
Magical Burst: Session 39 - Relationship Issues

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, September 21, 2014
  3. 7:08 PM - Sarah Salem entered chat.
  4. 7:09 PM - Smas has been invited to chat.
  5. 7:09 PM - Celestine Travers has been invited to chat.
  6. 7:09 PM - Celestine Travers entered chat.
  7. 7:09 PM - Celestine Travers: Ello c:
  8. 7:10 PM - Sarah Salem: hey~
  9. 7:11 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to A Slice of Your Mahou Life.
  10. 7:11 PM - Smas entered chat.
  11. 7:11 PM - Smas: fuck life, the universe, and everything
  12. 7:12 PM - Smas: also hi guys
  13. 7:12 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: keep it in your pants, mister
  14. 7:12 PM - Smas: oh god, you just reminded me of my cousin's friend
  15. 7:12 PM - Smas: I wanted to gouge his eyes out
  16. 7:12 PM - Celestine Travers: Pfft
  17. 7:12 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: :v
  18. 7:12 PM - Smas: this guy, I swear to god
  19. 7:13 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: still rolling with Cele, Ryan? Cuz this is likely gonna just be a fuckaround session, considering those have been requested to be in greater frequency
  20. 7:13 PM - Smas: he would turn /anything/ you say into a shitty sexual joke, you know, the kind that are on the same scale of "that's what I said to your mom last night"
  21. 7:13 PM - Celestine Travers: Hmm, Ramona is better for just fucking about :v
  22. 7:14 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Plus Cel with with Val last time and Nicole's dead
  23. 7:14 PM - Flighty Broad: Yeah
  24. 7:14 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: ^ still one of my greatest puns
  25. 7:14 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: flighty broad
  26. 7:14 PM - Sarah Salem: rest in piece, nicole
  27. 7:14 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: man I'm good
  28. 7:15 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: aight so, Smas knows where he left off, but I gotta catch you two up to speed, since short timejumps shenanigans GM fiat blah blah blah
  29. 7:15 PM - Flighty Broad: Woo
  30. 7:16 PM - Sarah Salem: groovy
  31. 7:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ramona and Sarah entered the Nightmare of her Heartspawn sometime during Tuesday. Curiously enough, it's now Wednesday! You are significantly late for school. By the time you go home and get ready, it's already lunch.
  32. 7:17 PM - Flighty Broad: Go home together, or are we seperate?
  33. 7:17 PM - Sarah Salem: I'd imagine seperate, you kind of left in a huff.
  34. 7:17 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: aye
  35. 7:17 PM - Flighty Broad: Indeed I did c:
  36. 7:19 PM - Flighty Broad disconnected.
  37. 7:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: rip
  38. 7:20 PM - Flighty Broad entered chat.
  39. 7:44 PM - Flighty Broad disconnected.
  40. 7:45 PM - Flighty Broad entered chat.
  41. 7:49 PM - Flighty Broad disconnected.
  42. 7:49 PM - Flighty Broad entered chat.
  43. 7:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Our grand, shorthand list of senpais:
  45. Ahoge-senpai, brown-haired, golden-eyed, ahoge-toting boy senpai.
  47. Sparkle-senpai, older senpai boy with black hair that glitters naturally. It's fabulous.
  50. Len and Rin Juyko, the Twin-senpais, referred to as a whole as Jyuoko-senpais.
  52. Senpaino, a white-haired, red-eyed girl senpai.
  54. Kuudere-senpai, a dark blue-haired boy senpai.
  56. Twintail-senpai, a girl senpai with long dark pink hair tied into two ponytails.
  58. Gold-senpai, a boy senpai with flaxen blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a squared jaw.
  59. 7:54 PM - Flighty Broad: What even
  60. 7:54 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: they are glorious
  61. 7:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Eri is introducing Ko to the school's senpai club
  62. 7:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: that's what even
  63. 7:55 PM - Sarah Salem: read as: eri is ruining my fucking ships
  64. 7:55 PM - Sarah Salem: or at least trying :I
  65. 7:56 PM - Flighty Broad: Pfffft
  66. 8:06 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: sorry bae
  67. 8:24 PM - Flighty Broad disconnected.
  68. 8:24 PM - Flighty Broad entered chat.
  69. 10:36 PM - Flighty Broad disconnected.
  70. 10:37 PM - Flighty Broad entered chat.
  74. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - The Senpai Club~~
  76. 7:17 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: So where were we last time? First contact with senpai?
  77. 4:18 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: First contact.
  78. 4:18 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Last I knew, we were being dragged in.
  79. 7:17 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: For the record, you're all freshman in highschool. The senpais are seniors, being the senpaiest senpais to senpai senpais.
  80. 7:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The senior senpai, seeming to tower over you, invites you into the senpai club with open arms. It's terrifying, being surrounded by these mature, beautiful giants.
  81. 7:20 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "Eri I'm scared" Ko whispers harshly.
  82. 4:21 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Don't worry, the worst they can do is be overly handsome." Eri whispers back.
  83. 4:22 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Probably."
  84. 7:23 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The brown-haired, golden-eyed, ahoge-toting senpai who invited you in gestures broadly to the inhabitants of the class.
  85. 7:24 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "The underclassman refer to us follows. There, you see Sparkle-senpai," he aims his arm at an older boy with black hair that glitters naturally. It's fabulous.
  86. 4:26 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "... How do you...?" Eri mutters under her breath.
  87. 7:28 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: He then gestures at two twins, a boy and a girl. They are, unmistakeably, the Gravity twins who saved you from the elevator.
  88. 7:29 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "The Jyuoko twins, Len and Rin. Often referred to as a whole by Twin-senpais," They bow, the girl giving a curtesy as they both say, "How do you do?"
  89. 4:30 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Doing pretty well, thanks." Eri bows slightly back to them.
  90. 7:31 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: He then points to a white-haired, red-eyed girl. "The lovingly nicknamed Senpaino."
  91. 7:34 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Next, a dark blue-haired boy. "Kuudere-senpai,"
  92. 7:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: He looks up at you past his bangs, and gives an ever-so-slight nod.
  93. 4:37 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "It's a rainbow of colors in here...." Eri mutters to Tami.
  94. 7:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "I'll say..."
  95. 4:38 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "... Does that mean I'm qualified to be a senpai too? I've got 4 of them."
  96. 7:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "I don't think rainbows are what it takes to be a senpai."
  97. 4:40 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "... Black counts as a color right?"
  98. 7:40 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: He continues the introductions, "Twintail-senpai," a dark pink-haired girl with two ponytails sticking out from either side of her head. She hmmphs, crosses her arms, and looks away, cocking her head while looking at you through a half-closed eye. "Don't expect me to like you right away, or anything."
  99. 4:42 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "..."
  100. 7:43 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Gold-senpai," next is a blonde-haired, square-jawed boy with bright blue eyes. He grins, and his teeth are immaculate. You can practically see your reflection in them.
  101. 7:43 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Finally, he gestures at himself. "And I'm Ahoge-senpai. Welcome to the Senpai Club!"
  102. 4:44 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Question; how many doritoes are in this room
  103. 7:44 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ahoge-senpai, of course.
  104. 7:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Kuudere-senpai and Sparkle-senpai, as well.
  105. 4:46 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Thank you for the introductions, but I've gotta ask; why the nicknames?"
  106. 7:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ahoge-senpai, A-S: "It's easier that way! Some underclassmen find it difficult to address us by name, so a more personal, friendlier nickname helps to ease the tension."
  107. 4:50 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "O-oh, that makes sense."
  108. 4:51 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri whispers to Ko, "So, feeling alright?"
  109. 7:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko is petrified.
  110. 4:52 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Atta-girl, I'm sure you'll fit right in in no-time." Eri pats Ko on the back.
  111. 7:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko begins to tip over from the pat.
  112. 7:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse to catch her!
  113. 4:56 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: (I /almost/ want to let her fall, so that a senpai can catch her, but I'll go and save her :v)
  114. 4:57 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: (Ok, im'a make the roll, and then I'll brb)
  115. 7:56 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: k
  116. 4:57 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: 18
  117. 4:58 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Woah there, this isn't the time to pass out...!"
  118. 7:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You catch Ko. Since you were closer, you had first dibs. But you spotted Ahoge-senpai mid-motion to grab her himself. Had you not interfered, he easily would have caught her before she hit the floor.
  119. 5:02 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: (she probably could have cushioned herself from the fall tbh :v)
  120. 8:01 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A-S: "You're quite quick. And your eyes, very unusual how they're different colors."
  121. 5:04 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "O-oh, you noticed, huh? Yeah, it's genetic... I think?"
  122. 5:05 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I tend to have a bit of a split personality."
  123. 8:05 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A-S: "Unlike the Twin-senpais, they seem to be one personality split between two people."
  124. 8:05 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The twins smile at the reference before returning to the book they were reading together.
  125. 8:06 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A-S: "So then, you said your friend there was looking for help becoming more social, yes?"
  126. 5:08 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Yeah, I think you can see that she's currently..." Eri waves her hand in front of Ko's face to get a response, "shell shocked?"
  127. 8:08 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Suzu snorts at the hilarity of it all.
  128. 8:08 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "Should I kickstart her with a few squeezes on her Ko Ko Puffs?"
  129. 5:10 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Maybe, that wouldn't be the best way to make a first impression for her?" Eri looks her over, "B-but, I'm not sure how we're going to get her to say anything otherwise..."
  130. 8:11 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "Fiine, I'll do it the /boring/ way." Suzu proceeds to give Ko a solid /whap/ on the back. This sends her sputtering and coughing, before she shakes her head, taking some deep breaths and looking around.
  131. 8:11 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "Oh... s-so it wasn't a nightmare, then..." she whispers.
  132. 5:13 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "There's nothing really, scary about this though..." Eri looks at the group of glorious senpais, "I'm not sure what you're so worried about."
  133. 8:14 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "T-they're so much more mature. They know a lot of difficult things we don't. They can get us in trouble if they wanted, they can banish us to detention with a few choice words to a teacher. What /isn't/ scary about it?" She whispers to you in a panic.
  134. 5:16 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "But they aren't going to do /any/ of that. At least, I'll make sure they don't." Eri takes a quick scan on the group with her Detect Alignment power.
  135. 8:20 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The senpais all seem to be some form of lawful, and have relations with, most obviously, each other.
  136. 5:22 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "They don't seem like they'd be the kind of people who'd bully others. Otherwise, why would they be senpais?"
  137. 8:21 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "But what if we annoy them? Eri you don't understand how terrified I am."
  138. 8:21 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: It's pretty obvious to see how terrified she is.
  139. 5:25 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri shakes her head in disagreement, before turning to the senpai club at large, "Hey, you aren't gonna get us in trouble if you find this annoying, are you?"
  140. 8:28 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You get a rainbow of negative responses, from the Twin-senpais' "Not at all!", to Kuudere-senpai blowing his bangs up with a puff of breath, Gold-senpai grinning his shining teeth, Sparkle-senpai brushing his long black hair behind him with a flick of his hand, Ahoge-senpai saying "Of course not," Senpaino saying, "Nope," and Twintail-senpai saying "Not unless you give me a reason to, baka."
  141. 5:29 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri shoots Ko an "I told you so" look.
  142. 5:31 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "See? Nothing to worry about."
  143. 8:32 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko still doesn't seem all that believing, but reluctantly nods her head.
  144. 8:32 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "So, Eri. How do we start?"
  145. 5:34 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I... I didn't think that far."
  146. 8:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "You...wha...?"
  147. 8:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "G-G, Eri. How do you live with yourself just going on the fly like that?"
  148. 8:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "I mean, /I/ live with myself like that because I'm on the track team. On the fly is what we do!"
  149. 5:37 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri facepalms, "I /did/ come up with this idea when I was passed out on the floor, so give me some credit at least..."
  150. 5:38 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Uhm... Maybe we should start with helping Ko with not, running away from social interaction altogether."
  151. 5:38 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Either physically, or by locking herself into some kind of wierd, trance thing."
  152. 8:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko eeps at the idea.
  153. 8:39 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A-S: "Perhaps a simple conversation will be a good start. Try talking to Kuudere-senpai, he's very sociable."
  154. 5:42 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Go on Ko, he seems like a nice guy." Eri eggs on, taking a closer look at Kuudere-senpai. Eri then turns to Tami, "Uhm, what's kuudere again? I don't remember that word, at all."
  155. 5:45 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...My 4th tier education's probably showing..."
  156. 8:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Kuudere is like, cold and distant on the outside, but friendly underneath."
  157. 8:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko hesitantly walks forwards and takes a seat near Kuudere-senpai.
  158. 5:46 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Oh... that makes sense. Well... want to sit and see what happens?"
  159. 5:47 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...We don't need an EMT if Ko passes out, right?"
  160. 8:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko says a few short words that you can't make out. Kuudere senpai nods minutely. Ko says two more words. Kuudere-senpai blinks. One word from Ko. Kuudere-senpai flips his hair.
  161. 8:47 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: " this helping /anyone/?"
  162. 5:48 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "... Maybe? I can't quite make out what they're saying."
  163. 8:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Are they even saying anything?"
  164. 5:50 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Uhm, I think so? Let me check."
  165. 5:50 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri gets closer to the "conversation".
  166. 8:50 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "S-so... you're a senpai?"
  167. 8:50 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Kuudere-senpai nods in his slightly nodding manner.
  168. 8:50 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "Ah.."
  169. 8:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Kuudere-senpai blinks. Twice.
  170. 5:52 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri shoots a thumbs up to the others, indicating that there is at least /some/ conversation going on.
  171. 8:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Suzu grins and gives two thumbs up in response. Tami just rubs the back of her head.
  172. 8:52 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "D-do you like... c-cake?"
  173. 8:52 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Kuudere-senpai blows his bangs away from his eyes. They immediately fall back into place.
  174. 8:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "O-oh... c-cookies, then?"
  175. 8:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Kuudere-senpai blinks.
  176. 5:54 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri falls back, "It's like, they're speaking in code."
  177. 8:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "So on a scale of one to Ko, what do you rate Kuudere-senpai at for Ko's potential mate?"
  178. 5:55 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Well... Ko seems to be doing well with the code reading, which is kinda surprising."
  179. 5:56 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "But... they were talking desserts before I cut loose."
  180. 5:56 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Not sure where that puts someone."
  181. 5:58 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "You know, speaking of food though..." Eri finds a place to plop down, and goes to acquire her lunch from her bag.
  182. 8:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tami joins you. Suzu wanders over like a stray puppy and puts on her big puppydog eyes.
  183. 6:02 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...Hmm, what did you pack, anyways? I kinda just, tossed leftovers together." Eri pulls out yesterdays brinner, which will now become today's brunch.
  184. 6:02 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "You know... having breakfast three times in a row kinda sucks."
  185. 9:03 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "I don't know, actually, I didn't get a chance to pack, but my mom did. Let's see what I..."
  186. 9:03 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: It's brinner.
  187. 9:03 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "You guys having brunch or something?"
  188. 6:04 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...Looks like it..."
  189. 6:05 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri slowly gives her brinner/brunch over to Suzu.
  190. 9:05 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Suzu shrugs. "Free food! Woo!"
  191. 9:06 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tami shakes her head and pushes her meal over to Suzu as well. S: "Awyeah, seconds baby."
  192. 6:07 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Maybe I didn't think things through yesterday."
  193. 9:07 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Seems that way. But hey, Suzu's enjoying it."
  194. 9:07 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: And so she is, as she goes at it like a starved animal.
  195. 6:09 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri whispers to Tami, "Hey, do you think that maybe Suzu's lacking in the, well, ya know, because she doesn't eat enough?"
  196. 9:09 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She whispers back, "She sure doesn't seem to be holding back, so I don't know."
  197. 6:14 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Well, the whole working out thing and not eating /probably/ doesn't help."
  198. 9:14 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Suzu says while scarfing down both your meals, "So, do we just give Ko like, ten minutes a senpai, and see what she says? I'm not sure how this is gonna work out. You don't just chuck a girl like that into this lion's den without some direction."
  199. 6:16 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Hmm, maybe? I mean, I don't expect instant results, but... it'd probably help to have some experience with all kinds of different people, you know?"
  200. 9:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "This... we might need more direction to go on."
  201. 6:21 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Maybe... Let me check on Ko real quick, and we'll go from there."
  202. 6:21 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri scoots closer to Ko and Kuudere-Senpai.
  203. 9:23 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: They are both silent. Ko seems to be looking at her shoes, while Kuudere-senpai is gazing out the window past his bangs.
  204. 6:25 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri steps in, "So Ko, how'd the conversation go? Not too scary, right?"
  205. 9:24 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "Y-yeah..."
  206. 9:25 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Kuudere-senpai nods and blows his bangs back.
  207. 6:26 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Just ran out of things to talk about, I guess?"
  208. 6:27 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri pulls over a seat, "Did you talk about your dad at all? He seems like a cool guy."
  209. 9:27 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "My.. father?"
  210. 6:29 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Yeah, he's a cop right? You were telling me a lot about him, before."
  211. 9:31 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "Ah, y-yes, I suppose we didn't..."
  212. 6:34 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Well, you were telling me all sorts of things about his work and stuff, when we first met. So it's not like you don't have a lot to say... Hey, I've never really asked before, but, what do you normally do, outside of school?"
  213. 9:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She looks down, blushing. She mumbles something incoherent.
  214. 6:36 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Hmm?" Eri leans in closer.
  215. 9:37 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She mumbles even quieter.
  216. 6:39 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Augh, you can tell me, I'm your friend, ya know? Just, whisper it or something...!"
  217. 9:39 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "I take dance classes!"
  218. 6:41 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "O-oh...!" Eri is taken aback, "...Guess that explains how you can handle a fall so, gracefully."
  219. 6:42 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...Why's that a big secret anyways? That's a pretty cool thing to do."
  220. 9:42 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "How do you balance while dancing with those weights in front of you?"
  221. 9:42 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "...that's why..."
  222. 9:43 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Kuudere-senpai nods /twice/. That's more emotion than you've seen out of him yet.
  223. 6:45 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Well, that's just Suzu being... Suzu." Eri sighs, "You shouldn't be so, self-conscious."
  224. 6:49 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I mean, why be a dancer if you're afraid of your own body?"
  225. 9:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "I...didn't want to, at first. My parents wanted me to do something, so... they put me in dancing. I - I guess I sort of like it, now...?"
  226. 6:53 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Well, I think they found you a good fit; I can totes see you dancing, now that you mentioned it."
  227. 6:54 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "So... how long have you been practicing?"
  228. 9:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "A few... years, maybe?"
  229. 9:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Sparkle-senpai walks over, and flips his hair back.
  230. 9:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You're pretty sure you saw some sparkles fly into the air behind his long lockes.
  231. 9:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S-S: "I couldn't help but overhear that you dance. I do as well, shall we?" He holds out a hand to Ko, who has reengaged petrified mode.
  232. 6:57 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "He totes puts like, a bag of glitter in his hair every morning." Eri mutters to Ko, "And hey, maybe you should? I was just about to ask you myself... not that I know how to dance, but you know, to watch."
  233. 9:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "Don't worry, I'll start her up again."
  234. 9:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Suzu gives Ko another slap on the back, ejecting her from her seat and into Sparkle-senpai's open arms, where they immediately and smoothly initaitate a dancing position.
  235. 7:02 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...How do you do that?"
  236. 10:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "Experience."
  237. 7:03 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...That makes sense."
  238. 7:04 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Well Ko, I'm rooting for ya...!" Eri states, turning around in her seat to face her.
  239. 10:06 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko and Sparkle-senpai begin to do a waltz as music starts.
  240. 7:08 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri looks around for the apparent source of music.
  241. 10:09 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Senpaino seems to have one of those ancient, large, "portable" radios that play, of all things, CDs, the outdated media file storage. This girl must like antiques.
  242. 10:09 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The music is slightly staticy and rough, but it's not all that bad quality.
  243. 7:11 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Huh, haven't seen one of those in forever."
  244. 7:15 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri just continues to watch the dance for a bit, before bugging Tami, "So, your thoughts?"
  245. 10:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "She's very graceful, I'll give her that."
  246. 10:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Suzu says, disappointed, "They don't bounce nearly as much as I was expecting."
  247. 10:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse
  248. 7:18 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Luck to reroll....
  249. 7:18 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: bah, better than it was
  250. 7:18 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: 13
  251. 10:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You spot a sly grin come from the gravity twins at Suzu's comment. It's pretty obvious they're manipulating /something/ with magic, judging by their faces.
  252. 7:20 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "You sly dogs...." Eri mutters, so that only Tami can hear.
  253. 10:21 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Huh?"
  254. 7:23 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Those twins, over there? They're the same ones that saved me, Ko, and Suzu, a couple weeks back, with that whole thing with the elevator. Kinda surprised that neither of them recognize them though..."
  255. 10:24 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Saved you...? Maybe they were in shock and forgot the whole incident..."
  256. 7:25 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I don't think I ever explained how, dangerous that elevator ride was..."
  257. 10:25 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "I think I'll take your word for it..."
  258. 7:28 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "But yeah, besides the point. They're /totes/ using magic, not sure what for though."
  259. 10:29 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Wait, the boy is magic too? This is the first I've heard of magical /boys/. I wonder why that is..."
  260. 7:31 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...Yeah, I always kinda wondered myself. I don't remember if I ever asked..."
  261. 7:31 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...Speaking of magical boys, you remember that one guy, Valentine's... brother I think?"
  262. 10:31 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Shosuke?"
  263. 7:32 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I guess he could hear the bird, like, how me and all the magical peeps can."
  264. 7:32 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I kinda forgot about that, until now."
  265. 7:33 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...Also kinda found that wierd, is all."
  266. 10:32 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Hm."
  267. 7:34 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...Hm?"
  268. 7:34 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Something on your mind...?"
  269. 10:34 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Not really, just thinking. There's a lot of stuff going on lately."
  270. 7:35 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Yeah... a bit /too/ much. I totally didn't sign up to be a detective."
  271. 10:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Maybe you should just... lay off it for a while. Let the other girls handle all that stuff. Take a break, the world can't need saving /every/ day."
  272. 10:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko and Sparkle-senpai stop their dance, the song now over. The other senpais clap.
  273. 10:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Except Kuudere-senpai.
  274. 10:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: He nods.
  275. 7:37 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri cuts off her thoughts, and claps as well.
  276. 10:37 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tami joins a moment later, and then the applause dies down. Just after that, the bell rings, signaling lunch is over.
  277. 7:38 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Man... lunch wasn't this action packed since that time I took everyone camping."
  278. 10:37 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: signaling*
  279. 10:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "When did you take us camping? I don't remember."
  280. 7:38 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Er, roasting marshmallows."
  281. 7:39 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "It.... that was a /long/ time ago, now that I think about it."
  282. 7:39 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Like, before I met you, long ago..."
  283. 10:39 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tami stands and stretches, as Suzu disposes of your brinners.
  284. 10:40 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Or, the leftovers. Of which there wasn't much.
  285. 7:41 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Maybe, we should do that at some point, together...? It'd be something a bit, different I guess. I /might/ have to haul you back if we run late though."
  286. 10:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The twins approach you and Tami while the other senpais filter out of the room slowly, some exchanging goodbyes and the like in their unique, senpaish manner.
  287. 10:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: R: "You'd best be off," L: "Before you're late."
  288. 7:42 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Yeah, thanks for the help, again." Eri gives a small bow.
  289. 10:42 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: R: "It has yet," L: "To happen again, " Both: "So you must be doing something right."
  290. 7:44 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I've been avoiding things that go down, mostly."
  291. 10:43 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Both: "A prudent decision."
  292. 7:45 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri nods in agreement, and waves them off, before rejoining the NPC Trio.
  293. 10:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko joins you, Tami and Suzu. Ko's hair seems just a teensy bit more sparkly than it was before.
  294. 7:46 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Hey Ko, I think you got some senpai on you."
  295. 10:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "Is it just me or is that way lewder than you intended it to be? No? Nobody? Alright I guess."
  296. 7:48 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri just groans at Suzu's comments. "You know what I meant...!"
  297. 10:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "Or maybe I knew what you /wanted/ to mean, eh? Eeehh?"
  298. 10:49 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tami flicks Suzu on the nose, who yelps in response, rubbing the offended appendage.
  299. 10:49 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "That was uncalled for."
  300. 7:50 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "What kind of desk leader do you take me for? Only business, all the time."
  301. 7:50 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Except on Tuesdays."
  302. 10:50 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "Why... Tuesdays?"
  303. 7:52 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "They are right after Mondays, the worst of days, and before Wednesday, also known as the middle of the week, and when you can see the light at the end of the tunnel."
  304. 7:52 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "So, it's like, the best day to let loose. Probably."
  305. 10:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "This sounds about on the same train of logic as negative zero."
  306. 7:53 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Am I wrong though? I mean, yesterday was fun, for the most part..."
  307. 10:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "Yeah, I'm still not convinced negative zero is a thing."
  308. 10:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Yesterday? You mean... after all that other...stuff?"
  309. 10:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You were walking and talking, and arrived soon after at your classroom. Main chat.
  311. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - The Senpai Club~~
  318. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Track~~
  320. 7:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Righto
  321. 7:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: at home
  322. 7:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: go to school?
  323. 4:20 PM - Sarah Salem: Is Anna here?
  324. 7:20 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Aye, since you went home with her, her being disgusted by your corpse looting, by the way.
  325. 7:20 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She's just about to head out the door in a hurry. "Sarah, are you coming? We're already late enough!"
  326. 4:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "One moment!" I yank Gekko out of his resting place on my desk and put him in his proper cavity under my shirt as I rush out the door.
  327. 7:23 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: gotta have the familiar for the sol shenanigans
  328. 4:24 PM - Sarah Salem: of course
  329. 7:27 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You head on over to school. Gonna superspeed there while grabbing Anna?
  330. 7:27 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Or do you not care enough to go through the effort :v
  331. 4:28 PM - Sarah Salem: Nah, we can just walk. It's time to chill out.
  332. 7:29 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Well you're not exactly walking, as Anna is dragging you along in a huff :v
  333. 7:30 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: But you soon arrive at the school. Lunch is still going on, and there are plenty of students in the courtyard.
  334. 4:31 PM - Sarah Salem: "It looks like it's lunch time."
  335. 7:33 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Anna stops running, resting her hands on her knees and bending over, huffing. "Yeah... I can... see that," she says between breaths.
  336. 4:34 PM - Sarah Salem: I lean down, completely unaffected by the sprint. "Are you okay?"
  337. 7:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Yeah... fine. I'm not like Tsuki, I don't run that much."
  338. 4:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "She's your friend on the track team, right?"
  339. 7:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Right, that's her. I don't think you've ever really seen her all that much, actually."
  340. 4:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "We've spoken once before, but it was brief. She seems nice."
  341. 7:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "She is. She /has/ to be, considering how much she asks for directions. She'll get lost going home."
  342. 4:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "...Hasn't she lived here for long enough to know the way home?"
  343. 7:43 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You'd think, but apparently not."
  344. 4:46 PM - Sarah Salem: "Well, some people are...special, I suppose."
  345. 4:46 PM - Sarah Salem: "Where are we supposed to go, again? It feels like I haven't been here in ages."
  346. 7:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She gives you a blank look, which quickly melts into irritation. "You haven't been cutting class, have you, Sarah?"
  347. 4:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, no." I look shiftily from left to right.
  348. 7:49 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Sarah."
  349. 7:49 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She crosses her arms and looks sternly at you.
  350. 4:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "Anna?" I look back at her, trying to keep an even gaze.
  351. 7:52 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She sighs, giving up. "Sarah, just... don't cut class. It's not good. You'll never pass at this rate."
  352. 4:56 PM - Sarah Salem: "I never said I was or was not skipping class. Just don't worry."
  353. 4:56 PM - Sarah Salem: I wink at her.
  354. 7:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Since when did you start... winking conspiratorily?"
  355. 7:56 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You're not in any clubs, are you, Sarah?"
  356. 4:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "Clubs?"
  357. 7:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Yeah, clubs. They're groups in the school based on different activities. Like, tennis, or ping-pong, anime, or the track team. Tsuki is on the track team, like I said before. You should look into one, it might help you make more... normal, friends."
  358. 5:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "My friends /are/ normal. Normal enough, at least."
  359. 8:00 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Name three friends of yours who are not magical."
  360. 5:02 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah thinks hard. "Um, Ally...Tami..."
  361. 5:02 PM - Sarah Salem: She pauses. "Does it count if we've only spoken twice?"
  362. 8:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "No, Sarah, it does not."
  363. 8:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "That can scarcely be considered an acquaintence, let alone a friend."
  364. 8:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "If you don't find a club to join yourself, then I'm going to find one /for/ you."
  365. 5:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "How would you make me join?"
  366. 8:03 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I'll find a way. Older sisters have their own kind of magic, you know."
  367. 5:05 PM - Sarah Salem: I give her an unconvinced look. "The magic of telling me what to do?"
  368. 8:06 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "It's a special kind of magic, Sarah. You as a younger sister can't possibly understand."
  369. 5:08 PM - Sarah Salem: I poke her nose. "Maybe I have younger-sister magic. It is made specifically to defeat your magic."
  370. 8:09 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Older sister magic is always more powerful, because it's been around longer. You can't hope to beat me with your weaker magic."
  371. 5:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "Weaker magic? Ha, sure."
  372. 5:15 PM - Sarah Salem: I stop time quickly and mess up her hair, and then restart it, acting innocent.
  373. 8:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She fails to notice this, continuing as though nothing happened.
  374. 5:17 PM - Sarah Salem: I frown at my sweet prank being ignored.
  375. 8:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Let's go take a look at some of the different clubs while we're on lunch. Where do you want to look at first?"
  376. 5:19 PM - Sarah Salem: I shrug. "Where would you suggest?"
  377. 8:21 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Well, you're not very good with technology, so that rules out the computer club..."
  378. 5:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "Technology is the real magic."
  379. 8:23 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Technology is technology, Sarah. It's scientific advancement that's been progressing since the stone ages. /Magic/ is the real magic. It doesn't have any logic to it at all."
  380. 5:24 PM - Sarah Salem: "Lies. Technology is witchcraft. Magic makes perfect sense."
  381. 8:25 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "/You're/ the one not making any sense, Sarah. Maybe you /should/ join a computer club. They can get you acquainted with the modern age after your... amnesia, or whatever."
  382. 5:27 PM - Sarah Salem: I frown. "But, it's going to be full of nerds."
  383. 8:30 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "That's not very polite, Sarah."
  384. 8:30 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You know, I'm always on the computer, and read a lot too. Are you calling me a nerd?"
  385. 5:31 PM - Sarah Salem: I look at her glasses, and then the rest of her.
  386. 5:31 PM - Sarah Salem: "What if I said yes?"
  387. 8:33 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She gives you a :T face
  388. 5:34 PM - Sarah Salem: I give her an amused smile in return.
  389. 8:37 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "OK, so, you don't know much about anything modern or popular, so I suppose anime is out too. You're not really the type to like that stuff anyway, I don't think. Mayako's Foreign Culture club might be fun, considering we're not exactly Japanese."
  390. 5:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "I think I've heard of this, 'anime'. Ally mentioned it, several months ago. It's a special kind of moving picture on the TV, right?"
  391. 8:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Right, it's an entertainment program. Moving pictures displayed on the TV and projected sound tell a story, and there are thousands of different stories to be told."
  392. 8:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Hmm... maybe we should try the paranormal club? I'm sure they'd be all over actual magic."
  393. 8:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "But then, they're kind of weird, so..."
  394. 5:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, god, no. The paranormal club is /full/ of nerds."
  395. 5:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "I've dealt with them in the past."
  396. 8:49 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You've dealt with them? When?"
  397. 5:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "Multiple times. They help with finding information on people around school, and occasionally, the youma themselves."
  398. 8:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You mean they actually /know/ about magic?"
  399. 5:52 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "They're strange, but trustworthy. The leader is even one of us. She just made a contract recently."
  400. 8:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "It's like, magic is everywhere, but you don't see it until you open your eyes. It's so strange..."
  401. 5:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "Well, you do have vision problems." I poke her glasses.
  402. 8:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: " :T "
  403. 8:56 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "And you have tooth problems." She pokes your sharpened canines.
  404. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I snap playfully at her finger.
  405. 8:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She pulls it back quickly.
  406. 8:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Hmph. We need to look into ways to get rid of those things."
  407. 8:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I could always just file them down with sandpaper," she grins evily.
  408. 8:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Or at least, tries to.
  409. 8:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She doesn't have it in her.
  410. 5:59 PM - Sarah Salem: I put a hand to my mouth. "Hey, they're useful!"
  411. 8:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "And scary. Like that little eye."
  412. 6:01 PM - Sarah Salem: Gekko shifts underneath my uniform. "He is not scary in the least. You should give him a better chance."
  413. 9:05 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I can not get past how unsettling it is to see an eyeball with limbs walking around. Thankfully it's not any odder, like, having a pair of ears, or something."
  414. 6:07 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ears? That is ridiculous, how could an eyeball have ears?"
  415. 9:08 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "How can a human have a hole in their chest and continue to live?"
  416. 9:08 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She pokes her own chesthole gently, still concerned about its existence.
  417. 6:10 PM - Sarah Salem: I shrug. "I try not to worry about it. It's unsettling enough to feel the wind blow through it."
  418. 9:15 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "OK, so this is getting us nowhere, how about we just try the track club? I know someone there, so that's already a benefit."
  419. 6:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "I do like running. Or at least, I remember liking running."
  420. 6:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "How do we go about this?"
  421. 9:17 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Well, in all likelyhood they're on the track now, so we can just head there and flag someone down. No doubt Tsuki is practicing for the race that's going to happen during Golden Week. That's soon, you know."
  422. 6:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "Golden Week?"
  423. 9:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You must have some bad amnesia to not remember the biggest national holiday week in Japan."
  424. 9:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "But then again, you barely know what a computer is, so..."
  425. 6:20 PM - Sarah Salem: I shrug and poke my head. "Let's just go to the track, ok?"
  426. 9:21 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She nods, and leads you to the track, where you see several people doing sprints.
  427. 9:22 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: One girl, with short black hair and large green eyes that make her appear constantly surprised, seems to be among the fastest sprinters there. Anna points her out, "And there's Tsuki now."
  428. 6:23 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "She's rather fast, I didn't notice the last time I was here."
  429. 9:25 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "One of their best runners, I hear. Hey, Tsuki, over here!"
  430. 9:27 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tsuki looks back and forth, confused at first, then looks your way and jogs over, drinking from a bottle of water. T: "Hey Anna. Sarah. What's up?"
  431. 6:30 PM - Sarah Salem: I wave in greeting. "Hello, Tsuki."
  432. 9:30 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A: "My sister was just looking at clubs to join, and we figured the track team was a good bet. Sarah's a... good runner, I can tell you that much. Maybe a little too good..."
  433. 9:31 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tsuki snorts. "Too good? Let's see her beat me! Come on, let's race!"
  434. 6:32 PM - Sarah Salem: I nudge Anna and whisper in her ear, "Is this a good idea?"
  435. 9:33 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A: "Maybe. Probably. Just don't go... sonic speed. Run like a /normal/ girl."
  436. 6:34 PM - Sarah Salem: "I /am/ a normal girl. I think."
  437. 9:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She gives you a concerned look, before backing away from your ear. Tsuki speaks up, "Well, Sarah? Wanna race?"
  438. 6:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, okay." I nod affirmatively.
  439. 9:37 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Alright, let's go!" She runs back to the track, indiciating a place where you should take your position.
  440. 9:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Anna, count us in!"
  441. 6:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I walk over calmly and take my place, leaning over in preparation.
  442. 9:40 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A: "Three... two... one... go!"
  443. 9:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tsuki takes off like a lightning bolt.
  444. 9:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Physical
  445. 6:44 PM - Sarah Salem: 18
  446. 9:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You take off like a faster lightning bolt, gaining distance on her and passing her. Roll Fortitude
  447. 6:46 PM - Sarah Salem: 14
  448. 9:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You begin to slow down somewhat, allowing Tsuki to catch up and match you.
  449. 9:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: One last Physical roll, push past to the finish!
  450. 6:47 PM - Sarah Salem: 18
  451. 9:47 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You sprint ahead of and beat her.
  452. 9:47 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Anna applauds you as Tsuki skids to a stop by you. "Wow. You're fast."
  453. 6:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "So are you. That was rather close."
  454. 9:49 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tsuki calls over to Anna, in a joking voice, "We'll take her! How much?"
  455. 9:50 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A: "Please, keep her, no charge. Just make sure she tries to make friends," Anna responds humorously.
  456. 6:52 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah looks around awkwardly, and kicks the dirt off of her shoes.
  457. 9:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tsuki grabs your hand and shakes it violently. "Welcome to the track team! We have practice monday, wednesday and friday after school and saturdays. With you on our side, we'll show those Nakazawa chumps what for."
  458. 6:54 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um, Nakazawa chumps?" Sarah lets her hand be wrung.
  459. 9:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Our rival school, Nakazawa High. We're racing against them during Golden Week."
  460. 6:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "That's next week, right?"
  461. 10:00 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "That it is."
  462. 10:00 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Technically, it starts in less than a week."
  463. 7:01 PM - Sarah Salem: "Either way, I suppose I should get ready for it."
  464. 7:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "...Do I have to run in a skirt for that, too?"
  465. 7:02 PM - Sarah Salem: I gesture at my uniform.
  466. 10:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Of course not! Last thing we need are some dumb boys taking peeks as they flap upwind. No, you'll be in a tracksuit, like me." She gestures at herself.
  467. 7:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "That is much better. Although, knowing my class, I would be more worried about the girls taking peeks."
  468. 10:07 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Girls? Weeird. They want to compare panties or something?"
  469. 7:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um...nevermind."
  470. 7:10 PM - Sarah Salem: "...Anyway, who else is on this track team?"
  471. 10:13 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Well, there's Hayato, you actually spoke with him some time ago, needed his friend Matsu's number about something."
  472. 7:15 PM - Sarah Salem: "I don't remember him."
  473. 10:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Well, he's not around here right now anyway, but he's one of them. Then there's Suzu Shizuma, she's another runner about your age. Blue hair, flat chest, know her?"
  474. 7:19 PM - Sarah Salem: My face lights up in recogntion, and I nod. "I've met her, yes."
  475. 10:25 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Ah, that's good. Guess that means there's another runner you know. Then we've got Emi, she's a pretty good runner, despite her lack of legs from the calf down, if you can believe it."
  476. 10:25 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: (had to)
  477. 7:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "Really? A paraplegic runner?"
  478. 7:26 PM - Sarah Salem: ((best girl))
  479. 10:31 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Yeah, she's got some kinda implants."
  480. 10:32 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Must have cost a lot, and there's some controversy over whether or not they count as cheating, but the regulations say they don't give any advantages."
  481. 7:33 PM - Sarah Salem: "I can't see how fake legs would help over a real pair."
  482. 7:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Anyway, do you know where Suzu is?"
  483. 10:34 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "People will complain over anything. And Suzu? Probably in her classroom, she always hangs out there with her two other friends."
  484. 10:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You get a text from Ramona. "Hey, gotta run some errands, you in?"
  485. 7:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "Thank you. I have to talk to her about something, so we'll continue this another time."
  486. 7:37 PM - Sarah Salem: I slowly text Ramona back, "What kind of errands?"
  487. 10:37 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You hear the bell ring, signaling that lunch is now over, and it's back to class.
  488. 7:38 PM - Sarah Salem: I say my goodbyes to Anna and Tsuki, and head back to my class.
  489. 10:39 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Going to the bank, need to make a withdrawal, oh, and pick up a mask for a halloween costume."
  490. 7:41 PM - Sarah Salem: "The bank? And what is 'Halloween'?"
  491. 10:42 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "To take some money out, gonna go shopping, maybe donate to a good cause. And don't worry about it, it's a holiday all about dressing up, but they jack up the prices when it gets around that time of year, we're being smart consumers!"
  492. 7:44 PM - Sarah Salem: "Oh. Well, I would help you, but I am in school at the moment. My sister doesn't want me to skip classes."
  493. 10:44 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "...Cmon, really?"
  494. 7:47 PM - Sarah Salem: "Sorry. She's scary when she's angry."
  495. 10:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I mean, if she, or you, dont want me around, just say, I'll stay away, am I the reason she's angry?"
  496. 7:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "No, she just does not want me skipping school. She was mad at you before, but I think she's fine, now. I can probably convince her, either way."
  497. 10:50 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Man, how long till school gets out then?"
  498. 10:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You've got about two hours left, your internal clock tells you.
  499. 7:52 PM - Sarah Salem: My element is time, I have that shit exact.
  500. 7:52 PM - Sarah Salem: "Lunch just ended, it should be one hour, 57 minutes, and 33 seconds left."
  501. 10:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Aaaaaah god damn I can't wait, I'll just rob a bank myself."
  502. 10:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You were walking and texting, and arrived soon after at your classroom. Main chat.
  503. 7:56 PM - Sarah Salem: "Wait, rob? What in hell are you doing?"
  505. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Track~~
  512. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona - Fundraising~~
  514. 4:18 PM - Flighty Broad: I left in enough of a huff that while I left, I grabbed my phone from my pocket
  515. 4:19 PM - Flighty Broad: And texted a number I aquired roughly, oh, three years ago "Hey, you remember a certain time traveler?"
  516. 7:21 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Oh, you bet I do ;) funny enough, I just happened to mention you to a French girl I met in the bar."
  517. 4:22 PM - Flighty Broad: "Frenchie huh? Not too many of those around here, what'd you tell her?"
  518. 7:23 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Just that I'm a very patient girl!"
  519. 4:24 PM - Flighty Broad: "Lucky for me... Look, things haven't been great recently, mind if we meet at the bar?"
  520. 7:24 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Please, I'm there already. You know where to look."
  521. 4:25 PM - Flighty Broad: I take off then, flying over there as fast as I can
  522. 7:27 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You arrive some time later, and enter the bar. There, you see Minami, behind the bar.
  523. 4:28 PM - Flighty Broad: I take a seat, sighing, thumping my head against the counter
  524. 4:29 PM - Flighty Broad: "Gimme something strong, and American"
  525. 7:29 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Certainly doesn't sound like you've had a good time. Classic Jack Daniels fine for you?"
  526. 4:30 PM - Flighty Broad: "Just perfect... Got slapped by my best friends sister after I saved her life, so yeah, less than good."
  527. 7:30 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Ooh, that sounds bad. What happened that made her want to do that?"
  528. 4:31 PM - Flighty Broad: "She told me I was too risky, that'd I'd get her killed... And to be honest, I, I can respect that. I mean look at this" I raise my prothestic arm. "I didn't get that by being careful, did I?"
  529. 7:32 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She taps the edge of an empty glass against the arm. "I would have to agree with you there, that's not the work of someone who's careful."
  530. 4:36 PM - Flighty Broad: "And I just, I don't know what to do, I mean, I don't want to overstep my friend's sister, but... I don't want to leave her alone."
  531. 7:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I can respect that. I think you need to give it some time to blow over, then try approaching her, assuming she doesn't find you first. It may be a little awkward, but it's better to get things out in the open. You can't clean a wound on your chest if you don't take your shirt off, after all."
  532. 4:40 PM - Flighty Broad: "Well... I guess you're right." I sigh, smirking a bit. "Y'know, she's the closest thing I've had to a girlfriend. I mean, I've never been a closed relationship sort of person, but, she may change me yet."
  533. 7:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "She means that much to you, huh?"
  534. 4:42 PM - Flighty Broad: "To be honest, I don't know yet, but she might."
  535. 7:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "It's good to have someone who means that much to you, especially with everything that happens to us girls. Keep her close. But before that, you'll have to make up with her sister."
  536. 4:51 PM - Flighty Broad: "Yeah, she just doesn't understand any of this, she's a fresh magical girl herself, she'll warm up in time, hopefully"
  537. 7:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Oh, so she's magical too? She'll come to understand in time, then."
  538. 4:54 PM - Flighty Broad: "I sure hope so, if not, well, it'll be awkward whenever we fight on the same side."
  539. 7:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Any girl with half her sanity left would put aside petty grudges when life is on the line."
  540. 4:57 PM - Flighty Broad: I chuckle lightly, sitting up. "Problem is, there's way too many magical girls out there with a lot less than half their sanity intact..."
  541. 7:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She giggles in return. "Well, I can't argue that. The trick is either to avoid them, or pretend you're even more insane. That way, they back off!"
  542. 5:04 PM - Flighty Broad: "Yep... Yknow, sorry to disappoint, bet you were waiting for a date when I got your number, not emotional venting."
  543. 8:04 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "No problem there. I'm all ears all the time, sweetie. Besides, I've been keeping busy while I waited for you, so it's not a complete loss." She smiles warmly.
  544. 5:09 PM - Flighty Broad: I grin "Like with that French girl you mentioned?"
  545. 8:10 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Oui," she responds, putting on a French accent.
  546. 5:12 PM - Flighty Broad: "Alls well that ends well then... Welp, I've got a while to kill while lil miss time travel's sister cools down... Anything interesting to do around here?"
  547. 8:13 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Depends on your idea of interesting. It's always more fun to spend time with friends, but by the sound of it, that's out for a little while. There's plenty of arcades, movie theaters, and malls you can kill time at. But then, you don't seem that kind of girl either."
  548. 5:14 PM - Flighty Broad: "Pfft, I prefer the firing range to any of that, though I'm starting to even get sick of that a little bit."
  549. 8:15 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You know, I heard a rumor that the GMT was coming here. Wouldn't surprise me, with how much of a magical girl hotspit Takimoto's become lately."
  550. 5:16 PM - Flighty Broad: "...You mean like, GMT the timezone?"
  551. 8:17 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She giggles. "No, no. The Grand Magi Tournament. It's a big, organized fighting arena for magical girls, and sometimes even boys with magical equipment, to battle in. It's set up so there aren't any deaths, but you can still go all-out. Just need to watch out for the magical backlash, nothing they can do about that."
  552. 5:18 PM - Flighty Broad: "Aw man! That sounds amazing, when's this going to be? I gotta get access to daddy's arsenel if that's the case!"
  553. 8:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Hey now, like I said, it's just a rumor. Nothing concrete yet."
  554. 5:19 PM - Flighty Broad: "Damn... Well, when is it rumored to be?"
  555. 8:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "No date yet, sadly, but I've got your number. I'll be sure to text you if I get more info. And 'daddy's arsenel?' Do you use normal guns to fight?"
  556. 5:20 PM - Flighty Broad: "Sometimes, I have a few magical ones, but I make my own."
  557. 8:20 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You make them yourself? Impressive. Ever thought of getting them juiced up with a little magic?"
  558. 5:21 PM - Flighty Broad: "And where could I go to do that?"
  559. 8:22 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Ever finish a tough fight, and suddenly find yourself holding some weird little gem, like an Oblivion Seed, but clear? It looks like glass, pretty much."
  560. 5:23 PM - Flighty Broad: "I got a few, actually."
  561. 8:23 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Do you? That makes this easier. Well, they've got a variety of uses, you see."
  562. 8:24 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Most commonly, they're used to capture familiars. You know, the weak little minions youma sometimes have with them."
  563. 5:26 PM - Flighty Broad: "Yeah, I know how they work that way."
  564. 8:28 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Then, very rarely, some girls can fill them with emotions and make... well, fools' Seeds. Look and feel like real Oblivion Seeds, but aren't."
  565. 8:30 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "And last, you can bring them down to this little out-of-the-way shop on Tier 5. The girl there can magic up some enchantments for the seed, install a special inset onto whatever you want enchanted, and boom. You've got yourself a gun that can have any number of enchantments."
  566. 5:31 PM - Flighty Broad: "And what'll that cost me?"
  567. 8:31 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Depends on what you want done. Some very basic boosts may run you a few hundred minimum, while some more exotic ones will cost a few thousand."
  568. 8:32 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Elemental charm is always a popular one. You need to watch out though, as gems like that tend to run out of juice. You'll need to find someone with the right element to charge them back up, in that case."
  569. 5:33 PM - Flighty Broad: I whistle, debating on it. "So, if I wanted a storm element gun, I can charge it myself?"
  570. 8:34 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "If you bought yourself an enchantment and inset for the storm gem, then sure, no sweat."
  571. 8:34 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Charging takes a lot out of you though, so you'll want to be careful with it."
  572. 5:35 PM - Flighty Broad: "Well, I wouldn't do it in combat."
  573. 8:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Just a warning, sweetie, wasn't saying you would."
  574. 5:38 PM - Flighty Broad: "Yeah, figured as much. So, you know the address of this place?"
  575. 8:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Not so sure you can call it an address, strictly speaking. You've never been to Tier 5, I take it?"
  576. 5:38 PM - Flighty Broad: "...Not really."
  577. 8:40 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Can't blame you for that. It's a literal pit down there. All the runaways and criminals hole up there, and there's plenty of maintenance tunnels and the like to get lost in. It's an underground city in its own right down there, but it seems like most of the... undesireables, down there, have some instinct not to screw with magical girls. Maybe it's a survival instinct they picked up from their lives of criminal activities?"
  578. 5:41 PM - Flighty Broad: "Certianly hope so, any creep tries to get me, I'll blow their kneecaps out."
  579. 8:43 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Well, there's an old abandoned mall not too far from here. Inside a storage closet in there, is a hidden staircase leading down to the fifth Tier, often referred to as Kurai Pitto. The elevators don't go down that far without special keys that maintenance people carry."
  580. 8:44 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Head down the stairs, hook a left at the intersection, and follow the hall until you get to a scrapmetal city filled with all sorts of unsavory types. She likes to move her tent for no good reason, so you might have trouble finding her, but in that case, I suggest asking Lucy for directions. Lucy will be the blacksmith in the one building not made of sheets of metal."
  581. 5:45 PM - Flighty Broad: I write down the instructions as she speaks
  582. 5:47 PM - Flighty Broad: "Right, I hate to split, but I think I'll check this out, you dont mind me leaving, do you?"
  583. 8:47 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Not at all. But, a parting gift,"
  584. 8:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She leans forwards and takes you into a full-on kiss. Her lips taste like sugar. She pulls away with a grin.
  585. 8:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Had to try it just once, if you're gunning for this other girl."
  586. 5:49 PM - Flighty Broad: I blush, a rare feat, but grin. "Well... If things don't work out, you'll have my number, and my attention."
  587. 8:49 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Drink's on the house then. I'll be seeing you," she waves.
  588. 8:49 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: It is only now that you realize the bar has several other people in it who bore full witness to the events that just unfolded.
  589. 5:50 PM - Flighty Broad: I walk out, not caring, and still grinning, as I begin to follow the instructions.
  590. 8:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You fly on down to the mall she mentioned and locate the closet. The "hidden" staircase isn't so hidden anymore, the wall having been blasted down at some point.
  591. 5:55 PM - Flighty Broad: "Welp... That's probably not good"
  592. 8:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You fly down the stairs more rapidly than anyone can walk it, and arrive at the tunnels. It turns left and right in a T junction. Which way?
  593. 5:56 PM - Flighty Broad: Left c:
  594. 8:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You head left and arrive some time later at the scrap town she mentioned. It is indeed the wretched hive of scum and villany it is proclaimed to be, littered with cigarette butts and beer cans and bottles, and with numerous large, muscled, bald, tattooed persons walking around and glaring at each other.
  595. 8:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You spot a building made of solid stone some ways into the place.
  596. 5:59 PM - Flighty Broad: Welp, that must be it, I head there
  597. 9:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You land with a few flaps and walk into the place, pushing past the curtain. Your shoes click loudly on the floor, and the place smells of smoke and oil. After a few clangs, you hear someone running towards you, shouting, "HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU PIECES OF SHIT TO STAY -" and in charges a girl with blue-black hair in a high ponytail, and she has grayish eyes, holding a big broadsword overhead.
  598. 9:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She skids to a halt when she sees you, and her arm brings the sword down slowly to the floor.
  599. 6:03 PM - Flighty Broad: "Woah woah woah! What's going on in here?"
  600. 9:04 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Nothing, it seems. Name's Lucy, and I can see you're obviously a magical girl, which means I don't need to shoo you away like some stray dog."
  601. 6:06 PM - Flighty Broad: "Yep, nice to meet you Lucy, heard what you go down here, got some stuff for you." I say with a grin, taking out the Loudenboomer LMG, and the grenade launcher, "Made em myself, interested in pimping em out."
  602. 9:09 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Whoa now, pimping them out? I'm a blacksmith, not a miracle worker. I can make you some scopes or something, and if you ever get some magic material, bring it to me and I can probably work with it no sweat. But if you're looking for some extra kick, that'd be... well, Enchantress, you're looking for."
  603. 6:11 PM - Flighty Broad: "Really, I was told you could work with these?" I pull out the blank seed I got from the last combat
  604. 6:13 PM - Flighty Broad: "Hmm... Well, before I ask where I can go for that, any chances of you making custom ammo perhaps?"
  605. 9:13 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I don't work with them, but like I said, Enchantress does. She just moved her tent not too long ago. Lucky for you, it's close by. Unlucky for me... it's on my roof. :T "
  606. 9:13 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "As for custom ammo? That I can handle. What are you looking for?"
  607. 6:15 PM - Flighty Broad: "Grenades mostly, bullets I can work with, but, I don't want to risk blowing up my workshop."
  608. 9:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You just want regular ol' nades? Or are you looking for something specialty? I can make some pretty kickass stuff, even moreso if you get me some nice materials, but I'll need a little direction."
  609. 6:17 PM - Flighty Broad: "Hmm... How would I go about getting the materials to make electrical ones?"
  610. 9:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Some girls just grab parts off youma corpses. I know one girl came down here, some redhead, with a sack full of these nice scales. Electrical is a bit esoteric for youmabits, but maybe you can find like, a robot youma that uses a lightning rod? Or something."
  611. 6:19 PM - Flighty Broad: "Hmm... Well, I'll keep an eye out then, the enchanter is on your roof you said?"
  612. 9:20 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She heaves a sigh. "Yep. And she's not very quiet about it either, always stomping around up there and making a racket. And she has the nerve to bang on the roof and yell down at /me/ for making a racket."
  613. 6:22 PM - Flighty Broad: I giggle a bit, sighing. "I've known people like that. Well, I'll come by if I get the parts, but for now, I have some toys to upgrade." With that, I step outside and flap up to the roof.
  614. 9:24 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She gives a wave as she heads back into her workshop and you fly onto her roof. There, you find a small purple tent. It looks barely big enough to fit a person lying down. The flaps are unzipped.
  615. 6:25 PM - Flighty Broad: I squeeze my way in, confused, yet interested
  616. 9:28 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The inside is significantly larger than its outward appearence. It's about the size of your standard kitchen. The walls are a solid material, some sort of plaster or stone, unlike its outward appearence.
  617. 6:29 PM - Flighty Broad: "Huh, neat"
  618. 9:28 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The walls hang with racks of various items, and there's a glass showcase displaying gems of varying color and small metal clips with holes in them that seem to fit the gems snugly.
  619. 6:31 PM - Flighty Broad: I walk up to the showcase, tapping on it lightly. "Anyone here?"
  620. 9:32 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: At a workbench behind the counter, is a girl with red, shoulder-length hair. She turns around at the tapping, revealing red eyes. "Hi, looking for something?"
  621. 6:34 PM - Flighty Broad: "Ah, yes actually. You work with guns by any chance?" I say, putting the LMG and the grenade launcher down infront of her.
  622. 9:34 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Don't get many people asking to give their guns extra kick. Not a very common magical weapon, though I can't imagine why. I guess one magic weapon's as strong as any other, really, so they'd prefer something that gets them style points."
  623. 6:35 PM - Flighty Broad: "Hey, guns get hella style points, and these two aren't magical, built em with my own two hands!"
  624. 9:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "So you want something normal to pack some punch? What's your budget? What are you looking for? Stability? Accuracy? Stopping power? Bigger on the inside barrel to fire larger calibers?"
  625. 6:38 PM - Flighty Broad: "Stability... Pfft, only nerds want guns that dont kick. Accuracy? I've got a magical HUD for that, stopping power is always fun, and that last one, you just gave me and idea..." I look down the empty barrel of the grenade launcher. "Any maximum size on that enchantment?"
  626. 9:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "That all depends on the maximum size of your budget. Mostly."
  627. 6:38 PM - Flighty Broad: "...How much would it cost to fit a train in there."
  628. 9:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You mean... a full train? Like, an actual, honest-to-god train, choo choo down the tracks train?"
  629. 6:39 PM - Flighty Broad: "Yes"
  630. 9:39 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "On /rough/ estimate, I'd saaay... a million, and maybe a month or two to make it."
  631. 6:40 PM - Flighty Broad: "...Are there any banks nearby? I need to uh, take a loan."
  632. 9:40 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Down here? Not a bank in sight. They'd probably be robbed within a few hours if there were."
  633. 6:42 PM - Flighty Broad: "Right... I'll come back for that one, after a bit of fund raising. Hmm... How about a gun that shoots lightning?"
  634. 9:42 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Do you want the gun to actually shoot lightning, or do you want the rounds to be electrified?"
  635. 6:43 PM - Flighty Broad: "Man, how can I say no to a gun that shoots lightning"
  636. 9:43 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Well, which gun?"
  637. 6:44 PM - Flighty Broad: "Ah, this thing" I say pointing at the Loudenboomer "The rounds already sound like thunderclaps, figured it'd be fitting."
  638. 9:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She picks it up and looks it over. "Yeah, I think I can cover that."
  639. 9:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You looking for just the lightning gem, or do you want added customization?"
  640. 6:49 PM - Flighty Broad: "Hmm..."
  641. 6:49 PM - Flighty Broad: "Can you make the bullets Korean seeking? I got a bit of a vendetta that I've been planning to take care of, this is one of the last few steps."
  642. 9:50 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Korean...seeking? Even that's a bit out of my league."
  643. 6:51 PM - Flighty Broad: "Damn, how am I going to shoot Kim Jong Un now?"
  644. 9:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Shoot him? He's dead already. Has been since the war ended."
  645. 6:53 PM - Flighty Broad: "...Forget about it, at least for now. Hmm, yeah, I'll just take the lightning gun."
  646. 9:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Just the lightning? If you wanted, I can give you a more expensive inset, so you can put more gems on in the future. Once I install an inset, it's on for good. I can take it off, but there's no recovering it from that."
  647. 6:55 PM - Flighty Broad: "How much more expensive would this be?"
  648. 9:56 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Your standard, one-gem inset costs about $600. A two-gemmer will double that, three will cost 2-k and four gems will run you 3500."
  649. 9:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "That's just for the inset itself, not including the actual gem."
  650. 6:58 PM - Flighty Broad: "But, if I control lightning, can I imbue the gem myself?"
  651. 9:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Sure you could. If you knew how."
  652. 9:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Can you charge a gem with the right amount of magic in the right way to make it work as intended without having it explode?"
  653. 6:59 PM - Flighty Broad: "...I mean, you had to use trial and error at some point, right?"
  654. 9:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Maybe. But it was a /lot/ of trial and error. Want to risk losing the other arm?"
  655. 10:00 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She looks at you arm. "Speaking of... I might just be able to put some gems on that, too."
  656. 7:01 PM - Flighty Broad: I raise an eyebrow at that "Could you say... Theoretically... Make it fire lemons?"
  657. 10:01 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She raises her own eyebrow. "Weird thing to want your robot hand to fire, but... yeah. Possibly."
  658. 7:03 PM - Flighty Broad: "Magically charge em or something, and paint it blue. I want a blue arm cannon that shoots lemons, don't ask why"
  659. 10:04 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "...I like your style, girl."
  660. 7:06 PM - Flighty Broad: I smirk a bit. "Well, thank you, what would be the cost of that by the way?"
  661. 10:07 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "For the arm?"
  662. 7:11 PM - Flighty Broad: "Of course."
  663. 10:14 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "For that, I can probably squeeze it into one gem. So, 600 for the inset, unless you'd like to have room to customize it more later on. Maybe you can shoot sawblades or scissors or the like, eh?"
  664. 7:15 PM - Flighty Broad: I grin, nodding a bit. "How much would a swappable gem cost?"
  665. 10:15 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Swappable gems are not something I can do. Once a gem is in, it's in. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Which is why it's a big deal to be sure you know what you want to put on before you go spending your cash."
  666. 7:16 PM - Flighty Broad: "Ah, damn... Can I have more insets added later on?"
  667. 10:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "An item can only handle so much magic before it just breaks, and the process to bind an inset to the item is complicated in and of itself."
  668. 10:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Usually, it can only handle two, /maybe/ three insets max, if you're willing to risk it."
  669. 7:20 PM - Flighty Broad: "Damn... I think I'll settle on two then, I dont want to risk losing this arm, again."
  670. 10:21 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Well, if you want two insets, you might as well just get a single two-gem inset. It only counts as one, due to the refining and engraving process of the runic symbols that channel magic into the item and... this might go over your head if I keep on."
  671. 7:22 PM - Flighty Broad: "Heh, yeah, sorry... Hmm, and how much would that run me?"
  672. 10:23 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "So for the dual-gem inset and the gem itself, I'd wager about... three thousand. That's twelve for the inset, eighteen for the gem."
  673. 7:24 PM - Flighty Broad: I whistle lightly, shaking my head with a sigh. "Bit too much at the moment, but like I said, I'll be doing some fund raising later, especially for the potential of firing a train."
  674. 10:24 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Just where do you intend to get a million bucks?"
  675. 7:25 PM - Flighty Broad: "Oh yknow, where do rich people keep their money in this city?"
  676. 10:25 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You plan on robbing a bank?"
  677. 7:27 PM - Flighty Broad: "Not just any bank, the big one, tier one."
  678. 10:31 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Well, you're out of your damned mind, I'll tell you that much."
  679. 7:32 PM - Flighty Broad: "Yeah, I know and I love it. Be back another day then? I'll think of something fun to make"
  680. 10:33 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Well, let's just say I hope you have a good necromancer friend."
  681. 7:35 PM - Flighty Broad: "Apparently my girlfriend had one, doesn't talk about her much any more" I say as I walk out, texting Sarah. "Hey, gotta run some errands, you in?"
  682. 10:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "What kind of errands?"
  683. 10:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: 10:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "What kind of errands?"
  684. 7:39 PM - Flighty Broad: "Going to the bank, need to make a withdrawl, oh, and pick up a mask for a halloween costume."
  685. 10:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "The bank? And what is 'Halloween'?"
  686. 10:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: It is currently April, by the way.
  687. 7:42 PM - Flighty Broad: Yeah, but it's the only excuse I can think of for buying a mask :v
  688. 7:42 PM - Flighty Broad: "To take some money out, gonna go shopping, maybe donate to a good cause. And don't worry about it, it's a holiday all about dressing up, but they jack up the prices when it gets around that time of year, we're being smart consumers!"
  689. 10:43 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Oh. Well, I would help you, but I am in school at the moment. My sister doesn't want me to skip classes."
  690. 7:44 PM - Flighty Broad: "...Cmon, really?"
  691. 10:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: data's sure taking his time to respond
  692. 7:46 PM - Flighty Broad: :v
  693. 10:45 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: just so you know it's not me :v
  694. 10:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: there we go
  695. 10:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: now he's typing
  696. 10:47 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Sorry. She's scary when she's angry."
  697. 7:48 PM - Flighty Broad: "I mean, if she, or you, dont want me around, just say, I'll stay away, am I the reason she's angry?"
  698. 10:50 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "No, she just does not want me skipping school. She was mad at you before, but I think she's fine, now. I can probably convince her, either way."
  699. 7:51 PM - Flighty Broad: "Man, how long till school gets out then?"
  700. 10:52 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Lunch just ended, it should be one hour, 57 minutes, and 33 seconds left."
  701. 7:53 PM - Flighty Broad: "Aaaaaah god damn I can't wait, I'll just rob a bank myself."
  702. 10:56 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Wait, rob? What in hell are you doing?"
  704. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona - Fundraising~~
  711. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah and Ramona - Lovers' Quarrel~~
  713. 10:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "All the great heros were Rich Sarah! Bruce Wayne, Tony Stark, Professor X, Mister Fantastic! If I want to set myself up as a super hero, I'll need all sorts of help, help that doesn't grow on trees!"
  714. 8:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "What are you talking about? Who are any of those people?"
  715. 8:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "Are you alright, Ramona??"
  716. 11:01 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Superheros Sarah! People who save millions and millions of lives! And I'm perfectly alright, I'm just incredible, as usual."
  717. 8:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "Superheroes? Don't we do the same kind of thing already, by hunting youma?"
  718. 11:03 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Superheros don't just hunt Youma, they stop criminals and make the city a better place overall! I went to tier 5 today Teddie, it's horrible, lowlifes everywhere, crime all over the place!"
  719. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem: "I know, I have been there. That isn't something you can clean up in a day or two."
  720. 11:06 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Exactly, which is why we'd need the money, it wouldn't just be arresting criminals, but donating to help have actual buildings built there, maybe bring some jobs down. I don't know Teddie, but I can't sit by and watch as this happens below our very feet!"
  721. 8:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ramona, those people chose that life. We cannot spend ours trying to fix it for them."
  722. 11:08 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "That is not what a superhero would say Teddie."
  723. 8:14 PM - Sarah Salem: "I never claimed to be a superhero, Ramona. I really do not think it's a good idea."
  724. 11:15 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "It's your call to come with Teddie, there's a certain bartender I made out with today who would be more than thrilled to join me."
  725. 8:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ramona. Did you really?"
  726. 11:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "She pulled me into it without warning!"
  727. 8:20 PM - Sarah Salem: "Normally, I would believe you. But I know exactly how you are. Am I going to have to stop you from seeing her again?"
  728. 11:20 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Teddie I'll make you a deal."
  729. 11:21 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I'll drop the whole, rob a bank thing. If you let this girl go, I need an emotional outlet from time to time."
  730. 8:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "And I cannot be that outlet?"
  731. 11:23 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You're my Teddie, you're fantastic, and you're there all the time, but, there's a difference between an emotional outlet, and a girlfriend, alright?"
  732. 8:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "Are you sure on that? I am not very keen on you being all over someone else, Ramona."
  733. 11:26 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I know, I know, we're seeing this differently. Talk about it over movie night tonight instead of over the phone?"
  734. 8:28 PM - Sarah Salem: "That sounds good. But in the meantime, if I find out you are locking lips with anyone else, there is going to be a price to pay."
  735. 11:29 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Yeah yeah, that means in the meantime, I can rob a bank, right?"
  736. 8:30 PM - Sarah Salem: "Which tier are you on?"
  737. 11:33 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Four, just left five"
  738. 8:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Okay, just wondering. On the bank, you probably should refrain from that."
  739. 11:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "One or the other Sarah, it can't be a lose-lose agreement!"
  740. 8:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Alright, go make your withdrawal. I cannot stop you, just don't expect the bank to be very happy with you."
  741. 11:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Wait wait wait, you're going to let me do it?"
  742. 8:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "Not let you do it so much as, turn a blind eye. Just this once, okay?"
  743. 11:46 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "...It's no fun if you just let me do it yknow"
  744. 11:47 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Besides, now I can't bargain for the bartender"
  745. 8:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "That is the point, Ramona. If it's between robbing a bank, and the bartender, I will gladly choose the robbery."
  746. 11:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Aw man... Fine, you want anything while I'm out?"
  747. 8:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "For you to come back. Be careful, Ramona."
  748. 11:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ramona texts you a heart before going silent.
  750. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah and Ramona - Lovers' Quarrel~~
  754. 10:56 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Sarah, Eri, the NPC trio, and a number of other students, including the members of PASS, filter in and takes their places according to the seating arrangement chart I took the liberty of creating which is located in your Game-Relevant Images folder in Magical Burst
  755. 10:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Yeah Eri, everything after we got home yesterday was definitely... nice. No arguments there."
  756. 10:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "It was nice to just talk and not worry about anything else."
  757. 10:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Sarah takes her seat, seemingly engrossed with her phone.
  758. 11:00 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Yeah... and I'm thinking that perhaps I should take a bit of a break from the whole, thing you were talking about. I've probably have done enough, for now."
  759. 11:01 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Definitely. Look, Golden Week is gonna be here in a few days, we'll go to some festivals, kill time, it'll be great."
  760. 11:01 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "I think I heard about a class trip to some hotsprings, too..."
  761. 11:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tami lowers her voice, "Wow, Sarah's sure interested in her phone today... I don't think I've ever seen her use it that much. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen her use it at all."
  762. 11:02 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Hmmm...? Yeah, I was thinking about sneaking up on her, actually."
  763. 11:02 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "It's been a while since I've practiced."
  764. 11:02 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Well, if you're gonna do it, go for it, before she realizes."
  765. 11:03 PM - Sarah Salem: The phone's cat-ears glow brightly, and it meows every few minutes to alert her of a new text.
  766. 11:03 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "And before the teacher comes in."
  767. 11:03 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Doing so~... that sounds kinda familiar, actually."
  768. 11:03 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse~
  769. 11:04 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: 15
  770. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: 11, totally using a luck here
  771. 11:04 PM - Sarah Salem: 16
  772. 11:04 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: was that really necessary
  773. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: very much so c:
  774. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: allow me?
  775. 11:05 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: one sec
  776. 11:05 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: discussing important business
  777. 11:05 PM - Sarah Salem: i can wait~
  778. 11:08 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: After some internal debate, Eri's score becomes 17, courtesy of subtle magic bonuses.
  779. 11:09 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Gonna waste another luck? :v
  780. 11:10 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: (sneaky ninjas gonna sneak)
  781. 11:13 PM - Sarah Salem: My shirt seems to unbutton itself from the inside, courtesy of a familiar 'little' eyeball and it's pencil-thin limbs. Sneaking a look out of my shirt, it then hops out and disappears behind a nearby shelf.
  782. 11:13 PM - Sarah Salem: make my 16 into a 20 c:
  783. 11:15 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Uh.... I think I'm just gonna, sit back down now and imagine I didn't see anything."
  784. 11:15 PM - Sarah Salem: too late
  785. 11:16 PM - Sarah Salem: In an instant, Sarah is standing behind Eri, with a hand grabbing Eri's wrist, the other still holding her phone.
  786. 11:16 PM - Sarah Salem: "You're very quiet today, Eri."
  787. 11:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You do realize you just teleported in front of other people
  788. 11:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "teleported"
  789. 11:16 PM - Sarah Salem: i'm very aware
  790. 11:16 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: unless we're talking relative instance and not literal time magic instance
  791. 11:16 PM - Sarah Salem: no i mean time magic instance
  792. 11:17 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Figured I'd bug you, was all... but was that necessary?"
  793. 11:17 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri looks around, to see if anyone noticed.
  794. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: "No, but it was fun."
  795. 11:17 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Two of your unmagically acquainted fellow classmates notice Sarah's teleporting act.
  796. 11:17 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah's still only paying attention to her phone.
  797. 11:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Those studends are the girl Remi Hoshino, in front of Sarah, and boy Yuudai Naoki, in front of Eve's empty desk.
  798. 11:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: everyone else sits in front of your rows and failed to notice
  799. 11:18 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: But those two students are, to say the least, shocked and confused.
  800. 11:19 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The glance at each other, then back at you, as though confirming what they just saw.
  801. 11:19 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "What's up with you anyways? I talked to Ramona yesterday, and she said you were in the hospital or something like that, or got in a fight."
  802. 11:19 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "She told me to ask you about it."
  803. 11:20 PM - Sarah Salem: "I got into a fight, but not a hospital. I just delivered the other girl there."
  804. 11:20 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Other girl...?"
  805. 11:21 PM - Sarah Salem: "I wouldn't worry about it."
  806. 11:23 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri sighs, "Look, things have been /very/ wierd lately. I don't mean to be snooping into other peoples business, but... I'm just concerned, alright?"
  807. 11:24 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I never even get to really talk to anybody else about it, because everyone's off doing their own thing; just, be careful out there, alright?"
  808. 11:24 PM - Sarah Salem: I continue texting, seemingly oblivious to the non-magi that noticed me. "Like I said, there is nothing to worry about. You know that I can handle myself, and I have my sister and Ramona to back me up, even if I couldn't."
  809. 11:25 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Your sis...?"
  810. 11:25 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I thought... that she didn't know about any of that stuff."
  811. 11:26 PM - Sarah Salem: "/Apparently/, the turtle cannot keep his nose out of other people's business, and she made a contract."
  812. 11:28 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Oh. Well, I don't really know what to say." Eri pauses for a moment, "Is she at least staying out of trouble? I can't imagine having my brother, or someone related to me, also going to get signed up."
  813. 11:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "Well, your brother isn't a girl. And she is for the most part. I took her hunting yesterday, she did a fine job as far as I can tell."
  814. 11:30 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I was just making a comparison... But that's good to hear."
  815. 11:30 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Just, make sure you keep an eye on her, ok? Try and make sure she doesn't push herself too hard."
  816. 11:31 PM - Sarah Salem: "Eri, look at me. The last thing I want is for her to turn out like this."
  817. 11:31 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Just then, the teacher walks in, as the remainder of the seats are quickly filled, and standing students return to their chairs.
  818. 11:32 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Yeah, just, be careful out there, ok? Don't be afraid to call on me."
  819. 11:32 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The teacher, Tono Michi, says, "Sorry I'm late, class, I was stuck in a meeting. Now everyone take your seats and pass up your homework."
  820. 11:32 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri goes to sit back down.
  821. 11:34 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Did you take your seat too, Sarah?
  822. 11:34 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I hope I got this all done..." Eri passes up her stuff.
  823. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: Yup, texting under the desk.
  824. 11:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: did you silence your phone? :v
  825. 11:35 PM - Sarah Salem: i know how to do that?
  826. 11:35 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: probably not
  827. 11:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Remi looks over her shoulder at Sarah, "You... uh, got your, homework?"
  828. 11:36 PM - Sarah Salem: let's say i do to avoid annoyance :v
  829. 11:36 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: fine :v
  830. 11:36 PM - Sarah Salem: "Homework? No, I seem to have forgotten about it."
  831. 11:37 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: (use your time powers to finish it man)
  832. 11:37 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: (do et)
  833. 11:37 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "R-right... So, what the hell was that disap-" the teacher smacks her ruler on the desk several times, creating a loud cracking noise with each strike.
  834. 11:37 PM - Sarah Salem: I try to remember what the homework even was.
  835. 11:38 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: (Te)acher: "Eyes front and homeworks forwards, people!"
  836. 11:39 PM - Sarah Salem: I time-stop and hide my phone under my legs, and then restart time in a relaxed posture.
  837. 11:39 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The remainder of the homeworks are handed to the teacher from the head of each row, and she shuffles through them. She then asks, "Sarah Salem, where is your work? This is becoming a bad habit of yours, Miss Salem."
  838. 11:41 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Oh ouch, she's gonna get chewed out." Eri whispers to Tami.
  839. 11:41 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You can try and do your homework in a timestopped enviornment, if you like. Roll Social to do your homework~
  840. 11:41 PM - Sarah Salem: 13
  841. 11:42 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You do some of the questions. The ones you kinda understand, at least. You're pretty sure that negative zero is a right answer.
  842. 11:43 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: (join the club mang :v)
  843. 11:43 PM - Sarah Salem: A mostly finished paper appears atop my desk, Sarah suddenly in a different position than before.
  844. 11:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "I have it right here, ma'am. I was just...checking my answers."
  845. 11:44 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "And is it just me, or is Sarah, jerky today?"
  846. 11:44 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "It's kinda spooky..."
  847. 11:44 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Te: "...?" She shakes her head. The entire class saw you twitch from the timestop. "Nevermind, You should have done that last night. Bring it here."
  848. 11:45 PM - Sarah Salem: I walk up and hand in my homework, and then retake my seat with no shenanigans.
  849. 11:46 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...You know what it reminds me of? Those crappy old animatronics that you see at like, Chester Cheese Castle(oc donut steele), you know the ones..."
  850. 11:46 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri shudders at the thought.
  851. 11:47 PM - Sarah Salem: Sarah stares down everyone who's watching her evenly, the usual blank mask in place on her face.
  852. 11:48 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Those things are /creepy/. Another friend of mine swears she saw a splotch of something red dried up on one once. I'm hoping it was just pizza sauce..."
  853. 11:49 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "/Eugh/, stop it...." Eri attempts to hide by going face first to her desk.
  854. 11:49 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I hate ghost stories."
  855. 11:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Te: "And now, class, it's time for a pop quiz!" The class groans. Ms. Michi ignores this, and continues, "Put your books away and take out a pen. This shouldn't take more than five minutes."
  856. 11:52 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She hands the front desk students a stack of papers, which they take one of, and pass the remainder back.
  857. 11:52 PM - Sarah Salem: I retrieve my pen at a normal speed.
  858. 11:52 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Ugh, these suck."
  859. 11:52 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Te: "No talking during the quiz!"
  860. 11:52 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri too, retrieves a pen.
  861. 11:52 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Te: "Five mintues. Go!"
  862. 11:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: roll social~~~~~~~~
  863. 11:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Eri gets +1 for studying last night
  864. 11:53 PM - Sarah Salem: 13
  865. 11:53 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: 11 :v
  866. 11:53 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: negative 0 is defs the answer
  867. 11:54 PM - Sarah Salem: you're getting outclassed by the nearly socially inept asshole girl
  868. 11:54 PM - Sarah Salem: and you /studied/
  869. 11:54 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: ya win some ya lose some :v
  870. 11:54 PM - Sarah Salem: cmon smas
  871. 11:54 PM - Sarah Salem: step it up :v
  872. 11:54 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You feverently scribble answers. Te: "Aaaand /time/. The quiz is now over. Pass up your papers."
  873. 11:55 PM - Sarah Salem: I pass my paper to Remi, accidentally flashing a fang when she turns to take it.
  874. 11:56 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri turns hers in; of note, there's what appears to be a negative 0 using its negative sign to fight off the infinite symbol in some sort of drawn duel.
  875. 11:56 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She cringes at the obscenely sharp tooth.
  876. 11:56 PM - Sarah Salem: "Something wrong?"
  877. 11:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: R: "N-no, it's nothing." She turns around hastily and hands up the papers.
  878. 11:59 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri whispers to Tami about something or other.
  882. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Whispered Words~~
  884. 9:00 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Sarah's getting /really/ showy about her, well, her current self."
  885. 12:00 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Is she? I try not to pay attention to her, but when she makes scenes like before..."
  886. 9:01 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "She's a jerky, teleporting, vampire flaunting mess."
  887. 9:02 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "And that was all in the last 10 minutes."
  888. 12:01 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "I think she needs a few days off more than either of us."
  889. 9:02 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Probably..."
  891. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri - Whispered Words~~
  895. 11:59 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Te: "Now that the quiz is over, we shall return to the lesson." She begins writing equations and numbers on the digital screen that makes up the "chalk board"
  896. 12:00 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Because she's a classy classic type of lady, the font and background resemble chalk and a chalkboard.
  897. 12:02 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Fortitude to not pass out.
  898. 12:03 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: 14, yayy
  899. 12:04 AM - Sarah Salem: 12 c:
  900. 12:05 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Sarah is on the verge of passing out, but manages to keep herself awake. Eri manages to pay some attention while talking with Tami.
  901. 12:07 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: With a final equation doodled, she nods, then turns around. "And so that's that, class. Any questions?"
  902. 12:08 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "None? Very well then, you'll have five minute break before we begin the next lesson."
  903. 12:09 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "... The answer totally wasn't negative zero, was it."
  904. 12:09 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "I highly doubt it, Eri. I saw what you put. And it was /wrong/."
  905. 12:10 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "...But it was so cool."
  906. 12:10 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "See? Even when I'm wrong, I'm right... most of the time."
  907. 12:10 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I think."
  908. 12:11 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri balls up some paper, and throws it at Sarah.
  909. 12:11 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse
  910. 12:12 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: 14 for paper throw ;v
  911. 12:12 AM - Sarah Salem: 16 to catch.
  912. 12:12 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Sarah reacts instantly, catching it.
  913. 12:13 AM - Sarah Salem: "Yes, Eri?"
  914. 12:13 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Watcha up to? You've been texting like, all class, and you weren't here this morning."
  915. 12:14 AM - Sarah Salem: "I was just talking to Ramona, and before that I was fighting, like I said."
  916. 12:14 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "You fight either very early, or very late."
  917. 12:16 AM - Sarah Salem: "I must have lost track of time."
  918. 12:17 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "But yeah, seriously, I do worry, ya know? So don't go running off for weeks on end, and then tell me that things are fine. I have a feel for these things."
  919. 12:20 AM - Sarah Salem: "Things /are/ fine. Do you really believe that I can't handle everything myself?"
  920. 12:20 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I can't, I know that. Not without hurting myself in the process."
  921. 12:21 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tami makes sure to avoid the converstaion, and Sarah's gaze
  922. 12:21 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko and Suzu, up in front, don't even turn around.
  923. 12:22 AM - Sarah Salem: "We are of rather different make, then."
  924. 12:23 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Hmmph, perhaps we are."
  925. 12:23 AM - Sarah Salem: I attempt to catch Tami's eye.
  926. 12:24 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She catches your glance for a moment, then turns away quickly.
  927. 12:26 AM - Sarah Salem: I shrug, not bothered by her reaction.
  928. 12:26 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I'd just be careful, if I were you." Eri pauses, collecting her thoughts, "I'm pretty sure you haven't seen the things I've seen, but they'd cause paranoia in anyone sane."
  929. 12:27 AM - Sarah Salem: "And what would those things be?" I gaze at Eri evenly.
  930. 12:28 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Corporations harvesting people, murderers running around stealing souls through methods that are being passed around, magical experiments to supress the population at large..." Eri rattles them off.
  931. 12:29 AM - Sarah Salem: "The soul-stealing isn't new to me. I do not see how the others concern us, though."
  932. 12:30 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "How can collecting hundreds, if not thousands of people and killing them /not/ concern us?"
  933. 12:31 AM - Sarah Salem: "Do I /know/ these people?"
  934. 12:32 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "/I/ did. Ko was one of them, and the only reason why she's still here is because I went through hell to get her and half the population of the 4th tier back out."
  935. 12:33 AM - Sarah Salem: "Oh, well good job, Eri."
  936. 12:34 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I wasn't looking for praise. I'm trying to figure out where you stand. Are you going to be like, the person whose phone you're presumably holding onto, and act like none of this concerns you? Or are you going to do something about it, while you still have a chance?"
  937. 12:36 AM - Sarah Salem: There's a slight twitch of annoyance on my face. "I am /nothing/ like Taji. None of this /does/ concern me, because I have no personal ties to a thousand-odd random city-folk."
  938. 12:38 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Maybe you don't. But that won't stop /them/, whoever they are, from fulfilling their plans. And when they finally get what they want, it'll hit us all."
  939. 12:38 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "That, I'm certain of."
  940. 12:39 AM - Sarah Salem: "And who would /they/ be? I'm not going to chase shadows and ghosts, Eri. Even if I did have a personal interest in this matter."
  941. 12:41 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I have a start; Wild 13 was behind the plan to harvest all of those people. They're owned and ran by Akechi Corp. They aren't innocent, I know that much, either party."
  942. 12:41 AM - Sarah Salem: "Wild 13? I've never heard of them. Akechi Corp, however, isn't much of a threat."
  943. 12:42 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Last I saw, you were marked for death, along with me, seeing as I was 'affiliated' with you."
  944. 12:42 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Wild 13 you've definitely heard of, Sarah
  945. 12:42 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: iirc that was the cake company
  946. 12:42 AM - Sarah Salem: "Last I saw, I had a friendly chat with Mr. A himself, and he owes me a favor by now."
  947. 12:43 AM - Sarah Salem: ((all i did was get cake there one time))
  948. 12:43 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: well, they're a big name around T3, with some adverts here and there
  949. 12:43 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: just saying they're not niche
  950. 12:43 AM - Sarah Salem: we'll excuse it as sarah's blatant disregard of things that are probably dangerous
  951. 12:44 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: just sayin :v
  952. 12:44 AM - Sarah Salem: yeah :v
  953. 12:44 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Hmmph. Do me a favor, and use that favor for something useful, if you're so buddy-buddy."
  954. 12:45 AM - Sarah Salem: "I haven't thought about using it for anything, really. I don't particularly have anything I need it for."
  955. 12:45 AM - Sarah Salem: I adjust my hair.
  956. 12:46 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You both feel an intense disturbance in the force.
  957. 12:46 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: But nothing else comes of it.
  958. 12:47 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri glares, "I'm not asking for much, maybe just some sense of duty, some sense of maybe fighting for something... that was odd."
  959. 12:47 AM - Sarah Salem: I make an intense anime face to acknowledge the anomaly.
  960. 12:48 AM - Sarah Salem: "I am fighting for something. Myself, my friends, and my memories."
  961. 12:48 AM - Sarah Salem: "What are /you/ fighting for, Eri?"
  962. 12:50 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Just the same thing I've always been; peace for my friends and family. I'm just nipping things in the bud, before they become unmanagable and out of control, seeing as I was gifted with a set of shears."
  963. 12:51 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri pulls out her activator, and attempts to check for any further odd readings.
  964. 12:51 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The teacher steps back into the class, her face slightly distraught.
  965. 12:52 AM - Sarah Salem: "Cute metaphor. Maybe you should put that mind to work thinking of a way to 'clip the hedges' on your own." I jibe quickly before the teacher can say anything.
  966. 12:52 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I'm sorry class, a bit of an emergency has come up. I'll need to cut it early here. A family problem, one of my children is sick and... well, it's a long story. Remember to do your homework and be ready for class tomorrow."
  967. 12:53 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri shoots a frustrated look at Sarah, but doesn't say anything else.
  968. 12:56 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The students shuffle uneasily out after the teacher
  969. 12:57 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Huh... well, guess that's that..." Eri mutters to Tami, shuffling out behind everyone else.
  970. 12:58 AM - Sarah Salem: I stand up from my desk fluidly, and head over to talk to Suzu.
  971. 12:58 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Tami follows Eri, as do Ko and Suzu
  972. 12:58 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Well, Suzu attempts to
  973. 12:59 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Ko shuffles quickly out as you approach
  977. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  979. 10:03 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Or really, that's what I would say, if right before she stepped in it didn't feel like something was tearing up my insides trying to tell me something."
  980. 10:04 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Wanna, check it out maybe? Something just feels off about that announcement."
  981. 1:05 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Sure, I guess. Lead the way. Hopefully it doesn't end horribly."
  982. 10:06 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "I hope not... It was kind of a dark feeling that I got."
  983. 10:07 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "And Sarah felt it too. Despite her... ugh! She just makes me so frustrated!"
  984. 1:06 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "Now you know why we don't want to hang out with her..."
  985. 1:07 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "And poor Suzu is stuck in there with her..."
  986. 10:08 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "And that look she gave you? I was /this/ close to snapping."
  987. 10:09 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Just, augh! Every last one of them is either crazy, useless, or both!"
  988. 1:09 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: T: "I almost feel like I should sign up just to give you some backup..."
  989. 10:13 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "...No, you can't. I won't allow it. Even if everyone else is bad, or worse, it's better that than the people I care about getting turned into soul splitting, transforming freaks to compensate..."
  990. 1:13 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: K: "Should... should we go back and help Suzu?"
  991. 10:14 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri sighs, "Probably."
  992. 10:15 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri sticks her head back into the classroom.
  994. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  998. 12:59 AM - Sarah Salem: "Hello, Suzu."
  999. 1:00 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "Uh, hi, Sarah."
  1000. 1:01 AM - Sarah Salem: "I heard you were part of the track team. I just joined today. Anything I should know?"
  1001. 1:02 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "You... joined, huh? Well, uh, I guess, just the days we meet? I... assume you talked to Tsuki?"
  1002. 1:02 AM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "She mentioned something about a race during Golden Week?"
  1003. 1:06 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Yeah, against Nakazawa"
  1004. 1:07 AM - Sarah Salem: "Are they any good?"
  1005. 1:07 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Yeah, they're... pretty good. Got some of our best runners beat, at least."
  1006. 1:07 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse
  1007. 1:08 AM - Sarah Salem: 12
  1008. 1:08 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You can clearly see Suzu is uncomfortable with the entire conversation.
  1009. 1:08 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Or maybe it's her conversation partner she's uncomfortable with.
  1010. 1:09 AM - Sarah Salem: "Is there something wrong?"
  1011. 1:10 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "N-no, haha, what makes you say that?"
  1012. 1:11 AM - Sarah Salem: "You look...unnerved. Have I done something?"
  1013. 1:14 AM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Eri sticks her head in, "Hey Suzu, you coming?"
  1014. 1:14 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "No! W-well, yeah, kinda. A lot of things. I... I'm not comfortabl - oh hey sorry Sarah gotta go."
  1015. 1:15 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Suzu tries to slip past you.
  1016. 1:15 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Gonna blockity block?
  1017. 1:15 AM - Sarah Salem: Nah.
  1018. 1:15 AM - Sarah Salem: I'll just leave her with an unsettling, "See you..."
  1019. 1:17 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: She gtfo's quick and rejoins Eri and squad outside
  1023. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  1025. 10:17 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Going to go and hit Sarah with a new Detect Alignment, by the way. Eri probably feels at this point that "lawful neutral" is no longer the case.
  1026. 10:17 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Just, your best guess at the moment would suffice.
  1027. 1:19 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Caleb wagers she'd be true neutral now, "just trying to protect her friends"
  1028. 10:20 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: Aight, sounds fair.
  1029. 10:22 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Alright, now that I have the United Desks assembled, I guess we're going on our first aid mission."
  1030. 10:22 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Unless there's any objections."
  1031. 1:22 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: S: "No, sir!" T: "None here." K: "I suppose not?"
  1032. 10:25 PM - Ninjas make Terrible Senpais: "Alright, lets go...!" Cue running at the screen, in stereotypical end-episode type cliff hanger. :v
  1034. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Eri~~
  1041. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  1043. 1:04 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You get a text. From Ramona!
  1044. 1:04 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: What could it say?
  1045. 1:04 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "Teddie, I'm sorry, I fucked it all up... I already know I'm not coming home tonight, or ever again for that matter, tell Daddy I love him."
  1046. 10:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "Ramona? Where are you? It sounds like you need help." I text back urgently.
  1047. 1:06 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You get no reply.
  1048. 10:10 PM - Sarah Salem: Can I give Gekko a silent command to find Ramona?
  1049. 1:10 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Sure thing bucko
  1050. 1:20 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: So you're alone in class. GF unresponsive and potential normal friend GTFO'd your face.
  1051. 1:20 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Plans for the day?
  1052. 10:21 PM - Sarah Salem: Check on Gekko, did he find Ramona?
  1053. 1:21 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Wherever she is, he can't seem to locate her. He's just one eyeball searching an entire city through air vents manually, after all.
  1054. 1:22 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: In fact, roll Finesse for him
  1055. 10:23 PM - Sarah Salem: does his bonus apply?
  1056. 1:22 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: ye
  1057. 1:22 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: his bonus was actually for himself, not you :v
  1058. 1:22 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: but I let it slide
  1059. 10:23 PM - Sarah Salem: We kind of sync up when we're together, that's sort of the point of a familiar :v
  1060. 10:23 PM - Sarah Salem: 14
  1061. 1:24 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Gekko does, in fact, spot something vaguely Ramona-like, from his air vent hidey hole. The figure flies quickly down from Tier 1 to an unknown location. The poor eyeball can't keep up and loses track.
  1062. 1:24 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: think we'll cut it here, then
  1064. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah~~
  1071. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona - Payday~~
  1073. 8:50 PM - Flighty Broad: I text Sarah a heart, before taking off
  1074. 8:50 PM - Flighty Broad: TO TIER ONE
  1075. 11:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You fly up to Tier 1.
  1076. 11:51 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Next stop?
  1077. 8:52 PM - Flighty Broad: Rich people like to ski, lets find a ski shop, or at least a sporting goods store.
  1078. 11:52 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You're not gonna find a ski resort in Takimoto :v
  1079. 8:54 PM - Flighty Broad: I live in Plainfield Illinois, about as far away from an Ocean as humanly possible
  1080. 8:54 PM - Flighty Broad: There is a scuba gear store within walking distance
  1081. 11:53 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You do find a general sporting goods store, though. It's got lots of golf clubs in it.
  1082. 8:54 PM - Flighty Broad: Location means nothing for rich people activities :v
  1083. 8:54 PM - Flighty Broad: Right, would they have a ski mask?
  1084. 8:55 PM - Flighty Broad: If not, a paintballing mask would do as well :v
  1085. 11:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: There's a ski mask, sure. You find a few of them.
  1086. 8:56 PM - Flighty Broad: I grab one then, how much does it cost?
  1087. 11:55 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: $10
  1088. 8:56 PM - Flighty Broad: I buy one then c:
  1089. 11:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: actually, double that price
  1090. 11:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: these are /rich people/ ski masks
  1091. 8:57 PM - Flighty Broad: True :v
  1092. 11:57 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: they are unneessarily expensive
  1093. 8:58 PM - Flighty Broad: Right then, I leave the store, and take off, looking for the largest, most grand bank.
  1094. 11:58 PM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You find one, the Takimoto City Vault, it's called.
  1095. 8:59 PM - Flighty Broad: Right then, I put on the mask, and fly onto the roof
  1096. 12:00 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: OK, so you're up there.
  1097. 9:02 PM - Flighty Broad: Any sort of skylight?
  1098. 12:02 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Nope. The place is pretty much a castle.
  1099. 9:03 PM - Flighty Broad: Ventilation? I assume there's air in the building :v
  1100. 12:03 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: There are airshafts, sure, but there's no way anyone bigger than a toddler could fit in there.
  1101. 9:04 PM - Flighty Broad: An electrical box? I assume they have power as well as air
  1102. 12:04 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: If there is one, it's not on the roof.
  1103. 9:05 PM - Flighty Broad: Damn, right then, time for plan B
  1104. 9:05 PM - Flighty Broad: I flap off the roof, and walk through the front doors, loudenboomer LMG in hand
  1105. 12:05 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You walk right in
  1106. 12:05 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: It takes a moment before someone notices you're standing there in a mask, with a gun.
  1107. 12:06 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: But when they /do/ notice, the screaming starts.
  1108. 9:07 PM - Flighty Broad: I raise the Loudenboomer to the ceiling and fire "Everyone shut up and get down, you know the drill!'
  1109. 12:06 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Fortitude.
  1110. 9:08 PM - Flighty Broad: Welp, I'll use my luck to reroll that one :v
  1111. 9:08 PM - Flighty Broad: If that's how that works, right?
  1112. 12:07 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: yep
  1113. 12:07 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: ggnore
  1114. 9:08 PM - Flighty Broad: I could use the 2xp I have saved up to buy another luck
  1115. 9:08 PM - Flighty Broad: But last time I did that it also failed miserably
  1116. 9:08 PM - Flighty Broad: Wait, what is this roll for?
  1117. 12:09 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: you to not deafen yourself with firing the loundenboomer inside an enclosed space that reverberates sound very well
  1118. 9:09 PM - Flighty Broad: Right, would a 12 pass?
  1119. 12:10 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Nope. 13 c:
  1120. 9:10 PM - Flighty Broad: Aaah
  1121. 9:10 PM - Flighty Broad: Yknow what, using my 2XP to buy a luck
  1122. 9:11 PM - Flighty Broad: And you can roll 1d6 and add it on, right?
  1123. 12:10 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: yep
  1124. 9:11 PM - Flighty Broad: 6
  1125. 9:11 PM - Flighty Broad: Hah 16
  1126. 12:11 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Well, you avoid deafening yourself, congratulations!
  1127. 12:11 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The bank patrons hit the deck immediately, covering their ears.
  1128. 9:12 PM - Flighty Broad: I cross the room to the counter then, gun ready at the waist
  1129. 12:13 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You approach the counter. There is no teller at this counter. You approached an empty counter.
  1130. 12:13 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: GG making yourself look like a dumbass.
  1131. 9:14 PM - Flighty Broad: I hop th counter then
  1132. 9:14 PM - Flighty Broad: c:
  1133. 12:14 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You'll have to roll Finesse to balance on the 1-inch ledge ahead of the bulletproof glass
  1134. 9:15 PM - Flighty Broad: 19
  1135. 12:16 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You hop on the ledge.
  1136. 12:16 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You are now on the ledge. What do?
  1137. 9:18 PM - Flighty Broad: I take inventory of the people behind the counters, sweeping the gun around without firing to make sure none of them make a move. "Now then, first one to speak up about who has vault access will get let go early, who wants to squeal?"
  1138. 12:19 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A desk clerk behind the glass speaks up. "O-only the manager has access to the vault. H-he's not here."
  1139. 12:19 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse.
  1140. 9:20 PM - Flighty Broad: 18
  1141. 12:19 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You spot a clerk reaching for something.
  1142. 9:20 PM - Flighty Broad: "Hey buddy, if you want to keep your hand, stop right there!" I say, taking aim with the loudenboomer
  1143. 12:20 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You're aiming at the bulletproof glass, dude :v
  1144. 9:21 PM - Flighty Broad: I also pull out a grenade c:
  1145. 12:21 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: He stops his hand.
  1146. 9:22 PM - Flighty Broad: "Try that again, and I'll shoot a hostage, you want that blood on your hands?"
  1147. 12:22 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse~
  1148. 9:23 PM - Flighty Broad: 20
  1149. 9:23 PM - Flighty Broad: c:<
  1150. 12:23 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You spot a camera focus intently on you, and can even see its lens spin as it zooms in on you.
  1151. 9:24 PM - Flighty Broad: I use the nice shot to blow it out, making sure to use a gun that wont deafen me :v
  1152. 12:24 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse to hit the camera
  1153. 9:24 PM - Flighty Broad: 18
  1154. 12:24 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The camera explodes, showering the floor with chunks of plastic.
  1155. 12:25 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Suddenly, there's a loud clattering. Roll Physical!
  1156. 9:25 PM - Flighty Broad: 16
  1157. 12:25 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The metal shutter above you closes, but you stick a hand out and stop it from closing on your head.
  1158. Sunday, September 21, 2014
  1159. 9:27 PM - Flighty Broad: "Okay, now I'm mad! Give me all the money you have back there, now, or things get ugly, got it?"
  1160. 12:27 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "I-it's automatic! A threat detection system!" Nobody hit anything!"
  1161. 9:28 PM - Flighty Broad: "Still, get me the money! All of it you got back there!"
  1162. 12:27 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Finesse.
  1163. 9:28 PM - Flighty Broad: 17
  1164. 12:28 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You hear sirens appraoching.
  1165. 9:28 PM - Flighty Broad: "Make it fast dammit!"
  1166. 12:29 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "W-we don't have anything to pack the money into!"
  1167. 12:29 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You forgot the most important part of a robber's arsenal
  1168. 12:29 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: his money sack
  1169. 9:30 PM - Flighty Broad: "Fuck, one of you use your shirt and roll up the bottom, so the sleeves and head hole are closed, now dammit now!" I yell
  1170. 12:31 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: A clerk does his best to rapidly undo his belt, untuck his shirt, unbutton his shirt, take it off, rebutton it, then tie up the holes. It still takes a minute or two.
  1171. 12:33 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Finally, they begin stuffing cash into the makeshift sack.
  1172. 12:34 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Unfortunately, the only way to get something of that size out past the bulletproof glass that has sliding slots sized for singular stacks of money alone would be to exit through the employee entrance, which itself has been shuttered when the shutter you're still holding open was closed.
  1173. 9:35 PM - Flighty Broad: "Well well, looks like it comes to this." I put the Loudenboomer away, and use my free hand to Thunderpunch the bulletproof glass, with my prothestic, to avoid cutting my hand up c:
  1174. 12:35 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll attack
  1175. 9:36 PM - Flighty Broad: 20
  1176. 9:36 PM - Flighty Broad: And voln OCing it three times
  1177. 9:36 PM - Flighty Broad: 31
  1178. 12:36 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You got an invol oc there too
  1179. 9:36 PM - Flighty Broad: Didnt even notice, thank you
  1180. 9:36 PM - Flighty Broad: Another one :v
  1181. 9:36 PM - Flighty Broad: 39
  1182. 12:36 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You shatter the window
  1183. 9:37 PM - Flighty Broad: "Give me the fucking bag right fucking now!" I pratically scream
  1184. 12:36 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The blow also shatters your mechanical arm, as it was not designed to withstand that force.
  1185. 9:37 PM - Flighty Broad: Welp
  1186. 9:37 PM - Flighty Broad: (I can buy a new one c:)
  1187. 12:38 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The blastforce and flying glass shards cut the makeshift sack of money apart, and the stacks of bills spill to the floor.
  1188. 9:39 PM - Flighty Broad: Aw fuck you
  1189. 12:38 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Then, an intercom booms. "STOP RIGHT THERE! THIS IS THE POLICE!"
  1190. 12:39 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: "DROP YOUR WEAPON AND COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!"
  1191. 9:41 PM - Flighty Broad: I smirk, a tear running down my cheek as I realize everything that can go wrong has gone wrong, and reach for a grenade from my belt, stepping towards the intercom
  1192. 12:41 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You walk slowly, grenade in hand, to the doors. Outside the glass, you can see six squad cars, with cops positioned, guns in hand, behind the doors, pointed at you.
  1193. 9:43 PM - Flighty Broad: With that, I blow my 15 Fury OC on a burst
  1194. 12:42 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: when did you have that much OC built up?
  1195. 9:44 PM - Flighty Broad: Had 9 from the last fight, got 6 on the one attack I made
  1196. 12:43 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: because if the 5 you got now is any indication you should have burst long ago
  1197. 12:44 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: well, whatever
  1198. 12:45 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You fury burst. You know, OC scales exponentially.
  1199. 12:45 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: 12 is several city blocks.
  1200. 9:46 PM - Flighty Broad: Yyyyep
  1201. 12:47 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Everyone in and outside the bank for a large section of the tier, including yourself, goes into a frenzy
  1202. 12:47 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll initative
  1203. 12:47 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: I think I'll just roll for the 12 cops, instead of every random peasant as well
  1204. 9:48 PM - Flighty Broad: 13
  1205. 12:48 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Writing up the initative list will take some time, so let's just skip that
  1206. 12:48 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: First, a cop opens fire twice
  1207. 12:48 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: 14 and 10
  1208. 12:48 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: defend
  1209. 9:49 PM - Flighty Broad: 13 18
  1210. 12:49 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The 14 will hit
  1211. 12:50 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: 3 damage from the hit
  1212. 12:50 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: another cop
  1213. 12:50 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: 15 and 9
  1214. 9:51 PM - Flighty Broad: Wait shit, my magic is 8 not 7, that should be 14 and 19
  1215. 12:51 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: alright, so you avoid the damage then
  1216. 12:51 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: still defend against 15
  1217. 9:52 PM - Flighty Broad: 16
  1218. 12:52 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: pass
  1219. 12:53 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: next, 8 and 10
  1220. 12:53 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: those are autopasses from your base defense
  1221. 9:53 PM - Flighty Broad: Whoop, rolled anyways
  1222. 12:53 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: now 14 and 12
  1223. 12:54 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: then 14, 12, 13, 13, 12, 14
  1224. 12:56 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: any fails give you 3 damage
  1225. 12:56 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: your go now
  1226. 9:57 PM - Flighty Broad: Wait, lemme check
  1227. 12:57 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: aight :v
  1228. 9:58 PM - Flighty Broad: 17, 20, 11, 13, 20, 13, 21, 14
  1229. 9:58 PM - Flighty Broad: So, 3 damage
  1230. 12:57 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: :v
  1231. 12:57 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: /Now/ it's your go
  1232. 12:58 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Your one arm gives you -4 to hit
  1233. 9:59 PM - Flighty Broad: Man, I feel bad, I just wanted to get the money and go (and blow the OC in a fitting moment) and I've gone and fucked everything up
  1234. 12:59 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Next time, don't rob a bank :v
  1235. 1:00 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Were you honestly expecting it to just be (read in a canadian accent) "oh hey there I've got a gun here so I'll take some money and go ey?"
  1236. 10:01 PM - Flighty Broad: No, but at least have there be equal amounts of money and trouble :u
  1237. 10:01 PM - Flighty Broad: I put the grenade on my belt, and take my phone out, crying lightly. "Teddie, I'm sorry, I fucked it all up... I already know I'm not coming home tonight, or ever again for that matter, tell Daddy I love him." And with that, I take off, trying to get away from the tier.
  1238. 1:02 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: hey, you're in the middle of a fury burst
  1239. 1:02 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: you're stuck in its wake
  1240. 1:03 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: you gotta shoot a guy
  1241. 10:03 PM - Flighty Broad: I thought bursts only affected non-magical people?
  1242. 1:03 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: nope
  1243. 1:03 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: /everyone/
  1244. 10:04 PM - Flighty Broad: (And if that's the case, after I send the text, I take off, smashing the phone to the ground, and dropping the grenade into the crowd of cops.)
  1245. 1:03 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: there you go
  1246. 1:05 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: roll to toss
  1247. 1:05 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: that'd just be a magical attack challenge
  1248. 1:05 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: since it's a magical grenade
  1249. 10:06 PM - Flighty Broad: 17
  1250. 1:07 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: That's been about 8 turns, I think, which covers your OC
  1251. 1:08 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: The ragestorm ends, and people stop in the midst of beating the crap out of each other to look confused.
  1252. 10:09 PM - Flighty Broad: I take the time to fly off, heading for the mall in tier 4
  1253. 1:09 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You fly out of there, using the chaos to your advantage to avoid being gunned down by cops.
  1254. 1:10 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Well, the wake of the chaos, at least.
  1255. 10:10 PM - Flighty Broad: I take the stairs, junction at the left, and head to the middle of the shanty town
  1256. 1:12 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: well, I just checked your sheet, and you've got some burst oc stacked up
  1257. 10:12 PM - Flighty Broad: Yep, letting out a magical burst right here, right now
  1258. 1:12 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: these are things I need to know when they happen so I can appropriately form a narrative-conceisce response
  1259. 1:12 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: roll a magic check, TN13, to hold it in before it becomes a premature burst
  1260. 10:13 PM - Flighty Broad: Can I OC it? :v
  1261. 1:13 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: nope
  1262. 1:14 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: you burst in the middle of the staircase, eradicating a large portion of them
  1263. 1:14 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Roll Fortitude to not fall unconscious!
  1264. 10:14 PM - Flighty Broad: 12
  1265. Monday, September 22, 2014
  1266. 1:14 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: bah
  1267. 1:14 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: You catch yourself mid-fall with a few flaps of your wings.
  1268. 10:16 PM - Flighty Broad: So, I burst in the middle of tier 5, emptying some of the shanty houses?
  1269. 1:15 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: Nooo
  1270. 1:15 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: you burst in the middle of the big staircase /to/ tier 5
  1271. 10:16 PM - Flighty Broad: Ah
  1272. 1:16 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: 8 is only about a house in length, so it doesn't structurally affect the city
  1273. 1:16 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: but there goes the most well-known way in or out for people who can't fly
  1274. 10:18 PM - Flighty Broad: Well, that's not a bad thing, I continue my way down into the shanty town, and try to find an empty shack
  1275. 1:18 AM - A Slice of Your Mahou Life: That's not too difficult to find, really. You find one quickly.
  1276. 10:19 PM - Flighty Broad: Well then, I unpack my stuff, take off my ski mask
  1277. 10:19 PM - Flighty Broad: And settle down
  1279. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Ramona - Payday~~
  1283. End session.
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