
Password v1

Mar 23rd, 2018
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  1. @echo off
  2. title Password
  4. ::#######################################################
  5. :: this skript is made by TheBatGammerAdam
  6. ::#######################################################
  8. ::#######################################################
  9. ::do not delete this!
  10. ::If you delete this here, you can destroy it here script
  11. ::#######################################################
  13. set count=0
  14. mode con cols=50 lines=5
  15. :Password
  16. cls
  17. color 0a
  18. set /p pass=Please enter your password:
  19. if %pass%=="" goto fail
  20. if %pass%==correctpass (goto start) else (goto fail)
  21. :fail
  22. cls
  23. set /a count+=1
  24. color 0c
  26. echo Password entered was incorrect!
  27. set /a left=5-%count%
  28. if %count%==5 goto lock
  29. echo you have %left% out of 5 tries left.
  30. pause >nul
  31. goto Password
  32. :lock
  33. cls
  34. color 0c
  35. echo.
  36. echo LOCKED
  37. msg * Due to five incorrect passwords, this program will now exit.
  38. pause >nul
  39. exit
  40. :start
  41. mode con cols=50 lines=20
  42. cls
  43. echo.
  44. color 0a
  45. echo Login Successful... Welcome!
  46. timeout /NOBREAK /T 5 >nul
  47. cls
  48. :menu
  49. echo.
  50. echo ----------------
  51. echo : MAIN MENU :
  52. echo : :
  53. echo ----------------
  54. echo ------------------------------------------
  55. echo.
  56. echo 1. Dummy Menu 1
  57. echo 2. Dummy Menu 2
  58. echo 3. Dummy Menu 3
  59. pause
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