586. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:light_blue_dye_from_blue_white_dye
  3587. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:shulker_box_coloring
  3588. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_slab
  3589. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cyan_dye
  3590. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:quartz_pillar_from_quartz_block_stonecutting
  3591. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:orange_terracotta
  3592. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:cyan_stained_glass_stairs
  3593. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:enchanting_table
  3594. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:red_glazed_terracotta
  3595. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:white_glazed_terracotta
  3596. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:blue_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3597. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lead
  3598. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:birch_boat
  3599. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gold_block
  3600. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:spruce_boat
  3601. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_diorite_stairs
  3602. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:mossy_cobblestone_wall_from_mossy_cobblestone_stonecutting
  3603. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:nether_brick_stairs_from_nether_bricks_stonecutting
  3604. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:observer
  3605. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:brown_stained_glass_stairs
  3606. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:campfire
  3607. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:paper
  3608. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe morebookshelves:dark_oak_bookshelf
  3609. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:dark_oak_slab
  3610. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_glazed_terracotta
  3611. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cooked_cod_from_campfire_cooking
  3612. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:gray_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3613. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:brick_stairs
  3614. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_carpet_from_white_carpet
  3615. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:lime_stained_glass
  3616. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe villagerhats:shepherd_hat
  3617. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_sandstone_slab_from_sandstone_stonecutting
  3618. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_spruce_wood
  3619. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:acacia_wood
  3620. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:netherite_helmet_smithing
  3621. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_blackstone_stairs_from_polished_blackstone_stonecutting
  3622. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stripped_jungle_wood
  3623. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:pink_dye_from_peony
  3624. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:stone_brick_walls_from_stone_stonecutting
  3625. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:bucket
  3626. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:red_stained_glass_stairs
  3627. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe mo_glass:black_stained_glass_stairs
  3628. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:cut_red_sandstone_slab
  3629. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:black_stained_glass
  3630. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:chiseled_red_sandstone_from_red_sandstone_stonecutting
  3631. [15:12:22] [main/INFO]: Attempting to load recipe minecraft:polished_andesite
  3632. [15:12:22] [main/ERROR]: Parsing error loading recipe netheritehorsearmor:enderite_horse_armor_from_smithing
  3633. Unknown item 'enderitemod:enderite_ingot'
  3634. at Not Enough Crashes deobfuscated stack trace.(1.15.2+build.14) ~[?:?]
  3635. at net.minecraft.recipe.Ingredient.method_17873(Ingredient:165) ~[?:?]
  3636. at net.minecraft.class_1856$$Lambda$5837/627012132.get(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  3637. at java.util.Optional.orElseThrow( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  3638. at net.minecraft.recipe.Ingredient.entryFromJson(Ingredient:165) ~[?:?]
  3639. at net.minecraft.recipe.Ingredient.fromJson(Ingredient:147) ~[?:?]
  3640. at net.minecraft.class_5357$class_5358.method_29544( ~[intermediary-fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.4.jar:?]
  3641. at net.minecraft.class_5357$ ~[intermediary-fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.4.jar:?]
  3642. at net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeManager.deserialize(RecipeManager:123) ~[?:?]
  3643. at net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeManager.apply(RecipeManager:54) ~[?:?]
  3644. at net.minecraft.recipe.RecipeManager.apply(RecipeManager:35) ~[?:?]
  3645. at net.minecraft.resource.SinglePreparationResourceReloadListener.method_18790(SinglePreparationResourceReloadListener:13) ~[?:?]
  3646. at net.minecraft.class_4080$$Lambda$3911/1439439342.accept(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  3647. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture.uniAccept( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  3648. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$UniAccept.tryFire( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  3649. at java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture$ ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  3650. at net.minecraft.resource.ResourceReloader.method_18365(ResourceReloader:71) ~[?:?]
  3651. at net.minecraft.class_4014$$Lambda$4167/ Source) ~[?:?]
  3652. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.executeTask(ThreadExecutor:144) ~[?:?]
  3653. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ReentrantThreadExecutor.executeTask(ReentrantThreadExecutor:23) ~[?:?]
  3654. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTask(ThreadExecutor:118) ~[?:?]
  3655. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.runTasks(ThreadExecutor:127) ~[?:?]
  3656. at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_29604(MinecraftClient:1958) ~[?:?]
  3657. at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_29610(MinecraftClient:1808) ~[?:?]
  3658. at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.method_29606(MinecraftClient:1748) ~[?:?]
  3659. at$Entry.start(WorldListWidget:407) ~[?:?]
  3660. at$ ~[?:?]
  3661. at$Entry.method_25402(WorldListWidget:259) ~[?:?]
  3662. at net.minecraft.client.gui.widget.EntryListWidget.method_25402(EntryListWidget:345) ~[?:?]
  3663. at net.minecraft.client.gui.ParentElement.method_25402(ParentElement:27) ~[?:?]
  3664. at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_1611(Mouse:92) ~[?:?]
  3665. at net.minecraft.class_312$$Lambda$4354/ Source) ~[?:?]
  3666. at net.minecraft.client.gui.screen.Screen.method_25412(Screen:435) ~[?:?]
  3667. at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.onMouseButton(Mouse:92) ~[?:?]
  3668. at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22686(Mouse:162) ~[?:?]
  3669. at net.minecraft.class_312$$Lambda$4353/ Source) ~[?:?]
  3670. at net.minecraft.util.thread.ThreadExecutor.execute(ThreadExecutor:94) ~[?:?]
  3671. at net.minecraft.client.Mouse.method_22684(Mouse:162) ~[?:?]
  3672. at net.minecraft.class_312$$Lambda$3460/464886357.invoke(Unknown Source) ~[?:?]
  3673. at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFWMouseButtonCallbackI.callback( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.2.2.jar:build 10]
  3674. at org.lwjgl.system.JNI.invokeV(Native Method) ~[lwjgl-3.2.2.jar:build 10]
  3675. at org.lwjgl.glfw.GLFW.glfwWaitEventsTimeout( ~[lwjgl-glfw-3.2.2.jar:build 10]
  3676. at ~[intermediary-fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.4.jar:?]
  3677. at net.minecraft.client.MinecraftClient.render(MinecraftClient:1071) ~[?:?]
  3678. at ~[?:?]
  3679. at net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(Main:215) [intermediary-fabric-loader-0.10.8-1.16.4.jar:?]
  3680. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method) ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  3681. at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  3682. at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  3683. at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( ~[?:1.8.0_51]
  3684. at [fabric-loader-0.10.8.jar:?]
  3685. at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.Knot.init( [fabric-loader-0.10.8.jar:?]
  3686. at net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotClient.main( [fabric-loader-0.10.8.jar:?]
  3687. [15:12:23] [main/INFO]: Loaded 7 recipes
  3688. [15:12:23] [main/INFO]: Loaded 931 advancements
  3689. [15:12:23] [main/INFO]: Loaded ComposedMatcher{includes=SingleMatcher{strings=[], patterns=[.+]}, excludes=SingleMatcher{strings=[], patterns=[]}}
  3690. [15:12:23] [main/INFO]: Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 79 new biomes in 573.6 ?s
  3691. [15:12:23] [main/INFO]: Environment: authHost='', accountsHost='', sessionHost='', servicesHost='', name='PROD'
  3692. [15:12:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Starting integrated minecraft server version 1.16.4
  3693. [15:12:23] [Server thread/INFO]: Generating keypair
  3694. [15:12:24] [Server thread/INFO]: Preparing start region for dimension minecraft:overworld
  3695. [15:12:24] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  3696. [15:12:24] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  3697. [15:12:25] [main/INFO]: Preparing spawn area: 0%
  3698. [15:12:25] [main/INFO]: Time elapsed: 1381 ms
  3699. [15:12:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [All Stackable] Reset all items
  3700. [15:12:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [All Stackable] Config Loaded
  3701. [15:12:25] [Server thread/INFO]: [All Stackable] Loaded!
  3702. [15:12:25] [Server thread/INFO]: Changing view distance to 15, from 10
  3703. [15:12:26] [Server thread/INFO]: sssubtlety[local:E:f59f4093] logged in with entity id 424 at (-268.90966413141626, 72.0, 224.69999998807907)
  3704. [15:12:26] [main/INFO]: Canvas Renderer is initializing.
  3705. [15:12:26] [Server thread/INFO]: sssubtlety joined the game
  3706. [15:12:26] [Netty Local Client IO #1/INFO]: [All Stackable] [Client] Sync config from server side!
  3707. [15:12:26] [Netty Local Client IO #1/INFO]: [All Stackable] [Client] Sync rules (Default = false) :
  3708. [15:12:26] [Netty Local Client IO #1/INFO]: [stackEmptyShulkerBoxOnly] = false
  3709. [15:12:26] [Netty Local Client IO #1/INFO]: [All Stackable] [Client] Sync finished.
  3710. [15:12:26] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving and pausing game...
  3711. [15:12:26] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:overworld
  3712. [15:12:27] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:the_nether
  3713. [15:12:27] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:the_end
  3714. [15:12:28] [main/INFO]: Loaded 900 advancements
  3715. [15:12:28] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-LightUpdates - 71,758,100ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  3716. [15:12:28] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainSetup - 66,248,600ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  3717. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3718. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3719. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3720. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3721. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3722. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3723. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3724. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3725. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3726. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3727. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3728. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3729. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3730. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3731. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3732. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3733. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3734. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3735. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3736. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3737. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3738. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3739. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3740. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3741. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3742. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3743. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3744. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3745. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3746. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3747. [15:12:28] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-Transluent - 37,776,400ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  3748. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3749. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3750. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3751. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3752. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3753. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3754. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3755. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3756. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3757. [15:12:28] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-TerrainSetup - 48,443,600ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  3758. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3759. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3760. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3761. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3762. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3763. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3764. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3765. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3766. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3767. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3768. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3769. [15:12:28] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3770. [15:12:29] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-EntityRender - 100,979,900ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  3771. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3772. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3773. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3774. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3775. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3776. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3777. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3778. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3779. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3780. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3781. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3782. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3783. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3784. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3785. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3786. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3787. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3788. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3789. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3790. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3791. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3792. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3793. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3794. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3795. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3796. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3797. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3798. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3799. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3800. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3801. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3802. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3803. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3804. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3805. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3806. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3807. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3808. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3809. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3810. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3811. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3812. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3813. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3814. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3815. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3816. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3817. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3818. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3819. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3820. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3821. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3822. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3823. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3824. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3825. [15:12:29] [main/INFO]: Lag spike at WorldRenderer-PostTransluent - 58,519,200ns, threshold is 33,333,333ns
  3826. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3827. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3828. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3829. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3830. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3831. [15:12:29] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3832. [15:12:30] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3833. [15:12:30] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3834. [15:12:30] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3835. [15:12:30] [main/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
  3836. [15:12:30] [main/ERROR]: @ Pre render
  3837. [15:12:30] [main/ERROR]: 65539: Invalid key -1
  3838. [15:12:30] [Server thread/INFO]: sssubtlety lost connection: Internal Exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: net.minecraft.class_3244 cannot be cast to
  3839. [15:12:30] [Server thread/INFO]: sssubtlety left the game
  3840. [15:12:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping singleplayer server as player logged out
  3841. [15:12:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Stopping server
  3842. [15:12:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving players
  3843. [15:12:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving worlds
  3844. [15:12:30] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:overworld
  3845. [15:12:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (lith+pho+ac_test): All chunks are saved
  3846. [15:12:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:the_nether
  3847. [15:12:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM-1): All chunks are saved
  3848. [15:12:31] [Server thread/INFO]: Saving chunks for level 'ServerLevel[lith+pho+ac_test]'/minecraft:the_end
  3849. [15:12:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM1): All chunks are saved
  3850. [15:12:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (lith+pho+ac_test): All chunks are saved
  3851. [15:12:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM-1): All chunks are saved
  3852. [15:12:31] [Server thread/INFO]: ThreadedAnvilChunkStorage (DIM1): All chunks are saved
  3853. [15:12:34] [main/INFO]: Stopping!
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