
Disgaea Valor 10-12

Apr 10th, 2016
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  1. Awe:, R20, are you still doing that thing?
  2. Shika (GM): Hm?
  3. Awe: Since the latest Chrome update it's been hiding the grid on tab changes sometimes
  4. Shika (GM): nic
  5. e
  6. ALL RIGHT looks like we got the full party I didn't even have to make a plurk post
  7. Who's ready to kick some ass and take names?
  8. Comrade Q.: I don't think any of these guys even have names
  9. Elly: "Not Mannfred."
  10. Mannfred: "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that."
  11. Nocebo: These look like the same kind of mooks were we tossed into jail with. Coffin Stuffers in other words..
  12. Mammon: "Do we really want these guys' names? They're probably all shit like 'Coffee Break" and "Cold Long Johns."
  13. Nocebo: but I think I sense a 'but' here.
  14. Elly: "You can get those cold?"
  15. Yakiba: If they look like the same kind of mooks from prison... well, they're still on death row.
  16. Mannfred: "I used to know a Coffee Break. He was more of a tea guy."
  17. Intern: "Enough party banter!"
  18. "I don't get paid enough to listen to that..."
  19. Mannfred: "You're in intern, of course you're not getting paid."
  20. *an
  21. Elly: "Interns are people too, you know..."
  22. Naga: "Are they really?"
  23. Mannfred: "We're using the term 'people' very loosely."
  24. Elly: "Well, its better than being unemployed."
  25. Nocebo: "This talk of makes me nostalgic for my days as a resident. 28/7 hospital shifts..."
  27. Mannfred silently seethes with rage
  29. Nocebo sniffs and dabs her eyes with a handkerchief.
  30. Nocebo: "ahhh, such fond memories of bygone days."
  31. Yakiba: "It wasn't very many days, was it."
  32. Nocebo: "Oh hell no. I'm not gonna preform forbidden time magic to have enough hours in the day to do everything they make Residents do.""
  33. Mannfred: "Your early career was clearly a lot more pleasant than mine."
  34. Mammon: "And this is why I freelance."
  35. Mannfred: "They used to haze us by flooding the break room with magma every other day."
  36. Mammon: "Anyway, I think Zombieface is indignant that we're not taking him seriously."
  37. Nocebo: "Yeah, you can't do that at the hospital."
  38. Mammon: "Let's kill everybody."
  39. Nocebo: "Break room's on the top floor."
  40. Mannfred: "Shame, it really builds character."
  41. "Anyway, right. Initiative time."
  42. Yakiba: 20
  43. Mammon: 18
  44. Damn.
  45. Elly: 10
  46. Mannfred: 16
  47. wow
  48. Imp: 14
  49. Nocebo: 7
  50. Intern: 8
  51. Elly: ...
  52. Naga: 14
  53. Mannfred: "Well, we're off to a good start."
  54. Elly: There's a joke there with the Intern xD
  55. Mannfred: "I say that without an ounce of sarcasm."
  56. Elly: "So that's what that looks like."
  57. "Oh, what are the boxes and the firey life preservers?"
  58. Naga: the "boxes" are pillars
  59. the fire is enemy base panels
  60. they spawn more enemies
  61. Nocebo: "Looks like...maybe reinforcement portals? I guess we have a lot of backup pouring in."
  62. Yakiba: So we've got to hold the panels, then. And what's the Geo Effect situation?
  63. Mannfred: "Just what we needed. More grunts to deal with."
  64. Mammon: Oh shit.
  65. Elly: "Oooh..."
  67. Elly is looking at the geo effects with starry eyes.
  68. Mannfred: "Very nice. Too bad someone else is reaping the benefits as well."
  69. Yakiba: "They're flying. But since none of you fight at close range, I'm the only one that has to worry about it."
  70. As it stands, he'll need to Jump to hit them.
  71. Naga: No he doesn't actually, since they are Limited Flying
  72. BUT
  73. limited flying grants them +1 defense
  74. and jumping would negate that
  75. Nocebo: might as well JUMP
  76. Yakiba: ...worth.
  77. He gets up, 'cause it's time to slam now.
  78. Slam this loser away, that is.
  79. 15 Muscle attack vs the imp
  80. Imp: dex sub 11
  81. Elly: jump up and slam, if you want to jam~
  82. Mannfred: DUNKED
  83. Mammon: 3 points!
  84. Imp: 68 damage
  85. Yakiba: straight into the other guy
  86. Imp: 9 damage to each of 'em
  87. "Waaaugh!!"
  88. Yakiba: "Do not trifle me."
  89. (turn end)
  90. Mammon: "Not a bad start at all!
  91. Mannfred: "We might actually make it out of this intact, for once."
  92. Mammon: He's gonna do the obvious thing and shoot bullets at the other front Imp.
  93. 17 Dex
  94. Imp: 10
  95. nope
  96. no dodge for u imp
  97. Mammon: "Wow, storming City Hell is easy!"
  98. "I should have looked for somebody to pay me to do this years ago."
  99. Support to reload, end turn.
  100. Imp: 53 damage!
  101. Mannfred: "Taxpayer money at work, ladies and gentlemen."
  102. Imp: "But we don't even *get paid!"
  103. Elly: "You could go home?"
  104. Mannfred: "Neither did I, when I was your age, but did I complain about it? No!"
  105. Mammon: "I get the feeling maybe you complained a little."
  106. Imp: "I'm six-thousand and thirty!"
  107. Mannfred: "Well... consider it valuable work experience."
  108. "Anyway." Summoning an intern and firing off a graph-net at those bunched up Imps.17
  109. Imp: Roll your second attack roll
  110. Mannfred: pfff 14
  111. Imp: 17 and 9
  112. That imp tried so hard.
  113. And in the end.
  114. It didn't even matter.
  115. 16 damage each
  117. Mannfred salutes this brave public servant
  118. Imp: and Slow'd
  119. "We're gettin' our butts kicked!"
  120. Intern: "Oh, calm down."
  121. "There's like fifteen million more of you, so it doesn't matter how many of you die!"
  122. Imp: "That's harsh. It matters to me...."
  123. "And besides, how are we going to explain this to Carlos's family?"
  124. Mannfred: "Who the hell is Carlos?"
  125. Imp: "The imp you just killed, you monster!"
  126. Mannfred: "Oh. ...Huh."
  127. Elly: "Oh, I'm sorry for Carlos' family..."
  128. "Is there anything I can do to help?"
  129. Mammon: "Don't worry, you can pass the buck!"
  130. Imp: "He has thirty kids, you know! Had..."
  131. Mammon: "Of course somebody's gonna have to explain it to your family..."
  132. Mannfred: "Maybe we can kill them too, spare you the trouble."
  133. Yakiba: "I find that extremely implausible given the income he's likely to have had."
  134. Elly: Elly frowns. "If that's what we have to do..."
  135. Intern: "Oh my Overmayor just kill them already!"
  136. Imp: "RAAARGH! For Carlos!!!"
  137. Nocebo: "screw carlos!"
  138. Imp: Alll right here we go
  139. Elly: "...but didn't he have enough of that already?"
  140. Imp: The two imps around Yakiba shred at him with their claws!!! Dex attacks
  141. 13
  142. 13
  143. Yakiba: 1312 dodge, duck, dive, dip, and dodge
  144. Imp: Double-hit!
  145. Yakiba: failed step 1
  146. also failed steps 2-5
  147. Imp: 46 damage!
  148. Nocebo: you should have dipped dodged dove ducked dodged.
  149. Imp: The imp directly in front of Mammon also slashes out with his claws, whirling to hit at both him and his prinny!
  150. Dex attacks
  151. 15 vs Mammon
  152. 16 vs the prinny
  153. Mammon: 10 14 Bring it.
  154. Bring less of it please.
  155. Imp: Double-hit!
  156. 27 damage!
  157. Mannfred: "I take back everything positive I said about this fight."
  158. Imp: And the prinny is down
  159. The other imp by Mammon....
  160. breathes out a line of dark fire!
  161. Dex attacks
  162. 15 vs Mammon
  163. 9 vs Mannfred
  164. Imp: 16 vs Elly
  165. Nocebo: noooooo!
  166. Mammon: 16 Are we going three for three?
  167. No we are not.
  168. Mannfred: 9 aura sub
  169. cool
  170. Imp: if your spirit was one higher and in line with your mind stat, you'd've dodged that one
  171. Elly: She dodges! 18
  172. Imp: 7 damage to Mannfred
  173. Elly: Holding her hands down her dress to keep from showing off
  174. Imp: "Huh. I expected better."
  175. The imp behind him laughs. "Don't worry, I'll get 'em!"
  176. Mannfred: "Me too. That wasn't any worse than a bee-sting."
  177. Imp: Aaaand does the same attack
  178. Dex attacks!
  179. Nocebo: against his fellow imp as well I see.
  180. Imp: 8 vs 11 for the other imp
  181. 8 vs Mammon
  182. 13 vs Mannfred
  183. 11 vs Elly
  184. "What do you think yer doin'!?"
  185. Mannfred: 12 aura subs again!
  186. Imp: The attacker laughs "Hey it missed ya didn't it?"
  187. Mannfred: "Okay, really? Now that's just spamming."
  188. Elly: 16 Ole'~
  189. Imp: another 7 to Mannfred
  190. Mammon: 10 can't fail.
  191. Despite his best efforts apparently.
  192. Imp: Three misses one hit
  193. Nocebo: Elly so cute.
  194. Naga: "UGH you imps are all in the way! I have to rescue master Prinwise!"
  195. "HEY NINJA make sure you dodge this!"
  196. "Giga Wind!"
  198. 16 vs Yakiba
  199. Left to right for the imps
  200. Naga: 10 vs 17
  201. 12 vs 11
  202. 10 vs 9
  203. 12 vs 17
  204. 13 vs 12
  205. Yakiba: 10 muscle sub
  206. well I only had a 1 in 5 of not getting hit by that
  207. Naga: 4 hits!
  208. 17 to Yakiba
  209. 12 to the imps
  210. "Could've been worse."
  211. Mannfred: "Could've been better."
  212. Mammon: "Admire the ruthlessness, though."
  213. Naga: "Anyway that's my turn."
  214. Mannfred: "Ambitious, but uninspired and flat on the delivery. I'll give it a 4/10."
  215. Naga: "I give your face negative four out of ten."
  216. Elly: Elly takes out her book and starts writing in it.
  217. Mannfred: "That's a shockingly high grade, honestly."
  218. Elly: "I'm going to give Yakiba, Mammon and..." She looks at Mannfred. "Naga a temporary promotion!"
  220. Elly scribbles them in her book.
  221. Nocebo: "PROMOTIONS!"
  223. Mannfred doesn't say anything, but folds his arms like a disapproving parent
  224. Elly: They will find that their titles now have "-X" at the end of them, because Xs always makes people better.
  225. Naga: "Number One Vassal-X, huh?"
  226. Mannfred: "Must be all that brown-nosing you've been doing."
  227. Elly: "...and since you guys aren't leaving..."
  228. Aura attack on the three imps:
  229. Mammon: "Mammonx, huh?"
  230. Elly: 18 --left
  231. 14 --middle
  232. 17 --right
  233. Imp: 12
  234. 17
  235. 17
  236. Elly: Mercenary-X, ne?
  237. Imp: that last one tried SO hard
  238. two hits!
  239. Mannfred: "How are they even rolling this well?"
  240. Imp: 38 damage!
  241. Nocebo: "It's like it's a 1/10 chance!"
  242. Elly: "End turn~"
  243. Yakiba: "Which is not that low, actually, relatively speaking."
  245. Elly goes back to doodling.
  246. Nocebo: meanwhile from somewhere far inside the building somone might here something about 'That's XCOM'
  247. Mannfred: "It's still making me very upset, and that's what really matters."
  248. Nocebo: no wait
  249. the overmayor would get screwed by the Gatcha RNG
  250. Mammon: "To be fair, everything makes you upset."
  251. Intern: "Intern powers.... GO!"
  252. The intern gestures and a gave appears underneath Yakiba.
  253. Dex attack! 8
  254. grave*
  255. Yakiba: 17 to dodge the pointy zombie plant???
  256. Nocebo: "The dead hand of City Hall can't touch us!"
  257. Intern: The grave disappears once Yakiba dodges.
  258. The intern frowns. "Well then."
  259. Nocebo: step one.
  260. Step Two: Pom-poms.
  261. Elly: Elly joins in??
  262. Nocebo: Act: Flirt.
  263. "Hey Elly you so fin, you so fine you blow my mind!"
  264. fine*
  265. Elly: "Am I really?"
  266. Elly doesn't really seem to understand. But is flattered anyway.
  267. Nocebo: "OF COURSE YOU ARE!"
  269. Elly reddens.
  270. Mammon: "Oh my god, Nocebo,control your fucking thirst."
  271. Mannfred: "Could you at least try to keep it in your skirt for a second? We're kinda in the middle of something!"
  272. Nocebo: Shush, this is Inspirational.
  273. Intern: Elly gains 1 valor
  274. Nocebo: Do you feel it Elly? Getting Pumped?
  276. Mannfred isn't feeling inspired at all. In fact, he's actually less motivated than he was before
  277. Naga: -1 valor to Mannfred
  278. Nocebo: because Nocebo just threw her pompoms at the left group of imps and they were hiding toxic gas in the tassels.
  280. Elly does! But is also feeling a little embarrassed by this attention.
  281. Mannfred: "I deserve this."
  282. Nocebo: Int 12, 13, 9
  283. Intern: Aura subs 10 11 12
  284. Two hits!
  285. Imp: 28 damage!
  286. One of them dies.
  287. Nocebo: "You might not show it to everyone, but you've got a really great personality and charm that's all your own!"
  288. Imp: "Really?"
  289. "Thanks!"
  290. Nocebo: "Not talking to you!"
  291. Imp: "Oh." :<
  292. Nocebo: can I glare at the imp and Intimdate them for cutting in?
  293. Imp: only non-mechanically
  294. Mammon: "Don't worry, Imp-chan. I think you're kawaii."
  296. Elly doesn't know what to say, so instead is going to cover her head with her book and duck down to keep from being seen.
  298. Imp has been noticed by senpai
  299. Mannfred: "How dare you make me hear that with my own two ears."
  301. Mammon non-mechanically shoots at it.
  302. Imp: +1 valor to Mammon and Nocebo
  304. Yakiba shudders uncontrollably at such butchery of the language, and continues spinning up from that wind spell
  306. Nocebo fingerguns and also might be considering how to sneak an arm around Elly's shoulders.
  307. Imp: NEW ROUND
  308. +1 valor
  309. +10 health +4 stamina to everybody on the geo panels!
  310. Yakiba: The torque increases until he's ready to spin-punch out both of the imps that clawed him a bit ago (and then move out of the way into the warm embrace of the Geo Effect)
  311. 16 16 Dex to attack
  312. (no jump)
  313. Imp: 11
  314. 18
  315. One hit!
  316. 54 damage
  317. Yakiba: Once in the field, he will do the obvious thing and grease up to avoid further attacks
  318. Mannfred: "Okay, it's starting to get a little cramped over here."
  319. Yakiba: "I'll only be a moment."
  320. Elly: Elly speaks up from underneath her book. "Maybe we can have a group hug?"
  321. Naga: "The only person I would ever even consider hugging is Master Prinwise."
  322. Mannfred: "As soon as I'm not sandwiched in with epople who hate everything I stand for, sure."
  323. *people
  324. Nocebo: "later! We'll need to plan to get some of these people in on it."
  325. Mammon: Mammon picks up his wounded Prinny and fluffs it back into shape.
  326. Then with the Prinny's move action he immediately tosses it.
  327. "Boom."
  328. 12 18 Int
  329. Imp: Aura subs 17 8
  330. One miss, one crit
  331. Mammon: What kind of spreadis that.
  332. Imp: 68 damage to that one imp
  333. Mammon: Anyway, he likes his spot here, end turn.
  334. Mannfred: that might be the deadest imp there's ever been
  335. Imp: you forgot to add 1 to your attack rolls btw
  336. Mammon: So MORE than a crit.
  337. Imp: yes
  338. Mannfred: "Intern, meet intern. Hope you two get along, now."
  339. Intern: "We interns hate each other on sight you know."
  340. Mannfred: aaaand yanking him over 13 Int
  341. "Oh, I know
  342. Elly: "...really?"
  343. Intern: 13 muscle sub
  344. Mannfred: "Elly, if you've been paying attention, you'd know I used to be just like this sorry sap."
  345. Intern: hit!
  346. Mannfred: "I know every trick in the book."
  347. Intern: 52 damage
  349. Elly flips her book off of her head and writes "Interns are jerks.", underlining the word "jerk."
  350. Intern: Where he moving to?
  351. Mannfred: "Sorry, but due to your performance, we've decided to cut off your Geo Panel privileges."
  352. Imp: Imp
  353. Imp's turn!
  354. Imps'?
  355. Whatevs.
  356. Mannfred: Imps aren't big on grammar, this is a known fact
  357. Imp: The important thing is
  358. Another imp appears!
  359. Nocebo: "Gonnna need to shut those down, yep."
  360. Mannfred: "The usual way, or are we going to have to get creative?"
  361. the "usual way" being "hit it until it stops working"
  362. Imp: Two of the imps shoot off some fire!
  363. Dex attacks
  364. 13 vs Mammon
  365. 14 11 vs Nocebo
  366. 15 vs Elly
  367. 11 vs 13 Naga
  368. Elly: Uh... Aura sub 12
  369. Mammon: 12
  370. Elly: oh wait, duh dex
  371. Mammon: What's the point of having a Dex build if I never dodge.
  372. Elly: ah well, I'll stick with my choice
  373. Mammon: I mean I know logically it doesn't actually get better defense roles than the other attributes but quiet.
  374. rolls.
  375. Imp: 22 to Mammon
  376. 20 to Elly
  377. Nocebo: Resolve subs 9 12
  378. Imp: One hit! 19
  379. Both other imps whirl around with their claws, trying to strike down those around them!
  380. Dex attacks
  381. 10 17 vs Mammon
  382. 15 16 vs Nocebo
  383. 14 vs Elly
  384. Mammon: 17 14
  385. Elly: dex this time
  386. 11
  387. Nocebo: MORE RESOLVE to beat them off with sheer willpower while not dodging at all!
  388. 13, 14
  389. that didn't work at all, did it?
  390. Imp: One hit on Mammon! 27 damage
  391. Hit on Elly! 25 damage
  392. Double-hit on Nocebo! 48
  393. "Don't look down on us imps!"
  394. Yakiba: "That's hard to do when you're flying at eye level."
  395. Naga: "Okay but two of you are still standing in my Giga Wind." Aura
  396. 16 vs 14
  397. 11 vs 14
  398. 12
  399. Mammon: "Are you sure that's not a vanilla Wind?"
  400. "Or maybe a Gentle Breeze?"
  401. Naga: "Yeah. You want to see my vanilla Wind?"
  402. Mammon: "I dunno if I can afford to lose half a hit point right now..."
  403. Naga: "........Just remember you asked for it."
  404. "Wind!"
  405. Elly: "...Nocebo?"
  406. Nocebo: "Heh...This is just... my fake blood!"
  407. Elly: "...that's real blood."
  408. Naga: Aura attacks, please blame Mammon for this
  409. Nocebo: "I have lots of fake blood to make people think they've hurt me when they haven't!"
  411. Nocebo passes Elly a plastic bag full of fake blood.
  412. Naga: 13 vs Mammon
  413. 18 vs Nocebo
  414. 11 vs Mannfred
  415. 18 vs Elly
  416. 15 vs Yakiba
  417. Elly: "I'll help you when it's my turn. But If we survive this, can you hit Mammon upside the head for me?"
  418. Mammon: 9 Dex
  419. Elly: ...FFFF
  420. Mammon: Okay, okay, appropriate.
  421. Mannfred: 17 int sub
  422. Yakiba: 11 standing strong against the Wind with muscle
  423. or not
  424. Elly: 17 aura
  425. Nocebo: 14 subbing resolve, come on.
  426. Mannfred: "Did someone leave a window open? I could swear there's a draft blowing through."
  427. Nocebo: yeah, that was silly.
  428. Naga: 10 vs 15
  429. 15 vs 13
  430. 16 vs 16
  431. 12 vs 11
  432. 7 hits~!
  433. 50 vs Mammon
  434. Naga: 47 to Nocebo
  435. 48 to Elly
  436. 49 to two Imps
  437. 62 to the intern
  438. Mammon: "Okay, clearly I misunderstood the magic tiers somehow."
  440. Elly whimpers.
  441. Mannfred: "And that's why you leave spellcasting to the professionals."
  442. Nocebo: "She leveled the HELL out of that."
  443. Mammon: On the bright side that was pretty hot, but he's not gonna risk another one by saying so.
  444. Yakiba: "The best way to dodge is simply to not be seen."
  445. Naga: She reaches into her dress for a moment, then pulls out two melon breads. "Here." Shoves it in Nocebo and Elly's faces.
  446. Heals them for 29 each.
  448. Nocebo noms
  449. Elly: Meekly: "...thank you."
  450. Mammon: "I take it there's none for me."
  451. Naga: No melon bread for the goading one.
  452. Also that's all she has.
  453. Mannfred: "You're probably better off for it. We've got no idea where that bread's been."
  454. Naga: "Wow, that's rude."
  455. Mannfred: "There's only so many places you could've kept that. Sorry for caring what goes into my body, I guess."
  456. Elly: Elly takes out her book and starts writing. She starts with a swirl of a circle just to regain her nerve.
  457. Nocebo: "Et'sh pweddy fahn."
  458. Elly: Round and round and round and round and round and oh my that is getting kind of dizzy.
  459. Stops. Turns the page.
  460. "Having seen the full extent of the new temporary member, and hopefully LEARNING NOT TO IRRITATE HER, the group found new respect, which bolstered their resolve!"
  461. Literary License: Vitality, on Mammon
  462. Heals 31 to everyone but Elly
  463. Naga: you mean Mannfred I hope
  464. Mannfred: "I take offense to that."
  465. "The only people I respect are myself and my superiors, and the occasional meter maid."
  466. Elly: Oh yeah, that's right, sorry
  467. Mannfred xD
  468. Naga: Well if she targeted Mammon she'd be healing the imps too.
  469. Elly: sorry, bad brain, I say one and mean the other sometimes
  470. She'll then do the bold action of STEPPING OUT OF THE HEAL ZONE and position herself~
  471. Black Ink Pen attack on the Zombie 11, the imp by itself 11 and the imp near Mammon 17
  472. Intern: Dex defenses for the imps, muscle for the intern
  473. 14 14 11
  474. One hit!
  475. Elly: Does intern take chip damage?
  476. Intern: 30 damage to the imp, 9 to the intern
  477. Mammon: "Listen."
  478. Elly: Elly ends her turn, brushing off her dress.
  479. Yakiba: "This is what, the third time someone has blocked to death?"
  480. Mammon: "I shit talk everybody equally aside from Mannfred."
  481. Yakiba: "Well, re-death in this case."
  482. Mammon: "It seemed appropriate."
  483. Nocebo: "Okay Mammon, that's fair, But you're not gonna get healed for another turn to remind you that you were stupid."
  484. Intern: "Ha, one less intern to take my glory!"
  485. "Now I shall take all the credit for this!"
  486. says the new intern who just showed up.
  487. Mammon: "Fine! I'll use my own healing! With blackjack and hookers! Minus the blackjack and the hookers!"
  488. Yakiba: "You will die as penniless as the last."
  489. Mannfred: "Okay, this is starting to get annoying. Calling it now, who wants to shut down those bases?"
  490. "I call not it."
  491. Nocebo: woops.
  492. sorry
  493. Intern: HI ELLY.
  494. Elly: HI D:
  495. Intern: The intern thrusts forward with both arms, bandages and limbs extending in a weird zombie-like fashion
  496. Muscle attack! 17
  497. Elly: Aura sub 13
  498. Elly tries to use her book to block the attack.
  499. Intern: 28 damage!
  500. Nocebo: is the book okay?
  501. Elly: The book is deflect, but fine, and is open to the page stating her present feelings on interns.
  502. This is Fire Emblem Awakening all over again :c
  503. Intern: Now it Nocebo's turn
  504. Nocebo: "Get away from her! Intern Disembowling FIST!"
  505. 14 Int attack on the zombie...
  506. Intern: 11 muscle sub
  507. hit!
  508. Nocebo: Punching into a zombie's innards is gross.
  509. Intern: 61 damage
  510. Nocebo: but sometimes you need to do a thing for a girl.
  511. Intern: You accidentally punch too hard and get his actual innards
  512. Nocebo: oh heck, did not intend to do that.
  513. Elly: Elly is disgusted and disturbed, but she can't look away??
  514. Intern: "That feels weird"
  515. Nocebo: is this the power of...liking someone a lot?
  516. "Elly! Focus on my voice! You are not as baddly hurt as you think you are. You are feeling very relaxed and the pain is just flowing away... "
  517. Elly: "You have a very nice voice..."
  518. She blinks.
  519. Nocebo: using hypnosis to heal Elly....and nobody else since Doc has moved out of range.
  520. Elly: "What else were you saying?"
  521. Nocebo: "You're fine! And not just the way your hair looks or things like that."
  522. Mammon: "Really, though?"
  523. Elly: "Oh, thanks..."
  524. Naga: ".....Is the doctor, like, Elly's vassal or something?"
  525. Mammon: "I tease a little and you have to nuke us but you put up with this shameless display?"
  526. Mannfred: "Well, I'm glad she's alright, because I'm about to vomit."
  527. Naga: NEW ROUND
  529. Mannfred is disgusted by this public display of affection
  530. Naga: +1 valor
  531. +10 health / +4 stamina to geo panel standers
  532. Nocebo: "I'm nobody's vassal, though I am Daddy's Little Princesspality."
  533. Mannfred: "I hope you don't put that on your resume."
  534. Yakiba: "Unless her first name is Doctor, I just hope it's not 'Yuri' at this point."
  535. Naga: pfffffff +1 valor to yakiba
  536. Nocebo: "Wow, no. That's not my name by a long shot."
  537. "Though I will give free heals for a year for the first person to correctly guess my name."
  538. Yakiba: Let's do something new! See this knife? It's hot. And it's going to fuse that imp's earrings to its ear even harder than they may already be. 15 dex vs Imp (Kunai Welding)
  539. ...wait, actually that's a 17
  540. Imp: 13 impossible to win
  541. 34 damage!
  542. Yakiba: The damage is not going to be that high, mind.
  543. and a Support Move out of the gigawind field
  544. Nocebo: but it's just an imp.
  545. Yakiba: actually this way.
  546. Mammon: Waking up the Prinny because he's gonna need it later probably, and oh hey he's up out of Critical so let's say he Bullet Danced through that Imp.
  547. 10 Dex
  548. Imp: 8
  549. Hit!
  550. Mammon: End turn.
  551. Imp: All the imps are dead
  552. Carlos will never be avenged.
  553. Mammon: Unless there are more in the Bases?
  554. Imp: dun dun dun
  555. Hopefully Mannfred will kill this intern and you won't have to find out
  556. Mannfred: "What do you mean, 'hopefully'? It's going to happen!"
  557. 10 sticking him with a memo first
  558. Intern: 10 resolve
  559. hit :<
  560. Mannfred: "Ha! How's it feel to get undercut, you little punk?!" 13 aaaand slamming him away!
  562. Mannfred might be enjoying this a little too much
  563. Intern: 10 muscle sub!!!
  564. hit!
  565. Where to?
  566. Argent B.: Sorry about that, had to restart the computer
  567. Intern: no extra increment damage then
  568. 52 damage and he is still alive you failed
  569. Yakiba: just slam him into me, I can take a DI easy
  570. considering after-battle recovery
  571. Mannfred: yeah, actually, make that throwing him into Yakiba
  572. Yakiba: "My fist awaits you."
  573. Intern: 9 extra damage
  574. and the intern falls
  575. Yakiba: and indeed he plows straight into an extended fist. It hurts a bit but eh.
  576. "Some can't wait to die."
  577. Mannfred: "Well, he's got a lot of waiting ahead of him. Off to that big break room in the sky."
  578. Mammon: "What kind of demon goes to heaven?"
  579. Mannfred: "What makes you think that's heaven?"
  580. Nocebo: "Less chat, more attack!"
  581. Yakiba: "Maybe next week. It's a bit late to start another battle."
  582. Mammon: "Everything is dead, doc."
  583. Nocebo: "Then we're advancing to the next fight!"
  584. Mannfred: "Yes, let's get it over with. I'm looking forward to never doing this again."
  585. Naga: "Yeah, we can't hold off this rescue mission!"
  586. "We have to rescue Prinwise!"
  587. She is charging on ahead.
  588. Mannfred: "'Have to' is a really strong choice of words."
  589. Nocebo: "Mammon won't get paid without that Prinny."
  590. Mammon: "You're damn right!"
  591. Mannfred: "All the more reason to hold it off, then."
  592. Mammon: "The Netherworld's Most Occasionally Loyal Mercenary doesn't slack off on a job!"
  593. Naga: She would make a rude comment and/or Wind you for that Mannfred, but she's already into City Hell
  594. Argent B.: "C'mon. I need to give Nocebo her double share."
  595. Elly: Elly said that
  597. Mannfred groans and trudges inside. Please let this be the last time he ever has to do anything for anybody.
  598. Naga: Once the group heads inside, they'll notice a couple of things
  599. The opulent lava fountains
  600. The shining soul-flame chandeliers
  601. Naga in a cage hanging from the ceiling
  602. Mammon: "Well that was fast."
  603. Elly: "...oh."
  604. Naga: "Why weren't you guys right behind me!?"
  605. "Get me down from this thing!"
  606. Mammon: "We waited like one second."
  607. "Why don't you Wind it?"
  608. Zombianca: "One second is all that's needed"
  609. "for the Netherworld's most efficient maid."
  610. Mammon: "Honey, you're stepping on my gimmick."
  611. "I look poorly on that kind of thing."
  612. Zombianca: "And what's a mercenary going to do about it?"
  613. "So much lower on the totem pole than a maid..."
  614. Mammon: GUNS OUT
  615. Nocebo: "Maids aren't that great."
  616. Mammon: "Wanna see?"
  617. Zombianca: "I look forward to seeing what it is you can do."
  619. Elly covers her face
  620. Zombianca: "But I'm not getting my hopes up."
  622. Elly might be peeking through holds in her fingers...
  623. Mannfred: "Please, I've seen file clerks more efficient than you."
  624. Elly: *holes
  626. Nocebo thinks your gothy style is much more appealing Elly.
  627. Zombianca: "Hmmm. Mannfred, formerly of Hell Street."
  628. She has a manila folder open in her hands.
  629. "Current status, unemployed."
  630. "Not a threat."
  631. Mannfred: "Oh, sure, rub it in why don't you!"
  632. Yakiba: "Be careful. Maids' chief weapons include being underestimated..."
  633. Nocebo: "Haha, a neat trick, but I know you're just bluffing."
  634. Elly: "unemployed-oyed-oyed-oyed"
  635. Mannfred: "I'm not sure who to blast first, now. Her or Elly."
  636. Zombianca: She shuffles through the folder. "Raphella. Hm."
  637. "Bigger threat than Mannfred at least."
  638. Nocebo: "...What."
  639. Mammon: "Who?"
  640. Mannfred: "Your name is Raphella?"
  641. Elly: Elly turned to Nocebo. "Raphella?"
  642. Nocebo: "Where did you get that information from?!?!?
  643. Raphella: "I haven't used that name in centuries!"
  644. Zombianca: "Never underestimate a maid."
  645. Yakiba: "I did just say that a few seconds ago."
  646. Zombianca: "It's my job to know everything about my master's enemies."
  647. Raphella: "No....Oh nooooooo."
  648. Zombianca: "Wise words."
  649. Elly: Elly points... to Yakiba. "Do him next?"
  650. Mannfred: "So, are we going to have more stunning revelations, or are we going to get on with this?"
  651. Zombianca: "Let's." She shuts the manila folder.
  652. Mammon: "No, no, I'm kinda curous about the rest now."
  654. Raphella rallies.
  655. Mannfred: "I only care about what's in the folders if it's embarrassing, or at least a little gross."
  656. "I need something to make fun of you people for."
  657. Zombianca: "I know what you did that summer ten years ago, Mannfred."
  659. Mannfred pales
  660. Yakiba: "You set yourself up for that, you know."
  661. Mannfred: "Dammit, they said they would tell anyone!"
  662. Mammon: "Are you implying he's done something interesting?"
  663. Raphella: "Whatever! My nom de médecine is my real name for all intents and purposes!"
  664. Nocebo: "I'm the doctor who heals and harms with the power I possess!"
  665. Zombianca: "Enough. If you want to rescue your friend-" gestures to Naga
  666. Naga: "We're not friends"
  667. Mammon: "Rude."
  668. Zombianca: "-or your prinny..."
  669. Mannfred: "Acquaintences, really."
  670. Zombianca: "You're going to have to make it through me."
  671. "Come."
  672. Yakiba: "Our employer, actually."
  673. Mammon: "Funny! I was planning to go through you anyway."
  674. Nocebo: "Fine. I need to burn your files anyways before anyone discovers the truth."
  675. Zombianca: mutters "Who would work for a prinny" under her breath
  676. Mannfred: "I know, it's baffling."
  677. Mammon: "I believe our employer currently is actually Naga."
  678. Yakiba: "Just said that."
  679. Mannfred: "She's not paying me anything, so technically she's only your employer."
  680. Mammon: "Oh, I thought you meant Prinnwise."
  681. Zombianca: "...Whatever. Cue the fight music!"
  683. Elly: RAPHELLA
  684. Raphella: sob
  685. Shika (GM): What further revelations await? Will this maid be an actual threat? How efficient IS she? Find out next week!
  686. Yakiba: this only makes the pairing stronger
  687. raphelly
  688. Elly: ...squeaks
  689. Yakiba: (and there is no way I am not treating the maid as actual threat)
  690. Raphella: Oh my glob.
  691. it fits.
  692. Mammon: Oh she's a threat for sure, Mammon's just gotta talk shit.
  693. Yakiba: now, I have a kitchen to clean???
  694. Elly: So, real quick, I'm going to be out next weekend
  695. we're going to my grandmother's for Easter
  696. she has dial-up internet :3;
  697. Raphella: oh dear.
  698. Shika (GM): If it's just you we'll prooobably NPC Elly. There won't actually be much more revelationing and she's not the arc boss.
  699. Elly: I can live with that
  700. I can probably follow along on my phone
  701. but the grid stuff is going to be beyond me
  702. Shika (GM): I'll definitely want all hands on deck when we get to the Overmayor though
  703. Yakiba: completely fair and doable
  704. (bye for now see you next week)
  705. Shika (GM): o7
  706. Elly: take care~
  707. Mammon: Late.
  708. Shika (GM): peace out guys
  709. Mammon: Later.
  710. Mannfred: seeya!
  711. Argent B.: (Hiiii. Gonna try being here tonight. I got a new phone. :3)
  712. Shika (GM): just fyi zombianca has the best attack I have ever designed
  713. Argent B.: I'm genuinely worried ^^;;;
  714. Shika (GM): okay who's missing
  715. Vehrec: comrade?
  716. er, that is the name right?
  717. Shika (GM): indeed
  718. Argent B.: Actually... may I ask who plays who? :3;
  719. Comrade Q.: WOW hey hello
  720. Vehrec: okay sure let's state that for the record.
  721. I'm Vehrec and I play Doctor Nocebo.
  722. Argent B.: Argent and I play Ellipses!
  723. Awe: I'm Awe and I play Yakiba
  724. Comrade Q.: I'm Comrade and I play Mannfred, professional wiener-baby
  725. Ethan: I'm Ethan and I brought Mammon.
  727. Argent B. looks expectantly at Shika
  728. Shika (GM): I'm Shika and I don't play anybody I just kind of sit around and do nothing
  730. Shika (GM) gives a thumbs up
  732. Vehrec thumbs up.
  733. Shika (GM): Now are we readeh to parteh?
  734. Argent B.: Yosh :|b
  735. Comrade Q.: using the term "party" really loosely here, but yes!
  736. Mammon: This is exactly how Mammon uses the term "party."
  737. Narrator: just fyi before we get started, the red and black squares are the lava fountains
  738. Nocebo: of course they are, this place is classy.
  739. Narrator: If you reposition an enemy into one, you can choose to have them hit the wall of the fountain OR go into it.
  740. Nocebo: or trashy.
  741. or both.
  742. Elly: Both
  743. Narrator: not both
  744. unless you reposition INTO the first tier and then hit the wall of the second tier
  745. then both
  746. Elly: "This whole thing was a trap? Huh..."
  747. Zombianca: "I like to consider it... extending a welcoming invitation to your deaths."
  748. Mammon: "Not entirely surprising."
  749. Mannfred: "I thought we established that it's not a trap if you walk into it on purpose."
  750. Elly: "You know, I feel like I should be surprised but..."
  751. Yakiba: "Indeed we did. Getting them to think their so-called 'trap' worked is all part of our plan."
  752. (We don't actually have a plan.)
  753. Zombianca: "Let's not waste any more time with banter. I'd rather get this trash cleaned up."
  754. "I am a maid, after all."
  755. She's referring to you all.
  757. Nocebo is seething, so yes, let's roll initiative.
  758. Zombianca: Whoop initiative 17
  759. Yakiba: what else would she be talking about 13
  760. Nocebo: 4
  762. Mannfred leans over to Mammon "I think she's talking about you."
  763. Mammon: 15
  764. Mannfred: 14
  765. Mammon: "I'm not going to rise to that."
  766. "Mostly because it was fucking weak."
  768. Nocebo takes a step and nearly falls on her ass when her shoes skid on that highly buffed floor-stupid maids.
  769. Elly: 9
  770. Intern: 14
  771. Mannfred: "Listen, we can't all be at top form. It's been a long week."
  773. Zombianca . . . . delays her turn
  774. Yakiba: "She's not, at least, or she wouldn't be using such obvious insults."
  775. Mammon: HM.
  777. Elly gets knocked over by Nocebo's floundering
  778. Mammon: "Standing far away from your minions, eh?"
  779. Zombianca: "Don't be insulting."
  780. "They're interns."
  781. "They don't even qualify as minions."
  782. Mammon: "Prinny, come over here and show her how a real battle formation works--hahaha I'm just kidding."
  783. TOSS
  784. Nocebo: ummm
  785. Mammon: Fuck it the drawing isn't cooperating, it hits both.
  786. Elly: Sorry. I can't move the turn order and fumbled trying ^^;
  787. Mammon: 15 13 Int
  788. Intern: 914 muscle both
  789. One hit, one miss!
  790. Mammon: That's a wrap.
  791. Intern: The missed one still takes 9 and the hit one takes 51
  792. "OW"
  793. "Time to show you not to underestimate unpaid interns!"
  794. Mannfred: "I honestly don't think that's possible."
  795. Nocebo: "Unpaid? So what, do you support yourselves by eating ABC gum off the bottoms of chairs and stuff?"
  796. Intern: "It's good work experience!!!"
  797. Elly: "Peons deserve respect too... but, yeah..." Elly frowns.
  798. Mammon: "Oh good lord, even I pay the Prinnies."
  799. Prinny Squad: "Five HL a year, dood..."
  800. Mammon: "Are you shooting for four?"
  801. Prinny Squad: "N-NO SIR"
  802. Intern: The two interns in the back stomp on the ground, and two open graves appear under Yakiba and Mannfred's feet.
  804. 8 vs Mannfred
  805. 13 vs Yakiba
  806. Yakiba: 11 death does not scare me
  807. Mannfred: 9 aura sub
  808. Yakiba: still true, even on a hit
  809. Mannfred: there's literally no way I could've lost that
  810. Intern: It might not scare him, but the fall into the grave coupled with the tombstone falling on top of him still deals 19 damage
  811. Mannfred, of course, simply sidesteps the whole affair.
  812. Mannfred: "Ah, the old 'open a shallow grave under your feet' trick. Oldest one in the book!"
  813. Intern: The other two interns shove their arms at Mammon, their rotting flesh somehow extending enough to allow them to strike.
  814. MUSCLE 14 16
  815. Elly: "Mysterious Ninja Man... are you alright?"
  816. Mannfred: "He should be fine. That was a pretty basic-level office prank he just fell victim to."
  817. Intern: (Mammon?)
  818. Mammon: SORRY 13 15 Dex
  819. Elly: "Yeah... I'm surprised it hit him..."
  820. Intern: double-hit!
  821. Mammon: It's punishment for spacing out, clearly.
  822. Intern: 70 damage
  823. "HA!"
  824. Mammon: "Get your hands off me, poor people!"
  826. Mannfred does that picture frame thing with his hands. "let's see, if I can get the spacing juuust right..."
  827. Elly: "Planning your escape?"
  828. Mannfred: "No, but I'm surprised to see a good idea escape from your mouth. I might have to consider it."
  829. throwing up a phantom intern and tossing the top left intern into the bottom left lava fountain 13
  830. this is gonna get real confusing real fast
  831. Intern: 9 welp
  832. 52 damage
  833. Lava fountain 9 aura vs 11 muscle
  834. The intern is not on fire.
  835. Mannfred: "See? Now there's a man who can handle his lava."
  837. Elly holds up a small sign that reads "5"
  838. Intern: "HA I have been shoved in this so many times it doesn't even feel warm!"
  839. Zombianca: "I'll be sure to turn up the lava's temperatures, then."
  840. Intern: "...urk"
  842. Zombianca smiles sweetly.
  843. Zombianca: Yakiba's turn
  844. Yakiba: "You're not moving. Since I'd expect someone like you to have been capable of doing so... what are you waiting for?"
  845. His body shimmers a bit as he oils up, then closes in on the already significantly injured zombintern for a pneumatic right hook.
  846. 17 Muscle to hit
  847. Intern: literally cannot win 11
  848. where you hitting him to?
  849. Yakiba: There, hitting the wall as opposed to going in
  850. Intern: not far enough to actually hit the wall though
  851. he stops juuust short of it.
  852. Yakiba: ah, stops just short? fair
  853. that's the turn, next demon
  854. Intern: Still taking 48 damage
  855. Zombianca: "Well, I suppose it's my turn. I've got enough of a handle on your abilities for now."
  856. Mammon: "Window shopping?"
  857. "I'm surprised at you."
  858. Yakiba: "Oh? Are you going to try to use our own techniques against us?"
  859. Mammon: "A real demon strides arrogantly into idiotic danger!"
  860. Zombianca: She waves a hand. "You two especially are far too violent. I'll need to do some work to lower the game's rating."
  861. Dex Weakens
  862. 11 vs Mammon
  863. 12 vs Yakiba
  864. Mammon: 14 Come on don't roll shitty.
  865. Whew.
  866. Yakiba: 10 defense on that
  867. really dice
  868. Zombianca: Yakibai is hit with Impaired Accuracy and Censor
  869. Yakiba*
  870. Yakiba: the latter of which is... what, now?
  871. Zombianca: Any time Yakiba tries to perform an action or speak in anything over a G rating, he will be censored.
  872. Mannfred: "That's... oddly specific."
  873. Zombianca: Whether it's [Bleep]s, mosaic censoring, or badly redubbed lines.
  874. Yakiba: (I will be denoting any of this with {})
  875. Elly: "Oh shit. That's wicked bananas."
  876. Zombianca: (Yes that is actually factored into the technique's cost too even if does nothing mechanically)
  877. Mannfred: I'd say it's worth the TP
  878. Mammon: "Now that's sinister!"
  879. "And not in a good way!"
  880. Yakiba: (actually, it could make it harder to get Valor, although I guess acting the censor might count for that?)
  881. Zombianca: "And a bit of organization~"
  882. She gestures again, yellow police tape appearing to cordon off Yakiba and Mammon. Except the writing on it says "CLEANING IN PROGRESS".
  883. "And that's a good start."
  884. Elly: "But I want to heal those guys..."
  885. Zombianca: Unfortunately, barriers block that.
  886. You can always TRY by rolling against the barrier's core level, but if you fail the tech will be wasted.
  887. Mammon: Important question:
  888. Can you create an attack node on the other side of a barrier?
  889. Zombianca: yes
  890. since barriers don't block skills
  891. I am... not sure if you can use techniques THROUGH the attack node across the barrier though
  892. hm
  893. Elly: Well... let's see how good that barrier is then.
  894. Mammon: Techniques can originate from an Attack Node, so I'd think...
  895. Zombianca: hmmmmmm
  896. Yakiba: (by RAW, Blast Radius barriers are solid on all the outer squares, and you can't make a barrier in a space that's occupied)
  897. Zombianca: (yeah blast-barriers don't occupy any spaces)
  898. (only line-barriers do)
  899. I'm gonna go ahead and rule though that
  900. you can't make an attack node through a barrier without rolling
  901. but if you already have one up you could attack with it normally through a barrier
  902. because that sounds like it makes the most sense
  903. Elly: Elly starts writing in her book furiously... "And boom!" Aura attack on the intern she's facing 16 with blast damage on the barrier 14
  904. Zombianca: only roll d10 + damage core against the barrier
  905. Intern: 17 for the intern!
  906. Elly: Oh gotcha. One sec!
  907. Intern: (not that it matters because you're not attacking anything past it so)
  908. (the barrier falls regardless)
  909. (but for future FYI)
  910. "Ha... ha! I AM INVINCIBLE!"
  911. Yakiba: "Thank you, Ms. Gorbachev."
  912. Mannfred: "These might be some of the luckiest interns I've ever seen."
  913. "Which isn't saying much, but still."
  914. Elly: "That's okay. I really just want to heal the two Leroys."
  915. Heal on the two Leroys. End turn.
  916. Yakiba: "At least I have chicken." He pulls out his welding knife to demonstrate and indeed {it's been replaced by a drumstick.}
  917. Nocebo: Hmmmmm, lucky interns, huh?
  918. "Hey, lend me some paper!"
  919. scribble scribble.
  920. fold, crease.....
  921. Mannfred: "Hey, that's my personal stationary you're using! Be careful with it!"
  922. Nocebo: A paper airplane!
  923. To throw at an intern!
  924. Intern: Oh?
  925. Nocebo: The letter written on it begins... DO NOT BREAK THE CHAIN!! 12
  927. Intern: So what are you rolling? Intimidate?
  929. Oh right
  930. yes, intimidate.
  931. Intern: 8 resolve!
  932. welp
  933. "I... I don't even have 9 friends!"
  934. Mannfred: "You know I could've just hit him with an actual cursed piece of paper, right?"
  935. Nocebo: "That sucks dude. I hope these toxic chemicals I'm about tho huck at you aren't also...flamable.
  937. Nocebo chucks a vial at him and his buddy.
  938. Nocebo: 13
  939. 8
  940. Intern: 11 15 muscle then dex
  941. One hit!
  942. 41 damage!
  943. Elly: "You better do it! My friend's sister's girlfriend's neighbor's aunt's servant got one of those, and now people only refer to him br referencing really obscure relationships!"
  944. Intern: NEW ROUND
  945. +1 valor!
  947. Nocebo writes that fate down for future reference.
  948. Intern: +1 extra to Nocebo and Yakiba for being particularly amusing
  950. Zombianca delays her turn again
  952. Nocebo enjoys unlimited....POWAH!
  953. Mammon: So, just in case that barrier goes back up, let's do an attack node now.
  954. And use it to shoot some bullets at the intern way off to the right!
  955. 17 Dex
  956. Intern: 11 cannot win
  957. 42 damage!
  958. Any movement?
  959. Mammon: Sure.
  960. Intern: One of the interns heads over to Zombianca. "Come on! You're part of this fight, too!"
  961. Zombianca: "What are you-"
  962. Intern: TOSS
  963. Zombianca: "........."
  964. Mammon: "Oof. Bossed around by your own underlings."
  965. Yakiba: "I like this one."
  966. Zombianca: "That was so far beneath my dignity."
  967. Mammon: "That's gotta be humiliating."
  968. Zombianca: "Intern, after this is over."
  969. "I'm going to use you to test the lava temperature."
  970. Intern: "Eep"
  971. Nocebo: "That does give me an idea though.... HEY YAKIBA! Can you get to that thing way in the back?"
  972. Elly: "Can we ask that Intern to the work for Mannfred before she does that?"
  973. Intern: "Stop making plans on our turn!"
  974. Mannfred: "You know what, I'll consider it. Let no one ever say I'm not a generous demon!"
  975. Intern: Uh-oh, the two injured interns seem very. Upset.
  976. Mannfred: "I will still be dunking you in lava, though."
  977. Yakiba: "Easily, but it will take time."
  978. Intern: One of them moves through Mammon, the other shoves his arms out at Yakiba.
  979. Elly: "You're not a generous demon... but, that was a kind of generous thought."
  980. Intern: Dex attacks both
  981. 16 vs Mammon
  982. 16 vs Yakiba
  983. Mammon: 11 Dodgetimes.
  984. Failure.
  985. Elly: "...until the lava remark."
  986. Yakiba: 10 dodgems
  987. mmmmmmmnh
  988. Mannfred: "I really don't understand what the problem is. I practically breathed the stuff when I was an intern, and I turned out fine!"
  989. Intern: 40 damage to Mammon
  990. 36 to Yakiba
  991. The last remaining intern also moves through them, but this one-
  992. Mammon: "Yeah, you seem like you're in a good--"
  993. Intern: -goes through both
  994. Dex
  995. 16 vs Mammon
  996. 14 vs Yakiba
  997. Yakiba: 13
  998. Elly: "GHOST INTERN!"
  1000. 17
  1001. Mannfred: "Now you know how I feel."
  1002. Mammon: Woohoo, an actual successful dodge@
  1003. Intern: Yakiba takes another 36
  1004. Zombianca: "All right, looks like you have some pretty bad wounds. Better clean those up."
  1005. Whoops healing those interns for 43 each
  1006. Intern: "Oh.... Oh wow, thanks! I actually feel much better!"
  1007. Zombianca: "If you had bled all over my nice clean floors, I would have had to kill you." Smile, smile.
  1008. And then. She pulls out a pair of handguns.
  1009. "I've got one more thing to clean up now!"
  1010. Nocebo: who's gonna say it.
  1011. Mannfred: "Okay, not exactly what I expected, but we can't all stick to a motif. Some of us are just challenged that way."
  1012. Zombianca: DEX ATTACKS
  1013. 12 vs Mammon
  1014. 10 vs Yakiba
  1015. Yakiba: 12 let's see me whiff this
  1016. "Interesting. You may just surprise me yet."
  1017. Mammon: 10
  1018. Oh fuck you.
  1019. "LADY"
  1021. Zombianca: Literally pushing him
  1022. 42 damage to Mammon, 22 damage to Yakiba, 11 damage to Nocebo
  1023. Elly: "!"
  1024. Zombianca: "I've got the trash all piled up together nicely."
  1026. Elly takes out her notebook and starts writing terrible Mammon/Zombianca hate romance
  1027. Nocebo: "I'll get a match and put you with the inflamable garbage!"
  1028. Mannfred: "Alright, since you so clearly need my help, I guess I might as well get around to it while I'm here. As if I don't have a million other things to do here." Mannfred traces out a series of non-euclidian shapes in the air 17 to nullify the Weaken on Yakiba
  1029. Zombianca: 11 yeah prolly not winning this
  1030. Mannfred: "Aaaand back to business. I appreciate you standing right in my line of fire, by the by." 15 tossing Zombianca around
  1031. Zombianca: 8 prolly not winning this either
  1032. Noooooooooope
  1033. Mannfred: wow
  1034. Zombianca: Where to?
  1035. 9 to the intern, and Zombianca takes damage for the first time this battle, a whopping 50
  1036. ...Which didn't move her health bar all that much.
  1037. Mannfred: "That... definitely does not look like 50 damage."
  1039. Elly whistles
  1040. Nocebo: ..."She's got Guts."
  1041. Zombianca: "I'm sorry, did you think a maid would be that weak?" Smile.
  1043. Nocebo resists the urge to yell 'same stats!'
  1044. Mannfred: "I'll admit, that's some solid stitchwork she's got."
  1045. Zombianca: nah, she has significantly more health than Nocebo
  1046. Yakiba: "Now to start springing the lock. I will return when I can."
  1047. Guess who's going to spend all his actions on movement?
  1048. This guy!
  1049. (no, really, that's the whole turn)
  1050. Zombianca: Elly's up then!
  1051. Naga: "Spring me, ninja!"
  1052. "I'll beat up the maid for you!"
  1053. Yakiba: "We'll beat her up together!"
  1054. Naga: "Good enough!"
  1055. Mannfred: "No, I'd really prefer it if she did all the work!"
  1056. Mammon: "It would certainly help if she could nuke the interns."
  1057. Elly: "C'mon guys! Keep your energy up!" Heals on X.
  1058. Uh... One above
  1059. Doing this on a phone tak s getting used too ;w;
  1060. She'll then tak out her pins and twirls around at the one above Mammon 14, next to her 13 and Zombianca 12
  1061. Zombianca: Interns 16 15
  1062. Zombianca 15
  1063. all dex
  1064. No hits!
  1065. Mammon: "Good try. Appreciate the heal, though."
  1066. Elly: She frowny faces and utters a "darn" as her turn ends.
  1067. "'re just trying to be nice..."
  1068. Mammon: Mammon laughs raucously.
  1070. Elly appreciates it anyway.
  1071. Mammon: "Have you MET me?"
  1072. Elly: "I... thought so?"
  1073. Mammon: "I never try to be nice."
  1074. Nocebo: reloading and....staring down Zombianca. "So, you think you've got our measure, do you?"
  1075. "You think that knowing stuff about us means you can beat us?"
  1076. Mammon: Nah but he does have a soft spot for Elly. Like a weird, spacey daughter.
  1077. Zombianca: "I do know all your deepest secrets, Raphella."
  1078. Raphella: "You're just saying that to impress people. I can play this game too."
  1079. Elly: "Really?"
  1080. Mannfred: "You know none of us actually care what her real name is, right?"
  1081. Zombianca: "Maybe you don't."
  1082. Mammon: "I feel like we're missing some context."
  1083. "Feel free to dish."
  1084. Zombianca: "But-" she pulls out a cell phone "-I wonder if there's anybody else who'd like to hear about her."
  1085. Nocebo: "Of course I can! That stitching, the handiwork...I recognize a few of the hands that make her up"
  1087. Nocebo looks blank and then pales
  1088. Zombianca: "Oh no, my hand is right over the auto-dial button. Whose number could this be?"
  1089. Nocebo: "You-you wouldn't!"
  1090. Zombianca: "A Ms. Dark, it looks like?"
  1091. Nocebo: "NNNNNN"
  1092. "Fine, whatever.
  1093. Zombianca: "Didn't I say never to underestimate a maid's information network?"
  1094. Nocebo: "You're still subject to my manipulations all the same!"
  1095. "Nobody can resist the sound of my proclamations of their flaws~"
  1096. "Even the most marvelous examples fall to pieces under my disection-and that's what I'll do to you."
  1097. "Don't worry-, I'll be sure to neatly pin and label every organ when I use you as a teaching aid."
  1098. Intimidate again 17
  1099. Zombianca: 12 wow
  1100. "Urk...!"
  1101. Nocebo: "Hell, I'll keep you in a barrel of formaldahyde and drag you out for every new student I take on!"
  1102. Zombianca: +1 valor tho
  1103. Nocebo: that'll slow her down.
  1104. end turn
  1105. Zombianca: "D-Don't think your words can frighten a maid!"
  1106. New round! +1 valor all
  1107. WHOOP there goes that CLEANING IN PROGRESS tape.
  1108. Followed by some guns.
  1109. "Time to clean house!"
  1111. Zombianca: 16 vs Nocebo
  1112. 12 vs Elly
  1113. 15 vs Mammon
  1114. Nocebo: 9
  1115. Elly: "H-hey... what the...!"
  1116. 15 dex
  1117. Nocebo: "I'll use you to demo the 12 cranial nerves!"
  1118. Zombianca: Hit on Nocebo, miss on Elly.
  1119. Nocebo: "Those are...really involved!"
  1120. Elly: "Stop picking on "
  1121. Mammon: 14
  1122. "I hate you so much."
  1123. Elly: *...Nocebo!"
  1124. Zombianca: And hit on Mammon!
  1125. Mammon goes crashing through the tape
  1126. then into the fountain
  1127. Meanwhile, Nocebo crashes into Elly, and then the group crashes into Mannfred
  1128. Nocebo: Ooof.
  1129. Mannfred: "No, no, nonononono!"
  1130. Zombianca: 42 to Mammon,
  1131. 42 to Nocebo
  1132. 22 to Elly
  1133. 11 to Mannfred
  1134. Mannfred: "Aaand there go the rest of my ribs. I hadn't broken those just yet, so I appreciate your consideration."
  1135. Zombianca: AND TO MAMMON who is now in lava
  1136. Elly: "Uh... funny running into you?"
  1137. Zombianca: Aura attack 17
  1138. ...welp
  1139. Mammon: 17... Int.
  1140. ...
  1141. Do I die if I take this?
  1142. I mean, get knocked out?
  1143. Mannfred: "'Funny'. Right."
  1144. Nocebo: OVERDRIVE
  1145. have my Valor
  1146. Zombianca: Let's see, it would be 39 damage, so
  1147. no, you would barely survive
  1148. Mammon: I was gonna use my own, you can save it for an attack if you want.
  1149. Nocebo: unless you don't want it.
  1150. mmmkay.
  1151. Mammon: So OVERDRIVE
  1152. Zombianca: You valiantly say "fuck you" to the fountain
  1153. Mammon: "I think t's time to get the hell out of the line of fire."
  1154. Support action to reload.
  1155. "HOWEVER"
  1156. Zombianca: It is also not your turn
  1157. Nocebo: apparently by skipping off it or by deploying a graplling hook or something.
  1158. Mammon: --oh.
  1159. Zombianca: since you defended with Int
  1160. Mammon: I thought...
  1161. I thought the lava attacked on my turn?
  1162. So it already was?
  1163. Zombianca: You get attacked when you fall into the lava, it's still Zombianca's turn
  1164. Mammon: Okay, misunderstood. Sorry.
  1165. Zombianca: then if you're still in at the end of your turn, you'll get attacked again
  1166. but most people would move out
  1167. For nooooooooow, it is Intern time
  1168. Nocebo: oh boy
  1169. Mannfred: "Oh. Hello there."
  1170. Intern: Prepare for ZOMBIE ARMS
  1171. Muscle!
  1172. 12 vs Mammon
  1173. 15 vs Nocebo
  1174. 13 17 vs Elly
  1175. 10 vs Mannfred
  1176. Mannfred: 16 int sub!
  1177. Nocebo: 17 Resolve!
  1178. Mammon: 13 Dex this better fucking--
  1179. Intern: The last one waits until the moment Mannfred dodges, then opens a grave under the spot he moves to! Dex attack vs Mannfred
  1180. 11
  1181. Mammon: Okay thank you for barely missing.
  1182. Elly: 13 dex and 18 aura
  1183. Mannfred: 15 'nother int sub
  1184. Intern: ONE hit out of that whole shebang.
  1186. Mannfred is basically just DDRing his way around all this shit
  1187. Intern: 33 damage to Elly!
  1188. Nocebo: wow uncool.
  1189. Mammon: "I can't believe Mannfred is being that much of a nerd and I'm too busy dying to make fun of him." Apparently not.
  1190. Intern: Now it is Mammon's turn for real real not for play play
  1191. Elly: "I really don't like how pain feels..."
  1192. Mannfred: "It's okay to just say you're jealous. I'll understand."
  1193. Nocebo: "pain...nothing can compare with the pain of my childhood..."
  1194. Intern: +1 valor to Mammon and Mannfred
  1195. Mammon: OKAY
  1196. "HEY MAID"
  1197. "BEHIND YOU"
  1198. 11 Dex
  1199. ...he shouldn't have warned her
  1200. Zombianca: 16
  1201. I was gonna say, that actually has a decent chance to hit
  1202. but then she nat 10'd it
  1203. Mammon: "You are the worst person I've ever met."
  1204. "...I think I want to travel the Netherworld with you."
  1205. End turn though.
  1206. Elly: "!"
  1207. Yakiba: "I don't know what this symbol is doing, but it's certainly nothing good."
  1208. "How about we see what the effect of lava is on Geo Symbols?"
  1210. Elly writes that into her now 4-chapter fic.
  1211. Nocebo: "Elly, you can write your RPF later!"
  1212. Yakiba: Good luck getting that out of the fountain@
  1213. Elly: "But--!"
  1214. Mannfred: "I'm almost too terrified to ask what in the hell you two are going on about."
  1215. Nocebo: "The foe-yay will keep."
  1216. Zombianca: The Geo Symbol takes 2 durability damage!
  1217. Elly: "B-but...!"
  1218. Zombianca: Either way its effect is gone
  1219. Yakiba: Of course, with no panels to change that's largely irrelevant.
  1220. Nocebo: Here comes a new challenger?
  1221. Naga: "I feel like.... I can actually do something now!"
  1222. Adding to the initiative order 17
  1223. Mannfred's turn now tho
  1224. Mannfred: "Nope." 12 to shove that intern away from him right this second
  1225. Intern: 16 hdu
  1226. He valiantly sits there and takes it. He's an intern, he's used to being pushed around!
  1227. Nocebo: how dare he
  1228. Mannfred: "Well, that's my whole plan down the drain." He's gonna scoot that node over a little and try and ride this thing out
  1229. Elly: She's going to sling a heal in Mammon's direction, then slings a blast to the zombie below Mannfred
  1230. 12
  1231. Intern: 11!!!
  1232. hit
  1233. 51 damage!
  1235. Mannfred throws his hands up in frustration
  1236. Mannfred: "Okay! I guess, clearly, there's something I'm doing wrong."
  1237. Elly: Wow her first hit! She feels a little les garbage right now.
  1238. End turn!
  1240. Nocebo considers Zombianca...
  1241. Nocebo: "Your skin and flesh are surprisingly supple for a zombie... so you can't be preserved using normal mummification or embalming..."
  1242. Mannfred: "Please never use the word 'supple' again."
  1243. Zombianca: "I was brought back by a very powerful Necromancer."
  1244. Nocebo: "Necromancer shmecromancer. You're bleaching splotches that mold?"
  1245. Zombianca: "EXCUSE YOU"
  1246. "I DO NOT HAVE MOLD"
  1247. Nocebo: 13 Attempting to diagnose the problems of a zombie can be tricky, but that seems to have struck a never.
  1248. nerve*
  1249. Zombianca: what exactly is dat roll fer
  1250. Nocebo: Toxin Lecture
  1251. debuff every day.
  1252. Zombianca: 14
  1253. Nope, she just angry.
  1254. Nocebo: dang
  1255. "Okay, okay, not mold. How 'bout you guys, you doing okay?"
  1256. "hanging in there?"
  1257. Mammon: "Us, or the other zombies?"
  1258. "I think both situations speak for themselves."
  1259. Yakiba: "I could be better, but don't concern yourself with me now."
  1260. Nocebo: "Mammon, I slipped you a pill before we started the fight, it's in your left pocket. I suggest you take it."
  1261. Mammon: "Ah, a mystery pill you placed on my person without my knowledge. That inspires confidence."
  1262. Nocebo: " there anything I can do to make your recovery more comfortable?"
  1263. Elly: "I got a hit! I got a hit! Oh sweet plot progression, I got a hit" She bounces
  1264. Nocebo: "And takes your Codine you big baby."
  1265. debuff, move, heal, end turn.
  1266. Elly: She's hurt, but that doesn't seem to bother her -too- much.
  1267. Mammon: Munch.
  1268. Yeah he chews his pills, he's a tough guy.
  1269. Zombianca: NEW ROUND
  1270. +1 valor
  1271. Aaaaaaaaand
  1272. Nocebo: it's not that tough, the pill will probably taste mostly of sugar.
  1273. Zombianca: we'll probably continue this fight next week
  1274. Mannfred: yeah, kinda running a litle long here
  1275. Yakiba: completely fair
  1276. Mammon: Yeah.
  1277. Elly: She has learned not to question what Nocebo gives her and just take it
  1278. Zombianca: If it was almost over I'd let it run long but
  1279. Nocebo: yeah
  1280. Mammon: Although one last thing
  1281. Zombianca: Zombianca has been hit once and the interns are at about half
  1282. Nocebo: this is gonna be another couple of turns at least.
  1283. Mammon: "Was that a fucking sugar pill?"
  1284. Mannfred: it's a tough fight!
  1285. Nocebo: "No."
  1286. "Why would you say that?"
  1287. Mammon: "Because it tastes like sugar."
  1288. Nocebo: "It has sugar in it, but it's a co-agent that dissolves the active ingredient faster."
  1289. Mammon: "Oh, whatever. If it turns out this is some kind of mindgame we can fight about it later."
  1290. "Next week, say."
  1291. Yakiba: "Knowing her, the odds that it isn't are next to 0."
  1292. Nocebo: "Ruuuuude."
  1293. Elly: Thanks for being patient btw. I can play on here but it slooooows me down
  1294. Zombianca: btw if Zombianca gets her censor attack off on Mannfred
  1295. it will censor his entire face :|b
  1296. just a giant mosaic over the entire thing
  1297. Mannfred: good
  1298. Elly: Niiiice xD
  1299. Mannfred: and the whole party will sigh in relief
  1300. Zombianca: ALL RIGHT GUYS it's been fun. I'll catch y'all next week
  1301. Mammon: Later.
  1302. Mannfred: seeya!
  1303. Yakiba: shia-
  1304. Elly: Tak caare~
  1305. Shika (GM): We still seem to be missing one
  1306. Argent B.: Goodness gracious, it's so nice to be on a computer ;w;
  1307. Vehrec: glad to hear you have a computer instead of a phone.
  1308. Awe: right, I thought there was a reason I was skipping that other thing in an hour
  1309. Shika (GM): (yea)
  1311. Are we ready??? TO KICK BUTT?
  1312. Yakiba: Hai.
  1313. Mammon: MAYBE?
  1314. Mannfred: I'm never ready, I don't understand why you keep asking
  1315. Elly: That's middle management for you
  1316. Vehrec: you need to kick them into gear whether or not they are ready.
  1317. Nocebo: But I certainly am
  1318. Narrator: When we last left out heroes, they were in the middle of a frantic battle! Versus the Overmayor's personal maid, Zombianca!
  1319. Yakiba: Something's been left out.
  1320. Nocebo: everything looks like it's here.
  1321. Narrator: Has it?
  1322. Yakiba: Of course! The quotes around "heroes".
  1323. Elly: That is a very important distinction /nod nod
  1324. Mannfred: it's practically tradition by now! for shame
  1325. Zombianca: The narrator ignored you all.
  1326. Mannfred: "Dammit! If you can't trust a faceless narrative voice, then who can you trust?"
  1327. Elly: "Plot holes?"
  1328. Mannfred: "That was a joke, Elly. I never trust anybody."
  1329. Elly: "You're very bad at jokes."
  1330. Nocebo: "Less witty banter, more zombie smack-talk!"
  1331. "It's time to send these guys back to their graves!"
  1332. Zombianca: Zombianca spends a support action to remove Shaken, then another one to use Clean Rating!
  1333. Dexterity Weaken vs:
  1334. 15 Mannfred
  1335. 10 Nocebo
  1336. 10 Naga, defended with 13 Resolve
  1337. What amazing rolls.
  1338. Mannfred: 11 aura sub!
  1339. Zombianca: Mannfred is afflicted with Impaired Accuracy and Censor!
  1340. His face is hidden with a mosaic.
  1342. Mannfred tries to speak, but it's just one long censor bleep
  1343. Nocebo: 12 resolve sub
  1344. Yakiba: "That's an impressive mask you have now."
  1346. Nocebo slips past the censors.
  1347. Mammon: "Oh that's just not fair."
  1348. "We're trying NOT to like you."
  1350. Mannfred gestures aggressively
  1351. Mannfred: "[the sound of a running stream]"
  1352. Zombianca: "I get the feeling your friend doesn't."
  1353. Elly: "...I am okay with this."
  1354. Mammon: "Clearly you haven't researched our group dynamics."
  1355. Mannfred: "[soothing white noise]"
  1356. Naga: Naga, meanwhile, has to spend an action to bust out of her cage. 15 vs 14
  1357. Success!
  1358. Elly: ./childish, happy smile
  1359. Nocebo: "As nice as this is, I'm gonna have to take a stand against censorship."
  1360. "and not the kind the Overmayor complains about."
  1361. Elly: "Oh... he can be like this for just this one fight, right...?"
  1362. Naga: "I like the new look, Manny!"
  1363. Mannfred: Both of Mannfred's hands are blurred out
  1365. Yakiba imagines how much more stealthy he could be if no one could see his face...
  1366. Naga: And then Naga casts Wind
  1367. Aura vs Dex for all both interns;
  1368. 10 vs 9
  1369. 14 vs 11
  1370. Double hit?
  1371. For 62 damage
  1372. Nocebo: double nice.
  1373. Naga: Wait, 71
  1374. Since they failed on dex
  1375. Mammon: "If you can ease up on the friendly fire this time, I'd say the tides have turned."
  1376. Naga: "No promises."
  1377. Also I gave +1 valor to the censors for the amazing job they did on Mannfred
  1378. but apparently that's against censor union rules so it got shunted to Mannfred instead
  1379. Mannfred: "[birdsong]"
  1380. Nocebo: show us your power of lucre, oh prince of mercenaries.
  1382. Mannfred seems very happy about this! Just look how much he's jumping around and waving his arms
  1384. Elly has her book out and is definitely drawing censored Mannfred.
  1385. Elly: For posterity, clearly.
  1386. Mammon: AHEM sorry.
  1387. As much as it pains Mammon not to try to hurt Zombianca, there's a zombie right on the brink, and he's the Netherworld's Killstealingest Mercenary.
  1388. 17 Dex
  1389. Nocebo: jeez, can he fire that far?
  1390. Mammon: Attack Node!
  1391. Nocebo: ...right!
  1392. Mammon: And support to reload.
  1393. Naga: 16 dex can't win
  1394. Mammon: Damn close, though.
  1396. Intern dies
  1397. Elly: impressive effort
  1398. Mammon: And then he's done because being far away from the action seems like a winning strategy.
  1399. No wonder Mannfred does it in every fight.
  1400. Mannfred: Speaking of Mannfred, it's not entirely clear what he's doing, since the camera angle kinda shifts away from him, but there's a nonzero chance that intern next to him is getting blasted. 12
  1401. Intern: 13 dex
  1402. Not nonzero enough, it seems!
  1403. only 1 point away, too
  1404. Mannfred: would this even be overdrive-worthy?
  1405. Nocebo: I'd say so-not critical, but it would move things along.
  1406. Mannfred: yeah, alright. Imma spend my 3 valor in this, then
  1407. Intern: 61 damage then!
  1409. Intern dies
  1410. Mannfred: there's a really awkward jump cut and Mannfred's by himself now
  1411. Nocebo: "Gruesome. Didn't know you had it in you manny!"
  1412. Elly: "This might be the best fight we've been in this entire game..."
  1414. Intern does not like his odds.
  1416. Intern opens up a grave below Elly!
  1417. Intern: Dex attack 10
  1418. Welp he tried.
  1419. Yakiba: barely
  1420. Elly: dex defense -- is she too distracted by Mannfred's plight?? 14
  1421. she's not.
  1422. Mannfred: "[the sound of a car backing up]"
  1423. Intern: Welp he's prolly gonna die before getting another turn.
  1424. Nocebo: alas, poor interns.
  1425. you were annoying and you didn't know how too make good coffee.
  1426. Mannfred: hey could take lava like a champ, though, and in the end, wasn't that what really mattered?
  1427. *they
  1428. Yakiba: This is still kind of prickly for him. Fortunately, he's been ruthlessly scavenging enough parts to do THIS:
  1429. "Sentry coming up."
  1430. Nocebo: "Huh?"
  1431. Yakiba: That's the whole turn, though
  1432. (Quick Summon is a definite pickup for this tech once Season 2 starts)
  1433. Elly: Ohhh. Elly's definitely noting that new skill and... wait, its her turn, huh.
  1434. She closes her book and looks over to the last intern. "I'm going to have to attack you. But you can back out now. I won't hold it against you."
  1435. Intern: "And get blacklisted from every job opening in the Netherworld? No thanks!"
  1436. Elly: "Okay."
  1437. Mannfred: "[gentle rainfall]"
  1438. Elly: Aaand whipping out her black ink pens on the intern 15 and Zombianca 18
  1439. Intern: 15 muscle he ded
  1440. and
  1441. Zombianca: 13
  1442. double hit!
  1443. 19 damage to the intern and 28 to Zombianca
  1444. Yakiba: "You move so stiffly I'm ashamed of myself for thinking you studied Izayoi arts."
  1445. Zombianca: Plus 7 and 10 damage per round
  1446. Elly: Aaand she whips out a sheet of paper and it becomes a wall in front of Zombianca. It reads. "Do not." "Don't." "XXX."
  1447. End turn~
  1448. Nocebo: okay, well then. Zombianica is too far away, Yakiba is really too far away....
  1449. "Hey Mammon, want some more healing? Say pleeeease~"
  1450. Mammon: "That would be against my principles, but I don't have any."
  1451. "Please."
  1452. Intern: "Me too, please."
  1453. Nocebo: "Okay!" The doc grabs a bottle of water and squishes it between her hands. "I'll transfer my power into this water, and it'll heal you right up when you drink it, like an instant potion..."
  1454. Mammon: "Is this just ordinary water?"
  1455. Elly: "If she says it works. Then it'll work."
  1456. Nocebo: "It was before I used magic on it! now it's extra-ordinary water! But if you cast too much shade at me, it won't work."
  1457. she gives you the stink eye Mammon.
  1458. Mammon: "Fine, fine."
  1459. Nocebo: Chucking the water at you and then turning to that intern. "As for you...we need to operate immediatly!"
  1460. Intern: "I do kinda feel, like, hurt? All over."
  1461. "Do you think it's ink poisoning, doc?"
  1462. Nocebo: "Don't worry, I'll fix that right away. You'll just need to loose..." 11
  1463. Intern: muscle 12
  1465. Nocebo tries to drive her fist into the intern's guts.
  1466. Nocebo: Overdrive.
  1467. Intern: Unfortunately, his- nevermind
  1468. 61 damage
  1469. Nocebo: "Ora-ora-ora!"
  1470. "Hehehe. Always wanted to say that..."
  1471. Intern: "D-Doc...."
  1472. "why...."
  1473. "I-I... said...."
  1474. "Please.........."
  1475. Nocebo: "Don't worry. Your liver will 100 years or so."
  1476. Mammon: (By the way how many points of healing was that?)
  1477. Intern: he falls over
  1478. (I haven't done calculations yet)
  1479. Nocebo: (43)
  1480. Intern: New round! +1 valor all
  1482. Zombianca takes 10 damage
  1483. Zombianca: "Okayyy.... let's... fix this. I'm a maid, after all, fixing things, cleaning things up, getting rid of messes.... this is all my job!"
  1484. CLEANING IN PROGRESS tape up around herself.
  1485. And then another one appears around Yakiba and his sentry.
  1486. "That should hold things off for a minute."
  1488. Naga self-buffs!
  1489. Naga: Mammon's turn
  1490. Mammon: Okay he's not dying, he can be fun again.
  1491. Gotta get to that smoldering Prinny corpse.
  1492. BUT FOR NOW
  1493. 11 Dex for a shootout the old-fashioned way again. With a maid.
  1494. Zombianca: Roll damage core
  1495. 5 for the barrier
  1496. welp
  1497. Mammon: 14
  1498. Zombianca: and for the attack defense 14
  1499. Her barrier falls, but the maid remains unharmed.
  1500. Mammon: I'll take it. And support to reload.
  1501. "I'm goming for you, copycat."
  1502. "There will be a reckoning."
  1503. Yakiba: (er... don't ties favor the attacker...)
  1504. Elly: "In bed?"
  1505. Mammon: Nah he only rolled 11 on the actual attack.
  1506. Zombianca: "If I was a copycat, I would be using attack nodes while hiding behind all my allies."
  1507. Yakiba: oh, right
  1508. Mammon: "Excuse me!"
  1509. Zombianca: "If anything, wouldn't Mannfred be the copycat, then....?"
  1510. "Or."
  1511. "Would you be his copycat?"
  1512. Mammon: "I'm currently hiding in front of Nocebo so you'd push her into the lava instead of me."
  1513. "I'm an ADAPTABLE shameless weasel."
  1515. Mannfred struggles to wipe the mosaic effect off of his face
  1516. Mannfred: 14 to nullify that weaken on him
  1517. Mammon: "And look, the attack nods are just a stopgap thing."
  1518. Zombianca: 9
  1519. yup it work
  1520. Mammon: "I'm gonna do something way cooler a few levels from now."
  1521. Mannfred: "Fucking finally!"
  1522. "Do you people know what that was like for me?!"
  1523. "It was hellish! And not in a fun way, either."
  1525. Elly groans.
  1526. Mammon: "Why?"
  1527. "Was it like a mirror on the inside?"
  1529. Mannfred fumes, but decides to take his anger out on a more appropriate target
  1530. Mannfred: 10 to blast Zombianca
  1531. or can i just not hit her with the attack node situated like that?
  1532. Zombianca: You have to roll to beat the barrier
  1533. So roll damage core!
  1534. and Elly needs to roll barrier core
  1535. Mannfred: aight aight 5
  1536. Elly: what do I roll for barrier core?
  1537. Mannfred usually breaks them
  1538. Zombianca: The barrier core.
  1539. Nocebo: what level is your barrier technique.
  1540. Zombianca: d10+core level
  1541. Elly: 11
  1542. Mannfred: "...Nobody. Say. Anything."
  1544. Mannfred looks like he's about to murder someone
  1545. Elly: She doesn't. But she can be seen blowing wind against her fingernails.
  1546. Zombianca: The barrier falls anyway but it stands up to the attack.
  1547. Mammon: No problem, Mammon can judge silently.
  1548. Zombianca: "Well, thank you for that barrier."
  1549. Elly: "You're welcome."
  1550. Mammon: "Elly she was being facetious."
  1551. Elly: "...oh."
  1552. Zombianca: "No, I wasn't."
  1553. Elly: "Now I'm confused."
  1554. Mammon: "I'm sorry, did I say facetious? I meant TERRIBLE."
  1555. Nocebo: "The barrier absorbed an attack that would have potentially inconveinced her-so she's grateful that you spent time making her life easier."
  1556. Zombianca: "You shouldn't listen to the Netherworld's Most Tactless Mercenary, really."
  1557. Mannfred: "I'm just... going to lie down now."
  1558. Mammon: Well, it's not like he hasn't used that one on himself.
  1559. Mannfred: "Forever, preferably."
  1560. Mammon: "Have fun!"
  1561. Yakiba: Well, first things first: Even if it has no targets in range the sentry turret has got to spend some time setting up - running diagnostics and trajectory calculations.
  1562. The big ol' barrier in the way is an Issue, of course.
  1563. Nocebo: does that mean you're gonna bang it with a wrench?
  1564. Yakiba: It's tape, and he has a hot knife.
  1565. Why use a wrench for that?
  1566. 20 Dex against the barrier
  1567. Core unfortunately is just 2
  1568. ...that's some strong tape
  1569. Zombianca: Which doesn't matter because you're not actually targeting anything beyond it
  1570. The tape falls.
  1571. Yakiba: ah.
  1572. Nocebo: (how do you get +10? Like...dang.)
  1573. Yakiba: (Accurate Strike)
  1574. That'll do for himself, but the gun is going to awkwardly waddle forward a little bit and prepare a counterattack
  1575. Nocebo: awwww
  1576. Mammon: "So... you build robots."
  1577. Elly: Elly starts writing. "And having overcome the obstacle of saving Naga from the clutches of her prison, Yakiba took a moment to refresh himself in preparation of the battle ahead." Heal on Yakiba
  1578. End turn
  1579. Yakiba: "Yes." "Thank you." each of them hear at the same time.
  1580. Mammon: "Probably sturdier than Prinnies..."
  1581. "Ah, but I bet they're not as cost effective."
  1582. Zombianca: Elly's not doing anything else?
  1583. Elly: Nope. Elly is going to conserve her stamina.
  1584. Overmayor's next, and this fight has taken a lot out of her :<
  1585. Nocebo: Doc should probably also give some thought to the next fight..."Hey Yakiba, you're messing with my flow here. I have to split up my attention between you and the gun-crazed madman here."
  1586. "You'll be just fine though, trust me! I've already figured out a nice accupuncture treatment that will work wonders-it'll be like a spa treatment...Unlike what I have in mind for Zombanica when it comes to needles."
  1587. Busting out another heal for Yakiba, and Intimidate on Zombanica. 17
  1588. Zombianca: 14
  1589. welp
  1590. NEW ROUND
  1591. +1 VALOR
  1592. Mammon: "We could try, you know, attacking her."
  1593. Zombianca: "Nope, too late. It's my turn now."
  1594. "I only have one chance.... to do this. For the Overmayor."
  1595. Nocebo: "Who won't even appreciate this sacrifice because he's too busy cracking open ten thousand Gatchapon."
  1596. Zombianca: Dex attacks as she pulls out her pair of guns!
  1597. 10 vs Mammon
  1598. 14 vs Naga's 14
  1599. 14 vs Elly
  1600. Naga is hit for 42 and the sentry for 11
  1601. Yakiba: The sentry counters
  1602. Mammon: 13 You come into his house.
  1603. Elly: Dodge as she's catching her breath!! 12
  1604. Nope.
  1605. Zombianca: 42 damage
  1606. And now it's...
  1607. Yakiba: 16 Muscle on the counter since it was in range before being knocked over by Naga
  1608. Nocebo: are we talking pistols, tommy guns, or BFGs?
  1609. Yakiba: wait no she didn't actually
  1610. never mind
  1611. Zombianca: WHOOP Zombianca's turn.
  1612. "I never said I'd let you guys have another turn, you know."
  1613. Nocebo: "What just happend?"
  1614. Mannfred: "She cheated is what happened."
  1615. Elly: "How demonic."
  1616. Mammon: "She's desperate."
  1617. Zombianca: "It's called an overdrive, look it up bub."
  1618. Nocebo: "I feel like I just got hit with a mackerel. I can taste fish."
  1619. Yakiba: "Actually no, unlike that last time I think this is- yes, that"
  1620. "You can't keep that up forever, you know."
  1621. Zombianca: She throws up a barrier, then! DEX ATTACKS
  1622. 18 vs Mammon
  1623. 17 vs Nocebo
  1624. 12 vs Elly
  1625. Nocebo: 12
  1626. Mammon: Okay that's sure a roll he can't beat.
  1627. 17
  1628. MAN.
  1629. Elly: But this time she's got this! She knows Zombianca's attack method! There's no way that this'll hit this time!! 11
  1630. ...welp
  1631. Zombianca: 53 damage to Nocebo, and roll defense vs 12 aura
  1632. Nocebo: dang. 14
  1633. Zombianca: 42 damage to Elly, and roll aura defense vs 11
  1634. Elly: "That really hurt."
  1635. Zombianca: Nocebo is immune to lava
  1636. Nocebo: "No shit!"
  1638. Nocebo might actually be hovering a bit with her wings.
  1639. Zombianca: 42 damage to Mammon and 11 to Mannfred
  1640. Mannfred: "Not again, not again, not again!"
  1641. Mammon: "Get the fuck off me!"
  1642. Zombianca: "Okay, I guess I can end my turn now."
  1643. Mannfred: "Off you?! You're the one who's on top of me!"
  1644. Zombianca: Zombianca has to skip her next turn because of that overdrive though.
  1645. Mammon: "It's the principle of the thing!"
  1646. Mannfred: "You don't have principles!"
  1647. Mammon: "I KNOW!"
  1648. Naga: "Not cool to use a piercing attack when I buffed my defenses, you know." Frown.
  1649. Nocebo: "You two keep getting thrown together by fate like me and Elly...but you two aren't anything like us."
  1650. Naga: "Wind!" 20 aura vs 13 resolve
  1651. Elly: "Oh. Are your robes on fire too?"
  1653. Elly tries to put them out with her hand.
  1654. Naga: 51 damage
  1655. Mammon: "Hell forbid."
  1656. Mannfred: "For once, we're in agreement. Whatever she's insinuating, we'll never speak of it again."
  1657. Mammon: Mammon charge forth and somehow ends up doing that action movie thing where you shoot while diving to one side.
  1658. 11 Dex
  1659. Zombianca: 17
  1661. Support to reload.
  1662. Zombianca: She deflects the bullets. With a feather duster.
  1663. Nocebo: It's because you're shooting Wooo-guns and a bunch of doves flew in between you two.
  1664. Mammon: "...You're despicable."
  1665. Zombianca: "Thank you."
  1666. "That one was facetious, for the record."
  1668. Yakiba: "They should make a movie, and call it Despicable Maid."
  1669. Mannfred: "That might be the worst pun out I've ever heard. Out of anyone."
  1670. Elly: "Oh thank you Yakiba."
  1671. Mannfred: "That was almost physically painful to listen to."
  1672. Yakiba: "The marketing companies would mistakenly latch on to your zombie interns, rocketing them to misplaced fame and leaving you in the dust."
  1673. Elly: "Now I know what to call this fanfiction when I post it on the Nethernet."
  1674. Yakiba: "And you hate dust, don't you?"
  1675. Nocebo: "Can I help beta it?"
  1676. Mammon: "I'm going to have to confiscate her computer at some point..."
  1677. Elly: "Uh-huh." She nods at Nocebo.
  1679. Elly: Because, clearly, this is more important than standing in lava.
  1681. Mannfred scribbles something in the air, and another memo launches at Zombianca through the intern's head
  1682. Mannfred: 12 to downsize this fool
  1683. Zombianca: 13 whoop
  1684. Denied
  1685. Mannfred: "Okay, this cannot get any more frustrating now!" 13 blasting her to the side
  1686. Zombianca: 16
  1687. She blocks. With her feather duster.
  1688. Nocebo: "it just got more frustrating."
  1690. Mannfred lets out a Lemongrab-esque squeal of torment
  1691. Yakiba: "I agree. All this dodging is unacceptable."
  1692. The sentry gun waddles forward, bless its mecha-demonic heart
  1693. it tries so hard
  1694. and then it starts beeping
  1695. REALLY
  1696. LOUDLY
  1697. Yakiba: 14 Resolve vs Zombianca
  1698. Nocebo: "IS IT BROKEN?"
  1699. Yakiba: "NO."
  1701. Nocebo: "WHY WOULD YOU MAKE IT DO THAT?"
  1702. Zombianca: 13
  1704. Zombianca: Success
  1707. Elly: "Oh. I was thinking about attacking it."
  1708. Nocebo: "SAME!"
  1709. Mammon: "I CAN'T FAULT YOUR LOGIC"
  1712. Mammon: (extra loud) "NOOOOO"
  1713. Yakiba: vroom no support action
  1714. now it's spinning time 12 Dex vs Zomaid
  1715. Zombianca: 13
  1716. She deflects. With. Her feather duster.
  1717. Yakiba: That's fine
  1718. Elly: What's the blue box?
  1719. Zombianca: "Your group could never hope to stand against the Overmayor!"
  1720. Elly: dark blue
  1721. Zombianca: attack node
  1722. Nocebo: our attack nodes are color-coded.
  1723. Elly: gotcha.
  1724. Elly seems a bit pleased to step out of the lava.
  1725. The edges are a bit on fire, though...
  1726. She starts writing. "Nocebo feels a bit better? Maybe. Either way, she's healed."
  1727. "I'm sorry if its not that good, I'm feeling a little dizzy..."
  1728. Nocebo: "Hey, hey, don't worry about me!"
  1729. Elly: She falls to her knees and seems to be falling asleep standing up.
  1730. End turn.
  1731. Nocebo: Wow okay not cool. "Don't pass out on me okay? Look, here's my medicated lip balm...I know it's not much but maybe I can apply it personally when we're done here."
  1733. Elly: She slumps against Nocebo.
  1734. Zombianca: "I'm not sure how this will affect the game's rating..."
  1735. Nocebo: "That's not making out!" And Doc doesn't have the range to attack from here, due to being a short-range type. Be grateful that she's throwing her punltimate bottle of pills at you Mammon...
  1737. Nocebo is tempted to show him what making out is right here an now, but that feels a bit...premature...
  1738. Elly: As the lip balm is applied, Elly's eyes starts to focus a bit more and she looks up to Nocebo. "Oh.. ah... um..."
  1739. Her cheeks redden a little. "Th-thank you..."
  1741. Nocebo blushes a bit herself. "Sure thing..."
  1742. Nocebo: "I mean, that's just what I do!"
  1743. Elly: "Okay."
  1744. Nocebo: what is this strange doki-doki feeling in her chest??
  1745. Elly: She smiles softly and tries straightening herself up.
  1746. Mammon: "Attack!"
  1747. Nocebo: why is she exactly one tile too far from the zombie maid to even debuff right now?
  1748. Mammon: "AUGH."
  1749. Zombianca: Anything else for this turn then?
  1751. Nocebo literally can't attack or use any of her normal skills... except to Inspire Elly.
  1752. Nocebo: "Come on, let's finish her off."
  1753. Zombianca: New round, +1 valor
  1754. Nocebo: (did we deduct three valor when Nocebo overdrived before?)
  1755. Naga: No
  1756. Nocebo: okay, just checking.
  1757. Naga: I'll let the inspire stand tho
  1758. Elly: oh and did Zombianca take the damage for the third and final turn when she hacked that third turn in?
  1759. Naga: Yes she did
  1760. Elly: okeys, cool o/
  1761. Naga: "Mega Wind!" And there's the spell that's one up from Wind!
  1762. Elly: That poor prinny
  1763. Naga: 16 aura vs 13 resolve
  1764. Mammon: Prinnies don't have feelings.
  1765. Naga: 89 vs 0 for the prinny
  1766. Mammon: Okay they do, but not important ones.
  1767. Naga: 8 X Crit
  1768. and 41 damage to the maid! And...
  1769. another 9 to both her and Yakiba sorry ninja guy
  1770. She said no promises to avoiding hitting you guys.
  1771. Zombianca: "Well, I think I should take another turn here."
  1772. Mammon: "Oh that has GOT to be cheating."
  1773. Zombianca: "Overdrives babe."
  1774. Nocebo: "She's using them better than you."
  1776. Mannfred doesn't even bother saying anything. He just kinda sits down and holds his head in his hands
  1777. Zombianca: "Step one.... HEAL."
  1778. "Step two...."
  1779. She holds up a mop bucket.
  1780. "Time to do some cleaning."
  1781. Hey Yakiba.
  1782. You're getting splashed. Aura attack
  1783. Zombianca: 14
  1784. Yakiba: 16 Dex sub it
  1785. Zombianca: and she loses valor for not attacking the robot.
  1786. Yakiba: and of course she loses 1 Valor to the Provoke, yes
  1787. Zombianca: "Welp."
  1788. "What a waste of holy water."
  1789. Mammon: Res that Prinny.
  1790. And let's do this point-blank.
  1791. "Dodge this."
  1792. 12
  1793. Zombianca: 15
  1794. "Okay."
  1795. Mammon: OVERDRIVE
  1796. Zombianca: Not okat.
  1797. okay*
  1798. Nocebo: "Oh, and a second gun! Nice double-play to stop the feather-duster!"
  1799. Zombianca: 51 damage
  1800. "Whew... good thing I healed, or that could've done me in."
  1801. Mammon: "You couldn't let me have this."
  1802. Zombianca: "I did this specifically so you couldn't."
  1803. Mammon: "You're so..."
  1804. "You're so awful."
  1805. "I'd be in awe if you weren't directing it at me."
  1806. Mannfred: 10 blastin her good
  1807. Zombianca: 17 rly?
  1809. Mannfred doesn't have quips anymore. he is a vessel of silent fury
  1810. Zombianca: I love how she is rolling defense at -1 and still winning consistently.
  1811. Mannfred: The man is trembling with rage over here
  1812. Zombianca: Feather duster deflection!
  1813. Yakiba: "Awe would be a bad place for the Netherworld's Most Superlative Mercenary to be."
  1814. Zombianca: "33 health left. Can you do it?"
  1815. Anything else, Mannfred?
  1816. Mannfred: Nope. Nothing. He's done, forever
  1817. Yakiba: "I can do it."
  1818. Zombianca: "We'll see!"
  1819. Yakiba: "And I will, you reject maid."
  1820. 11 Muscle vs Zomaid
  1821. Zombianca: "Anything you say, R&D reject." 15
  1822. Yakiba: Nope, overdrive
  1823. Zombianca: 57!
  1824. That does it
  1825. Yakiba: "Thank you for standing in front of the gun."
  1826. (okay, so Team Tactics didn't exactly have much effect. Still counts.)
  1827. Zombianca: She falls back onto Mammon, eyes wide. "I..... I........"
  1828. Mammon: Mammon looks into her eyes.
  1829. Then drops her.
  1830. On her face.
  1831. Zombianca: Lying on the ground, wide eyes. "I....."
  1832. "..................prepared for this."
  1833. "Suckers."
  1834. She holds out a detonator.
  1835. "BYE."
  1836. Mammon: "I hate you."
  1838. Elly: "Is it a love ha--" nope she can't say it before the explosions
  1840. Nocebo throws herself on top of Elly.
  1841. Yakiba: "We all hate her."
  1843. Mannfred ragdolls across the room like a shitty 3d model
  1844. Zombianca: When the explosions clear, most of the room is rubble. The maid is gone.
  1845. The door leading further in is miraculously intact.
  1846. Nocebo: "Nooooo, I wanted to keep her head...."
  1848. Nocebo sniffs
  1849. Elly: "...huh... I thought we were going to wind up at the reincarnation vats..."
  1850. Nocebo: "I wouldn't let that happen to you!...vats?"
  1851. Yakiba: "She must have used a bomb that only does structural damage."
  1852. Elly: "'re not supposed to know about the vats."
  1853. Yakiba: "By that logic, Mannfred is actually some sort of object, given how wildly he was flailing and flying about..."
  1854. Mannfred: "No. Shut the fuck up. No more jokes."
  1855. "We're done here. Moving right along!"
  1856. Mammon: Mammon sighs.
  1857. "Someday I'm gonna murder that girl."
  1858. Elly: "Oh."
  1862. Nocebo sighs because the moment is gone. Her chance is squandered.
  1863. Nocebo: Elly has not been kissed yet, there is something deeply wrong with the world.
  1864. Naga: Save that for next season then
  1866. Nocebo pinches herself to stop that train of thought.
  1867. Naga: Moving on, then?
  1868. If not, Naga will anyway.
  1869. Mammon: We should, yeah.
  1870. Nocebo: We might as well.
  1871. Yakiba: Yep moving now
  1873. Mannfred is already walking towards the door
  1874. Elly: Elly would have asked how everybody is, but she's too busy writing Zombiammon slashfic.
  1875. Naga: The very next room seems to be.........
  1876. ..........the break room.
  1877. All sorts of vending machines for food and drink to recover health and stamina.
  1879. Mannfred immediately gravitates towards the coffee machine
  1880. Yakiba: "Grab everything you can. It'll demoralize their interns."
  1882. Nocebo will fight Mannfred to the death for some of the coffee.
  1883. Nocebo: and also check for poison.
  1884. Mammon: Mammon breaks the glass on the machines.
  1885. No way is he paying.
  1886. Mannfred: "This is all mine now. get your own."
  1887. "I will reduce you and everything you love to dust with my bare hands if you so much as look at my coffee."
  1888. "You do not, nor will you ever, understand how much I need this right now."
  1890. Naga pauses. "We need to rescue Prinwise, but..... hm, some melon bread couldn't hurt...." Yoinking from one of the vending machines Mammon broke into.
  1891. Nocebo: "Fuck off boy, I've done 60 hour shifts at the hospital as a resident. You do not know the Coffee lust that I have experience."
  1892. experienced*
  1893. Elly: Elly takes some of the licorice and extra spicy chips that always seem to be left behind in vending machines for some reason.
  1894. Mannfred: "If you want it, you'll need to come and take it from me."
  1895. Yakiba: Instant ramen. Excellent, one of his previous life staples. That'll do.
  1896. He eats through the mask.
  1897. Mannfred: "Because I am not leaving until this fucking thing has been drained dry."
  1899. Nocebo has her hand on the carafe.
  1900. Elly: ...this is missing something.
  1901. ^in quotes
  1902. Mannfred: 14 BLAST HER BLAST HER BLAST HER
  1903. Elly: She looks over and sees her quarry: a chocolate muffin.
  1904. Nocebo: 16 Chug chug chug!
  1905. Elly: She gladly takes the chocolate muffin, places some of the licorice on top, crunches up the spicy chips, and pours it on top as well.
  1906. "Just right."
  1908. Mannfred turns and kicks over one of the vending machines
  1909. Mannfred: "aaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!"
  1910. Naga: .... +1 valor to Mannfred
  1911. Yakiba: "I'd suggest taking up tea instead but I'm not much for it myself."
  1913. Nocebo left him half of the coffee.
  1914. Nocebo: "Oh my god you baby."
  1915. Naga: "Oh my what?"
  1916. Mammon: "it's nice to be neutral in one of Mannfred's tantrums for a change."
  1918. Mannfred chugs the entire thing in one go, looking Nocebo dead in the eye the entire time
  1919. Mammon: "You know, just once."
  1920. Mannfred: "I have had. The worst day of my life."
  1921. Nocebo: "This doesn't even make the top ten for me."
  1922. Yakiba: "Today's actually pretty good so far."
  1923. Elly: ...
  1924. Mammon: Mammon takes a deep breath.
  1925. "I feel good."
  1927. Mannfred throws the carafe against the wall, where it shatters
  1928. Naga: "Prinwise is kidnapped! This is not a good day!"
  1930. Elly offers some of her spicy licorice chocolate chip muffin to Mammon.
  1931. Naga: "...prinnapped?"
  1932. Mammon: "I don't like to dwell on how much I fucking hate maids AAAAAAARGH"
  1933. Yakiba: "I did say 'so far'. You'll have him back before the day is out."
  1935. Nocebo goes over and grabs some pocky.
  1936. Mammon: He'll take it. "Thank you, Elly."
  1937. Elly: "You're welcome."
  1938. She walks over to Nocebo and offers the second quarter of it to her.
  1939. Nocebo: "Uhhhh....are those Thermonuclear Apocolypse Nacho Chips?"
  1940. Elly: "Of course."
  1941. Nocebo: "Oh...I don't think...I can eat that..."
  1942. Elly: She frowns. "Oh..."
  1943. She tries to blow the chips off?
  1945. Nocebo scrapes some off and gives Elly some pocky.
  1946. Elly: She finally rounds up to Yakiba and offers up the third quarter, pocky in mouth.
  1947. Yakiba: "Thank you." And it's gone.
  1948. Nocebo: even the crumbs and dust on the muffin make Nocebo cry from the heat.
  1949. she is just a big baby.
  1950. Elly: Elly finishes her rounds and pops the entire things in her mouth. Smoke starts to come out of her nose and ears, and her eyes flow like rivers.
  1951. "Just right."
  1953. Mannfred looks at Elly like she just ran over his dog
  1954. Elly: Elly... notices? "Oh... sorry... I only had that much to give."
  1955. Yakiba: Ah, delicious spice.
  1956. Mannfred: "No, it's... fine. Everything is fine, Here, now. In this moment, I am fine."
  1957. "You just... enjoy yourselves!"
  1959. Mannfred takes several extremely deep breaths
  1960. Nocebo: "we could have made more coffee if you hadn't broken it."
  1961. Mannfred: "Shut up!"
  1962. Elly: "I thought you hated us."
  1963. Yakiba: "And you did break the glass, which is beyond my ability to fix."
  1964. Naga: "Okay, and break time's over. You've all recovered your health and stamina, right?"
  1965. Mammon: "I guess."
  1966. Yakiba: "Hai."
  1967. Mannfred: "All systems nominal, I suppose. Let's just get this over with."
  1968. Naga: Naga will lead the way.
  1969. Nocebo: "As much as can be expected...though I might need a trip to the bathroom after the fight."
  1970. That was a lot of coffee.
  1971. Elly: "Coming coming."
  1972. Naga: Naga leads the way!
  1973. The next set of doors is definitely to the Mayor's Office, judging by their opulence.
  1974. And sign that says "MAYOR'S OFFICE".
  1975. ((Overmayor* sorry))
  1977. Nocebo considers turning that into mayo's office.
  1978. Naga: ((overmayo*))
  1979. Mammon: "No actual security aside form the maid."
  1980. Elly: ((poached egg with overmayo on the side)
  1981. Mammon: "Not impressed, City Hell. Not impressed."
  1982. Naga: She slams open the door, and- \
  1983. Overmayor: 13 vs 9
  1984. Mammon: "Don't get stuck in a cage ag--"
  1985. Overmayor: 82 damage
  1986. Nocebo: It's the real deal all right.
  1987. Yakiba: "Oh, it's only damage."
  1988. Overmayor: "Hmmm. I thought a surprise attack would've been better."
  1989. He's tapping away on his phone.
  1990. "Maybe I should've done it myself instead of setting up an app."
  1992. Naga is looking down at the spear in her side.
  1993. Overmayor: "If only...."
  1995. Nocebo will force Naga to look away.
  1996. Overmayor: "I had two attacks." 19 vs 7
  1997. 139 damage
  1998. Naga falls.
  1999. "Ah. Much better."
  2001. Nocebo screams
  2002. Overmayor: Tappity tap tap.
  2003. Mammon: "..."
  2004. Overmayor: "Who's next? I don't have all day."
  2005. Nocebo: -2 Valor
  2006. Overmayor: "I'm a busy man."
  2007. Mammon: "She was going to pay us."
  2008. Nocebo: Doc is Freaking Out.
  2009. Mammon: "Also, we were sort of friends, arguably."
  2010. Overmayor: "Trust me. Getting paid is the least of your worries."
  2011. Yakiba: "He's got a point. We'll still get paid, probably just by the Prinny of the hour instead of her."
  2012. Overmayor: "Where I'm sending you.... You won't even be reincarnated."
  2013. "So tell me."
  2014. "Which one of you dies next?"
  2015. TO BE
  2017. Nocebo: dun dun duuuuh.
  2018. Yakiba: "You think the threat of Oblivion will sway me?"
  2019. "Fool. You couldn't be more wrong."
  2020. Mannfred: "Stop trying to sound cool, the episode's already over."
  2021. Shika (GM): And while we're on episode ends,
  2022. Everybody levels up!
  2023. Mannfred: yaaaaaay!
  2024. Nocebo: "We're screwed man! Game over, game over!"
  2025. Shika (GM): Which means you all get Ults
  2026. you'se gonna needs 'em
  2027. Awe: most likely, yes
  2028. Nocebo: Overdrive Serum Get.
  2029. Vehrec: time to fight a Master.
  2030. Elly: just uh planning ahead
  2031. how much would it take to heal up Naga
  2032. or for the sake of this fight that's a straight "no" xD
  2033. Mannfred: Iiiiii think she might be a little beyond healing at this point
  2034. Elly: yeeeah, poor girl
  2035. Awe: actually, normal healing techniques do usually work on targets below 0HP
  2036. but yeah
  2037. plot death
  2038. maybe
  2039. Shika (GM): She is at least Unhealable for now
  2040. Elly: poor girl ;w;
  2041. AND NOW
  2042. to read up on Ultimates ;3
  2043. Vehrec: basically
  2044. do you want to trasnform into a newer stronger form? Or have one awesome attack?
  2045. Awe: summons get ultimates
  2046. Shika (GM): No.
  2047. Awe: had to check
  2048. Vehrec: I've got my ultimate mostly planned, but I need to decide on a name for Level 5
  2049. Mammon: You know how some special attacks in Disgaea are so elaborate they don't physically make sense for a lot of maps, so they sort of warp to an abstract floating island thing for the animation?
  2050. I think I'm gonna have to do that.
  2051. Elly: yeees
  2052. and 7 times out of 10 the island blows up xD
  2053. Shika (GM): those are the best attacks
  2054. Vehrec: Doc's ultimate won't be quite that showy. I'm saving that for her level 10.
  2055. Awe: I'm saving the Ultimate I had planned for when it makes sense (read: when they can get his giant robot back.)
  2056. Vehrec: power to those of you going for gold right out of the gate though.
  2057. Mannfred: I'm prolly just gonna make Mannfred's a big area nuke because I'm an uncreative sheep like that
  2058. he loses his shit so hard that everything around him dies
  2059. Elly: Usually level 15s are workhorse skills, good but still concealing what they're fully capable of
  2060. ...why do I picture Mannfred's moves to be a lot of holograms, electric squares, and electricity
  2061. Mannfred: that's pretty much what he's been doing this whole time tbh
  2062. weird techno-magic biz
  2063. Elly: Will he get Tron-armor later? :3
  2064. Mannfred: he wasn't before, but now I gotta reconsider that position
  2065. Elly: I'll need to squint at the ultimate sheet and consider what I want to do
  2066. Vehrec: so who's gonna volunteer to be given the first dose of Doc's real medicine? JK, she'll test it on herself. :D
  2067. Elly: know Elly would take it
  2068. Vehrec: yes well
  2069. it's a free Transformation, I imagine anyone will take it after seeing the effects.
  2070. Shika (GM): also if u guys know anybody who's want to feel free to pass the word along
  2071. who'd*
  2072. also ciao
  2073. Elly: take care! good night! ^^
  2074. Awe: next week, then
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