

Dec 6th, 2014
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  1. (23:09) Piexplode: yea the teams just like big 4 + lapras + rhydon and I decided that
  2. (23:09) Piexplode: egg and rhy and lappy none of them were suitable leads
  3. (23:09) Piexplode: and chansey with
  4. (23:09) Piexplode: sing/boltbeam/sb
  5. (23:10) Piexplode: was a better lead for it
  6. (23:10) Raish: yeah when I realized there was no para
  7. (23:10) Piexplode: since it gives me 2 sleepers and
  8. (23:10) Raish: I was reallyhappy
  9. (23:10) Piexplode: on teams where there's like
  10. (23:10) Piexplode: jynx/gar leads
  11. (23:10) Raish: you lose to any sleep lead though
  12. (23:10) Piexplode: I don't need it as much
  13. (23:10) Piexplode: for specials
  14. (23:10) Piexplode: so I can usually take it to sleep absorb
  15. (23:10) Piexplode: and then get aggressive on the physical side
  16. (23:10) Raish: the problem with the team is
  17. (23:10) Piexplode: + use the synergies of the egg/rhy/lap core
  18. (23:10) Raish: lapras and rhydon are both meant to kill paralyzed things
  19. (23:10) Piexplode: yea
  20. (23:11) Raish: and not running a fast specialist or tw on chansey
  21. (23:11) Raish: makes para really hard to come by
  22. (23:11) Piexplode: I mostly wanted it to be like
  23. (23:11) Piexplode: lappy beating lax
  24. (23:11) Piexplode: egg+rhydon synergy
  25. (23:11) Piexplode: and a late game lax
  26. (23:11) Piexplode: but yea it's more
  27. (23:11) Raish: but most people don't fight lax in lapras if they have a chansey
  28. (23:11) Piexplode: hyper aggressive but slow
  29. (23:11) Piexplode: tru
  30. (23:11) Piexplode: mm
  31. (23:11) Piexplode: any suggestions to
  32. (23:11) Piexplode: improve on the team?
  33. (23:12) Piexplode: I realised that
  34. (23:12) Piexplode: egg/lap/rhy was a cool core
  35. (23:12) Piexplode: in some ways
  36. (23:12) Raish: might need to give up tbolt on that chansey for tw
  37. (23:12) Piexplode: like defensively
  38. (23:12) Piexplode: okay
  39. (23:12) Raish: you've got it on lapras
  40. (23:12) Raish: and you could run mega drain eggy for more anti water
  41. (23:12) Raish: not sure what your 4th move was on him
  42. (23:12) Raish: problem then though is
  43. (23:12) Raish: if they run sleep lead
  44. (23:12) Raish: who takes sleep for you
  45. (23:12) Raish: because if it's chansey, eggy needs stun spore
  46. (23:13) Piexplode: I had stun but I was open to suggested changes
  47. (23:13) Piexplode: yea I was
  48. (23:13) Piexplode: running stun on egg
  49. (23:13) Piexplode: and chansey to take sleep
  50. (23:13) Raish: then just realize starmie is going to wreck you
  51. (23:14) Raish: like I'm crap with starmie
  52. (23:14) Raish: and that's the best starmie game I've had in a while
  53. (23:14) Piexplode: starmie is weird I'm finding it's hard to use
  54. (23:14) Raish: because I never felt worried about getting it para'd
  55. (23:14) Raish: yeah
  56. (23:14) Raish: it's great at taking damage
  57. (23:14) Raish: but horrible at taking status
  58. (23:14) Piexplode: yea I've noticed that when playing against it
  59. (23:15) Piexplode: but luckily
  60. (23:15) Piexplode: starmie is very rarely not a lead
  61. (23:15) Raish: eh depends
  62. (23:15) Piexplode: annd when it is a lead generally chansey doesn't
  63. (23:15) Piexplode: take sleep
  64. (23:15) Raish: yeah
  65. (23:15) Piexplode: yea non lead starmie tends to be with zam lead anyway
  66. (23:15) Raish: or gar
  67. (23:15) Piexplode: it's pretty rare otherwise
  68. (23:15) Raish: because gar draws earthquake
  69. (23:15) Piexplode: with gar?
  70. (23:15) Piexplode: ah I guess
  71. (23:15) Raish: and starmie loves switching in on earthquakes
  72. (23:16) Raish: it'll often run surf blizzard
  73. (23:16) Piexplode: except when they crit and ohko
  74. (23:16) Raish: or hydro pump
  75. (23:16) Raish: crit eq doesn't 1hko
  76. (23:16) Raish: or at least not usually
  77. (23:16) Piexplode: still, I think slept chansey can help with that one without it being disasterous
  78. (23:17) Raish: yeah as long as you outplay your opponent
  79. (23:17) Raish: but it can lead to you getting wrecked by tauros getting free switch ins in the mid-late game
  80. (23:17) Raish: because you don't have any recoverable hp outside chansey
  81. (23:17) Raish: so you'll get chipped down hard
  82. (23:17) Piexplode: yea agreed
  83. (23:17) Piexplode: chip or be chipped
  84. (23:18) Raish: and the main way you beat recoverers when you can't is para
  85. (23:18) Raish: like my main team
  86. (23:18) Raish: zam takes sleep
  87. (23:18) Raish: chansey is the only recoverer
  88. (23:18) Raish: but my team is designed to force para spread as much as possible
  89. (23:18) Piexplode: mm
  90. (23:18) Piexplode: so do you think
  91. (23:18) Piexplode: my team is good
  92. (23:18) Piexplode: ?_?
  93. (23:18) Raish: then runs rhydon as the pokemon who most appreciates paralyzed opponents
  94. (23:18) Raish: and makes tauros shine
  95. (23:18) Raish: it has weaknesses
  96. (23:19) Raish: that can be overcome by good play
  97. (23:19) Raish: but the risk/reward is in the favor of your opponent whenever they start with a sleep lead
  98. (23:19) Piexplode: yeah
  99. (23:19) Piexplode: okay cool i'll keep
  100. (23:19) Piexplode: this one banked then
  101. (23:20) Raish: so I made my current team
  102. (23:20) Raish: because when people counterpick my main team, they remove all their electric
  103. (23:21) Raish: because they know I've got rhydon and no waters
  104. (23:21) Raish: so this team is really strong when facing no electric
  105. (23:21) Piexplode: ah nice
  106. (23:22) Piexplode: I must admit I tend to play rock and 0/1 waters
  107. (23:22) Piexplode: but still
  108. (23:22) Piexplode: I don't think anyone can
  109. (23:22) Piexplode: counterstyle me really so
  110. (23:22) Piexplode: I jus wanna have
  111. (23:22) Piexplode: as many teams as I can to pick from
  112. (23:22) Piexplode: counterstyle if I need
  113. (23:22) Raish: well I can note which mons you're not good with
  114. (23:23) Raish: and use mons that are usually countered by those
  115. (23:23) Piexplode: ah
  116. (23:23) Piexplode: do you know
  117. (23:23) Piexplode: what mons I'm not good with?
  118. (23:23) Piexplode: you probably know more than me
  119. (23:23) Raish: let me look at my notes haha
  120. (23:23) Piexplode: lel
  121. (23:24) Piexplode: probably would go through pm logs
  122. (23:24) Piexplode: tbh idek what mons
  123. (23:24) Piexplode: I am bad with
  124. (23:24) Raish: you tend not to get your reflect zams to get good value
  125. (23:24) Raish: I get you to switch them out after they're para'd and slightly chipped
  126. (23:24) Raish: then next time you try to bring it in, I counter it and turn it into huge profit for my team
  127. (23:25) Piexplode: nice
  128. (23:25) Raish: also you've never won a game with slowbro against me
  129. (23:25) Piexplode: no I won the ridiculously long one we had didn't we?
  130. (23:25) Raish: oh yeah sorry didn't take notes on that one
  131. (23:25) Raish: because my hand hurt
  132. (23:25) Piexplode: ooh wow
  133. (23:26) Piexplode: you literally do
  134. (23:26) Piexplode: take notes
  135. (23:26) Piexplode: nice
  136. (23:26) Raish: 56 pages so far lol
  137. (23:26) Raish: from the past 3 years
  138. (23:26) Piexplode: very nice
  139. (23:26) Raish: yeah
  140. (23:26) Raish: when I can put my opponent's strategy into words, it makes it much easier to logic out what to do against them
  141. (23:26) Raish: like that waters team beat marco
  142. (23:27) Piexplode: so to be honest you probably
  143. (23:27) Piexplode: know my strategy
  144. (23:27) Piexplode: better than I do
  145. (23:27) Raish: because I noticed that he'd caught on to how I try to switch eggy into tauros hbeam with sleep
  146. (23:27) Raish: probably haha
  147. (23:27) Raish: but you switch teams too much
  148. (23:27) Raish: for me to get a good fix
  149. (23:27) Piexplode: :]
  150. (23:27) Piexplode: :p
  151. (23:27) Raish: but yeah
  152. (23:27) Raish: I know that I can rely on you not to pressure me too much
  153. (23:27) Piexplode: yeah indeed
  154. (23:27) Raish: when it would be a big risk
  155. (23:28) Raish: you counterswitch for small advantages more
  156. (23:28) Piexplode: so next time I play you I know
  157. (23:28) Piexplode: how to play in a way that
  158. (23:28) Piexplode: you don't expect me to
  159. (23:28) Piexplode: ;)
  160. (23:28) Raish: yup
  161. (23:28) Raish: except that I took notes on this conversation
  162. (23:28) Raish: lol
  163. (23:28) Piexplode: ofc it's a bit of a mindgame if I expect you to expect that
  164. (23:28) Piexplode: well yea obviously you oughta
  165. (23:28) Piexplode: we're friends but in a battle we're opponents too
  166. (23:28) Raish: yeah
  167. (23:29) Piexplode: ^_^
  168. (23:29) Piexplode: to be honest though there's still
  169. (23:29) Piexplode: so little that I feel
  170. (23:29) Piexplode: I can play with comfortably and well
  171. (23:29) Raish: like that's how I knew how to get value with zapdos against you even though you had rhydon
  172. (23:29) Piexplode: although I had a couple of really great battles versus marco recently
  173. (23:29) Raish: cool
  174. (23:29) Raish: well you're definitely improving quickly
  175. (23:29) Raish: we've all been playing a lot longer
  176. (23:30) Piexplode: that's really good :)
  177. (23:30) Piexplode: to be honest it's not even my main focus, RBY, I mean
  178. (23:30) Piexplode: until recently my main tier was XY Ubers anyway
  179. (23:30) Piexplode: although i've quit it now
  180. (23:30) Piexplode: but I have other pokemon projects that
  181. (23:30) Piexplode: to an extent
  182. (23:30) Piexplode: take more precedent
  183. (23:30) Raish: yeah
  184. (23:30) Piexplode: if RBY is in SPL then expect me to
  185. (23:30) Piexplode: dedicate more time to RBY
  186. (23:30) Piexplode: ;)
  187. (23:30) Raish: but you're definitely a great part of our community
  188. (23:30) Piexplode: but otherwise I'll ust be
  189. (23:30) Piexplode: going at my own pace
  190. (23:30) Piexplode: that's good :)
  191. (23:31) Raish: the more people we have playing regularly, the more people feel like it's worth it to come on
  192. (23:31) Raish: and it snowballs
  193. (23:31) Piexplode: yea
  194. (23:31) Piexplode: :3
  195. (23:31) Piexplode: ggfan said about the community
  196. (23:31) Piexplode: being at its best
  197. (23:31) Piexplode: that its ever been
  198. (23:31) Raish: well when I first joined
  199. (23:31) Raish: I think our regulars were a bit more regulra
  200. (23:31) Piexplode: lol also idk if u saw lol but on pokemon perfect I called ggfan a qt3.14 xD
  201. (23:31) Raish: but we've got more players since PO
  202. (23:31) Raish: lol
  203. (23:32) Piexplode: ah you're from NBS then?
  204. (23:32) Raish: yeah
  205. (23:32) Raish: learned from waterwizard
  206. (23:32) Piexplode: I actually do have NBS even though i've not really player properly for all that long
  207. (23:32) Piexplode: nice
  208. (23:32) Piexplode: I think I'd say I've probably
  209. (23:32) Piexplode: learnt most of my RBY
  210. (23:32) Piexplode: from marco
  211. (23:32) Raish: yeah PO is better at this point
  212. (23:32) Raish: well he's good to learn from
  213. (23:32) Piexplode: indeed
  214. (23:32) Raish: definitely has a new style
  215. (23:32) Piexplode: what do you mean by that?
  216. (23:33) Raish: a lot of old openers are less common now
  217. (23:33) Raish: metagame has shifted dramatically
  218. (23:33) Raish: especially eggy sets
  219. (23:33) Piexplode: yea I'm not sure how much I can comment on that
  220. (23:33) Raish: rest was much more popular
  221. (23:33) Piexplode: but the old standard I remember when I joined was
  222. (23:33) Raish: and so was double edge with explosion
  223. (23:33) Piexplode: zam/rhy/big 4 which is
  224. (23:33) Piexplode: fairly rekt by lapras
  225. (23:33) Piexplode: mm I sometimes ran egg bomb + explosion
  226. (23:33) Raish: yeah that's still considered the standard
  227. (23:33) Raish: but fewer people run standard because it's considered overdone
  228. (23:34) Piexplode: tbh I think I virtually always run stun spore/psy/exp/sleep unless
  229. (23:34) Raish: but now it's just me and Isa running it regularly haha
  230. (23:34) Piexplode: unless I see particular need
  231. (23:34) Piexplode: I don't really care if standard's overdone
  232. (23:34) Piexplode: in RBY your choice is
  233. (23:34) Raish: yeah I love MD
  234. (23:34) Piexplode: limited
  235. (23:34) Piexplode: so I feel like
  236. (23:34) Piexplode: best to become
  237. (23:34) Piexplode: a god with standard
  238. (23:34) Piexplode: really
  239. (23:34) Raish: yeah I mean that's how I top ladder so often
  240. (23:35) Raish: and then marco runs the lapras that's good against it
  241. (23:35) Raish: especially because my chansey doesn't have tb
  242. (23:36) Piexplode: ah
  243. (23:36) Raish: the thing is
  244. (23:36) Raish: he often trades his lax for my chansey
  245. (23:36) Raish: so then at that point I feel ok trading my lax for his lapras
  246. (23:37) Piexplode: mhm?
  247. (23:37) Raish: do you ever run rest?
  248. (23:37) Piexplode: not really
  249. (23:37) Piexplode: I tried it out when I started
  250. (23:37) Piexplode: but at the moment I'm not
  251. (23:37) Piexplode: comfortable with rest on much
  252. (23:37) Piexplode: although i've just started considering
  253. (23:38) Piexplode: rest rhydon
  254. (23:38) Piexplode: lol
  255. (23:38) Piexplode: since its 4th move
  256. (23:38) Piexplode: you don't get much out of usually
  257. (23:38) Raish: I get soooo much out of sub
  258. (23:38) Piexplode: sub possibly, hyper beam possibly
  259. (23:38) Piexplode: I dunno sometimes I get a lot out of sub
  260. (23:38) Raish: but it's cuz of how para based my team is
  261. (23:38) Piexplode: it depends on the game though
  262. (23:38) Raish: yeah
  263. (23:38) Raish: the earlier you use rhydon, the worse sub is
  264. (23:38) Raish: the later the better
  265. (23:38) Piexplode: yea
  266. (23:38) Raish: especially if you're using it post tauros
  267. (23:38) Piexplode: post?
  268. (23:39) Raish: after the tauros ditto has already happened
  269. (23:39) Piexplode: ahh
  270. (23:39) Piexplode: I guess I'm tired for not understanding what you meant straight away
  271. (23:39) Raish: we also could just have different writing styles
  272. (23:39) Piexplode: yeah probably, although I'm generally pretty comfortable with how you write
  273. (23:40) Piexplode: battling luutra now :p
  274. (23:40) Piexplode: *lutra
  275. (23:40) Raish: haha nice got the zam
  276. (23:40) Piexplode: :]
  277. (23:41) Piexplode: not sure if I should aim for
  278. (23:41) Piexplode: sleeping chansey
  279. (23:41) Piexplode: I think I'm gonna
  280. (23:41) Piexplode: go for blizz for nowthough
  281. (23:41) Piexplode: sometimes u jus gotta
  282. (23:41) Piexplode: experiment
  283. (23:41) Raish: yeah
  284. (23:42) Raish: yeah that's what i said about not staying in
  285. (23:42) Raish: lol
  286. (23:42) Piexplode: lol
  287. (23:42) Piexplode: I wasn't sure
  288. (23:43) Piexplode: anyway lutra's probably a lot less used to my way of playing
  289. (23:43) Raish: use sleeping chansey as pressure
  290. (23:43) Piexplode: howso?
  291. (23:43) Raish: to get someone in without taking damage
  292. (23:43) Raish: you could have gone lapras
  293. (23:43) Piexplode: yea I should have
  294. (23:43) Raish: for another freeze chance on chansey
  295. (23:43) Raish: or done the lax ditto
  296. (23:43) Piexplode: the team aims for
  297. (23:43) Piexplode: lappy vs lax
  298. (23:44) Raish: problem is you've gotta keep running when chansey doesn't get frozen
  299. (23:44) Raish: that was a good time for lax
  300. (23:44) Piexplode: ugh tru
  301. (23:44) Raish: lax is supposed to beat chansey
  302. (23:44) Raish: especially confuysed chansey
  303. (23:44) Raish: lax is also how you get your early game para spread
  304. (23:44) Raish: so lapras can actually beat chansey with parafusion
  305. (23:45) Raish: because now lapras takes70% switching into lax
  306. (23:45) Raish: ouch reflect
  307. (23:45) Piexplode: yea
  308. (23:45) Piexplode: got bummed
  309. (23:45) Piexplode: o_o
  310. (23:45) Raish: ah my set haha
  311. (23:46) Raish: you've gotta think about what conditions you need to set up to win the game
  312. (23:46) Raish: and aim for those goals
  313. (23:46) Piexplode: yeah definitely
  314. (23:47) Piexplode: I'm really far behind
  315. (23:47) Raish: because right now it seems like you were going for whatever was the best vs who your facing
  316. (23:47) Raish: rather than trying to punish his switch well
  317. (23:47) Piexplode: mm risk/reward
  318. (23:47) Raish: tauros range is the most obvious goal to aim for
  319. (23:49) Raish: omg he's running my team!
  320. (23:49) Raish: just realized!
  321. (23:49) Piexplode: rofl
  322. (23:57) Raish: so yeah that's another mon you need to work on
  323. (23:57) Raish: snorlax
  324. (23:57) Piexplode: mm yea
  325. (23:57) Piexplode: I have
  326. (23:57) Piexplode: good games
  327. (23:57) Raish: best way to punish chanseys
  328. (23:57) Piexplode: and bad games
  329. (23:57) Piexplode: with lax
  330. (23:58) Raish: I feel like a lot of the time, you take damage to get him in
  331. (23:58) Piexplode: that's true but that's usually because I've made a misplay
  332. (23:58) Raish: but if you could switch him in like you do with tauros
  333. (23:58) Piexplode: it's not intentional
  334. (23:58) Raish: then he'd rock
  335. (23:58) Piexplode: yea I usually try and switch him like tauros
  336. (23:59) Piexplode: but I usually
  337. (23:59) Piexplode: am dumb
  338. (23:59) Piexplode: lax is basically an early game tauros
  339. (23:59) Raish: because I think your late game is good because you're an above average tauros player
  340. (23:59) Piexplode: lapras is an early game snorlax
  341. (23:59) Raish: eh sort of
  342. (23:59) Piexplode: I know it's
  343. (23:59) Piexplode: not strictly true
  344. (23:59) Piexplode: lol
  345. (23:59) Piexplode: it depends on the team
  346. (23:59) Raish: lapras's early game is rng dependent
  347. (23:59) Raish: so you can use it that way
  348. (23:59) Raish: but I prefer using it as a late game sweeper
  349. (23:59) Piexplode: but I think lapras is the only mon that really gives you a good chance of
  350. (23:59) Piexplode: a late game snorlax
  351. (23:59) Raish: kind of like the special version of rhydon
  352. (00:00) Piexplode: yeah true
  353. (00:00) Raish: my chansey gives you late game snorlax
  354. (00:00) Raish: like vs Isa, I kept lax alive over 100 turns
  355. (00:01) Raish: also a huge part of lax is getting hyper beam value
  356. (00:01) Raish: so many players never use his hbeam
  357. (00:01) Piexplode: I'll set kid a battle and see if he's up for one and we can try and not choke thsi time :)
  358. (00:01) Piexplode: oh I love
  359. (00:01) Raish: lol
  360. (00:01) Piexplode: his h beam
  361. (00:01) Piexplode: more unpredictable than tauros's too imo
  362. (00:02) Raish: yeah
  363. (00:02) Raish: because bslam is such a solid option
  364. (00:02) Piexplode: indeed
  365. (00:02) Piexplode: h beam nets you a lot of nice stuff at least though ;)
  366. (00:03) Raish: ok gotta take it easy on my hands now
  367. (00:03) Raish: but I'll definitely watch if you have another battle!
  368. (00:03) Piexplode: that's cool lol
  369. (00:03) Piexplode: :)
  370. (00:03) Piexplode: now that I finally get the hands comment xD
  371. (00:03) Piexplode: :)
  372. (00:04) Raish: yeah
  373. (00:04) Raish: they're so fucked up
  374. (00:04) Raish: my whole body is
  375. (00:04) Raish: 7 damaged joints
  376. (00:04) Raish: used to do 1 handed pullups and run 12 miles easy before
  377. (00:04) Piexplode: I'm not much of a one for exercise xD
  378. (00:05) Piexplode: my girlfriend is
  379. (00:05) Piexplode: lol
  380. (00:05) Raish: haha cool
  381. (00:05) Raish: does she do any gaming?
  382. (00:05) Piexplode: which is cool but idk hopefully in time I want my exercise to be from growing plants for food :)
  383. (00:05) Raish: I got into this when one of my girlfriends introduced me to nbs
  384. (00:05) Piexplode: yea she's on here too :p
  385. (00:05) Piexplode: purple piplup
  386. (00:05) Piexplode: oh nice
  387. (00:05) Raish: oh cool! ok your old comment makes sense
  388. (00:05) Piexplode: lol
  389. (00:05) Piexplode: yea it would now
  390. (00:05) Piexplode: lel
  391. (00:06) Piexplode: tbf I know other cute users who I speak to in a similar way though xD
  392. (00:06) Piexplode: mostly PS users though
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